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psshow quietmode reboot routehelp saschiptest saspathtest secactivesize secauthsecret seccertutil secdefinesize secfabricshow secfcsfailover secglobalshow sechelp secmodedisable

secmodeenable secmodeshow secnonfcspasswd secpolicyabort secpolicyactivate secpolicyadd secpolicycreate secpolicydelete secpolicydump secpolicyfcsmove secpolicyremove secpolicysave secpolicyshow secstatsreset secstatsshow sectemppasswdreset sectemppasswdset sectransabort secversionreset sensorshow setdbg setesdmode setmfgmode setmodem setsplbmode setverbose sfpshow shellflowcontroldisable shellflowcontrolenable slotpoweroff slotpoweron slotshow sltest snmpconfig snmpmibcapset snmpmibcapshow spinfab spinjitter

Print power supply status Displays/enables/disables quietmode on telnet session Reboot this processor Print routing help info Functional Test of Components in SAS Complex. Data Path Test of the SAS complex. Displays size of the active (security) database Creates/Manages DHCHAP secret key details Creates/Manages/Displays third party PKI certificates Displays size of the defined (security) database Displays security related fabric information Forces primary role to this FCS switch Displays current internal security state information Displays information about security commands Disables secure mode Enables secure mode Displays whether secure mode is enabled or disabled Sets the admin passwd for non-FCS switches Aborts changes to defined policy Activates all policy sets Adds members to an existing policy Creates a new policy Deletes an existing policy Displays all members of existing policies Moves a member in the FCS policy Removes members from an existing policy Saves defined policy set and sends to all switches Shows members of one or more policies Resets security statistics Displays security statistics Resets temporary password Sets temporary password Aborts current transaction Resets version stamp Display sensor readings Set debug level of the specified module Set or display ESD mode. Set or display diagnostic MFG mode. Enables or disables modem login to a control processor (CP) Set or display SPLB mode. Set verbosity level of the specified module Print Serial ID SFP information Disable xon-xoff flow control on console serial port Enable xon-xoff flow control on console serial port Removes power from a slot. Restores power to a slot. Displays the status of all slots in the system. Serial link test of port N->N path. Configure SNMP Set options for configuring SNMP Mib/Trap Capability Show SNMP Mib/Trap Configuration Functional test of switch to switch ISL cabling and trunk group operation. line-speed jitter measurement


Functional test of internal and external transmit and receive paths at full speed sramretentiontest Data retention test of the miscellaneous SRAMs in ASIC. statsclear Clear port and diagnostic statistics. statstest Statistics counter test for the ASICs. stopporttest Terminate the running porttest. supportffdc Modifies or displays first-failure data capture (FFDC) configuration. supportftp set support Ftp parameters supportsave retrieve support data from switch to host supportshow Prints switch information for debugging purposes. supportshowcfgdisable Disables a group of commands under supportshow command. supportshowcfgenable Enables a group of commands under supportshow command. supportshowcfgshow Displays the groups of commands enabled for display. by the supportshow command. switchbeacon Set switch beacon on or off switchcfgpersistentdisable Persistently disable a switch switchcfgpersistentenable Enable a persistently disabled switch switchcfgspeed Configures all ports of the switch to a particular speed level switchcfgtrunk Configure all ports on the switch for trunking switchdisable Disable this switch switchenable Enable this switch switchname Print/set this switch's name switchreboot Halts and restarts the operational switch. switchshow Print switch and port status switchstatuspolicyset Set policy parameters for overall switch status switchstatuspolicyshow Print policy parameters for overall switch status switchstatusshow Print overall switch status switchuptime Display the amount of time for which the switch is up syslogdfacility Change the syslog facility syslogdipadd Add syslog daemon IP address syslogdipremove Remove syslog daemon IP address syslogdipshow Print the syslog daemon targets sysshutdown Provides a graceful shutdown to protect the switch file systems. systemverification Run a suit of diagnostic tests on all switches in a system. tempshow Print temperature readings timeout Set/show the IDLE timeout value for a login session topologyshow Display the unicast fabric topology tracedump generate/remove trace dump or display trace dump status trackchangeshelp Print Track Changes help info trackchangesset Configure alert for login/logout/config update trackchangesshow Displays status of track changes trunkdebug Debug a trunk link failure trunkshow Display trunking information tsclockserver Displays or sets the NTP server address tstimezone Displays or sets the time zone turboramtest Turbo SRAM test for bloom ASICs. txdpath Functional test of ASIC pair TXA TXD connections. uptime Print how long switch has been up urouteconfig Configure a static route urouteremove Remove a static route urouteshow Display unicast routing information

