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10 things everyone should know about reincarnation

Published 10 Jul 2009 Reincarnation , Spirituality7 Comments Tags: Reincarnation, Self, Soul

Around the world, many peopleperhaps the majority overallaccept a belief in reincarnation as part of their religion. Not many people in the West believe in it, though. In fact, many scoff at the very idea and regard it as nonsense. This is largely because in the West we are enamored with the benefits of scientific knowledge and increasingly sceptical of the old religionsrightly so, in my view. The knowledge science provides can be systematically checked to ensure that it is valid and reliable. This is why it is of such great value. But it is not necessarily the only source of knowledge that is valid and reliable. Besides, what science can see is limited to that which is physical and objective. Reality itself is not necessarily so limited. If we limit our understanding of what reality can be to just what science can see, we are leaving ourselves half-blind. Thanks to a combination of channelled teachings, after-death communications, insights from near-death experiences, reports of hypnotic regression and even scientific research into past lives, it is now possible to put together a very clear picture of reincarnation. Whether one regards such information as factual knowledge or as loony nonsense depends upon ones openness to non-physical sources of information. Interestingly, in light of this accumulation of knowledge, we can now see that even within those Eastern cultures that believe in reincarnation, many peoples understanding of it is confused by all sorts of religious doctrines that are just plain wrong. So, here are ten things about reincarnation which I think are valid and reliable and which I believe everyoneEast or Westwould benefit from knowing:

10 things everyone should know about reincarnation

1. The soul exists.

All human beings are a combination of physical, mortal body and non-physical, immortal soul. The soul isnt just a myth or an illusion or a relic of pre-scientific superstition. Your soul is the absolute essence of you the only true answer to the question, Who am I? It is who you always are regardless of how you feel or what you believe or how you perceive yourself.

From the bodys perspective, the soul is the conscious, animating life force within it. From the souls perspective, the body is a vehicle for inhabiting the physical world and experiencing physical existence.

The soul is pure consciousness, pure energy, pure being. It is our innermost self. It exists on a timeless, non-physical level of reality. It is a piece of Spirit or God or Source, a spark of divine light and love, a fragment of absolute perfection.

2. The soul evolves.

All souls are on a mission to evolve (grow, develop) through their own experiences and efforts. To evolve as a soul is to become increasingly self-aware and self-capable as a unique expression of Spirit. By evolving, the soul changes in its level of beingness and consciousness, from new-born innocence to greater and greater levels of love, power and wisdom. In effect, that which is created rejoins the Creator after eons of evolution.

3. The soul evolves most effectively in physical form.

Evolution of the soul comes about through choice making choices big and small, and experiencing the effects of each choice.

A soul evolves most effectively by facing and making choices as a separate individual, a distinct physical form. To do so, the soul incarnates that is, the soul fuses with a human body for a whole lifetime, from birth to death. By doing so, the soul gets to experience being physically limited and physically separated from others and from allthat-is.

This is actually an illusion, a trick of the senses, as the soul itself is never really limited or separate. But the illusion creates enough desire, fear and other pressures to cause the soul to experience conflicts and dilemmas and to make choices. It also puts the souls own perceptions, feelings and decisions under the microscope, as it were.

The experiences and choices of a lifetime serve as lessons for the soul once the life is completed. After death (the souls exit from the physical realm), the soul and its guides review what happened during the life and what lessons can be learned from it. The soul not only reviews its own experiences and choices but also discovers the effects of its own choices on others during the life. For example, the decision to steal a sum of money at one point may have caused the victim significant hardship and anxiety. The soul learns that all choices have consequences, not just for the self but for everyone.

4. The soul undergoes the full range of meaningful human experiences and choices by reincarnating.

One human lifetime is not enough to experience the whole gamut of life circumstances and to make all choices. For example, the soul needs to experience life as both male and female; as both victim and perpetrator; as both student and teacher Hence, the soul re-incarnates many times over in order to experience the full spectrum of life.

Being human again and again with a different body (and different life circumstances) each time enables the soul to experience the full range of possible perspectives and relationships and all the lessons that these entail. Through many different human experiences, the soul gradually becomes more self-aware, gradually discovers more of its true capabilities and gradually learns how to overcome the illusory limitations of being physical.

