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Small-blue-round-cell tumors: The predominance of blue staining is due the fact that the cells consist

predominantly of nucleus, thus they have scant cytoplasm.

Desmoplastic small-round-cell tumour Ewing's Sarcoma/PNET Neuroblastoma Medulloblastoma Rhabdomyosarcoma Wilms' tumour Retinoblastoma Small-cell lymphoma Hepatoblastoma - only the anaplastic form has round blue cells.

Endogenous chemoattractant- C5a epithelial granuloma caused by- CD4 helper T cells 1st sign of wound injury- capillary dilatation mc site of metastatic calcification- lungs calcification begins in- mitochondria [ except in kidney- basement membrane ] Non-enzymatic antioxidants- Vit E - cysteine, glutathione - Albumin, ceruloplasmin, transferrin.. most abundant glycoprotein in basemnt membrane- Laminin most imp organelle in apoptosis- mitochondria sure sign of malignancy- metastasis Tumor markers: Medullary ca thyroid- calcitonin Liver cell ca- AFP Ca. colon, pancreas, lung- CEA, CA 19,9, p53, RAS mutations Prostate ca- prostatic spcfc Ag, prostatic acid phosphatase Ovarian ca- CA 125 Multiple myeloma- immunoglobulins Melanoma- HMB 45

'popcorn' calcification- chondrosarcoma CD4 : CD8 ratio - 2:1 CD45- leucocyte common antigen CD16 - NK cells most frequent gene in autoimmunity- PTPN 22 Best method for diagnosing amyloidosis- rectal biopsy secondary amyloidosis mc a/w- rheumatoid arthritis [ also k/a reactive systemic amyloidosis ] ''full house phenomenon'' seen in- SLE nephropathy MCC of intracranial metastasis- Ca lung MCC of hepatic metastasis - Bronchogenic carcinoma MCC of hepatic mets from GIT Colonic ca MCC of Intrauterine Growth retardation-C/c pyelonephritis? MCC of HTN in children-A/c Glomerulonephritis MC complication of CSOM- MASTOIDITIS Most common extacranial complication of CSOM Mastoiditis. .Most common intracranial complication of CSOMMeningitis MC ovarian tumour in pregnancy- Teratoma/Dermoid cyst MC joint involved in Osteo Arthritis- Knee joint MCC of interstitial/atypical pneumonia- Mycoplasma MC Glycogen storage disease- Gauchers disease MC porphyria-Porphyria cutanea tarda. MC cause of childhood nephritic syndrom-Minimal change disease MC cause of adult nephritic syndrome- FSGS MC cancer-Lung cancer MC cancer in females-Breast cancer MC cause of maternal deaths- Obstetric hemorrhage(PPH) MC cause of Blindness in India- Cataract MC site of Gastrinoma- Duodenum. MC Paraneoplastic Syndrome- Hypercalcemia MC paraneoplastic endocrinopathy- Cushings syndrome Mc presentation of meckels diverticulumbleeding Mc s/e of radiation on heart - pericardial effusion M.c. Cause of cushings disease- pituitary microadenoma Mcc of primary hyperaldosteronism- b/ l cortical hyperplasia Mc aldosterone producing adrenal tumour- u/l adrenal adenoma

Mcc of post trauma vegetative state- diffuse axonal injury Mc asso anomaly with coarctation of aorta- bicuspid aortic valve Mcc of vasculitis in child- henoch- schonlein purpura Mc feature of aortitis on x-ray- calcified ascending aorta MC intra-abdominal malignancy in children Neuroblastoma 2nd MC intra- abdominal malignancy in children Wilms tumor MC hepatic malignancy in children Hepatoblastoma MC soft tissue sarcoma Rhabdomyosarcoma MC site for rhabdomyosarcoma Head and neck MC Pediatric malignancy ALL 2nd MC Pediatric malignancy Brain tumor MC brain tumor in children Astrocytoma MC brain tumor in infancy Supratentoria MC brain tumor between 1-10 yrs of age Infratentorial MC brain tumor after 10 yrs of age Supratentorial MC embryonal brain tumor Medulloblastoma MC renal mass in neonates Multicystic renal dysplasia MC malignant tumor of kidney Wilms tumor MC TUMOURS IN PARTS OF MEDIASTINUM anterior- thymomas mid- cyst posterior- neurogenic tumour Mc tumour of mediastinum- neurogenic tumour most malignant masses of mediastinum- lymphomas MC cause of renal artery stenosis Old age- atherosclerosis Young(india)- Takayasu arteritis Young( western world)- fibro muscular dysplasia MC of eye in AIDS 1.Lesion- microvasculopathy of conjunctiva and retina 2. Infection- chorioretinitis 3. Neoplasm- kaposi sarcoma 4. Cause of chorioretinitis- CMV 5. Finding in HIV retinopathy- cotton wool spots 6. Rx of CMV retinitis- ganciclovir,foscarnet MOST COMMON site in GIT Small bowel carcinoid-ILEUM Ulcerative colitis,hirsprung disease- RECTUM Polyps in peutz jegher syndrome,pneumatosis cystoids intestinaleJEJUNUM Amoebic colitis,volvulus- SIGMOID COLON

Bleeding from angiodysplasia- RIGHT COLON Brenners gland-1ST PART OF DUODENUM MC cause of maternal death- obst haemorrhage MC of isoniazid resistance- kat G gene mutation MC primary lymphoma of spleen- NHL MC cause of seizure in newborn-HIE MC type of seizure in newborn- subtle MC tumours in newborn- sacrococcygeal teratoma Mc site of colonic volvulus- sigmoid Top of Form Most common testicular tumour prepubertyyolksac tumour overallseminoma in age above 50 lymphoma MCC of hereditary thrombophilia- factor V leiden mutation MC hereditary cause of venous thrombosis-factor V leiden mutation MC hereditary blood coagulation disorder-factor V leiden mutation Mc pancreatic tumour in men1- gastrinoma MC complication of IUCD- Bleeding Mc sites of primary for bone metastasis- male-prostate>lung, Female-breast>lung children- neuroblastoma mc osteolytic mets- male-lung ca female-breast ca mc osteoblastic mets- male- prostate, female-breast ca Mc glomerulopathy worldwide- iga nephropathy Mc cardiac tumours are secondaries Mc primary neplasm of the heart - myxoma Mc in infants and children- rhabdomyomas MC site of sub ependymal astrocytoma-foramen of munroe MC corneal dystrophy- keratoconus MC anterior corneal dystrophy- Anterior basement membrane dystrophy (ABMD) MC of stromal dystrophies- Lattice dystrophy is usually an autosomal dominant condition MC endothelial corneal dystrophy- Fuchs Macular dystrophy of the cornea is the least common, but most severe MC phakomatosis- neurofibromatosis (NF1) MC involved in vestibular schwannoma- inf. VES. > sup VEST. > COCHLEAR DIV. MC site of TB lung-Apices Mc injury encounter in spine injuries- flexion of spine MCC of viral meningitis- enterovirus MCC of sporadic viral encephalitis- HSV1/ epidemic- Arbovirus

Dubois abscess- Cystic lesions of thymus seen in newborns with congenital syphilis. Treponema pallidum can be demonstrated in the contents of the cysts as well as the cystic wall
Homer Wright pseudorosettes seen inNeuroblastoma, Medulloblastoma Retinoblastoma Pinealoblastoma. (neoplastic cells surrounding the central area of neutrophil)

