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Lenwood G. Davis
and Black Studies Portland State University, Portland, Oregon
of History

Mrs. Mary Vance, Editor Post Office Box 229 Monticello, Illinois 61856







licchange Bibliography #582


i^lDSICAi^I IffiST:



Lenwood G. Davis Department of History and Black Studies Portland State University^ Portland, Oregon



197h by Lenwood G. Davis














bibliography is by no means comprehensive or

As the title indicates it is



bibliography" and is designed primarily as

work that xdll

lead researchers to additional sources on the history and

culture of Blacks in the Merlcan West.

Moreover, it would

be impossible to do

state by state study of Blacks in all


CPL llxchange Bibliography


the Western States.

Therefore, I also included a number


of non-irestern states in this

because it



those states that Blacks settled before many decided to

migrate west.

Hence, it was ny purpose to list the State

Libraries, i^a^cluves, and Historical Societies, in order

that each State could be contacted and supply the researcher

with information on Blacks in their respective states.

The History of the Black nan in the Uest has been

shamefully ignored in /.merican textbooks and it is the hope

of this inriter that more serious researchers and scholars

vdll reexamine the role and impact that Blacks had on helping to open up the Western frontier.
It can easily be

proven from the sources cited in


work that of the

iiO,000 cowboys who rode the range, approximately 5>000 were



fact takes on


dimensions when one realizes

that during the heyday of the west-one out of every eight

cowboys was Black, but only one man in ten in the population
as a irhole.

Therefore, Blacks were more heavily represented

in the saddle than their proportion in the population.

The two standard works on Blacks in the V/est are:

Uilliam Loren Katz's The Black West , and Pliilip Durham and
-Sverett L. Jones* The Megro Cowboys

There are, however,


other works that deal vdth Blacks in the

TfB-lliam H. Leckie, The

in the Uest:

Buffalo Soldiers;

A Narrative of

the Negro Cavalry in the West, 1869-1691 j John


editor, The Black Military "iiiperience in the /merican West ;


CPL Exchange Bibliography



0. Flipper,

The Colored Cadet at_ West Point; and


Dudley Taylor Cornish, The Sable


There are also a


of articles in The J ournal of Me gro Itistory and The

Megro History Bulletin on Blacks in the Southwest, ilid-IJest,

West, Northwest, and Pacific Northwest. I am deeply indebted to the many state libraries and

their staffs for their assistance in supplying me with

information on Blacks in their state.

I would also like

to thank the Portland State University History Department,

the Northifest Institute of /.frican and Black American Studies,

the secretaries and college-work-study students of those

two departments.

I take full responsibilities, however,

for all errors or omissions and welcome any corrections or






Arizona Quarterly (Tucson) Ariz ona and the l^est (Tucson) California Historical Society Quarterly (San Francisco) Colorado Quarterly (Bourder) Illinois State His torical Soci ety Journal (Springfield) J" Iowa Review (Iowa City Kansas Magazine (MarJiattan) Minneso ta Review (Minneapolis) Montana; T he Magazine of Western History (Helena) Nebraska IHTstory (Lincoln) Nei: Me:ac o Historical Reviex# (Santa Fe) New Me:?d.c"o"Tiagazine (Santa Fe) North Dakota Quarterly (Grand Forks) Oregon Historical Quarterly (Portland) South Dalcota Review (Vermllli on) Texas Quarterl y ^Qiustin) Utah Histori cal Quarterly (Salt Lake City)


CPL icchange Bibliography #582



The Ams lie an Fast (Palo Ilto, California) Jou rnal of ths ''est (Los Angeles) Nort hxrest Journal o x African and Black /jneri can Studies (Portland) Pacific Hist orical Review (Berkeley, California) Pacific Ilort hiJest Quartsrly (Seattle) Southxres te rn Hist qi-lcal Quarterly (Austin, Texas) The Weste rn I-H-storical Quarterly _( Logan, Utah)



Davis, Lenwood G.

llonticello, Illinois: 1971.

Blacks i n the Sta te of O r egon; 1788-1971 . Council of Planring Librarians,

Blacks in the Pacific iIorthTre3t;_ 1788-1972. . Monticello, Illinois: Council of Planning Librarians, 1972.
liills, Hazel 'Z. and of U asiTington;

The Negro i n the State 1788-1969. Olympia, IJashington: Washington State Library, 1970.

Nancy B. Pryor.

Thompson, Lucille Sndth and Alma Sirlth Jacobs. The Negro in M_ont^a_ l800-19l;5.-4 jSe lectijjg__KLb]l_oj^raplTy . Helena, Montana: Montana State Library, 1970.





Arizona State Library. State Capital Building, Phoenix, Arizona. See also Arizona Pioneers' I-Iistorlcal Society, 9U9 3. Second Street, Tucson, Arizona 65719, and the University of Arizona Library, Tucson, Arizona 85721.

California State Arcliives . 1020 Street, Sacramento, California 9581U. California Historical Society, 2090 Jackson Street, San Francisco, California 9U109. See also the University of California at Berkeley, The University of California at Los AJigeles.

Chicago Historical Society Library. North Avenue and Clark Street, ClTicago, Illinois 6o6lU.

Indiana State Library. Indiana U620I4.


N. Senate, Indianapolis,

Iowa Department of History and Archives. Iowa Historical Library, 3. 12th Street and Grand Avenue, Des Moines, Iowa 50319.


CPL Exchange Bibliography #^82

Kansas Historical Society and Archives Department. and Jackson Streets, Topeka, Kansas 66612.


Minnesota Historical Society. Minnesota 55101.

69O Cedar Street, St. Paul,

Montana State Library. Montana, 5%01.

930 East Lyndale Avenue, Helena,

Nebraska State Historical Society. Library, l500 R Street, Lincoln. See also Nebraska Negro Historical Society, Inc., Library, 293U N. 2Uth Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68110.
Nevada State library. Supreme Court and Library Building. Carson City, Nevada. University of Nevada, Nobel H. Getchell Library, Special Collections Department, Reno, Nevada 89507.

New Mexico State Library.

Mexico 87501.

P. 0. Box 1629, Santa Fe, New

Oregon State Library. State Library Building, Salem, Oregon See Oregon Historical Society, 123 S. W. Park 97310. Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97205. Oregon Afro-American Society, P. 0. Box 821I2, Portland, Oregon 97207. Research and referrals made.
South Dakota State Library. Dakota 57501.
322 S. Fort, Pierre, South

State Library and State Historical Society of Colorado. Museum, S. lUth Street, Denver, Colorado 80302.
State Historical Society of Missouri. Hitts and Lowry Streets, Columbia, Missouri 65201. State Historical Society of North Dakota Library. Liberty Memorial Building, Bismarck, North Dakota 58501.

Texas State Library and Arcliives. Archives and Library Building, Capitol Station, Austin, Texas 78711.

University of Oklahoma. Oiaahoma 73069.

Brizzell Memorial Library, Norman,

University of Utah Libraries.

Salt Lake City, Utah 8hll2.

Washington State Library. Olyirpia, Washington 98501. See also University of I'ashington Libraries, Manuscript Collection, Seattle, Ifashington 98105.

Wyoming State Library.

Supreme Court and State Library Building, Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002.


CPL Exchange Bibliography #582


"A Colored Man's Letter." April 16, 1880.

The Plain Dealer .

Garnett, Kansas,

"Accessions to the Huseuin of Oregon Historical Society." Photostats of Proceedings to Expel a Negro from Oregon in 1851. Oregon Historical Quarterly ^ March 19kS, Vol. i|, No. 1, p. 112.
Addington, Wendell G. "Slave Insurrections in Texas," Journal of Negro History , 1950, Vol. 35, pp. U08-U3U.