Generally, the soul learns best through a compare and contrast process, not through blind repetition. Hence any given lifetime may be completely different in some way from the last one. From the souls point of view, there is little value in repeating the same kind of life again and again (unless, that is, there is a specific lesson within that lifestyle which has yet to be learned in which case, Groundhog Day is an excellent metaphor). Each human lifetime is an opportunity to learn specific lessons. One lifetime, for example, might focus on learning greater self-responsibility while the next might focus on being kinder to others. If in one lifetime the soul experiences being a man with a lot of power over women, say, it would then be of value to contrast that with the experience of being a powerless woman. The soul has no preference for one side of the equation or the other, since both sides help draw out different aspects of the soul.

5. The soul has no nationality, creed, race or gender.

There is no such thing as a Jewish soul or a Chinese soul or whatever. We are just souls, and as souls we are free to experience the whole variety of human cultures across the planet. We choose our birth location, race and nationality to suit our purposes for any given lifetime. Sometimes race and creed are a deliberate choice; at other times they are merely incidental to what the life is about. Because the soul learns through a process of compare and contrast, one who has just experienced a life as (say) an Israeli soldier might decide to be a Palestinian in the next.

There is no such thing as a male soul or a female soul. Gender is a biological phenomenon, not a spiritual one. Human beings are of two sexes and so we have to choose which one to be before each life begins.

Because we want to experience, compare and contrast all possible perspectives, we will choose to experience lives as both men and women. We can be male or female as often as we please. We can be male in one lifetime and female the next. Or we can be male for ten lifetimes and female for the next fifty lifetimes. It is all a matter of choice. Even if we have a strong preference for one gender, we will still tend to incarnate as the other gender every now and then, just to maintain a balanced perspective.

6. The soul sticks to one species at a time.

Contrary to certain teachings, the souls of human beings reincarnate only as human beings. There may be rare exceptions where one experiments with being a dolphin, say, but as a rule we do not return as insects or cows or blades of grass or what have you. The souls mission is to expand in consciousness, and there is no value for the soul already at the human level in experiencing life at a sub-human level of consciousness. We are spiritual beings on a human journey, learning to be ourselves through human experiences, human relationships and human choices.

7. Each lifetime is pre-planned.

Before taking birth, the soul (along with its guides in spirit) will decide what experiences and choices the life should include. The appropriate circumstances and relationships will be chosen and set up with the cooperation and agreement of other souls who will be involved.

For example, lets say the soul wants to experience being compassionate towards children. The soul may decide that the life to come should include its own childhood

experience of abandonment by the mother. This would help drive the personality in adult life to want to help abandoned children. Another soul will then agree, out of love, to be the mother who abandons this soul in childhood.

Most major events in life are pre-planned: the birth, the family, the school, the relationships, the career and so on. This includes deaths, accidents and illnesses. There is, however, plenty of room for unplanned things to occur. No plan is set in stone. Agreements do not have to be kept. Choice overrides destiny.

The body is also chosen by the soul before birth. Souls are aware of which foetuses are viable and which are not, and which are going to be terminated before birth. (Hence, abortion is not really murder.)

Some lifetimes are explicitly set up for the soul to undergo a particular learning experience (such as being a teacher, for example), while some are actually undertaken for the benefit of others learning experiences. For example, we might opt to live a life as a much-loved child who suddenly dies while still young, purely in order to help another soul undergo the experience of tragic loss.

8. There is a law of karma

but it is not like many people think it is. If soul A kills soul B in one lifetime, then in a later lifetime soul B will kill soul A. That is the effect of karma. But karma is not (repeat not) about cosmic justice or divine retribution. From the perspective of Spirit, there is no need for cosmic justice because there is no such thing as cosmic injustice. Karma is really about entanglement. If I do something in physical life that violates your free will, we become entangled. We both feel the lack of equilibrium between us. Its like we have become tied together by a rope. The only way to restore equilibrium is to undo the entanglementby having you violate my free will in a similar way. That way, we both know from experience what it is like to be both the violator and the violated.

Souls tend to commit karmic acts in the early stages of their reincarnations when they have less experience of human existence. Typical karmic acts are: murder, rape, dismemberment, imprisonment, abandonment. In all cases, one person imposes something on another against the others will. There is no karmic entanglement for acts that are accidental or not by choice.