- Ghon lesion is primary area of tuberculosis infection. - Paneth cells are located in small intestine crypts - cells with apically oriented bright eosinophilic granules and which appear to play a role in the mucosal immune system. - Stellwags sign is incomplete and infrequent blinking in Gravess disease. ( sehwag plays infrequently , incompletely and inconsistently ) . - Virchows node is supraclavicular adenopathy associated with a malignancy - often on left side associated with stomach cancer among other neoplasms but also GI and pelvic malignancies in general. First described by Virchow in 1848 - more cases added by Troisier in 1886; referred to as Troisiers node in France. The presence of this node enlargement is also called the troisiers sign and seen in many malignancies . - Lynch's syndrome I and II Associated persons: Henry T. Lynch Description: Lynch syndrome I: Familial predisposition to colorectal cancer with right-sided predominance. Predominantly early-onset proximal colon carcinomas. Lynch syndrome II: Familial predisposition for other primary cancers in addition to the predisposition for colon cancer; site is often female reproductive organs. Predominantly early onset proximal colon carcinoma associated with other extracolonic adenocarcinomas, particularly endometrial carcinoma. Both disorders are inherited as autosomal dominant traits. First described 1913 by Alder Scott Warthin, 1867-1931. Lynch syndrome II is cancer family syndrome - all features of Lynch I with early onset of carcinoma at other sites including endometrium - ovaries - and stomach - also upper tract TCC. - Monods sign is seen in aspergillomas - radioluscent crescent seen around solitary 3-5 cm lesion on chest X-ray. - TRALI syndrome is Transfusion Related Acute Lung Injury; transfusion reaction occurring within 6 hours after transfusion of blood product - characterized by pulmonary edema; due to anti-granulocyte antibodies in donors plasma causing pulmonary sequestration of recipient leukocytes in susceptible patient.

- Hering-Breuer reflex is stretch receptor (in smooth muscle of airways) reflex - responsible for apnea i.e. decreased breathing frequency - as a result of lung inflation. - Ransons criteria is for evaluating acute pancreatitis at presentation - age>55; WBC>16 -000; glucose>200; AST>250; LDH>350. during initial hrs - base deficit>4; BUN increase>5; fluid sequestration>6L; Ca <8;>10; pO2<60.> - Weibel-Palade bodies is found only in endothelial cells of vessels larger than capillaries; granules contain von Willebrands factor (VIII) and P-selectin. - Dennies lines is in atopic dermatitis - an accentuated line or fold below the margin of the lower eyelid. - Guam disease is Guam amyotrophic lateral sclerosis-parkinsonism-dementia linked to a plant excitant neurotoxin found in cycad plant eaten by Chamorro people - toxin believed to be excitotoxin beta-Nmethylamino-L-alanine - a low-potency convulsant . - bundle of Kent is a AV bypass accessory tract in Wolf-Parkinson-White syndrome that directly connects atrial and ventricular myocardium. - Graham-Little syndrome is end-stage lichen planus of the scalp resulting in scarring alopecia of the scalp. - Van der Woude syndrome is an AD condition in which lip pits are seen in all gene carriers but only some individuals have cleft lips with or without cleft palate owing to variable expressivity. - MacConkey medium is medium for growing nonfastidious Gram-negative rods. - Hegars sign is softening of the uterus at the junction between the cervix and the fundus during the first trimester of pregnancy. So this is softening of the isthmus . - Lachman maneuver is for diagnosing ACL tear - pull on tibia in anterior direction with knee flexed at 2025 degrees (if tibia slides anteriorly >2 mm - positive). - Allens sign is in pulmonary embolism - fever - tachycardia - and tachypnea - present in only 23% of cases. - Isaacss syndrome is neuromyotonia; continuous muscle stiffness - rippling muscle movements (myokymia) - delayed relaxation following muscle contraction believed to be due to autoantibodies to presynaptic potassium channels. - Stevens-Johnson syndrome is extensive and symptomatic febrile form of erythema multiforme - more

common in children; 1-6 cases/million person-years. - Betz cells is large pyramidal cells in layer 5 of primary motor cortex largest neurons in mammalian CNS; 30-40 -000 Betz cells in precentral gyrus in one side of the brain. - Thomsens disease is myotonia congenita - autosomal dominant. - ligament of Trietz - is the suspensory muscle of the duodenum which supports the duodenojejunal flexure. - Bier block is regional anesthesia of an extremity by placing a tourniquet and then infusing local anesthetic into a vein. - Trendelenburg position is position where angle of the head of bed or table is inclined at 45 degrees down; used in surgery to push the abdominal organs towards the chest. - Crohns disease is transmural mucosal inflammation that may involve the entire GI tract from mouth to the perinanal area that often leads to fibrosis and obstructive clinical presentations; 80% small bowel involvement - usually distal ileum; 1/3 exclusively ileitis; 50% ileocolitis; and 20% disease limited to colon. - lines of Blaschkow - is patterning of a variety of linear nevi as well as linear patterning of commonly acquired diseases such as psoriasis - scleroderma - and lichen planus - including V shape over the upper spine - S shape of the abdomen - inverted U shape from the breast area - and perpendicular lines down lower extremities; cannot be explained by distribution of cutaneous nerve - lines of cleavage - nor blood vessels or lymphatics; first described in 1901. - Tamm-Horsfall protein is uromodulin - major component of renal casts; 30-50 mg secreted per day by cells in thick ascending limb; homologous to GP2 - a protein secreted from the acinar cell and a major component of plugs in noncalcific chronic pancreatitis. - Pringle maneuver is clamping of porta hepatis to control hemorrhage. placing an atraumatic clamp across the foramen of winslow . - Treacher Collins syndrome is first arch syndrome - mandibulofacial dysplasia - caused by autosomal dominant gene - resulting in malar hypoplasia with down-slanting palpebral fissures - defects in the lower eyelids - deformed external ears - and sometimes abnormalities of the middle and internal ears. - Reiters syndrome is triad of arthritis - urethritis - and conjunctivitis described by Reiter in 1916 (Nazi sympathizer); 80% possess HLA-B27; associated with Shigella flexneri; ReA develops in 20% of exposed B27+ individuals; subset of reactive arthritis; triad present in 1/3 of patients; incidence estimated as 3.5/100K in males under age of 50; balanitis circinata (penis) and keratoderma blenorrhagica.

