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Oil & Gas

vThe KLINGER company in Spain

Red de oleoductos

y parques de almacenamiento de combustible


solutions for industry

Cliente CLH
La Compaa Logstica de Hidrocarburos (CLH) es la empresa lder de transporte y almacenamiento de productos petrolferos en el mercado espaol, con una red de oleoductos de ms de 4.000 kilmetros y 38 instalaciones de almacenamiento. Integrada dentro de este grupo, CLH Aviacin, est presente en la mayora de los aeropuertos espaoles ofreciendo servicios de almacenamiento, distribucin y puesta a bordo en aeronaves de combustibles y lubricantes de aviacin. Compaa Logstica de Hidrocarburos is the leading company on the Spanish market for the transportation and storage of oil products, with a network of oil pipelines of more of 4,000 kilometres in length and 38 storage facilities. CLH Aviacin is integrated into this group and is present at the majority of Spanish airports, offering the storage, distribution and service into plane of aviation fuels and lubricants.



Descripcin del proyecto

RED DE OLEODUCTOS Y PARQUES DE ALMACENAMIENTO DE COMBUSTIBLES Los oleoductos son el medio ms seguro y eficiente de transporte de productos petrolferos. La red de oleoductos de CLH tiene ms de 4.000 km de longitud, lo cual constituye la red civil de oleoductos ms extensa de Europa Occidental. Asimismo, cuenta con 38 instalaciones de almacenamiento, con una capacidad de 6,7 millones de m3, y 29 instalaciones aeroportuarias.

Clave del xito

Gestindeproyectos Suministroapartirdestock ExperienciaenSolucionesparalaIndustria mpliorangodeproductos.Losmejoresensucategora A Calidad apacidad de Ingeniera (montaje de actuadores C elctricos)

Datos tcnicos
RED DE OLEODUCTOS Y PARQUES DE ALMACENAMIENTO DE COMBUSTIBLE Cliente final Localizacin TIPO DE VALVULA Compuerta Globo Retencin Bola Mariposa Seguridad Otras Notas Instrumentacin Claves de xito - Project management - Off-the-shelf delivery - Industry Solution Experience - Best in class products / Wide product range - Quality - Engineering capabilities: assembly of electric actuators CLH Espaa RATING SUFA manuales (*) 150/300/600/900 LBS SUFA p/motorizar DOUGLAS Forjadas RK Flotante y Trunnion (a partir de 10) 150 a 2500LBS (*) 5 uds. Retencin 18 Ingeniera Fecha DIAMETRO 2 - 24 2 - 16 1/2 - 2 2 - 6 A216 WCB Acero carbono A105 Acero / Inox / PTFE 2003-2012 MATERIALES OIL & GAS


Project summary
PIPELINE NETWORK AND TANK FARM Pipelines are the safest and most efficient method for oil product transportation. The CLH oil pipeline network is of more of 4,000 kilometres long, which makes it the most extensive civil pipeline network in Western Europe. The company also has 38 storage facilities, with a capacity of 6.7 million cubic metres, and 29 airport facilities.

Keys to success
Projectmanagement Off-the-shelfdelivery IndustrySolutionExperience Bestinclassproducts/Wideproductrange Quality Engineeringcapabilities:assemblyofelectricactuators

Technical data
PIPELINE NETWORK AND TANK FARM End user Location VALVE TYPE Gate Globe Check Ball Butterfly Safety Other Notes Instrumentation Keys of success - Project management - Off-the-shelf delivery - Industry Solution Experience - Best in class products / Wide product range - Quality - Engineering capabilities: assembly of electric actuators CLH Spain RATING SUFA manual valves (*) 150/300/600/900 LBS SUFA motorized DOUGLAS Forged valves RK Floating & Trunnion (from 10) 150 to 2500LBS (*) 5 units Check valves 18 EPC Date SIZE 2 - 24 2 - 16 1/2 - 2 2 - 6 A216 WCB Carbon steel A105 C. Steel / SS / PTFE 2003-2012 MATERIALS OIL & GAS


Connect with Quality

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vThe KLINGER company in Spain

Av. del Llano Castellano, 15 28034 Madrid T 91 358 12 12 | F 91 358 04 88


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