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Christ The Antidote Regarding Death


Part 50.
The End Of Sin!
This is a statement which will immediately cause a lot of interest & I wish to say at the outset that it is the
most wonderful revelation that I have ever received. I now for a fact that there will !e some that will
whole heartedly agree" then there will !e some who will see their inner true identity & then receive
illumination & then there will no dou!t !e some who will not yet !e ready# no matter where we are $od
!e %raised" for I now that in time that A&& will come to a nowledge of the truth" ''for He is the Saviour
of ALL men, especially of them that believe'' %lease notice that the word is especially & not exclusively.
''having [freely] forgiven us all our transgressions, Having cancelled and blotted out and iped
aay the handwriting of the note (bond) ith its legal decrees and demands which as in force and
stood against us (hostile to us). This [note with its regulations, decrees, and demands] He set aside and
cleared completely out of our ay by nailing it to !His" cross#'' Col '()*!+),. Am%
Please notice that all of our transgressions were cancelled & blotted out & iped aay. -hen. At
the death !urial & resurrection of Christ" even t!en. All the legal decrees & demands which were in force
& stood against us" / who are the us? The world ! not 0ust ON"# the transgressions of those who were
alive at that time did 1e set aside & clea$ t!e% co%pletely out o& t!e ay by nailin' t!e% to His c$oss"
!ut 1e Christ died &o$ t!e sins o& t!e o$ld that is eve$y %an o%an & c!ild who has ever !een !orn
or is now somewhere in e2istence. &et us now tae a loo at 3%hesians.
''"ut now in #hrist $esus ye that once were far off are made nigh in the blood of #hrist. %or he is
our &eace, who made both one, and bra'e down the middle wall of &artition, having abolished in the
flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances( that he might create in himself
of the two one ne man, so ma'ing &eace( and might reconcile them both in one body $ this is to A&&
men + unto )od through the cross, having slain the enmity thereby* and he came and &reached &eace to
you that ere far off, and &eace to them that were nigh* for through him we both have our access in one
+&irit unto the %ather. +o then ye are no more strangers and so%ourners, but ye are fello$citi&ens ith
the saints, and of the household of 'od,'' 3%h '()*+)4. A56.

7o one is now a stranger & it is our %rivilege & o!ligation to tell them. -hen 8ohn the 9a%tist came
with flinted face & not lie a reed shaen with the wind he %reached %eo%le out of their unnown &
unaware !ondages that they were in & %re%ared them for the 'One greater than (.' Then 8esus fulfilled
1is time of ministry that was to !e carried on to the world. The great a%ostles" %ro%hets" evangelists"
%astors & teachers fulfilled their role to !ring them gradually out & into a greater e2%erience than what the
%eo%le then had. It was to tae much longer than many thought for even Paul seemed to indicate that the
time was short" !ut alas little did they now the Christ message had to go down+ward !efore it could arise
again. &et me say this that there was something more accom%lished at Calvary than what many had then
realised. All the time Christ had set every man & woman in creation com%letely free & as far as Christ
was concerned no+one was in sin" only in & !y the information o& !is %ista(en identity. The real fact &
truth was that sin & sin consciousness had !een com%letely done away with. 7ow if we are going to
view this with our five senses or from the second $eal% conce%t we will never see it. -ithin you you
have the real truth & it is Christ in you" your true eternal self" which actually !ecame a s%iritual reality to
all of us at $en )(': & even much earlier" which we may cover at a later time. Christ never has & will
never have to do any more than what 1e accom%lished at Calvary as regards the sin %ro!lem. IT I5
;I7I513D. 8n)4(*0.
Christ The Antidote Regarding Death
The End Of Sin )onsciousness *or +s, (s ,o!
'',ven so it is that #hrist, having been offered to ta-e upon Himself and bear as a burden the sins of
many once and once for all, will a&&ear a second time, not to carry any burden of sin nor to deal ith
sin, but to bring to full salvation those who are [eagerly, constantly, and &atiently] aiting for and
e.pecting Him#'' 1e! 4('<. Am%.

