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Beringia 1st people in Americas Aztecs Maya Inca Maize Leif Erickson Marco Polo Crusades Prince Henry Bartholomeu Dias Vasco da Gama Christopher Columbus Portuguese Treaty of Tordesillas Amerigo Vespucci Vasco de Balboa Juan Ponce de Leon Ferdinand Magellan Hernan Cortes Francisco Pizarro Hernando de Soto Francisco Coronado Cabeza de Vaca (Texas) Juan Cabrillo (California) St. Augustine encomienda haciendas Black Legend peninsulare creole mestizo mulatto Columbian exchange Protestant Reformation Martin Luther Lutheranism John Calvin Calvinism predestination conversion experience visible saints the elect Henry VIII Anglican Church Giovanni Verrazano Jacques Cartier Samuel de Champlain Father Marquette Robert La Salle coureurs de bois Jesuits Louis XIV Huguenots Edict of Nantes Dutch East India Company Dutch West India Company Henry Hudson Pierre Minuit patroonships Pieter Stuyvesant Duke of York NY Charter of Liberties & Privileges Delaware = (New Sweden) John Cabot Elizabeth I Sea Dogs Sir John Hawkins Sir Francis Drake Philip II Spanish Armada Sir Walter Raleigh Roanoke Virginia Company (joint-stock) Jamestown Starving Times Captain John Smith Powhatans Pocahontas John Rolfe plantation House of Burgesses bicameral legislature indentured servants Headright System Maryland George Calvert Lord Baltimore Act of Religious Toleration - 1649 Carolinas Georgia James Oglethorpe Non-Separatists - Puritans Separatists Pilgrims Plymouth Mayflower Compact William Bradford Squanto Massachusetts Bay Colony John Winthrop Great Puritan Migration town meetings power of the purse Thomas Hooker Fundamental Orders of Connecticut Connecticut New Hampshire Roger Williams Rhode Island Anne Hutchinson Antinomianism New England Colonies Middle Colonies Southern Colonies New Jersey Quakers William Penn Holy Experiment Mason-Dixon Line Great Law of Pennsylvania Triangular Trade Middle Passage Stono Rebellion Harvard Halfway Covenant Jeremiads First Great Awakening Jonathan Edwards George Whitefield New Lights v. Old Lights Charles II New England Confederation King Philips War 1675-1676 Sir William Berkley Bacons Rebellion James II Lords of Trade Dominion of New England Sir Edmond Andros Glorious Revolution William III and Mary II Leislers Rebellion heathens mourning wars Iroquios League Covenent Chain of Peace John Eliot powows praying towns Increase Mather Salem Witch Trials vice-admiralty courts Salutary Neglect John Peter Zenger Trial The Pueblo Revolt Onontio Middle Ground Diplomacy Entail/Primogeniture Regulator Movement Mercantilism (effects) Navigation Acts Triangular Trade The French and Indian War George Washington Fort Necessity Albany Plan of Union (1754) Join or Die Braddocks Blunder Prime Minister William Pitt Treaty of Paris, 1763 Pontiacs Rebellion (1763) Results: The French and Indian War Paxton Boys Proclamation of 1763 Molasses Act - 1733 Salutary Neglect George Grenville (1763-1765) Sugar Act - 1764 Currency Act, 1764 Quartering Act - 1765 Stamp Act - 1765 No Taxation without Representation Virtual Representation

Virginia Resolves Stamp Act Congress Sons and Daughters of Liberty John Adams Non-importation agreements Results of Stamp Act Protests Declaratory Act - 1766 Townshend Acts - 1767 Writs of assistance Letters from a Pennsylvania Farmer John Dickinson Massachusetts Circular Letter, 1768 James Otis Samuel Adams Boston Massacre - 1770 Lord North Gaspee Committees of Correspondence Tea Act 1773 Boston Tea Party Coercive Acts - 1774 Quebec Act - 1774 Patrick Henry 1st Continental Congress Suffolk Resolves Declaration of Rights/Grievances The Association King George III The Enlightenment John Locke Jean-Jacques Rousseau Montesquieu Voltaire Paul Revere Samuel Prescott William Dawes Lexington/Concord Minute Men Bunker Hill Second Continental Congress Olive Branch Petition Thomas Paine Common Sense Richard Henry Lee Declaration of Independence Thomas Jefferson Hessians British Advantages/Disadvantages Colonial Advantages/Disadvantages Patriots (Whigs) Loyalists (Tories) Native Americans (Rev War) Joseph Brant African Americans (Rev War) Lord Dunmores Ethiopian Reg. Colonel Tye Valley Forge Baron von Steuben Battle of Saratoga Marquis de Lafayette Battle of Yorktown

