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Bylaws Of Greeley Vineyard Christian Fellowship Greeley, Colorado

Bylaws of Vineyard Christian Fellowship Greeley Greeley, Colorado

1.1 1.2 Article I. Vision and Purpose We are called to worship God, having fellowship with him and his people, training disciples for works of service and love, and going as Christs ambassadors to the community and the world. Summary Statement of Vision. (1) We believe the church is created by God for his glory. Above all else we desire to express the loves and worship of our triune God. (2) We believe the church is the Body of Christ and as such we are to express both the ministry and character of Jesus. The ministry includes the proclamation of the good news of Christ and ministering healing to the whole person through the power of Gods Spirit and Word. The character is one of love and holiness. (3) We believe the church is an army. We are to be totally dedicated to the proclamation, demonstration and advance of the Kingdom of God in our community and world. Specifically we desire to advance Gods Kingdom in families, college students, our neighbors, and the broken, in the greater Greeley community and beyond. (4) We believe the church is a school of discipleship. We will seek to facilitate an environment that will foster the maturation of those who attend our fellowship. (5) Finally, we believe the church is a family. We desire to be a place where all who attend, whether families, single, or married, or formerly married, can experience the loving, genuine, and pure relationships which would characterize a healthy family. We are called to be a covenant family which knows our Father intimately and has his heart for each family member. Our Purpose a. Purpose of the Vineyard in Greeley 1. We want to know Christ, the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of his suffering. 2. We desire to be conformed to the character and nature of Jesus Christ. 3. We exist to share and learn how to speak the words and do the works of Jesus within our community and culture. 4. We desire to train and equip the entire Body of Christ to advance Gods kingdom by preaching the Gospel, feeding the poor, healing the sick, freeing the oppressed and mending the broken-hearted. 5. We seek to challenge this community and win the lost by being a contemporary/relevant church without compromise. 6. We seek to reach the unconverted through honest relationships and an acceptable model of the life and ministry of Jesus. 7. We want to provide a church home that is characterized by an atmosphere of warmth and acceptance; a place where risk taking and vulnerability are encouraged as we learn to do the


works of Jesus. 8. We desire to plant churches in Colorado, the Rocky Mountain Area and the world. 9. We are called to pursue and demonstrate unity in the larger Body of Christ and to always consider others better than ourselves. b. Our Values 1. The Pursuit of God. Our highest value is the pursuit of God. We are hungry to know and experience Gods presence, hear His voice and follow hard after Him. Our desire is to see Jesus love, mercy and power shine through all we do. 2. Kingdom of God. We aim to move in all the signs of the present fulfillment of Gods Kingdom, invoking the Spirits powerful presence, ministering healing through the Spirits gifts and seeing God heal and work wonders through His people. 3. Discipleship. We aim to grow personally in the disciplines of Christ and secondly to make disciples calling others into those same practices. 4. Value of the Individual. We aim to work together to build the church through maintaining mutual respect, open communication, determined cooperation and believing and speaking to best about each other. 5. Relationships. Relationships take root in the soil of intimacy, accountability and commitment. Relationships are an end in themselves and are not to be used, exploited or manipulated. 6. Simplicity. We will not use manipulation, deception or coercion to motivate people to function and participate in church life. 7. Integrity. It is important to us to speak the truth, deal honestly and live uprightly. 8. Servant Leadership. We aim to exercise authority with humility, selflessness, grace, care for the sheep and sincere desire to build up the Body of Christ. 9. Children. Children are a gift from God. They are present blessing and future hope. As such, they deserve the same quality of nurturing and care we give adults. 10. Marriage and Family. We desire to help families grow strong and healthy; enabling them to be nurturing, spiritual family units that are able to love and serve each other. 11. Culture Current. We use contemporary music and seek to develop an atmosphere in which unchristian people in Greeley and northern Colorado will feel at home. 12. Unity. We aim to maintain unity by honoring all who call on Jesus name and by seeking reconciliation with all parts of the Body and by blessing the whole Body of Christ.

13. Non-Religious. We try to speak in the language of our culture without Christian cliches and dress. We desire to act in ways in which our culture will respond in positive ways to the Gospel without compromise. c. Our Priorities 1. Worship. Our highest priority is giving Gods love back to Him in worship. Through worship we experience vital nurture and live from our heavenly Father. We also express worship by our lifestyle before a watching world. We desire Spirit led worship in a style that is intimate, dynamic, culture current and most of all life changing. Matthew 22:37; John 4:23-24. 2. Fellowship. Our next priority flows out of worship: giving Gods love to each other. As we find acceptance, affirmation and healing with God, we have a basis to relate honestly to one another. To aid these relationships, we place a very high emphasis on small group experiences called Kinships. These Kinship experiences give every individual an opportunity to express who they are, what they need and give themselves to one another in love. Matthew 22:39; Acts 2:44-47; John 13:34. 3. Word of God. Our third priority has to do with teaching and responding to the Word of God. To us, Gods word involves both sound Bible exposition, presented by pastors and teachers with emphasis on doing and experiencing truth, and His immediate word spoken through inspired utterance (i.e. word of wisdom, prophecy, etc.). It is through the application of Gods Word to our lives and the submission to Gods Word as our absolute authority that we can become what God desires. 2 Timothy 3:16-17; Jeremiah 15:16; 1 Peter 2:2. 4. Ministry. We believe that all Christians are called to minister in some manner under the anointing of the Spirit. Furthermore, our premise is that every believer has the same capacity to exercise any spiritual gift at any time according to the will of the Father. Specifically, we are called to preach the Gospel to the poor, bring healing to the whole person (spiritually, physically, emotionally, and socially), care for the poor through the giving of our time, energy and resources, set free those taken captive by Satan, counsel those in need of Gods wisdom and direction, nurture believers in the ministry of salvation, healing, deliverance and other areas of Kingdom ministry. 1 Peter 2:9; Isaiah 61:1-6. 5. Training and Equipping. We believe all Christians should be trained to do the works of Christ. Because we want to be an army and not an audience. What you have learned, pass on to interns, who will in turn, equip others. 2 Timothy 2:22; Ephesians 4:11-13. 6. Church Planting. We see church planting as a primary

evangelistic tool. Our desire is to find people like ourselves and provide them a church life that reflects Vineyard values. To be effective church planters and Kingdom builders, we must train and release our most capable people. We plan to help plant Vineyard churches in our region and 10,000 Vineyards around the world in our generation. Acts 1:8; 1 John 1:1-3; John 20:21. 7. Renewing The Larger Body of Christ. Our premise is that God loves the whole church, even those with differing views, theologies and practices. We want to be a part of Gods ministry to the whole church. In so doing, as a byproduct, we also renewed. 8. Missions. In Genesis 12, a covenant was made with Abraham. This covenant was simple, I will bless you and you will be a blessing and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you. We are committed to this covenant and recognize our responsibility to give away that which God has given us. This translates into a commitment to mobilize many from our fellowship in short-terms missions as well as sending individuals and small teams full-time to minister to the nations. d. Our Practices. Ultimately we would like each member of the Vineyard to be able to: 1. Pray effectively and consistently from the proper motive. 2. Worship freely. 3. Heal the sick with power (spiritually, emotionally and physically). 4. Study the Word of God with understanding and insight. 5. Lead people to Christ. 6. Counsel Biblically. 7. Enjoy healthy social relationships. 8. Give generously. 9. Participate fully in the life of the church. 10. Minister in the gifts of the Spirit. 11. Effectively manage their resources. 12. Develop relational communication skills. 13. Experience healthy and intimate marriage, family and/or peer relationships. e. Enumerated Purposes. This church shall be organized and operated exclusively for religious purposes within the meaning of Section 501 (c )(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended or any superseding section in order to, but not limited to: 1. Conduct Worship Services and other meetings and function as needed; 2. Minister the Word of God; 3. Minister to one another and to others through prayer, encouragement, exhortation, the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, or

other appropriate means; 4. Spread the Word of the Gospel to our community; 5. Promote and encourage, through the ministries of the organization, cooperation with other organizations ministering within the community; 6. Conduct a local church by the direction of the Lord Jesus Christ and under the leadership of the Holy Spirit in accordance with all the provisions as set forth in the Holy Bible; 7. Maintain facilities for the ministries and meetings of the local church; 8. License and ordain qualified individuals; 9. To provide training for all aspects of leadership in the Body of Christ; 10. To provide for missions and other outreach programs; 11. To fulfill the call of the Lord Jesus Christ to care for one another by, providing benevolence to those in need, among other things; and 12. To undertake such other and further purposes as may be necessary to fulfill the calling of a New Testament Church called to co-labor with the Lord in the earth, His harvest field. Article II. 2.1 Congregational Membership