Please notice 1e !ore the !urden of sins for t!e %any - meaning all ! =7C3" A7D =7&> =7C3 -OR
A"". -hat?s more when 1e returns a second time - which is even now in His cor&orate body - it will not
!e to deal it! sin. -hy. I reiterate" it has !een com%letely dealt with once & &o$ all & in this returning
it will !e to o%en u% our minds as to the reality of what has al$eady !een accom%lished" & this
understanding will have us to realise the ''full salvation'' or what the fullness of this salvation really
means & that is that sin was in reality %aid for & all sin & sin consciousness was ;I7I513D D=73 A-A>
at Calvary & the resurrection ONCE AND -OR A"". This is %ure & a!solute truth.

''+eventy wee's are determined for thy &eo&le, and for thy holy city, to shut up the transgression, and to
seal up sins, and to cover ini/uity" and to bring in righteousness age$during, and to seal up vision and
prophet, and to anoint the holy of holies. Dan 4(', >oung?s.
-e are told here that there is a certain time that we are to learn or that our mind would !e o%ened to
the fact that $od has s!ut up t$ans'$ession & has sealed up ou$ sins & has cove$ed ou$ ini2uities & we
are to learn the fuller truth of the fact that the $i'!teousness that has !een hidden from many is to be
$evealed3 & that $od is 7=- sealing u% the vision & %ro%het of the second day understanding & the
main %ur%ose in all of this is to ANOINT THE *OST HO"# /"ACE" which is in $od?s 1oly Tem%le
which is in every man. ''0ou are the temple of 'od#'' @ee% in mind that $od is revealing & o%ening out
to our consciousness that which has !een a fact since Calvary & the resurrection I would add that $od in
1is %lan did not 0ust decide mid+stream to suddenly in these last days to eradicate sin# 7oA As we have
said 1e is now at this time revealing that which has always !een a wonderful fact & that is the sin
Buestion is &inis!ed & has !een since Calvary & can only !e revealed to us in the Cost 1oly Place & will
never ever !e realised in the flesh or the in pa$t realm. -e can only ever realise this within our $en )( ':
!eing. ;urthermore I see that the understanding of the sealin' up o& sins & the anointin' o& t!e !oly o&
!olies are synonymous" they go hand in hand" we cannot have a full understanding of one without the
other. I am not saying that there is not more to come !ut to me it is !ecoming more thrilling every day &
what we are declaring here today is not 0ust a doctrine or a !elief" this is a reality of !ecoming. &et us
now tae a loo at the Am%lified version of this same a!ove verse.
''+eventy wee's [of years, or ./0 years] are decreed u&on your &eo&le and u&on your holy city
[$erusalem], to finish and put an end to transgression, to seal up and ma-e full the measure of sin, to
&urge away and ma-e e.piation and reconciliation for sin, to bring in everlasting righteousness
(&ermanent moral and s&iritual rectitude in every area and relation) to seal up vision and prophecy and
prophet, and to anoint a Holy of Holies.'' Dan 4(',. Am%.
To ''put an end to transgression'' I would add for clarification to %ut an end to our !iased &
misinformed understanding of the meaning of sin or transgression. This verse em%hasises this wonderful
truth even more.
''1nd it shall come to &ass in that day, that the root of 1esse, that stands for an ensign of the &eo&les,
unto him shall the nations see'( and his resting$place shall be glorious.'' Isa ))()0. A56.
7ow in the light of what we are !eginning to understand we can see why it was %ro%hesied through
Isaiah that his dee%er $estin')place was to !e a glorious one" & what a wonderful resting+%lace it is to
Christ The Antidote Regarding Death
now that the end of sin & sin consciousness is ours from now on. I must add" I thin it is very li!era+
tingly glorious. The very ne2t verse from the 356 e2%lains how $od 1imself feels a!out it.
''The 2345 your )od is in your midst, a mighty one who will save( he ill re%oice over you ith
gladness( he ill /uiet you by his love( he will e.ult over you ith loud singing.'' De%h *(): 356. He
ill 2uiet you by !is love. To mae it clearer let us loo at the Am%lified rendition of the same verse.
''The 2ord your )od is in the midst of you, a 6ighty 3ne, a +aviour [7ho savesEA He will re8oice over
you with 8oy( He will rest Fin silent satisfactionE and in His love He ill be silent and ma-e no mention
Fof past sins, or even recall themE# He will e9ult over you with singing.'' De%h *():. Am%.
1ow !eautiful" 1e will !e silent & mae no $e&e$ence o& ou$ past sins o$ even $ecall t!e%. -hy.
