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INVESTIGATING LIVING THINGS LA : 1. Interaction among living things. 1.

1 Understanding some animals live in group and others live in solitary,

1.1.1 State that some animals live in groups

1.1.2 State that some animals live in solitary

1.1.7 State that cooperation is a form of interaction among animals

1.1.3 Give examples of animals that live in group

1.1.4 Give examples of animals that live in solitary

1.1.4 Explain why animals live in groups

1.1.5 Explain why animals live in solitary

INVESTIGATING LIVING THINGS LA : 1. Interaction among living things. 1.2.1 State that living things interact with one another in the environment . 1.2.2 State that competition is a form of interaction 1.2.3 List the factors that animals compete for 1.2.4 Give reason why animals compete


1.2 Understanding that competition is a form of interaction among living things.

PLANTS each 1.2.5 List factors that plants compete for 1.2.6 Give reasons why plants compete

1.3.1 Give examples of extinct animals .

1.3.2 Give examples of endangered animals

1.3.3 Give examples of endangered plants

1.3 Understanding the responsibility of human beings in protecting endangered species

1.3.4 Explain why certain animals or plants are facing the threat of extinction

1.3.5 Suggest ways to prevent animals and plants from extinction.

1.4 Knowing the impact of human activities on environment.

1.4.1 Give examples on environ mental destruction caused by human.

1.4.2Explain how human activities cause environmental destruction

1.4.3 Predict what will happen to the Earth if human activities are not controlled

Investigating force and energy



1.1 Definition
Pull an action of



bringing an object towards us

Push an action of moving an object away

Move a stationary object Stop a moving object Change direction of moving objects Make objects move faster or slowly Change the shape of an object


Definition a force that oppose motion

Effect produce heat difficult to move wear and tear

Advantages 1. holding thing 2. walk without slipping 3. car brake work properly

Disadvantages 1. worn out the surface 2. machine works slower / damage



lubricant oil, wax, grease or water Rough surface Ball bearing rollers Air cushion Smooth contact surface Talcum powder Dry surface

2.1.1 State that an object which moves faster travels a longer distance in a given time

2. Movement 2.1 Understanding speed

2.2.1 State that an object which move faster take a shorter time to travel a given distance

2.1.3 State what speed is 2.1.4 solve problems using formula A measurement on how fast an object moves

Speed = distance / time

Unit - km/h, m/s , cm/s

INVESTIGATING MATERIALS 1.1.1 Describe why spoilt food is unsafe to eat. 1.1.2 Identify characteristics of spoilt food. a) unpleasant smell b) unpleasant taste c) change colour d) change texture e) mouldy

1. Food Preservation

1.1 Understanding food spoilage


State that microorganisms can spoil food

1.1.4 State the conditions for microorganisms to grow a ) air b) nutrient c) water d) suitable temperature ( 5C - 65 C ) e) Suitable acidity

( If food is exposed for a few days ) e.g i) Bacteria ii) fungi

2. Waste management
2.1.1 Identify types of waste in the environment - plastic , glass, chemical waste ,organic waste and metal 2.1.2 Identify sources of waste - from factories , food stalls and market


State the improper ways of waste disposal

2.1.4 State the proper ways of waste disposal

2.1 Understanding the effects of improper disposal of waste on the environment


Describe the harmful effects of improper waste disposal a) air pollution b) Water pollution c) sickness and diseases d) acid rain e) flash flood

2.1.6 Describe how waste is disposed in a local area

2.1.7 suggest ways to improve waste disposal

2.2.1 State that certain waste can decay

2.2.2 Give examples of waste that can decay

2.2.3 Give examples of waste that do not decay

2.2.4 State that microorganisms can cause waste materials to decay

2.2 Understanding that some waste can decay

2.2.5 State the advantages of waste decaying

2.2.6 State the disadvantages of waste decaying


Predict what will happen to human and the environment if waste do not decay

Investigating The Earth And The Universe


1.1 Moon

1.2 Sun

The moon appears dark when the earth blocks the sunlight from reaching the moon


The moon blocks the sunlight from reaching the earth

Sun Earth Moon


Sun Moon - Earth

The earth between the moon and sun The Moon, The Earth and the Sun are in straight line


The moon between the earth and the sun The Earth, The Moon and the Sun in straight line

Time Night Day

Investigating Technology
1. Machine


Understanding simple machine

1.2 Analysing a complex machine

1.3 Appreciating the invention of Machine Predict how life is without machines

What is machine?

types of simple Machine

Identify simple machines in a complex machine

A device that allows us to use less force to make work easier or faster

1. screw 2. gear 3. lever 4. pulley 5. wedge 6. inclined plane 7. wheel and axle

* scissors wedge, lever, screw * puncher lever, wedge, screw * step ladder inclined plane, screw * hand drill * remote control car * mechanical pencil sharpener

Advantages of machines - helps us do our job faster, easier, conveniently

Design a machine to solve a problem

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