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m i n i s t r i o m i n i s t r Y d a s c i d a d e o F c i t i e s s

Presidente da Repblica President of the Republic Luiz Incio Lula da Silva Ministro de Estado das Cidades Minister of Cities Marcio Fortes de Almeida Secretria Nacional de Habitao National Housing Secretary Ins da Silva Magalhes Diretora de Urbanizao de Assentamentos Precrios Director, Slum Upgrading Mirna Quinder Belmino Chaves Diretora de Desenvolvimento Institucional e Cooperao Tcnica Director, Institutional Development and Technical Cooperation Jnia Santa Rosa Diretora Substituta de Produo Habitacional Director, Housing Production Marta Garske

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So Paulo (SP) rodrigo gelmi/stock.Xchng


Chefe da Assessoria de Comunicao Chief Communication Advisor Regina Pires EDIO / EDITORIAL STAFF Coordenadora Editorial Editing Dalva Helena de Souza Editor Geral e Jornalista Responsvel General Editor and Journalist in Charge Mrcio Lima/DRT/MG 2.080 Projeto Grfico Graphic Design Prmio Propaganda | Marcelo Terraza Diagramao e Arte Final Layout and Artwork Marcelo Terraza Fotografias Photographs Cleir Ferraz Freire, Kleyd Junqueira Taboada, Maria Alice Accorsi, Sandra Neves de Andrade, Silvana Tamiazi, UEM Aracaju, UEM Belm, UEM Campo Grande, UEM Guaruj, UEM Ipatinga, UEM Londrina, UEM Mag, UEM Olinda, UEM Osasco, UEM Porto Alegre, UEM Salvador, UEM So Vicente, UEM Vila Velha, todos os municpios que cederam fotos e Stock.xchng Elaborao Texts Cid Blanco, Cleber Lago do Valle Mello Filho, Cleir Ferraz Freire, Elzira Marques Leo, Heliane Furtado Lima, Kleyd Junqueira Taboada, Maria Alice Bueno Accorsi, Mirna Quinder Belmino Chaves, Roberto Sampaio Pedreira, Sandra Neves de Andrade, Silvio Balduino Ribeiro UnIDADE DE COORDEnAO DO PROgRAmA HAbITAR bRASIL/bID (Hbb) COORDINATION UNIT OF THE HABITAR BRASIL/IDB PROGRAM (HBB) Coordenadora-Geral General Coordination Mirna Quinder Belmino Chaves Gerncia Financeira Financial Management Gerente Manager Marcos Chagas Gomes Equipe Tcnica Team Cassia Aparecida Viana, Maria Lcia Colho Vanderley, Yara Yamaguchi de Paiva

Apoio Administrativo Administrative Support Gesse Ramalho dos Santos, Rosanilde Fernandes Lira Diretora do Projeto PNUD BRA 00/019 Director of UNDP BRA Project 00/0019 Jnia Santa Rosa Equipe Team Elane Fonseca de Oliveira Dada, Adilon Srio Silva Moreira, Roberto Sampaio Pedreira, Thiago Machado Martins gERnCIA DO SUbPROgRAmA DE DESEnvOLvImEnTO InSTITUCIOnAL DE mUnICPIOS MANAGEMENT OF THE INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF MUNICIPALITIES SUBPROGRAM Gerente Manager Cleber Lago do Valle Mello Filho Equipe Tcnica Team Heliane Furtado Lima, Maria Alice Bueno Accorsi, Sandra Neves de Andrade, Silvio Balduino Ribeiro Apoio Administrativo Administrative Support Francisco Valdizar da Costa Ferreira, Vdson Cludio de Macedo Lemos gERnCIA DO SUbPROgRAmA URbAnIzAO DE ASSEnTAmEnTOS SUbnORmAIS MANAGEMENT OF THE SLUM UPGRADING SUBPROGRAM Gerente Manager Ambrosino de Serpa Coutinho Equipe Tcnica Team Cleir Ferraz Freire, Elzira Marques Leo, Jos Luis Duarte Silva Serzedelo de Almeida, Kleyd Junqueira Taboada, Marcos Antnio Natal Gomes, Maria Ester Lemos de Andrade, Roberta Machado Teixeira Corbett, Selena Zampronha Moraes, Valdenira Aparecida Lameiras Apoio Administrativo Administrative Support Ailton Velez da Silva, Flavia Gomes da Silva InSTITUIES PARTICIPAnTES PARTICIPATING INSTITUTIONS Banco Interamericano de Desenvolvimento (BID) Inter-American Development Bank IDB Especialista Setorial Sector Specialist Cludia Nery/Patrcia Bakaj

Programa das Naes Unidas para o Desenvolvimento (PNUD) United Nations Development Program - UNDP Oficial de Programas Unidade de Governo: Government Units Program Officer Plnio de Assis Pereira Jnior Caixa Econmica Federal (CEF) Brazilian Federal Savings Bank Vice-presidente de Governo Vice-president for Urban Development Jorge Fontes Hereda Governos municipais, estaduais e do Distrito Federal Municipal, State and Federal District Governments guas Lindas/GO - Ananindeua/PA - Anpolis/ GO - Aparecida de Goinia/GO - Aracaju/SE Araguana/TO - Arapiraca/AL - Barra Mansa/ RJ - Bayeux/PB - Belm/PA - Belford Roxo/RJ Belo Horizonte/MG - Biguau/SC - Boa Vista/ RR - Cabo de Santo Agostinho/PE - Camaari/BA - Campina Grande do Sul/PR - Campina Grande/ PB - Campo Grande/MS - Candeias/BA - Caxias do Sul/RS - Cidade Ocidental/GO - Colombo/PR Coqueiro Seco/AL - Cricima/SC - Cristalina/GO Cubato/SP - Cuiab/MT - Curitiba/PR - Diadema/ SP - Dourados/MS - Duque de Caxias/RJ - Feira de Santana/BA - Florianpolis/SC - Formosa/ GO - Fortaleza/CE - Goiana/PE - Goinia/GO - Governador Valadares/MG - Guaruj/SP Guarulhos/SP - Ilhus/BA - Ipatinga/MG - Itabora/ RJ - Itabuna/BA - Itaja/SC - Itapecerica da Serra/ SP - Itapevi/SP - Itapira/SP - Japeri/RJ - Jaragu do Sul/SC - Jequi/BA - Joo Pessoa/PB - Joinville/SC - Juiz de Fora/MG - Lauro de Freitas/BA - Leme/SP - Londrina/PR - Macap/AP - Macei/AL - Mag/ RJ - Manaus/AM - Mau/SP - Mirassol/SP - Montes Claros/MG - Moreno/PE - Natal/RN - Niteri/RJ Nossa Senhora do Socorro/SE - Nova Iguau/RJ Novo Gama/GO - Olinda/PE - Osasco/SP - Palhoa/ SC - Palmas/TO - Parnaba/PI - Parnamirim/RN Paulista/PE - Pirenpolis/GO - Planaltina/GO Porto Alegre/RS - Porto Velho/RO - Queimados/ RJ - Recife/PE - Resende/RJ - Rio Branco/AC Rio de Janeiro/RJ - Rio Largo/AL - Salvador/BA Santa Luzia do Norte/AL - Santa Luzia/MG - Santo Amaro/BA - Santo Andr/SP - Santo Antnio do Descoberto/GO - Santos/SP - So Bernardo do Campo/SP - So Carlos/SP - So Jos do Rio Preto/ SP - So Gonalo/RJ - So Joo de Meriti/RJ - So Jos dos Campos/SP - So Jos/SC - So Leopoldo/ RS - So Luis/MA - So Vicente/SP - Satuba/AL - Serra/ES - Simes Filho/BA - Taboo da Serra/ SP - Teresina/PI - Timteo/MG - Trindade/GO Uberaba/MG - Valparaso/GO - Vrzea Grande/ MT - Vila Velha/ES - Vitria/ES - Ji Paran/RO Estado da Bahia - Estado do Cear - Estado do Mato Grosso do Sul - Estado de Pernambuco - Estado do Rio de Janeiro - Distrito Federal; Construtoras e consultorias contratadas Traduo Hilda Lemos telefone 61 2108-1414 Setor de Autarquias Sul Quadra 1, lotes 01/06. bloco H, ed. Telemundi II 70070-010 Braslia, DF

7 Verso em Portugus / Portuguese Version
7 9 11 19 23 53 Apresentao Introduo O Quadro Urbano Brasileiro Fortalecimento Institucional do Ministrio das Cidades Subprograma de Desenvolvimento Institucional de Municpios Subprograma de Urbanizao de Assentamentos Subnormais

74 English Version / Verso em Ingls

74 75 76 80 82 95 Foreword Introduction The Brazilian Urban Scenario Institutional Strengthening of the Ministry of Cities Institutional Development of Municipalities Subprogram Squatter Settlements Upgrading Subprogram

103 Anexo / Annex

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ais de um bilho de pessoas no mundo tm como lar assentamentos precrios nas cidades. Na Amrica Latina e Caribe, so 128 milhes de pessoas, de acordo com a ONU. Entre as oito Metas de Desenvolvimento do Milnio, est a erradicao, at 2015, da extrema pobreza em todas as 191 naes-membros da organizao. Alm dessa, deve-se assegurar sustentabilidade para, no mnimo, 100 milhes de habitantes dos assentamentos do mundo at 2020. A ONU adverte, ainda, que alarmante a previso de que, em 30 anos, pode ser duplicado para dois bilhes o nmero de habitantes dos assentamentos precrios. Tambm espantoso que, hoje, 40% da populao urbana dos paises em desenvolvimento morem em condies precrias. Garantir moradia e sustentabilidade s famlias de assentamentos tem sido um dos principais objetivos do programa Habitar Brasil/BID, desde a criao do Ministrio das Cidades em 2003. Hoje, o programa j beneficia mais de 89 mil famlias, em 119 municpios brasileiros, propiciando habitao digna em reas urbanizadas, novos bairros das cidades. Assegurar os recursos para aplicao nas obras e integrar os projetos de urbanizao formam o eixo central da poltica implantada no programa Habitar Brasil/ BID pelo Governo Federal, por meio do Ministrio das Cidades. A liberao dos recursos ano a ano foi garantida em dezembro de 2004 junto ao BID. Com o acordo, o dinheiro ingressa anualmente no Oramento Geral da Unio. Hoje, existe programao oramentria para at 2010.

Outra inovao implantada pelo ministrio foi a de integrar todos os projetos de urbanizao. Obras de engenharia e aes de trabalho social correm paralelas para atender necessidades da populao, levantadas em diagnstico para a elaborao do programa. Concludas, essas obras integradas transformam rea carente em novo bairro da cidade. Duas aes so essencialmente estruturantes dentro do projeto integrado: Em primeiro lugar, a regularizao fundiria que promove a cidadania, d um endereo ao morador, efetivando sua incluso social ao fornecer-lhe um titulo de propriedade. A segunda ao, o trabalho social com a comunidade, desenvolve-se com trs objetivos principais: mobilizao e organizao do aglomerado; educao sanitria e ambiental; e gerao de trabalho e renda. Mesmo aps a concluso das obras e sua efetiva entrega aos beneficiados, o programa continua sua atuao na comunidade por um ano, orientando e capacitando a populao. Esta publicao tem a inteno de mostrar de maneira transparente o trabalho feito por ns e nossos parceiros para o bom xito do Programa Habitar Brasil/BID. O Brasil vem lutando, sem dvida, para cumprir as Metas de Desenvolvimento do Milnio, documento da ONU do qual signatrio, contando com os bons resultados do Programa Habitar Brasil/BID. Marcio Fortes de Almeida Ministro de Estado das Cidades

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o Brasil, at o final dos anos 1970, grande parte dos programas e polticas desenvolvidos para o equacionamento do problema das favelas tinha como premissa a remoo total desses assentamentos. Essas remoes tiveram resultados desastrosos, com transferncia das famlias para conjuntos habitacionais localizados nas periferias distantes e desprovidos de qualquer tipo de infra-estrutura. Com o processo de redemocratizao, multiplicaram-se pelo pas experincias de urbanizao de favelas com manuteno da populao no prprio local, garantindo a propriedade da terra para essas famlias. No decorrer dos anos, esses projetos foram aprimorados e passaram a contemplar tambm aes socioeducativas e de gerao de emprego e renda. Superar tais problemas exige polticas sociais articuladas e integradas, conferindo poltica urbana um papel central, com aes executadas na mesma velocidade em que crescem as cidades e as necessidades sociais. Nesse contexto, a criao do Ministrio das Cidades, em janeiro de 2003, traduz no apenas um novo arranjo institucional, mas uma mudana de postura para se enfrentar as questes relacionadas ao desenvolvimento urbano no pas. A criao de uma instncia especfica, responsvel pela formulao e coordenao das polticas

nacionais de habitao, saneamento, mobilidade, trnsito e transporte urbano, coloca na pauta as demandas do movimento popular por uma poltica urbana participativa e, em primeiro plano, a preocupao do Governo Federal com as cidades brasileiras. O Programa Habitar Brasil/BID, gerido pelo Ministrio das Cidades por meio de financiamento do Banco Interamericano de Desenvolvimento, uma dessas experincias que buscam resolver o problema da habitao de forma integrada com diversos setores. Ademais, ele possui um componente de desenvolvimento institucional que visa melhorar as condies de estados e municpios no enfrentamento de seus dficits habitacionais. Esse componente tambm permitiu um melhor conhecimento do problema habitacional brasileiro pelo prprio ministrio. O objetivo desta publicao registrar no apenas os resultados obtidos com o programa, mas principalmente disseminar sua metodologia de interveno. No momento em que estamos consolidando o Sistema Nacional de Habitao de Interesse Social, este tipo de publicao de extrema importncia para a divulgao dos trabalhos que vm sendo desenvolvidos em parceria com as demais esferas de governo, visando a melhoria das condies de vida das populaes dos assentamentos precrios do pas. Ins da Silva Magalhes Secretria Nacional de Habitao

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So Paulo (SP) rodrigo gelmi/stock.Xchng

So Paulo (SP) rodrigo gelmi/stock.Xchng

O Quadro Urbano Brasileiro

as ltimas dcadas, o Brasil viveu um intenso processo de urbanizao. Enquanto, em 1940, a populao urbana do pas representava 31,24% do total, em 2005 ela cresceu para 82,8%. Essa urbanizao acelerada tem dupla caracterstica: concentrao populacional em grandes aglomerados urbanos e disperso em um grande nmero de pequenos municpios. Enquanto 54,2% dos brasileiros vivem em apenas 4,8% das cidades, os demais vivem em 95,2%. Nas regies metropolitanas de Belm, Fortaleza, Recife, Salvador, Belo Horizonte, Rio de Janeiro, So Paulo, Curitiba e Porto Alegre, existem 16,3 milhes de domiclios. Desses, 1,9 milhes localiza-se em aglomerados subnormais. O dficit habitacional, nessas regies metropolitanas, de 2,2 milhes, representando 28,8% do nacional. Os municpios com menos de 100 mil habitantes so 5.297 e apenas 14 tm mais de 1 milho de pessoas. Estes representam 0,25% do total, mas contm 20,6% da populao. Nos municpios que possuem entre 100 mil e 1 milho, vivem os demais 33,6% dos brasileiros.

Belo Horizonte (MG) antonio filho/stock.Xchng

Morro das Pedras, Belo Horizonte (MG)


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Essa concentrao urbana, associada aos baixos nveis de investimento nas cidades e ausncia de planejamento e gesto do solo adequados, trouxe, como conseqncia, graves problemas habitacionais. Eles se apresentam sob a forma de proliferao de moradias de baixa qualidade construtiva e construo desordenada em reas imprprias para uso habitacional. Aliam-se, baixa qualidade da construo, as caractersticas socioeconmicas dessas famlias, que demandam necessidades de atendimento em programas de assistncia e de incluso social. Do mesmo modo, os pequenos e mdios municpios tambm apresentam problemas urbanos srios, na maioria das vezes, agravados pela dificuldade de acessarem os recursos para investimentos em infra-estrutura urbana e construo habitacional.

os indicadores disponveis no Censo de 2000, o Brasil terminou o sculo XX com 3.905 favelas espalhadas por seu territrio. Um aumento absoluto de 717 (22,5%) desde o Censo de 1991, e de 557 (16,6%) desde a contagem de 1996 - 3.348 favelas. Enquanto o parque domiciliar cresceu, na ltima dcada, 1,01% ao ano, o aumento de domiclios favelados foi de 4,18%. A taxa de crescimento de domiclios favelados superou, em muito, a do crescimento domiciliar entre 1991 e 2000.

Programa Habitar Brasil/BID

O Governo Federal concebeu, em parceria com o Banco Interamericano de Desenvolvimento (BID), um programa voltado superao das condies de subnormalidade em reas perifricas, por meio da implantao de projetos integrados, associada capacitao tcnica e administrativa dos municpios. O Programa Habitar Brasil/BID (HBB) foi, desse modo, idealizado como um projeto para financiamento de obras e aes nas capitais ou municpios integrantes de regies metropolitanas e aglomerados urbanos. Firmado em setembro de 1999, o acordo de emprstimo entre a Unio e o BID criou o aparato normativo e oramentrio necessrio. Ficou formatado, assim, o HBB, com os seguintes objetivos:

Assentamentos precrios
A precariedade da moradia se caracteriza por vrios aspectos: pela irregularidade fundiria e/ou urbanstica; pela deficincia de infra-estrutura; pela ocupao de reas sujeitas a alagamentos, deslizamentos ou outros tipos de risco; pela alta densidade dos assentamentos e das edificaes, combinada precariedade construtiva das unidades habitacionais; pelas enormes distncias existentes entre moradia e trabalho, associadas a sistemas de transporte deficitrio, caros e com alto nvel de desconforto e insegurana; e pela insuficincia dos servios pblicos em geral, principalmente os de saneamento, educao e sade. A esse conjunto de carncias somam-se problemas sociais que configuram, muitas vezes, situaes de extrema vulnerabilidade, tambm sujeitas, e de forma cada vez mais significativa, ao domnio desses espaos populares por uma ordem baseada na violncia. Ainda que a precariedade da moradia popular tenha grande visibilidade material e simblica na sociedade brasileira, ocupando os espaos das cidades e da mdia, no existem informaes que permitam quantificao ou caracterizao de forma precisa. Embora com certo grau de subestimao, segundo

contribuir para elevar os padres de habitabilidade e de qualidade de vida das famlias, predominantemente daquelas com renda mensal de at trs salrios mnimos, que residam em assentamentos subnormais localizados em regies metropolitanas, aglomeraes urbanas e capitais; estimular os governos municipais a desenvolver esforos para atenuar os problemas dessas reas, tanto nos efeitos quanto nas causas, inclusive as institucionais que os originam; e aprofundar o conhecimento setorial dos problemas de habitao e infra-estrutura urbana do pas.

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Para atingir esses objetivos, o programa foi dividido em dois subprogramas cujas aes so interdependentes e de execuo simultnea:

Subprograma de Desenvolvimento Institucional de Municpios (DI), com o objetivo de capacitar as prefeituras em todos os aspectos pertinentes gesto do setor habitacional urbano, e desenvolver aes de capacitao e estudos setoriais de interesse, no mbito da poltica nacional; e Subprograma de Urbanizao de Assentamentos Subnormais (UAS), que trata da implantao e execuo de projetos integrados para urbanizao de assentamentos subnormais.

Uma inovao importante do programa a associao das intervenes urbanas com o componente de apoio tcnico e financeiro para aperfeioar, modernizar e capacitar as prefeituras. A meta melhorar a atuao local na soluo dos problemas urbanos e habitacionais das cidades, como pr-requisito para o acesso aos recursos destinados s obras e ao social. A estratgia de se estabelecer que os municpios s teriam acesso aos recursos para urbanizao de assentamentos medida que avanassem nas aes de desenvolvimento institucional constitui ponto estrutural do programa. Por outro lado, est aberta a possibilidade para que sejam desenvolvidas somente aes de desenvolvimento institucional. A execuo de projetos integrados de urbanizao outra caracterstica importante, pois equipes multidisciplinares atuam em conjunto no trato de diversos aspectos da questo urbana, nas reas ambiental, social, fundiria e de engenharia. Os projetos, necessariamente, contemplam aes, obras e servios que proporcionam a supera-

o das condies de subnormalidade dos assentamentos habitacionais irregulares, carentes de servios pblicos essenciais, incorporando-os cidade formal, resultando, ao final, em intervenes de urbanizao sustentvel. Ademais, nenhum outro programa da esfera federal traz, na sua concepo, o destaque e a relevncia para o componente social como este. A participao ativa da comunidade local, desde o planejamento da proposta at a concluso das obras e, um ano aps, a ocupao, so pontos basilares para o sucesso da interveno. Para tanto, so executados projetos de apoio, orientao e mobilizao da comunidade, de capacitao profissional, de gerao de trabalho e renda, e de educao sanitria e ambiental. Importante tambm constatar que os dois requisitos bsicos definidos para operacionalizao do programa, quais sejam: a constituio de uma unidade responsvel pela execuo, que recebeu o nome de Unidade Executora Municipal (UEM), e a elaborao de um Plano Estratgico Municipal para Assentamentos Subnormais (PEMAS), alm de garantirem as condies mnimas, revelaram-se importantes fomentadores do amadurecimento do setor habitacional. Por outro lado, as UEMs contriburam para a dinamizao das atividades ligadas habitao de baixa renda e a afirmao de uma cultura de planejamento, a partir do conhecimento da realidade. Em boa parte dos casos, elas se tornaram embries da constituio de rgos responsveis pela poltica habitacional local.

Agentes envolvidos
Participam do programa a Repblica Federativa do Brasil, no papel de muturia do emprstimo; o BID, mutuante do emprstimo; o Ministrio das Cidades (MCidades), rgo gestor central, por meio da Unidade de Coordenao do Programa (UCP); os estados, os municpios e o Distrito


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Federal (DF), agentes executores e beneficirios dos investimentos; e a Caixa Econmica Federal (CEF), empresa pblica contratada pela Unio para prestar servio de orientao aos agentes e operacionalizao do programa.

O valor do programa est, atualmente, fixado em US$ 298,9 milhes, sendo:
l l l

US$ 120 milhes da Unio (40%); US$ 178,9 milhes do BID (60%); e 2% a 20%, sobre o valor total dos investimentos, de contrapartida dos estados, municpios e DF.

Os recursos so repassados aos estados, municpios e DF de maneira no onerosa, sob forma de transferncia voluntria da Unio, mediante assinatura de contratos de repasse firmados com a CEF, mandatria da Unio nessas operaes.

Capacitao de 119 municpios, com a implantao de aes, para:

atuar no planejamento e na gesto das questes voltadas ao setor habitacional, por meio da criao de instrumentos que permitam a regularizao dos assentamentos subnormais nos aspectos urbanstico, institucional e ambiental; criar polticas e programas que propiciem condies para ampliao da oferta de habitao de baixo custo, bem como controle e desestmulo s ocupaes irregulares; adequar a regulao urbanstica aos padres locais, levando em considerao as condies da populao;

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Imbirussu-Serradinho, Campo Grande (MS)

Alagados, Salvador (BA)


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l l

Creche em Renascer, Dourados (MS)

capacitar as equipes tcnicas e modernizar os equipamentos e instrumentos da rea habitacional; e Contratar 119 projetos de urbanizao de assentamento subnormal, em 84 municpios, com aes, obras e servios voltados para: l regularizao fundiria; l implantao de saneamento bsico e infra-estrutura urbana; l recuperao ambiental; l construo de unidades habitacionais bsicas e de mdulos hidrulicos, bem como recuperao e melhoria habitacional; l construo e funcionamento de equipamentos urbanos, tais como: creche, escola, posto de sade, centro de convivncia e de gerao de renda, quadra esportiva e rea de lazer; e l apoio ao desenvolvimento comunitrio, para as famlias residentes na rea do projeto, por intermdio do desenvolvimento de processos voltados para organizao representativa da populao; capacitao de lideranas; educao popular; educao sanitria e ambiental; e implantao de atividades voltadas a capacitao profissional e gerao de trabalho e renda.

