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Integrated Mathematics Course 3 Final Semester Project:

PART TWO: In order to be adequately prepared for these events, you must first develop a survival plan. Answer the following questions based on what you think you will need. When you are finished, go to the site below and take the survey to get your Prepper Score. 1. How many gallons of water do you have stored? (1 case = 24 12oz. bottles = 2.25 gallons) 2. Do you have a renewable water supply? (Well, spring, river, lake, pond) 3. How far away is your water supply? 4. Do you have means to purify your water supply? 5. How much food do you have stored per person? (Food can be canned, jarred, or dehydrated) a. Meats (pounds) b. Fruits/Vegetables (servings) c. Grains (pounds) d. MRE (quantity) 6. Do you have a renewable food supply? (Garden, Orchard, Livestock, Fish) 7. Do you have means to replenish your food supply? (Canning, jarring, dehydrating, year-round gardening) 8. What kind of climate do you live in? (Extreme cold, cool, temperate, hot) 9. How densely populated is your location? (Rural, Suburbs, Urban) 10. Do you have a bunker or safe room? 11. Do you have means to generate electricity? (Gas, solar, hydro, wind) 12. Do you have a means to heat/cool your location? (wood, propane, solar, geo-thermal) 13. Do you have a means to cook food at your location? (wood stove, propane stove, solar) 14. Do you have a bug-out location? 15. Do you have enough fuel to get there? 16. Do you have a plan for the bug out location? 17. Do you have any specialized training? Level of expertise? (Basic, intermediate, SWAT/Special Forces) 18. How many firearms do you own?

19. Have you standardized your weapons? 20. How much ammunition do you have stored for each weapon? 21. Do you have any security enhancements? (night vision, body armor, nuclear biological and chemical protection gear, fortification, surveillance, non-lethal weapons) 22. How many able-bodied preppers are in your group? 23. Are you prepared for a medical emergency? Are you medically trained? 24. Do you have a means of communication? (Should be an off-grid way to communicate with your group or reach the outside world.) 25. Do you have a bug-out vehicle? a. Do you have enough fuel and capacity for your group and supplies? b. Is the vehicle diesel fueled? c. Does the vehicle have 4 Wheel Drive? d. Is the vehicle EMP (electro-magnetic pulse) proof? 26. Do you have items for bartering? (extra ammo, extra food, extra medical supplies, alcohol and/or tobacco, currency) 27. How well can you handle an emergency (on a scale of 1-4)?

According to your online survey results: Total Score: _____________ You would survive for: ____________________

Refer to your Total Score to complete the problems that correspond to this part. In order to get the next part of the project, you must have all survey questions answered and your total score calculated. IF YOU EARNED 0-25 POINTS, YOU WILL COMPLETE PROBLEM SET A. IF YOU EARNED 26-50 POINTS, YOU WILL COMPLETE PROBLEM SET B. IF YOU EARNED 51-75 POINTS, YOU WILL COMPLETE PROBLEM SET C. IF YOU EARNED 76-100 POINTS, YOU WILL COMPLETE PROBLEM SET D.

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