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Saunders Global 6/2008 Shopping Centre
& Master Planning Design
Designing Protable People Places
Sydney Adelaide Dubai
Saunders Global 2008 | Creating Protable People Places
Strategy | Branding | Interiors | Architecture
4 vho vo A|o
6 vhat vo |o
8 vhat vo |o
lu Sovoo |oiots to Soccoss
l2 Sigoato|o 1ovo|s, |obai
l4 C|oo| Sido Mall, |a|achi |a|istao
l6 C|oo| Sido Mall, |a|achi |a|istao
l8 Gavlo| \illago, Adolaido
2u Chioy 1ovo| Sydooy
22 Sha|jah, UA|
24 |iyadh Gallo|ia, Saodi A|abia
26 City C|oss, Adolaido
28 |ovtoo \illago, Adolaido
u |oc|dalo |laza, Sydooy
2 boooy|igg Shoiog Coot|o, Sydooy
4 Ma|ioa |io|, Adolaido
6 |o|th Ai|o|t, vosto|o Aost|alia
8 Sydooy Coot|al |laza
4u Sydooy Coot|al |laza
42 Al Ovais Shoiog Mall, |obai
44 va||iovood Shoiog Coot|o, Sydooy
46 Cho||yb|oo| Shoiog Coot|o
48 |i|lo |laza, Adolaido
!u |allott Covo Shoiog Coot|o,Adolaido
!2 |igh ||onlo Otnco |oby, Sydooy Cb|
!4 |ymoc|s, Sydooy
Saoodo|s Global
Saunders Global 2008 | Creating Protable People Places
Strategy | Branding | Interiors | Architecture
1ho Saoodo|s G|oo ot comaoios vas ioitially to|mod io tho U| io l9/9 as Saoodo|s |osigo.
Saoodo|s |osigo g|ov to bo ooo ot U|s to th|oo dosigo bosioossos, omloyiog ovo| 9u statt vith
oxtoosivo |ojocts th|ooghoot |o|oo, USA aod |oog |oog. Saoodo|s |osigo vas acqoi|od by tho
advo|tisiog g|oo vC|S io tho lato l98us, aod |aol Saoodo|s, C|O, omig|atod to Aost|alia vith his
tamily to sot o Saoodo|s C|oativo io Sydooy io l99u, vhich has bocomo ooo ot Aost|alias to |otail
dosigo g|oos. Oo| Adolaido otnco, Saoodo|s |otail, vas ostablishod io 2uu! aod has booo tollovod by
oo| |obai otnco, Saoodo|s Global io 2uu/.
vith u yoa|s oxo|iooco io |otail a|chitocto|o, ioto|io| dosigo aod b|aodiog, Saoodo|s |ido thomsolvos
as |otail socialists vho havo a taoltloss |oco|d to| |odociog commo|cially soccosstol laodma||

C|oativity, St|atogy aod Masto| |laooiog.

Oo| soa|ato otncos havo booo sot o to dolivo| ditto|oot s|ills. |aol Saoodo|s is tho d|iviog to|co
bohiod Saoodo|s C|oativo, oo| Sydooy otnco. Sot o to bo Saoodo|s c|oativo hob vo havo a toam ot
highly s|illod ioto|io| aod g|ahic dosigoo|s aod a|chitocts vho vo|| oo tho st|atogy, masto| laooiog
aod coocot dosigo at tho commoocomoot ot oach |ojoct.

|osigo aod |ocomootatioo:

Oo| Adolaido otnco, hoadod by sooio| a|chitoct ba||y Saot|y, has a toam ot a|chitocts vho socializo
io tho dosigo aod docomootatioo ot shoiog coot|os. 1hoi| socialists s|ills io this a|oa givos os tho
ooiqoo ability to tast t|ac| |otail shoiog coot|o |ojocts shoold tho oood a|iso.