Our understanding of congregational membership: The New Testament teaches that the church is the body of Christ, and that all who have put their faith in Christ are members of His Church (see Ephesians 4:25, 5:30, Colossians 3:15). Congregational membership is not a status in an organization, it is a living and personal relationship with Jesus Christ and his Church. We also recognize that there are various local churches, and while all belong to the Church Universal, each local church exists for an express purpose. We acknowledge that individual members of the Body of Christ will wish to associate with our congregation and be recognized as members of Vineyard Christian Fellowship, Greeley. This article sets forth the conditions, limitations, and requirements of such a congregational membership commitment. Covenant. Having received Christ as my Lord and Savior and been baptized, and being in agreement with Vineyards statements, strategy and structure. I now feel led by the Holy Spirit to unite with the Vineyard church family. In doing so, I commit myself to God and to the other members to do the following: 1.I WILL PROTECT THE UNITY OF MY CHURCH By acting in love toward other members By refusing to gossip By following the leaders 1 Peter 1.22 Now that you have purified yourselves by obeying the truth so that you have sincere love for your brothers, love one another deeply, from the heart.




Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. Romans 15.5 May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among your selves as you follow Christ Jesus Hebrews 13.17 Obey your leaders and submit to their authority. They keep watch over you as men who must give an account. Obey them so that their work will be a joy, not a burden, for that would be of no advantage to you. I WILL SHARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF MY CHURCH By praying for its growth By inviting the unchurched to attend By warmly welcoming those who visit 1 Thessalonians 1.2 We always thank God for all of you, mentioning you in our prayers. 3We continually remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ. Luke 14.23 Then the master told his servant, Go out to the roads and country lanes and make them come in, so that my house will be full. I WILL SERVE THE MINISTRY OF MY CHURCH By discovering my gifts and talents By being equipped to serve my pastors By developing a servants heart 1 Peter 4.10 Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering Gods grace in its various forms. Ephesians 4.11,12 God gave... some to be pastors and teachers, to prepare Gods people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up Philippians 2.3, - 4.7 Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus: taking the very nature of a servant I WILL SUPPORT THE TESTIMONY OF MY CHURCH By attending faithfully By living a godly life By giving regularly
Ephesians 4.29

Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another
Hebrews 10.25

and all the more as you see the Day approaching. Philippians 1.27 Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. 1 Corinthians 16.2 On the first day of every week, each one of you should set aside a sum of money in keeping with his income, saving it up, so that when I come no collections will have to be made. Leviticus 27.30 A tithe of everything from the land, whether grain from the soil or fruit from the trees, be longs to the LORD; it is holy to the LORD. 2.3 Non-member Attendees of Church Meetings. Anyone who calls himself or herself a Christian, or who is inquiring concerning the Faith, is welcome to participate in our worship service or other meetings open to the public. Furthermore, at the Senior Pastors discretion, anyone who professes to be a Christian is also welcome to partake of communion. The only exceptions to these rules are those that are under discipline, anyone whos purpose is to disrupt our services or meetings, or any whose presence is deemed to be detrimental to the church or its services at the sole discretion of the Senior Pastor, or, in the absence of the Senior Pastor, at the sole discretion of the pastor or leader authorized by the Senior Pastor to officiate at a given meeting. The church is not a public institution and its property, whether rented, leased, or owned, is not a public place. We maintain the right to determine who may and may not attend meetings or come onto our property. (Acts 20:28-31, 2 Peter 2:1-3, 1 Timothy 1:20,6:5, 1Corinthians 5:1-13, 2 Thessalonians 3:6-15, 2 John 9-11, 2 Timothy 3:1-5, Titus 3:10-11, Romans 16:17). Discipline of Members a. Purpose of Discipline. Discipline in the church is not for the purpose of punishment and will not be administered as such. Discipline, correction, reproof, and rebuke has as its primary purpose the good of the person who has been taken in a fault. It seeks to restore such a person and to help them overcome the problem, sin, or fault that has hindered their place in the Body of Christ. Discipline also had the purpose of maintaining the purity and unity of the Body of Christ in its local expression as this church. Finally, discipline has the purpose of discouraging others from committing like actions. The person involved in a disciplinary action may, in the process be humiliated or embarrassed. But the purpose of the discipline, as well as the prayer and motive of the leadership, is that discipline and correction will result in first the restoration of the one in error, second the purifying of the church either by restoration or separation and finally, the edification of the church and the exhortation to purity by the example of discipline. b. Causes for discipline shall be: 1. Significant disagreement with or deviation from the Statement of Faith and Practice as set forth in the Bylaws, in letter or


spirit. 2. Continued lack of cooperation with the Pastors of the Church or disruption of the Church so as to cause fellow members to stumble in their walk with God or so as to promote schism or unrest. 3. Significant departure from Scriptural behavioral norms without demonstrated repentance. c. Forms of discipline may include but are not limited to: barring a persons participation in any ministry activity of Vineyard Christian Fellowship, Greeley; barring a person from participation in the Lords Supper; barring a person from attendance at any Worship Service or small group meeting; removal of a persons congregational membership in Vineyard Christian Fellowship, Greeley; or any other discipline which may, in the sole discretion of the Senior Pastor and Church Council, be appropriate to the circumstances. d. Process for correction and discipline. Church correction and discipline is a body ministry. Every member of the body has a responsibility to the other members to gently but clearly correct others when they are in clear violation of Gods will, and when they themselves had sinned, to humbly receive correction from others. The process for correction and discipline is clearly outlined by our Lord, and should be followed with care (see Matthew 18, also 1 Corinthians 5). 1. First stage. When one member of the body knows that another member has offended them, or has knowledge of another members sin or fault, then the offended or knowledgeable member must go to the offending member and meet with them one on one to seek to reconcile the matter and restore the offending or erring members. If the member is restored or reconciled then the matter should go not further and the matter should be kept in confidence between the two members involved. If that step fails then the offended or knowledgeable member must report the matter to one of the pastors, to an elder, or to a member of the Leadership Community. 2. Second Stage. The offended or knowledgeable member and the pastor, elder or leader shall then meet with the member who has offended or erred for the purpose of reconciliation or restoration. If reconciliation or restoration is accomplished at this stage the matter should go no further and should be kept in confidence between the members actually involved and the church leadership. The Senior Pastor shall be informed of all discipline that reaches this stage prior to the meeting with the offending member. The Senior Pastor may, in his sole discretion, inform other Council members or elders of the discipline. If the meeting with the pastor, elder or leader and the members involved does not succeed then the matter will be referred to the Church Council.


3. Third Stage. Upon hearing the matter, the Church Council shall prayerfully appeal to the member involved in a manner approved by the Church Council. If, after a reasonable length of time (the length of which shall be determined by the Church Council in its sole discretion), the person has failed to resolve the matter, the Church Council shall consider discipline of the member. The member that is the subject of such action will the have the right to appear before the Council and to speak in defense, justification, or repentance. The Council shall judge the situation. They may institute discipline as they see fit in each individual circumstance and shall tailor the discipline to the aim of achieving the purposes of discipline as herein before set forth. Discipline must be approved by the recommendation of the Senior Pastor and 2/3 of the Church Council. The discipline and causes for discipline shall be announced to the Leadership Community at this time. 4. Fourth Stage. In the event that a member is placed under discipline and the member refuses to abide by the disciplinary action of the Council, then the congregation membership of the church may be informed of the action of the Council and instructed pursuant to Matthew 18 in regard to the disciplined member. The details of the disciplined members sin or error may be revealed to the congregational membership of the church at that time if, in the sole discretion of the Senior Pastor and the Council, such revelation is necessary to the health of the church. e. Consent of Members. Each member consents to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Church Council in resolving any matter involving church discipline, and such consent shall include but not be limited to a consent to the announcement of such discipline (including the reasons therefor) to the Leadership Community and, if deemed appropriate by the Senior Pastor, to the Members or any portion thereof. f. Decision shall be final. The determination and decision of the Church Council as previously directed herein in any matter of discipline shall be at their discretion and direction alone. Procedure of Mediation of Disputes Within the Church. a. In the event that two or more members of the body have a dispute between them that they cannot resolve or agree upon, they shall submit the dispute for mediation and/or judgment within the church and shall not sue another member of the church in a secular court of law. If the parties can agree upon a mediator, the mediator shall hear both sides of the dispute and attempt to reconcile the members. In the event that reconciliation is not accomplished the person chosen as mediator shall judge the situation and this judgment shall be binding upon the members. In the event that the members cannot agree upon a