9. Reincarnation has a beginning and an end.

Contrary to certain teachings, we are not tied to a wheel of endless death and rebirth, to be saved only by renouncing the world and seeking spiritual liberation. The whole journey of evolving through reincarnation begins with us at a certain level and ends once we reach another level. It takes (typically) well over 100 lifetimes. From first human life to last requires thousands of years, depending upon the availability of physical bodies.

In spirit, the whole path is clear to us and we know exactly what we are doing. Each lifetime is a deliberate adventure and is undertaken out of love and a desire to evolve.

10. There is no urgency.

Contrary to what many teach on the subject, there is no urgency for us to become enlightened, or to complete our reincarnational cycle. It is not better to evolve quickly over a few lives than to evolve slowly over many lives. Reincarnation is not a challenge to reach the end of evolution as quickly as possible. We are not caught in the cycle of human death and rebirth. The physical world is not a hell-hole to be climbed out of. God is not wishing we would get a move on.

From the perspective of Spirit, there is no passage of time. Time is just a perceptual phenomenon for us while in physical form. Souls literally do not care how many thousands of years it takes to get from one level of reincarnation to another. The passage of time in human terms is, to the soul, irrelevant.

A final word
I would also add one more correction to certain teachings: souls do not normally reincarnate instantly after death. Usually there is a period of several years between one life and the next, during which the soul recuperates, considers the lessons learned from the last life and plans its next one. It should come as no surprise to learn that we have had a past life, or even many past lives. The only ones who havent lived a previous life are those at the very beginning of the reincarnational cycle. The only ones who arent coming back after this life are those at the very end of the cycle. Reincarnation is the norm for all human beings. It is universal. It is what we are all doing here. ____________________________________________________________________

Further reading
For more information on this website, see

The Michael Teachings Reincarnation: the 35 steps of soul evolution

See all my blogposts tagged reincarnation , including these popular posts:

Michael Jackson the reincarnation of Mozart? John Lennon the reincarnation of Branwell Bront?

The best off-site link on reincarnation in general is probably this one:

The Reincarnation FAQ

- barry

7 Responses to 10 things everyone should know about reincarnation

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1Carol Hubbard16 Feb 2010 at 1:39 am One comment: From the many books Ive read (especially the detailed past-life regression records kept by researchers such as Dr. Michael Newton and Dr. Brian Weiss), Person A killing Person B does not mean that B WILL kill A in another life (because, after all, B may be a highly evolved soul who would never do such a thing); but, rather, that A will need to be on the receiving end (be the victim) at the hands of some person (whoever that is) whos still at a level where he/she will commit such an act. Thanks. Carol Hubbard, Reply


2- barry -16 Feb 2010 at 8:17 am Great thanks Carol. Ive also read (I forget where maybe Roger Woolger) that B could return the favour through some non-violent act. For example, lets say A once killed B with a knife to the stomach. In a later life, A is a woman about to give birth in hospital and B, who is now a physician, gives her an emergency C-section. - barry Reply


3La Quishia N.07 May 2010 at 6:32 am We are not caught in the cycle of human death and rebirth. But why do I feel that I am? Reply


4barry07 May 2010 at 10:11 am I would say its partly that we all feel caught in our bodies we are seemingly locked into our bodies for the duration and we do not (easily) recall making the choice to be here in this form. So from the perspective of the locked-in human consciousness, existence is a mystery and death is a tragedy. But I would also suspect its partly because of a widespread belief that incarnation itself is a sign of ones supposed spiritual failure or incompleteness (if I was perfect I wouldnt have to be here) and one that is visible to everyone else together with a

feeling that the end of reincarnation is the ultimate trophy in terns of self-worth. But the soul sees the bigger picture and isnt troubled by such issues. Reply


5Gayle20 Nov 2010 at 3:46 am The only way to restore equilibrium is to undo the entanglementby having you violate my free will in a similar way. That way, we both know from experience what it is like to be both the violator and the violated. You forget about forgivenessthat which throws a big honkin monkey wrench into the whole karma tit-for-tat, and breaks entanglement threads with wild abandon Reply


6barry20 Nov 2010 at 10:52 am Yes, youre right. Though apparently its not very common: In rare instances, the energy imbalance is neutralized through grace, in which the murderer fully realizes his infringement, and both parties are able and willing to forgive the karma without acting it out physically. Shepherd Hoodwin ( - barry Reply

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