Global |oovlodgo:
Saoodo|s Global, oo| |obai otnco vas ostablishod to so|vico oo| oomo|oos |ojocts io tho UA|, hoadod
by sooio| a|chitoct |olmi |abil, vho has booo vo||iog io |obai to| tho last 8 yoa|s. vo boliovo io tho
imo|taoco ot oodo|staodiog tho local ma||ot laco aod tho oood to omloy oxo|ioocod local statt
vho cao assist io ostablishiog st|oog tios vith otho| local coosistoocios aod aotho|itios, ooso|iog that
vo cao dolivo| globally soccosstol |ojocts.

|otail A|chitocto|al 8 loto|io| |osigo Socialists
Saoodo|s G|oo
Saunders Global 2008 | Creating Protable People Places
Strategy | Branding | Interiors | Architecture

A|chitocto|al Masto| |laooiog
As |otail socialists vo havo tvooty nvo yoa|s ot oxo|iooco io shoiog coot|o dosigo. Oo| ooiqoo
a|oach is that as voll as c|oatiog visoally oxcitiog oxto|io|s, vo oxcol io aoalysiog a|chitocto|al
|ojocts t|om tho iosido oot, vith a tocos oo c|oatiog |otail ioto|oal sacos that oolo vaot to sood
timo io. A tho|oogh oodo|staodiog ot homao bohavioo| vhoo shoiog ooso|os that vo a|o oxo|ts at
Masto| |laooiog aod oo| oodo|staodiog ot ho|izootal aod vo|tical ci|colatioo is socood to oooo.
Saoodo|s havo ao oxtoosivo list ot soccosstol |ojocts, vhich ioclodo oov boild shoiog coot|os as
voll as shoiog coot|o oxtoosioos aod |oto|bishmoots.

A|chitocto|al Coocots
Saoodo|s Global boliovo that oxcolliog at |otail A|chitocto|o is oot ao oasy oxo|ciso, aod that io o|do|
to c|oato a highly soccosstol shoiog coot|o tho|o a|o maoy layo|s ot oodo|staodiog that oood to bo
io laco. boto|o sta|tiog oo coocot dosigo, Saoodo|s Global, io coojooctioo vith tho clioot toam, vill
coodoct ao io doth st|atogic aoalysis ot tho local ma||ot, aod loo| at st|atogically ositiooiog tho
shoiog coot|o as a b|aod, vhich ooso|os that oo| clioots vill havo ao odgo oo local comotito|s.

A|chitocto|al Schomatics 8 |ocomootatioo
Saoodo|s havo a toam ot oxo|ioocod a|chitocts aod dosigoo|s vho a|o t|aiood to ooly vo|| oo |otail
|ojocts. |oo to thoi| tho|oogh oodo|staodiog ot |otail |ocioct laooiog thoy a|o t|aiood to syothosizo
highly comlox a|chitocto|al sacos, vith ao ood |osolt ot maximisiog t|atnc ov to tho advaotago ot
|otailo|s, coosomo|s aod ioc|oasiog |ootal valoos.
Oo| So|vicos
Saunders Global 2008 | Creating Protable People Places
Strategy | Branding | Interiors | Architecture

loto|io| A|chitocto|o aod loto|io| |osigo
Oo| ioto|io| dosigo toam havo |og|ossod t|om tho dosigo ot sto|o |oll oot |og|ammos th|oogh to
la|go scalo ioto|io| a|chitocto|o |ojocts. 1his bottom o a|oach givos oo| ioto|io| dosigoo|s ao odgo
aod oyo to| dosigo that doosot com|omiso tho tooctiooality, bot comlimoots it. A good oxamlo
voold bo tho ioco|o|atioo ot oovi|oomootal sigoago aod g|ahic dosigo.

|ovi|oomootal G|ahics aod b|aodiog
Oo| g|ahic dosigoo|s a|o socincally b|iotod to vo|| as ao iotog|al a|t ot tho |ojoct toam. vo
socialiso io sigoago, b|aodiog, oovi|oomootal g|ahics aod vay nodiog systoms that a|o oasy to oavigato
aod bocomo ao oodo|iog a|t ot tho |ojocts b|aod idootity.

| Aoimatioos
Saoodo|s havo ao io hooso toam ot | visoaliso|s vho havo oxtoodod t|aioiog io |otail visoals aod
aoimatioos. vo oso modolliog to| Masto| |laooiog at ao oa|ly stago aod ottoo validato a|chitocto|al
sacos by ooso|iog tho clioot has a cloa| icto|o ot tho lacos aod sacos that vo a|o c|oatiog. 1his is
a|ticola|ly imo|taot vith mixod oso dovolomoots vho|o otho| |og|am olomoots cao imact oo
tho |otail sacos.
Oo| toam |odoco high |osolotioo vidoos to assist io |ojoct ma||otiog.
Oo| So|vicos
Saunders Global 2008 | Creating Protable People Places
Strategy | Branding | Interiors | Architecture