Entrega de ttulo, Santa Luzia, Campo Grande (MS)

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Seminrio regional para discusso do Plano Nacional de Habitao - PLANHAB

Fortalecimento Institucional do Ministrio das Cidades

ara construir a Poltica Nacional de Desenvolvimento Urbano, o Ministrio das Cidades (MCidades) concentrou-se na promoo de sua capacidade institucional e estrutura organizacional interna. Isso se deu por meio do planejamento, da integrao e da execuo de aes, considerando-se as diretrizes estabelecidas no Estatuto da Cidade e na Conferncia Nacional das Cidades, nas discusses do Conselho das Cidades (ConCidades), nas polticas urbanas setoriais e, principalmente, na sua misso de garantir o direito cidade a todos, promovendo a universalizao do acesso terra urbanizada e moradia digna, ao saneamento ambiental, ao trnsito e mobilidade com segurana, e ao meio ambiente saudvel, por meio da gesto democrtica. Para alcanar o desenvolvimento institucional, o MCidades implementou uma srie de aes, visando ampliar, modernizar e fortalecer sua capacidade de formulao e gesto das polticas pblicas. Nesse sentido, as principais atividades basearam-se em:

1| Preparao e utilizao de instrumentos normativos no mbito federal, como, por exemplo: proposta de reviso e substitutivo da Lei n 6.766, que trata do parcelamento do solo; Projeto de lei da Poltica e do Sistema Nacional de Habitao; e Projeto de Lei Complementar, para fixao de normas de cooperao, metas e prioridades da Unio sobre as polticas de desenvolvimento urbano com estados, regies metropolitanas, municpios e DF; 2| Melhoramento dos sistemas de informao e estatstica setorial, ampliando-se os padres de eficcia e eficincia na formulao e conduo da Poltica Nacional de Habitao e na sua integrao com as demais polticas setoriais de desenvolvimento urbano, ao dar continuidade aos estudos sobre as principais caractersticas do setor habitacional, o dficit habitacional e a inadequao dos domiclios. A realizao desse trabalho possibilitou a construo de um banco de dados e a publicao de Dficit Habitacional no Brasil Municpios Selecionados e Microrregies Geogrficas, em continuidade a outras publicaes; 3| Fortalecimento da capacidade tcnica para a formulao de polticas integradas e normas seto-

riais, tendo a capacitao e a informao como os dois elementos fundamentais. A sua promoo tem o objetivo de atender aos requisitos de eficcia e eficincia na execuo de programas e projetos; e 4| Elaborao de estudos e pesquisas; divulgao de informaes setoriais.

Poltica nacional
O MCidades elegeu cinco pontos fundamentais para consolidar a estrutura da Poltica Nacional de Desenvolvimento Urbano: o financiamento do desenvolvimento urbano; as questes federativas e o direito urbanstico; as questes regionais e metropolitanas; o processo participativo e o controle social na poltica de desenvolvimento urbano; e a capacidade institucional do setor habitacional. Para tratar esses temas, foi fundamental a realizao de 2 Conferncia Nacional das Cidades, precedida de conferncias municipais e regionais. Esse processo teve duas grandes conquistas histricas: a definio, de forma democrtica, da Poltica Nacional de Desenvolvimento Urbano e a consolidao e legitimao do MCidades como rgo federal responsvel pelo desenvolvimento urbano do pas.


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Outra etapa relevante foi a elaborao da srie de publicaes intitulada Cadernos MCidades, criada para promover o debate das polticas e propostas formuladas. Entre essas obras, esto: Poltica Nacional de Desenvolvimento Urbano; Participao e Controle Social; Programas Urbanos; Habitao; Saneamento; Transporte e Mobilidade Urbana; Trnsito; e Capacitao e Informao.

Setor habitacional
No setor habitacional, o MCidades priorizou a realizao de estudos tcnicos e especializados, como o Plano Nacional de Habitao (PLANHAB), que dever apresentar a estratgia de enfrentamento das necessidades habitacionais do pas at 2020, definindo, a partir da caracterizao do cenrio atual do setor habitacional, diretrizes, objetivos, metas fsico-financeiras, linhas programticas, instrumentos, mecanismos de articulao e alocao dos recursos previstos no Sistema Nacional de Habitao de Interesse Social (SNHIS), Fundo Nacional de Habitao de Interesse Social (FNHIS) e outros, bem como prioridades de investimento. Para a elaborao do PLANHAB, so necess-

rias informaes complementares aos estudos sobre o dficit habitacional. Por essa razo, a Poltica Nacional de Habitao tem como um de seus eixos estratgicos a construo e a consolidao de um Sistema de Informao do Setor Habitacional, parte integrante do Sistema Nacional de Informaes das Cidades (SNIC), no mbito geral da Poltica de Informaes (PIC) do MCidades. Nesse sentido, est em curso o desenvolvimento de aplicaes de geoprocessamento em assentamentos precrios de base municipal, contendo indicadores e variveis sobre as capacidades administrativas, as condies socioeconmicas e habitacionais de favelas e similares, que constituiro o Sistema Nacional de Informaes Municipais Georeferenciadas, assim como a projeo da demanda demogrfica habitacional. Estudos efetuados para regies e estados, com um horizonte at 2020, e para municpios cuja estimativa deve se estender at 2010, tambm contribuiro para elaborao do PLANHAB. Dentro do processo de interlocuo com a sociedade e os entes federativos, etapa essencial para elaborao do PLANHAB, foram realizados seminrios nas cinco regies, reunies tcnicas, oficinas e consultas aos conselhos de participao e controle social da rea habitacional.

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Dique de Vila Gilda, Santos ( SP)

Dique de Vila Gilda, Santos (SP) - Levantamentos

Subprograma de Desenvolvimento Institucional de Municpios

uxiliar as prefeituras no enfrentamento dos desafios das questes urbana e habitacional foi a estratgia adotada pelo Ministrio das Cidades (MCidades) ao criar o Subprograma de Desenvolvimento Institucional de Municpios (DI), no mbito do Programa Habitar Brasil/BID (HBB). O subprograma DI tem como objetivos criar ou aperfeioar instrumentos que permitam a regularizao dos assentamentos subnormais, nas dimenses urbanstica, institucional e ambiental, bem como propiciar condies para ampliao da oferta de habitaes de baixo custo, adequando os padres urbansticos e administrativos s condies socioeconmicas da populao de baixa renda. Objetiva tambm implantar estratgias de controle e desestmulo ocupao irregular de reas e aperfeioar a capacidade tcnica das equipes que atuam no setor urbano-habitacional. Com a construo da nova Poltica Nacional de Habitao a partir de 2003, tendo como princpios a descentralizao, a transparncia e a participao democrtica, passou a ser fundamental a estruturao dos agentes pblicos em todos os nveis de governo, para exercerem um papel ativo na superao do problema habitacional brasileiro. O desenvolvimento institucional dos municpios de forma sustentvel torna-se, portanto, requisito bsico para o sucesso das polticas urbana e habitacional, em qualquer nvel de governo.

Assim, como componente estratgico do programa, o subprograma DI passou a cumprir um papel relevante e precursor no apoio s prefeituras, ao introduzir, na agenda das equipes e dos gestores municipais, a importncia do conhecimento da realidade urbana e habitacional de seus territrios e da adoo de novos e eficientes instrumentos para o setor.

O que o subprograma DI financia

Para o cumprimento dos objetivos, o subprograma DI financia aes dos municpios, nas seguintes modalidades: a| elaborao e implementao de estudos e planos visando o fortalecimento institucional dos municpios nas reas habitacional e urbana, sendo financiadas aes para elaborao de planos diretores urbanos e projetos de legislao urbanstica, planos e subsdios para regularizao fundiria e urbanstica, caracterizao de assentamentos precrios, estudos para modernizao da gesto administrativa do setor habitacional e urbano; b| treinamento e capacitao de equipes tcnicas das prefeituras, especialmente nas reas de legislao e

gesto urbanstica e ambiental, cartografia, cadastro tcnico, processamento de dados, elaborao, acompanhamento e avaliao de projetos; c| aquisio de equipamentos, desde que justificada a necessidade, para suporte da equipe municipal responsvel pelo projeto, assim como para modernizao do setor administrativo responsvel pela poltica habitacional; e d| apoio implementao de sistemas de informao, incluindo contratao de mapeamentos e levantamentos aerofotogramtricos, imagens de satlite, montagem e complementao de cadastros imobilirios e atualizao de plantas de valores.

Passo inicial para as atividades do municpio no programa e condio para acesso aos recursos, o Plano Estratgico Municipal para Assentamentos Subnormais (PEMAS) constituiu-se no documento que permitiu o entendimento sobre o setor habitacional, facilitando anlises comparativas. A elaborao do PEMAS seguiu uma metodologia especfica de trabalho composta de trs itens bsicos: o preenchimento de um roteiro com as informaes sobre


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a situao do setor urbano/habitacional do municpio; a leitura e a avaliao dos dados do roteiro, que propiciaram o desenvolvimento de um diagnstico do setor, contendo as fragilidades e tambm as opes de soluo; a construo de uma matriz com objetivos especficos, metas e respectivos indicadores de aferio. O processo de elaborao do PEMAS levou as equipes municipais a aprofundar o conhecimento e a sistematizao da situao habitacional, a obter uma noo clara da dimenso do problema e, portanto, a vislumbrar os instrumentos necessrios para equacion-lo. Os PEMAS constituem-se em um inestimvel acervo de informaes para o processo de planejamento habitacional e urbano dos municpios. Eles tm servido, em alguns casos, no apenas para assegurar a participao do municpio no programa, mas tambm para apoiar a formulao de planos e projetos de outros programas de financiamento. Foram contratados repasses para 119 municpios, dos quais 104 encontram-se com o PEMAS em implementao, envolvendo investimentos de R$ 60 milhes, alm do desenvolvimento de mil aes para a consecuo de 1.334 metas das matrizes. Depoimentos O PEMAS motivou o Municpio de Salvador a recriar a Secretaria de Habitao, em 2001; as aes do PEMAS so o plano de trabalho da Secretaria. Aes como regularizao fundiria, com mais de 10 mil cadastros j realizados, e arquitetura pblica, com mais de 300 projetos finalizados, so o resultado do trabalho motivado pelo PEMAS. Fernando Medrado, secretrio de Habitao do Municpio de Salvador (BA) 2002. O Programa de Desenvolvimento Institucional do Habitar Brasil/BID foi fundamental para que tivssemos um diagnstico do nosso municpio e assim pudssemos nortear aes concretas visando seu desenvolvimento integrado. Maria Rita de Cssia Singulano, secretria de Obras e coordenadora da UEM de So Jos dos Campos (SP) 2002.

No resta dvida de que, em decorrncia do diagnstico elaborado para execuo do PEMAS, o municpio pde detectar seus pontos crticos quanto capacidade institucional, precipuamente ligados rea habitacional, definindo-se as aes que constariam da matriz do PEMAS. Tnia Mara Ramos Guedes, coordenadora da UEM de Barra Mansa (RJ) 2006. Em Niteri, a publicao do PEMAS foi uma das aes contempladas no segundo contrato de DI e teve por objetivo servir de ferramenta para todos os agentes sociais envolvidos no processo de enfrentamento da problemtica habitacional e fundiria do municpio. Podemos dizer que o PEMAS se tornou um instrumento dinmico no planejamento municipal e que as aes vislumbradas em 2004 comearam a ser implementadas imediatamente, o que nos fez optar por publicar este plano de forma atualizada at junho de 2006, sinalizando qual tem sido o andamento das aes previstas e destacando quais os desafios que temos que enfrentar na sua implementao. Luis Fernando Valverde, coordenador da UEM de Niteri (RJ) 2006.

A subnormalidade habitacional
A habitao subnormal uma das manifestaes mais evidentes da grande desigualdade social existente no pas. No entanto, apesar da magnitude do problema, sabe-se de forma incompleta e insatisfatria seus contornos e exatas propores, por falta de indicadores mais adequados. Isso, por um lado, dificulta a formulao de polticas pblicas mais apropriadas a cada situao e, por outro, confunde e impede uma cobrana mais eficiente, pelas lideranas sociais, sobre a ao do governo nesse setor. Levantamentos efetuados a partir dos roteiros para elaborao do PEMAS em 106 municpios demonstram que cerca de 24% dos domiclios, aproximadamente 2,8 milhes, so caracterizados como subnormais, por se encontrarem em favelas ou assentamentos clandestinos, ou por sua localizao em cortios ou outras formas no enquadradas nas situaes mencionadas.

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O enfrentamento dessa questo demanda, por um lado, a definio clara do quadro existente, a partir de indicadores adequados e confiveis que permitam um diagnstico preciso do problema. Por outro lado, pressupe um planejamento das aes a serem implementadas, com definio de prazos, fontes de recursos, formas de abordagem dos problemas e hierarquizao das medidas. O programa, dentro desse enfoque, estimula os municpios a investir recursos no conhecimento detalhado da, realidade, por meio da caracterizao dos assentamentos subnormais existentes e de suas hierarquizao. A caracterizao dos assentamentos se d em duas vertentes complementares: a| levantamentos fsicos, em que fiquem caracterizados os limites, acidentes naturais e topografia das reas que sero objeto da interveno do poder pblico; e b| levantamentos urbansticos e socioeconmicos, em que fiquem caracterizados a precariedade dos servios pblicos existentes, o tipo de moradia predominante, a incidncia de doenas, a renda mdia da populao residente, a situao fundiria, o grau de interveno pblica j efetuada e o grau de organizao da comunidade, entre outros. Com base nesses levantamentos, o municpio se instrumentaliza para estabelecer um diagnstico preciso de cada uma das reas subnormais, possibilitando-se a formulao de uma poltica habitacional consistente, baseada em dados concretos, bem como o planejamento das aes a serem desenvolvidas. O subprograma DI determina que os municpios, ao elaborarem seus PEMAS, incluam, no diagnstico da situao urbana e habitacional, a hierarquizao das reas subnormais. Em 103 municpios, foram implementadas aes envolvendo a caracterizao dos assentamentos subnormais, com investimentos de R$ 9 milhes. Depoimentos Com a relao/hierarquizao das reas subnormais, a PMNSS ter uma fotografia atual da subnormalidade de forma qualitativa e quantitativa, o que permitir se avaliar as aes corretivas do poder pblico, bem como se desenvolver um processo de congelamento e implantao de polticas de controle de novas invases. PEMAS de Nossa Senhora do Socorro (SE).
Cartograma para caracterizao de ZEIS, Recife (PE)
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Iniciada sua participao no Programa Habitar Brasil/BID, em 2004, o Municpio de Niteri deu incio a um projeto de mapeamento e sistematizao de dados referentes s reas de ocupao precria. A identificao de cerca de 100 assentamentos, nos 64 polgonos existentes, foi considerada ao prioritria pelo municpio. Durante a hierarquizao dos assentamentos discutida no mbito do HBB, embora as carncias encontradas nos assentamentos tornem difcil definir em qual dessas comunidades a interveno se torna mais prioritria, foi definida uma estratgia considerando todas as possibilidades de ao. Como desdobramento da experincia iniciada no cadastramento das reas e da participao em outros programas do governo federal, est sendo desenvolvida uma metodologia de hierarquizao e eleio de projetos.

Informaes urbansticas
A ausncia de conhecimento sobre o territrio municipal um dos problemas bsicos enfrentados pelas administraes locais aliada falta de instrumentais, tem dificultado a gesto de informaes, atividade fundamental para o planejamento urbano. Nos diagnsticos dos PEMAS, foi comum verificar a inexistncia de mapeamento de cadastro imobilirio atualizado. Tambm ficou evidenciada a carncia dos municpios em relao a dados atualizados do seu territrio construdo e natural, no que diz respeito s edificaes, sistema virio e redes de infra-estrutura e servios, assim como quanto a banco de dados sociais e econmicos sobre a populao que nele habita. A montagem do Sistema de Informaes Urbansticas inclui aes como aquisio de imagens de satlite, elaborao de levantamentos aerofotogramtricos e cadastros tcnicos, criao de banco de dados e elaborao e montagem de sistemas de informaes georreferenciadas. Considera ainda planejar e providenciar a aquisio de computadores, softwares e perifricos necessrios sua implementao, alm do treinamento para operacionalizao.

Aerofotogrametria, Campina Grande do Sul (PR)

Equipamentos instalados, Colombo (PR)

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Rede de gua potvel / Sistema de Informao Territorial e Urbana do Distrito Federal


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Uso e ocupao do solo/ Sistema de Informao Territorial e Urbana do Distrito Federal

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Foram contratadas 348 dessas aes em 108 municpios, totalizando R$ 33 milhes em investimento. Por serem essas aes de relativa rapidez de implementao, o resultado facilmente averiguado na mudana ocorrida nos municpios. Ficam visveis desde pequenos lotes de computadores, para a equipe municipal, at a implementao de setores especficos de georreferenciamento, dando o destaque merecido ao setor habitacional, dentro da estrutura de gesto. O HBB destinou recursos para complementao dos cadastros municipais com dados dos setores habitacionais irregulares, para i nclu-los no planejamento municipal. Muitas vezes, os municpios j dispunham at de sofisticado sistema de informaes para registros e cobrana de impostos, que no contemplavam essas reas, nem eram conectados aos bancos de dados dos setores habitacionais. Alm de elaborar e implementar o sistema de informaes, o municpio deve cuidar constantemente da atualizao dos dados, considerando a dinmica das transformaes urbanas que ocorrem nas cidades. A coleta e a sistematizao de dados uma atividade permanente e necessria para dar suporte s aes de planejamento e gesto. E, para isso, fundamental que o municpio invista tambm na capacitao do corpo tcnico e na criao de departamentos especializados com esse objetivo. Experincias O municpio de Barra Mansa (RJ) adquiriu e instalou computadores nos setores de controle urbano, na gerncia de habitao e no ncleo de geoprocessamento. O uso dos equipamentos tem sido de grande valia na elaborao de cadastros e projetos de urbanizao e regularizao fundiria dos assentamentos precrios, alm de no atendimento de solicitaes da Defensoria Pblica, desenvolvendo um servio de engenharia social. A aquisio de geoprocessadores (GPS) de preciso milimtrica tem sido muito til nas aes de mapeamento, tornando possvel a implantao de marcos geodsicos na rea urbana, o apoio Diviso de Fiscalizao de Obras e o acompanhamento da expanso de ncleos habitacionais.

O municpio de So Jos dos Campos (SP) adquiriu o mapeamento cartogrfico e contratou servios tcnicos para o Sistema de Informaes Georreferenciadas (SIG), criando um setor especfico para esse fim. Esse servio incluiu a elaborao e a implantao do sistema, alm da aquisio de equipamentos e a interligao das secretarias do municpio em rede, trabalhando em conjunto na alimentao dos dados de cada setor. O municpio disponibiliza grande parte desse material na internet e colhe resultados da aplicao desse instrumental nas aes de planejamento tais como o Plano Diretor recm finalizado, o Programa de Regularizao Fundiria e o Programa de Preveno de reas de Risco. So Jos do Rio Preto (SP) adquiriu imagens de satlite com preciso cartogrfica, alm de software apropriado para processamento digital de imagens e ortorretificao. Os servios contratados incluram tambm a qualificao dos recursos humanos para tornar esse setor independente de terceirizao, barateando o processo de produo de imagens nas futuras atualizaes. O municpio de So Vicente (SP) tem conseguido obter recursos aps a aquisio de levantamento aerofo-

Capacitao em informtica, Belm (PA)


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Encontro tcnico para troca de experincias de DI entre municpios do nordeste

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Levantamento aerofotogramtrico de Osasco (SP)

Encontro tcnico para troca de experincias de DI entre municpios do sudeste


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togramtrico e a restituio cartogrfica que possibilitou o mapeamento da cidade, incluindo os assentamentos precrios em escala detalhada. Com essa base, contendo informaes precisas sobre as caractersticas fsicas do territrio, foi possvel se desenvolver projetos e se estimar os custos. Em Palmas (TO), foi possvel realizar-se o levantamento aerofotogramtrico: a restituio aerofotogramtrica, com todos os elementos planimtricos e altimtricos em meio digital, e a criao de sistema de visualizao localizador de lotes e edificaes, para ser disponibilizado em computadores, nas reas de cadastro, sade, fiscalizao, educao, trnsito e transporte. A prefeitura tambm disponibilizou populao imagens de satlite, fotos areas e mapas, visando estabelecer mais um canal para troca de informaes e sugestes, de acordo com a premissa de que o conhecimento da cidade pela populao de importncia fundamental no processo de planejamento estratgico, sustentvel, democrtico e participativo.

Entre as inmeras carncias apontadas no PEMAS pelos municpios, a de qualificao e a de atualizao dos agentes pblicos responsveis pela gesto da poltica urbana integrada so, provavelmente, as mais presentes nos diagnsticos efetuados. A introduo e a ampliao do uso da tecnologia da informao nas prefeituras criaram novas oportunidades para se melhorar o atendimento da populao que necessita recorrer aos balces dos postos de atendimento das secretarias municipais. Tambm tm possibilitado acesso, aplicao e uso quase ilimitado por parte de tcnicos, gestores e interessados de dados e informaes tcnicas administrados pelos diversos setores da prefeitura. Em muitas prefeituras, esses recursos tcnicos e tecnolgicos esto sendo utilizados para impulsionar a modernizao dos processos gerenciais e de plane-

jamento municipal. Mas, para tanto, o perfil dos profissionais e tcnicos municipais tambm necessita de mudana. Os servidores pblicos precisam se qualificar para implementar e dominar os recursos da tecnologia da informao, precisam deter e poder utilizar o conhecimento sobre os novos instrumentos gerenciais e de planejamento. Devem tambm ter condies de promover processos decisrios que contem, desde o momento inicial, com a participao ativa e efetiva da sociedade, principalmente daquela populao que objeto das polticas sociais e das intervenes governamentais. Mais especialmente na rea da habitao de interesse social, os desafios para intervenes em habitao esto relacionados definio de novos parmetros tcnicos e formulao de novos processos de financiamento e gesto que no podem dispensar a co-participao das comunidades envolvidas. E nada disso pode ser realizado sem o conhecimento profundo e atualizado da realidade urbana e territorial, das demandas sociais e do perfil das comunidades que devam ser atendidas. Pressionadas por oramentos insuficientes e por carncias crescentes, as administraes pblicas normalmente definem prioridades para seus investimentos, em funo dos problemas de mais graves e imediatas conseqncias para a populao. E, nessa viso, o investimento em capacitao de recursos humanos freqentemente acaba sendo relegado a segundo ou terceiro plano. Entretanto, inquestionvel que as fragilidades tcnico-institucionais impedem as administraes locais de ter acesso a programas e aes de outras esferas de governo. E, portanto, a qualificao dos agentes pblicos tambm uma das maneiras de o municpio ampliar sua capacidade de investimento, por meio do acesso a novos recursos financeiros. Refletindo o diagnstico dos municpios, o MCidades encara a capacitao como prioritria, pois a atividade permite a permanncia e a multiplicao dos conhecimentos e informaes entre os servidores muni-

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Discusso pblica da Politica Municipal de Londrina (PR)

Discusso pblica da Politica Municipal de Salvador (BA)

cipais e os agentes sociais. Trata-se de uma atividade por intermdio da qual o poder pblico pode alterar e melhorar sua relao com o cidado e com a sociedade, e sua capacidade de planejar e executar polticas sociais. Para at o encerramento do programa, esto previstos, aproximadamente, R$ 4,6 milhes, a serem aplicados na realizao de 131 cursos ou treinamentos em 69 municpios. At setembro de 2006, mais de trs mil agentes pblicos j haviam passado por atividades de qualificao ou capacitao, nos 71 cursos concludos. Os cursos abrangem desde simples atividades de treinamento em aplicativos e programas para computador, passando por atividades especficas de formao profissional, a ps-graduao com mais de 360 horas/aula. So temas recorrentes, nas agendas de qualificao e capacitao propostas pelos tcnicos municipais para serem financiadas pelo programa: elaborao e reviso de leis e cdigos; mapeamentos como instrumento de conhecimento e avaliao da realidade local na tomada de deciso; novos instrumentos urbansticos; sistemas de informao; sistemas e instrumentos de controle de uso do solo e de situaes de risco; gesto de projetos sociais; gesto ambiental; gesto participativa; modelos de gesto; regularizao fundiria; projetos habitacionais de interesse social; formao de multiplicadores; trabalho interdisciplinar e programas integrados; uso e aplicao da tecnologia da informao.

Exemplos Um exemplo de curso de especializao de grande repercusso o Curso de Especializao em Gesto Urbana e Desenvolvimento Social realizado pela Prefeitura Municipal de Florianpolis (SC) ao longo do ano de 2004. Com carga de 385 horas/aula, ele mesclou temas voltados a questes urbansticas, ao desenvolvimento social, ao ambiente da prefeitura aspectos gerenciais, desenvolvimento de recursos humanos, gesto da informao, e poltica habitacional propriamente dita. Concluram o curso 41 tcnicos das mais diversas formaes, todas vinculadas atuao da prefeitura em reas de assentamento precrio. Os debates, o desenvolvimento de atividades didticas e as monografias finais do curso geraram acmulo de conhecimento e idias que podem ser aprofundadas e disseminadas. A Escola Cidad, cujo objetivo capacitar atores sociais para as questes urbanas, uma das propostas surgidas, que poder ser aproveitada pelo municpio. Outro exemplo o de Salvador (BA). Nesse caso, um curso de formao profissional especfica qualificou 237 servidores de diversos rgos municipais envolvidos em atividades de planejamento, execuo, monitoramento e avaliao das polticas habitacional, social, urbana e ambiental, para contriburem na implementao de uma nova poltica habitacional para a cidade. Essa capacitao foi realizada em 2005, em 256 horas /aula.