All that stood against us was set aside & cleared com%letely out of the way !y having !een nailed to 1is
Cross. I see that there is a land flowing with mil & honey availa!le to each & every one of us right now.
The cry of Coses was =h that I might now T133. The reason that the %eo%le of Israel did not enter the
%romised land is that they were not really concerned with truly nowing 1im. 9eing content with only
!eing !lessed without concern for really nowing 1im unfortunately cost Israel her inheritance 0ust as it
will us" !ut only for this %resent time. =h that we might now thee without any condemnation" nowing
that the sin Buestion has !een com%letely dealt with needs to get down into the nitty+gritty of the dee%est
understanding of our s%irit.
8esus said that 1is ingdom !elonged to another world" a world that cannot !e seen !y us. This
ingdom cannot !e %erceived or understood !y our natural senses. -e cannot see it" hear it" feel it" smell
it or taste it" in this sentence we have mentioned the five senses that we use in this %resent sensual worldly
e2istence. 7one of these senses will hel% us in any way spi$itually# -hy. ??T!e 4in'do% o& God is
NOT o& t!is o$ld55 it is of & from another -=R&D. To mae any contact with this @ingdom we need
another sense which has nothing to do with this world & !elieve it or not $od has %rovided you with this
other orld sense3 several godly teachers have called it our si9th sense" I am inclined to agree with them"
it is called ++++ ;AIT1. This is not to !e confused with the usual inter%retation of si2th sense. 5o $od has
given us a further $odly sense a%art from the five that we normally use" for the s%ecific %ur%ose of
contacting 1im & 1is @ingdom" -AITH3 & this o%ens u% a whole NE+ +OR"D to those who wish to
tae advantage of it. In 32odus we find a rather tragic verse.
''1nd they said to 6oses, 0ou spea- to us and we will listen, but let not 'od spea- to us, lest e die.''
32 '0()4. Am%.
5imilarly to a degree some %eo%le feel this way a!out something that may !e new to them" they are
fearful of the real true s%iritual things. The strong meat of $od?s word is for the mature & also for our
s%iritual health & well !eing. I say to you all today if we will ste% into the river of $od?s end+time full
revelation we will find miraculous" s%iritual & even %hysical well !eing. Dare to !e a Daniel" 0oin forces
with 8oshua & Cale!" !ecome a $ideon" 8ose%h could also in ty&e !ecome your mentor. >our sins &
transgressions have !een com%letely set aside as far as the 3ast is from the -est. 1as it not !een said that
''( ill remember your sins no more'' I declare to all that now is the time for us to realise that sin
consciousness is no longer on the agenda for $od?s %eo%le" if we !elieve it & so wish itA
''"ut we s&ea' the wisdom of )od in a mystery, hich 'od has hidden, &redetermining it before the
orld for our glory ["ut, we s&ea' wisdom among those who are &erfect( yet not the wisdom of this
world, nor of the rulers of this( which none of the rulers of this world 'new (for if they had 'nown, they
would not have crucified the 2ord of glory). "ut as it is written, 2Eye has not seen, nor ear heard," nor
has it entered into the heart of man, 2the things hich 'od has prepared for those ho love Him.: 3ut
'od has revealed them to us by His Spirit( for the +&irit searches all things, yea, the deep things of 'od#
%or who among men 'nows the things of a man e.cept the spirit of man ithin him4 +o also no one
Christ The Antidote Regarding Death
'nows the things of )od e9ce&t the +&irit of )od. "ut we have not received the s&irit of the world, but the
+&irit from )od, so that e might -no the things that are freely given to us by 'od# These things we
also s&ea', not in ords hich man's isdom teaches, but which the Holy +&irit teaches, com&aring
s&iritual things with s&iritual. "ut the natural man does not receive the things of the +&irit of )od, for
they are foolishness to him( neither can he 'now them, because they are s&iritually discerned. 3ut he
ho is spiritual %udges all things, yet he himself is %udged by no one. %or who has 'nown the mind of
the 2ord, that he may instruct Him? 3ut e have the mind of )hrist# )Co '(G+)G. C@86.
In reading these words of Paul the a%ostle we can see the wonderful insight & wisdom that was given
him of the 5%irit of $od. T!at e %i'!t (no t!e t!in's t!at a$e &$eely 'iven to us by God" not in
o$ds !ic! %an5s isdo% teac!es but !ic! t!e Holy Spi$it teac!es. &et us read further.

