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Crystal Explanations

Jennifer Mueller

Moss Agate
Origin: India Chakras: Root, Heart Creates balance and stability in the physical domain. Assists in recovery from illness or ailments. Increases effectiveness of physical activity. Connection with earth energy and stimulates psychic contact with elementals like fairies or sprites. Excellent abundance stone through the sense of all things being provided for us within creation. Help provide patience.

Origin: Brazil, Uruguay Chakras: Third Eye, Crown, Etheric

Affirmation: I am balanced and stable, healthy and whole and at home on the Earth.
Reference: The Book of Stones, Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahs ian

A stone of protection and purification. Stimulates crown chakra and third eye. Aids meditation and communication with ones guides and angels. Creates an energetic shield which wards off negativity in ones environment. Aids in giving up bad habits and curbing overindulgence by helping to understand root causes. Affirmation: I am purified, uplifted and protected through my connection with the Divine.
Reference: The Book of Stones, Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian

Amphibole Quartz ( Angel Phantom Quartz)

Chakras: Third Eye, Crown Emanate the soft, sweet, powerful energies of the angelic realm. Allows connecting and acting from the heart, a place of love for the benefit of all. Assists in dream recall, lucid dreaming, astral travel, achieving and maintaining a meditative state, quieting the ego, getting to sleep, and connecting with higher self. Aids children with nightmares. Affirmation: I am at one with my Angelic guides and my Higher Self, at peace, protected. Reference: The Book of Stones, Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian

Angel Aura Quartz

Chakras: Crown, Etheric (8 th Above the head)

Quartz that has been bonded with vaporized or finely powdered platinum, silver and other trace minerals enhancing its properties. Stimulates the spirit and elevates the mood. Aids in connecting with angels, past lives, insight into spiritual purpose, clearing the aura and chakras (aligns and purifies), and releases stress. Affirmation: I call forth my connection to the Angelic domain, and I
ask for upliftment peace and serenity. Reference: The Book of Stones, Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian

Angel Phantom Quartz

Chakras: Third Eye, Crown

Angelite (Blue Anhydrite)

Origin: Peru Chakras: Throat, Third Eye, Crown

Symbolizes universal awareness and can be used to redeem and cleanse the Earth. Aids in connecting and communicating with angelic realm and beings, and spirit guides. It is a wisdom stone bringing harmony, healing, and love. Affirmation: I am at one with my Angelic guides and my Higher Self,
at peace, protected. Reference: The Book of Stones, Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian and Earth Gems

Aids in angelic connection, communication through the throat chakra, dream recall, accessing information from past lives and akashic records. Has tranquil energy, invokes a sense of inner peace and helps set the ego aside. Affirmation: I am always surrounded by love and benevolence, and I harken to the inner promptings of my angelic companions.
Reference: The Book of Stones, Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian

Clear Apophyllite
Origin: India, Italy, Germany, Brazil Chakras: Crown, Third Eye


Good for meditation, connecting to higher guides and angels. Understanding, working with and processing spiritual information/lessons. Gaining spiritual vision. Good to use in a healing situation when spiritual understanding is necessary in order to repair a physical imbalance but lacks physical healing properties. Interdimensional awareness. Affirmation: I open my heart and my mind to awareness of the
higher realms. Reference: The Book of Stones, Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian

Origin: Brazil Chakras: Throat Balance emotional, mental, and physical bodies, create an awareness and integration of universal truths.

Archangels: Ariel and Raguel Message: Clear your aura with me while synchronizing your
physical, emotional, mental, and etheric bodies. I augment composure, leaving hints of fairies at play within your improved humor and disposition. Close to heart to feel the sea recalling innocent childlike dolphin dances of delight. Lose your concerns, releasing fear and anxiety tot the Sea Godesses and replace your old beliefs with blissful knowingness and trust.
Reference: Crystal Therapy, Doreen Virtue, Ph.D. & Judith Lukomski

Origin: Brazil Chakras: Heart

Chakras: All (including above body)