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Planejamento habitacional
Apoiar a elaborao de polticas, planos e programas habitacionais est entre as prioridades do Subprograma DI, pois se trata de um trabalho estruturante no enfrentamento da questo habitacional. A expectativa que, a partir de sua definio, a poltica municipal de habitao passe a ser referncia para outras aes no campo habitacional, medida que ela aponte para um conjunto de objetivos, diretrizes, metas e instrumentos normativos e de ao que possibilitem avanar no rumo do amplo acesso moradia. A viso da importncia desse tipo de ao levou a coordenao do programa a editar obra para colaborar com os municpios na montagem de sua poltica habitacional Caderno 2 - Poltica Municipal de Habitao - Orientaes para Formulao e Implementao, disponvel em A aprovao e a regulamentao da Lei n 11.124, de 16 de junho de 2005, que institui a obrigatoriedade de elaborao de planos locais de habitao, para se ter acesso aos recursos do Fundo Nacional de Habitao de Interesse Social (FNHIS), ressalta o papel dessa modalidade de ao, uma vez os municpios ficam em melhores condies de participar como protagonistas da Poltica Nacional de Habitao. Dos 119 municpios que participam do programa, 71 planejaram utilizar parte dos recursos do subprograma DI em aes diretamente relacionadas a esse

tema. Alguns optaram por aplicar na elaborao da prpria poltica, como o desenvolvimento de estudos de compatibilizao entre a poltica habitacional e o plano diretor; ou ainda ao detalhamento do diagnstico da realidade, a exemplo dos estudos sobre o dficit habitacional e a caracterizao da demanda, e de trabalhos sobre a construo de indicadores para avaliao da poltica habitacional local. Vale a pena destacar que, entre as aes dessa modalidade, algumas so voltadas especificamente para a estruturao de mecanismos de gesto democrtica da poltica habitacional, como a criao ou a adaptao de conselhos e fundos municipais de habitao. Ao todo, est prevista a execuo de 129 aes dessa categoria, que correspondem a um investimento de R$9,1 milhes, incluindo R$420 mil de contrapartida municipal. A participao da sociedade local fundamental na elaborao da poltica e dos planos habitacionais. Quanto mais democrtico e participativo for o processo de construo dessas propostas, maior legitimidade e apoio elas tero. Ao elaborar uma poltica habitacional, o municpio define um conjunto de princpios, objetivos e diretrizes para lidar com o problema habitacional, e as estratgias da ao do poder pblico para equacion-lo. Devem ser claramente definidas as prioridades de ao e o pblicoalvo, assim como um conjunto de linhas programticas a serem desenvolvidas e implementadas.
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Um plano habitacional, por sua vez, tem como finalidade colocar em prtica uma determinada poltica. Na qualidade de instrumento de planejamento, um plano deve apontar metas a serem atingidas, assim como o tempo e os recursos financeiros, tcnicos e humanos para alcan-las. De uma forma geral, um trabalho completo de discusso e elaborao de uma poltica ou de um plano de habitao passa por vrias etapas, desde o processo de preparao at a aprovao final. Como a seguir:
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Montagem e capacitao da equipe tcnica responsvel pela coordenao; Trabalho de motivao, mobilizao e capacitao da sociedade, para participar do processo; discusso e elaborao do diagnstico, que deve contar com um amplo levantamento de informaes e caracterizao do setor habitacional e urbano, inclusive do quadro institucional, envolvendo a legislao pertinente, bem como as condies operacionais e a estrutura administrativa do setor; definio de diretrizes, propostas e estratgias de implementao e linhas programticas; e proposio de programas e aes a serem implementados para dar conta dos problemas identificados no diagnstico.

Alguns exemplos Salvador (BA) foi um dos municpios que aplicou recursos para desenvolver um conjunto de aes com o objetivo de implementar a Poltica Municipal de Habitao de Interesse Social (PHIS). O trabalho se deu em duas etapas. Num primeiro momento, em 2001, foram elaboradas as diretrizes da poltica, documento submetido discusso com a comunidade tcnica diretamente envolvida. A segunda etapa vem se desenvolvendo a partir de 2005 e engloba a complementao da PHIS e a regulamentao do Fundo e do Conselho Municipal de Habitao, bem como sua adequao Lei Federal n 11.124/2005, que trata da obrigatoriedade de planejamento para se

obter recursos da PHIS, alm de contemplar o processo de elaborao do Plano Diretor Urbano. Nessa etapa, foi previsto um amplo debate com a participao de entidades representativas do movimento social e dos diversos setores da sociedade, em estreita articulao com o setor da prefeitura responsvel pela reviso do Plano Diretor. Em Fortaleza (CE), foram investidos recursos em duas importantes aes complementares. A primeira tratou da elaborao da PHIS, que incluiu a produo do Projeto de lei para sua institucionalizao, a montagem de um sistema de monitoramento da implementao e a elaborao do Plano Operativo Plurianual (2002/2007), que definiu as etapas, aes, objetivos e metas correspondentes implementao no perodo. Alm disso, tratou das necessidades de recursos institucionais, organizacionais, de capacitao e logsticos, a estimativa dos investimentos e os mecanismos e sistemtica de avaliao dos resultados. O trabalho produziu tambm uma matriz institucional contendo as atividades a serem desenvolvidas, os nveis de responsabilidade e as atribuies dos rgos e entidades, com as interfaces existentes, alm de incorporar instrumentos de participao da sociedade no processo de implementao. A segunda ao teve como objetivo geral a definio dos programas de interveno passveis de serem implantados no municpio. A concepo desses programas foi discutida em cinco seminrios, alm de fruns e audincias pblicas sobre os temas em questo. O Municpio de Itapecerica da Serra (SP) desenvolveu ao de estruturao da poltica municipal de habitao, que incluiu a reviso e o aprimoramento dos instrumentos de gesto, especialmente do Conselho Municipal de Habitao. Essa ao fez parte de um conjunto composto tambm pela reviso do Plano Diretor e da Legislao Urbanstica, por um plano para implantao de um sistema de informao para a gesto habitacional e pela implantao de banco de dados habitacionais georreferenciados. Aqui se destacam o trabalho de assessoria ao processo de discusso e o treinamento da equipe local, com metodologia participativa e interativa. As atividades desenvolvidas foram agrupadas da seguinte forma,


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segundo sua natureza: oficinas de planejamento participativo e treinamento de equipe; elaborao de documentos tcnicos da poltica habitacional; assessoria tcnica ao processo de discusso com a populao, inclusive apoio mobilizao; e assessoria e treinamento da equipe para gesto da poltica. Essa metodologia, utilizada tambm no municpio de Itapevi (SP), contou com elementos de planejamento estratgico situacional, em que o grupo monta uma rvore de problemas com a indicao de pontos crticos, aplicada na definio dos programas prioritrios a serem implementados. Tanto as propostas de ao quanto os instrumentos de gesto foram formulados com o objetivo estratgico de se ter uma poltica municipal em condies de integrao com as polticas e programas estaduais e federais.

Plano Diretor e Legislao Urbanstica

A Constituio Federal de 1988 redefiniu a competncia dos municpios e estabeleceu novo patamar no que diz respeito poltica urbana, ao definir a obrigatoriedade de municpios com mais de 20 mil habitantes aprovarem planos diretores como instrumento bsico da poltica de desenvolvimento e expanso urbana, e referncia para o cumprimento da funo social da propriedade e da cidade. A instituio do Estatuto da Cidade, em 2001, definiu os princpios norteadores dos planos diretores e os instrumentos para que os municpios possam intervir nos processos de planejamento e gesto urbana e territorial. Estabeleceu ainda o prazo de cinco anos para sua aprovao, o que desencadeou um amplo processo de elaborao de novos planos diretores e legislaes urbansticas, bem como reviso daqueles desatualizados e em desacordo com o Estatuto da Cidade. O HBB definiu como uma de suas prioridades, para o financiamento do desenvolvimento institucional, a atualizao da legislao urbanstica, visando a adoo dos mecanismos e instrumentos previstos no Estatuto da Cidade. A partir de 2003, essa iniciativa veio se somar ao Programa de Fortalecimento da Gesto Municipal Urbana, da Secretaria Nacional de Programas Urbanos,

Elaborao de estudos e material de divulgao para o Plano Diretor

Projeto Dom Joo Batista, Vila Velha (ES)

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Elaborao do Plano Diretor Urbano em 1] Campina Grande do Sul (PR) 2] Mag, (RJ) 3] Belm, (PA) 4] Olinda, (PE)

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no apoio s prefeituras na elaborao de planos diretores participativos. Um balano do Subprograma DI mostra que foram investidos R$10,3 milhes em 108 aes desse tipo, em 58 municpios. Como instrumento voltado para o planejamento territorial, o Plano Diretor deve definir princpios, diretrizes e parmetros para a ocupao do territrio municipal, e prever a localizao das atividades e de todos os usos do espao. Alm disso, importante que o plano tambm indique diretrizes para as polticas setoriais de habitao, saneamento e transporte urbano, e oferea condies para o desenvolvimento sustentvel das cidades. Para garantir sua efetividade, aps a aprovao no Legislativo Municipal, o Plano Diretor precisa ser regulamentado por meio da aprovao de um conjunto de leis, quais sejam: Lei de Uso e Ocupao do Solo, Lei de Parcelamento da Terra, e Cdigo de Obras e Licenciamento. O Subprograma DI tem financiado a elaborao e a adequao de todos esses instrumentos, assim como o macrozoneamento, a delimitao de rea urbana, os cdigos ambientais e de posturas, a regulamentao de instrumentos urbansticos do Plano Diretor e a reviso do Cdigo Tributrio. Uma ateno especial tem sido dada regularizao dos assentamentos informais, com suas particularidades de espao urbano no reconhecido, na maior parte das vezes, pela legislao urbanstica que abrange a cidade formal. Para alcanar esse objetivo, so criadas as Zonas ou reas de Especial Interesse Social ZEIS ou AEIS, com diretrizes e parmetros de uso e ocupao adequados a esses assentamentos. As ZEIS ou AEIS tambm podem ser criadas para reas vazias, terrenos ou glebas, com o objetivo de garantir, na legislao urbanstica, a utilizao para assentamentos populares. Aplicao O Municpio de Olinda (PE), por exemplo, aplicou recursos do Subprograma DI na reviso e publicao de seu Plano Diretor, para obedecer s diretrizes, do

Estatuto da Cidade, de participao da comunidade e funo social da propriedade. Os recursos foram usados tambm na definio dos novos instrumentos de reforma urbana previstos no Estatuto, na reformulao da Lei de Uso e Ocupao do Solo, na Lei de Parcelamento e no Zoneamento Econmico e Ecolgico da rea Rural. O processo de discusso e reviso do Plano Diretor de Olinda foi constitudo de vrias fases. Primeiramente, foi criado um grupo tcnico institucional, para contribuir com conhecimentos tcnicos e informaes especficas e para discutir previamente os produtos a serem submetidos a eventos de discusso com a sociedade. Depois, foram realizadas duas oficinas tcnicas: a primeira destinada fixao dos objetivos a serem perseguidos, e a segunda, definio das propostas e estratgias de ordenamento urbano, de modo que os objetivos do Plano pudessem adquirir especificidade e operacionalidade. Na fase seguinte, foi realizada uma plenria para consolidao das sugestes resultantes das discusses com os diversos segmentos da sociedade. E, por fim, o Projeto de lei foi encaminhado Cmara de Vereadores. J o Municpio de Belm (PA) optou por realizar a reviso do seu Plano Diretor com a prpria equipe da prefeitura. O Subprograma DI foi utilizado em aes de apoio ao desenvolvimento dos trabalhos necessrios elaborao do plano. Inicialmente, foram realizados quatro cursos de capacitao, habilitando-se a equipe em plano diretor participativo, planejamento estratgico, formao de facilitadores do processo grupal e indicadores de desempenho. O subprograma financiou, tambm, quatro estudos subsidirios ao Plano Diretor: relatrio de balano da situao urbana, diagnstico da estrutura intra-urbana, consultoria para a rea insular, que corresponde rea rural do municpio, e anlise de desempenho urbano. Aliados atualizao da base de informaes efetuada com recursos prprios, esses estudos propiciaram a leitura tcnica do municpio e a tomada de decises a respeito dos instrumentos urbansticos a serem utilizados no plano. Alm disso, custeou a produo de oito seminrios temticos, um em cada distrito administrativo de Belm,

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Levantamentos para regularizao fundiria em Curitiba (PR) (acima) e Santos (SP)


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realizados pelo municpio para a sensibilizao do Plano Diretor, promovendo a consolidao do processo participativo em sua elaborao.

Regularizao fundiria
A regularizao fundiria o processo de reconhecimento, por parte do poder pblico, da legalidade da posse de terreno ocupado para fim de moradia, por meio de registro em cartrio. a etapa final do processo de regularizao urbanstica, ambiental, administrativa e patrimonial necessrio para que os assentamentos precrios sejam efetivamente integrados malha urbana e rede de servios, inserindo-os no cadastro imobilirio da cidade. Mesmo nos municpios onde essa linha j vinha sendo implementada, antes do programa, era pequeno o nmero de reas efetivamente regularizadas, embora em muitos casos as intervenes no campo jurdico tenham sido iniciadas simultaneamente quelas realizadas no campo urbanstico. Isso se d porque o tempo gasto nos procedimentos de legalizao maior do que o necessrio para a interveno urbanstica, enfrentando-se diversos tipos de entraves institucionais, alheios esfera da gesto municipal, e necessitando-se de corpo tcnico mais adequado. A titularidade da terra constitui um dos principais problemas dos assentamentos subnormais e a maioria dos municpios no possui levantamentos ou estudos que identifiquem os tipos de irregularidade existentes, muito menos a situao fundiria das referidas reas, o que dificulta, ou at mesmo impede um planejamento de aes de regularizao. muito comum haver ocupaes irregulares em reas com parcelamentos aprovados na prefeitura que nunca foram implantados, cujos desenhos no coincidem, obrigando a execuo de vrios procedimentos tcnicos e jurdicos para se efetuar a regularizao. A adoo dos novos instrumentos de poltica urbana estabelecidos no Estatuto da Cidade Conces-

so de Uso Especial para Fins de Moradia, Usucapio Especial Urbano, Zonas Especiais de Interesse Social (ZEIS) requer levantamento das situaes fundirias, por meio de pesquisas em cartrios, para se definir a demarcao e a titularidade das propriedades. O programa alocou R$3,5 milhes em aes de subsdio para que os municpios melhorem suas atividades na implementao da regularizao fundiria. Foram 34 aes contratadas, incluindo levantamentos cadastrais, pesquisas de campo e cartoriais, estruturao do setor, elaborao de programas especficos, realizao de eventos e capacitaes. Exemplos Para o Municpio de Diadema, estado de So Paulo, os objetivos da ao contratada foram: diagnosticar 75 ncleos habitacionais localizados em reas Especiais de Interesse Social; formar um banco de dados com as informaes coletadas e apontar a soluo de regularizao adequada a cada caso; e definir aes de regularizao fundiria, dentro da poltica habitacional, de forma a complementar o processo de urbanizao que precedeu esse trabalho. No Municpio de Niteri (RJ), foi criado, na Subsecretaria de Habitao, um Ncleo de Regularizao Fundiria para funcionar exclusivamente com essa finalidade, permitindo a simplificao de rotinas, a integrao funcional com os outros rgos relacionados e a conseqente reduo de prazos. Para esse fim, foi prevista a elaborao de um Guia Metodolgico para implementao do Programa de Regularizao Fundiria e o treinamento da equipe da prefeitura nas atividades necessrias a essa providncia. O Municpio de Curitiba (PR) realizou o levantamento completo da situao dominial dos lotes das reas ocupadas pelos 22 assentamentos precrios considerados mais complexos sob o ponto de vista documental. O estudo verificou mais de 700 registros cartoriais, identificou a situao de cada registro, buscou localizar

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cada proprietrio, atualizou a base cartogrfica com as matrculas registradas e, por fim, analisou e apresentou sugestes gerais para soluo dos entraves legais ao processo de regularizao. Esse trabalho contou tambm com a capacitao da equipe do departamento de regularizao fundiria da COHAB de Curitiba. O objetivo dessa ao foi dar suporte ao estabelecimento da estratgia adequada a ser adotada em cada caso especfico e estabelecer prioridades para incio dos processos de regularizao, tendo em vista o grau de complexidade apresentado por cada rea.

Reforma administrativa
Entre as diversas dificuldades encontradas pelos municpios na rea habitacional e urbana, a falta de organizao administrativa um dos grandes obstculos gesto da poltica habitacional e urbana. Por essa razo, o subprograma DI tornou aes dessa natureza passveis de financiamento. Os problemas identificados atingem municpios de todos os portes, em maior ou menor grau. Existem os que nem sequer tm, na sua estrutura, um setor responsvel pela rea habitacional. H casos em que o setor habitacional foi criado, mas, na realidade, suas aes so exercidas por outro. O caso mais comum aquele em que os diversos setores envolvidos com a habitao de interesse social esto dispersos na estrutura administrativa da prefeitura, ocupando nveis de subordinao de pouco ou nenhum poder de deciso, com total dependncia de outros setores, mesmo para execuo de tarefas simples do dia-adia, e de forma totalmente desarticulada. As aes de reforma administrativa propostas pelos municpios tm sido desenvolvidas com base nos seguintes objetivos gerais:

Campina Grande do Sul (PR)


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fortalecer o setor habitacional e urbano; dar ao setor habitacional maior credibilidade perante a sociedade e as lideranas municipais; melhorar a qualidade dos servios prestados populao pelo setor; agilizar e facilitar os processos de aprovao de projetos de parcelamento de solo, concesso de alvar e habite-se; possibilitar a implantao da Poltica Municipal Habitacional e Urbana, de forma estruturada e articulada com outros setores da prefeitura, incluindo, na sua estrutura administrativa, os mecanismos de planejamento, gesto e controle previstos na poltica; e assegurar recursos oramentrios e financeiros para o setor.

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As aes variam de casos muito particulares e especficos queles mais abrangentes. Pode ser necessria apenas uma alterao de rotinas ou a definio de atribuies da equipe gestora da poltica habitacional. Assim como pode ser indispensvel a reestruturao administrativa de todos os setores envolvidos com habitao e urbanismo, incluindo redesenho dos fluxos processuais. No processo de construo da reforma administrava, so fundamentais: diagnstico, proposta de organizao administrativa, garantias legais de implementao e proposta de implementao. O processo deve, sobretudo, ser transparente, realizado de forma participativa, amplamente discutido com todos os setores envolvidos, tcnicos, gestores e servidores em geral, tanto na fase de elaborao do diagnstico quanto na de discusso das propostas ou no debate com os membros do poder legislativo municipal. A reforma administrativa do setor habitacional deve definir com clareza os seguintes itens:

a organizao administrativa da prefeitura (organograma) na ntegra, incluindo necessariamente o rgo gestor da Poltica Habitacional e Urbana, sua natureza jurdica, criao e dimensionamento dos respectivos cargos, rgos auxiliares, conselhos, comisses, fundos, parceiros e outros agentes, quando for o caso; as funes de cada setor envolvido com a habitao popular e o papel de cada um no fluxo processual; as competncias e as responsabilidades dos cargos, eliminando-se duplicidade ou vacncia de funes, descentralizando decises; as atribuies legais dos rgos no exerccio da funo; a reduo dos nveis na hierarquia administrativa da prefeitura, aglutinando, sempre que possvel, atribuies relativas a gesto, planejamento e execuo das obras, facilitando-se a articulao entre os diversos setores envolvidos e melhorando-se a relao do setor com os demais e com as diversas esferas de governo e seus parceiros; o dimensionamento do quadro de pessoal necessrio ao setor, definindo-se critrios de ocupao de cargos, priorizando a contratao de pessoal por concurso pblico; a representao grfica do fluxo dos processos (fluxograma) do pedido de concesso de licena para parcelamento, alvar e habite-se; as atribuies, as responsabilidades e as competncias na avaliao de processos, de forma desburocratizada; e o fortalecimento do setor responsvel pela habitao popular, dotando-o de maior autonomia financeira e criando rubricas oramentrias prprias e especificas.

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Projeto Dom Joo Batista, Vila Velha (ES)


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O subprograma DI est financiando 28 aes de reforma administrativa, beneficiando 23 municpios, totalizando R$1,5 milho em investimento.

Procedimentos de controle urbanstico

A agilizao e a democratizao dos processos de aprovao e licenciamento so importantes para a implantao da poltica municipal de habitao. Nesse sentido, o programa tem destinado recursos para reviso dos procedimentos do controle urbanstico municipal. Na maioria dos diagnsticos apresentados pelos municpios, foram apontados baixos ndices de eficincia na operacionalizao das atividades que incluem as etapas de anlise e aprovao de projeto, licenciamento, fiscalizao e concesso de habite-se. As dificuldades encontradas na consulta e no atendimento legislao, o alto custo das taxas de expedio e a morosidade de todo o processo acabam desestimulando as iniciativas de regularizao de edificao e parcelamento da terra, contribuindo para a crescente irregularidade urbanstica. Dados apresentados nos PEMAS mostram que, em alguns municpios, leva-se at trs anos para a aprovao do projeto de loteamento e mais de um ano para a de uma simples edificao. O acesso regularizao , ao mesmo tempo, complexo e dispendioso. As razes para o alto nvel de exi-

gncia quanto documentao, o grau de detalhamento dos projetos e o valor das taxas e impostos envolvidos nos processos no so facilmente assimilados pela populao. Isso ocorre mesmo com aquelas pessoas com melhor grau de escolaridade, fazendo com que a utilizao de despachantes seja mais comum do que o desejvel, o que acaba onerando os procedimentos administrativos. Alm disso, os prprios mecanismos internos de controle so baixos, o que dificulta o conhecimento do problema e a estruturao de uma ao informativa e fomentadora da busca da regulamentao dos parcelamentos e das edificaes. A maior eficincia do controle urbanstico vai depender de vrios tipos de ao que vo da consolidao da legislao e da racionalizao das rotinas e processos informatizao dos procedimentos de anlise e acompanhamento da emisso de licena de construo e de habite-se de obras particulares e pblicas. Esse componente compreende a contratao de levantamentos, diagnsticos e anlises da situao do setor, assim como proposta de novos procedimentos e fluxos operacionais. Compreende ainda a modernizao do setor, incluindo a aquisio de equipamentos, servios de digitalizao de plantas e treinamentos especficos. O investimento total ficou em torno de R$2,1 milhes em 32 aes contratadas pelo programa, beneficiando, assim, 29 municpios.

Alguns municpios disponibilizaram informaes urbansticas e procedimentos de regularizao, via internet

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Exemplos Nesse tema, o Municpio de Guaruj (SP) desenvolveu o trabalho em trs mdulos: Mdulo I: Anlise e proposta de reviso dos procedimentos, utilizando-se oficinas voltadas aos tcnicos da prefeitura, quando foram levantados dados sobre os recursos humanos e materiais, fluxos, gesto e legislao, visando melhorar procedimentos. Nesse mdulo, um grande passo foi dado com a reviso da legislao urbanstica do Plano Diretor, tornando-a mais simples, eficaz e prtica; e Mdulo II: Anlise da legislao urbanstica e ambiental do municpio, na busca da identificao da existncia de conflitos, omisses e/ou redundncias em meio aos diplomas legais que regem a matria no mbito local, assim como em relao legislao estadual e federal. A consolidao desse material foi disponibilizada na internet, via home page da prefeitura, tornando-se uma ferramenta muito til de consulta pelos tcnicos das diversas reas e outros segmentos da sociedade, alcanando-se rapidamente os objetivos propostos de democratizao das informaes. Mdulo III: Procedimentos de regularizao fundiria e sua interao nos fluxos do controle urbanstico. A reviso dos procedimentos de regularizao propostos foi de extrema utilidade para a Diretoria de Regularizao Fundiria.

