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Tess. 1. In what circumstances did you meet Alec dUrberville? 2.

Could you avoid the unfortunate moment when he took advantage of you? 3. Why didnt you continue your way with Car Dech and the others? 4. Why didn t you refuse Alec dUrbervilles offer to join him , this time too? 5. Did you feel victorious to leave your rivals with him? 6. So you did have some kind of fascination for him? 7. Why didnt you let him know that you were bearing his child. 8. Giving birth to your child couldnt make you forget about your hatred for Alec? 9. Dont you think that a better caring could have saved the child? 10.Dont you think that in a real family, the child could be alive now? 11.Dont you think that he could have had the societys approval or at least a proper baptize or funeral? 12.Was your pride more important than the childs life? 13.Why didnt you tell Angel the story of your life before marriage? 14.Why didnt you try harder to tell him, even in the last moment? 15.Dont you think that, by that, you have shown selfishness again? 16.Why did you go back to Alec dUrberville, even though you were still married with Angel Clare? 17.Has there been any rumor that James, Angels father, managed to bring him on the right path? Why did you change him again? 18.Why did you give up on waiting for your husband? 19.Did you cheat on Angel just because your family needed money? 20.How could you murder a man who, even though didnt have your love, helped you and your family financially? 21.Did you think that by killing Alec you could manage to be happy with Angel? 22.How did you get to think that?

23.Did Angel ever suggested something like this? 24.Do you understand the gravity of your actions? 25.You have cheated on your husband and killed a man. Do you accept your guilt?

Izz 1. In what circumstances did you meet Tess?

2. Did she ever tell you about her past? 3. What did you think about her marriage with Angel Clare? 4. Was Tess superior to the other women? 5. Describe Tess in a few words. 6. Was she drawing attention towards her? Was her beauty ostentatious? 7. Did you love Mr. Clare? 8. What was your relationship with him? 9. Did Angel confess you that he had broken up with his wife and what was the reason of the separation? 10.When you met Tess again, did she tell the truth about her and Angels separation? 11.Did you try to inform Mr. Clare of the fact that his wife was being courted and followed by Alec dUrberville? Marian 1. In what circumstances did you meet Tess? 2. Did she ever tell you about her past? 3. What did you think about her marriage with Angel Clare? 4. Was Tess superior to the other women? 5. Describe Tess in a few words. 6. Was she drawing attention towards her? Was her beauty ostentatious?

7. When you met Tess again, did she tell the truth about her and Angels separation? 8. Did you try to inform Mr. Clare of the fact that his wife was being courted and followed by Alec dUrberville? Angels father 1. Have you ever met your daughter in law personally? 2. What did Angel tell you about her? 3. Why havent you ever looked for her? 4. What reason in her favor did Angel give you for marrying her? 5. Did he tell you that he was a part of the dUrberville family, before leaving for Brazil? 6. Did his marrying a poor girl hurt your feelings or conceptions? 7. How was Angel brought up? How did he rebel to the household rules and why did he refuse to become a priest like his other brothers? Tesss mother 1. Why did you encourage the girl to go to the dUrberville estate? 2. Did you do that for money? For the rich relatives? 3. Did you receive any gifts while Tess was living at the dUrberville estate? 4. Why havent you prevented the girl about the dangers she might encounter, before sending her there? 5. Were you hoping that she might get pregnant and accept Alec as her husband, so that you could be able te overcome poverty? 6. Why did you make her not tell Angel about her past before their marriage? 7. Did Tess accept Alec the second time because you needed financial support? 8. What change did she suffer after this decision? Tell me about the place she was living in, about her clothing and about the name she was using. 9. Are you aware of the fact that you pushed your daughter towards adultery? Mrs. Brooks 1. By which surname did you know Tess? Clare? Durbeyfield? Or dUrberville?

2. What did you hear/see of the discussion between Tess and the youngman who recommended himself as Angel? 3. What about the discussion between Tess and Alec? 4. Give me details about what you have seen and hear. 5. When you saw the body, did you know that Tess was the murderer? Farmer Grooby 1. Did you meet Tess at Trandrige? 2. What was her relationship with Mr. Alec dUrberville? 3. Have you seen her again ever since? 4. How was your first meeting? 5. Did Mr. Clare hit you? Why? 6. Did you tell him that you knew Tess and that she had been Mr. dUrbervilles mistress? 7. Have you seen Tess before she worked at your farm? 8. What was her reaction? 9. What do you think about Tesss affair with Alec dUrberville? How was Alec like in the first days before seeing Tess? What change occurred? 10.What do you think about a woman who has hidden an affair with other man until the first day after marriage? 11.What about the adultery commited by Tess with Alec dUrberville? Angel 1. How did you meet Tess? 2. What was your impression of her at first? 3. Why havent you searched for a wife of the same status? 4. Why didnt you present her to you parents after marriage? 5. Was the fact that she belonged to a different class bothering you? 6. Why didnt you divorced after you have found out that she had hidden a very important matter of her past?

7. When you found out that she had murdered Alec dUrberville, why didnt you denounce her? Why did you elope with her? 8. Do you realize that, by hiding Tess, you became an accomplice? 9. What do you think about the fact that Tess has cheated on you with Alec? 10.Do you think that she has done that only to save her family from poverty? 11.Is Tess a materialist person? 12.Then why did she have relationships with people above her social status? Why didnt she marry a poor man? 13.Have you ever suggested to Tess that she actually belonged to Alec, and that only if he were dead you could forgive her and be happy together? Liza-Lu 1. Are you Tesss younger sister? 2. Do you know that a murder must be punished no matter who the murderer is or what the reason was? 3. Do you agree that your sister is guilty for Alecs death and that she must pay? (no) 4. Lets see it the other way! If Alec was in Tesss place, and he was the murderer, wouldnt you wish that justice was made for your sister? 5. Was your familys financial situation a good one when Tess was sent to meet your rich relatives? 6. But when she married Clare? 7. But when she went back to Alec? 8. So she did everything for money? 9. Is Tess a selfish person, who only thinks about her own interest? 10.Then why hasnt she let Alec know about the child? 11.Why didnt she give up her hatred for him? 12.Why did she choose to murder a man just to be happy with Angel? 13.Are not these proves of selfishness?

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