''+3 TH,;, let us [a&ostles] be loo'ed u&on as ministering servants of #hrist and stewards (trustees)
of the mysteries 5the secret purposes6 of 'od#'' )Co ,(). Am%. ''+o do not ma'e any hasty or &remature
8udgements before the time when the 2ord comes [again], for He ill both bring to light the secret things
that are [no hidden] in dar-ness and disclose and e.pose the [secret] aims (motives and &ur&oses) of
hearts. Then every man will receive his [due] commendation from )od.'' )Co ,(5. Am%.

In the a!ove verse ) Paul mentions the %yste$ies o$ t!e sec$et pu$poses o& God & then in verse 5 he
goes a little further & mentions that He ill b$in' to li'!t t!ese sec$et t!in's t!at e$e &o$ a season &
to so%e still !idden & now is the timeAA $od is moving in a way a little different than what I e2%ected"
!ut move 1e is doing & move 1e will continue to do so for 1e is revealing & giving good things to 1is
!eloved" 1is man+child" 1is son?s" 1is children.
''The 7eality of )hrist as Opposed to the 7eality of this 8orld''
Please allow me to share with you some thoughts that I have !een receiving since I have received this
e2%erience on the end of sin understanding. Ishmael was A!raham?s son !egotten !ecause of his
im%atience" a very sorrowful decision !ecause of the turmoil that has !een wreaed throughout the world
!ecause of it. 3n the other hand without diverting < am well aware of a higher inter&retation = the long
range intentions of )od in this event concerning the 122 men. 9e that as it may the &ord !lessed Ishmael
!ecause he was A!raham?s son" our %ersonal" s%iritual Ishmael+s are often !lessed !y $od & 1e will cause
them to %ros%er & use them as much as 1e can & many %eo%le can also !e !lessed !ecause of them" !ut
when our ??Isaac?? a%%ears that which is !orn of the flesh must go" it must driven out" that which is of the
flesh cannot !e an heir with that which is !orn of the 5%irit. And so it is with that which we have formerly
em!raced thus far concerning the full im%lication of our sin consciousness" this has actually !een our
Ishmael as it were & has not !een the real truth of the matter" it has !een another delusion or may I even
say an illusion & illusions are so misleading & deadly. -hy. 9ecause since learning the full truth
concerning ''our transgressions, legal decrees 9 demands'' of having !een nailed to the tree" our ??Isaac??
has now a%%eared & it is now time to drive out of our s%irits & our thining the Ishmael !orn of our flesh.
-hich is also an in)pa$t conce%t. 9lessed !e our $odA