Optimism, vitality, growth, confidence and emotional stability in new situations (changes such as job, home, relationship, school), taking things in stride in ups and downs of life, instills life force, rebuild depleted energy, aids/heals circulation & regulates heart, aids depression, aids attachments to outcomes and be in the now Affirmation: I move forward with optimism, confidence and
renewed vitality. Reference: The Book of Stones, Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian

Key words: inner light, true scope realities, joy&serenity. Embodiment of light in the universe. Anchors direct link to light within without any interference. Reclaim knowledge from `memory banks`. Release blocks, healing disease, cellular rejuvenation. Affirmation: I open myself to the frequency of love and light, and I am willing to be a vehicle through which this energy can spread throughout the world.
Reference: The Book of Stones, Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian

Origin: Belgium

Black Obsidian
Origin: Peru, Mexico Chakras: Root (1 s t )

Bismuth is a man made crystal grown in a lab at about 271 degrees centigrade or 520 degrees Fahrenheit. It can only be grown from electronic grade highly refined bismuth. It has the properties of virtue and unification. It is said to assist one with brining continuity to activities and seeing situations from different points of view. It is used to gather and store information.
Reference: Earth Gems

Key words: Psychic protection, strong grounding, cleansing of negativity, spirit communication Grounding, seals aura, removes
energetic attachments, hooks and cords. Shields negativity (external and internal), removes lower vibration energy, neg. emotion (anger, fear resentment). Assists to clear patterns that contribute to addiction, abusive behavior, negativity Affirmation: I cleanse my energy field of negativity an d

ground myself to the Earths heart.

Reference: The Book of Stones, Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian

Black Tourmaline
Origin: Brazil, Africa, Pakistan, USA Chakras: Root

Chakras: Root (1 s t ) Great purifier, a healing tool for dispelling negative influences from the auric field and bringing ones subtle energies into wholeness and balance. Lends strength to the physical body, courage to follow the heart and take action. Provides support in ma king difficult decisions. Helps hormonal imbalances and blood related disorders. Affirmation: I am at home and alive in my physical body, which vibrates as its optimal level of strength, vitality and purity, and I act for the highest good of all. Reference: The Book of Stones, Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian

Provides a grounding path for Light to enter the Earth plane. Helps obsessive/compulsive behaviors and to release chronic worry and anxiety. Purifies the body of toxins and wastes. Can rid oneself of negative thoughts, anxiety, anger and ideas of unworthiness. Transmutes and purifies neg. energy. Put beside electrical devi ces to purify the energies being emitted. Affirmation: I banish all negative attachments, within and without. I am purified, grounded and centered upon the Earth.
Reference: The Book of Stones, Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian

Fluorite (Blue)
Origin: China Chakras: All

Kyanite (Blue)
Origin: Brazil Chakras: All especially Third Eye, Heart Has a high vibration, opens psychic channels and a ctivates the mind centers enhancing ones ability to download information from higher sources. Clears blocks in energetic and physical bodies, protection in auric field. Assists in reforming unhealthy patterns, repair damage to the physical body (bones, surgery, stroke, head trauma, etc) Affirmation: I cross the inner bridges which lead to my growth, opening to the etheric realms, the world of Nature, and the land of the heart. Reference: The Book of Stones, Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian

Gives form & structure to energies, ideas and concepts helping to manifest in this reality. Helps confused energies become cohesive and harmonic. Matters of the brain: balance hemispheres, focus, concentration, retention, quiet anxiety and worries caused by fear of the future. Order out of chaos, helps focus on attaining lifes goals.
Affirmation: My mind and heart are awake, alert, clear and acti ve, working in unison to make the optimal choices for my life purpose. Reference: The Book of Stones, Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian

Agate (Blue Lace)

Origin: Madagascar Chakras: Throat Calming and centering, sooths nerves or worried dispositions and calm overly stimulated children. Helps find the words to share ones highest truth with others, assists standing up and speaking it in all situations. Enhances loyalty and trust. Helps facilitate communicate with guides in meditation. Soothes an over active mind and assists in calming and stilling ones thoughts. Affirmation: I communicate my ideas with clarity, conviction and irresistible eloquence. Reference: The Book of Stones, Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian

