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Concluding Reflections Diversity If you look in a dictionary the meaning of diversity you will find that: 1: the condition

of having or being composed of differing elements: variety; especially: the inclusion of different types of people (as people of different races or cultures) in a group or organization <programs intended to promote diversity in schools> 2: an instance of being composed of differing elements or qualities: an instance of being diverse. As Christopher Metzler, PhD said Children dont come with instructions, but they do come with open minds How can you encourage your kids to remain open-minded and to celebrate diversity? I will go further in the question and includes teacher after all we expend more time with them that parents do. We lived in a world quickly accessible to everyone, now is more necessary to accept diversity. We have to accept the diversity in race, believe, sexual preferences, economics, among others. Also, we have to respect other in order of being respected from others. As a teacher we need to provide the space to develop this value in our students. Teachers have to remember all time that we set the example, meaning that we have to be the first in accept diversity in our classroom and everywhere. During my Practice teaching I can remember clearly at least two occasions where we approach diversity after an incident. One day one of the students call crazy to one of my students with special needs; then I approach the student and told him that the student is not crazy. That the students have special needs and is only different to the rest but that not mean is crazy. That every person is different and we need to respect that.

Creativity If you look in the dictionary for the word creativity you will find:

Creativity is the ability to produce something new through imaginative skill, whether a new solution to a problem, a new method or device, or a new artistic objects or form. The term generally refers to a richness of ideas and originality of thinking. During this semester I engage the Creativity with my students letting them to be the main part of their own learning process. Through expressing their own feeling through activities that involve coloring, using play dough, drawing among others activities. Encouraging them to dream, follow their dreams, and be actively producing new ideas and never let no one stopped them. Some steps we can follow in our classroom to ensure creativity in our class are: 1. Embrace creativity as part of learning: Create a classroom that recognizes creativity. Design awards or bulletin boards that shows different ways of solving a problem or creative solutions to real world scenarios. 2. Use the most effective strategies: Programs that incorporated cognitive and emotional functioning. 3. Think of creativity as a skill: Much like resourcefulness and inventiveness it is less a trait and more a proficiency that can be taught. If we see it this way, our job as educators becomes to find ways to encourage its use and break it down into smaller skill sets.

4. Allow space for creativity: Design some classroom space for exploration, such a thinking table, a drama stage, a drawing table, or a space for groups discuss ideas.

5. Give students time to ask questions: Intentionally design lessons that allow for wondering and exploration.

6. Creativity builds confidence: students take ownership of their own learning. Think of ways where students might design a project. Parents and community will be happy to see students taking ownership of their learning.

7. Find ways to incorporate and integrate art, music and culture.

8. Tapping into multiple intelligences: Creativity requires us to use different parts of our brain. We often bridge connections between seemingly unrelated areas to make new concepts emerge. Allow students to use their strengths to find new ways of approaching a topic or solving a problem. You might be surprised with what they come up with.

Leadership Today more than ever is important to produce good leaders for our country. After all our future, the future of our country rest in the hands of those futures leaders. We need to ensure today that we provide the necessary skills to them develop critical thinking, taking decisions after look for the positive and negative of the situation, and most important the one that will bring better consequences for the majority. Promote person that take responsibility of their actions. In the classroom we need to plan for this discussion to occur in the classroom. When you spot a students that is a leader encourage them to use it helping others. Also promote that skill in others students. In my classroom this year I have a student that she is a natural leader she has been a huge helper with another student that she was very shy, she help the other student to integrate with the rest of the group.

Social Transformation In my opinion the most important of the four values right here is where the other three creativity, leadership and diversity make impact showing the changes and impacting others that students. The more people that reaches the more people that change until one day we will see the outcome in the nation and the world. During this semester my students embrace social transformation in many activities but the first that comes to my mind is in an activity during the unit of shapes. They create a collage and displayed outside reaching the parents, visitors of the center that learning process reach others than the students. Others observe the potential of the students, their view of the world and hopefully make them to rethink about society.

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