Entende-se que uma Poltica Municipal de Habitao abrangente deva contemplar, em sua linha de ao, o foco preventivo, considerando a necessidade dos municpios de atuarem no sentido de conter as ocupaes irregulares, complementando assim as aes contidas em programas de recuperao e de proviso habitacional. Esse tema compreendeu aes como: estudos, levantamentos, anlises, diagnsticos, elaborao de programas com estratgias diferenciadas de atuao, estruturao do setor, capacitao de equipes e servios de divulgao e comunicao social, somando um investimento de R$ 1,1 milho em 20 municpios. O objetivo das atividades contratadas foi fortalecer institucionalmente o setor administrativo encarregado da fiscalizao e do controle das invases, tendo como benefcios almejados uma estrutura de gesto com tcnicos treinados, dispondo de equipamentos adequados e com a populao informada sobre a necessidade de respeitar os espaos comuns, no ocupar as reas de risco e preservar o meio ambiente. Exemplos O Municpio de Recife (PE) contratou uma empresa para prestar assessoria tcnica prefeitura na implantao de um programa de controle de invases. A ao foi executada nas seguintes etapas:

Controle de invases
O tema Criao de Mecanismos para o Controle de Invases foi indicado aos municpios como um dos prioritrios a serem tratados. O fenmeno do aumento das ocupaes irregulares em reas inadequadas e ambientalmente frgeis faz parte da realidade das cidades e esse fluxo deve ser contido, pois suas conseqncias so onerosas e muitas vezes irreversveis, tanto para os moradores quanto para o meio ambiente.

diagnstico e anlise da estrutura da prefeitura voltada ao controle urbano, em termos de recursos materiais e humanos, bem como levantamento de dados sobre a ocorrncia e a caracterizao das invases nos ltimos anos; elaborao e implementao de curso para capacitar tcnicos da prefeitura e representantes da sociedade civil, com carga horria de 160 horas, compreendendo atividades em sala de aula e em campo, com contedo programtico que possibilitou a efetiva atuao no Programa de Controle de Invases; definio de rotinas e procedimentos detalhados, assim como especificao dos equipamentos necessrios ao


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Mapeamento integrante da Proposta para Fiscalizao e Controle das Ocupaes e dos Loteamentos Clandestinos e Irregulares de Fortaleza (CE)

Dique de Vila Gilda, Santos (SP)


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funcionamento de um programa para controle das invases; definio de estratgias de divulgao do programa por meio de campanhas educativas e termo de referncia, para contratao de consultoria na rea de comunicao; definio de estratgias de monitoramento e avaliao do Programa; e elaborao de um guia prtico para fiscalizao de reas pblicas, dando nfase participao comunitria.

Lagoa de Manda, Macei (AL)

Ainda nessa linha de atuao, alguns municpios criaram aes propositivas como forma de evitar a ocupao irregular, antecipando-se em estudos para estabelecer diretrizes e mecanismos de induo ocupao ordenada, como foi o caso de Nova Iguau (RJ) e Itapecerica da Serra (SP), que investiram em estudos para as reas de morro e de manancial. Nessas reas, onde foram identificados processos de ocupao irregular, especialmente de assentamentos precrios, esto sendo traadas estratgias para implementao de aes atenuantes s situaes de risco, de forma compatvel com a preservao ambiental, mediante elaborao de projetos e programas regulatrios e indutivos, para uma ocupao equilibrada. Os estudos abrangem, entre outras coisas, a delimitao das reas a serem preservadas e das passveis de serem urbanizadas, assim como as diretrizes de tratamento ambiental e urbanstico para cada caso, permitindo mais controle pelos gestores no processo de ocupao dessas reas.

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Cartograma para caracterizao de ZEIS, Recife (PE)


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Benefcios do Programa
Embora o subprograma DI ainda esteja em fase de implementao, j se pode perceber alguns benefcios para os municpios: 1| o DI contribuiu para ampliar o espao reservado questo da habitao e da valorizao da atividade de planejamento, particularmente dos assentamentos populares, na agenda dos municpios onde atuou e nos fruns em que se fez representar; 2| os setores habitacional e urbano das prefeituras tambm se beneficiaram da ao do programa, tanto no que diz respeito ao aparelhamento das estruturas fsicas quanto implantao, em alguns casos consolidao, de uma cultura de planejamento em que fundamental o conhecimento da realidade; 3| com o domnio e o uso da informao, da tcnica e dos novos instrumentos urbansticos, esses setores se desenvolveram e se ampliaram, garantindo mais espao nas estruturas internas das prefeituras. Os estudos e levantamentos desenvolvidos com apoio do subprograma ampliam o conhecimento da realidade municipal, fortalecendo a atividade de planejamento e possibilitando futuras intervenes;

4| com a implantao do subprograma DI, os administradores e gestores municipais tambm defrontaram novos desafios, o que os levou ao reconhecimento do desenvolvimento institucional como elemento fundamental para a consolidao de uma poltica pblica de habitao; 5| o PEMAS mostrou-se um importante instrumento de planejamento, cuja metodologia passou a ser um referencial para a implementao de outros programas e aes locais; 6| o aprendizado com a elaborao dos termos de referncia, que tiveram o papel de projetos, com definio clara das especificaes para a contratao das aes do DI, contribuiu para o amadurecimento das equipes locais; 7| o carter multidisciplinar do subprograma, cuja atuao abrangeu diferentes reas das prefeituras direta ou indiretamente relaciovnadas questo habitacional, propiciou a integrao entre diferentes setores, que, em vrios casos, passaram a compartilhar informaes organizadas em sistemas de mltiplas finalidades; e 8| a experincia de execuo e acompanhamento dos projetos integrados de UAS, por parte das equipes locais, tambm trouxe sua contribuio para o desenvolvimento e a capacitao no que diz respeito a montagem de equipes multidisciplinares.

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Parque Itamaraty, Ipatinga (MG) - antes

Parque Itamaraty, Ipatinga (MG) - depois

Entrega de ttulos, projeto Areio, Itapevi (SP)


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Subprograma de Urbanizao de Assentamentos Subnormais

melhoria das condies de habitabilidade das famlias moradoras de assentamentos subnormais no pode ser vista como uma questo setorial, mas como um componente que interage fortemente com os demais condicionantes do desenvolvimento urbano e ambiental. Assim, o direito a uma habitao condigna compreende a qualidade ambiental do meio e a insero e a integrao com a cidade, por intermdio da disponibilidade de infra-estrutura urbana e da acessibilidade ao mercado de trabalho e aos equipamentos pblicos. O Subprograma de Urbanizao de Assentamentos Subnormais (UAS) tomou, como ponto de partida, essas diretrizes, acrescidas do pressuposto de que essencial considerar, em qualquer poltica de governo, a participao popular como forma de afirmao da cidadania e tambm como estratgia de democratizao e controle social da gesto pblica, para sua proposio, implementao e operacionalizao. O subprograma UAS visa execuo de projetos integrados de urbanizao de reas degradadas ou de risco localizadas em regies metropolitanas, aglomeraes urbanas ou capitais, onde vivem, predominantemente, famlias com renda mensal de at trs salrios mnimos. A noo de projeto integrado compreende atender todas as necessidades da populao levantadas mediante diagnstico.

A metodologia do subprograma desenvolve-se em duas fases distintas: Fase 1 Fase do Diagnstico Integrado, em que se busca conhecer os aspectos socioeconmicos da populao residente na rea do projeto e as informaes sobre a posse e o domnio da rea ou reas que sero utilizadas, assim como a situao fsica, urbanstica e ambiental da rea de interveno e entorno. Quais as informaes que so necessrias se conhecer sobre a populao?
Jardim So Marcus, Cubato (SP)

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Creche em Santo Andr (SP)

Areio, Guaruj (SP)

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Informaes socioeconmicas como: perfil de renda e do comprometimento mediano mensal com o pagamento de encargos, impostos, taxas; condies de moradia; uso de transporte pblico; grau de conhecimento sobre o projeto; escolaridade; profisso e situao de sade, entre outros dados esclarecedores sobre a comunidade; Equipamentos sociais pblicos apontados como necessrios pela comunidade; Informaes sobre a organizao comunitria; Informaes necessrias aos programas de educao sanitria e ambiental, como doenas mais freqentes na comunidade, condies de atendimento mdico, participao da populao em programas pblicos de sade; Existncia de programas de educao sanitria e ambiental, bem como de organizaes no-governamentais atuando na rea; Informaes sobre a vocao produtiva da comunidade e a potencialidade do mercado para absorver a mo-de-obra e a produo resultante da implementao de programas de capacitao profissional e/ou gerao de trabalho e renda; Histrico das conquistas sociais da comunidade; Perfil das lideranas; e Mapeamento dos valores culturais presentes na rea. E quanto rea de interveno e entorno?


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Identificao da rea de interveno e entorno, com referncia s caractersticas fsicas e urbansticas, bem como aos servios pblicos existentes e equipamentos pblicos e comunitrios, definido o raio de abrangncia e a capacidade de atendimento demanda; Histrico da ocupao e densidade populacional, informando se a rea est em expanso ou estabilizada; Diagnstico ambiental da rea de interveno, com suas caractersticas em relao ao entorno; Caracterizao das habitaes existentes: tipo de uso, rea, material construtivo, nmero de cmodos, servios internos gua, luz situao da unidade sanitria, destino dos resduos slidos e nvel de adensamento; Planta de localizao da rea de interveno em relao mancha urbana, com referncia s caractersticas fsicas e urbansticas, infra-estrutura e equipamentos comunitrios, com definio do raio de atendimento; Planta da rea de interveno destinada a urbanizao e/ou reassentamento, com identificao do permetro da rea do projeto integrado (poligonal), da ocupao, da infra-estrutura, dos equipamentos comunitrios e servios pblicos, com definio do raio de atendimento; Identificao dos projetos co-localizados, ou seja, j implantados, em fase de estudo ou de execuo financiados por outras fontes de recursos e que estabeleam interface com o projeto; informao quanto capacidade da Unidade Executora Municipal ou Estadual (UEM/UEE) de articular o conjunto de intervenes, de forma a compatibilizar as aes na rea; Levantamento completo da situao jurdica da rea de interveno e/ou pretendida para reassentamento, com vistas definio da forma de titulao da posse ou da propriedade aos beneficirios; Indicao da necessidade de remoo das famlias que estejam ocupando unidades de conservao tais como parques, estaes ecolgicas, reservas biolgicas ou faixas de servido de linhas de alta tenso, gasodutos, oleodutos, ferrovias e rodovias; e

Documentao fotogrfica da rea do projeto e entorno, registrando e elucidando as caractersticas e aspectos fundamentais necessrios.

Ao final do diagnstico, inicia-se a discusso entre equipe tcnica e comunidade sobre as propostas de ao e servio, configurando-se, assim, a segunda fase do projeto: Fase 2 Fase do Projeto Integrado. Nessa fase, so elaborados e aprovados os projetos executivos e proposto um Quadro de Composio de Investimento QCI descrevendo os itens e respectivos custos que sero financiados pelo programa. Os projetos integrados podero prever investimento nas obras e servios necessrios a dotar as comunidades de infra-estrutura urbana, compreendendo abastecimento de gua, esgotamento sanitrio, abertura de vias ou vielas, pavimentao e drenagem de vias, iluminao pblica e domiciliar, conteno e estabilizao de encostas, recuperao ambiental e de reas degradadas. As reas desocupadas precisam ser recuperadas. Em caso de rea pblica, ela normalmente revegetada ou urbanizada com paisagismo, e, caso sejam particulares, recuperadas pelo proprietrio, que se dispe a fazlo em Termo de Compromisso exigido pelo programa. Tambm podem ser executadas obras especiais como pontes, estaes elevatrias, estaes de tratamento de esgoto, canalizaes e canais de drenagem, entre outras necessrias sustentabilidade urbana do assentamento. Como soluo habitacional, o subprograma permite construo de novas unidades habitacionais e mdulos hidrulicos, melhorias e recuperao de habitaes. As unidades habitacionais devem ser preferencialmente do tipo embrio, permitindo ampliaes pelo prprio morador. Os mdulos hidrulicos compreendem cozinha, banheiro e rea de lavagem de roupas. As melhorias habitacionais devem garantir a salubridade fsica e sanitria das construes, com pisos, paredes e telhados adequados. Tambm so permitidas recuperaes habitacionais em caso de demolio parcial ou outra interferncia necessria instalao da infra-estrutura.

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Casas populares, Teresina (PI)


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Vila Varjo (DF)

Parque Buriti-Lagoa, Campo Grande (MS)

Finalmente, o subprograma investe na questo fundiria, regularizando o espao fsico, integrando a rea formalidade urbana e garantindo o direito posse da moradia. Das aes, obras e servios propostos no projeto integrado, pode-se afirmar que ao menos dois de seus elementos so essencialmente estruturantes a regularizao fundiria e o trabalho social com as famlias. A primeira, posta como exigncia, torna-se um elemento de cidadania, j que fornece um endereo ao morador e promove a sua incluso social, conferindo-lhe um ttulo de propriedade. J o trabalho social com as comunidades, ele se desenvolve buscando trs objetivos principais: a mobilizao da participao e organizao da comunidade, a educao sanitria e ambiental e a gerao de trabalho e renda. A metodologia tem caractersticas prprias para cada etapa da interveno fsica: Antes das obras, no momento da concepo do projeto, a populao estimulada a conhecer e opinar sobre as propostas para aquela rea, inclusive decidindo quanto aos equipamentos pblicos necessrios e aderindo mediante Termo de Adeso, Compromissos e Obrigaes, que dever ser assinado por, pelo menos, 80% dos chefes-de-famlia. Durante as obras, os executores atuam por meio da constituio de comisses e grupos de representao dos segmentos da populao associao de moradores e/ou similares, comisso de acompanhamento de obras, grupos de mulheres, de jovens, comisso ambiental e outros. As pessoas so ouvidas e estimuladas a participar de cada etapa do projeto, acompanhando as obras, decidindo-se pela implementao ou no dos cursos de capacitao ofertados, utilizando-se de pequenas e grandes reunies e/ou assemblias para a tomada de decises. As equipes das Unidades Executoras trabalham todo o tempo nas comunidades, pois nelas que se localizam os escritrios de campo, com equipe constituda por assistentes sociais, engenheiros, arquitetos e especialistas em meio ambiente.

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Aps as obras e durante o ps-ocupao a comunidade ainda trabalhada durante doze meses, buscando-se, nessa etapa, o reforamento das comisses e grupos constitudos, a capacitao das entidades de representao, o estmulo participao desses grupos em atividades fora da rea de interveno, em fruns de debates, conselhos municipais e outros, de modo que a populao possa se desligar da equipe tcnica e adquirir autonomia em relao ao poder pblico. Finalmente, ainda como uma inovao importante do subprograma UAS, realizada uma avaliao do ps-ocupao. A matriz de indicadores discutida e consensuada entre os atores do programa Banco Interamericano de Desenvolvimento (BID), Ministrio das Cidades (MCidades), Caixa Econmica Federal (CEF), prefeituras e estados, que propem a avaliao dos resultados e impactos imediatos do projeto integrado desenvolvido a partir de trs grandes eixos moradia e insero urbana, incluso social e satisfao do morador. As dimenses desses eixos buscam cobrir todos os aspectos do projeto integrado:
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Estao de tratamento de esgotos, Cuiab (MT)

Infra-estrutura bsica; Mobilidade urbana; Qualidade ambiental; Moradia; Regularizao fundiria; Controle urbanstico; Acesso a servios sociais pblicos; Cidadania e participao; Insero no mundo do trabalho; Moradia e servios urbanos; e Vida social e comunitria.

As obras do projeto integrado, que, ao estarem concludas transformam a rea carente em novo bairro, demandam, por suas caractersticas especiais, um prazo mdio de 18 meses. O subprograma conta com 119 projetos contratados, distribudos em 25 unidades da federao, beneficiando diretamente 89.437 famlias, que correspondem a 358 mil pessoas.
Horta hidropnica, Projeto Dnisson Meneses, Macei (AL)


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Projeto Vila Capuav a, Santo Andr (SP) Parque em Itapecerica da Serra (SP)

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7 Para realizao desses 119 projetos, est sendo investido R$ 1,084 bilho de reais, sendo R$ 807,7 milhes do MCidades e R$ 277 milhes de contrapartida de estados e municpios (dados de 19/09/06). Esses recursos, alm de estruturarem os assentamentos, permitiram a construo de:
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73 creches; 34 escolas de ensino fundamental; 33 postos de sade; 81 centros comunitrios; 53 centros de atividades econmicas; 15 centros de mltiplas atividades; 10 postos policiais; e 234 reas de lazer.

Tambm esto sendo criados e estruturados mais de 2,5 milhes de metros quadrados de rea verde, assim como desocupados, preservados e recuperados mais de 3,5 milhes de metros quadrados de reas de preservao permanente. Nos 119 projetos, esto sendo investidos R$ 32,3 milhes de reais no desenvolvimento do trabalho social, ou seja:

1] Condomnio Pr do sol, Porto Alegre (RS) 2] Casas do projeto BuritiLagoa, Campo Grande (MS) 3] Coleta de lixo em Ipatinga (MG) 4] Aquecimento solar com garrafas PET, projeto Morro do Mocot, Florianpolis (SC) 5] Grupo de teatro na Vila Xapinhal, Curitiba (PR) 6] Galpo de reciclveis, Porto Velho (RO) 7] Galpo de separao de reciclveis, Dique de Sambaiatuba, So Vicente (SP) 8] Vila nova do Porto, Lauro de Freitas (BA)

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Mobilizao e organizao comunitria; Capacitao de lideranas; Educao popular; Apoio educao formal e combate ao analfabetismo; Qualificao e requalificao de mo-de-obra; Incentivos a grupos de produo; Constituio de cooperativas e/ou associaes de produo; e Preparao das famlias para a adequada apropriao dos servios de infra-estrutura e equipamentos sociais implantados.

Na busca de resolver a necessidade habitacional por meios prprios, as famlias, principalmente das faixas de menor renda, ocupam regies imprprias, ngremes,

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Morro do Mocot, Macio da Cruz, Florianpolis (SC)

Ocupao de encosta, So Bernardo do Campo (SP)


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encostas de morros, reas sujeitas a inundaes peridicas, dunas suscetveis de deslizamentos, reas com alta concentrao de agentes poluentes, etc. Esse tipo de ocupao coloca em risco a integridade fsica dos moradores e de seu patrimnio, alm de causar danos ambientais que, com freqncia, no ficam circunscritos s reas dos assentamentos subnormais. So conhecidos, por exemplo, os efeitos que provocam o corte indiscriminado de vegetao para edificao em encostas, o desrespeito s linhas naturais de drenagem dos terrenos, com o seu bloqueio, e o acmulo de lixo domstico em encostas, crregos e rios. Os projetos integrados esto inseridos nas mais diferentes condies fsicas e geogrficas. Espalhadas pelos estados, as intervenes se desenvolvem em diversos ecossistemas e dentro de condies diferentes nos ambientes urbanos. A topografia da rea, a proximidade de reas de preservao, a ocupao de reas de servido, a localizao e o histrico de ocupao so fatores fundamentais e conferem aos projetos peculiaridades urbansticas, requerendo solues dentro dessas perspectivas. Os projetos apresentados pelos estados e municpios e contratados no subprograma UAS incluem comunidades em encostas, populao sob rede de alta tenso e em reas de servido de dutos condutores de material inflamvel (polidutos da Petrobrs) e de linhas frreas, reas irregulares, reas de preservao permanente ou proteo ambiental e pessoas em risco social.

solo envelopado, ou seja, compactado e envolvido por uma manta de material sinttico com alta capacidade de drenagem; e solo grampeado, ou seja, coberto por uma tela soldada, grampeada terra e recoberta com vegetao. Todas essas formas de conteno foram utilizadas nos projetos. O sistema de drenagem fundamental para a conteno dos deslizamentos em encostas e ganha relevncia com a utilizao de canaletas nas laterais das escadarias utilizadas para o acesso dos moradores, com redutores ou no de velocidade da gua. Nesse tipo de interveno, uma importante tarefa garantir acessibilidade e mobilidade. A soluo adotada para a resoluo desses problemas passa por escadarias, caminhos em contenes e outras solues criativas, dependendo da realidade local. Alm das solues conferidas pela engenharia, necessrio realizar, junto populao, um amplo debate sobre o uso dos novos equipamentos e a preparao para a nova realidade. So implementados programas de incentivo manuteno de hortas e quintais arborizados, orientao quanto ao acondicionamento do lixo domiciliar e quanto limpeza pblica, que, dependendo do caso, no pode ser realizada porta a porta. A conscientizao quanto a manuteno e conservao da drenagem urbana tambm um ponto importante para evitar pontos de enchente.

Intervenes em encostas: estabilidade fsica e social

Esses projetos contemplam a reduo do risco de deslizamento e eroso, com conteno de encostas, por obras de engenharia e/ou plantio de vegetao, dependendo das condies topogrficas locais e das solues individuais propostas. Para conteno de encostas, isso , proteo de reas ngremes, so utilizadas solues tradicionais como: muros de conteno de concreto; gaiolas de tela cheia de pedra (gabio de caixa) e pedras argamassadas. Formas mais modernas de conteno so:

Interveno em reas de servido: a abertura de caminhos para o desenvolvimento e a incluso social

A ocupao de reas de servido de redes de energia eltrica, polidutos da Petrobrs, linhas frreas e rodovias traz um risco iminente, cada qual com sua particularidade. Nesses casos, torna-se necessria a desocupao dessas reas, sendo ento realizada a remoo das famlias para reas mais internas do assentamento ou para locais de reassentamento, eliminando-se uma convivncia ruim do homem com os riscos de acidentes. Populaes que habitam embaixo de redes de alta tenso convivem com o iminente risco de acidente com

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1 eletricidade. Alm disso, pesquisas indicam que a energia eliminada pode exercer interferncia negativa na sade das pessoas. Assim, nesses casos, a remoo necessria e a recomendao que seja para rea prxima. Essas zonas, entretanto, muitas vezes so liberadas pela companhia de eletricidade para serem utilizadas em hortas comunitrias e/ou outras atividades. Os polidutos da Petrobrs representam risco de incndio, exploso e contaminao da gua e do solo. Nesses casos, ficam como uma faixa desocupada dentro do assentamento e as famlias retiradas so reassentadas na rea do projeto. Tambm a manuteno desses polidutos fica prejudicada quando as reas de servido no so respeitadas. No caso de reas cortadas por polidutos, o trabalho social deve enfatizar, junto populao, os riscos dessa convivncia, por meio de palestras, reunies, com a participao das empresas pblicas administradoras da rea de servido, no caso as subsidirias da Petrobrs. O morar prximo a rodovias e linhas frreas coloca em risco a vida das pessoas, atingindo principalmente crianas, que so alvos fceis de acidente. A mobilidade das famlias tambm fica prejudicada pela barreira fsica que as reas de servido representam. No geral, as famlias so removidas dessas reas para outras que no ofeream risco. O trabalho social busca conscientizar a populao da necessidade da remoo.

Intervenes junto a corpos hdricos: o respeito gua e vida

As reas de Preservao Permanentes (APPs) destinadas proteo de corpos hdricos situados em reas urbanas so muito cobiadas, pois normalmente elas so livres e de boa localizao. Embora a legislao ambiental coba a utilizao de APPs para fins construtivos, essa utilizao muito comum, sobretudo pela falta de fiscalizao e pela ausncia de delimitao fsica que demonstre populao a impossibilidade do uso.


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1] Recuperao de nascente, So Carlos (SP) 2] Ocupao sob linha de alta tenso, Campo Grande (MS) 3] Ocupao em rea de servido de linha frrea, Mirassol (SP) 4] rea desocupada de rodovia, Porto Alegre (RS) 5] Ocupao em APP de riacho, Taboo da Serra (SP) 6] Trecho recuperado do Igarap Tucunduba, Belm (PA)

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Dique de Vila Gilda, Santos (SP)

Ocupao em APP do rio Doce, Natal (RN) ambas


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Para a populao carente de servios urbanos, as APPs se prestam tambm como fonte imediata de gua e afastamento sanitrio e de resduos slidos, acarretando total degradao desses ambientes. Recentes mudanas na legislao abriram caminho para novas propostas de interveno, com maior integrao entre a urbanizao e o corpo hdrico. Ressalte-se que os projetos que compe o Habitar Brasil BID foram propostos antes da nova mudana de legislao. Porm, j demonstram tendncias de integrao harmoniosa entre o homem e a natureza. As intervenes em APPs de corpos hdricos, no mbito do subprograma UAS, ocorrem em rios e crregos, lagoas, nascentes e canais. O tipo de urbanizao adotado depende de vrios fatores, como consolidao, tamanho e funo do corpo hdrico, e cumprimento da legislao ambiental, entre outros.