- Gunthers disease is AR congenital erythropoietic porphyria from decreased URO synthase activity hemolytic anemia - cutaneous lesions. - Von Myenburg complexes is close to or within portal tracts - small clusters of modestly dilated bile ducts embedded in a fibrous - sometimes hyalinized stroma; contain inspissated bile concrements and may communicate with the biliary tree; common and usually without clinical significance. - Aicardi syndrome is partial or complete agenesis of corpus callosum - infantile spasms - mental retardation - lacunae of the retina; occurs only in females; likely X-linked dominant with lethality in males; described in 1965. - Lyme disease is inflammatory disease caused by spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi - spread by Ixodes tick - characterized by early local disease with erythema migrans - myalgias - followed by early disseminated disease characterized by carditis - neurologic findings (lymphocytic meningitis - cranial nerve palsies also Bannwarths syndrome) - and late disease characterized by arthralgias and arthritis. - Froments sign is diagnosis of ulnar nerve lesion; caused by flexor pollicus longus (median nerve) which comes into action when the patient attempts to grip a flat object between the thumb and the hand and causes flexion at the interphalangeal joint. - Marshall - vein of is oblique vein of left atrium. - Cushings disease is hypercortisolism from pituitary corticotropin-(ACTH)-secreting corticotroph tumors - almost always benign and usually microadenomas. - Bezold-Jarisch reflex is activation of receptors in the atria - great veins - and left ventricle causing increased parasympathetic tone and decreased sympathetic activity leading to a combination of hypotension and bradycardia with a sudden increase in coronary flow. - Simon focus is in tuberculosis - nodule in subapical region which develops from hematogenous spread from initial infection in lower half of lung. Bells palsy is seventh nerve palsy; seen as a complication in diabetes - tumors - sarcoidosis - AIDS - and Lyme disease. - Symes amputation is amputation at the ankle with removal of the malleoli and placement of the heel pad over the end of the remaining tibia; devised in 1842. - Billroths cords is splenic cords found in the red pulp between the sinusoids - consisting mainly of fibrils and connective tissue cells.

- Louvels sign is in deep vein thrombosis - venous pain induced by coughing - prevented by pressing over proximal end of vein. - Von Willebrands disease is deficiency in von Willebrand factor; frequency of 1% - most common inherited disorder of bleeding; type 1 and 3 reduced quantity of vWF; type 2 qualitative defects in vWF. - Kussmauls respiration is hyperpnea - associated with acidosis especially DKA but also in uremia. - Berardinelli-Seip syndrome is congenital generalized lipodystrophy - apparent at birth - infants look very muscular due to absence of fat - associated with diabetes - hepatomegaly - acanthosis nigricans enlarged external genitalia - and increased rate of skeletal growth. - Kussmauls sign is jugular vein distension during inspiration (reversal of normal pattern of decreasing jugular venous pressure during inspiration); classically seen in constrictive pericarditis because of normal increase in venous return with increased abdominal pressure from diaphragmatic contraction leading to increase in right atrial pressure from non-complaint right ventricle - though most common contemporary cause is severe right-sided heart failure (JAMA 1996: 275:632); generally negative in cardiac tamponade. - Nijmegen breakage syndrome is primary immunodeficiency autosomal recessive disorder that presents as microcephaly - a distinctive bird-like facies - growth retardation - recurrent pulmonary infections chromosomal instability - radiation hypersensitivity - and increased incidence of malignancies especially lymphomas from mutation in nibrin protein - a protein involved in DNA repair; cellular defect similar to ataxia-telangiectasia. - Dobrins syndrome is TINU syndrome (tubulointerstitial nephritis with uveitis) - associated with bone marrow granulomas - first described in 1975. - Westermarks sign is in chest film - an abrupt tapering of a vessel caused by pulmonary embolism focal oligemia. - Jod-Basedow phenomenon is thyroid hyperfunction induced by excess iodine ingestion in patients with various thyroid disorders; Jod German for iodine; K. A. Von Basedow. - Toldt - white lines of is the peritoneal reflections of the ascending and descending colon. - Mbius syndrome is congenital facial paralysis with or without limb defects associated with maternal misoprostol use. - Landolfis sign is in aortic regurgitation - systolic contraction and diastolic dilation of the pupil.

- Rasmussens encephalitis is progressive childhood disease characterized by severe epilepsy hemiplegia - dementia - and inflammation of the brain potentially from autoantibodies to GluR3 antigen. - La Crosse encephalitis is transmitted by tree hole mosquito - Aedes trisereiatus and causes most common arboviral infection in children in N. America; hyponatremia and fever associated with worse outcome. - Carney syndrome (or triad) is nonfamilial disorder the includes combination of three rare tumors: gastric leiomyosarcoma - pulmonary chondroma - extraadrenal paraganglioma but no cardiac manifestations; unrelated to Carney complex. - Keutel syndrome is malformation syndrome characterized by multiple pulmonary stenoses - neural hearing loss - short terminal phalanges - and calcifications and/or ossification of the cartilage in ears nose larynx - trachea - and ribs; due to mutation in gene encoding human matrix Gla protein. - Watson-Schwartz reaction is screening test for porphobilinogen (elevated for example in acute intermittent porphyria); mixing 4-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde with urine and then extract with chloroform; porphobilinogen extracts into upper aqueous layer giving it a pink color and urobilinogen extracts into chloroform layer; 50% positive at urinary concentration 5x upper limit of normal and consistently positive 10-20x upper limit of normal. - Stuart factor is factor X. - Pulfrich phenomenon is misperception of trajectory of moving objects (an optical illusion that can be elicited in normal subjects) - can be associated with optic neuritis. - May-Thurner syndrome is iliofemoral deep vein thrombosis from impaired venous return because of compression of the left common iliac vein by overlying right common iliac artery. - Bergmann gliosis is in ethanol abuse - proliferation of astrocytes adjacent to lost Purkinje cells between depleted granular cell and molecular layer of cerebellum. - Preiser disease is spontaneous - non-traumatic osteonecrosis of the scaphoid bone. Winters formula is gives expected pCO2 (respiratory compensation) in uncomplicated metabolic acidosis; expected CO2=[HCO3]*1.54 + 8.36. - Ruffinis corpuscles is sensory receptors for heat. - Corrigans pulse is in aortic regurgitation - pulses are of the water-hammer or collapsing type with abrupt distension and quick collapse - can be exaggerated by raising the patients arm.

- Jolly test is in myasthenia gravis - a sequence of repetitive nerve stimulation (RNS) studies specifically designed to look for neuromuscular junction disease. A positive test is a >10% decremental response with 3 Hz repetitive stimulation - 50-80% sensitive. After Friedrich Jolly - German neurologist - 18441904. - Kochers test is compression of lateral lobes of thyroid causing stridor; associated with thyroid carcinoma - goiter - or thyroiditis. - Lieberkhn - crypts of is intestinal glands found between villi. - Werdnig-Hoffman syndrome is spinal muscular atrophy type I - autosomal recessive lower motor neuron disease - survival motor neuron protein affected (linked to 5q11.2-13.3) - presents between birth and 6 months of age - death before 2 y.o. - Blaus syndrome is granulomatous synovitis - non granulomatous uveitis - cranial neuropathies; resembles childhood sarcoidosis; no lung involvement; associated with mutations in NOD2/CARD15 gene; first described in 1985. - Conradi-Hunermann syndrome is chondrodysplasia punctata - characterized by stippled epiphyses from abnormal accumulation of calcium salts and skeletal changes. - Biettes collarette is in syphilis - a thin white ring of scales on the surface of a lesion. - Marjolin's ulcer is squamous cell carcinoma ulceration overlying chronic osteomyelitis or burn scar. - Wilsons disease is hepatolenticular degeneration due to mutation in gene involved in incorporation of copper into ceruloplasmin and excretion of copper into bile; Kayser-Fleischer ring; gene on chr 13 cation transporting P-type ATPase; incidence 1:200 -000 - diagnosis based on decrease in serum ceruloplasmin - increased urinary excretion of copper - increase in hepatic copper content; 40% have neurologic findings (Parkinsons - psychosis) and subclinical liver. - Wolman disease is lysosomal acid lipase deficiency hydrolysis of cholesteryl esters and triglycerides in the lysosome leading to mild mental retardation - hepatomegaly - adrenal calcification - fatal in infancy with inanition - malabsorption - and intractable diarrhea. - Turners syndrome is females with XO - short - low-set ears - shield chest - congenital heart defect (usually coarctation) - caf-au-lait spots - freckles - webbed neck - lymphedema. - Wada test is test for hemispheric dominance for language by injecting amobarbital into carotid artery. - Wallerian degeneration is pattern of degeneration of distal portion of

