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in response to the atheist question of if God exists why does He let evil things happen: they're actually arguing

against themselves without knowing it. If we 're the product of a big bang that happened spontaneously and there is no God as atheists believe, then we're all just a mixture of chemicals from the universe that came together to form us. If that's true, then why would it matter if evil things happen to good people, since they're all just a mixture of chemicals any way? Atheists always talk about people as if they have worth and shouldn't have bad things happen to them, but where does that worth come from? If we're all j ust a mixture of chemicals, as atheists believe, then we have no worth. If you' re just a mixture of chemicals, why do you wanna know why bad things happen to o ther people, since they're just mixtures of chemicals too. If there's no afterl ife, then why in the world does it matter how we die, if it's by an act of evil or not? Either way we're just gonna turn into a pile of dirt and evaporate. In the big scheme of things, 60-90 years is a drop in the bucket, so what differen ce does it make if you die at 30 or 40 instead of 60 or 70? To me that differen ce in time is completely insignificant if there's no life after this one. If we have nothing more to look forward to after this life then this life becomes all about us and how much pleasure we can get out of it because we're merely trying to make the most out of the short time we're on this planet. That's no way to live, and everyone who has lived that way always ends up miserable. If there is no afterlife, there really is no point in helping others anyway cause nothing w e would do would last anyway, it would be like writing your name in the sand on the seashore only to watch the ocean wash it away after a few minutes, because i n the context of eternity, our lives on this Earth are just a few minutes long. There'd be no point in writing your name (doing good deeds for others) if it's just gonna get washed away mere minutes after it's settled in. As for those ath eists who say they wanna leave the Earth a better place for their kids and the n ext generations, I say why? It doesn't matter if you try to leave it a better p lace if a majority of the other people on Earth make it a worse place. Then you just wasted your time when you could've been enjoying yourself (might as well i f there's no afterlife to look forward to). The reality is without a giant ince ntive to do good (an eternity of happiness with our Creator), there's just no re ason to be a good person and lead a life of honesty, love, and sacrifice. Also, your kids are just gonna die and turn to dust anyway, so what's the point of li ving your short life for them? Logic would tell you that would be pointless, so it must be your emotional connection to them. But aren't you atheists always t elling us Christians we rely too much on emotion and intuition instead of hard s cience and reason? This is the 2nd major contradiction atheists make (the first as previously noted is their assumption that people have inherent worth and dig nity while also assuming they're nothing but the product of a random explosion o f chemicals that eventually settled to form people- hard to see how a person has inherent dignity and value when they're nothing but a pile of chemicals, unlike the Christian view that we're made in the image and likeness of God and are His sons and daughters. Being like the Creator of the universe makes it a lot easi er to see how we have inherent dignity and worth. In the end, the experiences w e have in life force each and every one of us to form a set of beliefs about peo ple, life, and the universe. We can choose to humble ourselves, let go of contr ol of our lives (since we never had much to begin with), and recognize that God exists, therefore we should act as if He's watching our every move and will judg e us accordingly. Or, we can choose to be our own God, to let our pride and arr ogance increase, and believe that we humans, mere mortals though we are, are the rulers of the universe and that there is no higher power. Life is a series of choices, not just about what decisions we make, but about what we wanna believe and who we wanna become. Those who take the time to think about these choices a nd make the right ones will be rewarded with a happiness and peace that their ti ny human minds can't even begin to imagine.

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