Ocupaes em beira de rios e crregos

Os rios e crregos ocupados, pela mobilidade de suas guas, representam possibilidade de carreamento de resduos, acabando como depsitos de lixo e resduos oriundos de drenagem superficial urbana. Essas situaes tm como conseqncia o assoreamento desses corpos hdricos, o que causa inundaes

como enxurradas, com alta energia de transporte, que trazem periculosidade e risco sanitrio. Dada essa situao, necessrio desocupar as margens e/ou realizar aes de engenharia na calha dos rios e crregos. Em alguns projetos, foram retiradas totalmente as famlias ocupantes e realizado o replantio da vegetao nativa, como meio de proteo ao recurso hdrico e cumprimento da legislao ambiental. Nesses casos, realizado tambm monitoramento da revegetao, com reposio das mudas e acompanhamento do desenvolvimento. Em outros casos, as famlias retiradas totalmente ou parcialmente cedem lugar a reas de lazer e equipamentos pblicos. Os projetos de recuperao de reas degradadas ganham fora como parques urbanos lineares, disponibilizando um espao de extremo valor para a comunidade. Em outras intervenes, as caractersticas naturais da calha so modificadas com canalizao, normalmente ocupando-se as reas adjacentes ou mesmo o leito com vias. Nesses projetos, alm dos demais temas trabalhados pela equipe social, necessrio mais conscientizao em relao gua, o que executado nas campanhas e oficinas de educao sanitria e ambiental. Assim, a comunidade inicia um processo de interao com o corpo hdrico, o que resulta na valorizao daquele recurso.

Ocupaes em beira de lagos, lagoas e enseadas

As guas mais estagnadas so ainda mais susceptveis a poluio e ocupao de sua lmina. Embora o transbordamento desses corpos no tenha a mesma energia de transporte de rios e crregos, tambm causa alagamentos e expe a populao a riscos sanitrios. A soluo passa pela retirada das famlias ocupantes e pela urbanizao e/ou recuperao das margens, com revegetao. A placidez dessas guas resulta em reas de lazer com grande apelo contemplativo.
Equipamento esportivo s margens do rio Joanes, Lauro de Freitas (BA)

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Projeto Dom Joo Batista, Vila Velha (ES) as 3 fotos


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Intervenes em rea de mangue: do espao historicamente discriminado valorizao urbana e social

Ocupao em rea de mangue, Mar do Apicum, Aracaju (SE)

O mangue se desenvolve nas reas costeiras, principalmente nos esturios, onde h gua salobra, e em local semi-abrigado da ao das ondas, mas aberto para receber a gua do mar. O Brasil tem uma das maiores extenses de manguezal do mundo. Embora seja rea de preservao, o mangue sofre preconceito advindo de um passado no qual adquiriu o sentido de sujeira e local suspeito. Essa situao fez com que os mangues fossem alvo de grande destruio para construo de portos, balnerios, rodovias, aterros saneados e experimentos de cultivo. Essa desvalorizao do mangue tambm incitou a ocupao de suas reas por populaes de baixa renda, acarretando imensas favelas de palafitas com aterramento progressivo. Nas intervenes nessas reas, as baixas cotas e o grande volume de aterro so relevantes dificultadores do processo de urbanizao. Normalmente, uma parcela de mangue sacrificada para implantao de aterro para construo de unidades habitacionais que substituem as palafitas. Para proteo do manguezal, cria-se uma barreira fsica, normalmente uma via de contorno. A recuperao inclui aes de replantio e de educao ambiental das famlias envolvidas.

Intervenes em rea de excluso urbana: dignidade e cidadania

Processos especulativos de terra e prticas polticas clientelistas, bem como ausncia de controle urbanstico, tm gerado inmeros assentamentos informais, causando falta de segurana da posse, impedindo investimentos pblicos nos assentamentos e culminando com baixa qualidade de vida. Assim, as intervenes nesse tipo de invaso tm dotado os assentamentos de infraestrutura, reas de lazer e equipamentos pblicos, regulamentando-se a posse pelas famlias.

Ocupao em rea de mangue, Pennsula do IPASE, So Luis (MA)

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Nessas intervenes, o trabalho social tem buscado atingir os trs eixos do subprograma: a mobilizao da comunidade para participao e organizao, a educao sanitria e ambiental e a capacitao das pessoas para gerao de trabalho e renda.

Intervenes em rea de proteo ambiental: a conservao da natureza em harmonia com o homem

A rea de Proteo Ambiental (APA) um tipo de unidade de conservao. Pelo Sistema Nacional de Unidades de Conservao, ela classificada na categoria de uso direto dos recursos naturais, assim como as florestas nacionais, as reservas extrativistas e as reservas de fauna, onde so permitidas a ocupao e a explorao dos recursos, conforme normas especficas que asseguram a proteo da unidade. Por definio, podemos dizer que essas reas so de relevante interesse pblico, para assegurar o bem-estar das pessoas, a proteo, a recuperao e a conservao dos recursos naturais. Assim, a APA deve receber ordenamento e zoneamento que assegurem sua sustentabilidade e resultem na melhoria da qualidade de vida das comunidades locais. Essas reas diferem, portanto, das reas de Preservao Permanente (APPs), que possuem uso mais restritivo. No territrio da APA, possvel, portanto, multiciplicidade de uso do solo, como reas urbanas, rurais, de conservao e de preservao. Ainda, as terras podem permanecer sob o domnio privado, no exigindo desapropriao pelo poder pblico. Nesse tipo de interveno, necessrio associar o plano da interveno s diretrizes da APA. Essas situaes requerem pouco adensamento, aumento significativo de reas verdes e claro marco fsico de delimitao da rea urbanizada. O trabalho social deve enfocar a importncia daquela rea de conservao e as relaes humanas com a natureza, razo pela qual aquela rea deve ser preservada e sua importncia em contexto regional.

1] APA em Natal (RN) 2] Praa ocupada, Novo Gama (GO) 3] Vila Varjo (DF)

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1] Dnisson Meneses, Macei (AL) 2] Conjunto habitacional, Vitria (ES) 3] Vila Varjo (DF)


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Famlias em risco social: o resgate da cidadania

Algumas famlias encontram sua soluo de abrigo ocupando prdios abandonados ou realizando acampamentos em terrenos baldios, nas periferias das cidades. Esses locais acabam por se tornarem guetos e representam grande risco social. Ocorrncias criminais so comuns e a infra-estrutura precria dificulta ainda mais o convvio das famlias submetidas a essas condies. As famlias so retiradas dos espaos invadidos e reassentadas em local preferencialmente prximo,

com oferta de novas unidades habitacionais e toda a infra-estrutura necessria. As famlias acampadas nas periferias recebem novas e decentes moradias, possibilitando-se uma oportunidade de vida livre do preconceito do gueto. Em ambos os casos, so ofertados os equipamentos sociais pblicos necessrios. O trabalho social busca essencialmente a incluso. Concentra-se na discusso de direitos e na mobilizao para participao e organizao. So ofertadas mltiplas opes de capacitao para gerao de trabalho e renda, e desenvolvido trabalho com as crianas e os jovens, na busca da elevao da auto-estima.
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ore than one billion people on the planet call precarious settlements in the cities their home. According to the United Nations, there are 128 million people living in Latin America and the Caribbean. Two of the eight Millennium Development Goals are to eradicate extreme poverty in the 191 UN member nations by 2015 and ensure sustainability to at least 100 million people living in settlements worldwide by the year 2020. The UN also draws attention to the alarming forecast that within 30 years the number of people living in precarious settlements could reach two billion. It is also amazing that 40 percent of the urban population in developing countries currently live in precarious conditions. Since the Ministry of Cities was created in 2003 ensuring housing and sustainability to families living in settlements through the Habitar Brasil/IDB Program has been one of its core objectives. Currently, the program benefits over 89,000 families in 110 Brazilian municipalities by providing them with decent housing in urbanized areas and new neighborhoods in cities. The central policy axis of Habitar Brasil/IDB Program established by the Federal Government, through the Ministry of Cities, is to secure resources to invest in construction works and integral slum upgrading projects. A yearly basis IDB resources disbursement was secured since December 2004. Based on an agreement, funds are transferred yearly to the Unions Master Budget. The current budget covers expenses up to 2010. An innovation introduced by the ministry was the implementation of an integral approach to slum upgrading projects. Engineering works and activities in 74
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the social area run parallel with one another, so as to meet all of the populations needs identified before the program began. As a result at the project completion the area has been transformed into a complete new city neighborhood. Two actions are structural within the scope of the integral projects: The first is land regularization, which promotes citizenship - to the extent that it ensures residents not only an address but also social inclusion, in the form of a property ownership title. The second action consist of activities carried out with the community in the social field and focuses on three main objectives: community mobilization and organization; health and environmental education; and employment and income generation. After completion, the program remains operational in the community for an additional year, aiming at guiding and training the population. The objective of this publication is to portray a transparent picture of the work carried out by the Ministry of Cities and its partners contributing to the Habitar Brasil/IDB Program success. Undoubtedly Brazil as a signatory of the UN Millennium Development Goals document has endeavored to meet its goals. Through the work of all, like the one carried out by the Habitar Brasil/IDB Program, we certainly are getting there. Marcio Fortes de Almeida State Minister of Cities


ntil late in the 1970s, most programs and policies developed to solve the slum problem in Brazil were based on the complete removal of these settlements. This had disastrous consequences, as families were relocated to housing complexes on the outskirts of cities, far from urban centers and devoid of any type of infrastructure. The redemocratization process led to the multiplication, all over the country, of slum upgrading experiences that maintained people in their original setting and ensured them land tenure. Over the years, these projects have been improved and began to include socio-educational and employment and income generation actions as well. Overcoming these problems requires implementing articulated and integrated social polices that assign the urban policy a central role, with actions that keep pace with the growth of cities and social needs. In this context, the creation of the Ministry of Cities in January 2003 represented not only a new institutional arrangement but also a change in the way urban development issues used to be addressed in the country. The establishment of a specific institution responsible for formulating and coordinating national policies in the areas of housing, sanitation, urban mobility, transit and transport puts the demands of popular movements for

a participatory urban policy, on the countrys agenda, bringing Federal Governments concerns for Brazilian cities to the forefront. The Habitar Brasil/IDB Program, which is managed by the Ministry of Cities through financing from the Inter-American Development Bank, is one of such multisectoral experiences that seek to tackle the housing problem in tandem with several sectors. The Program also includes an institutional development component aimed to improve the capacity of states and municipalities for addressing their housing deficits. This component has also provided the Ministry of Cities itself with a better understanding of the Brazilian housing problem. This publication has the double objective of recording the results achieved through the Program and, mainly, of replicating its intervention methodology. As we consolidate the National System of Social Housing, a publication such as this is extremely important to disseminate the initiatives that are being developed in partnership with other government spheres, as a way of improving the living standards of slum dwellers in the country. Ins da Silva Magalhes National Housing Secretary

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The Brazilian Urban Scenario

razil has experienced an intense urbanization process over the past decades. The countrys urban population, which in 1940 accounted for 31.24 percent of the overall population, had jumped to 82.8 percent in 2005. This accelerated urbanization process has a twofold characteristic: demographic concentration in large urban centers and demographic dispersion in a large number of small municipalities. Whereas 54.2 percent of Brazilians live in just 4.8 percent of the countrys municipalities, the other 45.8 percent occupy 95.2 percent of Brazilian cities. There are 16.3 million households in the metropolitan regions of Belm, Fortaleza, Recife, Salvador, Belo Horizonte, Rio de Janeiro, So Paulo, Curitiba and Porto Alegre. Of these, 1.9 million are located in slums. The housing deficit of 2.2 million units in these metropolitan regions accounts for 28.8 percent of the overall housing deficit in Brazil. Municipalities with population under 100,000 total 5,297 whereas only 14 have more than 1 million people. These represent 0.25 percent of the total number of municipalities but account for 20.6 percent of the countrys overall population. The other 33.6 percent of Brazilians live in municipalities with population between 100,000 and 1 million. This urban concentration coupled with both low investment levels in cities and the lack of appropriate land planning and management has resulted in serious housing problems that translate into the proliferation of low-quality houses and disordered construction in areas unsuitable for housing purposes. Problems related to poor construction quality are compounded by the socioeconomic characteristics of these families, which require aid through assistance and social inclusion programs. 76
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Small and medium-size municipalities also face serious urban problems, which are often aggravated by the difficulty they experience in gaining access to funds for investment in urban infrastructure and house construction.

Slums are characterized by different aspects: land and/or urban irregularity; deficient infrastructure; occupation of areas prone to flooding, landslide and other sorts of risk; high density levels of settlements and buildings, combined with the poor construction quality of housing units; long distances between home and the workplace, associated with insufficient, expensive and highly uncomfortable and insecure transportation systems; and lack of public services mainly in the fields of sanitation, education and health. Adding to this set of unmet needs is a host of social problems that many times translate into situations of extreme vulnerability, where occupation of popular spaces by means of an order based on violence is becoming more and more frequent. Despite the high material and symbolic visibility that the squatter housing issue enjoys within Brazilian society by occupying spaces in the cities and the media, there is no information available to enable its precise quantification and characterization. Although with some degree of underestimation, according to indicators provided by the 2000 Census Brazil has experienced an intense urbanization process over the past decades. The countrys urban population, which in 1940 accounted for 31.24 percent of the overall population, had jumped to 82.8 percent in 2005.

This accelerated urbanization process has a twofold characteristic: demographic concentration in large urban centers and demographic dispersion in a large number of small municipalities. Whereas 54.2 percent of Brazilians live in just 4.8 percent of the countrys municipalities, the other 45.8 percent occupy 95.2 percent of Brazilian cities. There are 16.3 million households in the metropolitan regions of Belm, Fortaleza, Recife, Salvador, Belo Horizonte, Rio de Janeiro, So Paulo, Curitiba and Porto Alegre. Of these, 1.9 million are located in slums. The housing deficit of 2.2 million units in these metropolitan regions accounts for 28.8 percent of the overall housing deficit in Brazil. Municipalities with population under 100,000 total 5,297 whereas only 14 have more than 1 million people. These represent 0.25 percent of the total number of municipalities but account for 20.6 percent of the countrys overall population. The other 33.6 percent of Brazilians live in municipalities with population between 100,000 and 1 million. This urban concentration coupled with both low investment levels in cities and the lack of appropriate land planning and management has resulted in serious housing problems that translate into the proliferation of low-quality houses and disordered construction in areas unsuitable for housing purposes. Problems related to poor construction quality are compounded by the socioeconomic characteristics of these families, which require aid through assistance and social inclusion programs. Small and medium-size municipalities also face serious urban problems, which are often aggravated by the difficulty they experience in gaining access to funds for investment in urban infrastructure and house construction.

The Habitar Brasil/IDB Program has therefore been designed as a pilot project to finance civil works and actions in state capitals or municipalities that are part of metropolitan regions and urban agglomerations. In September 1999, the Federal Government of Brazil and IDB signed a Loan Agreement providing for the necessary normative arrangement and budget. The Habitar Brasil/IDB Program has the following objectives: y To contribute to raising the housing and living standards of families, particularly those with a monthly income of up to 3 minimum wages, living in slums located in metropolitan regions, urban agglomerations and state capitals; y To encourage municipal governments to mitigate problems in those areas, tackling both effects and causes, including institutional ones; and y To increase sectoral knowledge of urban housing and infrastructure problems in the country. In order to attain these objectives, the Program has been divided into two subprograms, whose actions are interdependent and simultaneously executed: y Institutional Development (DI) of Municipalities Subprogram, whose objectives are to train municipalities in all aspects related to management of the urban housing sector and to develop sectoral training events and relevant studies within the scope of the national policy. y Slum Upgrading Subprogram (UAS), which involves implementing and executing integral slum upgrading projects.

Habitar Brasil/IDB Program

In partnership with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the Federal Government of Brazil has developed a program to upgrade slums in peripheral areas by implementing integrated actions associated to technical and management capacity building of the involved municipalities.

An important innovation introduced by the Program is the association of urban interventions with the technical and financial support component, with a view to improving, modernizing and training municipalities. The goal is to improve the local action of city halls in solving urban and housing problems in cities, as a preH a bi ta r br a s i l | bi d - i db


requisite for accessing funds earmarked for construction works and initiatives in the social area. One of the structural aspects of the Program is the strategy of conditioning municipalities access to upgrading funds on the progress achieved in institutional development actions. On the other hand, it opened up the possibility for municipalities to limit themselves to implementing institutional development actions. The execution of integral slum upgrading projects is another important feature, as multidisciplinary teams have worked together in addressing several aspects of the urban issue in the environmental, social, land and engineering fields. The projects necessarily contemplate public works and services that enable overcoming the inadequate conditions of informal housing settlements that lack basic public services, by incorporating these settlements into the formal city and ultimately leading to sustainable urbanization. Besides, this is the only program in the federal sphere whose design gives emphasis and relevance to the social component. Active participation of the local community from drafting the proposal to the physical completion of construction works and for one year after occupation is an essential aspect for the success of the intervention. To this end, the Program envisages the execution of projects involving community support, guidance and mobilization, as well as professional training, employment and income generation, and sanitary and environmental education. Also worth mentioning is the fact that in addition to ensuring minimum conditions for executing the Program, the two basic requirements for the Program to become operational namely the establishment of a unit responsible for its execution, the so-called Municipal Executing Unit (UEM), and the preparation of a Slum Upgrading Strategic Municipal Plan (PEMAS) have also fostered development of the housing sector. On the other hand, the UEMs have contributed to making the activities related to low-income housing more dynamic as well as to establishing a planning culture based on the knowledge of local reality. In most cases, the UEMs were the embryo of entities responsible for the local housing policy. 78
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Agents Involved
Participants in the Program include the Federal Republic of Brazil as borrower; the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) as lender; the Ministry of Cities as central manager, through the Program Coordination Unit (UCP); states, municipalities and the Federal District as executing agents and beneficiaries of the investments; and the Caixa Econmica Federal (Federal Savings Bank) as provider of guiding services for agents and institutions responsible for making the Program operational.

The cost of the program is currently set at $298.9 million, as follows: y $120 million from the Union (40 percent); y $178.9 million from the Inter-American Development Bank (60 percent); and y 2 to 20 percent of the total amount of investments as counterpart of states, municipalities and the Federal District. Funds are transferred to the states and municipalities cost-free in the form of voluntary transfers from the Union, based on transfer agreements signed with the Caixa Econmica Federal, which is the Unions proxy in these operations.

Training actions for 119 municipalities to: y Contribute to the planning and management of issues related to the housing sector by creating instruments that enable regularizing slums in their urban, institutional and environmental aspects; y Develop policies and programs conducive to increasing the offer of low-cost housing as well as to controlling and discouraging irregular occupations; y Adjust urban regulations to local standards, with res-

pect for the situation of low-income populations; y Train municipal technical teams and modernize equipment and instruments in the housing sector; and y Contract 119 projects for slum upgrading in 84 municipalities, with actions, works and services focused on: Land regularization; Implementation of basic sanitation and urban infrastructure; Environmental recovery; Construction of basic housing units, construction of a hydraulic module, recovery and improvement of the housing sector; onstruction and operation of urban facilities such as: day-care centers, schools, health clinics, community and income generation centers, as well as sports courts and leisure areas; Community development support for families living in the intervention area by fostering the representative organization of the population; leadership training; popular education; health and environmental education; and implementation of activities focused on vocational training and employment and income generation.

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Institutional Strengthening of the Ministry of Cities

n order to formulate the National Urban Development Policy, the Ministry of Cities (MCidades) focused on promoting its institutional capacity and improving its internal organizational structure. This was done through action planning, integration and execution, in compliance with the guidelines set forth in the Statute of the City and in the National Conference of Cities; in discussions held within the Council of Cities; in sectoral urban policies; and mainly in its mission to guarantee access to the city by the population by promoting universal access to urbanized land and decent dwelling as well as to environmental sanitation, safe transit and mobility and a healthy environment through democratic management. To achieve institutional development, the Ministry of Cities implemented a series of actions aimed at expanding, modernizing and strengthening its capacity to formulate and manage public policies. To this end, the main activities carried out were based on: 1| Developing and using normative instruments at federal level, such as for example: a proposal to review and substitute Law No. n 6.766, which provides for the parceling of urban land; a Bill on the Policy and the National Housing System; and a Complementary Bill defining rules for Union cooperation, goals and priorities as respects urban development policies with states, metropolitan regions, the Federal District and municipalities. 2| Improving information and sectoral statistics systems through enhancing efficacy and efficiency standards in the formulation and conduction of the
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National Housing Policy and its integration with other sectoral Urban Development policies, by proceeding with the studies on the main characteristics of the housing sector, the housing deficit and unsuitable dwellings. This study enabled building a database and the publication of Deficit Habitacional no Brasil Municpios Selecionados e Microrregies Geogrficas (Housing Deficit in Brazil Selected Municipalities and Geographic Microregions), as a follow-up of previous publications. 3| Strengthening technical capacity to formulate integrated policies and sectoral rules, with training and information as the two fundamental elements, for the purpose of meeting the requirements of efficacy and efficiency in the execution of programs and projects. 4| Preparing studies and carrying out research; disseminating sectoral information.

National Policy
The Ministry of Cities selected five fundamental points to consolidate the structure of the National Urban Development Policy: urban development financing; federative issues and urban rights; participatory process and social control in the urban development policy; and institutional capacity of the housing sector. The Second National Cities Conference which was preceded by Municipal and Regional Conferences, was fundamental in addressing these topics. This process


had two historical achievements: democratic definition of the National Urban Development Policy (PNDU) and consolidation and legitimization of the Ministry of Cities as the federal agency responsible for the countrys urban development. Another relevant stage was the preparation and publication of the Cadernos MCidades (Ministry of Cities Books), aimed to promote the debate of policies and proposals such as: the National Urban Development Policy; Participation and Social Control; Urban Programs; Housing; Sanitation; Urban Transport and Mobility; Transit; and Training and Information.

Housing Sector
In the housing sector, the Ministry of Cities prioritized the conduction of technical and specialized studies like the National Housing Plan (PLANHAB), which should define the strategy to meet the countrys housing needs by 2020 and establish the guidelines, objectives, physical-financial goals, programmatic lines, instruments, articulation mechanisms, and allocation of resources based on the characterization of the current scenario. Preparing the PLANHAB requires gathering information complementary to the studies on the housing deficit as well as developing and consolidating a Housing Sector Information System - an integral part of the National City Information System (SNIC), within the scope of the Ministry of Cities general Information Policy (PIC). Therefore, geoprocessing based studies are being developed producing indicators and variables on administrative capacities, socioeconomic status and housing conditions of slums and similar settlements, which will help build up the NationalGeoreferenced Municipal Information System, as well as the estimate of demographic housing demand. These studies will be conducted for Brazil, regions, states (with a horizon of up to 2020) and for municipalities (whose estimate should extend to 2010) and will also contribute to the development of the PLANHAB.

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Institutional Development of Municipalities Subprogram

Assisting City Halls in overcoming the challenges of urban and housing issue was the strategy adopted by the Ministry of Cities by creating the Institutional Development of Municipalities Subprogram (DI Subprogram) within the scope of the Habitar Brasil/IDB Program. The objectives of the DI Subprogram are to create or improve instruments that enable slum upgrading in the urban, institutional and environmental dimensions, as well as setting the conditions to increase the offer of low-cost dwelling by adjusting urban and administrative standards to the socioeconomic conditions of lowincome populations. The Subprogram also aims to implement strategies to control and discourage irregular occupations and improve the technical capacity of teams working in the urban-housing sector. The introduction in 2003 of the National Housing Policy which is based on the principles of decentralization, transparency and democratic participation - led to the fundamental need to organize public agents at all government levels to play an active role in overcoming the housing problem in Brazil. The sustainable institutional development of municipalities therefore becomes a basic requirement for the success of urban and housing policies at any government level. Consequently, as the Programs strategic component, the DI Subprogram has come to play a relevant and precursory role in supporting city halls by including on the agenda of municipal teams and managers the importance of both knowing the urban and housing reality in their territories and adopting new and efficient instruments.

What the DI Subprogram Finances

In order to achieve its objectives, the DI Subprogram finances municipal actions in the following areas: a| Preparation and implementation of studies and plans, with a view to the institutional strengthening of municipalities in the housing and urban sectors by financing actions to prepare urban master plans and urban legislation projects; plans and contributions for land and urban regularization; slum characterization; and studies for modernizing the administrative management of the housing and urban sector; b| Training and development of technical teams at city hall level, particularly in the areas of legislation and urban and environmental management; cartography; technical registry; data processing; and project preparation, follow-up and evaluation; c| Acquisition of equipment, subject to justification of need, to support the municipal team in charge of the project as well as to modernize the administrative sector responsible for the housing policy; and d| Support for the implementation of information systems, including commissioning aerophotogrametric mapping and surveys, satellite images, organization and supplementation of real state records, and updating price tables.