nerve following axonal injury with break down of axon and formation of myelin ovoids from catabolized axon fragments. - Hitzig zones is in tabes dorsalis (syphilis) - regions of reduced sensation found in central face - pages ulnar forearms - and peroneal legs - leading to painless ulcers and joint damage. - Blumberg sign is rebound tenderness. - Franks sign is earlobe crease - associated with CAD - Gorham-Stout disease is vanishing or disappearing bone disease; IL-6 has pathogenetic role. - Holmes heart is single ventricle with normally-related great arteries. Fasanella - Servat operation::: Surgical procedure done to correct MILD PTOSIS(1.5-2mm) with good levator function. Rokitansky-Cushing ulcer::: Acute ulcer of the stomach, proximal duodenum, or oesophagus, frequently leads to haemorrhage or perforation, associated with intracranial injury or increase in intracranial pressure, associated with gastric acid hypersecretion. after head injury or neurosurgery. Poupart's ligament - Inguinal ligament Cooper's ligament - Pectineal ligament Gimbernat's ligament- Lacunar ligament Hesselbach's ligamentInterfoveolar ligament- (thickened transversalis fascia anterior to the epigastric vessels). Colles' ligament - Reflected inguinal ligament Erlenmeyer flask deformity:- Asked in previous papers... Seen in gauchers disease.... An Erlenmeyer flask deformity is refers to a radiographic appearance typically on a femoral radiograph where there is relative constriction of the diaphysis and flaring of the metaphysis OCHSNER - SHERREN REGIMEN : CONSERVATIVE REGIMEN IN A CASE OF APPENDICULAR MASS : A - Aspiration with ryle's tube B - Bowel care ( not to give purgatives) C - Charts{temp , pulse , RR , diameter of mass (with skin pencil)} D - Drugs E - Explorative laparotomy NOT to be done F - Fluids ( nil oral for few days ) Bassini's operation:: an operation for an inguinal hernia repair; after reduction of the hernia, the sac is twisted, ligated, and cut off, then a new inguinal canal is made by uniting the edge of the internal

oblique muscle to the inguinal ligament, placing on this the cord, and covering the latter by the external oblique muscle. 2.Billroth's operation::excision of the pylorus with end-to-end anastomosis of stomach and duodenum. Syn: Billroth I anastomosis. 3.Billroth's operation 2 resection of the pylorus with the greater part of the lesser curvature of the stomach, closure of the cut ends of the duodenum and stomach, followed by a gastrojejunostomy. Syn: Billroth II anastomosis. 4.Blalock-Taussig operation:: an operation for congenital malformations of the heart, in which an abnormally small volume of blood passes through the pulmonary circuit; blood from the systemic circulation is directed to the lungs by anastomosing the right or left subclavian artery to the right or left pulmonary artery 5.Potts' operation direct side-to-side anastomosis between aorta and pulmonary artery as a palliative procedure in congenital malformation of the heart. Syn: Potts' anastomosis. 6.commando operation::; Syn: commando procedure.commando procedure an operation for malignant tumors of the floor of the oral cavity, involving resection of portions of the mandible in continuity with the oral lesion and radical neck dissection. Syn: commando operation. 7.Caldwell-Luc operation an intraoral procedure for opening into the maxillary antrum through the supradental (canine) fossa above the maxillary premolar teeth. Syn: intraoral antrostomy, Luc's operation. 8.Fredet-Ramstedt operation Syn: pyloromyotomy.Longitudinal incision through the anterior wall of the pyloric canal to the level of the submucosa, to treat hypertrophic pyloric stenosis. Syn: Fredet-Ramstedt operation, Ramstedt operation. 9.Heller operation cardioesophagomyotomy at the gastro-esophageal region=.achlasia cardia 10.Manchester operation a vaginal operation for prolapse of the uterus, consisting of cervical amputation and parametrial fixation (cardinal ligaments) anterior to the uterus. Syn: Fothergill's operation. 11.Mayo's operation an operation for the radical cure of umbilical hernia; the neck of the sac is exposed by two elliptical

incisions, the gut is returned to the abdomen, the sac and adherent omentum are cut away, and the fascial edges of the opening are overlapped with mattress sutures 12.Waterston operation surgically created anastomosis between the pulmonary artery and the ascending aorta to palliate adult tetralogy of Fallot. 13.Wertheim's operation a radical operation for carcinoma of the uterus in which as much as possible of the vagina is excised and there is wide lymph node excision. (done for < stage IIA)--pls. correct me if i am wrong.... 14.Whipple's operation : pancreatoduodenectomy. 15.McKeown's operation the whole stomach is used and the posterior mediastinal route selected in oesophageal cancer 16.Meyer operation Subclavian--left coronary artery anastomosis (Meyer operation) for anomalous origin of the left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery 21.Sistrunk operationexcision of the thyroglossal cyst and duct including the midportion of the hyoid bone through, or near, which the duct traverses. 22.Thiersch's operation the application of a partial thickness skin graft. Syn: Thiersch's graft operation veins of Mayo are veins overlying pylorus. Hutchinson freckle is lentigo maligna - a nonfamilial precursor to lentigo maligna melanoma. Chadwicks sign is blue-red passive hyperemia of the cervix that may appear after 7th week of pregnancy; may be seen in association with tumor; results from congestion of mucosa and most visible in anterior vaginal wall. This is also called as the jacquiemers sign. 101 - Kleihauer-Betke test is testing for the presence of fetal blood cells in maternal circulation . 102 - Van Wyk-Grumbach syndrome is primary hypothyroidism associated with precocious puberty and galactorrhea. 103 - Riley-Day syndrome is hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy type III (familial dysautonomia) - recessive disorder that commences in infancy and is characterized by conspicuous autonomic dysfunction (absent tearing - labile temperature - and blood pressure) - and accompanied by absent taste sensation - absent fungiform papillae on tongue - impaired pain and temperature sensation - and areflexia; occurs among Ashkenazi; associated with mutation in IKBKAP gene. 104 - pink disease is acrodynia - occurs from exposure to high concentrations of mercury vapor characterized by a body rash - swelling and irritation of palms and feet followed by skin desquamation irritability - photophobia - fever - insomnia and profuse sweating - which may also follow oral exposure