Sigoato|o 1ovo|s vo||s io coojooctioo vith zaha |adid A|chitocts
vo|ld Class
Saoodo|s Sovoo |oiots to Soccoss
1ho sigoato|o to oo| |ojocts is thoi| loogovity aod commo|cial soccoss. 1ho ba||io|s to soccoss |otail a|o tho vo|y thiogs that vo
oxcol at aod cao bo dosc|ibod oodo| oo| ooiqoo sovoo oiots to st|atogic soccoss io yoo| |otail dovolomoot, hovovo| comotitivo
tho oovi|oomoot.

l. |oodamootal oodo|staodiog ot tho local |otail ma||ot

boto|o sta|tiog aoy |ojoct Saoodo|s Global omba||s oo ao io doth st|atogic aoalysis ot tho local ma||ot, aod tho comotitivo
|ojocts. 1his is |ot|osoctivo aod to|ocast.

2. Uodo|staodiog coosomo| bohavioo|

Gooo|ally soa|iog coosomo| bohavioo| tollovs global atto|os, vith tho oxcotioo ot colto|o, goodo|, ago aod ocooomic

. lotimato |oovlodgo ot vhat ma|os global aod local |otailo|s soccood

1hoi| staoda|d aod |o|oqoisito |oqoi|omoots t|om sto|o sizo, sho t|ootago, coiliog hoights, so|viciog |oqoi|omoots, catogo|y
|oqoi|omoots, |odoct adjacoocios aod tooaocy mix.

4. |o|izootal aod vo|tical ci|colatioo laooiog, vhat vo||s aod vhat doosot
Agaio its all aboot oodo|staodiog homao bohavioo| vhoo shoiog, to| iostaoco a soccosstol shoiog coot|o alvays maiotaios a
ci|cola| costomo| ov, vithoot boiog obvioos.

!. |ostioatiooal aod |ocioct laooiog

1his is all aboot c|oatiog sacos aod lacos vho|o oolo vaot to bo aod osiog |otail aod coosomo| iosights as tho d|ivo|.

6. Sooiog a Shoiog Coot|o as a b|aod

aod st|atogically ositiooiog it io tho ma||ot laco a|o|iatoly.

/. |cooomic viability
|ov moch is it all vo|th aod it its vo|th doiog do it voll to| otimiziog tho |oto|o oo iovostmoot.

Saunders Global 2008 | Creating Protable People Places
Strategy | Branding | Interiors | Architecture

Sigoato|o 1ovo|s vo||s io coojooctioo vith zaha |adid A|chitocts
Sigoato|o 1ovo|s
o||iog io associatioo vith za |a |adid A|chitocts basod io
tho U|, Saoodo|s Global vo|o aoiotod to oodo|ta|o |otail
Masto| |laooiog to| tho Sigoato|o 1ovo|s, bosiooss bay, |obai.

1ho comlox boildiog dosigo, vith a st|oog oocoovootiooal
a|chitocto|al thomo, moaot that tho ioto|io| laooiog, ci|colatioo
aod iotog|atioo |oqoi|od oxo|t st|atogic masto| laooiog, to
ooso|o that tho odiom |otail soccosstolly iotog|atod tho hotol,
commo|cial aod |osidootial tovo|s ioto a ha|mooioos odiom
|otail tood aod bovo|ago oxo|iooco.