Blue Quartz
Origin: Brazil Chakras: Throat It assuages fear, helping one to see that the basis of fear is only incomplete knowledge; it assists one in gaining completion of this knowledge. It also helps one in removing the fear of reaching -out to others, and brings stimulation to new relationships. Brings sense of order to all things, and releases fear, bringing courage to ones life. Reference: Earth Gems

Brecciated Jasper
Origin: South Africa Chakras: Root

Origin: Madagascar, Uruguay Chakras: Root (1 s t ), Creative/Sexual(2cnd), Solar Plexus(3 rd )

A stone of energy and courage. Is aligned to the root chakra. Useful in matters of health and survival, and in raising vitality and energy, allowing the wielder to grow in healthy and organic ways. A protective stone, it enhances physical endurance and helps the wearer to ground and bring balance between the emotional and the physical. Reference: Earth Gems

Assists in taking action to manifest ones highest goals and dreams. Helps overcome fear of taking action or fear of doing the wrong thing, and embracing change. Lends vitality and energy to the physical body, breaking physical habits or addictions. Affirmation: I am filled with the vital energies of life, and I take action with confidence and power.
Reference: The Book of Stones, Robe rt Simmons & Naisha Ahsian

Origin: Madagascar Chakras: Third, Crown, and above the head.

Origin: Russia Chakras: Third Eye, Crown, above the head, Solar Plexus, Root, and below feet. Cleanse and purify one`s etheric body dispelling negativity and releasing disharmonies. Due to the inclusions, helps assist in grounding when working in high vibrations. Determine betwe en issues of others and yourself, interpretation of psychic information.

Gently, uplifting energy which can raise and expand one`s awareness into the higher realms. One of most effective for assessing the angelic realm for communicating with angels, and source of Divine healing. Enhance vision, dream work. Clearing and protecting of auric field. Affirmation: I love being in the fullness of serenity and inner truth, always in communion with my higher self, angels and spiritual guides.
Reference: The Book of Stones, Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian

Affirmation: I ask for the revelation of highest path of service, and I embrace it fully, knowing I am protected from all harm.
Reference: The Book of Stones, Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian

Chevron Amethyst (Banded)

Chakras: Third eye, crown Combination of the strengthening and enhancing qualities of clear quartz and healing energies of amethyst, assists the third eye, cleanses aura, assist in meditation, enhance physic connection, dissipate and repel negative energy. Lessens any resistance to helping oneself; brings courage and inner strength. Affirmation: I am purified, uplifted and protected through my connection with the Divine.


Refe re nce: The Book of St ones , Robe rt Simm ons & Na isha Ahs ian

Origin: Zaire Chakras: Throat, Heart, Root. Opens and links heart, throat and base chakra increase life force and physical vitality, sound healing through words or sound frequency, allows owning the power of our words and teaches awareness of how the words affect our reality, facilitates expression of hearts truth and minds knowledge, teaching stone through sharing of experience and wisdom, regulates thyroid and adrenal, release fear, stress, anxiety type imbalances Affirmation: I listen deeply to the voice within and express it with freedom, spontaneity, passion and reverence.

Origin: Spain Chakras: Root, Creative (2 nd ), Third Eye.

Origin: Brazil, Uruguay Chakras: Root, Creative (2 nd ), Solar Plexes.

Helps ground one`s visions in physical reality which makes ideal stone for creative people and business owners to actualize their dreams and create prosperity. Abundance stone. Assist in releasing buried resentment, anger and fear. Affirmation: I call forth Divine blueprint of my highest self, and through me the patterns of Spirit m anifest in the physical world.
Reference: The Book of Stones, Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian

Increased clarity of thought, enhanced creativity and magnified powers of will and manifestation. Stone of manifestation by bringing energy into form using creativity (knowing what to create). Increases energy during exercise and supports weight loss (metabolism). Affirmation: I open myself to the inspiration of my creative imagination, and through the strength of my will, aligned with Divine will, I manifest my dreams.
Reference: The Book of Stones, Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian

Clear Quartz
Origin: Every continent Chakras: All

Copper Stone
Chakras: 3 rd Solar Plexes

Most versatile and multidimensional stone in the mineral kingdom. Works with all levels of the energetic and physical bodies and resonates with all chakras. Brings clarity of thought and purpose to mind and heart and can assist in overcoming confusion. Some key words: Programmability, amplification of intention and other stones, magnification of ambient energies, clearing, cleansing, healing, memory enhancement, comes in many formations. Stimulates growth of fingernails and hair.
Reference: The Book of Stones, Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian

Energy conductor. Sends & amplifies thoughts, healing, and gem electrical energy into wearer's energy field. Next to skin: detoxes & soothes arthritis, rheumatism, & inflammation problems. 3rd chakra: stomach, intestines. Warms, releases resentment, anger. Exhaustion recovery, circulation, balances warm sun energy and cool lunar energy. Energize with sun.

Origin: Brazil, Columbia Chakras: Heart Healing heart stone, dream wk & meditation, deepens spirituality and consciousness. Archangel(s): Haniel, Jophiel, Raziel, and Raphiel Message: I guard your hearts essence (Divine Love). Use full attention to co-create with me since I operate a t Gods speed, and from thoughts to manifestation, our energies join to deliver the highest good. Focus on service, respond with generosity, so shall you receive good in all manners. In healing I expand accessible knowled ge and provide the strongest green rays to heal broken hearts. Reference: Crystal Therapy, Doreen Virtue, Ph.D. & Judith Lukomski

Feng Shui Balls

In Feng Shui faceted crystals and mirrors are used to expand the energy of an area. Each facet spreads the relected light in a different direction and this prismatic effect changes the energy or vibration of surrounding space. By directing this new energy in spaces which have slow, abrasive, or bad energy, the rainbows filter out all negative energy.

Origin: Italy

Origin: Brazil Chakras: Root (If magnetic=All) Brings the highest frequency into the range of physicality, so we can manifest our highest purpose through our physical existence. Stone of integration. Balances aura and align chakras, pulls energy down through into the earth. Carries yin/yang energy creating a balanced energy that contains the opposites within the whole. Assists in purification of blood, liver and assists in detoxification.

Legend has it that goldstone was first discovered by alchemists, as they attempted to make gold. It was created by adding copper salts into a glass furnace. Goldstone has a lovely color and sheen to it and has very gently energy. Although subtle, its energy can be uplifting, reminding us of the need to reduce pent-up tension and celebrate the beauty of being alive. Reference: Earth Gems

Affirmation: Through my body, I ground the energies of the Light realms in this world.
Reference: The Book of Stones, Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian

Herkimer Quartz Diamond

Origin: US Chakras: Third Eye, Crown


Chakras: Heart

Assist in removal of energetic cords, or patterns from the emotional body, dream work, astral or time travel, excellent for creating grids, useful purifiers in the energetic field or a healing room. Keywords: reams, visions, purification, spiritualization of physical life, angelic communication Affirmation: I call forth my deepest dreams and highest visions and commit myself to attaining and ground in the physical work the highest possible spiritual energies.
Reference: The Book of Stones, Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian

Prosperity, healing, past-life, dream and ancient wisdom recall Archangels: Raphael and Raziel Message: I offer gifts of serenity, wisdom, tranquility,
prosperity, and soothing calmness. Conduit to for transition, which helps with communing with those that have crossed and I am a reminder of blessings from spirit. I am for healing, stimulating inspiration and growth while reminding you all of the abundant and loving Universe.
Reference: Crystal Therapy, Doreen Virtue, Ph.D. & Judith Lukomski

Chakras: Root: grounding, All: purification

Chakras: All

Grounding, purification & protection. Explore inner void of creation, where ones potential and power lie. See lesson behind `Neg.`. Clears energetic field of attachments and patterns. Own both shortcomings and abilities. Perceive potential and realize where to develop. Heals energy leaks in aura, cleanse liver and kidneys. Affirmation: My body, mind and spirit are grounded, centered and purified.
Reference: The Book of Stones, Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian

Awakens our magical abilities like clairvoyance, telepathy, astral travel, prophecy, psychic reading, access to Akashic records, past-life recall, and communication with higher guides and spirits, etc. Helps pierce the veil between our waking world and many domains or planes of inner awareness. Stone of adventure through self discovery and self mastery. Affirmation: I call forth the magic of higher awareness.
Reference: The Book of Stones, Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian

Lapis Lazuli
Chakras: Third Eye, Throat

Chakras: All, especially Heart and Third Eye

Stone to uncover self-knowledge, and inner reflection. Develops intuition, clairvoyance and precognition. Throat chakra: discern and speak truth. Enhances intellectual ability (memory, learning and teaching). Aides in past life recall, and accessing Akashic records. Affirmation: I claim the sovereignty and power of my highest self, and I align myself with my highest truth.
Reference: The Book of Stones, Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian

Aids release of ego, exceptance of NOW, stay centered regardless of external experience, prevents extreme emotional shifts, helps worry and fear, energetically curb hyperactivity or attention deficit disorder, aids sleep disorders or nightmares.
Affirmation: I move through all of life`s joys and sorrows, triumphs and traumas, with serenity and grace.
Reference: The Book of Stones, Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian

Chakras: Solar Plexus, Heart Important stone for protection from negativity by permeating the auric field with positive vibrations and strength, letting one`feel the presence of danger. Emanates the healthiest energy pattern for the heart, and balance on all levels. Helps to manifest experience and is the stone of transformation.

Origin: Czech Republic Chakras: All, Especially Heart and 3 rd Eye Keywords: High vibration, transformation, rapid spiritual evolution, chakra activation, cleansing, protection, increased incidence of synchronicities, vivid meaningful dreams. Identifies limitations placed (what needs recognized and cleared) and `explodes` you past them propelling you forward on your spiritual path. Activation of all chakras (especially the heart). Affirmation: I open myself to transformation and I invoke the manifestation of my highest destiny. Reference: The Book of Stones, Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian

Affirmation: I align my personal will with my understanding of Divine will, and I move forward with clarity and confidence.
Reference: The Book of Stones, Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian

Moon Stone (Rainbow)

Chakras: Third Eye, Crown Feminine energy - intuitive side of the mind. Females: initiates kundalini, promotes clairvoyance. Males: stimulates right side of the brain, encouraging nonlinear thinking and emoti onal balance. Key words: Past life, mystery, self-discovery, intuition, insight, dreams, the goddess. Clears aura, activates 6 th and 7 th chakras and central chakric column. Connects to moon energy mother Earth (Life cycles). Affirmation: I call forth the energies of the deep Feminine, and I open myself to the inner gifts of the Goddess. Reference: The Book of Stones, Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian

Moon Stone
Chakras: Third Eye, Crown Feminine energy - intuitive side of the mind. Females: initiates kundalini, promotes clairvoyance. Males: stimulates right side of the brain, encouraging nonlinear thinking and emotional balance. Key words: Past life, mystery, self-discovery, intuition, insight, dreams, the goddess. Clears aura, activates 6 th and 7 th chakras and central chakric column. Connects to moon energy mother Earth (Life cycles). Affirmation: I call forth the energies of the deep Feminine, and I open myself to the inner gifts of the Goddess. Reference: The Book of Stones, Robert Simmons & Nais ha Ahsian

Morion Quartz (Sister to Smoky Quartz)

Chakras: Root Morion quartz is naturally formed black quartz, created from exposure to radiation, sister to smoky quartz. These crystals have very old, wise energy and are deeply grounding. They reconnect y ou to yourself, assisting you to be true in thought and actions. They are very calming when you feel overwhelmed. They can also dispel nausea, and shortness of breath due to anxiety. Reference: Earth Gems

Opal (Pink)
Chakras: Heart

Healing subconsciously held pain. Past life work helps one resolve with gentleness and compassion, resolving past trauma, tension and stress. Peace and tranquility to aura, helps kids with nightmares. Keep connection to angelic realms open and clear. Assist fear, worry, anxiety, stress; emotionally centering and balancing. Lungs, utilization of oxygen, regulation of heart beat.
Affirmation: I heal my emotional body through gentle compassion. Reference: Reference: The Book of Stones, Robert Simmons & Nais ha

Phantom Crystal
Chakras: Crown

Chakras: Solar Plexus, Heart Reflective, calm vantage point to explore the nature of ones experience. Heart centered connection to all of creation. Washes emotional debris from aura, helps remove ego from past experience and prevents little hurts from growing into bigger emotional so res. Grounds excessive anger and nervous energy. Aids in speaking before thinking. Works with lymph and circulator system.