Agogino, George. "The McJunkin Controversy," New Lie^dco Magazine , May-June 1971, pp. iA-U?.

"Allah Be Praised."

Seattle Magazine , December 1965, Vol.

2, No. 21, pp. 15-17.

"An Iowa Fugitive Slave Case." Vol. 2, pp. 531-539.

Ayer, John

(lows) Annals , October 1896,

Ddmn. "George Bush, the Voyageur, " Washington Historical Quarterly , January 1916, Vol. VII, No. 1,

pp. U0-ii5.

Bagley, Asa W. "The Negro of Oklahoma," unpublished Master's Thesis, University of Oklahoma, 1926. Barlow, Ifiilliam. "Reirlniscences of Seventy Years," Oregon Historacal Quarterly March-December 1912, Vol. 13, No. 3, p. 2ii6~

Barry, J. Neilson. "Spanish and French Relics in Ajnerica," Oregon Historical Quarterly , March-December 1915, Vol. 16, No. 1, p. 56.

"Champolg Park," Oregon Historical Quarterly , . December 1939, Vol. UO, No. hs P. 3Ul'.
Barth, Ernest A. T. and Sue March. "Research Note on the Subject of Minority Housing, " Journal of Intergroup Relations 1962, Vol. Ill, No. U, pp. 31U-320.

Beasley, Delilah L. "Slavery in California," Journal of Negro History , January 1918, Vol. Ill, No. 1, pp. 33-Uii.
Bell, 3.
"/. 0. Bush from Budi Prairie," Black Leonard. July 1970, pp. 90-93. .


Donnie B. "Free Blacks in Antebellum Missouri 1820-1860," Missouri Historical Review, January 1973.


CPL Exchange Bibliography



"Negro Slaves in Utch^" Utah Historical Beller, Jack. Quarterly , 1929, Vol. II, pp. 122-126.
"The Negro Wio node "vd-th Fremont in 18U7 Bergman, G. M. (Jacob Dodson)," Negro History Bulletin, November 196U, Vol. XXVIII, No. 2, pp. 31-32.

Bergmann, Leola Nelson. "The Negro in Iowa," loi^a Journal , January 19li8, Vol. U6, pp. 3-90.
Bergo_uist, James M.

"The Oregon Donation Act and National Land Policy," Oregon Historical Quarterly , Harch 1957, Vol. VIII, No. 1, pp. 17-35.

Bird, Annie Laurie. "Portrait of a Frontier Politician IILive Farther West," Idaho Yesterdays; The Quarterly Journal of the Idaho Historical S ociety , Fall Issue1957, Vol. I, No. 3, p. lU.
. "Portrait of a Frontier Politician IVs The Delagate from Washington Territory," Idaho Yesterdays; The Quarterly Journal of the Idaho Historical Society , Fall Issue-1958, Vol. II, No. 3, P^ 18.

. "Portrait of a Frontier Politician - Parts V and ^71; Idaho's Territorial Governor and Delegate," Idaho Yesterdays; The Quarterly Journal of the Idaho Historical Society , Spring Issu3-1959, Vol. Ill, No. 1, pp. 25-26.

"Black Backlash." Seattle Magazine , October No. 7, pp. 7-8.


Vol. I,

"Blacks Proitanent in State (South Dakota) History." City Journal , January 1972, p. 8,


Blake, 31ias. ''Color Prejudice and Education of Low Income Negroes in the North andest," Journal of Negro Ii:ducation , Summer 1965, Vol. 3U, pp. 297-299.
Bleeg, Joanne Wagner. "Black People in the Territory of Washington, 1860-1880," unpublished Master's Thesis, University of Washington, 1970.
"The Social Organization and the Secret Boas, Franz. Societies of the Kwakiutl Indians^ Based on Personal Observations and on Notes Made by Mr. George Hunt," U.S. N ational Museum Annual Report, 1895 . 1 'a shingt on U.S. Government Printing Office, 189 7.



GPL Exchange Bibliography #582

"Staitpede! " The Sgturday ^ening Post , Bosworth, Allan R. December 2, 19^0, pp. 30, 1U8-1^

"Political BegLnnings in Oregon, Bradsly, Marie lierriman. Oregon Historical Quarterl:/ , March-December 1839-18U9," 1908, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. U2-72.
Broxm, /jnanda Hardin. "A Pioneer in Colorado and TvyomLng, The Colorado Magazine, 1958, Vol. 35, pp. 271-28?.

Broxm, Mahel E. "Dusky Lading," Palimpsest, 1928, Vol. 9, pp. 2U2-2I48.

Broxm, William Corpton. "Old Fort Okanogan and the Okanogan Trail," The Quarterly of the Oregon iastorlcal Society , March lliTT-^lU^ Vol. ]{V, No. 1.

Bunzel, Peter D. "The Clubs: Bastions of Racial Bigotry," Seatt l e Magazine , September 196?, Vol. k. No. 1^2, pp. 23-27", 66, portT

Burnett, Peter H. "Recollections and Opinions of an Old Pioneer," Oregon Historical Quarterly , March-December 1961;, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 272-280, 285-286;
Burns, Robert H. Pioneer Cattle "The Newnan Ranches; Ranches of the Vfest," Nebraska History , 1953^ Vol. 3k, pp. 21-32.

Calkin, Homer L.



"A Slaveoimer in lox^a," Palimpsest , Vol. 22, pp. 3ltli-3i+6.

Carey, Charles H. "The Creation of Oregon as a State," Oregon Historical Quarterly, March 1926, Vol. 27, No. 1, pp. 1-18.

Carroll, H. Baily. "Nolan's Lost Nigger Expedition of 1877," Southwestern Historical Quarterly , July 19U0, Vol. XLIV.
Carroll, Joseph C. "William Trail; An Indiana Pioneer," Jour nal of Negro History , October 1938, Vol. XXIII,

Cairter, William.

"Civil Rights-Discrimination in Public Accommodation and Housing-State and Federal Remedies Available in Oregon," Oregon Law Reviei'T , February 1965, Vol. kh, No. 2, pp. 123-131.

Castel, /.Ibert. "Civil War Kansas and the Negro," Journal of Negro History, April 1966, Vol. LI, No. 2, pp. 125-138.


CPL Exchange Bibliography #582

"The Vest; Crucible of the Negro," Montana Castle, Jean I. the Magazine of Western History , January 1969, Vol. XIX, I\Io, 1, p. 19.

"Charles Z. Smith. Prosecuting J^ttorney, Now Trjith the U.S. Justice Department," Jet , March l6, I96I.
"Civil Rights Roundtable." Seattle Magazine, November 1966, Vol. 3, No. 32, pp. 12-16, U7-5i.
Clark, Robert Carlton. "The Last Step in the Formation of Speech of a Provisional Government for Oregon in l8ii5: Mr. Eli Thoyer on the Admission of Oregon as a State," Oregon Historical Quarterly , December 19l5> Vol. I6, No. U, pp. 366-369.

Coffin, Nathan .3. "The Case of ^^rchie P. IJebb, a Free Negro," (loxja) Annals , July-October 1923, Vol. II, pp. 95-100.

Cooper, Gary. "Stage Coach Mary," Ebony , October 1959, 97-100. pp.

Cornish, Dudley T. "The Union iirmy as a Training School for Negroes," Journal of Negro History , October 1952, Vol. 37, pp. 366-382.