In further considering this thought" many of our understandings are !orn out of sincerity & it seems
that whenever $od is a!out to do something or move in a s%ecial way our" im&atience can cause us to
%ress the &ord !efore the %erfect time & for this reason it seems that there has Buite often !een an Ishmael
of understanding that comes !efore the Isaac" an 3sau !efore the 8aco!" or even a 5aul !efore a David.
Time & again it has !een that the younger son was to !e the heir of 1is %romises over the elder son" in
other words the earthly always came !efore the s%iritual. -e are referring to our lac of understanding &
acce%ting the lesser truth of no %o$e sin when regarding the &ullness of the reality of no more sin
consciousness. The lesser truth is sim%ly" 4NO+ING THE THEOR# +ITHO.T E6/ERIENCING THE
This following verse would e2%lain %erfectly our thought.
Christ The Antidote Regarding Death
''+o do not ma'e any hasty or &remature 8udgements before the time when the 2ord comes [again], for
He ill both bring to light the secret things that are [no hidden] in dar'ness and disclose and e9&ose
the [secret] aims (motives and &ur&oses) of hearts. Then every man will receive his [due] commendation
from )od.'' )Co ,(5. Am%. I !elieve that the full im%lication of these things were pa$tly !idden in Paul?s
time & that $od is no b$in'in' t!ese sec$ets to to li'!t. These are wonderful days that we are now in.
7ow to coin a %hrase it may seem that I am trying to shoot myself in the foot & may!e we all need to
at times as new understandings usually clear the way for further ongoing revelations# after all this is an
ongoing revelatory e2%erience & if we do not move with the 5%irit we can dry u% & stagnate. I almost
feel lie that we are at the verge of a >uantum lea& as it were" not only for myself !ut for others that we
are sharing with & even further this could well !e the start of a dee%er s%iritual !all game. =nce again I
am not inferring that others have not gras%ed this even more that what I have" !ut we are in contact with
many who may or may not have already seen this" & this article will certainly !e going into the hungry
s%iritual homes of those who will have not yet considered this enlightening e2%erience. &ooing at the
fli% side of the coin we are reminded of the %atience of the a%ostle Paul even though he had !een rash in
the natural & !y his actions he showed that he was not heeding the o%inion of his then %re+conversion
tutor $amaliel Acts ''(*" who had %reviously given some very good instruction to the o%%oserHs of Peter
Acts 5(*,+,0" !ut Paul in his headstrong legalistic conviction went ahead & violently %ersecuted the early
church Acts :(5<+G0" <()+*. After Paul?s conversion we notice that he did not immediately confer with
flesh & !lood" nor did he go u% to 8erusalem !ut retired to Ara!ia" then three years later he went to
8erusalem. $al )()5+)4. -hat is this saying to us. I feel that he was allowing the 5%irit to grind into his
innermost self the vital things that were !eing revealed to him. I thin that !ecause of %ast e2%eriences &
close instruction from the &ord he was a com%letely changed man. 7ow I lie Paul do not wish to 0um%
ahead of the &ord?s timing or move too soon. 9ut I feel that it is a little more than coincidence that this is
our article num!er 50 for 50 stands for 8u!ilee or a setting free. I !elieve that the truth & the e9&erience
of t!e end o& sin is a very vital %art of the setting free of manind.
7ow we must clarify that at times we are using sim%le outer illustrations to em%hasise that which is
within" the reality of the truth of the end of sin or sin consciousness is something that will only !e realised
within ones *ost Holy /lace e2%erience.
Than- 'od That The Truth Of 3eing :ade *ree
(s 3eing Enlarged (n +s ,o!
''Then being made free from sin#'' Rom G()< C@8

''1nd it shall come to &ass, that whosoever shall call on the name of $ehovah shall be delivered( for in
mount ?ion and in $erusalem there shall be those that esca&e, as $ehovah has said, and among the
remnant - of survivors - those whom $ehovah does call.'' 8oel '(*'. A56. This verse really s%oe to me
in Buite a different way than I have a%%lied it %reviously & it is very a%%lica!le. Along with the following.

