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The Lebistes reticulates is the scientific name for the guppy. Guppies can be many different colors and varieties. The guppy is a show fish just like a goldfish. Females are very plain, usually just a brownish gray. But, the males are usually very pretty and colorful. Guppies are native to Central and South America. It is called the Millions Fish because of being so prolific. Fancy guppies can have many combinations of colors like reds, yellows, golds, silvers, blues, purples, oranges, greens, blacks, browns, and/or whites. They grow to about 1-1.5 inches long but can grow to 2.5 inches. Guppies do chase each other and other fish but generally are not really considered predators and very peaceful. Newly born guppies are called fry. The larger guppies eat the newly hatched fry. Other fish will sometimes try to nip at the fancy fins of the guppy as they swim around. Guppies generally live a few years; about 5. Guppies like to stay close to the top of an aquarium. In this habitat, the keeper has to give them food. They eat flakes, lettuce, spinach and bloodworms. With their small stomachs, they can only eat a little bit at a time. Feed the guppies about 3 times each day.

Seasonal changes occur because of the 23.45 degree tilt of earths rotational axis. And during each season, temperatures change. So, during Fall and Winter the water is colder. The water in Spring and Summer is warmer. As the water temperatures change, the guppies adapt by going to warmer water in the habitat. As a coldblooded animal, the guppy survives best in water that is 70 degrees.

Chrishaun Alexander Aries Beck Coreyana Bowers Bobby Council Jeremiah Dodd DaNeisha Driver Camerin Hinsey Aiden Howard Charlissia Johnson Daveion Johnson Caden Jones Katheen Lugo AhDaveion McDaniel Nisha Mitchell Jordan Osei Bonsu Zekiah Pelashe Christopher Roberts Mauriyah Roberts JaKyah Whitney Andre Williams

The American Livebearer Association For lots of guppy information, go to the Laurel Lake Guppy Hatchery web site Championship Show Guppies information and sales

Laboratory Strain Guppies - this is an archived version

Martin's Guppy Webpage breeding, temperature, feeding, fry, pictures, links Guppies - Not Catfish web site article on guppies - this is an archived version (apparently went out of business) Doug's Delta Guppies information and sales
Swedish Livebearer Site - this is an archived version

The ichthyologists listed above researched guppies through trade literature and experiential learning. Thanks to Dr. Smith and Mrs. Dobish from Vanderbilt University for the incredible science lab experiences that made the learning real. Also, we thank MNPS science coordinator, Mrs. Sarah Baker for providing the materials that made our research possible and Ms. LaToya Beard for taking the time to visit our school and observe our habitats.

Ms. Evans 1st Graders

1033 West Greenwood Ave. Nashville, Tennessee 37206 Ms. Elnora Mitchell-Furdge, Principal

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