"Kansas Negro Regiments in the Civil War," . Kansas Historical Quarterly May 1953, Vol. 20, pp. Ia7-I;20.

Crane, Warren Eugene. "Interesting Westerners," Sunset, December 1920, Vol. hS, No. 6, p. Ij.8.

Dale, Harrison C. "Oregon Emigratory Companies,'' Oregon Historical Quarterly September 1915, Vol. XVI, No. 3, pp. 205-227.

"The Organization of the Oregon Emigrating . Companies," Oregon Historical Quarterly, March-December 1915, Vol. 16, No. 3, p. 212.

Davenport, T. W. "Emigration from Iowa to Oregon in 18^3," Oregon Historical Quarterly , December 19lU, No. Ij., p. 279.
'Slavery in Oregon," Orggon Historical Quarterly , September 1908, Vol. 9, No. 3, PP. 189-253.


"The Late George lailiams," Oregon Historical March I9IU, Vol. 11, No. 1, p. 179.

Davis, Harry E, "John Malvin, a Western Reserve Pioneer," Journal of Negro History , October 1938, Vol. XXIII, pp. U26-ii3U.


CPL llxchange Bibliography^ #582

"Sources for the History of Blacks in Oregon^" Orefypn Historical Quarterly , September 1972/ Vol. LXXIII, No. 3, pp. 197-211.

Lemrood G.


Stanley R. and Dale Tash.


"Confederate Baclarash

in Montana Territory," Montana the Magazine of Western History October 1967, Vol. XII, pp. 50-5U.
Decker, Beryl.
"The Last Pioneers," Ilegro Digest , Kay 1963.

Denyssey, Hugh A. "Terry Patts: Plainsman," Montana the Magazin e of western History , October 1967, Vol. XII,
No. U, p. h

Deusen, John G. Van. "The ixodus of 1879," Journal of Negro History , April 193^, Vol. XXI, No. 2, pp. 111-129.
Douglas, Jesse S. "Origins of the Population of Oregon in 1850," Pacific Northwest Quarterly , ilpril 1950, Vol. I4I, pp. 95-108. Douglas, Patrick. "The Family of Tvro Revolutions,'' Seattle Magazine January 1969, Vol. 5, No. 58, pp. 21-30.

'New Stirrings in the Central Area. Yeah, Baby You Almost Got Burned," Seattle Magazine , October 1967, Vol. h, No. Ii3, pp. 16-22, 57-^^BT

Durham, Philip. 1955, Vol.


"The Lost Cowboy," The Midwest Journal , 7, pp. 176-182.



"The New Cowboy," American Quarterly , 1955, pp. 291-301.

Sgo, Robert J. "Isaiah Dorman: Negro Casualty Tath Reno," Montana the Magazine of Uestern History , January 1966, Vol. XVI, No. 1, pp. 35-UO.

Elliott, T. 0. "The "ilarliest Travelers on the Oregon Trail," The Quarterly of the Historical Society , 1912, Vol. XIli7No. 1., n.p.

"Eloquent Epitaph for Ed Pratt Spoken in His 0;-m l.'ords." Seattle Magazine , March 1969, Vol. 6, No. 60, p. 50.

"Emigration from Iov:a to Oregon in l8i;3." The Iowa Journal of History and Politics , July 1912, Vol. 10, No. 3,



CPL Exchange Bibliography #582

John C. "Plains Indians Reactions to the Lex\ds and Clark E:-qpedition, Montana the Kagazine of Uestern History , January 1966, Vol. XVI, No.' 1, pp. 1-6.

"The Winning of the Oregon Country," Fenton, lailiam D. Oregon Historical Quarterly ^ December 190^, Vol. 6, No. hrJV' 3U3, 31;7, 372.

Fisher, Rev. Ezra. "Correspondence," Oregon Historical Quarterly, March 1915, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. b6-a.
Fleming, Walter L. "Pap Singleton, the Moses of the Colored Exodus," American Journal of Sociol ogy, July 1909, Vol. 15.
Forbes, Jack D.

"Black Pioneers; The Spanish-Speaking AfrojVmerlcans of the Southwest," Phylon , Fall 1966, Vol.
27, No. 3, pp. 233-2li6.

Franklin, William 3. "The Archy Case; The California Supreme Court Refuses to Free a Slave," Pacific Historical Review , I963, Vol. 32, pp. 137-15U. Frazee, George. "The Iowa Fugitive Slave Case," (lows) Annals , July 1899, Vol. U, pp. 118-137.
'An Iowa Fugitive Slave Case," April 1903, Vol. 6, pp. 9-ll5.

(Iowa) Annals ,

Gallaher, Ruth A. "Slavery in Iowa," Palimpsest , May 19U7, Vol. 28, pp. 158-160.
Garvin, Roy. "Benjamin 'Pap' Singleton and His Followers," Journal of Negro History , January 19U8, Vol. 33, PP. 7-23.

Gilland, Mrs. George H. "The Texas Trail as Followed by a Pioneer in 1882," Annals 01 Wyoming , 19i|0, Vol. XII, pp. 253-263.
"The Last Years of James Beckworth," Colorado Hafen, Leroy. Magazine, 1938, Vol. V.
Halpin, James. "You Gotta Have Soul," Seattle Magazine , September 196?, Vol. h, No. ii2, pp. 60-61.

"Negroes with Confederate Troops in HardTJickhall, Martin. West Texas and New Mexico," Password , Spring I968.

Harvey, James Rose. "Negroes in Colorado," unpublished Master's Thesis, University of Denver, Colorado, 19iil.




rdbliography #582

"Ten Years of Ilxciting ^cperiences and Hard Hayman, Perry. Ser^ace in the Tenth Cavalry," '.^inners of the Uest , Ksrch 1925.
Hendrix, John H. "Tribute to Negro Co^mien, February 1936.


"George Bush," Oregon Pioneer Association Henry, Francis. Tr ansacti ons, Fifteenth Annual Reunion, Portland, Oregon, June l5, 188?, pp. 68-6?.
Herman, John H.

"Black Cowboys are P^eal," Crisis, XLVII.

Hewell, Ja:con. "The Bookish Black at 1'Q.ld Horse /rroyo: Hoxf the Folsom Han Came to Light," lleiT Mexico , JanuaryFebruary, Vol. 50, pp. 20-25.

Higgins, Billy D. "Hegro Thought and the :];xodus of 1879," Phylon , Spring 1971, Vol. 32, ilo. 1, pp. 39-53.
Hill, Daniel G. "Survey of Negroes in Oregon," unpublished Master's Thesis, University of Oregon, ^lugene, 1932.
"The Negro as a Political and Social Issue in the Oregon Country," Journal of Hegro History , April 19li8, Vol. XXXIII, No. 2, pp. 130-li;5.
'The Negro in the Harly History of the IJest," The I liff Review , (Denver, Colorado), Fall 19U6, Vol. 3, No. 3s pp. 132-1I|2.

Hill, G.W.E.

"Underground Railroad Adventures," Midland Monthly , February 1895, Vol. 3, pp. 173-180.

Hill, Georgia Burns. "Memories of a Pioneer Childhood," The Colorado Magazine . 1955, Vol. 32, pp. 110-128.

Himes, George H. "Diary of Samuel Royal Thurston," Oregon His torical Quarterly March 1911i, Vol. 15, No. 1, p. 179.

Historical Society of Montana . X, p. 2Bl7note 135.

"Contributions," 19U0, Vol.