As the first step for starting municipal activities under the Program and a prerequisite for accessing resources, the Slum Upgrading Strategic Municipal Plan (PEMAS) is the document that enabled understanding


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the housing sector and therefore facilitated comparative analysis. Preparation of the PEMAS followed a specific work methodology based on three basic steps: filling out a Chart with data on the situation of the urban/housing sector in the municipality. Reading and evaluation of Chart data led to the development of a sector Diagnosis, where weaknesses were presented and solution alternatives envisaged. The result was a Matrix containing specific objectives, goals and respective assessment indicators. By developing the PEMAS process, municipal teams were able to deepen their knowledge and systematization of the housing situation as well as have a clear idea of the problems dimension and ultimately envisage the instruments required to solve it. The PEMAS is a priceless set of information for housing and urban planning by the municipality. In some cases, it has served not only to ensure the municipalitys participation in the Program but also to support the implementation of municipal plans and projects from other financing programs. Transfers have been contracted for with 119 municipalities 104 of which are in the process of implementing the PEMAS - with investments in the order of R$60 million. The 1,000 actions required for achieving the 1,334 goals set forth in the matrices are also being developed.

Cssia Singulano, Public Works Secretary and Coordinator, Municipal Executing Unit (UEM) of So Jos dos Campos/SP 2002. There is no doubt that as a result of the diagnosis made for executing the PEMAS, the municipality was able to identify the critical aspects of its institutional capacity, which relate mainly to the housing area, and define the actions to be included in the PEMAS matrix. Tnia Mara Ramos Guedes, Coordinator, Barra Mansa / RJ UEM 2006. In Niteri, publication of the PEMAS was one of the actions contemplated in the second ID contract to serve as a tool for all social agents involved in the process of overcoming housing and land problems in the municipality. We could say that the PEMAS has become a dynamic instrument in municipal planning and that the actions envisaged in 2004 began to be immediately implemented, leading us to choose to publish versions of the plan updated to June 2006, indicating the progress of the actions planned and pointing out the challenges to be overcome for its implementation. Luis Fernando Valverde, Coordinator, Niteri/RJ UEM 2006.

InadequateHousing Conditions
Slums are one of the most obvious expressions of the high social inequality existing in the country. However, despite the magnitude of the problem, the lack of more adequate indicators prevents its contours and proportions from being more completely and sufficiently known. This, on the one hand, hinders the formulation of public policies that are more appropriate to each situation and, on the other, confuses and prevents more effective demands from social leaderships with respect to government action in this sector. Surveys based on the Charts for preparation of the PEMAS carried out in 106 municipalities show that some 24 percent of households (approximately 2.8 million) in those municipalities are classified as inadequate, because they are located either in slums, irregular or clandestine settlements or in low-income and other types of tenements not included in the situations mentioned.
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The PEMAS motivated the Municipality of Salvador to recreate the Housing Secretariat in 2001; PEMAS actions are the Secretariats work plan. Actions such as land regularization, with over 10,000 registries already established, and public architecture, with more than 300 projects completed, are the result of the work motivated by the PEMAS. Fernando Medrado, Housing Secretary, Municipality of Salvador/BA 2002. The Institutional Development Program of the Habitar Brazil/IDB was fundamental for us to have a diagnosis of our municipality and thus define concrete actions for its integrated development. Maria Rita de


Overcoming this issue requires, on the one side, clearly defining the existing scenario based on adequate and reliable indicators that enable a precise diagnosis of the problem to be addressed. On the other, it presupposes planning the activities to be implemented by defining time-lines, sources of funds and ways to tackle problems and prioritize actions. Within this focus, the Program encourages municipalities to invest resources in gaining detailed knowledge of this reality by characterizing and hierarchizing existing slums and inadequate households. Slums are characterized based on two complementary lines of action: a| Physical surveys indicating the borders, natural features and topography of the areas that will be the object of intervention by public authorities; b| Urban and socioeconomic surveys indicating, inter alia, the inadequacy of existing public services; the sort of dwelling prevailing in the area; incidence of diseases; average income of the local population; land situation; level of public interventions already carried out in the settlement; and level of community organization. Based on the surveys, municipalities will be equipped not only to make a precise diagnosis of each slum area but also to design a housing policy that is both consistent and based on concrete data as well as to plan the actions to be developed. TheInstitutional Development Subprogram requires municipalities to include the hierarchization of slums in the diagnosis of their urban and housing situation when preparing their PEMAS. Actions involving the characterization of slums have been implemented in 103 municipalities, with investments in the order of R$9 million.

of such settlements in both qualitative and quantitative terms. This will enable evaluating corrective actions taken by public authorities, developing a process to prevent new squatters and designing policies to control them. PEMAS of Nossa Senhora do Socorro/SE. When its participation in the Habitar Brasil/IDB program started in 2004, the Municipality of Niteri introduced a project to map and systematize data on slums. Identifying some 100 settlements in the 64 existing polygons was deemed a priority by the municipality. During the shortlisting of slums discussed within the scope of the HBB, although the needs identified in the settlements made it difficult to determine which of these communities was in most need of intervention, a strategy was defined considering all possible actions. In addition, a methodology for project shortlisting and selection is being developed as a development of the experience started in the registration of areas and participation in other federal government programs.

Information on Urban Planning

The lack of knowledge about the municipal territory coupled with the absence of appropriate instruments is one of the basic problems faced by local governments that hinder the management of information, a fundamental activity for urban planning. The lack of updated property registries was easily identified in the PEMAS diagnoses. Also clear was the municipalities need for current data on their built and natural territories with regard to constructions, road systems, infrastructure networks and existing services, as well as for social and economic databases of the local population. Organizing the Urban Information System requires actions such as acquiring satellite images, carrying out aerophotogrametric surveys and developing technical registries, databases, and georeferenced information systems. It also involves planning and arranging for the acquisition of equipment like computers, software and peripheral devices for their implementation, in addition to training people to operate them. To date, 348 of such actions have been commissioned in 108 municipalities, totaling investments in

The list/hierarchization of slums will give the Municipality of Nossa Senhora do Socorro a current picture 84
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the order of R$33 million. As implementation of these actions is relatively quick, the result of such investments is easily seen in the changes that have occurred in the municipalities. These changes range from small batches of computers for the municipal team to the implementation of sector-specific georeferencing systems, with deserved emphasis on the housing sector within the management structure. The HBB has earmarked resources for complementing municipal registries with data on the citys housing sectors, to be included in municipal planning. Most of the times, the municipalities had tax reporting and collection systems which although sophisticated, failed to contemplate these areas and were not connected to databases of the housing sectors. In addition to developing and implementing the information system, municipalities must update the data on a regular basis, taking into account the dynamics of the urban changes occurring in the cities. Data collection and systematization is a permanent activity required to support planning and management actions. In this regard, it is fundamental that municipalities also invest in training its technical staff as well as in creating specialized departments for this purpose. Experiences The municipality of Barra Mansa (RJ) purchased and installed computers in urban control centers, housing management e geoprocessing center. The use of equipment has been of great help not only for preparing registries and slum upgrading and land tenure regularization projects, but also for meeting the requests of the Public Defenders Office through social engineering services. The acquisition of high precision geoprocessing equipment (GPS) has been very useful to support mapping actions in that it enables implementing geodesic marks in the urban area, in addition to supporting the Public Works Inspection Division and following up the expansion of housing complexes. The municipality of So Jos dos Campos (SP) purchased the cartographic mapping, hired technical services for the Georeferenced Information System (SIG) and created a sector specifically for this purpose. This service inclu-

des developing and implementing the system as well purchasing equipment and interconnecting the municipalitys secretariats into a network. The secretariats work together in order to feed the data from each sector. The municipality posts most of this material on the internet and uses the results of applying this instrument in planning actions such as the recently-completed Master Plan, the Land Regularization Program and the Risk Area Prevention Program. So Jos do Rio Preto (SP) acquired satellite images with cartographic precision, in addition to software appropriate for processing digital images and orthorectification. The services hired also include training human resources, with a view to eliminating the need for outsourcing and reducing the costs of the image production process in future updates. The municipality of So Vicente (SP) succeeded in obtaining resources for slum upgrading after acquiring the aerophotogrametric survey and the cartographic restitution system that enabled mapping the city, including slums, on a detailed scale. This base containing precise information on the physical features of the territory has allowed the territory to develop projects and estimate costs necessary for requesting resources. Palmas (TO) succeeded in carrying out the aerophotogrametric survey and aerophotogrametric restitution with all planimetric and altimetric data in digital media, as well as in creating a visualization system to identify constructions and land plots to be made available in computers, in the fields of registry, health, inspection, education, transit, and transportation. The City Hall has also made satellite images, aerial photos and maps available to the population, with a view to establishing an additional channel for exchanging information and suggestions and disseminating knowledge, based on the assumption that knowledge of the city by the population is of fundamental importance in the strategic, sustainable, democratic and participatory process.

Among the many experiences pointed out in the PEMAS by municipalities, training and updating the public agents responsible for managing the integrated
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public policy are probably the most recurrent topics in the diagnoses. The introduction of and increase in the use of information technology in city halls have created new opportunities for improving the services provided to people that seek assistance from the service centers of municipal secretariats. It has also afforded technical staff, managers and stakeholders access to as well as application and virtually unlimited use of data and technical information managed by different city hall sectors. In a large number of city halls, these technical and technological resources are being used to further modernization of management and municipal planning processes. However, this also requires changes in the profile of municipal administrative and technical staff. Public officials need to be trained to implement and master information technology resources as well as to acquire and use knowledge about new management and planning instruments. They should also be capable of promoting decision-making processes that count, from the very beginning, on the active and effective participation of society and, mainly, of the population that is object of social policies and government interventions. More specifically in the area of social housing, challenges for housing interventions are related to the definition of new technical parameters and the development of new financing and management processes that cannot do without the co-participation of the communities involved. And this cannot be done without deep and updated knowledge of the urban and territorial reality as well as of social demands and the profile of the communities to be assisted. Pressed by insufficient budgets and growing needs, public administrations usually define priorities for their investments based on issues that can bring more serious and immediate consequences to the population. From this standpoint, investment in human resources often ends up being relegated to second or third fiddle. However, it is undeniable that technical-institutional weaknesses prevent local governments from having access to programs and actions of other government spheres. Therefore, training and qualifying public agents is also one of the ways the municipality has to increase its investment capacity by having access to new financial resources. 86
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Likewise the assessments of the municipalities, the Ministry of Cities sees training as a priority, since the activity enables keeping and multiplying knowledge and information among municipal officials and social agents. It is an activity through which public authorities can change and improve their relations with citizens and society as well as its capacity to plan and execute social policies. A total of R$4.6 million are expected to be invested in 131 courses or training events in 69 municipalities by the end of the Program. In September 2006, over 3,000 public agents had participated in qualification or training activities in the 71 courses completed. The courses cover from simple training activities in computer applications and programs to specific vocational training and graduate courses, with more than 360 class hours. Recurrent topics on the qualification and training agendas proposed by municipal technical staff to be financed by the Program include: formulating and reviewing laws and codes; mapping as an instrument of knowledge and assessment of local reality in decision-making processes; new urban instruments; information systems and instruments to control land use and risk situations; management of social projects, environmental management and participatory management; management models; land regularization; social housing projects; training of multipliers; interdisciplinary work and integrated programs; and use and application of information technology. Examples An example of a specialization course of high repercussion is the Specialization Course in Urban Management and Social Development offered by the City Hall of Florianpolis (SC) in 2004. With 385 class hours, course contents blend topics focused on urban issues with social development, city hall environment (management aspects, human resources development, information management) and the housing policy per se. The course was attended by 41 technicians from the most diverse educational backgrounds, all of them linked to city hall actions in precarious areas or settlements. Debates, didactic activities and term papers produced a host of knowledge and ideas that can be further develo-

ped and disseminated. The Escola Cidad, whose objective is to train social actors in addressing urban issues, is one of the proposals presented during the course that can be adopted by the municipality. Another example worth mentioning is that of Salvador (BA). In this case, a specific professional development course qualified 237 employees from different municipal agencies involved in the planning, execution, monitoring and evaluation of housing, social, urban and environmental policies, so that they could contribute to implementing a new housing policy for the city. The course, which was held in 2005, totaled 256 class hours.

Housing Policy Planning

Supporting the development of housing policies, plans and programs is one of the DI-Municipalities priorities, in that it is a structuring activity for addressing the housing issue. From its definition, the municipal housing policy is expected to become a benchmark for other actions in the housing area, insofar as it points to a set of objectives, goals and normative and action instruments that enable advancing towards full access to housing. The clear vision of the importance of this type of action has led the Program coordination unit to issue a publication for the purpose of collaborating with the municipalities in designing their housing policy (Book 2 Poltica Municipal de Habitao - Orientaes para Formulao e Implementao), available at The passing and regulation of Law No. 11,124 of June 16, 2005 providing for the legal obligation of municipalities to develop local housing plans in order to have access to resources from the National Social Housing Fund (FNHIS), emphasizes the role of this type of action, since municipalities are better positioned to participate as protagonists in the National Housing Policy. Of the 119 municipalities participating in the Program, 71 plan to use resources from the DI-Municipalities in actions directly related to this topic. Some municipalities have chosen to invest their resources in actions aimed at contributing to the development of the policy itself, such as compatibility studies between housing policy and the master plan or to produce

a detailed diagnosis of reality, as in the case of the studies on housing deficits, demand characterization and development of indicators for evaluating local housing policies. It is worth pointing out that some of these actions are specifically targeted at developing mechanisms for the democratic management of housing policies, such as the creation or adaptation of municipal housing councils and funds. A total of 129 of such actions have been planned, which correspond to an investment of R$ 9.1 million, including R$ 420,000 as municipal counterpart. The active participation of local society is crucial for developing the housing policy and plans. The more democratic and participatory the process of building these proposals is, the more legitimacy and support the proposals will achieve. When formulating a housing policy, the municipality develops a set of principles, objectives and guidelines to address the housing problem and defines the strategies of the actions to be taken by public authorities in order to solve it. Priority actions and target-audiences should be clearly defined and a set of programmatic lines to be developed and implemented should be indicated. The objective of a housing plan, in turn, is to put a given policy into practice. As a planning instrument, a plan should indicate the goals to be achieved as well as the time and financial, technical and human resources required for achieving them. In general, the full cycle of discussing and developing a housing policy or plan goes through several stages that range from the design process to its final approval as follows: y Setting up and training the technical team responsible for coordinating the plan/policy; y Motivating, mobilizing and training society to participate in the process; y Discussing and preparing the diagnosis, which should include a broad-based survey of information and the characterization of the housing and urban sector, including the institutional scenario and corresponding legislation, as well as the sectors operational conditions and administrative structure; y Setting implementation guidelines, proposals and
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strategies as well as programmatic lines; y Proposing programs and actions to be implemented for addressing the problems identified in the diagnosis. Some examples Salvador (BA) was one of the municipalities that invested resources in the development of a set of actions, with the objective of implementing an overarching Municipal Social Housing Policy (PHIS). The work was carried out in two stages. In a first moment, in 2001, the policy guidelines were defined and the resulting document submitted to discussion with the technical community directly involved in the process. The second stage, which has been developed since 2005, involves complementing the PHIS, regulating the municipal housing fund and council and adjusting them to Federal Law No. 11,124/2005 (which provides for the legal obligation of municipalities to develop local housing plans in order to have access to resources from the PHIS) as well as to the development process of the Urban Master Plan of Salvador. This stage should include a broad debate with the participation of entities representing the social movement and different sectors of society, in close articulation with the City Hall sector responsible for reviewing the Master Plan. In Fortaleza (CE), resources were invested in two important complementary actions. The first of these actions addressed the development of the Social Housing Policy (PHIS), which included drafting the Bill for its institutionalization and setting up a system to monitor the preparation and execution of the Pluriannual Operational Plan (2002/2007) that defined the stages, actions, objectives and goals for implementing the PHIS in the period. It also addressed the needs for institutional, organizational, training and logistic resources and an estimate of the investments required, in addition to result evaluation mechanisms and systems. The work has also produced an institutional matrix containing the activities to be developed, the levels of responsibilities and duties of organizations and entities with existing interfaces, as well as the incorporation of 88
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instruments for society participation in the implementation process. The objective of the second action was to define the intervention programs that could be implemented in the municipality. The design of these programs was discussed in five seminars and in forums and public hearings on the subject in question. The municipality of Itapecerica da Serra (SP) developed an action to structure the Municipal Housing Policy that involved reviewing and improving management instruments, especially the Municipal Housing Council. This action was part of a set of actions that included, inter alia, reviewing the Master Plan and the Urban Legislation, preparing a plan for the implementation of a housing management information system, and creating a base of georeferenced housing data. Worth mentioning here are the assistance lent to the entire discussion process and the training provided to the local team through a participatory and interactive methodology. Activities were grouped according to their nature as follows: participatory planning and team training workshops; preparation of technical documents on the housing policy; technical assistance to the discussion process with the local population, including support for mobilization; and assistance to and training of the team responsible for managing the policy. This methodology, which was also adopted in the municipality de Itapevi (SP), used elements of situational strategic planning, from which the group assembles a problem tree indicating critical points. The tree is then used to define the priority programs to be implemented. Both the action proposals and management instruments were developed with the strategic objective of having a municipal policy that could be integrated with state and federal policies and programs.

Master Plan and Urban Legislation

The Federal Constitution of 1988 redefined the competence of municipalities and established a new plateau as regards the urban policy, by defining the obligation of municipalities with population over 20,000 to approve master plans as the basic instrument of the

urban development and expansion policy and a benchmark for properties and cities to fulfill their social role. The 2001 Statute of the City defined the guiding principles of master plans and the instruments for municipalities to intervene in urban and territorial planning and management processes. It also set the five-year deadline for its approval, leading to a broad-based design process of new master plans and urban legislation as well as to the review of the ones that although already in place were outdated and in disagreement with the Statute of the City. The HBB made the financing of institutional development conditional on the updating of the urban legislation, with a view to securing the adoption of mechanisms and instruments provided for in the Statute of the City. Since 2003, this initiative has contributed to the Urban Municipal Management Strengthening Program of the National Secretariat of Urban Programs, by supporting city halls in developing participatory master plans. A review of the DI Subprogram shows that R$10.3 million have been invested in actions of this nature in 58 municipalities. As an instrument focused on territorial planning, the master plan should set principles, guidelines and parameters for municipal territory occupation, foresee the location of activities and all uses of the space in both the present and the future. It is also important that the plans contain guidelines on sectoral housing policies, sanitation and urban transportation and provide the conditions required for the sustainable development of cities. To ensure its effectiveness, once approved by the Municipal Legislature the Master Plan needs to be regulated through a set of approved laws namely: law on land use and occupation; law on land parceling; and code of public works and licensing. The DI Subprogram has financed the development and adjustment of all these instruments as well as macro-zoning, delimitation of urban areas, environmental and posture codes, regulation of the Master Plans urban instruments and review of the tax code. Special attention has been paid by the urban legislation establishing the formal city to the regularization and recognition of informal settlements, most of the

times with their characteristics of non-recognized urban spaces. For this objective to be achieved, special social interest zones or areas (ZEIS or AEIS) are created, with guidelines and parameters suitable to these settlements. Special social interest zones or areas of can also be created for vacant areas, plots or pieces of land, with the objective of securing the use of these areas for popular settlements in the urban legislation.

Resources Invested
The municipality of Olinda (PE), for example, invested resources from the DI in the revision and publication of its Master Plan, so as to comply with the guidelines of the Statue of the City as regards community participation and the social role of property. The resources were used also to define new urban reform instruments as provided for in the Statute and to reformulate the Law on Land Use and Occupation and the Economic and Ecological Zoning of the Rural Area. The process of discussing and reviewing the Master Plan of Olinda (PE) comprised several phases. Firstly, an Institutional Technical Group was set up to contribute technical knowledge and specific information and previously review the products to be discussed with society. Next, two technical workshops were held: one to establish the objectives to be pursued and another to define urban order proposals and strategies, so as to make the objectives of the Plan specific and operational. A Plenary was convened in the following phase to consolidate the suggestions arising from the discussions held with different social segments. Finally, the Bill was submitted to the City Council. The municipality of Belm (PA), in turn, chose to review its Master Plan with the City Hall team. The DI Subprogram was used in actions to support the work required for preparing the Plan. As a first step, four courses were held, with a view to training the team in the areas of participatory master plan, strategic planning, development of facilitators for the group process, and performance indicators. The Subprogram financed four studies that would serve as input for the Master Plan: an assessment report
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of the urban situation; a diagnosis of the urban structure; consultancy for the insular area (which corresponds to the municipalitys rural area); and an urban performance analysis. Coupled with the updating of the information base carried out with municipal resources, these studies enabled understanding the technical aspects of the municipality and deciding on the urban instruments to be used in the Plan. The Subprogram also financed eight thematic seminars, one in each administrative district of Belm, which were organized by the municipality to sensitize local communities about the Master Plan and consolidate the participatory process in its development.

Land Regularization
Land regularization is the process through which public authorities recognize the right to tenure of land occupied for housing purposes through registration in notary publics offices. It is the final stage in the urban, environmental, administrative and property regularization process required for precarious settlements to be actually integrated into the urban grid and the citys service network through their inclusion in the citys real state registry. Even in municipalities where this line of action was already being adopted before the Program, the number of regularized areas was low, although in many cases legal interventions had started simultaneously with those in the urban area. This occurs because the legal time, which involves legalization procedures, is slower than the time of urban intervention, which faces different forms of institutional hindrances (outside the scope of municipal management) and requires a specific technical team. Land titling is one of the major problems facing slums and squatter settlements, as most municipalities do not count on surveys or studies identifying the types of existing irregularities let alone the land situation of such areas - thereby hindering, or even preventing the planning of regularization actions. Irregular occupations in areas with parceling plans which, although approved by city halls were never implemented and whose designs 90
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do not match, are common place. This situation forces the municipality to adopt a series of technical and legal procedures in order to effect regularization. Adoption of the new urban policy instruments established in the Statute of the City (Special Concession for Housing Purposes, Special Urban Adverse Possession, Special Social Interest Zones ZEIS) requires a survey of land situations in registry offices for property demarcation and titling purposes. The Program has allocated resources in the order of R$3.5 million in subsidy actions for municipalities to improve their land regularization activities. In this regard, 34 actions have been contracted for, which include cadastre surveys, field and registry office surveys, sector structuring, events and training. Examples In the municipality of Diadema (SP), the objective of the action contracted for was to diagnose 75 municipalities located in Special Areas of Social Interest, set up a database with the information collected and indicate a regularization solution suitable for each case, as well as to define land regularization actions within the housing policy that complemented the preceding urbanization process. In the municipality of Niteri (RJ), a Land Regularization Center was established within the Housing Undersecretariat to operate solely for this purpose. The results were simpler routines, functional integration with other related organizations and reduced timelines. To this end, a Methodological Guide for implementation of the Land Regularization Program was developed and the City Hall team trained in the activities required for its implementation. The municipality of Curitiba (PR) carried out a full survey of the historical ownership situation of land plots occupied by 22 precarious settlements considered to be more complexes from the documentation standpoint. The study examined more than 700 land records, identified the status of each of these records, tried to locate each owner, updated the cartographic base with the records found and, finally, reviewed and submitted suggestions

to help overcome legal hindrances to the regularization process. This effort also included training the team of the land regularization department of the Curitiba COHAB (Housing Company). The objective of the action was to support the definition of the appropriate strategy to be adopted in each specific case and set priorities for starting the regularization process, taking into account the level of complexity of each area.

y To enable implementation of the Municipal Housing and Urban Policy in a structured fashion and in articulation with different sectors of city hall, by including in its administrative structure the planning, management and control mechanism provided for in the policy; and y To ensure budget and financial resources for the sector. Actions range from very particular and specific cases to more overarching ones. It could mean simply changing routine activities or defining the responsibilities of the Housing Policy management team or, still, undertaking the administrative restructuring of all sectors involved in the housing and urban area, including redesigning procedural flows. Fundamental actions in the administrative reform process include: a diagnosis, the administrative organization proposal, legal implementation guarantees, and the implementation proposal itself. The process should first and foremost be transparent, participatory, broadly discussed with all sectors involved (technical staff, managers and civil servants in general) in both the diagnosis and proposal discussion phases or in the debate with members of the municipal legislature. The administrative reform of the housing sector should clearly define: y The complete administrative organization of city halls (organizational chart), including necessarily therein the body responsible for managing the Housing and Urban Policy; its legal nature; the creation and definition of the respective positions; accessory bodies; Councils and Committees; Funds; partners; and other agents where applicable; y The functions of each sector involved in popular housing and the role of each of these sectors in the procedural flow; y The competencies and responsibilities of each position; elimination of duplicity and vacancy of positions; and decentralization of decisions; y The legal duties of each body in relation to the position held; y The reduction in city hall administrative hierarchy
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Administrative Reform
Among the many difficulties facing municipalities in the housing and urban area, the lack of administrative organization is one of the main hindrances in housing and urban policy management, as a result of poor functional, structural or administrative organization. In this regard, the DI-Municipalities subprogram has made these actions eligible for financing with resources from the program. The problems identified include municipalities of all sizes, at a higher or lower degree. Some municipalities dont even have an area responsible for the housing sector in their organizational structure. And there are those where the housing sector was created but its actions are actually carried out by a different sector. The most common case is that where different sectors in the area of social housing are spread throughout the city halls administrative structure at different levels of subordination, with little or no decision-making power and fully dependent on other sectors even for simple routine tasks, with no articulation at all. The administrative reform actions proposed by municipalities have been developed based on the following general objectives: y To strengthen the housing and urban sector; y To afford the housing sector greater visibility within society and municipal leaderships; y To improve the quality of services provided to the population by the sector; y To speed up and facilitate the processes of land parceling approval and concession of occupancy permits and certificates;


levels through merging, wherever possible, duties involving management, planning and execution of public works, facilitating articulation among the different sectors involved and improving the sectors relations with other sectors and different government spheres and their partners; The definition of the staff required for the sector, with the establishment of office-holding criteria and prioritization of access to civil service employment through public entrance examinations; The graphic representation of the process flow (flowchart) of requests for the concession of land parceling licenses and occupancy permits and certificates; The duties, responsibilities and competencies for evaluating processes, with the elimination of red tape practices; The strengthening of the sector responsible for popular housing by providing it with greater financial autonomy and creating specific budgetary headings of its own.