A lot ot |osoa|ch has gooo ioto to|molatiog a tooaocy mix st|atogy
that comlimoots tho ovo|all dovolomoot, oxtoods tho tood aod
bovo|ago oxo|iooco aod abovo all vill |osolt io a commo|cially
soccosstol assot to| tho clioot, |obai ||oo|tios. Saoodo|s Global
vo||od closoly vith tho za |a 1oam to |osolvo tho somotimos
cooictiog ocooomic |oqoi|omoots vith tho coocot a|chitocto|al
1ho |osoltiog Masto| |lao maximisos t|atnc ov to tho advaotago
ot all |otailo|s, c|oatiog high valoo |oal ostato to| b|aodod |otail
ootlots. Saoodo|s Global ot togotho| ao io doth tooaocy mix
schodolo, sto|o sizos, catogo|ios aod comlimoota|y |odoct
Saunders Global 2008 | Creating Protable People Places
Strategy | Branding | Interiors | Architecture
his |ostigioos laodma|| |ojoct is tho colmioatioo ot
tho atooot, tast g|oviog |a|achi ocooomy aod tho
o|baoisatioo ot tho c|oo| sido ooiosola. Saoodo|s Global
vas a|oachod to como o vith th|oo soa|ato coocot
a|chitocto|al laos to caitaliso oo tho sito aod ocooomic
1ho |ojoct com|isos ot a|ox. 9u,uuusqm coongo|od
ioto a too| lovol shoiog coot|o aod th|oo lovols ot
commo|cial otnco, aod is so|vicod by l!uu ca|s io th|oo
lovols ot basomoot ca| a||iog. 1ho a|ovod schomo
caitalisod oo tho sito oo|tooitios, aod tho dist|ict
vato| viovs th|oogh tho clovo| iotog|atioo ot tho
ooto|taiomoot aod dioiog to||acos ioto tho shoiog
coot|o tacado. 1ho |a|achi Mall schomo osos a oaotical
thomo to donoo tho a|chitocto|al to|ms aod sobsoqoootly
c|oatos a st|i|iog aod momo|ablo laodma|| dovolomoot
to| this ooosoal sito.
C|oo| Sido Mall
|ov boildiog Shoiog Coot|o. 9u,uuum
Clioot. Global |aly
Saunders Global 2008 | Creating Protable People Places
Strategy | Branding | Interiors | Architecture
C|oo| Sido Mall
|ov boildiog Shoiog Coot|o - 9u,uuusqm
Clioot. Global |aly
Saunders Global 2008 | Creating Protable People Places
Strategy | Branding | Interiors | Architecture
Gavlo| \illago
soccosstol sioglo lovol shoiog coot|o
vith ooo ot tho bost o|to|miog oatiooal
soo|ma||ot aod lu |otail shos vith ao oxistiog
|otail oo| a|oa ao /6usqm.
1ho oxistiog 4669sqm shoiog coot|o vill
ioc|oaso to lllum
vith tho additioo ot ooo lovol
aod a|oximatoly uusqm io |otail sociality
tooaocios ovo| 2 lovols.
1ho oxaosioo vill ioc|oaso t|atnc ov to tho
coot|o aod to|tho| ooso|o cootioood ocooomic
aod |otail soccoss, vhilo oohaociog its oxistiog
ma||ot sha|o vithio tho |otail hio|a|chy.
Shoiog Coot|o |odovolomoot
Saunders Global 2008 | Creating Protable People Places
Strategy | Branding | Interiors | Architecture
Sigoato|o Cb| |ovolomoot
b|iot. |oto|bishomoot ot a oodo|o|to|miog 1ovo|
dovoloomoot io tho Sydooy Cb|.
Saoodo|s vo||od th|oogh |ocommoodatioos oo
tho |otail, |ostao|aot aod odiom a|oas to c|oato ao
ioto|g|atod aod soccosstoll |otail dosigo solotioo.
vo||s oodo|ta|oo by Saoodo|s ioclodod |otail
masto| laooiog, tooaocy goidolioos, |ocioct
laooiog, ioto|io| dosigo, b|aodiog aod vaynodiog
sigoago dosigo.
Chioy 1ovo|
Saunders Global 2008 | Creating Protable People Places
Strategy | Branding | Interiors | Architecture
Sha|jah, UA|
xaodiog Sha|jahs most imo|taot shoiog coot|o
comlox vhilo og|adiog aod |oto|bishiog tho oxistiog
laodma|| mall.
As vith maoy mall oxaosioos, tho |oy is to soamlossly
lio| tho oxistiog vith tho oov, aod Saha|a is oo ditto|oot.
Saoodo|s ooiqoo dosigo dovolomoot ot tho gooo|oos
oblic sacos has ooablod tho blo||iog ot tho lioo
botvooo tho tvo halvos ot tho coot|o. 1ho im|ossivo
toato|os ioco|o|atod by Saoodo|s ioclodo soctacola|
molti-lovol void sacos, vato| toato|os aod stato ot tho
a|t ioto|oatiooal shoiog coot|o dosigo.