''%or the vision is yet for the appointed time, and it hastens toard the end, and shall not lie* though
it tarry, ait for it( because it will surely come, it ill not delay#'' 1a! '(*. A56.

It would seem that it has !een a little more than coincidence in that many times after I had %enned a
thought that $ary 5igler the very ne2t morning would confirm it on his morning %u!lications. I am
convinced that we cannot underestimate the im%ortance any of our !rothers as we all have our allotted
%iece of the %uIIle" as it were. I have also !een convinced for some time that our wal is not !ased on
%erformance" which has to do with the flesh realm" which is !ased on a do good get good" do !ad get !eat
!asis. -e need also to realise that this understanding we are sharing has nothing to do with the flesh"
which has to do with our ''mista'en identity'' which if heeded can tem%orally delude us for we are told that
Christ The Antidote Regarding Death
1e is not rewarding us according our iniBuities" now a statement lie this certainly o%ens a can of worms
in the minds of many. The whole ey is that this e2%erience is ha%%ening only it!in our most holy
Arise *or Our Light Has )ome!
I o%ened my 9i!le today & as I read it was one of those moments that I was most definitely given $odly
scri%tural encouragement !oth for myself & for you our readers.
''14<+, [from the depression and prostration in which circumstances have -ept you--rise to a new
life] +hine (be radiant with the glory of the 2ord), for your light has come, and the glory of the 2ord has
risen upon you! %or behold, dar'ness shall cover the earth, and dense dar'ness [all] &eo&les, but the
Lord shall arise upon 0O+, and His glory shall be seen on you# 1nd nations shall come to your light,
and -ings to the brightness of your rising. 2ift u& your eyes round about you and see They all gather
themselves together, they come to you. 0our sons shall come from afar, and your daughters shall be
carried and nursed in the arms. Then you shall see and be radiant, and your heart shall thrill and
tremble with 8oy [at the glorious deliverance] and be enlarged; because the abundant ealth of the
[5ead] +ea shall be turned to you, unto you shall the nations come with their treasures. Isa G0()+5.
7ow is our time to arise from the de%ression & even %rostration in which the circumstances of the
e2%erience or realm outside of our true Christ self" which is found in the Cost 1oly or secret %lace of $od
which is found in every man. The old will ee% us de%ressed %rostrated & !lind to light & s%iritual
reality" this what we are %resenting today are new wine+sins in their further fullness & com%leteness.
7ow is the time to reach out & receive the %riIe of the com%lete eradication of sin & sin consciousness.
''< will [not merely wal', but] run the way of @our commandments, hen 0ou give me a heart that is
willing.'' Psa ))4(*'. Am%.
This way is com%letely of $od 1e %ut us here" it was wholly 1is idea & you can !e sure that 1e is
going to lift every man out of it in their on ti%e & o$de$. ;irst we are made aware of the higher things
then a desire is !orn within & then enlightenment. It is all of $od & 1e is doing things right on time &
now is the time that we realise that sin does not & cannot e2ist within the secret %lace" & if we are
dwelling in this wonderful %lace" it" sin" is no longer any %art of the eBuation. 7ow is the time 9 order for
$od?s chosen ones to tae hold of what is theirs" arise from the de%ression & %rostration of the
circumstances of the self realm" the in+%art state of seeing things & tae hold of the reality that $od is
revealing to you & that is that sin & da$(ness are now !eing s%oen to in our lives in a reality lie never
!efore" & the second day in pa$t understanding is no longer any %art of $od?s !est for us today. Are our
hearts willing. Then let us tae a Buantum lea% into a s%iritual reality that is for us all today. The things
we have !een hearing" s%eaing & writing a!out are u%on us $od?s @ingdom is now !eing revealed as a
reality even now" that which our forefathers wrote a!out are u%on us" those who ithout us cannot yet be
made perfect are now cheering us on. -e are also told ''yet once more ill ( sha-e = ma'e tremble not
only the earth but the heavens + ou$ to date co%&o$table spi$itual pe$ceptions + yet once more,
indicates the final removal 9 transformation of ALL that can be sha-en of that which has been created
in us + in our p$e)secret %lace realm + in order that hat cannot be sha-en may remain 9 continue. 2et
us therefore be receiving a -ingdom that is firm 9 stable 9 cannot be sha-en. %or our )od is indeed a
consuming fire. 1e! )'( 'G!+'4. Am%.

