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Article I.

Mission Statement The aim of the CUNY Macaulay Honors College Quidditch Club is to represent the principles and values of the International Quidditch Association and uphold the rules as put forth by the International Quidditch Rulebook. The club also aims to foster an appreciation for physical fitness through competitive athletic activity, as well as provide a platform for students of all CUNY campuses to interact and build relationships that can develop beyond the club itself. The opportunity will also exist through quidditch to create and build relationships with students from other universities. The club will help to enforce a greater understanding and application of sportsmanship and accountability in practices, matches, and everyday life. Article II. Membership Any current CUNY Macaulay Honors College student is eligible to be a member of the Macaulay Quidditch Club. There are no other required criteria, and no exceptions. The obligations of an active member are as follows: 1. Membership fee - Every student wishing to be an active member of the Quidditch Club must pay the dues that are congruent with their position on the team directly to the current acting treasurer (Outlined in Article II.2) 2. Attendance Every student wishing to be an active member must attend at least half of the practices held that semester and can have no more than two unexcused absences. a. An absence shall be considered excused if the player in question either: informs a member of the e-board before the practice in question of his/her absence and a valid reason for the aforementioned absence, or informs the e-board of a reason for their absence which the e-board shall accept as an emergency in which the player could not have been reasonably expected to inform the e-board beforehand. 3. Agreement Every student must sign a club document, stating that they have read and understood the terms of the constitution, and agree to adhere to the rules and values held therein. 4. Suspension In the event that any particular member has failed to meet the above criteria, they will be placed on suspension until they are able to attend four consecutive club events (one exception detailed under

article III.2). Suspension makes a player ineligible to participate in any intercollegiate matches, official or unofficial (official/unofficial as defined by the International Quidditch Association). In summation, an active member of the Macaulay Quidditch Club is defined as a current CUNY Macaulay Honors College student who has paid membership fees, has no more than two unexcused absences, and has attended at least half of the practices held that semester. Anybody who fails on any one of these three counts can and must attend practices if they wish to become an active member, but are not eligible to participate in official matches (official as defined by the International Quidditch Association). Article III. Dues As stated in Article II section 1.a, dues must be paid to the acting treasurer for a student to be considered an active member. Any student wishing to see what the dues go towards may request a budget breakdown. The treasurer must supply to any inquiring student the previous years budget. There are two ways to go about making this payment: 1. Up front- the preferred payment of dues is to pay full dues all at once to the acting treasurer. The cost is $100 for returning members, and $150 for new members. 2. In the event of a student being incapable of paying the entire membership fee up front, a payment plan may also be entered. Should a student decide to begin the membership plan, that student agrees to pay $25 dollars each week. After the first payment is made, that student is considered an active member until a payment is missed. If a payment is missed, that student will be placed on suspension and cannot be removed until the treasurer has received the entirety of the payment, without exception.
Article IV. Meetings and Voting

1. Meeting a. A meeting shall be valid if a quorum, plus one officer is present. Quorum is defined as one half (1/2) of the Quidditch Clubs active membership. 2. Voting a. Voting on any issue shall be official only if the meeting is valid.

b. All active members shall have equal voting power.

c. Procedure All decisions shall be arrived at by simple majority using a hand vote unless otherwise specified by the presiding officer. In the event of a tie, final decision goes to presiding officer. i. The presiding officer shall be the highest ranked officer present at a given meeting. For the purposes of this determination, the hierarchy from highest to lowest will be: Club President, Captain, Vice Captain, Business Manager, and secretary. Article V. Titles & Responsibilities 1. Titles a. Titles that can be held include Club President, Captain, Vice Captain, Business Manager, and Secretary. Any active member is eligible to be appointed to any position. All officers will be required to perform excess duties on top of those of a standard active member, and players have the right to revoke candidacy at any time if they do not want the added responsibilities. 2. Responsibilities Each board member has unique requirements that they must fulfill in order to be an effective board member. Many duties will require inter-positional cooperation (i.e. a fundraiser at the Macaulay building requires the business manager and secretary to work together) and as such, above all else, an amicable working relationship is required between each board member. Every action and decision must be executed singularly for the good of the club, present and future. a. Club President- the President is responsible for monitoring all actions within the club, and it is the primary duty of the president to ensure the club runs smoothly and effectively. The president is the ambassador of the club, working with other schools to set up events, as well as working with fellow officers to create an organized calendar and organized club in general. The President may delegate tasks as necessary in order to keep a well-run quidditch club.

b. Captain- The captain is responsible for leading the team in practices and matches. The captain must maintain a positive relationship with the team, encouraging a high morale and high work rate; the performance of each player is a reflection on the captains effectiveness. The captain (along with the vice captain) will be responsible for deciding the roster and lineups for each match or tournament. The Captain may delegate tasks to the Vice-Captain if necessary. c. Vice-Captain- The Vice-Captain will work closely with the Captain to ensure practices and game plans are run smoothly and effectively. The Captain and Vice-Captain have equal power in deciding the rosters and lineups and must come to a reasonable agreement. d. Business Manager- The business manager is responsible for all things financial. The business manager will be in charge of maintaining all the clubs finances, as well as organizing fundraisers and traveling expenses for tournaments to ensure the team is getting the best deal possible. e. Secretary- The secretary is responsible for maintaining all paperwork within the club. This will include but not be limited to: Signed agreements to the constitution, waivers/release forms, an updated copy of the constitution open to inspection by all students, an updated copy of the team calendar, and an updated list of all active members. The secretary is also responsible for any required interaction with the Macaulay Honors College staff and Macaulay Scholars Council and maintaining a positive relationship with them for the good of the club. 3. Elections & Voting a. Elections- A vote to elect an officer for each position will be held each year after the World Cup, but before the end of the semester. Any active member is eligible to vote and must be given at least a weeks advanced notice. As previously stated, any active member is eligible to be elected. All officers may maintain their positions for consecutive terms. b. Voting- Voting shall occur at the beginning of any

practice within the aforementioned frame of time. Every active member will vote via a secret ballot administered by the current secretary. Any player unable to attend practice may submit an absentee ballot to the secretary. It is the absent players responsibility, not the secretarys, to get it to the secretary. Any member may self-nominate or nominate another player, with their consent. 4. Removal & Vacancy a. A vote of no confidence, if successful, will result in the removal of an officer from the board. A vote of no confidence can only be held at an official meeting, and must be called prior to the meeting at which it will be held. 2/3 of the current active membership is required for a vote of no confidence to pass. Even if a quorum is present at the meeting, if there is not 2/3 of the active membership, the vote cannot take place. b. If a position becomes vacant, it must be refilled in the same manner as described in V.3.b Article VI. Adoption of the Constitution 1. Approval & Ratification a. The constitution must be approved by 2/3 of all active members in order to be approved. If approved, the constitution will be ratified upon the signature of all presiding officers. 2. Amendments & By-laws All amendment and by-law approvals must follow the same procedure as the approval of the constitution itself.

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