The DI Subprogram is financing 28 administrative reform actions that benefit 23 municipalities and total investments in the order of R$1.5 million.

Urban Control Procedures

The acceleration and democratization of approval and licensing procedures is of fundamental importance for implementing the municipal housing policy. In this regard, the Program has earmarked resources for municipalities to review their urban control procedures. Most of the assessments presented by the municipalities indicate low levels of efficiency in the implementation of activities that include the phases of project approval, licensing, inspection and concession of occupancy certificates. Difficulties involving examination of and compliance with the legislation, coupled with the high cost of concession fees and the slowness of the entire bureaucratic process end up hindering and discouraging initiatives to regularize constructions and land parceling, thereby contributing to the growing urban irregularity. 92
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Data contained in the PEMAS show that it takes some municipalities as much as three years to approve a land parceling project and more than a year to approve a mere construction project. Access to regularization is both complex and expensive, as the number of land documents required, the level of project detailing and the cost of fees and taxes involved in licensing and regularization processes are neither easily understood by nor easily available to the population. This situation, which occurs even among those segments of the population with higher levels of schooling, makes the use of brokers more common and frequent than it would be desirable, with the consequent increase in the costs of administrative procedures. Additionally, internal control mechanisms are poor, hindering knowledge of the problem as well as implementation of an informative action to foster the search for regularization of land parceling and constructions. A more effective social control will depend on different types of actions that range from consolidating the legislation and streamlining routines to implementing computerized procedures for analyzing and following up the concession of construction permits and occupancy certificates for private and public works. This component includes commissioning studies such as surveys, diagnoses and analyses of the current sector situation, as well as the proposal of new operational procedures and flows. It also comprises modernizing the sector, including the acquisition of equipment, blueprint scanning services, and specific training. A total of R$2.1 million has been invested in 32 actions contracted for by the Program, that benefited 29 municipalities. Examples In this area, the Municipality de Guaruj (SP) developed the work in three modules: Module I: Analysis of and proposal to review procedures in workshops with city hall technicians. On the occasion, data were collected on human and material resources, flows, management and legislation, with the aim of improving procedures. In this module, a large step was taken through a review of the Master Plans urban

legislation, which has become not only simpler but also more effective and practical. Module II: Analysis of the Municipalitys urban and environmental legislation, seeking to identify conflicts, omissions, and/or redundancies in legal instruments governing the matter at local level as well as in relation to state and federal legislation. The consolidated version of this material, which is posted on the City Halls homepage on the internet, has become a very useful inquiry tool for technicians in different areas of City Hall as well as for other segments of society, in addition to enabling prompt achievement of the proposed objective to democratize information. Module III: Land Regularization Procedures and their interaction in Urban Control flows. The proposed regularization procedures were of great use to the Land Regularization Directorate. The municipality of Recife (PE) also invested in the Municipalitys Urban Control Structure Modernization Project. This action involved adopting a given technological platform as a way of standardizing the development of municipal administration corporate systems. According to the assessment, at least three information systems that did not interact were used from the beginning to the end of the processes. Another aspect pointed out was the centralization of the existing information system that caused processes to tread a long path in the citys Regional Coordination Units and had a negative impact on citizens. In addition to implementing an integrated system, the action also included training the municipal technical staff in implementing the system and new work routines as well as in acquiring equipment for regional offices. The action was also aimed at providing services via the intranet and the internet that included service requests, follow-up of required processes, and document issuing by residents themselves. This enabled gains in terms of process speed, in addition to improving the quality of urban control.

one of the priority issues to be addressed. Squatting in inappropriate and environmentally fragile areas is very common and should be restrained, as its consequences are expensive and many times irreversible for both residents and the environment. An overarching Municipal Housing Policy should contemplate preventive actions and take into account the need for municipalities to act in the sense of curbing irregular settlements, thereby complementing the actions set forth in recovery and housing provision programs. This topic comprised actions such as: studies, surveys, analysis, diagnoses, development of differentiated action strategies, sector organization, training teams, and dissemination and media services, with a total investment of R$1.1 million in 20 municipalities. The activities contracted for were aimed at the institutional strengthening of the sector in charge of inspecting and controlling squatting in municipal lands. The intended benefits were a management structure with trained staff and adequate equipment and a population informed about the need to respect common spaces, refrain from occupying risk areas and preserve the environment. Examples The municipality of Recife (PE) hired a consultancy firm to provide technical assistance to the City Hall in the implementation of a Squatting Control Program. The action was carried out in the following stages: y Diagnosis and analysis of the structure existing in the Recife City Hall for Urban Control, in terms of human and material resources as well as data on squatting in recent years and characterization thereof; y Development and implementation of training courses for City Hall technical staff and civil society representatives with 160 class hours comprising classroom activities and practical field lessons and with a programmatic content that enabled effective action in the Squatting Control Program; y Definition of detailed routines and procedures as well as specification of the equipment required for operating a Squatting Control program; y Definition of program dissemination strategies
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Squatting Control
The topic Establishing Mechanisms for Squatting Settlements was suggested to municipalities as


through educational campaigns and term of reference for hiring consultancy in the area of communication; y Definition of Program monitoring and evaluation strategies; and y Preparation of a practical guide for the inspection of public areas, with an emphasis on community participation. Also along this line of action, some municipalities have implemented proactive actions as a way to prevent irregular occupation, by carrying out previous studies aimed at establishing guidelines and mechanisms to induce ordered occupation, as was the case in Nova Iguau (RJ) and Itapecerica da Serra (SP), which invested in studies for slope and spring areas. In these areas, where irregular occupation processes were identified and slums formed, strategies are being designed for implementing actions to mitigate risk situations in a way that is compatible with environmental preservation, through projects and programs that are both regulatory and conducive to balanced occupation. The studies include, inter alia, delimiting the areas to be preserved and those subject to upgrading, as well as establishing guidelines on environmental and urban treatment for each case, with a view to giving managers more control over these occupation processes.


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Program Benefits
Although the Institutional Development of Municipalities Subprogram is still in the implementation stage, some benefits for the municipalities can already be seen: 1| the DI Subprogram has contributed to ensuring housing, planning and particularly slum issues a higher place on the agendas of the municipalities where it has been implemented as well as in forums where it is represented. 2| PThe housing and urban sectors of City Halls have also benefited from the Program with respect to both equipping their physical structures and establishing and in some cases consolidating a planning culture, to which knowledge of the reality is fundamental. 3| PThe acquisition and use of urban information, techniques and new instruments has helped these sectors 94
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to develop and expand, thereby ensuring them more space in the internal structures of City Halls. Studies and surveys carried out by City Halls with the support of the Subprogram have increased knowledge of the municipal reality, strengthened the planning activity and enabled future interventions. PWith the implementation of the DI Subprogram, municipal administrators and managers have also faced new challenges that led them to acknowledge institutional development as a fundamental element for consolidating a public housing policy. PThe PEMAS has proven to be an important planning instrument and its methodology is now a benchmark for implementing other local programs and actions. PThe lessons learned from preparation of the Terms of Reference, which played the role of projects with a clear definition of specifications for contracting DI actions, have contributed to further develop local teams. PThe multidisciplinary nature of the Subprogram, whose action covered different areas of city halls that are either directly or indirectly related to the housing issue, has enabled integration among different sectors, which in many cases began to share information organized into multipurpose systems. PThe experience of local teams in executing and following up integrated slum upgrading actions has also contributed to development and training as regards setting up multidisciplinary teams.

Squatter Settlements Upgrading Subprogram

Improving the housing conditions of slum dwellers cannot be seen as a sectoral issue. On the contrary, it is a component that actively interacts with other conditioning factors of urban and environmental development. Therefore, the right to fair housing comprises the environmental quality of the medium and its inclusion into and integration with the city through the availability of urban infrastructure and accessibility to the labor market and public facilities. The Slum Upgrading Subprogram used these guidelines as a starting point, coupled with the assumption that popular participation in any government policy needs to be considered as both a form of assertion of citizenship and a strategy of democratization and social control of public management in its proposal, implementation and operation. The Subprogram aims to execute integrated slum upgrading projects covering degraded or risk areas located in metropolitan regions, urban agglomerations or capital cities inhabited predominately by families with a monthly income of up to three minimum wages. The concept of integrated project involves meeting all of the populations needs identified through an integrated diagnosis produced before the area intervention project developed. on the titling and ownership of the area or areas to be used is collected and the physical, urban and environmental situation of the intervention area and its surroundings is evaluated. What types of information are required to learn about the population? y Socioeconomic information about the families that will benefit from the Project, including: definition of their income profile and monthly average amount paid in contributions, taxes and fees; housing conditions; use of public transport; degree of knowledge of the Project; schooling; and health conditions among other clarifying data. y Public social facilities pointed out by the community. y Information on community organization. y Information required for health and environmental education programs, such as most frequent diseases in the community, medical care conditions, and participation in public health programs. y Existence of health and environmental education programs as well as of NGOs operating in the area. y Information on the production vocation of the community and the market potential for absorbing labor and the production resulting from the implementation of vocational training and/or employment and income generation programs. y History of the communitys social achievements. y Profile of local leaderships. y Survey of cultural values existing in the area. And what about the intervention area and it surroundings? y Identification of the physical and urban features of the area of intervention and its surroundings; exisH a bi ta r br a s i l | bi d - i db

The Subprogram methodology is developed in two different phases: Phase 1 Eligibility or Integrated Diagnosis Phase, where the socioeconomic aspects of the population living in the project area are identified, information


y y

ting public utilities; public and community facilities, with definition of coverage and capacity for meeting demand. History of area occupation and demographic density, with information on the status of the area if in expansion or stabilized. Environmental diagnosis of the area of intervention, including features of the surrounding environment. Characterization of existing housing units (type of use; construction material; number of rooms; public utilities water, electricity; situation of the sanitary unit; disposal of solid residues; and densification level). Blueprint with location of the area of intervention in relation to the urban sprawl as regards its physical and urban features, existing infrastructure and community facilities, with definition of coverage. Blueprint of the area of intervention subject to upgrading or resettlement, with identification of the perimeter of the integrated Project area (polygonal); current occupation; infrastructure; existing community facilities and public utilities, with definition of coverage. Identification of co-located projects, i.e. other projects already implemented, under study or in execution financed by other sources of funds and interfacing with the Project; capacity of the Municipal or State Executing Unit (UEM/UEE) to articulate the set of interventions, so as to make actions in the area compatible. Complete survey of the legal situation of the area of intervention and/or the area intended for resettlement, with a view to defining the form of ownership or property titling for beneficiaries. Indication of the need to relocate families occupying Environmental Conservation Units such as parks, ecological stations, biological reserves or high-voltage right-of-ways, gas pipes, oil pipes, railways and highways. Photographic documentation showing the project area and its surroundings, with records and clarification of fundamental features and aspects.

Upon completion of the diagnosis, a discussion will be held between the technical team and the community about the proposals for action and services, leading to the second phase of the project: Phase 2 Eligibility or Integrated Project Phase. In this phase, executive projects are developed and approved and a Chart of Investment Composition (QCI) describing the items and their respective costs to be financed by the Program is proposed. Integrated projects are allowed to invest in works and services required for providing communities with urban infrastructure, including water supply services, sewage, opening of streets or alleys, paving and draining of streets, public and house lighting, slope containment and stabilization, environmental recovery and rehabilitation of degraded areas. Unoccupied areas need to be rehabilitated. Public areas are generally reforested or urbanized through landscaping, whereas private areas are recovered by their owners, who agree to do so by signing the Term of Commitment required by the program. Special construction works like bridges, pumping stations, sewage treatment plants, plumbing, and draining channels among others, which are required for the urban sustainability of the settlement can also be executed. As a solution for the housing problem, the subprogram authorizes the construction of new housing units, hydraulic modules, in addition to house improvements and remodeling. Housing units should be preferably of the embryo type, so as to enable future expansions by residents. Hydraulic modules comprise the kitchen, bathroom and laundry. House improvements should ensure the physical and sanitary health of preexisting constructions, with appropriate floors, walls and roofs. House remodeling resulting from partial demolitions or other interferences required for installing infrastructure is also allowed. Finally, the Subprogram invests in the land issue by regularizing the physical space and integrating the area into urban formality and ensuring the right to secure land tenure.


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From the actions, works and services proposed in the integrated Project, it would be safe to say that at least two of their elements are essentially structuring, namely land regularization and the work carried out with the families in the social field. Land regularization as a requirement becomes an element of citizenship, as it provides residents with an address and promotes their social inclusion by granting them a title of ownership. The work carried out with communities in the social field is focused on three main objectives: mobilizing participation and organizing the community; providing health and environmental education; and promoting employment and income generation. The methodology of this type of work in these social interventions has specific characteristics for each stage of the physical intervention: Before the construction works, when the process is designed and the population encouraged to become acquainted with and issue opinions about the proposals for that specific area, deciding on the necessary public facilities and joining the Project through a Term of Commitment to be signed by at least 80 percent of the heads of households. During the construction works, when project executors act by establishing committees and groups of community representatives (resident associations and/or the like, works follow-up committees, groups of women and youths, environmental committees and so on). The population is heard and encouraged to participate in each stage of the Project by following up construction works, deciding on training offers and attending small and/or large decision-making meetings. The teams of Executing Units work all the time inside the communities, as it is there that field offices with a team made up of social workers, engineers, architects, and environmental experts are located. After completion of construction works and in the post-occupation period, communities are assisted for a twelve-month period, when the committees and groups established are reinforced, community representation entities are trained and participation of these groups in activities outside the area of intervention like debate forums, Municipal Councils and other venues is

encouraged, so that residents can stop depending on the technical team and gain autonomy in relation to public authorities. Finally, still as an important innovation introduced by the Subprogram, a Post-Occupation Evaluation is performed and its matrix of indicators discussed and agreed upon by Program actors, namely the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the Ministry of Cities, the Federal Savings Bank, City Halls and State Governments, which propose an evaluation of the immediate results and impacts of the integrated projects developed, based on three main axes: Housing and Urban Inclusion, Social Inclusion, and Residents Satisfaction. The dimensions of these axes seek to cover all aspects of the integrated project: Basic infrastructure Urban mobility Environmental quality Housing Land regularization Urban control Access to public social services Citizenship and participation Inclusion in the labor market Housing and urban services Social and community life

y y y y y y y y y y y

Owing to their characteristics, the constructions works of the integrated slum upgrading project require an average of about 18 months to transform an inadequate area into a new, proper neighborhood. The Subprogram has 119 contracted projects, which are distributed in 25 Units of the Federation and directly benefit 89,437 families accounting for 358,000 people. Resources in the order of R$807.7 million are being invested in the execution of these 119 projects, with R$807.7 million from the Ministry of Cities and R$277 million as counterpart from state governments and municipalities (data from 09/19/06). In addition to providing slums with infrastructure, these resources have also financed the construction of:
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y y y y y y y y

73 daycare centers 34 fundamental education schools 33 health clinics 81 community centers 53 economic activity centers 15 multiple activity centers 10 police stations 234 leisure areas

Over 2.5 million sq. meters of green and vacant area are being created and provided with structure and 3.5 million sq. meters of environmental protection areas (APPs) are being preserved and recovered. A total of R$32.3 million is being invested in activities in the social area as follows: Community mobilization and organization Stakeholder training Popular education Support for formal education and fight against illiteracy y Labor qualification and re-qualification y Incentive to production groups y Establishment of production cooperatives and/or associations y y y y Preparation of families for the appropriate use of the infrastructure services and social facilities established. In an attempt to solve housing needs through their own means, the families, mainly those in the lowerincome bracket, occupy unsuitable and steep areas such as slopes, areas subject to periodic floods, dunes prone to landslides, areas with high concentrations of polluting agents, etc. This type of occupation, which on the one hand puts the physical integrity of residents and their assets at risk, on the other causes environmental damages that generally are not limited to slums. For example, the effects of the indiscriminate removal of vegetation for construction on slopes, the blocking of natural draining lines and the accumulation of domestic garbage on slopes as well as on creeks and rivers are all well known. Integrated projects are executed under the most different physical and geographic conditions. Spread 98
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over several Brazilian states, interventions are developed in many ecosystems and under different conditions in urban environments. Topography of the area, proximity to preservation areas, occupation of right-of- way areas, location and history of occupation are all fundamental factors for urban solutions that give projects their urban specificity and require solutions based of these perspectives. The projects submitted by State Governments and Municipalities and contracted for in the Subprogram involve risk areas on slopes; populations living under high-voltage networks and in right-of-way areas with pipelines of inflammable products (Petrobras multiproduct pipelines); railways; irregular areas; and permanent preservation or environmental protection areas whose populations are at social risk.

Interventions in Slope Areas: Physical and Social Stability

These projects include reducing the risk of landslide and erosion with slope containment actions involving civil works and/or vegetation, depending on local topographic conditions and the individual solutions proposed. In slope containment, i.e. protection of steep areas, traditional solutions are adopted such as: concrete containment walls, gabion boxes, and mortared stones. More modern forms of containment are enveloped soil, which is the compacting of soil covered by a layer of synthetic material with high draining capacity, or stapled soil consisting of soil coverage with a screen welded and stapled to the ground and covered by vegetation. All these forms of containment have been used in the projects. The draining system is critical for preventing landslide on slopes and becomes even more relevant with the use of ducts on the side parts of stairways for residents access, with or without water velocity reduction. In this type of intervention, an important task is to ensure accessibility and mobility. The solution adopted to solve these problems includes stairways, pathways in containment areas and other creative solutions, depending on each local reality.

Besides the solutions offered by engineering, a broad debate about the use of new equipment and preparation for a new reality needs to be held with the population. Programs encouraged the growth of vegetable gardens and wooded backyards as well as orientation on how to pack household garbage in addition to collection and disposal of urban waste which, depending on the case, cannot be done on a door-to-door basis. Raising awareness about the maintenance and conservation of urban draining is also an important aspect to prevent future flood areas.

eches and meetings attended by the public companies responsible for managing the right-of-ways in the case of Petrobrs subsidiary companies. Living next to highways and railways poses a risk to peoples lives, particularly children, who are more frequently subject to accidents. The mobility of families is also hindered by the physical barrier these right-ofways represent. In general, families are relocated from these to other risk-free areas and activities in the social field seek to raise peoples awareness for the need of transfer.

Interventions in Right-of-way Areas: Paving the Way to Development and Social Inclusion
The occupation of high-voltage right-of-way areas, of Petrobrs multipurpose pipelines as well as of railways and highways pose an imminent risk, each at its own manner. In these cases, the areas need to be vacated through relocating families to more internal areas in the settlement or to resettlement locations, with a view to eliminating a negative coexistence between people and the risk of accidents. Populations living under high-voltage networks are exposed to the imminent risk of electricity-related accidents. Besides, surveys indicate that electric discharges could be hazardous to health. In these cases, relocation is necessary, with families being transferred to areas close to the original settlement. These areas, however, are many times cleared by the electricity company to be used for growing community vegetable gardens and/or for other activities. Petrobrs multipurpose pipelines, which pose the risk of fire, explosion and water and soil contamination, should be left vacant inside the settlement and the families resettled inside the project area. Maintenance of these multipurpose pipelines is also hindered when right-of-way areas are not respected. In the case of areas crossed by multipurpose pipelines, work in the social field should draw the populations attention to the risk of living in these areas through spe-

Intervention in Water Bodies: Respect for Water and Life

Environmental protection areas aimed to protect water bodies located in urban areas, named Permanent Protection Areas (APPs) in Brazil, are very much coveted, as they are generally clear, well located areas. Although the environmental legislation prohibits the use of APP for housing purposes, this type of use is very common, particularly due to the lack of urban inspection and the absence of physical delimitation showing the population that the area is unsuitable for human use. For the population in need of urban services, the APP also serves as an immediate water spring and a way to dispose of sewage and solid residues, with the consequent degradation of these environments. Recent changes in legislation have paved the way to new intervention proposals, with greater integration between urbanization and the water body. It should be mentioned that although proposed before the legislation was amended, the projects that make up the Habitar Brasil/IDB already show trends towards a harmonious integration between humanity and nature. Interventions in water bodies in APPs within the scope of the Subprogram occur in rivers and creeks, lagoons, springs and channels. The type of urbanization to be adopted will depend on different aspects of occupation such as consolidation, size and function of the water body, and compliance with the environmental legislation among others.

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Occupations along River and Creek Margins

Given the mobility of their waters, occupied rivers and creeks represent the possibility of carrying residues, ending up as dump yards for garbage and residues from superficial urban draining. As a result, these water bodies are silted up, leading to flash floods with high transport capacity that pose danger and health hazards. This situation requires vacating the margins and/or implementing engineering actions in the trough of rivers and creeks. In some projects, all the families were relocated and the area was reforested with native vegetation, as a way to protect the water resource and comply with the environmental legislation. In these cases, reforestation is also monitored through replacing seedlings and following up their growth. In other instances, the total or partial relocation of families gives place to leisure areas and public facilities. In these cases, projects to rehabilitate degraded areas gain strength in the form of linear urban parks, which are of great value to the community. In other interventions, the natural features of the trough are modified by channeling, and adjacent areas or even the bed of water courses are used as pathways. These projects, in addition to other activities developed by the social team, require raising awareness about water resources through health and environmental campaigns and workshops so that the community can start interacting with the water system and thus value this resource.

margins through reforestation. The calmness of these waters transforms them into leisure areas of contemplative appeal.

Interventions in Mangrove Areas: From a Historically Discriminated Space to Urban and Social Valuation
Mangroves grow in coastal areas, mainly in the estuaries and mouth of rivers, where there is salty water and the area is semi-protected from the action of waves, but open enough to receive sea water. Brazil has one of largest extensions o mangroves on the planet. Although an area of environmental preservation, mangroves are subject to a prejudice that dates back to a time when it was synonymous with dirt and suspicious activities. This situation has led mangroves to be the target of harsh destruction for the construction of harbors, roads, landfills and cultivation experiments. This devaluation has also encouraged the occupation of mangrove areas by low-income populations, with the consequent establishment of stilt-house slums and progressive grounding. In interventions in these areas, the low quotas and high number of landfills are the major hindrances to the upgrading process. Normally, part of the mangrove is sacrificed for the establishment of a landfill and the construction of housing units to replace stilt houses. A physical barrier usually a beltway - is raised to protect the mangrove, which is rehabilitated through reforestation and environmental education for the families concerned.

Occupations along Lake, Lagoon and Inlet Margins

Still water bodies are even more susceptible to pollution and occupation Although the flood waters of these water bodies do not have the same transport capacity as those of rivers and creeks, they also cause floods, exposing the population to health hazards. Solutions range from relocating families living in the area and urbanizing it and/or rehabilitation of the 100
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Interventions in Urban Exclusion Areas: Dignity and Citizenship

Processes involving land speculation and porkbarrel practices, coupled with the lack of urban control have given rise to a host of informal settlements, leading to lack of ownership security and public investment and ultimately to low quality of life. As a result, upgrading of these settlements has provided them with infrastructure, leisure areas and public facilities, in addition

to regulating ownership by families. In these interventions, activities carried out in the social field have sought to achieve the three axes of the Subprogram, namely community mobilization for participation and organization purposes; health and environmental education; and training people for employment and income generation.