mediator, then they shall each choose one mediator and the two mediators shall by mutual agreement choose a third mediator. The three mediators shall then hear both sides of the dispute and attempt to reconcile members. In the event that reconciliation is not accomplished the mediators shall judge the situation by majority decision and their judgment shall be binding upon the members. b. The Senior Pastor shall be informed of all mediation efforts in the church and shall have the right to participate either in person or by his designee in all such mediation meetings. c. Failure of a member to abide by the outcome of mediation shall be grounds for discipline. d. Church discipline being exercised in accordance with the provisions of this Article shall not be subject to mediation of disputes. e. In any mediation involving the Senior Pastor personally, one of the mediators shall be the Association of Vineyard Churches Regional Overseer of our Church or appointees. Forfeiture of Congregational Membership. Enrolled members who without good cause absent themselves from the Church for a period of six (6) months or willfully cease to contribute financially to the Church may forfeit their congregational membership. The Senior Pastor and Church Council shall interpret this section in their sole discretion, provided, however, that an affected member may appeal such forfeiture to the Church Council. Resignation of Congregational Membership a. Any member may resign at any time by giving written notice to the Secretary of the Church. The resignation shall be effective only when accepted by the Church Council. b. The provision immediately preceding instituted against such member by the Pastors and Church Council. If member resigns in an attempt to avoid discipline the Pastor has the right to bar them from attendance and to announce before the congregation the reasons for the resignation of congregational membership. Reinstatement of a former member. In the case where a member has left the church for any reason, or has had the congregational membership terminated for disciplinary or other reasons, and desires to the reinstated to congregational membership in good standing, the following guidelines are to be followed: a. The former member should submit to the Church Council a written request for reinstatement to congregational membership. b. The Church Council at their discretion may: 1. accept the former member back to full congregational membership in good standing, or, in cases involving sin, church discipline, schism, or other special concerns, 2. require that the repentant party submit to some training and/or counseling, 3. require the party concerned to meet with the Church Council to discuss the matter and/or answer questions 4. require that a period of probation be served of not less then


three (3) months and not more than one year, 5. require a statement of repentance and sorrow before the congregation at an agreed upon regular or called meeting or worship service of the church, 6. refuse readmission to congregational membership. c. It is suggested that the Church Council act upon any request for reinstatement to congregational membership within thirty (30) days of receiving the written request from the disciplined party. Furthermore the party concerned is to be notified in writing of the Councils decision within two (2) weeks of their decision. Meetings of Church Members. Meetings may be called by the Senior Pastor. He shall give at least 1 week notice of such a meeting. Members do not have the right to vote in matters of the church. It is recognized that from time to time at a congregational meeting a common assent or opinion may be sought. In any such case this shall not be construed as an official vote, though the Church Council may take due note of such assent or opinion in their decision making. Article III. Church Council

3.01 Definition and Duties a. Definition. The affairs of this congregation shall be managed and controlled by the Church Council, also referred to simply as the Council. It is composed of the Governing Elders of the congregation, who are the Elders selected by the Senior Pastor to aid him in governing the affairs of the congregation. The Council of Governing Elders is the Board of Directors of this corporation. b. Duties. The duties of the Council include: 1. Pray for the church. 2. Offer counsel and advice about the Church to the Senior Pastor. 3. Offer personal counsel and to advise, provide accountability and care for the Senior Pastor. 4. Advise the Senior Pastor in determining Gods intermediate and long range goals for the Church. 5. Review and ratify the annual budget, which shall constitute approval of all budgeted items, including all compensation except that of the Senior Pastor (see section 5.06b herein). Approval of the budget by the Church Council shall precede the first calendar day of the budget year. 6. Ratify any single expenditure that exceeds five percent (5%) of the prior calendar year total Church revenue. 7. Vote on removal from church congregational membership rolls and church discipline. 8. Participate in the appointment and removal of the Senior Pastor. 9. Amend the Articles of Incorporation and the Bylaws by a 2/3 vote of the Church Council (including the affirmative vote of the Senior Pastor) at a meeting of the Church Council called for such purpose. 10. Advise on decisions to hire full-time pastoral and other supervisory

employees. 11. Aid the Senior Pastor in monitoring overall ministry of Vineyard Christian Fellowship, Greeley, including the review of the church financial records. 12. Make decisions on other important matters which the Senior Pastor, at his sole discretion, deems to need Council action. c. Limitation of Powers of Authority. The Church Council shall have only those duties, rights and responsibilities assigned to them by these Bylaws and the Articles of Incorporation of this corporation. 3.2 Number and Qualifications. The Council shall consist of not less than three (3) and no more than twelve (12) persons. Each Council member must have the gifts, character and calling of an Elder which qualify them to become an Elder as described in Section 5.01 of these Bylaws. Council members are not required to be residents of Colorado. 3.3 Section and Term. Council Members, except for the Senior Pastor whose term is perpetual, shall serve for a two (2) year term. Terms shall be staggered so that an equal, or near equal, number of terms will begin in the Spring (April or May) of each year. The Senior Pastor shall be authorized to re-appoint sitting members of the Church Council to successive two-year terms. In the event the Senior Pastor chooses not to appoint a sitting member of the Council to a successive term he shall notify the Council of his decisions not later than thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of the members term. Members of the Council shall be selected by the Senior Pastor with the advice of the current members of the Council. 3.4 Resignation. Removal and Vacancies. Any Council member may resign at any time by giving written notice at least one week in advance of such resignation to the Church Council or by presenting his oral resignation before any regular or special meeting of the Council which must be recorded in the beginning minutes. After prayerful consideration, a Church Council member (other than the Senior Pastor) may be removed from the office prior to the completion of his term of office by the Senior Pastor with the approval of the remaining Church Council members for any reason. Any vacancy on the Council (including a vacancy created by decision to increase the number of council members), shall be filled by the Senior Pastor in accord with the provisions of 3.03. In the event that the resignation or removal causes the number of members to fall below three (3), the pastor shall appoint a new member as soon as possible but not less than two weeks after the



c. d. e.


date of the resignation or removal. 3.5 Meetings, Chairman, and Quorum Meetings. The council shall meet as least quarterly and more frequently as called by the Senior Pastor. Regular meetings of the Council may be held at any place designated by the Senior Pastor and at any time designated by the Senior Pastor. Special meetings of the Church Council for any purpose or purposes may be called at any time by the President (Senior Pastor) or upon request of three (3) Council Members made to the Senior Pastor. A majority of the total number of members of the Church Council may vote to hold a meeting outside the State of Colorado. Emergency Meetings. In the event that the Senior Pastor is unavailable and there is an emergency, any four council members, or all Council members except for the Senior Pastor, whichever is less, may call a special meeting of the Council. Unavailability, for purposes of this paragraph, shall be more than the mere absence of the Senior Pastor, or the probable inability to contact the Senior Pastor, for a forty-eight hour period to request that he convene a special meeting. An emergency is, for purposes of this paragraph, a situation that would require council action with a period of less than forty-eight hours. Chairman. The Senior Pastor shall serve as the chairman of the council and shall preside over all meetings of the Council, or shall appoint another member of the council to preside. Quorum. The greater of three (3) members of the Church Council or majority of the current Church Council members shall constitute a quorum. Notice of Meeting. Notice of all meetings of the Council, other than regularly scheduled meetings as set by these Bylaws or by resolution of the Council, shall be given to each member orally not less then one week before the meeting. Notice of emergency meetings (as per 3.05b) must be given to all members of the council who are available. The Council, at its sole discretion, may permit spouses and/or others to attend regular and/or special meetings. They may be permitted to address the assembly, and may be given the privilege of the floor, but may not vote. Unless otherwise decided in accordance with this provision, meetings will be for Council Members only. 3.6 Voting. The Council shall always seek to act by consensus under the leadership of the Senior Pastor. In the event that a consensus is not obtainable, the act of a majority of the Council members shall be the act of the Council unless the act of greater number officer is required by law or by these Bylaws. The Senior Pastor shall have the right to veto any action of the Council that he deems contrary to the will of God for the Church, except he shall not have the authority to veto any action taken by a unanimous vote of all the Council Members except the Senior Pastor. The Senior Pastor shall also have the right to postpone action on a matter which he believes is not ready for decision. 3.7 Compensation. Council members shall not receive any