userconfig userrename version wwn zone zoneadd zonecreate zonedelete zonehelp zoneobjectcopy zoneobjectexpunge zoneobjectrename zoneremove zoneshow

Display or configure user accounts Rename user login name Print firmware version Display or set the world wide name Copies/Removes/Validates zone objects Add a member to a zone Create a zone Delete a zone Print zoning help info Copies a zone object Expunges a zone object Rename a zoning Object Remove a member from a zone Print zone information

gv8hwp131a:nms01> portname 17 Port 17 - gvh3000 gv8hwp131a:nms01> portrename 17 rbash: portrename: command not found gv8hwp131a:nms01> portname 17, "Port 17" gv8hwp131a:nms01> portrename 17 rbash: portrename: command not found gv8hwp131a:nms01> portshow 17 portName: Port 17 portHealth: OFFLINE Authentication: None portDisableReason: Persistently disabled port portCFlags: 0x0 portFlags: 0x4021 PRESENT U_PORT DISABLED LED portType: 10.0 POD Port: Port is licensed portState: Persistently Disabled portPhys: 4 No_Light portScn: 2 Offline port generation number: 992 portId: 831100 portIfId: 4302102b portWwn: 20:11:00:05:1e:04:17:c6 portWwn of device(s) connected: Distance: normal portSpeed: N4Gbps LE domain: 0 FC Fastwrite: OFF Interrupts: 65 Unknown: 0 Lli: 62 Proc_rqrd: 106 Timed_out: 0 Rx_flushed: 0 Tx_unavail: 0 Free_buffer: 0 Overrun: 0 Suspended: 0 Parity_err: 0 2_parity_err: 0 CMI_bus_err: 0

Link_failure: Loss_of_sync: Loss_of_sig: Protocol_err: Invalid_word: Invalid_crc: Delim_err: Address_err: Lr_in: Lr_out: Ols_in: Ols_out:

0 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1

Frjt: Fbsy:

0 0

Port part of other ADs: No gv8hwp131a:nms01> portname port 0: Port 0 - Trunk SW103-04-02 port 1: Port 1 - Trunk SW103-04-03 port 3: Port 3 - gvh3003 port 5: Port 5 - gvh4023 port 9: Port 9 - gvswlgz5-13 port 10: Port 10 - gvswlgz5-14 port 14: Port 14 - gvs1257 port 16: Port 16 - gvswlg518 port 17: Port 17 port 18: Port 18 - gvh3021 port 19: Port 19 - gvh3001 port 21: Port 21 - gvs1032 port 22: Port 22- gvh3020 port 23: Port 23 - gvs1260 port 26: Port 26 - gvs1273 port 27: Port 27 - gvh3010_vpar_gvh3000 port 31: Port 31 - gvh3011_vpar_gvh3001 port 34: Port 34 - gvh410 port 35: Port 35 - gvhhpov1 port 37: Port 37 - gvh3u01 port 40: Port 40 - gvh3012 port 41: Port 41 - gv01u69 port 44: Port 44 - gvh3013 port 45: port 45 port 50: Port 50 - gvlpoc02 port 51: Port 51 - gvh3002 port 52: Port 52 - gvh309 port 53: Port 53 - gvh3031 port 54: Port 54 - gvh3030 port 56: Port 56 - gvswls1 port 57: Port 57 - gvs1025 port 58: Port 58 - gvh3498 port 59: Port 59 - gvh3499 port 60: Port 60 - gvs1024 port 61: Port 61 - gvs1027 port 62: Port 62 - Trunk SW103-07-00 port 63: Port 63 - Trunk SW103-07-01

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