Hogg, Thomas C. "Negroes and Their Institutions on Oregon," Phylon , Fall I969, Vol. XXX, p. 272.

Lawrence C. "The Des Moines Negro and His Contribution to American Life," (Iowa) Annals , January 1950, Vol. 30, pp. 211-221.


CPL Exchange Bibliography #^82

"The Negro Immigration into Vancouver Island Howay^ F. . in 1858^" Biltish Colvunbia Historical Quarterly , April 1939s Vol. Ill, No. 2, pp. 101-113.

Hull, Dorothy, "The Movement in Oregon for the Establishment of a Pacific Coast Republic," Oregon Historical Quarterly , September 1916, Vol. 17, No. 3 pp. 189,193. Hult, iluby El. "The Saga of George W. Bush Unheralded RLoneer of the Northwest Territory," Negro Digest , September 1962, pp. 88-96.

Hungerford, Thomas VJ. "An Exercise in Understanding," Puget Soundings , December 196It, pp. 8-9.
Hunter, Jolin Warren. "A Trooper of the Ninth Cavalry," Frontier Times , April 1927.

Idaho Yesterdays; The Quarterly Journal of the Idaho Histoi-ical Society . Fall Issue-19^8j Vol. II, No. 3, ''Book Reviews: Historical Essays on Montana p. 27. and the Northwest in Honor of Paul C. Phillips," edited by J. . Smurr and K. Ross Toole, pp. 27-28. "Invisible Ualls Population Statistics and Housing and School Conditions in the Large Cities." Cascades Spring 1966, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 26-27, 31.

Jeltz, VJyatt F. "The Relations of Negroes and Choctaw and Cliickasaw Indians," Journal of Negro History , 19U8, Vol. 33, pp. 2I1-37.

Jessett, Thomas E. "Thomas Fielding ScottJ Bishop of Oregon," Oregon Historical Quarterly , March 195U, Vol. BS, No. 1, p. 59.

Johannsen, Dorothy 0. "A Tentative Appraisal of Territorial Government in Oregon," Pacific Historical Review , November 19^9, Vol. XVIII, pp. ii85'-U99.



GPL Dxchsnge Bibliography #582

Johannsen, Robert VI. "A Breckinridge Democrat on the Secession Crisis: Letters of Isaac I. Stevens, I86O1861," Oregon Historical '^Marterly ^ December 19Sh} Vol. 55, No. h, pp. 250-29i|.
'A Political Picture of the Pacific Northwest," Montana the Magazine of Ifestern liistory, April 1962,

Vol. XII,


2, pp. la-U2.

"The Oregon Legislature of I868 and the . Fourteenth Amendment," Oregon Historical Quarterly , March 1950, Vol. 51^ No. 1, p. 3.

"Specters of Disunion; The Pacific Northwest . the Civil War," Pacific Nortta-rest Quarterly , July and 1953, Vol. iiii, No. 3, pp. 106-11U.
"The Kansas-Nebraska Act and the Pacific Northwest Frontier," Pacific Historical Pie view, 1953s Vol. XXI, pp. 129-im.

Johnson, Claudius. "Borah's Bequest to Democracy," Idaho Yesterdays; The Quarterly Journal of the Idaho liistorlcal Society, Ivlnter Issue-1957-1958j Vol. 1, No. h, pp. 11, 13, 20. Johnson, Dorothy M. "Some Exciting Years in the Past of Montana's Capitol City as Seen Through Teen-Age 2yes," Montana the Magazine of IJestern History , Vol. XII, No. 1, Winter 1962, pp. 3-16.
Jones, Dorsey D., ed. "Two Letters by a Pioneer from Arkansas," Oregon Historical Quarterly , September 19Uils Vol. U5, pp. 233-235.

Karolevitz, Bob. "George Washington Northwest City Builder," Negro Digest September 1963,

Knuth, Priscilla, ed. "Calvary in the Indian Country, I86U, Oregon Historical Quarterly , March 196It, Vol. LXV, No, 1, p. 87, see footnote 135.

Landon, Fred. "Social Conditions Among the Negroes in Upper Canada," Ontario Historicel Society Papers and Records , 1925, Vol. XXII.

"Negro Colonization Schemes in Upper Canada

Befoi'e i860," Transactions of the Royal Society of


1929, Third Series, Vol. XXIII, Section II.


CPL "xchsngs Bibliography


Tudolph i;. "The Negro in Gold Rush Celifornia, " Journal ol Negro History , i'.pril 19ok, Vol. 1;^';, pp. 81-98.
'Jereiniah Sanderson:
:L8rlY Cslifornie Negro^," Negro History ^ October 1568, Vol. LIII, No.

Journ al


UTTp" 321-333.
"ii Pioneer Judge of Oregon, Ilatthaw P. Leiser, SidJiay, Deady, Oregon Historical Quarterly , Kerch 19h3) Vol. iiU, No. 1, p. 79.

''The Second Cliief Justice of Oregon Territory, Thomas Nelson," Oregon I^storicrl '^:uarterly , September




No. 3, p. 223.

Littlefield, Daniel F. and Lonnie 'Z. Underliill. "Negro liarshals in the Indian Territory,'' Journal of Nefriro History i.pril 1971, Vol. LVI, No. 2, pp. 7*7^7.

Locld.ey, Fred.

"Some Docuraentary ;1ecords of Slavery in Oregon," Oregon Historical ''Quarterly , June 1916, Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 107-115.
. "The Case of 2obin Holmes vs. Nathaniel Ford," Oregon Historical Quarterly , Vol. 23, No. 2, pp. 111-137.

Logan, llayford

1.". "ilstevanico, Negro Discoverer of the Southi/est," Phylon ^ 19U0, Fourth Quarter, pp. 305-313-

Louiisberry, G. A.

"Zarly Development of North Dakota," North Dakota State Historical Society Collections, 1908, Vol. I, pp. 299-310.
"The Passing of 1922, Vol. 3, pp. 227-230.

riahan, Bruce D.

Slave," (Iowa) Palimpsest , Jiiy

Manning, Harvey. "It "This Social Tragedy," Part I: "T.Tiat is Couaeai't Happen Here, Could It?" Part II; the University Doing About It?" i.lurimuss A Publication of the University of Ivashington ilxiriini Association, 1 Winter, Spring 1966, pp. lo-2U, 12-17.
Matlison, Ray H. "The Army Post on the Northern Plains, 1865-1885," Nebraska History, 1951;, Vol. 35^ PP- 17-U3.

Mcirthur, Scott.

"The Polk County Slave Case," Histoi-lcally SpeaMng a Periodic Publication oi the Polk Count y, August 1970, pp. 1-10.

llcConnel, Roland C.

"Isaiah Dorman end the Custer icpedition," of Negro liistory , July 19U8, Vol. 32, pp. 3hk-3^^'


C?L -icchai^e Sibliogrephy


Uervleu, Harold G. "Sign-Telker Tdth Streight Tongue," llont n ths Lagezine ox' "a stern, rlistorjj Jvilj lS62j Vol. ILII, Ho. 3, p. U.


Clifford .".. ''The Old School Baptists in iarlj Oregon," Oregon Hist o rical ^larte rl.ya December 1557, Vol. 53, Ifo. k, v'9^"31S-3lf.

liinto, John,

'/ntecedents of the Oregon Pioneers and the Light These Throxj on Their Hotives,'' Oregon Historical Ouart3rly , March-December l^Oli, Vol. 5^ Wo. 1, p. hS.
'From Youth to iga as an imerdcan, " Oregon Hist orical Quarterly , March 1?08, Vol. 9, No. 1,


'i7.3miniscences of llxperiences on the Oregon Trail in iSiiU," Oregon Histj^i-ical_Qu rterly, HarchDecember 1501, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 212-213.