stated salaries as such; but by resolution of the Church Council a fixed sum and expense of attendance, if any, may be allowed for attendance at each regular of special meeting of the Council; and nothing herein contained shall be construed to preclude any Council member from serving the corporation in any other capacity and receiving compensation therefor. 3.8 Delegation. The Church Council with the consent of the Senior Pastor, may appoint a task force or task forces who are not Council members to perform any function or duty assigned to the Church Council by these Bylaws. In the event of such a delegation the task force shall actin the full authority and capacity of the Church Council in the limited area of the delegation. The Senior Pastor, with the advice of the Church Council may issue such guideline, policy statements or the like that he deems necessary under the circumstances for the empowerment, direction, structuring or functioning of such task forces. However, no such task force shall have the authority of the Church Council in reference to amending, altering, or repealing the Bylaws; electing, appointing, or removing any Church Council member or officer of the corporation; amending the Articles of Incorporation; adopting a plan or merger or adopting a plan of consolidation with another corporation; authorizing the sale, lease, exchange or mortgage of all or substantially all the property and assets of the corporation; authorizing the voluntary dissolution of the corporation or revoking proceedings therefor; adopting a plan for the distribution of the assets of the corporation; or amending ; altering, or repealing any resolution of the Church Council which by its terms provides that it shall not be amended, altered, or repealed by such task force. The designation and appointment of any such task force and the delegation thereto of authority shall not operate to relieve the Church Council or any individual Church Council member of any responsibilities imposed on it or him by law. 3.9 Conflict of Interest. a. Any meeting, regular or special, may be held by conference telephone or similar communication equipment, so long as the following criteria are met: 1. A legitimate attempt is made to contact all members; 2. All members participating in the meeting can hear one another; 3. Any matter must be tabled until a non-telephonic regular or special meeting if two or more participating members so request; 4. A written summary of the telephonic meeting shall be mailed or personally delivered to each member (whether that member participated or not) within seven business days.

b. All participating members shall be deemed to be present in person at the meeting. Any action taken by such conference telephonic meetings shall have the same force and effect as any other action of the Church Council, and a record of such meeting shall be made a part of the minutes of the Church Council. 3.10 Action Without Meeting. a. Written Consent. Any action required or permitted to be taken by the Church Council may be taken without a meeting, if all members of the Church Council shall individually or collectively consent in writing to that action. Such action by written consent shall have the same force and effect as a unanimous vote of the Church Council. Such written consent or consents shall be filed with the minutes of the proceedings of the Church Council. b. Telephone Poll. The Senior Pastor shall also be authorized to poll members of the Church Council by means of individual telephone calls or by use of other communication equipment so long as the following criteria are met: 1. A legitimate attempt is made to contact each member of the Church Council; 2. All telephone calls are placed within a 24 hour time period; 3. Each question voted upon is posed using essentially identical language; 4. Any matter must be tabled until a non-telephonic regular or special meeting if two or more participating members so request; 5. Written notification specifying the question or questions posed and each individual members response shall be mailed or personally delivered to each member (whether that member participated or not) within seven business days. 6. A record of such meeting shall be made part of the minutes of the Church Council. 3.11 Interim Pastor. If for any reason, other than removal or resignation, the Senior Pastor cannot fulfill the duties of his office, the Church Council with the agreement of the Association of Vineyard Churches Regional Overseer must appoint an Interim Pastor within thirty (30) days to act as pastor until the Senior Pastor is able to resume his duties. Article IV. Officers 4.1 General Provisions. a. Officers. The officers of the corporation shall be the Senior Pastor who shall also be the President, one or more Vice Presidents (the number thereof to be determined by the Senior Pastor with the advice of the Church Council), the Secretary, the Treasurer, and such other officers with such powers and duties not inconsistent with these Bylaws as may be appointed and determined by the Senior Pastor with the advice of the Church Council, including, if deemed necessary by the Senior Pastor, one or more Assistant Secretaries, and one or more Assistant Treasurers. Any two or more offices may be held by the same




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person except the offices of Senior Pastor/President and Treasurer. Election and Term of Office. The officers of the corporation with the exception of the Senior Pastor, shall be selected annually by the Senior Pastor with the advice of the Church Council on or near the beginning of the new Council terms in the spring. The office of Senior Pastor shall be held for an unlimited term. Each officer, unless sooner removed by the Senior Pastor with the advice of the Council, shall hold office until the next annual selection and until his successor shall have been duly selected and qualified. Removal. Any officer may be removed by the Senior Pastor with the advice of the Church Council whenever in his judgement the best interests of the corporation would be served thereby, but such removal shall be without prejudice to the contract rights, if any, of the officer or employee so removed. Vacancies. A vacancy in any office, other than the office of Senior Pastor, because of death, resignation, disqualification, or otherwise, may be filled by the Senior Pastor with the advice of the Church Council for the unexpired portion of the term. Officers other than the President (Senior Pastor) and Vice President, need not be members of the Council. Powers and Duties. The officers shall have power to execute documents, contracts, and routine legal or financial business of the church, with the exception of duties which are the responsibility of the Church Council as outlined in section 3.01b. 4.2 President/Senior Pastor Term. The Senior Pastor shall be called in accordance with the following procedures for an unlimited period, unless otherwise specified by the Senior Pastor as the time of calling. The present Senior Pastors term shall be unlimited. Resignation. In the event the Senior Pastor should voluntarily choose to leave, he shall designate his successor. He shall also designate a person to succeed in the event that he should die. In the event that the Senior Pastor dies or voluntarily leaves, and for any reason does not designate his successor, then the procedure set forth in 4.02d shall be followed in choosing a new Senior Pastor. To protect the church from and unacceptable appointment, any member of the Church Council may ask for a vote within thirty (30) days of said successors appointment by the Senior Pastor. A two thirds (2/3) vote of all the Council members eligible to vote and the Association of Vineyard Churches Regional Overseer or his appointee, is required to disqualify any successor that has been so appointed. Removal. 1. If the entire Church Council (with the exception of the Senior Pastor who shall not vote) by a vote, the Association of Vineyard Churches Regional Overseer, and the Leadership Community by a majority vote, in this order, concur that the Senior Pastor should terminate his pastorship of the church, the Senior Pastor shall resign, or be terminated. 2. In the event that the Council votes for removal of the Senior Pastor,

the congregational membership roles of the Leadership Community shall be closed immediately, allowing neither additions of deletions, until after their vote on this issue has been taken. The order of business at the Leadership Community meeting called to vote on the removal of the Senior Pastor shall be as follows: roll call, presentation of evidence by the Council, presentation of case by Senior Pastor or his designee, rebuttal evidence presented by the council, testimony from members of Leadership Community, presentation of any statement desired by the Regional Overseer, voting of the Leadership community by secret ballot. The association of Vineyard Churchs Regional Overseer shall chair the meeting. 3. Notice of not less than seven (7) days must be given to Church Council members, and notice of not less than fourteen (14) days must be given to Leadership Community members of meetings of the Church Council and Leadership Community, respectively, if called for the purpose of voting on the removal of the Senior Pastor. 4. Grounds for removal of the Senior Pastor include: significant departure from the Statement of Faith and Statement of Practice as set forth in these Bylaws, serious breach of other provisions of these Bylaws, substantial departure from Biblical norms of behavior; and serious failure to faithfully fulfill the duties of the pastoral office. Membership on the Church Council which shall decide all issues under this section and perform the responsibilities assigned to those groups under this section shall be the members on said Council as the time that the allegations against the pastor are first made. Any new members added to the groups after that date of the allegations shall not participate in the duties exercised under this section. d. Recruitment and Confirmation. 1. In the event that the Senior Pastor position becomes vacant and no successor has been designated as set forth in 4.02b, the Council shall oversee the selection of the Senior Pastor. A Senior Pastor, who shall be an ordained minister of the Gospel, shall be called by decision of the Church Council with the approval of the Association of Vineyard Churches Regional Overseer. Approval of a reasonable request shall not be denied. Congregational input is advised but not mandatory. During the vacancy the pulpit shall be filled by the Church Council. The Council may appoint a President Pro Tempori to handle the day to day affairs of the church, proper consideration being given to any vice president then serving. 2. The new Senior Pastor and the Council shall agree upon a set time for the new Senior Pastor to take office. The Church Council shall provide for a special installation service as close as possible to the time the Senior Pastor takes office. e. Resignation of the Council. In the event of Senior Pastors resignation not under threat of removal, and the appointment of a new Senior Pastor pursuant to 4.02b or 4.02d, all members of the Church Council will immediately resign

