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Indicate (T) for true statement and (F ) for false statements 1. The experimental research is a paper written by investigator to describe a research study that has been completed. ( T ) (refer to notes on experimental research, slide no 2)

2. One of the common characteristic of Experimental research is it is qualitative in nature. ( F ) (refer to notes on experimental research, slide no 4 point no 3)

3. The order of information in your Introduction of the experimental research should be from specific to general. ( F ) (refer to notes on Introduction, slide no 4)

4. The stage four of your Introduction in the Experimental research is optional ( F ) (refer to notes on Introduction, slide no 4) 5. In your stage one you provide necessary background information. ( T )( refer to notes on Introduction, slide no 2) 6. The stage two of the Introduction in experimental research are statements that indicates that there is a need for more research to be done in the area. ( F ) ( refer to notes on Introduction, slide no 3) 7. The third major chapter in the experimental research is discussion.( F ) ( refer to notes on Result, slide no 2) 8. There are two patterns to commenting on results. ( T ) ( refer to notes on result, slide no 8) 9. There are 6 elements in the discussion section of the experimental research. ( T ) ( refer to notes on discussion, slide no 4-8)

TECB 213



10. When you are writing the procedural description in the Methodology section of your experimental research, you need to use present tense and modal auxiliary verb. ( F ) ( refer to notes on methodology, slide no 9) Circle the correct answer PART B 1. The purpose of experimental research is __________ (refer to notes on experimental research slide no 2,point no 2) A. To explain the objective, method and the finding of the study B. To fulfill the requirement of university degree C. To identify the relationship of the variables D. To prove your findings

2. The organization format of the experimental research is__________(refer to notes on experimental research slide no 5) A. Introduction, Method, Result, Discussion and Abstract B. Introduction, Method, Result and Discussion C. Abstract, Introduction, Result, Discussion and Method D. Abstract, Introduction, Method, Result and Discussion

3. Stage Four of your experimental research is __________(refer to notes Introduction slide no 4) A. The setting B. Review of previous research C. The purpose and objective of your study D. Justification for carrying out the study

4. Information prominent citation is used at the __________ of stage two(refer to notes Introduction stage ii, slide no 9) A. Beginning B. Middle C. End

TECB 213 D. Center



5. The tense used in weak author citation are(refer to notes Introduction stage ii, slide no 5) A. Present tense B. Present perfect tense C. Simple past tense D. Modal Auxiliary 6. When reporting the findings from specific studies in author prominent citation, we normally use(refer to notes Introduction stage ii, slide no 8) A. Present tense B. Past tense C. Tentative verbs D. Modal Auxiliary verb

7. When Ali describes the material that he used in his experimental research, he gave a general idea of the material and the function of each parts of the material. What element of the material did he not describe? (refer to notes Methodology, slide no 11-12) A. The overview B. Description of principal parts C. Functional description D. The setting

8. The functions of comments in the result section of the experimental research are to generalize the findings, to compare the results and to _______(refer to notes Result, slide no 7) A. review the findings B. review the hypothesis C. restate the findings D. explain reasons

TECB 213



Figure 2.1 above describes the occurrences of conjunctions in form one to form five Malaysian English Language textbook. Based on the figure, Form 1 textbook has the highest distribution of conjunction (85%) while Form 5 textbook has the lowest distribution of conjunction (57%). This indicate that there are a significant gap in the presentation of conjunctions in the Malaysian Secondary English language textbook

9. Based on the report above, what is the format used by the author in presenting the result section of the experimental research(refer to notes result, slide no 4-5) A. Combining element one and two, then write element three B. Stating the location of the figure, comment and then mention the important findings C. Stating the location of the figure, the important findings and then comment D. Stating the most important findings, the location and then comment

10. Simple past tensed is used in the discussion statements when (refer to notes discussion, slide no 9-11) A. referring to the purpose B. referring to a generalization C. comparing findings D. recommending the findings

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