Missouri Historical 2evaV ; October 1539,

Vol. 3U, pp. 71-bO.

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/'ndrei-: Forest. "The Free Negro in Jefferson and Orange Coiuities, Ta;:as," Jovirnal of Negro History , 1950, Vol. 35, pp. 183-206.

Mundis, Jerrold, Jr. "He Took the Bull by the Horns," meilcan Heritage December 196?, Vol. ZIX.

Murray, Keith. "Issues and Personalities of Pacific Northirest Politics 1889-1950," Pacific North^st ^erterly , July 1950, Vol. XII, p. 213. Murray, Robert K. ''General Sherman, the Negro, and Slavery: The Story of an Unrecognized Rebel," Negro History Bulletin , March 1959, Vol. 22, pp. 125-130.
"Negro Pioneersj Their Page in Oregon History," Oregon Native Son , January 1900, pp. k3'2-k3h.
Nein, Robert M. "Don't Be Fooled by Tliis Lady's Laughter Mte Man, She'll Pin Your Tail to the IJall,'' Seattle Magazine, December 19o6, Vol. 3, No. 33, pp. 59-o2, port.



CPL icchsnae Bibliography #582

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": M,'' Idaho Yesterdays; Newall, Tl, J. The ''kO Years of Quarterly Journal of the Idaho liistori cal S ociety , Fall ISSU3-1958, Vol. II, Mo. 3.

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Megro History Bulletin ,


Ddgar Ifi.lson. "Bill Nye's IJxporience," ./'jmals of IJyoming , l^ItU, Vol. 26, pp. 65-70.

O'Bilen, Robert W. "The Changing Cast Position of the Negro in the Norttorest," Res earch Studies . Pullman; VJaslTington State College, March I9I4.2, Vol. X, Ho. 1.
"Seattle: Race Relations Frontier, 19h9) Trends in Race Relations on the IJest Coast a Sjinposium, Cointtion Ground :3pring 19h9 , Vol. IX, No. 3, pp. 18-23.

Odgers, Charlotte. "Jesse jpplegate. Study of Pioneer Politician," Reed College Bulle tin, January 19h^} Vol. xiaii.

Ogburn, Tllliam F. "Social Legislation of the Pacific Coast," Popular Science Monthly , January-June 1915^ ' Vol. DDKVI, p. 27U.'

"Only 111 Negro Village in Kansas, Nicoderaus, is Fading into History," Kansas City Tiraes , May 28, 1959.
"Only Trace Left of Negro Colony." Falls), August 8, 1932.

Leader, (Sioux

Oregon Historical Society, et al. "The Historical Conference," Oregon Historic al '^.uarterly, March 1905, Vol. 6, pp. 3IO-3I0:
"News and Coniments," Oregon Hi storical _1uart_erly, . Deceraber 1932, Vol. 33, No. U, p. 3757
. "RevieiTs," Oregon Plistoric al Qua rterly, March 193F7 Vol. 36, No. 1, p. 108.


Kenneth. "Pierce City Incident," Idaho Yest erdays The Qua rterly Journal of the Ida ho Historical So ciety, Fall Issue 1959, Vol. Ill,' p. 13."


CPL 2xchange Bibliography #^82

Pacific Northwest ^arberly . pp. 335,370.

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37, Ho. 3, p. 232.

Pacific Northwest Quarterly pp. 108-109.

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Pacific Northwest Quarterly

July 1965, Vol. 56, No. 3, p. 125.

Peck, Robert M. "Negro Slaves in ColoradOj" unpublished manuscript, State Historical Society of Colorado.

Pelzer, Louis. "The Negro and Slavery in ^arly Iowa," Journal 3 October 190U, Vol. 2, pp. l;71-i|8ii.


"The Ninth United States Cavalry Perry, Lieutenant Alex . in the Sioux Campaign of 1890," Journal of U.S. Cavalry, Association I89I, Vol. IV.

Phillips, IJaldo B. "Jim Noble: Oklahoma's Negro Governor," Phylon , Spring 1959, Vol. 20, pp. 90-92.

"Pioneer's Lonely Path| Setting His Sights on Suburbia, He Made It to Bellevue the Hard I^ay." Seattle Magazine , April I96U, Vol. I, No. 1, pp. 22-23, 35.
Pipes, Nellie B. "Journal of John H. Frost, l8i|0-l8U3," The Quarterly of the Oregon Historical , 193U, Vol. XXXV.
Piatt, Harry, ed.

"22 Letters of David Logan, Pioneer Oregon Oregon Historical Quarterly, September 19U3,

Vol. kh, No. 3, pp. 27i;-275.

Piatt, Robert Treat. "Oregon and Its Share in the Civil War," Oregon Historical Quarterly , Vol. U, No. 2, pp. 89, 92, Sh, 108, 109.

Poole, Kenneth A. "The Fair ISmployment Practices Act Oregon," Oregon Law Review , February 1953, Vol. 32, No. 2,
'Statutory Remedies for the Protection of Civil PdLghts," Oregon Law Review , April 1953, Vol. 32, No. 2.

Porter, Edward G. "The Ship Columbia and the Discovery of Oregon," New England Magazine, 1892, pp. kl^-klh'


CPL ^icchange Bibliography #582

"Negroes and the Fur Trade," Minnesot a Porter, Kenneth \h History , December 193h, Vol. XV, No. 1;, pp. U21-I433.
"Roll of Overland Astorians, I8l0-l8l2," The . Quarterly of the Oregon Historical Society , Vol. XXXIV,
p. 107.

"Negro and Indians on the Texas Frontier, 18 311876," Journal of Negro History 1956, Vol. lH, pp. 185-21U, 285-310.

"Relations Between Negroes and Indians Within _. the Present Limits of the United States," Journal of Negro History , 1932, Vol. 27, pp. 287-367.
"The Seminole Negro-Indian Scouts, 1870-1881," , Southwestern Historical i^uarterly , 1952, Vol. S$, pp. 358-377.

"Negro Labor in the Western Cattle Industry, . lb66-1900, " Labor History, Summer 1969, Vol. X.
Qiiimby, George I.


"Culture Contact on the Northxrest Coast, Anthropologist , April 19U8, Vol. ~" 50, No. 2, pp. 2U7-255.
/.me rican

Ray, Marcia.

"Sandliills Settlement that Lived and Died... DeWitty," Nebraska Farmer , Special Issue, January 17, 1959.

Ray, Verne F. Cultural Relations in the Plateau of Northwestern America . Los Angeles: The Southwest Museum Administration of the Fund, pp. 33-3U, "Historic Documents," The Quarterly of the Oregon Historical Society , Vol, XXXI, p. 310.

Reddick, L. D. "The Negro Policy of the United States Army, 1775-19U5," Journal of Negro History , 19u9, Vol. 3h, pp. 9-92.

Rees, John S.

"Oregons Its Meaning, Origin and Application," Oregon Historical Quarterly , December 1920, Vol. 21, No. U, p. 331.
"The Shoshoni Contribution to Lems and Clark," . Idgho Yesterdays; The Quarterly Journal of the Idaho Historical Society , Summer Issue-1958, Vol. II, No. 2, pp. 8, 11.

Redfield, Robert, Ralph Linton and Melville J. Herskovitz. "Memorandum for the Study of A.cculturation, " American AnthropoloCT-st , 1936, Vol. 38.