their position to allow the new Senior Pastor to appoint his own Council members. The new Senior Pastor may ask the current Council to serve on a temporary basis until he is able to appoint his new Council. In the event the transition is sudden due to death with no named successor or removal under article 4.02c, the current council will serve for six months after the setting in of a new Senior Pastor and shall then resign so that the Senior Pastor may appoint his own Council members. The purpose of this six-month period is to facilitate transition. f. Duties. 1. The Senior Pastor shall be the chief executive officer of the Church. He shall see that the resolutions and directives of the Church Council are carried into effect, except in those instances in which the authority to execute is expressly delegated to another officer or agent of the Church or a different mode of execution is expressly prescribed by the church council or these Bylaws, the Senior Pastor may execute for the Church any contracts, deeds, mortgages, bonds, or other instruments which the Church Council has authorized to be executed, and the Senior Pastor may accomplish such execution either individually or with the Treasurer, or any other officer thereunto authorized by the Church Council, according to the requirements for the form of instrument. 2. The Senior Pastor shall have general supervision, direction, and control of the spiritual and business affairs of the Church as its President, except as otherwise provided herein. He shall preside at meetings of the Church Council and serve as its chairman. He shall oversee the business of the Church on a daily basis and give leadership to the Church Council, pastoral staff, the general Church body and its ministries. The Senior Pastor shall have general supervision of the entire Church and charge of all services, gathering, and meetings as he shall deem necessary. The Senior Pastor has ultimate responsibility for all matters of doctrine and interpretation of the church excepting amendments to the Statement of Faith and Practice and removal from Church congregational membership rolls, which shall be the responsibility of the Church Council. 3. The Senior Pastor shall have oversight of the staff, who, with him and under his direction shall carry out the day to day tasks and aid him in making decisions concerning day to day operations of the church. 4. No person shall be invited to speak, teach or minister in the church without approval of the Senior Pastor. 5. The Senior Pastor may hire and fire any church employee after seeking the advice of the Church Council. 6. The Senior Pastor is responsible before God for the spiritual health, direction, doctrine, vision, leadership and organization of the congregation, and is ultimately responsible and accountable before God for decisions that are made in these areas (Hebrews 13:17). 4.3 Vice President

a. An Associate Pastor shall be appointed as the Vice President and shall assist the Senior Pastor in the discharge of duties as the Senior Pastor may direct and shall perform such other duties as from time to time may be assigned by the Senior Pastor or by the Church Council. b. The Associate Pastor who is appointed as Vice President shall perform the duties and exercise the power of the Senior Pastor in case of his temporary absence from the office of the church, and shall perform such other duties as may from time to time be granted or imposed by the Senior Pastor and Church Council. He may change the annual, regular, or special meetings of the Church Council only with the Senior Pastors knowledge and approval. 4.4 Secretary. The Secretary shall do or cause to have done each of the following: a. Record the minutes of the meetings of he Church Members, the Church Council and the Leadership Community in one or more books provided for that purpose; b. See that all notices are duly give in accordance with the provisions of these Bylaws or as required by law; c. Be custodian of the corporate records; d. Keep a register of the members and their addresses; e. Perform all the duties incident to the office of Secretary and such other duties as from time to time may be assigned by the Senior Pastor or by the Church Council. 4.5 Treasurer. The Treasurer shall do the following: a. Have charge and custody of and be responsible for the receipt, care, investment, disbursement, and disposition of all funds, property, and securities of the corporation subject to such regulations as may be imposed by the Church Council. b. Accept all gifts of money or other personal property on behalf of the corporation, executing such receipts or other documents as may be necessary. c. Enter or cause to be entered regularly on the books of the corporation and to be kept by him, or under his supervision, full and accurate account of all monies and obligations received bad paid or incurred for or on account of the corporation. The treasurer shall exhibit such books at all reasonable times to any Council member on application at the offices of the corporation. d. Deposit all monies in the name of the corporation in such banks, trust companies, or other depositories as may be authorized by the Church Council. e. See that the books of the corporation are reviewed each year and audited every three to five years, as soon after the 31st day of December as practicable. f. Perform all the duties incident to the office of Treasurer and such other duties as from time to time may be assigned by the Senior Pastor or by the Church Council g. The treasurer may be required to give bond for the faithful performance of his or her duties, in such sum and with such securities as the Church Council may require. 4.6 Compensation. Officers may receive salaries. Compensation shall be determined in the manner outlined below in Section 6.06.

4.7 Agents and Representatives. The Senior Pastor with approval of the Church Council may appoint such agents and representatives of the corporation and with such powers and to perform such acts or duties on behalf of the corporation as the Senior Pastor may see fit, so far as may be consistent with these Bylaws to the extent authorized or permitted by law. Article V. Leadership 5.01 Elders. a. Definition and Duties. Spiritual oversight of Vineyard Christian Fellowship Greeley shall be by elders. Elders will include (a) the Senior Pastor, (b) Governing Elders (members of the Church Council), (c) Associate and Assistant Pastors, (d) Cluster Pastors who function in oversight of 2 or more small groups, and (e) others who, at the discretion of the Senior Pastor, are functioning in the role of Elder within Vineyard Christian Fellowship Greeley. Elders share in the responsibility to direct the affairs of the church, to teach, encourage, and guard the congregation, to uphold sound doctrine and refute unsound doctrine, to pray for the sick, and to be an example to the congregation in character and ministry (Acts 20:28, 1Tim 3:1-7,5:17, Titus 1:5-9, James 5:14, Peter 5:1-4). Elders share in the responsibility to direct the affairs of the church under the leadership and guidance of the Senior Pastor and Council as set forth in these bylaws. They are to teach, encourage and guard the congregation, to uphold sound doctrine and refute unsound doctrine, and shall perform such other duties as may be delegated to them individually or corporately by the Senior Pastor. b. Qualifications. The elders shall be mature men of faith and the Holy Spirit. Eldership is a function of both qualification and relationship. Consequently, elders shall meet and maintain the following conditions as prerequisites of their position in the church: 1. They shall, in the sole opinion of the Senior Pastor, be men who have established relationship with him in that they have exhibited a spirit of hearty cooperation and submission to the spiritual oversight and covering of the Senior Pastor and leadership of the church; 2. They shall be members of Vineyard Christian Fellowship, Greeley in good standing, having shown consistently their faithfulness to the local body by fulfilling the congregational membership practices and affirmations outlined above in 2.02, and must have a firm commitment to the purpose, vision, beliefs and mission of Vineyard Christian Fellowship, Greeley. 3. They should be Christians of absolute integrity who give no grounds for accusation or reproach; 4. They should be loyal to their spouse; 5. They should be temperate, self-controlled, upright, holy, disciplined, respectable, persons who love what is good, who are not given to drunkenness, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not lovers of

money nor pursuers of dishonest gain, not overbearing, not quicktempered; 6. They should be hospitable, showing love for and being friends to the members of the congregation; they must have a heart for caring for the sheep; 7. They must have a teachable spirit and be willing and able to teach and disciple others; they must hold firmly to the trustworthy message as it has been taught in the Bible, so that they can encourage others by sound doctrine and refute those who oppose it; 8. They must not be a recent convert; 9. They must manage their own family well and see that their children obey them with proper respect; 10. They must have a good reputation and be well thought of by those outside the church. c. Number, Selection, Term, and Removal. Any number of Elders may be chosen from the congregational membership of the church. The Senior Pastor shall appoint elders with the advice of existing elders. Each Elder selected shall serve at the will and pleasure of the Senior Pastor. Their term shall be for one year and shall be renewed automatically unless otherwise determined by the Senior Pastor. Each Elder may be examined at any time by the Senior Pastor. Elders found not fulfilling their duties, qualifications or maintenance of relationship as elder will be subject to dismissal at the discretion of the Senior Pastor acting with the advice of the Church Council. In the event that a new Senior Pastor is chosen or appointed for any reason, then six (6) months after the new Senior Pastor is selected, the term of all other elders shall automatically terminate and the new Senior Pastor may, in his sole discretion, appoint elders. It is recognized that eldership is not just a function of qualification but relationship, and it is further recognized that a Senior Pastor must be able to select the men that God has placed with him as elders. 5.02 Pastors. a. Congregational Pastors: 1. Senior Pastor. The Senior Pastor is the head elder and the visionary leader of the congregation. His position is described above in Section 4.02. 2. Associate or Assistant Pastors. a. Definitions and Duties. Associate Pastors are those gifted as pastors (see Section 7.02 herein) who have received an indefinite call to minister in our local congregation. Assistant Pastors are those gifted as pastors who are ministering on a year-to-year contractual basis. The Senior Pastor shall define the ministries of any Associate or Assistant Pastors upon appointment. They shall serve under the Senior Pastors direction and with the Senior Pastor in the administration and oversight of the Church and its business. b. Qualification. Associate or Assistant Pastors are Elders of the congregation and must meet all qualifications of an Elder