to mercury compounds. 105 - Amadori product is products of early non enzymatic glycoslyation of proteins. 106 - Marshall-Smith syndrome is accelerated skeletal maturation - failure to thrive - and dysmorphic facial features with death in early infancy or childhood from pulmonary infections. 107 - Lowes syndrome is X-linked - oculocerebrorenal syndrome characterized by congenital cataracts mental retardation - renal tubular acidosis type 2; from defect in lipid phosphatase phosphatidylinositol 4 -5 bisphosphate [PtdIns(4 -5)P2]5-phosphatase - which localizes to the Golgi apparatus and is suspected to play a role in Golgi vesicular transport. 108 - hemoglobin Lepore is no beta chain; delta chain by delta-beta hybrid. 109 - gamekeepers thumb is injury to ulnar collateral ligament of the thumb. 110 - Battens disease is later-onset ceroid lipofuscinosis - CLN3 - also used to describe juvenile form specifically; in general a group of conditions characterized by mental impairment - worsening seizures and progressive loss of sight and motor skills related to buildup of lipopigments. 111 - Bishops score is scoring system for determining whether or not induction of labor will be successful - based on 5 criteria (scored from 0-3): position - cervical consistency - degree of effacement dilatation - and station; score >9 suggests that induction will be successful. 112 - Gerstmann syndrome is finger agnosia - agraphia - right-left disorientation - and dyscalculia. 113 - Milkmans fractures is in osteomalacia - radiolucent narrow lines that lie either at right angles or obliquely to the cortical outlines of bones and often transect them; bilateral and symmetric - found at the axillary margins of the scapula - lower ribs - neck of the proximal femurs - and posterior regions of the proximal ulnas; related either to stress fractures or to mechanical erosion by penetrating nutrient arteries; aka Loosers zones. 114 - hemoglobin Constant Spring is particularly common structural variant with alpha thalassemia in Asia - contains mutation which abolishes normal translation termination codon - so extra 31 residues read until another in-frame termination codon comees up. 115 - Stockholm syndrome is victims sympathizing with victimizer - e.g. - kidnapper; described after incident in summer of 1973 in Stockholm where hostages were taken in a failed bank robbery and after end of their captivity in six days - the hostages resisted rescue. 116 - Kegel exercises is exercises for strengthening pelvic muscles in order to increase urethral closure mechanism in urinary incontinence. 117 - Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease is most common inherited peripheral neuropathy - 1/2500 autosomal dominant - clinically heterogeneous disorder characterized by slowly progressive atrophy of the distal muscles - mainly those innervated by peroneal nerve; progressive weakness of varying intensity and atrophy of the muscles of the feet - hands - and legs - leading to pes cavus - clawhand - and stork-leg appearance - usually beginning in the 2nd or 3rd decade. Enlarged greater auricular nerves may be visible and enlarged ulnar and peroneal nerves may be palpated in some patients. Cranial nerves rarely involved. 118 - Spigelian hernia is hernia through the linea semilunaris - aka spontaneous lateral ventral hernia. 119 - Vater - ampulla is location where common bile duct enters the duodenum; described by German anatomist Vater (1684-1751). 120 - Von Graefe sign is in Gravess disease - lag of the upper eyelid as it follows the rotation of the eyeball downward.

121 - Waldenstrms macroglobulinemia is marked by diffuse - leukemia-like infiltration of the bone marrow by lymphocytes - plasma cells - and hybrid forms that synthesize a monoclonal IgM - leading to macroglobulinemia; disease of old age - macroglubilinemia giving rise to visual impairment - neurologic problems - bleeding - cryoglobulinemia; hyperviscosity. 122 - St. Vituss dance is Sydenhams chorea. 123 - Bings sign is extensor plantar response by pricking the dorsal surface of the big toe with a pin suggesting upper motor neuron defect. 124 - Thorels pathway is posterior internodal tract in atrial conduction system. 125 - Parkland formula is total body surface area % burned x kg x 4; 1/2 in first 8 hours - second 1/2 given next 16 hours. 126 - Millard-Gubler syndrome is ventral pontine injury causing symptoms similar to Fouvilles syndrome except lateral rectus weakness only - instead of gaze palsy. 127 - Mazzotti reaction is reaction to proteins released by dying onchocerca - including fevers - rashes ocular damage - joint and muscle pain - and lymphangitis as well as hypotension - pyrexia - respiratory distress - and prostration. 128 - Werners syndrome is a form of progeria characterized by scleroderma-like skin changes (especially in extremities) - bilateral juvenile cataracts - subcutaneous calcifications - wizened and prematurely-aged facies - hypogonadism - and diabetes mellitus; autosomal recessive inheritance; from mutation in RecQ helicase. 129 - fetor hepaticus is musty or sweet odor from the formation of mercaptans by the action of GI bacteria on the sulfur-containing amino acid methionine and shunting of splanchnic blood from the portal into the system circulation (portosystemic shunting). 130 - Lynch syndrome I is cancer family syndrome with multiple colon cancers 2 to 3 decades earlier predilection for proximal colon; Lynch syndromes most common forms of familial colon cancer - 5-10% of all cases of colon cancer; better prognosis than sporadic colon cancer; deficiency in mismatch repair genes in 85% of Lynch syndromes; autosomal dominant. 131 - Prehn's sign is elevation of painful testicle decreases pain of epididymitis. 132 - Ramirez sign is in deep vein thrombosis - sphygmomanometer cuff placed above knee inflated to 40 mm Hg causing pain at site of thrombosis. 133 - second disease is scarlet fever - aka scarlatina - caused by Strep pyogenes exotoxin - first described in 1626. 134 - Burkitt lymphoma is tumor manifesting at extranodal sites; associated with translocation of c-myc gene on chr 8 with IgH locus (chr 14) - kappa (chr 2) - or lambda light-chain (chr 22) locus; associated with EBV infection in African variety. 135 - Gordons maneuver is extensor plant response by squeezing the calf muscle suggesting upper motor neuron defect. 136 - Joness fracture is fracture at the base of the fifth metatarsal diaphysis. 137 - Hughes-Stovin syndrome is multiple pulmonary artery aneurysms with peripheral venous thrombosis. 138 - Siegrist streaks is linear hyperpigmented areas over choroidal vessels in hypertensive retinopathy. 139 - Blomstrand dysplasia is rare lethal disorder characterized by an increase in bone density and advanced skeletal maturationfrom inactivating mutation in PTHR-1 gene (also Jansen metaphyseal

chondrodysplasia where there is an activating mutation). 140 - MELAS is mitochondrial encephalopathy with acidosis and stroke - onset in childhood - stroke-like episodes with hemiparesis - hemianopia - or cortical blindness; full expression of the disease leads to death often before age 20; 80-90% have point mutation in leucine tRNA in mtDNA. 141 - Hamptons line is radiolucent collar of granulation tissue across the base of an ulcer. 142 - Clerambaults syndrome is erotomania - delusional belief that someone (usually of higher social status) is in love with the person. 143 - Tolosa-Hunt syndrome is idiopathic inflammation of the cavernous sinus producing painful palsy of third - fourth - or sixth cranial nerve. 144 - Lundberg A wave is in ICP monitoring - waves that have a duration of 5-20 minutes and an amplitude of 50 mm Hg over the baseline ICP - after which ICP is reset to a higher baseline level; sign of severely compromised intracranial compliance and can result in significant decrease in cerebral perfusion pressure and herniation. 145 - Denver shunt is for treating refractory ascites - peritoneovenous shunt connecting peritoneum and central venous system - compare with LeVeen shunt; Denver shunt uses valve that lies within a fluidfilled - compressible silicone chamber. 146 - Dorellos canal is location where the sixth nerve penetrates the dura - an area where the nerve is liable to injury. 147 - Hageman factor is factor XII. 148 - Reynolds pentad is Charcots triad plus altered mental status and shock in cholangitis. 149 - Mortons neuroma is interdigitial palmar neuroma. 150 - Castle intrinsic factor is intrinsic factor secreted by parietal cells - which binds luminal B12 and permits its absorption in the ileum. 151 - Kernig sign is first flex patients leg at both hip and knee - and then straighten.
Amenorrhoea and infertility can occur in Chronic lead poisoning 502. If a person is absent from his usual haunts, and has not been heard for at least 7 years, he is presumed to be dead 503. In opium poisoning there is loss of all secretions except sweat 504. In opium poisoning, atropine is contraindicated 505. Strongest corrosive poison is sulphuric acid 506. Antidote used in common types of poisonous snakes in India includes polyvalent antisnake venom 507. Viperbite like poison is Abrus 508. Sea snake venom is Myotoxic 509. Diwali poisons are Mercury, phosphorus 510. Blotting paper like stomach is seen in sulphuric acid poisoning 511. Spinal poisoning may be mistaken commonly for Tetanus 512. Sodium nitrate looks and tastes like common salt 513. Tingling of skin and tongue is seen in Aconite poisoning 514. In phosphorous poisoning, avoid oil and fats as they increase absorption 515. In Endrin poisoning, the pupils are dilated