GPL Exchange Bibliography //582

Robertson, James R. "The Genesis of Political Authority in Oregon, " O regon Historical Quarterly , Karch-December IS'OO, Vol. 1, No. 1, p. 56.
"The Social Evolution of Oregon," Oregon Historical . Quarterly , March-December 1902, Vol. 3, Wo. 1, p. 33.
''The Genesis of Political /mthority and a . Gommom-reslth Government in Oragon, " Oregon Historical Quarterly, 1-iarch-December 1900, Vol. 1, Ho. 1, pp. 3b, $6.


Eleanor Rugh. "Oregon Document Checklist II: Gommittee Reports," 1866 Proliibition of Negroes and Mulattoes from Residing in the State Senate Journal 1866 , Oregon Historical Quarterly , 19I;U, PP. 2U2, 272.
Gommittee 'Oregon Document Checklist II; Reports," Protection to Slave Property, House Journal 1858-18$9, pp. 17U-179, Oregon Historical Quarterly , September 19hli5 Vol. U, p. 277.
"Oregon Document Checklist It Through State Journals," House Journal, pp. 31i;-317, Oregon Historical Quarterly 19UU, Vol. h, Ho. 2, pp. 160-161.

Rousseve, Ronald J. "A Negro American's Reflections on Seme Aspects of Education," Washington Education , October 196$, Vol. LXXVII, Ho. 1, pp. 11; -17.
Sapir, Edward.

Proceedings end Transactions of the Royal Society ox Canada, OttaxTc , Section II, Series III, Meeting of

May 15, 1915, Vol. IX, U9 Vols.

Savage, . Sherman. "George Washington of Centralis TJashington," Hegro History Bulletin November 1963, Vol. XXVII, No. ~2, pp. U4-U7.

"The Negro in the History of the Pacific Northwest," Journal of Negro History , July 1928, Vol. XIII, No. 3, pp. 255-26i|.
"The Negro in the Westward Movement," Journal . of Negro History, October 19U0, Vol. XXV, No. U, pp. 531-539.

"The Negro of the Mining Frontier," Journal of . Negro History , January 19U5, Vol. XXX, No. 1, pp. 30-ii6.

"The Negro Pioneer in the State of Washington," Negro History B\illetin , January 1958, Vol. XXI, No. U,
pp. 93-95.


CPL Exchange Bibliography


"The Role of Wegro Soldiers in Protecting Savage, l,'. Sherman. Frontier from Intruders /' Journal of Negro the Indian History , January l?5l, Vol. XX}CVI, Mo. 1, pp. 25-3U.
'James Beckworth-ilegro Fur Traders," Negro History Bulletin ^ iiarch 19$h, Vol. XVII, pp. 123-12U.
'The Negro Coi'boy of the Texas Plains," Ne,^ro History Bulletin, /pril 1961, Vol. }[XIV.

Schear, Rillmond. "The I/orld That I'Mtes Don't ICnow," Seattle Magazine , October 196^, Vol. 2, No. 19, pp. lU-19.

Magazine ,
Schoen, Harold.

the Ghetto Looks from the Inside," Seattle November 1965, Vol, 2, No. 20, pp. 38 -UU.

"Free Negroes in the Republic of Texas," Southwestern Historical Quarterly , Vol. XXXIX, No. U, Vol. Xi, Nos. 1-U, Vol. XLI, No. 1.

Schoenberger, Dale T. "The Black Man in the American lAJest," Negro History Bulletin , March 1909, Vol. 32, No. 3, pp.

Schubert, Frank N. "Black Soldiers on the ITiite Frontiers Some Factors Influencing Race Relations," Phylon, Fo\irth Quarter, TJinter 1971, pp. IpLO-iil^.
Schwab, Heidi. "Four Black Activists Spealt; TiJhat e l-^ant from the ITiite ^Establishment," Puget Soundings , January 1969, pp. 10-11, 27-29.

Schwendemann, Glen. "Nicodemus: Negro Haven on the Soloman, " Kansas liLstorical Quarterly , Spring 1968.
"Wyandotte and the First Exodusters of 1879," Kansas Historical i^arterly. Autumn 19o0, Vol. 2o,
pp. 233-2511:

Scott, H. .

"The Formation and Adninistration of the Provinsional Government of Oregon," Oregon Historical Quarterly , March 1901, Vol. 2, No. 2.

Scott, Leslie M. "Review of Mr. Scott's Writings on His Favorite and Most Important Subjects," Oregon Historical Quai-terly , March-December 1913, Vol. lU, No. 1, pp. I63-I6I;.

Seattle University Magazine . July I968, Vol. 1, No. 1. Entire issue discusses racism as a national problem with deep implications in Seattle


CPL icchange Bibliography if582

Shippee, Leslie Burrill. ''Federal Ptegulations of Oregon," Oregon Historical Quarterly , March-December 1519, Vol. 20, pp. 379-3ei.
"The Federal Relations of Oregon," Oregon . Histoidcal ""uarterly , December 1919} Vol. 20, ilo. h, pp. 35h, U79-U0.

"Slavery in Oregon: A iiatter of Personalities and Issues," Northwest liagazine , Sunday, September 20, 1970.
Smith, George
li. "iiontana Memoirs of an Uncommon Man," Montana the Magazine of Western History , July 196?,

XVII, Mo. 3, p. Sol

Smith, Patricia iinn. "Ilegro Coxrboys," "Negro History Bulletin , February 1966, Vol. XXEX, No. $, pp. 107-1 Ob.
Smith, T. C.
"The Liberty and Free Soil Parties in the Northwest, " Harvard Historical Studies . New York, 1897, Vol. VI.

"Jim Grow Cut IJest," in J. \J. Smurr and Ross Smurr, J. IJ. Coole, Historical Essays on Montana and the Northwest . Helena, Montana; The Ifestern Press, 1957, pp. 1U9-203.
Smythe, Donald. "John J. Pershing at Fort Assiniboine," Montana the Magazine of Ifestern History , January 1969, Vol. XVIII, No. 1, p. 19.

Snyder, Gharles 'Z. "Jolin Emerson, Otijner of Dred Scott," (Iowa) Annals , October 1938, Vol. 21, pp. Ul4l-ii6l.

State of Oregon. Oregon Historical Quarterly , March-December 1909, Vol. 10, No. 2, p. 2B3.
Sterling, Rev. Ghandler. "Leigh Pa. climond Brexfer: Frontier Bishop on the Loose," Montana the Magazine of Mestern History , July 1961, Vol. YJ.X, No. 3, p. ijln.
Stiff, Gary. "John Taylor, Friend of the Indians," Black Colorado Series, ICmpirG Magazine (Denver Post), October 12, 1968.

"Isom Dart," The itustler Mho Tried to Go Straight," Black Colorado Series, ISmpire Magazine (Denver Post), July 13, 1969.
Stoxrell, George,
"lilnoch Pickney Henderson," Oregon Historical Quarterly, June 1918, Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. lt>U-165.


CPL Exchange Bibliography


"Slavery in Orogon; A Matt or of Personalities Sutton, Bob. ?nd Issues," Nortlwest Magazine s September 20, 1970, pp. 8-9.
Swisher, Jacob. 1926, Vol.
"The Case of Ralph,'' Palinpsest , February 7, pp. 33-i;3.

"Life of George H. IJilliams: \Almost Cliief Teiser, Sidney. Justice," Oregon Historical Quarterly , September 19^6, Vol. [i7. No. 3^ pp. 259, 261, 266.