listed above. c. Appointment. The Senior Pastor shall appoint with the advice and input of the Church Council the Associate or Assistant Pastors. d. Termination. It shall be the prerogative of the Senior Pastor with the advice of eth Church Council, to require for any reason the resignation of any Associate or Assistant Pastors. b. Cluster Pastors. 1. Definitions and Duties. Cluster Pastors are overseers of two (2) or more small groups. They are responsible for monitoring the health of and pasturing the leaders of the small groups under their care. 2. Qualification. A Cluster Pastor is an Elder of the congregation and must meet all the qualifications for an Elder listed above. 3. Appointment. The Senior Pastor shall appoint, with the advice and input of the Church Council, the Cluster Pastors. 4. Termination. It shall be the prerogative of the Senior Pastor with the advice of the Church Council, to require for any reason the resignation of any Cluster Pastors. c. Kinship Pastors and Small Group Leaders. 1. Definitions and Duties. A Kinship Pastor is the pastoral leader of a Kinship. They are responsible for pastoring the members of the Kinship and for developing and training an intern. A small group leader is the leader of an officially recognized small group at Vineyard Christian Fellowship Greeley which is not a Kinship. 2. Qualification. Any Kinship Pastor must meet all the qualifications for an Elder listed above. However, Kinship Pastors are not necessarily Elders of the congregation. Any small group leader must meet the qualifications for a Deacon. However, small group leaders are not necessarily Deacons of the congregation. 3. Appointment. The Senior Pastor shall

appoint with the advice and input of the Church Council the Kinship Pastors and small group leaders. 4. Termination. It shall be the prerogative of the Senior Pastor with the advice of the Church Council, to require for any reason the resignation of the Kinship Pastor or small group leader. 5.03 Ministry Directors: a. Definition and Duties. Ministry Directors are those who are responsible for overseeing, coordinating and leading a given ministry (e.g. Youth, Children, Worship, etc.). Their authority includes the guidance of the ministry under their care but not pastoral authority over the life and doctrine of the people in the ministry (as in the case for Elders). While not a defined New Testament role, there are several Biblical examples of individuals overseeing certain ministries (e.g. Asaph oversaw Worship at the temple). Ministry Directors shall carry out the general policies established by the Senior Pastor and the Council and shall report regularly to the Senior Pastor or other designated leader. They shall perform all duties incident to their position and such other duties as from time to time may be assigned to them by the Senior Pastor. b. Qualifications. The qualifications for Ministry Directors shall be the same as those for Elders. However, Ministry Directors are not necessarily Elders of the congregation. c. Number, Selection, Term and Removal. Ministry Directors shall be appointed by the Senior Pastor with the advice of the Church Council from the membership of the congregation as needed to lead the various ministries of the congregation. Their term shall continue as long as they function as the leader of the given ministry. Ministry Directors shall serve at the will and pleasure of eth Senior Pastor and may be removed at any time and for any reason by the Senior Pastor with the advice of the Church Council. 5.04 Ministry Teams and Departments. a. The Senior Pastor may from time to time appoint task or project oriented ministry teams, or create such departments as he may deem to be necessary to the fulfillment of the purpose, vision, mission, and goals of the church. The Senior Pastor may issue such guidelines, policy statements or the like that he deems necessary under the circumstances for the empowerment, direction, structuring, composition, term or functioning of such ministry teams and/or departments. The designation and appointment of any such ministry team and the delegation thereto of authority shall not operate to relieve the Church Council or any individual Church Council member of any responsibility imposed on it or him by law. b. Under the direction of the Senior Pastor, the Ministry Directors may adopt rules for the government of Ministry Teams under their direction which are not inconsistent with these Bylaws or with rules adopted by the Church Council. 5.05 Deacons and Deaconesses.

a. Definition and Duties. Deacons and Deaconesses are those who have been delegated key tasks by the Senior Pastor in relation to (1) the physical and property aspects of the church and its ministry, (2) the financial and benevolence ministries of the congregation, or (3) the administrative and service aspect of ministry. They many include those occupying positions such as a secretary (not necessarily the corporate secretary), financial administrator, facilities administrator, benevolence administrator, head usher, and the like. The primary function of Deacons and Deaconesses is to aid the Elders in these important tasks in order to free the Elders to attend more fully to their task of spiritual oversight (Acts 6:1-4 and Timothy 3:8-13). The ministry of Deacon and Deaconess is highly valued and necessary in our congregation for ministry to function effectively. Deacons and Deaconesses shall carry out the general policies established by the Senior Pastor and the Council and shall report regularly to the Senior Pastor or other designated leader. They shall perform all duties incident to their position and such other duties as from time to time may be assigned to them by the Senior Pastor. b. Qualifications. Deacons and Deaconesses shall meet and maintain the following conditions as prerequisites of their position in the church: 1. They shall be loyal to the leadership and ministry of Vineyard Christian Fellowship, Greeley, and shall exhibit a hearty spirit of cooperation and desire to serve the Lord and the congregation by serving the Eldership in significant and important roles. 2. They should be loyal to their spouse and manage their household well. 3. They should be worthy of respect, sincere, not indulging in much wine, and not pursuing dishonest gain. 4. They must keep hold of the deep truths of the faith with a clear conscience. 5. They must first be tested to insure that they are responsible in their area of ministry before they are released. c. Number, Selection, Term and Removal. Any number of Deacons and Deaconesses may be designated and appointed by the Senior Pastor with the advice of the Church Council from the membership of the congregation. Their term shall continue as long as they serve in a deaconal ministry. Deacons serve at the will and pleasure of the Senior Pastor and may be removed at any time and for any reason by the Senior Pastor with the advice of the Church Council. 5.06 Compensation. a. Paid and Volunteer Staff. The extent possible pastoral, ministry, and administrative positions shall be filled by volunteer staff. The Senior Pastor with the advice of the Church Council, however, shall have the authority to hire paid staff as necessary to pastor, lead ministries, or carry out business, financial, administrative or service tasks in order to fulfill the vision and purpose of the church. However, the creation of a new paid position is a budgetary matter and must be approved by the Church Council pursuant to Section 3.01b. Pay is not necessarily an indication of superior authority, competence or position. All paid and volunteer staff serve at the will and

pleasure of the Senior Pastor, it being recognized that the Senior Pastor is the visionary of the church and that two cannot walk together unless they agree. Staff members may be removed from their position for any reason by the Senior Pastor with the advice of the Church Council. Such removal, however, shall not hinder or abrogate any contract rights to compensation that the removed staff member may have. b. Compensation. Compensation is to be determined in the following manner: 1. Annually a temporary Compensation Task Force, composed of present of former members of the Council, or other suitable individuals, who are not paid by Vineyard Christian Fellowship Greeley, shall be appointed by the Pastor with approval by the Council to review staff compensation and submit proposed changes. 2. Once suggested compensations have been drafted by the Compensation Task Force they are reviewed by the Senior Pastor and Treasurer. If the proposed compensations are not acceptable to the Senior Pastor he may submit his own proposal as long as he reports to the Council the original Compensation Task Force. 3. The final compensation proposal must be approved by both the Senior Pastor and the Council. However, no member of the Council, including the Senior Pastor, shall participate in the determination of his own or a relatives compensation by the full board, except to the extent that he may make his own needs known to the Council. Any person may decline to accept any raise. 4. If the Senior Pastors compensation is deemed to be unacceptable by the Senior Pastor, then the Association of Vineyard Churches Regional Overseer shall review the recommendation of the Compensation Task Force. The Overseer must approve the compensation. If he cannot, the Compensation Task Force will be required to present new recommendations until one is found to be acceptable to the overseer. 5. Compensation may include salary and other benefits such as parsonage allowance, medical reimbursement plans, insurance and retirement plans, and any other benefits that are normal and available by law. Staff may also be reimbursed for expenses incurred while fulfilling their responsibilities. Reimbursements are budgeted separately from compensation and are not determined by the Compensation Task Force. c. Wage Disclosure Policy. As a church, we must not only act with complete integrity and truth in all we do, but we must also avoid the appearance of wrong doing. While we do not routinely disclose wages to the congregation at large, we will, upon request, disclose any wage to any member of Vineyard Christian Fellowship, Greeley who inquires, unless the Church Council believes that withholding such information is necessary to protect the privacy rights and interests of any employee or this corporation.

