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TITLE: TCS Sample Programming Placement Paper Level-I (Bolded option is your answer) 1. What are the types of linkages? B External, C External and None D Internal Internal and None 2. What will you do to treat the constant 3.14 as a long double? A Internal and External A use 3.14LD B use 3.14L C use 3.14DL D use 3.14LF

3. In which header file is the NULL macro defined? C stdio.h and stddef.h 4. How will you free the allocated memory ? A stdio.h B stddef.h D math.h

A remove(var- B free(varC delete(var-name); D dalloc(var-name); name); name); 5. In which numbering system can the binary number 1011011111000101 be easily converted to? A Decimal B Hexadecimal C Octal system D system system No need to convert 6. Specify the 2 library functions to dynamically allocate memory? A malloc() and B alloc() and memalloc() memalloc() 7. What is stderr ? C malloc() and calloc() D memalloc() and faralloc()

A standard B standard error C standard error D standard error definitions error types streams 8. Which of the following cannot be checked in a switch-case statement?
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A Character

B Integer

C Float

D enum

9. The keyword used to transfer control from a function back to the calling function is A switch B goto C go back D return

10. Which of the following term is used for a function defined inside a class? A Member B Member C Class function D Classic function Variable function 11. Which of the following concept of oops allows compiler to insert arguments in a function call if it is not specified? A Call by value B Call by C Default arguments D Call by pointer reference 12. Which of the following access specifies is used in a class definition by default? A Protected B Public C Private D Friend

13. Which of the following keywords is used to control access to a class member? A Default B Break C Protected D Asm

14. Which of the following function / type of function cannot be overloaded? A Member B Static function C Virtual function D Both B and C function 15. Where the default value of parameter have to be specified? A Function call B Function C Function D Both B or C definition prototype 16. A constructor that accepts __________ parameters is called the default constructor. A one B two C no D three
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17. Destructor has the same name as the constructor and it is preceded by ______ . A! B? C~ D$

18. Which of the following statement is correct? A A B A referenced C A referenced has to D Whether a reference referenced has does not need be double deshould be de-referenced or to be deto be dereferenced to access not depends on the type of referenced to referenced to a value. the reference. access a value. access a value 19. Which of the following .NET components can be used to remove unused references from the managed heap? A Common B CLR C Garbage Collector D Class Loader Language Infrastructure 20. Which of the following is the correct output for the C#.NET code snippet given below? Console.WriteLine(13 / 2 + " " + 13 % 2); A 6.5 1 B 6.5 0 C60 D61 21. How many times can a constructor be called during lifetime of the object? A As many B Only once. C Depends upon a D Any number of times times as we Project Setting made before the object gets call it. in Visual Studio.NET. garbage collected. 22. Which of the folowing does an indexer allow to index in the same way as an array? 1.A class 2.A property 3.A struct 4.A function
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5.An interface A 1, 3, 5 B 2, 4 C 3, 5 D 3, 4, 5

23. Which of the following keyword is used to change the data and behavior of a base class by replacing a member of a base class with a new derived member? A new B base C overloads D override 24. Suppose on pushing a button an object is to be notified, but it is not known until runtime which object should be notified. Which of the following programming constructs should be used to implement this idea? A Attribute B Delegate C Namespace D Interface 25. Which of the following is NOT an Integer? A Char B Byte C Integer D Short

26. How many values is a function capable of returning? A1 C Depends upon how D Any number of values. many params arguments does it use. 27. The [Serializable()] attribute gets inspected at A CompileB Run-time C Design-time D Linking-time time 28. Which of the following is the correct output of the C#.NET code snippet given below? int[ , , ] a = new int[ 3, 2, 3 ]; Console.WriteLine(a.Length); A 20 B4 B0

C 18

D 10

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29. Which is a valid keyword in java? A interface B string C Float D unsigned

30. Which constructs an anonymous inner class instance? A Runnable r = B Runnable r = C Runnable r = new new new Runnable { public Runnable() { }; Runnable(public void run(){}}; void run() { }); 31. What will be the output of the program? D System.out.println(new Runnable() {public void run() { }});

public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { int x = 0; assert (x > 0) ? "assertion failed" : "assertion passed" ; System.out.println("finished"); } } A finished B Compiliation C An AssertionError D An AssertionError is fails. is thrown and thrown with the message finished is output. "assertion failed." 32. What is the prototype of the default constructor? A Test( ) B Test(void) C public Test( ) D public Test(void)

33. What is the name of the method used to start a thread execution? A init(); B start(); C run(); D resume();

34. What is the value of "d" after this line of code has been executed?
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double d = Math.round ( 2.5 + Math.random( )); A2 B3 C4 D 2.5

35. What will be the output of the program? class Test { public static void main(String [] args) { int x=20; String sup = (x < 15) ? "small" : (x < 22)? "tiny" : "huge"; System.out.println(sup); } } A small B tiny C huge D Compilation fails 36. Which class does not override the equals() and hashCode() methods, inheriting them directly from class Object? A B C D java.lang.Character java.lang.String java.lang.Double java.lang.StringBuffer

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