516. 517. 518. 519. 520. 521. 522.

Albumin helps to precipitate poison in Mercury poisoning Lead poisoning causes constipation In Potassium permanganate poisoning, lesions resemble Tertiary syphilis Cocaine acts as an Aphrodisiac In treatment of Nux vomica poisoning, most important is I.V. injection Barbiturates Pupils show alternate contraction and dilatation in Aconite poisoning Charcoal acts as a mechanical antidote.

523. Delayed poisoning by oxalic acid is characterised by Uraemia Large amount of water is contraindicated in Oxalic acid poisoning. Hypocalcemia can occur in Oxalic acid poisoning 524. Coffee ground vomitus is seen in Oxalic acid poisoning 525. Datura seeds look like- Brinjal seeds, capsicum seeds or Tomato seed 526. Antidote for chlorpyriphos poisoning is. PAM. 527. Prussian blue is used in poisoning by thallium. 528. In gastric lavage, tube is passed upto 50 cm mark 529. Oleander causes heart block 530. Puppes rule is used for bullet injuries 531. Wredins test detects changes in middle ear 532. 533. 534. 535. 536. 537. 538. 539. 540. 541. 542. Rain drop pigmentation of skin is seen is arsenic poisoning Algor mortis refers to cooling of body American Law Institute Test is related to criminal responsibility Poroscopy was described by Locard Burrowed servant doctrine is related to vicarious liability Wax-drippings or bone pearls are due to thermal injuries Lichtenbergs flowers refers to Filigree burns Cutis anserina is due to exector pilae Cupping is a method of criminal abortion Crocodile flash burns are due to antemortem electric burns Hospital providing defective equipment or drugs is causing Corporate negligence

Contusion collar is a proof of Gun shot entrance 543. In Commando punch, injury usually occur in neck 544. Blast lung is seen due to air explosion Thereapeutic orphans result due to experimentation 545. Thee name hatters shake is given because it is common in hat making industry 546. Trotter and Glessers formulae are used for estimating stature 547. Rachiotomy saw is used to remove spinal cord 548. In cases of increased intracranial pressure, Kernhans notch is seen on midbrain 549. In artificial insemination of Donor without husbands consent, if the legal presumption of legitimacy be rebutted, parental rights will be vested in mother only 550. Agonal period is period between lethal occurrence and death 551. K master is responsible for the faults of his servants is known as Vicarious liability,

Biliard ball ricochet effect is seen in firearm injuries 552. Cavett test is used for determing blood alcohol 553. Dactylography was first used in India by Sir W. Herschel 554. Huffling is common solvent abuse 555. Sewer gas contains CO2, methane and H25 556. Stomach-bowel test is used for knowing if infant respiration occurred 557. Swallow tails are seen in lacerated wound 558. Most common type of abrasions of grazes 559. Osteometric board is used to estimate stature 560. Skull is square in Mongolians 561. In human head hair, bar bodies are found in hair follicles in a proportion of 29 5% in females and 6+2% males 562. Curator bonis is person appointed to manage the affairs of mentally incompetent 563. Crib deaths are due to asphyxia 564. Commoriants literally means dying together 565. For identification, palatoprints are taken from anterior part 566. Pink teeth are seen in death due to asphyxia 567. The order of appearance of rigor mortis follows Nystens law 568. Postmortem lividity in a case of hanging is most prominent over lower extremities 569. Postmortem staining of a dead body lying undisturbed persists till it merges with discolouration of putrefaction 570. Bleeding from nostrils, mouth and ears is relatively common in strangulation 571. Contre coup injury is seen in brain 572. In deep incised wounds, Langers lines determine gaping 573. Mugging by definition is homicidal 574. Ligature mark in hanging is an example of imprint abrasion 575. Immediate cause of death in burns is neurogenic shock 576. Common cause of death in crush syndrome is acute renal failure 577. Abrasion is seen in injury with rifled arm 578. Spermin in semen is detected by Barberio test 579. The impotent quoad is impotent to a particular woman 580. Seminal fluid choline originates from Leydig cell 581. To establish diagnosis of feigned insanity, the person can be observed for a maximum period of 30 days 582. Incessant sexual desire is known as satyriasis 583. Dhatura poisoning is due to intake of seeds 584. Mercury damages glomeruli and renal tubules 585. 586. 587. 588. 589. 590. 591. 592. Cyanide poisoning kit contains amyl nitrite, Sodium nitrite and sodium thiosulfate Chromolachryorrhoea in organophosphorus poisoning is due to porphyrin A green line in gums in copper poisoning is Clepten line In Eonism, there is cross dressing Garrotting is used as a method of execution in some countries Tardieu spots are numberous in thymus, AV junction and conjunctiva In body packer syndrome, person dies of abused drug overdose In drowning, emphysema aquosum is seen in 80% cases

593. In embalming fluid, the concentration of formaldehyde and methyl alcohol are 40% and 10% respectively 594. Emmenagogues are used for criminal abortion 595. McNaughten rule has been included in India in section 84 of IPC 596. Hydrocution is another term for immersion syndrome 597. Diminished responsibility is a term used for borderline mental state 598. Minisatellite or stutters are terms used for DNA finger printing 599. Section 312 IPC is related to abortion 600. Sankya or somalkhar is a compound of lead 301. BAL is contraindicated in liver damage. 302. KCN is ineffective as a poison if kept for long time, patient takes excess of carbohydrate or suffers from achlorhydria. 303. Inquiry into circumstances of death is called inquest report. 304. Non-poisonous pure metals are mercury, copper and lead. 305. Phossy Jaw is produced by chronic white phosphorus poisoning. 306. Ptysalism is seen in copper poisoning. 307. Chloral hydrate is also called knockout drops or Micky Finn. 308. Chromodacryorrhoea is sometimes preapilated by organophosphorus 309. Rape is a cognizable offence. 310. To make a positive identification with the help of a partial finger print, the points of similarity should be at least 16. 311. The most striking symptoms of pregnancy is cessation of menstruation. 312. The most reliable chemical test for blood is benzidine test. 313. The position colour of tests for blood are Benzidine test (Blue), Guiacum test (deep blue), Kastle Meyer test, Leucomalachite test (Peacock blue), Haemin Crystal (dark brown). 314. Takayama reagent is used in haemochromogen test. 315. Heat stiffening is due to coagulation of albumin. 316. Term immerssion foot is used for cases with frost bite. 317. Boxers attitude is seen in persons dying of burns. 318. III and IV degree of burns are most painful. 319. Smokeless gun powder is composed of nitrocellulose. 320. Gunshot wound is a type of perforated wound. 321. Supreme Court is purely an appellate Court. 322. Police inquest can be done by a person not below the rank of sub-inspector. 323. Haemodilution occurs in fresh water drowning. 324. In chronic mercury poisoning, face is first affected. 325. Wrist drop and foot drop may be seen in poisoning with lead. 326. After taking cyanide, patient first feels numbness in extremities. 327. Nux vomica seeds contain 2 alkaloids, strychnine and brucine. 328. Lynching is a form of homicidal hanging. 329. Arrow poison is nux vomical (also called Kuchila). 330. Commonest industrial metal poisoning is by lead. 331. Haemorrhagic spots are found in poisoning by thallium. 332. Amyl nitrate is antidote of cocaine poisoning. 333. In sea water drowning, there is steep rise in Na+ and Mg++.