Phantom quartz crystal is one in which a smaller ghostlike crystal can be seen encompassed in the larger crystal. Putting the past into perspective, it points the way toward growth and evolution. It symbolizes universal awareness and its purpose is to help activate healing in individuals as well as the planet. It helps us to connect with our spiritual guide. Connects to higher selfs wisdom. Reference: Earth Gems

Affirmation: I place my personal power in the service of the heart, and my will is willing to do as the heart desires.
Reference: The Book of Stones, Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian

Rainbow Aura Crystal

Chakra: Third Eye, Crown Rainbow Aura Crystal have been enhanced with a combination of Titanium and Niobium. Because the colours are produced by blending natural substances with a natural affinity, the metaphysical properties are enhanced rather than destroyed. An intensely visual stone, promoting clairvoyance and all forms of seeing. This mineral assists in reading people. Reference: Earth Gems

Rainbow Fluorite
Chakras: All

Remedy confusion, instability, dishonesty, and disorders arising from incoherent thought patterns. Brings structure to disorganization. Balances and heightens intuitive powers. Enhances brain functions: learning, memorization, and keeps one physically balanced. Affirmation: My mind and heart are awake, alert, clear and active, working in unison to make the optimal choices for my life purpose.
Reference: The Book of Stones, Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian

Red Jasper
Chakras: Root, Sexual/Creative (2 nd )

Chakras: Heart, Solar Plexus

Opens and stimulates the base chakra, increasing chi or life force, and increases connection to Earth. Supports the rising of kundalini energy. Stone of physical strength and energy. Aids the circulatory and respiratory systems, helps in manifesting creative ideas. Enhances memory especially of dreams and other inner experiences.
Affirmation: My physical vitality, emotional balance and personal integrity and enjoyment of life grow ever stronger. Reference: The Book of Stones, Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsia n

Frequency of love, stimulates creativity, expression, and play. Helps heal the inner child. Assists to feel more confiden in using will to create one`s reality. Ideal for nervous-system imbalance, great anti-anxiety and antistress.
Affirmation: With compassion for myself and others, I engage the process healing from past wounds and I embrace with joy the recovery of my wholeness.
Reference: The Book of Stones, Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian

Rose Quartz
Chakras: Heart

Chakras: Root Assists transformation of thought and intent in to manifestation. Helps release past emotional trauma from cellular record. Assist in excepting the physical body and feeling more engaged in life and more loving towards one`s physical body. Helps circulation, especially feet and legs, treats sexual dysfunction and infertility, excess weight regulation (when used to ground to physical world).

Stimulates and opens the heart chakra, clears the emotional body, and assists in the integration and resolution of old emotional programs. The quintessential stone of love. It clears the emotional body of ego-driven patterns and can help one feel more open to receiving and sharing Love, compassion and kindness. Affirmation: I open my heart to receive and express the energy of love.
Reference: The Book of Stones, Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian

Affirmation: I embrace my life with fierceness, passion and the courage to accomplish all that I will do.
Reference: The Book of Stones, Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian

Rutilated Quartz
Chakras: All

Chakras: Third Eye, Crown, above Head

Smoky rutilated Qrtz=manifestation, higher mind -gaining info.&knowledge of spiritual nature, infuses ones energy with field of light, telepathic communication, aids overwhelm, hair growth-counter hair loss, stitch wounds, aids writing, enhance psychic abilities Affirmation: All my positive intentions & the unfolding of my
purpose are magnified, accelerated, attuned to the frequency of grace & are in harmony with Divine purpose. Reference: The Book of Stones, Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian

Clears blocks or densities in the energy field (purification and energetic cleansing). Aids in putting high-frequency energy into the body, stimulating physical healing. Other stones properties attached to selenite are magnified many times, as a group they are blended and amplified, emanating from the wand as a harmonious whole. Compels one to move forward in life. Affirmation: I move into union with my Higher Self and my interior senses are awakened.
Reference: The Book of Stones, Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian

Chakras: All

Smoky Quartz
Chakras: Root

Powerful for angelic communication, healing to the body, mind, spirit and the Earth. Aids in releasing emotions that no longer serve, helps to react emotionally in a balanced way. Acts as a trigger, causing old patters of disease/ imbalance to fall away. Restoring the planet &humanity to state of health and balance. Affirmation: I call forth the patterns of healing, wholeness and
regeneration, for the wellness of my body and the evolution of my soul and spirit. Reference: The Book of Stones, Robert Simmons & N aisha Ahsian

Powerful grounding, clearing (neutralizes energy through the connection to the earth) and protection stone. Assists in aligning the physical body, and assists in receiving and utilizing more high-frequency energy through grounding. Aids in being in one`s body, helps to feel more engaged in the world to change one`s reality. Affirmation: I am grounded and centered in my physical body, and I work step-by-step to achieve my goals.
Reference: The Book of Stones, Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian

Chakras: Third Eye

Chakras: Third, Crown, Transpersonal and Etheric (8 -14)

Acts as a guide on inner travels (meditation/dreams/shamanic journeying). Stay in the Now. Can open psychic perception, yet preventing ego from getting in the way. Reduce stress and anxiety allowing to see reality from a higher, more seren e perspective. Supports regulation of blood pressure, water retention, and improves cellular hydration. Affirmation: My mind is fully awakened on all levels and working at its
highest capacity. Reference: The Book of Stones, Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian

Key words: courage, dreams, spiritual protection&purification, beacon of light. Believe in possibilities, hope, optimism. Repel negativity, fills aura high frequency light. Archangel Michael stone. Overcome hopelessness, overwhelm, and feeling of no options. Aids nightmares, insomnia, sleep imbalance, nerves and worry. Affirmation: I am safe and protected within my bubble of light to bring my dreams and light to the planet.
Reference: The Book of Stones, Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian

Chakras: Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakra Keywords: Leadership, benevolence, strength, abundance of blessings, enlightened male energy, teaches one to utilize one`s skills and abilities in service to others. Stone of abundance, manifestation. Attunes to light. Raises vibration of one`s emotional patterns. Increase metabolism, digestion, and vitality. Balance endocrine system and aids reproductive problems due to imbalanced hormones. Affirmation: I claim my true place of leadership, giving and receiving abundant blessings. Reference: The Book of Stones, Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian

Tibetan Quartz
Chakras: All

Clear the auric field and fill the physical and energetic bodies with full-spectrum Light (used for spiritual growth or physical repair). Aids in moving out of emotions into a higher perspective to clear and release. Healing and repair of nervous system. Spiritual protection and purification, enhancement of meditation, balancing the chakras and meridians. Affirmation: My auric field is cleansed, energized and filled with
Light, and I carry and share this Light with all whom I encounter. Reference: The Book of Stones, Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian

Tiger Eye
Chakras: Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus

Chakras: Throat

Key Words: Balance btwn extremes, discernment , vitality, strength, practicality, fairness Balance between opposites/polarities/extremes, helps vitality and balances hormones and biochemistry. Affirmation: I act with confidence, clarity, balance, fairness, enthusiasm and strength.
Reference: The Book of Stones, Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian

Key Words: wholeness, communication, spiritual expansion. Wisdom from experience (even mistakes are simply another experience). Grandfather ally. Wholeness comes from embrace who are&take in experience from earth `walk`. Self -forgiveness, sellf-acceptance, release of regret, honor self as a creation and a tool of Divine. Oxygenate blood & increase prana in body. Affirmation: From my heart and my wholeness, I speak my truth with
clarity, certainty and love. Reference: The Book of Stones, Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian

Yellow Calcite ( Honey/golden Calcite)

Chakras: Root, Solar Plexus, Third Eye

Clarity of insight and action, confidence, persistence, intellectual power. Balance the endocrines system. Overcome feelings of overwhelmed and move forward, enhances self confidence and courage. Helps to perceive infinite abundance and to overcome any limiting beliefs in scarcity. Assists in learning and developing skills of all types. Affirmation: I move confidently and effectively to manifest my higher
purpose through my work in the world. Reference: The Book of Stones, Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian

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