Shoiog Coot|o |xtoosioo - 6u,uuusqm
Ug|ado 8 |oto|bishmoot
Saunders Global 2008 | Creating Protable People Places
Strategy | Branding | Interiors | Architecture
|iyadh Gallo|ia
|iyadh Gallo|ia Shoiog Coot|o,
Saodi A|abia
|iot. C|oato a loadiog |otail ioto|io| dosigo to comoto
vith tho moltitodo ot shoiog mall dovolomoots io
|iyadh, Saodi A|abia.
A|oach. 1his dosigo adots ao ioto|oatiooal |otail
stylo to staod oot t|om tho mo|o t|aditiooal a|oachos.
Scalo is c|oatod by osiog glass, light aod saco. Motal,
alomioiom aod mosaics como togotho| to c|oato a
modo|o ioto||otatioo ot t|aditiooal A|abiao ioooocos.
Ootcomo. A stato ot tho a|t shoiog coot|o dosigo that
vill bocomo |iyadhs |omio| shoiog mall, toato|iog
l4u,uuusqm ot |otail saco.
Saunders Global 2008 | Creating Protable People Places
Strategy | Branding | Interiors | Architecture
City C|oss
|iot. 1o |oto|bish, og|ado aod iotog|ato oioo
disa|ato Adolaido Cb| |oo|tios ioto a sioglo
sigoincaot dovolomoot.
A|oach. C|oatiog a oov |otail shoiog |ocioct
|oqoi|od clovo| masto| laooiog aod ottoctivo oso ot
saco to c|oato visiblo sight lioos t|om ooo ood ot tho
mall to tho otho|.
Ootcomo. A holistic shoiog, litostylo aod oatiog
|ocioct that has ovolvod ioto Adolaidos la|gost
Cb| |otail dostioatioo aod ooo ot Aost|alias most
soccosstol |otail assots.
Adolaidos |ovost Shoiog Mall
Saunders Global 2008 | Creating Protable People Places
Strategy | Branding | Interiors | Architecture
|ovtoo \illago
|iot. 1o d|amatically ioc|oaso tho sizo ot tho !l6/sqm
|ovtoo \illago Shoiog Coot|o aod caitaliso oo
tho g|ovth io this atooot vioo co||ido|.
A|oach. Saoodo|s solotioo |ovidod a sma|t modo|o
stylo to aoal to tho ioc|oasiogly atooot ma||ot. 1ho
|otail a|oa vill ioc|oaso by 4/uusqm vith tho additioo ot
l8 sociality shos aod oatiooal soo|ma||ot ot 2uusqm
c|oatiog a 99u! sqm coot|o.
Ootcomo. A soccosstol ma|oovo| that |ovidos a laodma||
sottlomoot to| a local villago shoiog coot|o.
|xaosioo aod |odovolomoot ot a
Sobo|bao Shoiog Coot|o
Saunders Global 2008 | Creating Protable People Places
Strategy | Branding | Interiors | Architecture
Shoiog Coot|o
G|ahics |ac|ago
|iot. 1o dovolo a g|ahics ac|ago to
oocoo|ago oov costomo| ioto|ost io a
g|oviog |otail shoiog comlox.
A|oach. 1ho b|aodiog, sigoago aod vay
nodiog g|ahics ac|ago |ovidod a sma|t
modo|o stylo to aoal to tho divo|so
colto|al taost|y ot this sootho|o Sydooy
Ootcomo. A soccosstol ma|oovo| that has
|ovidod a cootomo|a|y aod tooctiooal
g|ahics solotioo to| ao oxaodiog local
shoiog coot|o.
Rockdale Plaza
|oc|dalo |laza, Sydooy
Rockdale Plaza
Saunders Global 2008 | Creating Protable People Places
Strategy | Branding | Interiors | Architecture
Shoiog Coot|o
|iot. Masto| lao tho |odovolomoot
ot this sob |ogiooal coot|o ioto a
|ogiooal shoiog coot|o.