''Turn aay my eyes from beholding vanity (idols and idolatry)( and restore me to vigorous life and
health in 0our ays#'' Psa ))4(*:. Am%.
This is the cry of David & is no dou!t the very same vanity as mentioned in Rom <('0 the vanity of
any other way of thining & !eing other than in the secret %lace that the initiated son?s of $od are now
Christ The Antidote Regarding Death
e2%eriencing. 1e also cries and restore me, I would lie to thin that dee% within David?s s%irit he was
inferring to the same thought that is found in the song !y &inda Cusgrave" I?ll tae you !ac to where you
were in me !efore the fall of man. I?ll restore your soul" I?ll reconcile your heart" I?ll give you !ac your
true identity. ;or in this restoration there is certainly vigorous life 9 health in all our ays# This would
also in it?s fullness of meaning a%%ly to the words found in Isa 5<())!.
''And you shall be li-e a atered garden and li-e a spring ater hose aters fail not#''
The 8ord And The Spirit :ust Agree!
The dee% truths of $od are always so sim%le" our great a%ostle Paul maes mention of the sim%licity of the
gos%el & this is so true. To !orrow from a Bui% recently used !y our esteemed !rother 8. Preston 3!y"
which I would lie to change slightly !y omitting the words ''the boo' of'' to fit our thought" ??The ey to
understanding....revelation does not lie in the dictionary !ut in the heart.??

This e2%erience that I am sharing with you today I received in two ways. ;irst !y the 5%irit" secondly
!y the word" I am glad to say that there was no esca%e" not that I was looing for one !ut I was
delightfully entra%%ed !y the sim%licity of a wonderful e2%erience of truth from which there is to !e no
return. 9less our wonderful 3ternal =ne" even the true identity of our !eings.
''1;5 TH,4, shall come forth a +hoot out of the stoc- of 1esse [5avid's father], and a 3ranch out
of his roots shall gro and bear fruit. 1nd the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him--the +&irit of
wisdom and understanding, the +&irit of counsel and might, the +&irit of 'nowledge and of the reverential
and obedient fear of the 2ord-- And shall ma-e Him of /uic- understanding, and His delight shall be in
the reverential and obedient fear of the 2ord. And He shall not %udge by the sight of His eyes, neither
decide by the hearing of His ears( "ut with righteousness and %ustice shall He 8udge the &oor and
decide with fairness for the mee', the &oor, and the downtrodden of the earth( and He shall smite the
earth and the oppressor with the rod of His mouth, and with the breath of His lips He shall slay the
ic-ed#'' Isa ))()+,. Am%.
This e2%ression 9ranch is used numerous times in the wonderful ins%ired te2ts we have !een given.
This 9ranch is growing out of the roots of our s%iritual David & has much to do with the very Ta!ernacle
of David" and the 5%irit of the &ord shall rest u%on 1im this wonderful cor%orate 9ranch" even the son?s of
$od & the man+child that has yet to !e fully revealed. 3ven right now the 5%irit of the &ord is maing
this one who is now emerging from the wom! of the woman + even the soul + & is even now in %art
!eginning to rule & reign" is !eing given 2uic( unde$standin'3 yes even to 1im who is the cor%orate
Christ & 1e does not 0udge !y the sight of 1is eyes or !y the hearing of 1is ears !ut with righteousness &
0udgement is even now !eginning to 0udge the %oor & to decide in & !y 1is faith fairness for the mee the
%oor & the downtrodden of the earth. I am sure that we yet have a way to go !ut let us not underestimate
our identity & calling that we have right now in this I+identity of the one within us who is even our true
eternal !eing. 1e shall smite the earth & the o%%ressor with fairness" with the rod of 1is mouth which is
even in & !y 1is son?s" & even with the !reath of 1is li%s shall 1e slay the wiced. I as what wiced.
The wicedness of our mistaen understanding or our identity that is any other than the true Christ" the
true eternal one who dwells in every man" !ut alas sadly not all are yet ready to acnowledge this" !ut
now this 1e through 1is chosen ones shall slay this ic(ed one who would try to ee% us from nowing
the reality of a $od world which is not what most are e2%eriencing" for Cy @ingdom is not from & of this
world it is from another world" not geogra%hically !ut that @ingdom is a ingdom which is truly ON"#
The <esignated Of 'od