Article VI. Ordination 6.1 Principles of Ordination. Only our Sovereign Holy God can truly call and ordain his children for service in the ministry of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The calling of a pastor or other minister of the Gospel is not the result of a title, rather the title is a result of Gods calling. This calling is recognized as from the true and living God. We believe that all Christians are called to be ministers of the Gospel, but we affirm that there are special leadership gifting and callings for the equipping of the body of Christ which only a few receive. It is the privilege of the Church of Jesus Christ to ratify the special calling of God when such is obviously placed upon a persons life. We recognize Gods special gifting of Equipping Leadership to the ministries of apostle, prophet, evangelist and pastor and teacher. The purpose of this Article is to provide for the ordination of these ministries. 6.2 Definition and Duties of Equipping Leaders. Candidates for ordinations shall be those who have been called of God to the ministry of Equipping Leadership in the body of Christ. Equipping Leaders are those to whom the Lord has given special gifts for the equipping of Gods people for the works of service so that the body of Christ may be built up (Ephesians 4:7-13). These leaders include those gifted as apostles, prophets, evangelists and pastors and teachers. While many mature believers will minister in shepherding, prophesying, teaching, or evangelizing. Equipping Leaders occupy significant leadership roles in these ministries either in the local congregation and/or the translocal church. Those gifted as apostles serve as overseers of multiple congregations and/or church plants. Those gifted as prophets bring encouragement through a broadly recognized and mature prophetic ministry to the local and translocal body. Those gifted as evangelists have a significant gifting in bringing many persons to Christ in ministry that is often beyond a local congregation or area (such as a missionary). Those gifted as pastors and teachers serve to equip, lead, edify and shepherd in the local church. Some may have a significant teaching ministry beyond the local congregation. 6.3 Qualifications a. Vineyard Christian Fellowship Greeley may ordain or license ministers in the discretion of the Senior Pastor with approval of the Church Council. A candidate for licensing shall: 1. Meet all the requirements for Elder outlined in Section 5.01 herein. 2. Have evidenced the obvious calling of God to the ministry for apostle, prophet, evangelist, or pastor and teacher. 3. Complete all training that may from time to time be required by the Senior Pastor with the advice of the Church Council. 4. Meet such other requirements as may from time to time be established





by the Senior Pastor with the advice of the Church Council. 5. Typically, a person will receive provisional ordination (licensing) for a probationary period of time before receiving full ordination. The Church Council may make exceptions to these qualifying standards where, in the unanimous opinion of the Church Council and under the strong compelling conviction of the Holy Spirit, such exception is according to the will of God and consistent with his Word. 6.4 Procedure for Ordination and Licensing. Persons fulfilling the above qualifications may be recommended by the Senior Pastor to the Church Council. The Church Council may select one of two types of ordination: 1. Full ordination into the ministry of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 2. Provisional ordination (licensing) on a year-to-year basis until said candidate has established an independent church body with its own ordination procedures which will thereafter ordain the candidate; or until said candidate has demonstrated a calling and proficiency for long-term ministry within this church. Upon approval of the Senior Pastor and at least two-thirds (2/3) of the Church Council members present at a meeting, the candidate will be ordained or licensed as a minister of the Gospel and shall be entitled to all the prerogatives of such a calling and office. The Senior Pastor may, in their discretion, limit any licensee or ordained minister to an area of special emphasis such as, but not limited to, music, youth, education, or outreach. d. All candidates, successful or otherwise, will be notified of the Church Councils decision in writing within one week of the final Church Council action. Successful candidates shall be provided with a certificate of ordination or license. A license shall continue on a year-to-year basis until such time as the candidate receives full ordination or is no longer in ministry connected with this church, or the license is otherwise terminated by a vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the Church Council present at a meeting. 6.4 Revocation of Ordination a. Ordination is a privilege extended to the candidate and can be revoked at any time for cause according to the following provisions: 2. The matter giving rise to revocation shall be sent to the candidate in writing thirty (30) days prior to a vote for revocation by the Church Council after a majority of the Council present has voted to send such notice of revocation. 3. The candidate may submit a defense to the charges prior to the date set for revocation either in writing or orally before the Church Council. 4. Following the defense or written thirty (30) days from notification, the Church Council shall vote on the revocation of ordination. The revocation shall be made by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Church Council present at a meeting.

5. The outcome of the vote on revocation shall be communicated to the candidate in writing within seven (7) days of the vote of revocation. The revocation of the license or ordination of any minister previously licensed by Vineyard Christian Fellowship, Greeley may be communicated to the church, associated and affiliated churches and organizations and the public at large if the minister whose license or ordination has been revoked allows or promotes the idea that he continues to be licensed or ordained by the corporation after the revocation. Article VII. Property, Contracts, Checks, Deposits, and Funds

7.1 Contracts. The Church Council may authorize any officer or officers, agent or agents of the corporation, in addition to the officers so authorized by these Bylaws, to enter into any contract or execute and deliver any instrument in the name of and on behalf of the corporation. Such authority may be general or confined to specific instances. 7.2 Checks and Drafts. All checks, drafts, or orders for the payment of money, notes, or other evidences of indebtedness issued in the name of the corporation shall be signed by such officer or officers, agent or agents of the corporation and in such manner as shall from time to time be determined by resolution of the Church Council. In the absence of such determination by the Church Council, such instruments shall bear the signatures and be signed by the President or the Treasurer of the corporation. 7.3 Deposits. All funds of the corporation shall be deposited from time to time to the credit of the corporation in such banks, trust companies, or other depositories as the Church Council may select. 7.4 Contributions. The pastors have the authority to accept or, with the advice of the Church Council, refuse on behalf of the church any contribution, gift, bequest, or devise for any purpose of the church. In general, it is the intention of the pastors and the Church Council to use all funds designated for specific purposes in the area for which they were designated. However, the Senior Pastor with the agreement of the Council reserves the right to redirect all funds including designated funds to areas of need. The Senior Pastor with the agreement of the Council may allow monies to be loaned from one fund within the church and placed in another. No interest will be charged and monies are to be repaid as soon as possible. 7.5 Property. The church shall have the right to purchase or acquire by gifts, bequest, or otherwise, either directly or as trustee, and to own, hold in trust, use, sell convey, mortgage, lease or otherwise dispose of any real estate or chattels as may be necessary for the furtherance of its purpose. The Senior Pastor and the treasurer of the church shall certify in such conveyance, deed, lease, or mortgage, or hypothecation that the same has been duly authorized by the Council. Such certificate shall be held to be conclusive evidence thereof. Article VIII. Indemnifications 8.1 Limitations of Liability. No person shall be liable to the

corporation on account of any action taken or omitted to be taken by him in god faith as a director, officer, member of a ministry team, agent or employee of the corporation, if in respect thereto be used or exercised the same degree of care and skill as a prudent man would have used or exercised under the circumstances in the conduct of his own affairs. Without limitation on the foregoing any such person shall be deemed to have used and exercised such degree of care and skill if he took or omitted to take such action in reliance in good faith upon advice of counsel for the corporation, or reports or information made or furnished to the corporation by any of its officers, accountants, engineers, appraisers or authorized officer, or task force of the corporation. 8.2 To the fullest extent not prohibited by applicable law. a. The Church shall indemnify each person who, by reason of being or having been an officer of the Church, a member of the Church Council or Leadership Community, or an employee serving on the pastoral staff of the Church, named or otherwise, becomes or is threatened to be made a party to any proceeding described below, and b. The church by action of the Church Council may indemnify any other person as deemed proper by the Church Council, against any and all costs and expenses (including attorneys fees, judgments, fines, penalties, amounts paid in settlement, and other disbursements) actually and reasonably incurred by or imposed upon such person in connection with any action, suit, investigation or proceeding (or claim or other matter therein), whether civil, criminal, administrative or otherwise in nature, including but not limited to any proceeding involving allegations of invasion of privacy, negligent or intention infliction of emotional distress or any similar or related allegedly tortiou conduct, negligence, pastoral malpractice, breach of fiduciary duty or care or loyalty, or any suits alleging violations of civil rights including but not limited to discrimination on the basis of age, sex, race, disability or handicap, or sexual orientation, with respect to such person is named or otherwise threatened to be made a party by reason of being or any time having been an officer of the Church, a member of the Church Council or Leadership Community, or pastoral staff, or employee or other agent of or in a similar capacity with the Church or by reason of being or at any time having been, at the direction or request of the Church, a Council member, trustee, officer, administrator, manager, employee, member, advisor or other agent of or fiduciary for any other corporation, partnership, trust, venture, or other entity or enterprise including any employee benefit plan. 8.3 Each request or case of or on behalf of any person who is or may be entitled to indemnification for reasons other than in Section 9.02 above shall be reviewed by the Church Council, and indemnification of such person shall be authorized by the Church Council only if it is determined by the Church Council that indemnification is proper in the specific case, and,