A|oach. 1ho dosigo iotoot bohiod tho
a|chitocto|o aod ioto|io| dosigo solotioo
is to ma|o boooy|igg ao oojoyablo laco
to sho, t|om a oov t|osh tood hall to
tho tashioo mall. Good dist|ibotioo ot
t|atnc ov aod oasy accoss to a||iog
comlomoot a loaso|ablo shoiog

Ootcomo. Ao ioc|oaso ot |otail a|oa t|om
2,uuusqm o to 4!,uuusqm ioclodiog a
oov ||S aod soo|ma||ot. 1his ootailod
oxtoosivo aod oxt|omoly comlox
laooiog aod oogotiatioo vith cooocil
at all stagos ot tho a|oval |ocoss.
Saoodo|s |odovolomoot laos has
soco|od ooo ot Aost|alias la|gost |otail
g|oos to tho coot|o.
|A A|ovod Coost|octioo,
|oodiog Shoiog Coot|o io
Sydooys vosto|o Sobo|bs
Saunders Global 2008 | Creating Protable People Places
Strategy | Branding | Interiors | Architecture
Ma|ioa |io|
ho b|iot vas to ma|o a |olativoly small
o-ma||ot ma|ioa ioto |ogiooal aod
vib|aot dostioatioo. Saoodo|s masto|
laooiog aod dosigo coocots soggostod
|o-coongo|iog tho tooaocy mix to ma|o
it aoaliog to a la|go| socto| ot tho
oolatioo. 1hos c|oatiog |ociocts to| noo
dioiog, as voll as soitablo locatioos to| mo|o
coovooiooco-o|iootod toods. Saoodo|s had
to add|oss tho voatho| o|iootod vith this
Glooolg, Adolaido
Saunders Global 2008 | Creating Protable People Places
Strategy | Branding | Interiors | Architecture
|o|th Ai|o|t
vosto|o Aost|alia
|iot. 1o masto| lao tho ai|o|t |otail mix to maximiso tho
assoogo| |atio aod tho |otail aod tood |ovoooo.
Saoodo|s a|oach balaocod tho ditto|oot ai|o|t sogmoots to
c|oato a distioctivo oxo|iootial loiso|o aod |otail dostioatioo.
1ho comlotod |otail a|chitocto|o aod ioto|io| dosigo |ojoct
havo |odocod ao aoaliog, ottoctivo aod tooctiooal ai|o|t.
Masto| |laooiog 8 loto|io| |osigo to| tho
vost Aost|aliao Co|o|atioo
Saunders Global 2008 | Creating Protable People Places
Strategy | Branding | Interiors | Architecture
Sydooy Coot|al |laza
aoodo|s oodo|too| a |oviov ot tho oxistiog coot|o io |osooso to
issoos |olatiog to accoss to| oolo vith disabilitios. As a |osolt
ot tho |osoa|ch oov g|ahics sigoago aod vay-nodiog systoms vo|o
A six mooth oblic ava|oooss camaigo vas also dosigood, laoood,
maoagod aod co-o|dioatod by Saoodo|s vhich ioclodod all coot|o
|omotioos, baooo| sigos, bos v|as aod oovi|oomootal social
otto| g|ahics.
G|ahics, Sigoago aod Ma||otiog Camaigo
to| tho Sydooy Cb| Shoiog |laza.
Saunders Global 2008 | Creating Protable People Places
Strategy | Branding | Interiors | Architecture
|o|th Adolaido \illago
|oto|bishmoot, |odovolomoot 8 ldootity |volotioo
ot a |isto|ic |o|th Adolaido Shoiog \illago.
|iot. 1o |oiovigo|ato a tadod villago coot|o aod |o-ostablish it as 'tho
|omio| shoiog dostioatioo io |o|th Adolaido.
A|oach. vo c|oatod a t|osh aod iooovativo blood ot local |o|th
Adolaido ho|itago vith cootomo|a|y a|chitocto|o aod dosigo. 1ho
solotioo iovolvod |otaioiog tho oxistiog ho|itago tacado aod c|oatiog a
|ocogoisablo oot|y statomoot ioto tho coot|o.
- Masto| |laooiog
- |oasibility 8 St|atogic |laooiog
- |oll |otail A|chitocto|o So|vicos
- 1ooaocy Goidolioos
- |ogo |osigo 8 b|aodiog
- |ovi|oomootal G|ahics
- Sigoago
Ootcomo. 1ho |o|th Adolaido \illago has bo givoo a oov b|aod imago
aod |oositioood as tho ooly shoiog coot|o ot distioctioo io |o|th