334. Cadaveric spasm occurs immediately after death. 335. Least common type of finger prints is composite. 336. Preauricular sulcus is useful for identification of sex. 337. Seminal emission is common in hanging. 338. In methyl alcohol poisoning treatment recommended is ethyl alcohol and sodium bicarbonate. 339. The presence of fine white leathery froth in mouth indicates drowning. 340. Lower end of femur can help to determine the age. 341. Resipsa Loquitur means evidence speaks for itself. 342. Resorption elution technique is used for detection of blood stains. 343. In females, obturator foramen is triangular shaped. 344. Absorption of lead is mainly through lung. 345. Incised like lacerated wound appears at forehead. 346. Medical jurisprudence is the subject concerned with knowledge of law in relation to the practice of medicine. In a nutshell, it deals with legal aspects of medical practice. 347. Crime means a social harm which has been defined and made punishable by law. 348. No conduct money is paid in criminal cases, however, provision is made by the Govt under sec. 312 Cr PC for payment of reasonable expenses of an expert witness attending before any criminal court. 349. The body is exhumed only when there is a written order issued by 1st class Chief Judicial or Executive magistrate or the Coroner. There is not time limit for exhumation in India. 350. Puterfaction is the surest sign of death. The earliest sign is manifested as greenish discoluration in the right ilic fossa. 351. Heat stiffening is due to coagulation of albumin and muscle proteins. 352. Cold stiffening is due to solidfication of fats when body is exposed to very low temperatures 353. Presence of blood stained froth in the air passage and diatoms in internal visceras and bone marrow is considered surest sign of drowning. 354. The chief post mortem finding in case of starvation is distended gall bladder. 355. Heat exhaustion is caused by dehydration and salt deficiency. 356. Presence of soot in the respiratory passage is the surest sign of ante-mortem burn. 357. Diatoms resist putrefaction. 358. About 1900 cals is the minimum daily dieteic requirement below which manifestations of starvation appear. 359. For estimating surface area in burnt patient Wallaces Rule of Nine has been employed. 360. The Taser Gun is a device for immoblizing vicitims by using electric current without causing death or serious injury. 361. In drowning, Paltauf s haemorrhages are seen subpleurally in the lungs 362. Molecular death is more significant medico-legally than somatic death. 363. Semen contains more than double quantity of CPK than any other body fluid. Levels over 400 units are almost diagnostic. The enzyme is stable and can be demonstrated as late as 6 months after soiling. 364. Hanging is one of the common forms of suicide among men.

365. Judicial hanging is the official method of execution of death sentence. The dislocation often takes place between the 2nd & 3rd cervical vertebra. 366. Dribbling of saliva is the vital sign of ante-mortem hanging and is due to stimulation of salivary glands by ligature. 367. Lynching is homicidal hanging where several persons acting jointly overpower an individual and hang him by means of a rope to a tree or like object. 368. Strangulation is almost always homicidal. 369. In strangulation, ligature completely encricles the neck horizontally below thyroid cartilage. Injury to carotid arteries common. Bleeding from nose, mouth and ears. Emphysematous patches on lungs are commonly seen during postmortem examination, fracture of hyoid bone commonly occurs in throttling (near the greater cornua). 370. Smothering is a form of asphyxia caused by mechanical occlusion of the external air passages viz. the nose and the mouth by hands, cloth or any other material. 371. Overylaying or compression suffocation results due to compression of the chest so as to prevent breathing. It is common method of infanticide. 372. Burking is a method of homicidal smothering and traumatic asphyxia. 373. Drowning is a form of asphyxia due to aspiration of fluid into air passage, caused by submersion in water or other fluid. 374. Death ensues rapidly in fresh water than in salt water or sea water. 375. The fine froth at the mouth and nose in pathognomonic of drowning. 376. Cutis anserina or goose skin has no value as a diagnostic sign of death from drowning. Diatoms test is negative in dead bodies thrown in water or in dry drowning. 377. In a typical case of drowning, diatoms are found in brains and bone marrow. 378. Drowning is one of the commonest form of suicide amongst females. 379. Buccal coitus is Sin of Gomorrah. 380. Strychnine poisoning resembles tetanus / epilepsy / hysteria. 381. Thallium resembles natural death. 382. Exhumation is done: In presence of police officer. In the supervision of Medical Officer. Written order from 1st class Magistrate or coroner. 383. Most common mode of death in strangulation is Asphyxia. 384. The common mode of choking is Accidental. 385. Caffey syndrome is Battered baby syndrome. 386. In judicial hanging, fracture/dislocation of the vertebrae at the level of C3 and C4 vertebra. 387. In Asphyxia, the place where the Tardieu spots occur in lung is interlobar fissures. Forensic thanatology deals with Medicolegal study of death. 388. In dental fluorosis, the teeth are characterised by mottled enamel. 389. Wredens testfor deleting the presence of air in middle ear for determining live birth or dead foetus. 390. The rules for criminal responsibility of Insane: Mc Naughtens rule, Durhams rule, Currents rule 391. Blood group of Parents, Child group possible: OxO i.e 0000 = 0, A x B i.e OA x OB = O, A, B, AB. All are possible, OxA i.e OOxOA = O, A. 392. Macerated body of a foetus indicatesdead-born. 393. Cadaveric spasm (Instantaneous rigor) affects voluntary muscles only. 394. The most dependent means of identification of persons is finger prints. 395. If a person survives after giving dying declaration, it can be used as corroborative evidence.

396. Paraffin test or dermal nitrate test detects Gunpowder residue on hands. 397. Knockout agents: Chloral hydrate, Potassium bromide 398. Saturday night paralysis due to pressure on the Radial nerve. 399. Leading questions are permissible in cross- examination. 400. Preservation used to preserve the urine for chemical analysis is Thymol crystals. 169. 170. 171. 172. 173. 174. 175. 176. 177. 178. 179. 180. 181. 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. McEwens sign is seen in alcoholism. Cutis anserina is seen in drowning. Shaking palsy or mad Hatters is seen with mercury poisoning. Poison which can be detected in burnt bodies in arsenic. Cepahlic index helps in identification of race. Tentative cuts are seen in suicides. Pugilistic attitude is seen in antemortem or postmortem burns. Death in police custody is investigated by Magistrate. Precipitin test is used to identify human blood in stains. Gelsimium is a spinal cord poison. Desferroxamine is antidote used in iron poisoning. Spaldings sign is seen in maceration. Impotence is inability to perform the sexual act. Smack is crude form of heroin. Ganja is obtained from flowering tops. Stomach may be greenish in poisoning due to nitric acid. Lines of Zahn are present in antemortem clots. Conium is a peripheral poison.