Treaty of Paris 1783 Newburgh Conspiracy, 1783 Republican Motherhood Social changes from Revolution New State Governments (trends) Articles of Confederation Unicameral legislature Land Ordinance 1785 Northwest Ordinance 1787 Shays Rebellion Articles of Confederation (problems) Annapolis convention Alexander Hamilton Constitutional Convention Major issues of convention James Madison Checks and balances Virginia Plan New Jersey Plan Connecticut Compromise 3/5ths Compromise Commercial Compromise powers and term of president Electoral College Congressional Caucus Federalists Anti-Federalists The Federalist Papers arguments for/against Bill of Rights Bill of Rights George Washington Electoral College Cabinet Alexander Hamilton Hamiltons Economic Plan (5) Judiciary Act of 1789 John Jay District of Columbia Excise Taxes Tariffs First National Bank deists implied powers (elastic clause) strict vs. loose construction Thomas Jefferson Whiskey Rebellion Democratic-Republicans Federalists French Revolution Neutrality Proclamation 1793 Citizen Genet General Mad Anthony Wayne Battle of Fallen Timbers Treaty of Greenville 1794 Jays Treaty1794 Washingtons Farewell Address Pinckneys Treaty 1795 John Adams Quasi war XYZ Affair Navy

Alien and Sedition Acts Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions Compact theory nullification Sally Hemmings Revolution of 1800 Aaron Burr Jeffersonian Democracy Albert Gallatin Twelfth Amendment Judiciary Act of 1801 midnight judges Marbury vs. Madison John Marshall judicial review Samuel Chase Barbary pirates Tripolitan War Toussaint LOuverture Louisiana Purchase Meriwhether Lewis William Clark Sacajawea Zebulon Pike Major Stephen Long Aaron Burr Burr-Hamilton Duel Burr Conspiracy General James Wilkinson Napoleon Bonaparte Continental System Orders in Council 1806 (British) Impressment Chesapeake-Leopard incident Embargo Act of 1807 Non-intercourse Act 1809 Macons Bill No. 2 (1810) James Madison Tecumseh The Prophet William Henry Harrison Battle of Tippecanoe War Hawks War of 1812 (causes) Britains 3 pronged strategy (1812) USS Constitution Francis Scott Key Oliver Hazard Perry Battle of Thames River Thomas Macdonough Andrew Jackson Essex Junto Hartford Convention Treaty of Ghent Henry Clay John Quincy Adams Battle of New Orleans Results of War of 1812 Dolly Madison

Important THEMES:

1. Know about the peopling of the Americas (how, why people came here). 2. Know European motives for exploration and colonization. 3. What enabled Europeans to explore? 4. Why were Europeans successful in dealing with native populations? 5. What were the misunderstandings Europeans had with Native Americans? 6. Know your colonies! (why settled, differences, demographics, economies, , major achievements, what life was like): French, Dutch, English 7. Know how self-government started, grew, and evolved in colonies. 8. Between 1763 and 1776, British attempts to exert control over the colonies led to violent, organized, successful resistance. 9. Major events and results of the Continental Congresses and the American Revolution 10. The mission behind the Articles of Confederation, its success/failure, and its long term significance 11. Events leading to the formation of the new Constitution and the new laws it put into place 12. Differences between Federalists and Anti-Federalists and the major political figures on each side 13. Know the development of post-Revolution foreign policy and roadblocks along the way. 14. Jeffersons successes and struggles as president 15. Events leading up to the War of 1812 and the wars effect on policy and society. 16. Financial changes and troubles: Hamiltons 5 Point Plan, National Bank, taxes, tariffs, etc.

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