Tetlow, Roger. "There Fere Black Pioneers, Too," Northwest Hagazine, Sunday, October S, 19(^9, pp. h, Si 6, 16, 17.

Thane, James L., Jr. "The liyth of Confederate Sentiment," liontanas The Magazine of estern History , April 196 7 Vol. TTLl.
"The Tenth U.S. Cavalry. December 1897.

.1867-1897," Journal of U.S. Cavalry ,

A Thompson, .Dniin N. "The Negro on the American Frontiers l.'est , i^pril 1968, Fort Davis Case Study," Journal oi the Vol. VII.

Tilton, James. "Echo of the Dred Scott Decision, Letter, September 30, i860 to H. H. McGill, Acting Governor of Washington Territory, Regarding British Removal of a Slave from a Mail Steamer at Victoria," Washington Historical Quarterly , October 1906, Vol. I, No. 1, p. 71. Trail, miliaiii. "A Story of a Slave in Indiana," The Indianian , 1899, Vol. III. Troxel, Eridn N. "The Tenth Cavalry in MeJcLco," U.S. Cavalry Journal , October 1916.

Tyler, Ronnie C. "Fugitive Slaves inMeixico," Journal of Negro History, January 1972, Vol. LVII, No. 1, pp. 1-12.

Van Deusen, Jolin G. "The Exodus of 1879," Journal of Negro History 1936, Vol. 21, pp. 111-129.



Jacob. "Underground Railroad in lotra," Palimpsest , Hey 1921, Vol. 2, pp. 192-2li3.

Waller, Reuben. "History of a Slave T^ritten by Himself at the Age of 89 Years," The Beecher Island Battle Memorial Association Annual, 1961.


GPL Exchange Bibliography #$82

"ashington State Board Against Discrinanation Upholds Charge of Discrlinination of i>legro Couple Against ITiite Gvmers of FHA Financed Homej" Race delations Law Reporter ; Fall
1959, pp. 661i-668.

Wattsj L. G. "Racial Trends in Seattle, 1958, June -July 1958, Vol. 65, pp. 333-338.


The Crisis

Westemeierj Clifford.

"The Dream of Deariield, " Black Colorado Series, Empire Magazine (Denver Post), November 2, I969.

IJharfield, H. B. "The Affair at Garrizal," Montana the Magazine of IJestern I-jistory , Autumn 1568, Vol. XVIII, No. k,

pp. 2U-39.
IJick, Bartliinius L.

"Delia IJelister," (Iowa) Annals, January 1932, Vol. 18, pp. 228-231.

"Peter Rice," Palimpsest, June 19U2, Vol. 23, pp. 20U-208.

illiains, George
II. "Political History of Oregon from 18531965," Oregon Historical 'Quarterly, Harch-December 1901, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 5-6, 15-18.

The 'Free-State Letter' of the Judge George

Williams," Oregon Historical Society, September 1908, Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 25U-273.


Jennie V/inona. "Allen and l.anona '''illiaris: Pioneers of Sheridan and Jolinson Counties," Annals of IJyorang , 191^2, Vol. lU, pp. 193-199.

Wilson, William H. "Hobing in the Vest in l880's," Montana the Magazine of l^estern History April 1969, Vol. XX, No. 2, pp. 37-39.

Woodson, Carter G. "The Negroes of Cincinnati Prior to the Civil War," Journal of Negro History , January 1916, Vol. I, No. 1, pp. 1-2.
'The Negro Uashenroman, a Vanishing," Journal of Negro History , July 1930, Vol. XV, No. 3, pp. 269-277.

WoodxTard, T/alter Carleton.

"The Rise and 3arly History of Political Parties in Oregon," Oregon Historical Quarterly , March 1910, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 3h2-3h3, 3li8| MarchDecember 1911, Vol. 21, p. 125^ June 1911, Vol. 12, No. 2, p. 156.


GPL Exchange Bibliography #^82

I/oolfolk, George R, "Turner's Safety Valve and Free 'Negro IJestxirard lilgration," Pacific MortliTrest Quarterly, July 1965, Vol. 56, No. 3, pp. 125-130.
IJright, R. R.

"Negro Companions of the Spanish Explorers," American Anthropologist ^ n.s., April-June 1902, Vol.
pp. 217-228.

Wyman, IJalker D. and John D. Hart. "The Legend of Charlie Glass," The Colorado liagazine , I.anter 1969. Young, F. G.
"Financial History of Oregon: The Provisional Governinent," Oregon Historical Quarterly , March-December " 1906, Vol. 7, No. i|, pp. 382-38U.


Baker, Edward I.

Roster of N on-Commissioned Officers of the Tenth Cavalry . St. Peul^ Minnesota, 1897.

Beasley, Delilah L. The Negro Trail B lazers of California . New York; Negro Universities Press, 1969.
Belous, Russell iil., ed. America's Black Heritage . Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, Los Angeles, 1969.

Bergman, Leola Nelson. The Negro in Iowa Iowa City, lowas The State Historical Society of Iowa, 1969.

Bonner, Thomas D. Autobiography of James P. Beckwourth , 1856, rev. ed. New York; Knopf, 1931.

Bontenps, Arna and Jack Conroy. Any Place But Here . New York: Hill and IJange, 1966. (rev, ed. of They Seek a City , 19U5.)

Have Tomorrow.


Houghton Mifflin

C oriip any, 1961/1962.

Branch, Hattye IJallace. The Story of "80-John"; A Biography of t he Host Respect ed R anclTman in the Old West . Hew York: Greem-jich Book Publishers, I960.
Brewer, John Mason. Negro Lepj-slators of Texas and Their Descendants; A History of the Negro in Texas - Politic s Dallas, From Reconstruction to Disfranc his ement "1935. Texas: Matliis Publisliing Coupany,


CPL Ibcchange Bibliography



Burt, Olive U, Negroes in the Harly Uest Msssner, I9W.




Carroll, Jolm M.

New York:

The Blebk Ililitar y .i;;q3erienc3 in the pJfBricsn Liveright Publishing Corp., 1971.

Carter, Kate B. The Negro Pioneers . Utah Printing Company, 1965.

Salt Lake City, Utah:

Cashin, Nerschel V., 3t al, eds. Under Fire Xfith the Tenth United States Cavalry . New York: 7. Tennyson ilealy, 1899.

Caj^on, Horace R., Jr. Press, 1965.


Long Old Road .

New York:


Campaign Compendium of Wasliington .

Seattle, I908.

Chapman, Jolin L. Incredible Los Angeles . and Row, 1967.


New York:


Harry 3. The Ladde r o f Rivers; The Story of I. P. Olive, rev. ed. Denver, Colorado: Sage Books, 1965.

Cohen, Nathan. The Los Angeles Riots Publishers, 1970,

Conot, Robert.

New York:


Idver of Blood, Years OjJ Darkness: The Unforgettable Classic Account of the Watts Riot New York: Uilli am Morrow and Coup any, 195b.

Cornish, Dudley T. The Sable Arm; Negro Troops in the Union Arrgy, 1861-1865 . New York; . IJ. Norton and Company, 1966.

Arthur, Jr., ed. The Black Fron tier. University of Nebraska Television, 197'0.


Crump, Spencer. Black Riot in Los Angeles: The Story of the Watts Tragedy . Los Angeles: Trans-Anglo Books, I966.

Downey, Fairfax. The Buffalo Soldiers in the Indian V/ars . New York: McGraw-Hill, 1969

Drotning, Philip T. Black Heroes in Our Nation's History . New York: Crowell, 1969.
Durham, Pliilip and Everett L. Jones. The Negro Cowboys New York: Dodd Mead and CoiTipany, 1965.
Blman, Richard M. Ill-at-ilase in Compton (California) York: Pantheon Books, 1967.