notwithstanding anything to the contrary in these Bylaws, no person shall be indemnified to the extent, if any, it is determined by the Church Council or by written opinion of legal counsel designated by the Church Council for such purpose that indemnification is contrary to applicable law. 8.4 Rights Cumulative. The provisions of this Article shall not be deemed exclusive or in limitation of, but shall be deemed cumulative of and in addition to any other limitation of liability or right of indemnity to which such director, officer, member of a ministry team, agent or employee of the corporation may be otherwise entitled. 8.5 Insurance. The Church may, as the Church Council may direct, purchase and maintain such insurance on behalf of any person who is or at any time has been an officer of the Church, member of the Church Council or Leadership Community, or pastoral staff, or other agent of or in a similar capacity with the Church, or who is or at any time has been, at the direction or request of the Church, a Council member, trustee, officer, administrator, manager, employee, member, advisor or other agent of or fiduciary for any other corporation, partnership, trust, venture or other entity or enterprise including any employee benefit plan against any liability asserted against and incurred by such person. Article IX. Affiliations 9.1 Right of Self-government. This church shall have the right to govern itself according to the standards of the New Testament scriptures, Making every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace . . . until we all reach unity in the faith and the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ. Ephesians 4:3-13. This shall include, but is not limited to, the right to establish and maintain such departments, institutions and services within the Fellowship for the propagation of the gospel and its work embraced by the purposes of this corporation; to examine candidates for the ministry, and to license, commission and ordain those who shall have been approved by the Council of this church according to standards set forth by the New Testament; to designate its own officers, to appoint ministry teams, to arrange for its own meetings, and to govern itself in accordance with the Constitution and Bylaws herein and after defined; to establish and define policy by which it shall be governed and to take such other and further actions and prerogatives as may be necessary or appropriate to implement

and operate its New Testament commission. 9.2 We affirm the wisdom of affiliation with other congregations for support, wisdom, accountability, and cooperation. The Senior Pastor with the advice of the Church Council, shall recognize a relationship with one or more apostolic and/or prophetic ministries or persons outside of Vineyard Christian Fellowship Greeley whom the Lord directs him to relate. The Senior Pastor shall publicly inform the Church Council and the congregation of the identity of these persons with whom he and the church has established relationship. 9.3 Vineyard Christian Fellowship Greeley, while autonomous and self-governing, has voluntarily established relationship with, and is presently a part of the Association of Vineyard Churches. While we recognize that the oversight of the Association of Vineyard Churches is not in any way binding, except by our own choice as outlined n Articles 2.07.3 (mediation involving Senior Pastor), 3.12 (Interim Pastor appointment), 4.02.c.1 (Removal of Senior Pastor), 4.02.d.1 (Approval of new Senior Pastor) and 5.06.b (Approval of Senior Pastors Compensation) herein, we honor the oversight, counsel and assistance offered by the Association of Vineyard Churches Regional Overseers of our Congregation. Article X. Dedication of Property and Earnings to Non-profit Activities 10.1 Pledge of Properties. The properties and assets of the corporation are pledged in perpetuity to carry on the nonprofit church work and other purposes set out in the Articles of Incorporation of this corporation. 10.2 Vesting on Dissolution. In the event of dissolution of the corporation the properties and assets of the corporation shall be transferred to and become vested in such organization or organizations, organized and operated exclusively for charitable, educational, religious or scientific purposes, as may be deemed by the Church Council most suitable and appropriate with regards to continuance of the evangelical missionary work and activities for which this corporation has been formed, and as may qualify as an exempt organization or organizations under the provisions of the Articles of Incorporation of this corporation. 10.3 Prohibition Against Sharing in Corporate Earnings. No Council member, officer, or employee of, or member of a ministry team of, or person connected with, the corporation, or any individual shall receive at any time any of the net earnings or pecuniary profit from the operations of the corporation, provided, however, that his shall not prevent the payment to any such person of such reasonable compensation for services rendered to or for the corporation in effecting any of its purposes as shall be fixed by the Church Council; and no such person or persons shall be entitled to share in the distribution of any of the corporate assets upon the dissolution of the corporation. 10.4 Investments. The corporation shall have the right to retain all or any part of any

securities or property acquired by it in whatever manner and to invest and reinvest any funds held by it, according to the judgment of the Church Council under its general powers specified in these Bylaws, without being restricted to the class of investments which a trustee is or may hereafter be permitted to make, or any similar restriction; provided, however, that no action shall be taken by or on behalf of the corporation if such action is a prohibited transaction, or would result in the denial of the tax exemption under Section 503 or 507 of the Internal Revenue Code and its Regulations as they now exist or as they hereafter be amended. 10.5 Exempt Activities. Notwithstanding any other provision of these Bylaws, no Council member, officer, employee, or representative of the corporation shall take any action or carry on any activity by or on behalf of the corporation not permitted to be taken or carried on by an organization exempt under 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and its Regulations as they now exist or as they may hereafter be amended, or by an organization, contributions to which are deductible under Section 170 (c)(2) of such code and regulations as they now exist or as they may hereafter be amended, except as permitted in Section 13.01 herein. Article XI. General Provisions 11.1 Books & Records a. The Church shall keep a congregational membership book containing the name and address of each Member of the congregation, Church Council members, and Leadership Community member and the date of admission to congregational membership. b. The Church shall keep correct and complete books and record of account, together with minuets of the proceedings of its incorporators, members, Church Council, and ministry teams, and task forces of the Church Council. c. All books and records of the corporation may be inspected by any Church Council member, officer, or their agent or attorney for any proper purpose at any reasonable time. The church, however, reserves the right to withhold such material as may be necessary to protect the privacy rights and interests of individuals. 11.2 Fiscal Year. The fiscal year of the Corporation shall begin on the first day of January in each year and shall end on the last day of December next following, unless otherwise determined by the Church Council. 11.3 Review. These Bylaws are to be reviewed on an annual basis in order to assure that they conform to the Word of God as presently revealed and understood by the Senior Pastor and the leadership of this church. 11.4 Name. The legal name of this church is Mercy House Ecumenical Center, Inc. It is doing business as Vineyard Christian Fellowship, Greeley in these Bylaws, and is informally referred to as The Vineyard. 11.5 Incorporation by Reference. Any attachments made to these Bylaws by the Church Council shall be construed as being a part of these Bylaws, to the extent

that they do not conflict with the provisions of the Articles of Incorporation or these Bylaws, to the extent that they do not conflict with the provisions of the Articles of Incorporation or these Bylaws. Article XII. Amendments 12.1 Amendments. These Bylaws reflect our present understanding of the revealed Word of God as it relates to church structure and authority. We do not claim to have all knowledge and we recognize that Gods revelation and restoration is progressive. All or any portion of these Bylaws may be amended or repealed by 2/3 decision of the Council, subject to approval by the Senior Pastor. No amendment, however, shall be made that would deprive the corporation of its Section 501 (c)(3) tax exempt status unless the Senior Pastor and 2/3 of all Church Council members agree that such amendment is necessary to obey God in His specific direction for the church. 12.2 Each time an amendment to these Bylaws is approved, the amendment shall automatically be interpreted to include amendment of the date in Section 12.03 to reflect the date of the last approved amendment, regardless of whether or not language including such additional amendment is included in the approved amendment. 12.3 The date these Bylaws were last amended was March 25, 2003.

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