187. Emphysema aqueosum is seen in wet drowning. 188. Formication (Magnans symptom) is seen in cocaine dependence. 189. Rigor mortis is simulated by cadaveric spasm. 190. Thorn apple is Datura stramonium. 191. Dirt collar is seen in fire arm entry wound. 192. Apoplexy is cerebral congestion. 193. Feminine of impotence is frigidity. 194. In oath taking, a medical man does not require to keep his hands on a holy book. 195. Thanatology is science that deals with death. 196. Number of hours since death is calculated by multiplying the fall in rectal temperature with 0.67. 197. Dichotomy is related to splitting of fees. 198. Fracture of hyoid bone in a case of strangulation is commonly seen in the greater horn. 199. In a fresh case of death due to ventricular fibrillation, heart at postmortem will be flabby. 200. Punctate basophilia is seen in lead poisoning. 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. 207. Felony is a category of rape, murder or burglary. Testamentary capacity is related to will. McNaughten was an accused. Accepted procedure of first aid for cafe coronary is Heimlich manoeuvre. Mode of death from obstruction of air passages from within is anoxic anoxia. Brain may be preserved in normal saline or rectified spirit. CSF is preserved in poisoning due to alcohol.

208. Long bones are preserved inpoisoning due to arsenic, lead or antimony. 209. Exhumation is usually done in the early morning. 210. In India, Exhumation is done for Mohammadans and Christians. 211. Macroscopically and microscopically, there will not be any change to the heart in case of myocardial infarction death up to 8 hours. 212. Foamy liver is due to bubbing up of gas. 213. Leukocyte alkaline phosphatase level is low in CML. 214. The essential lesion of coronary atherosclerosis is found in intima. 215. The classical site of ischaemic colitis is splenic flexure. 216. The rigor mortis disappears in the order of eyelids, neck, thorax, lower lumbs (in the order of appearance). 217. Primary relaxation is stage of somatic death. 218. 219. 220. 221. 222. 223. 224. 225. After death, the onset of putrefaction is in the stage of secondary relaxation. Species of origin of blood is determined by precipitin test. It is a criminal offence in India, for a person to drive a motor vehicle after consuming alcohol. Dum dum bullet is so called because tip is chiselled off. Cyanides mainly affect Cytochrome oxidase. In electrocution, death is most often due to ventricular fibrillation. Le facies sympathique is seen in hanging. The characteristic sign of Korsakoff psychosis is amnesia.

226. Aconite is most commonly used as a homicidal poison. 227. Alcohol is maximally absorbed from small intestine. 228. Absolute alcohol has 99.95% alcohol. 229. Visceras obtained from a body due to death from alcoholic intoxication are preserved is suprasaturated saline. 230. In strychnine poisoning, rigor mortis sets in early and lasts shortly. 231. A short barreled rifle is called carbine. 232. The most fragile bone in skull to get fractured is temporal 233. The most common type of skull fracture is fissure. 234. Rigor mortis sets early in cases with deaths due to apoplexy. 235. In cadaveric spasm, stage of primary relaxation is missing. 236. Heat stiffening is due to exposure of body to temperature above 75C. 237. The presence of blackening, tatooing and scortching in a shotgun injury indicates distance of fire upto 3 feet. 238. Lucid interval is seen in extradural haemorrhage and insanity. 239. In forgeries, oxalic acid is used as ink remover solution. 240. Pond fracture (of skull) is found in children. 241. Blasting effect is usually seen in a firearm injury from point blank range. 242. Olive oil is used in stomach wash in carbolic acid poisoning. 243. Fracture of middle cranial fossa causes injury to VII and VIII cranial nerves. 244. Histologically amyloid deposits always begin intercellularly. 245. Ischiopubic index is significantly more in females. 246. Unconsciousness occurs immediately after head injury due to concussion.

247. A female has more sternal index, ischiopubic index and sciatic notch index. 248. Ewings postulates refer to accidents as a cause of death. 249. Loss of muscular coordination and staggering gait are seen in patient with blood alcohol concentration of 150-300 250. Dinitro compounds poisoning resembles thyrotoxicosis. 251. Aconite is known as Sweet poison. 252. CuSO4 is antidote of Phosphorus. 253. Foders test compares weight of lungs to the body. 254. Diaphanus test denotes that after death, finger webs lose their lusture. 255. Gaping of deep incised wound is dependent on cleavage lines of Langer. 256. When a patient is injured or dies due to some unintentional act during treatment by a doctor or agent of the doctor or known as therapeutic misadventure. 257. Glass blowers shakes are seen with poisoning due to mercury. 258. Run amok is sometimes seen with cannabis. 259. Abrus is viper-like poison. 260. Bluish green hypostasis is seen in H2S poisoning 261. Marquis test is used in opium poisoning. 262. Datura is also known as Road poison. 263. Marshs test and Reinsch test are used in arsenic poisoning. 264. Exposure to nickel causes carcinoma nasopharynx. 265. Best test for seminal stain is Florence test. 266. Fall of a tooth is grievous injury. 267. To conduct a postmortem, an authorisation letter is necessary from police officer, magistrate and coroner. 268. A consent is invalid of obtained from a person who is intoxicated, insane or under threat. 269. In India, exhumation has no time limit. 270. Colour changes of putrefaction are first observed in iliac fossa. 271. Dipsomania is seen with alcohol. 272. 273. 274. 275. 276. 277. 278. 279. 280. 281. 282. 283. 284. 285. 286. Subpoena is a seen kind of document. In exhumated bodies, the poison likely to be detected most significantly is arsenic. Postmortem in a newborn is done by opening first the abdominal cavity. Tests for circulation are Magnus, Diaphanous and Icards. Compressed air is used to fire lead slugs in air rifle. Most important sign of defloration is ruptured hymen. Cafe coronary occurs when a person is intoxicated. Overlying is a type of smothering. Death in fresh water in comparison to salt water is earlier. Bevelling of inner table of skull is seen in fire arm entry wound. In burking, cause of death is traumatic asphyxia. Bansdola is a form of homicidal strangulation. Convincing proof of burial alive is sand in trachea and bronchi. In India. Coroners courts are held in Bombay. Corpus delict deals with body of crime.

287. Burking is a name derived from person. 288. Bullet is picked up with hands.

289. The process which causes the drying up of tissues and internal viscera to a sufficient degree to halt putrefaction is called mummification. 290. The most important cause of temporary impotence is fear. 291. Minimum quantity of blood required to be preserved to mineral poisoning. 292. Superimposition is technique most useful for identification from skull. 293. Brown atrophy of heart is seen in starvation deaths. 294. Most common type of finger impression is loop. 295. Lead poisoning is common in children. 296. Presence of alveolar duct membrane in foetal autopsies in indicative of live birth. 297. The science of finger print was first demonstrated by Francis. 298. Karl Pearson formula is used to calculate stature of the individual from long bones.

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