CPL Exchange Bibliography #582

Felton, Harold W. Jim Eeck>rorthj Megro Mountain Man . York: Dodd, Mead and Coiipany, 1966.
'jldward Rose, Hegro Trail Blazer . Dodd, Mead and Company, 196?.


New York?

FleetxTOod, C. A.

The Negro as a Soldier . Howard University Print, 1895.

Washington, D.C.;

Flipper, Henry 0. The Colored Cadet at West Point York; Homer and Lee, 1878.



Negro Frontiersman, Theodore D. Harris, ed. Paso: Texas Vjestern College Press, 1963.

Flower, Arlon L. The Black Infantry in the West, 1869-1891 . Westport, Connecticut; Greemrood PublislxLng Corporation, 1971.

Frakes, George 3. Minorities in California History . York; Random House, 1971.


Cowboy, ^ngineer^ Gugliotta, Bobette. Noble Smith: Statesman . New York: Dodd, Mead and Company, 1971.

1866Glass, Edward L.N. The History of the Tenth Cavalry; Company, 1921. 1921. Tuscon, Arizona: Acme Printing
Haley, James '^vetts. Charles Goodx-jright; Cowsman and Plainsman . Norman: University of Oklahoma, 1936.

Harris, N. Dwight. The History of Negro Servitude in Illinois and of the Slavery Agitation in That State, 1719-186U Chicago: A. C. McClug and Con^jany, 190i|.

Heard, J. Norman. The Black Frontiersmen; Adventures of Negroes Among Ainerican Indians 1528-1881 . New York; John Day Company, 1969.
Katiz, T-ailiam

Loren. The Black West and Company, 1971.

New York:


LeckLe, VJilliam H. The Buffalo Soldiers; A Narrative of the Negro Cavalry in the West . Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1967.
Lee, Irvin H. Negro Medal of Honor Men . Mead and Company, 1967.

New York:


Love, Nat. The Life and Adventures of Nat Love: Better Knoxm in the Cattle Country as "Deadwood Dick'^ Los Angeles, 1907, reprinted in 1968 by Arno Press and the New York



CPL Exchange Bibliography #582

"war; Hot^ Ameilcan for the Urgon .

McPherson^ James M. The Negro's Civil "Negroes Felt sjid i.cted During the New York; Vintage Books, 1967.
Morgan, Dale. Jedediah Smith . of Nebraska Press, 1963.
Mutney, Nolie.


Lincoln, Nebraska:


James Pierson BeckiTorth, 1856-1866 . Rosenstock, 1957.


NankLvell, John H. liistory of the Tventy-Flfth Regiment, United States Infantry, 1869-1926 . Denver: SmithBrooks Printing Company, 1926.

Negro Calif ornians . State of California, Division of Fair Employment Practices, June 1963 (booklet).
Porter, Kenneth Wiggins. The Negro on the imerican Frontier . New York; Arno Press, 1970.

Quarles, Benjamin. The Negro in the Civil IJar Little, Broxm and Company, 1953.


Ray, Emma P. Twice Sold, Twice Ransomed; Autobiography of Free Methodist Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Ray . Chicago: Publishing House, 1926.

Rice, Lawrence D. The Negro in Texas; 187U-1900. Baton Rouge: Lo\d.siana State University Press, 1971.

Rickley, Don, Jr. Forty Miles a Day on Beans and Hay . Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1963.
Shaw, Van B.

"Nicodemus Kansas: A Study in Isolation," unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Missouri,


Singletary, Otis A. Negro Militia and Recon s truction Austin: University of Texas Press, 1957.
"The Negroes of Nebraska."

Writers Program,

Nebraska, 19U0.

Thornbrough, iiinma Lou. Bureau, 1957.

The Negro in Indiana , Indiana liistorical

Thurmen, 3u3 Bailey. Pioneers of Negro Origin in California San Francisco: Acme Publishing Company, 19U9.
Voegeli, V. Jacque. Free But Not "ilQual; The Midwest and the Negro During the Civil l^ar . Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1970.

Wharfieldj, H. B.

CPL Exchange Bibliography


10th Cavalry and Border Fights , author. El Cajon, California, 1^65.




^ven though these books do not deal with Blacks in the West specifically, most of them have a number of pages that refer to Blacks. Moreover, since many Western States do not have histories of Blacks, these books serve a useful purpose.
Allen, A. Ten Years in Oregon . and Company, 18U8.

Ithaca, Wew York:

Mack Andrus

Allen, Paul. History of the Expedition Under the Command of Captains Lems and Clarke to the Sources of the Missouri. Philadelphia; Bradford and Inskeep, l^lU.

Anderson, lailiam. Narrative of a Fade to the Rocky Mountains in I83U . Missoula, Montana; Montana State University, 1938. Atherton, Lems. The Cattle ICings . University Press, 1%1.



Atwood, Albert. Glimpses in Pioneer Life on Puget Sound . Seattle; Denny-Coryell Company, 1903

Bailey, Robert G. River of Mo Return . Blake Company, 1935.

Baity, Joseph.



Over the ilds to California .

Leeds, England;

J. Parrott ComparQr, 1867.

Bancroft, Hubert Howe. History of British Columbia, 17921887 San Francisco; The History Company, Publishers, 1887.

History of Calif omias 7 Vols. The History Company, 1888.

San Francisco:

History ofthe Worth Meixlcan States, . San Francisco: The History Company, 1888.



History of the IJorthT-Test Coast, The History Company, 1888.




History of Oregon , History Coirpany, 1888.


San Francisco:


History of IJashingtonj Idaho and Montana Francisco; The History Company, 1880.



CPL Exchange Bibliography #582

Banner^ IJarren M. /. Survey of Commu nity Patterns Related to the Program of the Seattle Urban League . Heir York: National Urban League, Ilarch 15'5U.

Sixty Years in the Saddle Bardj Floyd C. Horse 'rangier; in IJyoming and Montana . Normanj Oklahoma: University of Oklahoma Press, I960.

Barneby, William H. Life and Labour in the Far, Far West . New York: Cassell and Company, 1B8U. Barrows, Willi am. 0re;;on the Struggle for Possession Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, l8bU.
Benton, Thomas H.
Tliirty Years; View , 2 Vols. D. Apploton and Conpany, 187U.

New York:

Ben-Janger, Hlugene H.

The Frontier J, gainst Slavery; Western -Negro Prejudice and the Slavery Extension Controversy . Urbana, Illinois: University of Illinois Press, 1967.

Billington, Ray i^llen. Macmillan, 196?.

Westward Expansion

New York:

Binns, Archie. The Roaring Land . Company, 19U2

Robert M. McBride and

Blankenship, Mrs. George E. Early History of Thurston County WaslTington Olympia n 191U.

Bonner, Edwin. \Jhat 1 Saw in California Appleton Company, iSUb.




Brebner, John. Explorers of North /meilca I[t92-l806 . York; iiacmillan and Company, 1935.
Brook, Noah. First Across the Continent Scribners and Sons, 1901.


New York:


Brovm, J. Henry. Political History of Oregon . laiey B. Allen, Publisher, 1892. Brovm, Jennie. Fort Hall on the Oregon Trail . Idaho; Caxton Printers, 1932. Byrne, P. E. Soldiers of the Plains . Balch and Company, 1926.



New York:


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:icchange Bibliography 7f582



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