Families at Social Risk: The Recovery of Citizenship

Some families find the solution to their housing problems by squatting in buildings or camping in vacant areas on the outskirts of cities. These places end up transformed into ghettos that pose a high social risk. Criminal activities are common place and the precarious infrastructure hinders the coexistence of families living in these conditions. Families are relocated from squat to settlements in close areas, where they are provided with new homes and all necessary infrastructures. Families living in camps on the ou tskirts of cities are also provided with decent housing and the opportunity of a life free of the stigma associated with a ghetto. In both cases, all necessary social facilities are also made available. Social activities seek basically to include the excluded, with a focus on the discussion of rights and mobilization towards participation and organization. Multiple training alternatives are offered for employment and income generation. Activities are also developed with children and youths, with a view to raising their self-esteem.

Interventions in Environmental Protection Areas: Nature Conservation in Harmony with Humanity

According to the National System of Conservation Units, Environmental Protection Areas (APAs) are classified as direct use of natural resources category, together with National Forests, Extractivist Reserves, and Fauna Reserves, where occupation and exploitation of natural resources are allowed, pursuant to specific rules that ensure protection of the unit. By definition, we could say that these areas are of relevant public interest, in that they ensure the wellbeing of human populations as well as the protection, rehabilitation and conservation of natural resources. Therefore, the APAs should be the object of planning and zoning, with a view to ensuring their sustainability and better quality of life for local communities. These areas therefore differ from the Permanent Protection Areas (APPs), which are subject to more restrictive use. In the APA territory, multiple uses of the land are permitted, such as urban, rural, conservation and preservation areas. These lands can also remain under private ownership, as they do not require expropriation by public authorities. In this type of action, the intervention plan should be associated with the APA guidelines. These situations require little condensation, a significant increase in green areas and a clear physical landmark demarcating the urbanized area. Activities developed in the social field should focus on the importance of those conservation areas and on human relations. Such is the reason for preserving these areas as well as for the important role they play in the regional context.

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H a bi ta r br a s i l | bi d - i db

UF State

Municpio Municipality

Projeto Project Total Mocinha Magalhes Conjunto Jardim das Paineiras Denisson Menezes Denisson Menezes - 2. etapa Mutiro da Cidadania Alagados IV e V Alagados IV e V - 2. etapa Alagados VI - 3. etapa Candolndia Nova Vitria - 1 etapa Nova Vitoria - 2. etapa Comunidade Invaso do Estdio Fonte de Lili Alto do Teotnio Vilela - 1 etapa Comunidade Bananeira Comunidade do Alto da Bela Vista Vila Nova do Porto Comunidade Dicono BR116 Mangue/Gato Morto Lagoa do Opaia Favela Maravilha Vila Varjo Vila Varjo - 2. etapa Bairro Novo Horizonte Bairro Novo Horizonte - 2. etapa Dom Joo Batista Dom Joo Batista - 2. etapa Poligonal 11 Poligonal 1 - 1. etapa Poligonal 1 - 2. etapa Nova Cidade Superquadra 19 Belvedere Lagoa dos Santos Dom Fernando Lunabel 3A e Vila Zequinha Bairro Imigrantes Vida Nova Peninsula Ipase Vila Senhor dos Passos Vila Califrnia

Nmero do contrato de repasse / Transfer Contract No.

Famlias Families

Investimento Investment

Repasse Unio/BID Transfer Union/IDB

Contrapartida Counterpart

1 AC Rio Branco 2 AL Arapiraca 3 Macei 4 Macei 5 Rio Largo 6 BA Salvador-GE 7 Salvador-GE 8 Salvador-GE 9 Santo Amaro 10 Camaari 11 Camaari 12 Candeias 13 Feira de Santana 14 Ilhus 15 Itabuna 16 Jequi 17 Lauro de Freitas 18 Simes Filho 19 CE Fortaleza- GE 20 Fortaleza/CE 21 Fortaleza 22 DF Braslia - GE 23 Brasilia - GE 24 ES Serra 25 Serra 26 Vila Velha 27 Vila Velha 28 Vitria 29 Vitoria 30 Vitoria 31 GO Aparecida de Goinia 32 Cidade Ocidental 33 Cristalina 34 Formosa 35 Goinia 36 Novo Gama 37 Planaltina 38 Trindade 39 MA So Luis 40 MG Belo Horizonte 41 Belo Horizonte

137947-20 137884-76 127315-79 145950-53 139377-73 118265-83 138818-81 000431-54 000423-80 138816-63 000430-38 150818-37 138327-40 138817-77 000331-38 138687-05 147058-89 138334-32 124229-59 137439-73 000422-65 138027-18 000425-31 136514-72 000345-34 117242-83 000409-94 105399-28 138844-08 148984-18 149743-19 139149-05 139118-36 139151-50 132183-86 139154-82 139155-97 000347-75 000416-42 105710-06 139242-40

89.387,00 1.078.421.413,35 773 12.848.114,62 581 10.485.061,00 564 7.764.615,00 118 2.149.150,00 882 4.444.741,00 1.157 13.653.670,83 1.423 14.627.438,00 2.156 11.744.237,00 1.280 13.265.510,00 362 3.011.368,00 515 3.084.262,00 314 2.856.178,00 226 3.178.323,00 385 4.706.544,00 236 5.842.850,00 523 4.043.613,82 828 10.351.910,00 201 1.971.188,88 471 7.121.989,04 715 13.544.855,00 641 15.706.719,00 1.419 13.929.536,07 200 5.852.000,00 1.021 9.696.357,39 850 7.240.407,00 826 8.572.785,00 430 6.268.928,00 1.154 13.348.365,00 2.397 12.248.442,00 1.102 13.278.800,00 795 11.364.994,00 793 9.644.197,00 196 3.949.560,00 299 9.599.533,78 934 8.920.906,84 371 8.593.578,00 638 7.808.919,00 900 9.569.444,00 605 13.519.006,00 988 11.935.716,00 1.120 13.585.517,00

804.318.422,91 274.102.990,44 10.920.897,43 1.927.217,19 8.940.612,00 1.544.449,00 7.112.395,00 652.220,00 1.825.110,00 324.040,00 4.000.000,00 444.741,00 10.084.601,28 3.569.069,55 9.966.361,00 4.661.077,00 9.000.000,00 2.744.237,00 11.000.000,00 2.265.510,00 2.556.544,00 454.824,00 2.383.889,00 700.373,00 2.570.560,00 285.618,00 2.575.238,00 603.085,00 3.999.621,00 706.923,00 5.215.044,00 627.806,00 3.652.407,23 391.206,59 9.316.718,00 1.035.192,00 1.795.697,41 175.491,47 4.654.659,00 2.467.330,04 10.474.999,00 3.069.856,00 11.000.000,00 4.706.719,00 11.772.461,34 2.157.074,73 2.000.000,00 3.852.000,00 5.423.611,44 4.272.745,95 5.414.654,00 1.825.753,00 6.568.543,00 2.004.242,00 4.639.026,00 1.629.902,00 8.834.885,00 4.513.480,00 9.113.608,00 3.134.834,00 9.229.037,00 4.049.763,00 9.849.225,00 1.515.769,00 6.235.937,00 3.408.260,00 3.543.942,00 405.618,00 7.243.595,04 2.355.938,74 7.353.467,00 1.567.439,84 6.874.764,00 1.718.814,00 6.935.402,00 873.517,00 8.601.523,00 967.921,00 11.120.000,00 2.399.006,00 8.993.562,00 2.942.154,00 11.000.000,00 2.585.517,00

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HABITAR BR A SIL / BID - SUBPRO G R A M A DE A SSENTA MENTOS SUBN O R M AIS | CO NTR ATOS FIR M AD OS - P OSI O DE JUNH O/ 20 0 6 HABITAR BR ASIL / ID B SLU M UPG R ADING SUBPRO G R AM | SIG N ED CO NTR AC T S JUN E 20 06 POSITIO N N 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
UF State

Municpio Municipality

Projeto Project Morro do Querosene Aglomerado Bethnia Aglomerado Bethnia - 2. etapa Vila S Nenen Vila Vargem Grande Bairro Bela Vista Vila Paulista Buriti/Lagoa Santa Luzia Imbirissu/Serradinho Renascer / Cachoeirinha Crrego Trs Barras Riacho Doce/Pantanal Riacho Doce/Pantanal - 2. etapa Pedregal III e IV Stio Grande/Dancing Days Vila Charnequinha Nossa Senhora da Conceio Vila Manchete Abenoada por Deus Padre Miguel Beira Rio Campo do Vila Vila Imperial Comunidade da Quarenta Vila Bairro Vila Xapinhal Terra Santa Jardins Joo Turquino / Maranho Jardim Primavera Vila Natal Morro da Cocada Bairro Parque Loteamento Jardim Esperana / Bairro I - 2 Distrito Parque Analndia Passo da Ptria frica So Sebastio 01 Bairro Centenrio

Nmero do contrato de repasse / Transfer Contract No.

Famlias Families 453 1.192 514 189 532 429 148 764 172 850 620 1.128 889 982 1.429 2.706 1.422 294 488 428 264 320 214 154 400 1.509 2.327 1.085 1.178 280 104 376 310 224 617 920 1.057 588 664

Investimento Investment 10.622.868,00 12.338.015,42 6.976.617,00 3.049.639,31 8.410.790,00 10.158.143,98 1.799.518,00 10.888.559,00 3.212.112,00 14.130.126,00 9.724.479,00 10.622.131,00 10.890.000,00 12.510.000,00 13.015.470,00 14.782.247,00 9.413.155,00 4.589.156,00 5.389.748,00 9.197.974,00 5.189.902,00 6.387.834,00 4.154.723,00 4.251.533,00 7.095.358,00 13.377.696,00 12.596.000,00 15.598.556,00 9.977.244,63 7.496.220,00 2.101.722,94 5.247.456,00 7.264.365,00 1.184.342,00 7.732.707,00 11.293.393,00 8.800.000,00 6.498.457,77 9.377.032,00

Repasse Unio/BID Transfer Union/IDB

Contrapartida Counterpart 3.227.812,00 6.039.625,52 1.620.055,00 666.977,12 881.290,00 2.072.214,12 366.202,00 1.119.157,00 584.029,00 3.630.126,00 1.755.821,00 306.713,00 1.651.269,00 2.085.000,00 2.689.710,00 2.218.893,00 1.426.093,00 535.823,00 1.095.197,00 2.294.662,00 1.678.780,00 2.433.150,00 1.494.954,00 1.456.351,00 887.629,28 2.215.672,00 2.101.000,00 5.098.556,00 2.896.491,20 2.996.220,00 244.943,20 1.304.686,00 2.277.266,00 236.868,00 1.102.170,00 2.353.443,00 5.300.000,00 1.417.247,56 1.336.556,00

MG Governador Valadares Ipatinga Ipatinga Juiz de Fora Montes Claros Timteo Uberaba MS Campo Grande Campo Grande Campo Grande Dourados - GE MT Cuiab PA Belm Belm PB Campina Grande PE Recife - GE Cabo - GE Moreno Olinda - GE Recife - PM Recife- PM Recife - PM Recife - PM Recife - PM PI Parnaba Teresina PR Curitiba Curitiba Londrina Londrina RJ Barra Mansa - GE Niteri Nova Iguau Resende So Joo do Meriti RN Natal Natal RO Porto Velho RR Boa Vista

138768-84 117378-28 000404-87 138714-39 138646-09 138764-46 138814-43 122754-86 000351-58 000406-38 138320-72 127226-94 129620-15 000429-11 000299-40 104019-98 138363-96 138199-98 149320-00 138195-52 138592-66 105452-84 138192-28 000415-27 000322-49 134197-88 105454-01 000408-79 140032-24 000417-68 140420-27 000414-91 000473-30 140039-94 140424-64 139114-90 000441-68 138716-59 000338-86

7.395.056,00 6.298.389.90 5.356.562,00 2.382.662,19 7.529.500,00 8.085.929,86 1.433.316,00 9.769.402,00 2.628.083,00 10.500.000,00 7.968.658,00 10.315.418,00 9.238.731,00 10.425.000,00 10.325.760,00 12.563.354,00 7.987.062,00 4.053.333,00 4.294.551,00 6.903.312,00 3.511.122,00 3.954.684,00 2.659.769,00 2.795.182,00 6.207.728,72 11.162.024,00 10.495.000,00 10.500.000,00 7.080.753,43 4.500.000,00 1.856.779,74 3.942.770,00 4.987.099,00 947.474,00 6.630.537,00 8.939.950,00 3.500.000,00 5.081.210,21 8.040.476,00


H a bi ta r br a s i l | bi d - i db

HABITAR BR A SIL / BID - SUBPRO G R A M A DE A SSENTA MENTOS SUBN O R M AIS | CO NTR ATOS FIR M AD OS - P OSI O DE JUNH O/ 20 0 6 HABITAR BR ASIL / ID B SLU M UPG R ADING SUBPRO G R AM | SIG N ED CO NTR AC T S JUN E 20 06 POSITIO N N 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119
UF State

Municpio Municipality

Projeto Project Programa Integrado Zona Norte Programa Integrado Zona Norte 2. etapa Beira Rio Paraso Chico Mendes Morro do Mocot* Loteamento Mariquinha Brasil Jaragu 84 Comunidade Rio do Ferro Bairro Bela Vista Metropolitano/Pedregal Coroa do Meio Santa Maria Jardim So Marcos Vera Cruz Vila R, Sossego e Areio Vila R, Sossego e Areio - 2. etapa Jardim Cumbica II Areio - 1. etapa Areio - 2. etapa Cerro Largo/Branca Flor Parque Nova Esperana rea Y* - valor aditado rea Y/Beira do Crrego Vila Capuava Alzira Franco - 2. etapa Parque So Bernardo/Novo Parque/Alto da Bela Vista Parque So Bernardo - 2. etapa Gonzaga e Monte Carlo Parque da Cidadania Jardim So Jos II Dique de Sambaiatuba Jquei/Bairro Cidado Dique de Sambaiatuba - 2. etapa Vila Gilda Irati/Trianon/Jrecord C/Acampamento Irati/Trianon/Jrecord C/Acampamento -2. etapa Jardim das Flores Loteamento Sta. Brbara

Nmero do contrato de repasse / Transfer Contract No.

Famlias Families 413 376 75 282 1.041 378 151 119 250 86 600 2.581 404 162 162 1.227 905 1.106 981 287 1.527 159 579 224 1.327 900 2.455 2.455 500 369 453 1.152 1.800 1.046 480 1.094 285 256 1.131

Investimento Investment 9.696.204,00 13.352.006,00 1.924.082,00 4.580.536,00 14.160.678,00 9.132.183,00 3.443.011,00 2.154.948,20 8.452.230,00 2.310.011,00 11.799.225,00 10.938.568,00 14.625.903,00 5.811.956,00 5.864.903,73 13.830.330,09 12.547.580,00 14.330.857,00 12.360.819,00 4.479.305,00 15.370.231,11 3.301.078,00 12.963.552,00 7.300.801,00 12.395.265,00 13.603.116,00 11.354.245,04 13.918.693,00 9.959.744,00 7.780.791,00 11.787.341,00 11.697.547,00 14.739.472,06 12.923.916,00 14.812.465,00 13.492.832,00 4.772.112,00 6.260.261,00 11.517.993,80

Repasse Unio/BID Transfer Union/IDB

Contrapartida Counterpart 4.341.417,00 5.830.821,00 368.851,00 1.309.349,00 6.921.111,00 3.639.910,00 785.024,00 588.196,79 3.076.425,00 472.743,00 2.995.393,00 3.376.727,00 4.625.903,00 3.203.323,00 2.247.031,08 4.043.955,67 2.781.211,00 4.100.521,00 2.579.924,00 895.861,00 4.394.929,04 660.252,00 5.203.786,00 2.633.648,00 3.154.695,00 4.650.750,00 2.325.319,88 4.918.693,00 2.501.680,00 2.229.962,00 3.007.351,00 2.448.304,00 4.995.207,08 2.826.028,00 3.812.465,00 3.074.446,00 1.778.556,00 649.841,00 4.017.993,80

RS Porto Alegre Porto Alegre SC Biguau Cricima Florianpolis Florianpolis Itaja Jaragu do Sul Joinville Palhoa So Jos SE Aracaju Aracaju SP Cubato Diadema Guaruj Guaruj Guarulhos Itapevi Itapevi Itapecerica da Serra Mirassol Osasco Osasco Santo Andr Santo Andr So Bernardo do Campo So Bernardo do Campo So Carlos So Jos do Rio Preto So Jos dos Campos So Vicente So Vicente So Vicente Santos Taboo da Serra Taboo da Serra TO Araguana/TO Palmas/TO

128625-41 140052-77 118286-36 120193-57 105619-80 138390-28 138758-69 118261-45 118268-50 118287-40 118272-75 126284-82 000407-54 140024-27 000402-46 112861-79 139997-78 000413-76 138525-41 000420-24 128877-95 138811-11 138524-36 000412-51 111757-80 137891-69 111949-99 137890-55 138756-40 123728-71 111952-57 105658-68 000432-79 140027-51 000434-18 122168-83 139110-54 128225-04 128109-97

5.354.787,00 7.521.185,00 1.555.231,00 3.271.187,00 7.239.567,00 5.492.273,00 2.657.987,00 1.566.751,41 5.375.805,00 1.837.268,00 8.803.832,00 7.561.841,00 10.000.000,00 2.608.633,00 3.617.872,65 9.786.374,42 9.766.369,00 10.230.336,00 9.780.895,00 3.583.444,00 10.975.302,07 2.640.826,00 7.759.766,00 4.667.153,00 9.240.570,00 8.952.366,00 9.028.925,16 9.000.000,00 7.458.064,00 5.550.829,00 8.779.990,00 9.249.243,00 9.744.264,98 10.097.888,00 11.000.000,00 10.418.386,00 2.993.556,00 5.610.420,00 7.500.000,00

H a bi ta r br a s i l | bi d - i db



H a bi ta r br a s i l | bi d - i db

Controle Urbanstimo Controle de Invases
Regularizao Fundiria Reforma Administrativa

Poltica Habitacional

Sistema de Informaes

Caracterizao Characterization

N 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41



320.000,00 617.000,00 275.000,00 50.000,00 670.000,00 50.000,00 1.135.000,00 300.000,00 600.000,00 1.000.000,00 550.000,00 430.000,00 440.000,00 1.809.000,00 1.030.000,00 420.000,00 420.000,00 430.000,00 730.000,00 430.000,00 320.000,00 320.000,00 680.000,00 430.000,00 1.135.000,00 850.000,00 30.000,00 1.050.000,00 225.000,00 20.000,00 30.000,00 1.300.000,00 300.000,00 300.000,00 50.000,00 730.000,00 450.000,00 720.000,00 700.000,00 430.000,00 2.370.000,00





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0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0

H a bi ta r br a s i l | bi d - i db


Control of Squatters

Administrative Reform

Plano Diretor Master Plan

Land Regularization

Capacitao Training

Information System

Housing Policy

Urban Control

Controle Urbanstimo Controle de Invases
Regularizao Fundiria Reforma Administrativa

Poltica Habitacional

Sistema de Informaes

Caracterizao Characterization

N 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81



330.000,00 225.000,00 1.238.000,00 450.000,00 535.000,00 530.000,00 600.000,00 132.000,00 835.000,00 520.000,00 850.000,00 590.000,00 835.000,00 259.000,00 450.000,00 535.000,00 50.000,00 50.000,00 430.000,00 750.000,00 755.000,00 50.000,00 770.000,00 835.000,00 450.000,00 330.000,00 375.000,00 627.000,00 540.000,00 750.000,00 600.000,00 430.000,00 300.000,00 300.000,00 50.000,00 225.000,00 750.000,00 935.000,00 450.000,00 835.000,00





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0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0


H a bi ta r br a s i l | bi d - i db

Control of Squatters

Administrative Reform

Plano Diretor Master Plan

Land Regularization

Capacitao Training

Information System

Housing Policy

Urban Control

Controle Urbanstimo Controle de Invases
Regularizao Fundiria Reforma Administrativa

Poltica Habitacional

Sistema de Informaes

Caracterizao Characterization

N 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119




775.000,00 739.000,00 1.650.000,00 935.000,00 840.000,00 870.000,00 300.000,00 1.125.000,00 621.000,00 225.000,00 280.000,00 2.000.000,00 420.000,00 262.000,00 159.000,00 262.000,00 1.000.000,00 300.000,00 835.000,00 420.000,00 1.275.000,00 550.000,00 135.000,00 432.000,00 20.000,00 80.000,00 220.000,00 320.000,00 320.000,00 120.000,00 890.000,00 70.000,00 20.000,00 120.000,00 20.000,00 230.000,00 320.000,00 1.500.000,00 65.357.000,00





1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 82 82

0 0 0 2 2 1 0 2 0 0 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 44 62

5 2 4 4 5 8 2 9 3 3 4 5 2 2 2 1 3 5 2 7 2 2 1 2 0 1 2 2 3 2 8 1 0 1 1 1 1 8 108 348

1 0 0 0 0 0 1 7 2 3 4 4 2 3 1 1 8 1 14 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 69 131

0 1 2 2 1 1 0 0 2 2 2 3 2 2 1 1 1 0 1 1 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 1 0 5 71 116

1 3 1 0 0 2 0 0 2 2 0 3 3 3 0 1 2 0 0 2 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 2 58 108

0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 33 34

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 1 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 28

1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 29 32

0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 21

nOTA: 82 PEmAS financiados com recursos do programa. Outros 37 foram executados pelos municpios, fora do programa, com recursos prprios. NOTE: 82 PEMAS were financed with resources from the program. Another 37 were executed by municipalities outside the scope of the program, with municipal resources.

H a bi ta r br a s i l | bi d - i db


Control of Squatters

Administrative Reform

Plano Diretor Master Plan

Land Regularization

Capacitao Training

Information System

Housing Policy

Urban Control


Os atuais integrantes do Programa Habitar Brasil BID prestam homenagem queles que contriburam para a construo do Programa ao longo de sua histria e que, por razes diversas, no integram a atual equipe. Com todos os que acreditaram no desenvolvimento institucional de municpios e na implantao de intervenes integradas em assentamentos precrios, e que tiveram oportunidade de juntar suas idias, dedicao e colaborao, permitinido o HBB que pudesse surgir, caminhar e consolidar-se, superando entraves e obstculos, compartinhamos os resultados de hoje.
Adauri de Melo Koury Alberto Canavarro Moreira Santos Alex Knia Abic Andr Bacelar Arnaldo Augusto Setti Braulio Diniz Brumana Csar Carlos wanderley Galizia Cludia Maria Ferreira Lazar Conceio de Maria Mendes dos Reis Edna Rego Oliveira Efignia Maria Boaventura Estanislau Luciano de Oliveira Ftima (que foi do financeiro) Heleno Franco Mesquita Henry Cherkezian Israel Simes Jorge Geraldo da Veiga Vieira Ktia Denise Mller da Costa Mitke Louise Henriques Ritzel Marcelo Lopes Barata Mrcia Lopes klein Iglesias Marco Antnio Machado Maria Alice Bueno Arccorsi Maria Cristina Teixeira Lima Verde Maria Edzia de Oliveira Veiga Maurcio Crdenas Orgendina Maria de Carvalho Pontes Arruda Paulo Csar Cruz Pereira Ricardo Duarte Pontual Rosa Satiko Nishikawa Okubo Svio Vital Cordeiro de Moura Tecla Maria Nogueira Valdo Gomes Pedrosa Zuleide Paniago Afonso Novello Alessandra Patricia Rafael de Azevedo Ana Paula de Oliveira Arlindo Pinto Reis Arnor Silva Machado Filho Ctia Maria Borges Fidalgo Clarissa Figueiredo Sampaio Freitas Cleber Lago do Valle Mello Filho Davi Cleber de Medeiros Edson Ortega Marques Enilce Dias Leo de Carvalho Eurico de Oliveira Rodrigues (in memorian) Faustino Sanches Filho Heliane Furtado de Lima Ireneo Ceciliano Joffily Bezerra Joo Winther Julio Csar Cardoso Rodrigues Lenira Machado Luiz Guzman Cceres (in Memorian) Mrcia Cerqueira Cintra Marcio Marques Brito Marco Aurlio Zangrati Tonelli Maria ngela Braga Maria de Ftima Soares de Lima Maria Emlia Rocha Mello de Azevedo Nina de Therez P. Renn Paulo Borba Regina Estela Nespoli Rosa Maria Carlos Silva Sandra Neves de Andrade Srgio Bueno Telma Catarina Cavalcante Pires Vera Mariotti


H a bi ta r br a s i l | bi d

H a bi ta r br a s i l | bi d - i db


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