''< 6yself [says the 2ord] have commanded :y designated ones and have summoned 6y mighty men to
Christ The Antidote Regarding Death
e.ecute :y anger, even 6y &roudly e9ulting ones ! those ho are made to triumph for :y honour#'' Isa
)*(*. Am%.
-hat we are sharing here has nothing to do with the flesh" we are e2tolling our great & Cighty =ne
who is doing & will do great things in & through those who are made to trium%h for HIS HONO.R3 flesh
as we now it today will have no honour or glory whatsoever. The anger s%oen of here is 1is anger for
that mistaen flesh identity which would ee% us !linded to the true realities of 5%irit. -hen truly
understood we realise that $od?s anger is only for our eternal goodA
;or those who may !e feeling downcast & feel that you can never attain to what $od has for us today"
it would !e good to !e reminded of $en )('+*.

''the earth was formless and desolate. The raging ocean that covered everything was engulfed in total
dar-ness, - chaos - and the Spirit of 'od as moving over the ater. Then 'od commanded, 2Let
there be light2$$$and light appeared.'' $en )('+* $79
=ur loving ;ather would have us now today that in a total desolate chaos of darness 1is 5%irit as
moving creating & changing all in this circumstance. In the same manner 1e is no %ovin' in your
circumstance" in ou$ circumstances today to !ring total light & order" a glorious ne c$eation out of any
of our - what we would thin' - most desolate circumstances & em%ty lives. 7o matter how confused you
may feel this is what 1e is doing with us today & 1e is doing it in sim%licity & in order. I re%eat no
matter how confused & desolate you may !e feeling $=D D3&I$1T5 I7 9RI7$I7$ &I$1T A7D =RD3R
=JT =; C=7;J5I=7" 3CPTI7355 A7D DAR@7355. Then $od commanded let there !e light and t!e$e
as li'!t" $od is s%eaing light" understanding & revelation into the most void & em%ty lives today. $od
will have 1is way in our lives" 1e is unfailing" & is doing this !y 1is 1oly 5%irit & 1is loving will to us
who are a very %art of 1imself. This Adamic dream that many are still e2%eriencing is a!out to wind u% &
!e shown for what it is" a dream of unreality & delusion when com%ared to the true reality of 5%irit. To
further consolidate the a!ove %aragra%h I Buote from Al!ert ;inch.

CON-.SED3 AND E*/T# "I-E.55
I re%eat this is our 50
article & I thin that we could all agree it is with a difference" the num!er 50
re%resents a setting free. ;ifty also re%resents 8u!ilee & !elieve me when it enters our consciousness that
sin & sin consciousness are done away you will have to agree with me that this is most definitely a
8u!ilee" which also means a new !eginning. I %ray that you too will come into this 8u!ilee of li!eration of
the End Of Sin 9 Sin )onsciousness!
Cany" many !lessings to you all.
+$itten by Ralp! 4noles3 Dece%be$ 89:8.
If we have !een %rone to human error in this article it is not %ur%osely" & I trust that a little indness would allow for any fault" & that we will consider &
im!i!e the !etter or s%iritual %art of that which is %resented & intended. R-@.

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