Saunders Global 2008 | Creating Protable People Places
Strategy | Branding | Interiors | Architecture
Al Ovais Shoiog Mall
|iot. 1o masto| lao aod dosigo a oov shoiog mall
io |obai UA| vo||iog vithio a \icto|iao thomo aod
l2u,uuusqm ot |otail saco.
A|oach. 1ho \icto|iao thomo is to c|oato a clovo|
alicatioo ot logic to maximiso oolo movomoot aod
ov vithio tho coot|o. Saoodo|s dolivo|ablos ioclodo tho
masto| lao, layoot, |ocioct laooiog, ioto|io| dosigo aod
oolo movomoot.
Ootcomo. 1ho |osolt is ao im|ossivo dosigo that aoals
to tho local A|abic commooity as voll as asi|atiooal
|ov \icto|iao 1homod Shoiog Mall
Saunders Global 2008 | Creating Protable People Places
Strategy | Branding | Interiors | Architecture
|iot. 1o oxaod aod odato va||iovood shoiog
1ho iot|odoctioo ot oato|al light, stool aod co|vos,
laotatioo shotto|s aod a toootaio toato|o c|oatod a
modo|o aod cootomo|a|y tool that vas symathotic
vith tho local commooity aod |o|tho|o boachos
litostylo. 1ho |ooovatioo sigoincaotly ioc|oasod tho sizo
ot tho coot|o. va||iovood has |ogaiood its ositioo vith
tho local commooity aod is coosistootly ovo| loasod to
|osoctivo oov |otailo|s.
Shoiog Coot|o
Sob |ogiooal Shoiog Coot|o, Sydooy
Saunders Global 2008 | Creating Protable People Places
Strategy | Branding | Interiors | Architecture
Cho||yb|oo| Shoiog \illago
|iot. 1o gooo|ato maximom |oto|o oo iovostmoot t|om
a shoiog coot|o that had oo |oom to| oxaosioo.
A|oach. Saoodo|s solotioo iovolvod dosigoiog ao
ottoctivo iodoo| aod ootdoo| a|oa vithio a stylisod
st|ootscao to ostablish ao ooo, accossiblo aod
coovooioot laco to| local shoo|s.
Ootcomo. 1ho dosigo aod a|chitocto|o solotioo dooblod
tho sizo ot tho |otail saco vithoot losiog tho villago tool,
vhilo c|oatiog a modo|o aod tooctiooal |otail saco that
oocoo|agos |ooat bosiooss.
|oighboo|hood Shoiog \illago, Sydooy
Saunders Global 2008 | Creating Protable People Places
Strategy | Branding | Interiors | Architecture
|i|lo |laza
|iot. A soccosstol |ogiooal shoiog
coot|o oxaosioo aod |oto|bishmoot.
1ho oxistiog shoiog coot|o ioclodos a
oatiooal soo|ma||ot, a ||S aod 22 |otail
shos at 22uusqm.
Ootcomo. 1ho |odovolomoot ioclodos
|otail masto| laooiog to sot to|th
toto|o di|octioo ot tho coot|o, hiogod
oo maximisiog tho oo|tooity ot tho
sito, im|ovomoot ot tacilitios aod
tooctiooality to ooso|o tho shoiog
coot|o |omaios t|osh, comotitivo aod
|olovaot io tho ma||ot laco.
A |ogiooal Shoiog Coot|o
|xaosioo io Adolaidos
|asto|o sobo|bs
Saunders Global 2008 | Creating Protable People Places
Strategy | Branding | Interiors | Architecture
|allott Covo
Shoiog Coot|o
|iot. 1|aosto|m a ooighboo|hood shoiog villago
ioto a sob |ogiooal shoiog coot|o io |osooso
to st|oog oolatioo g|ovth io ao atooot |ogioo ot
A|oach. 1ho oxistiog coot|o ot /u//sqm vill ioc|oaso
to l/8u/sqm. A oov oatiooal soo|ma||ot aod discooot
doa|tmoot sto|o vill bo iot|odocod vith 6u socialty
shos toato|iog b|aodod |otail chaios, io coojooctioo
vith a oov tood coo|t aod litostylo |ocioct.
Ootcomo. 1ho |o-loasiog commitmoot t|om majo|s
has coon|mod tho st|atogy.
Sooth Adolaido |ogiooal Shoiog
Coot|o |xaosioo
Saunders Global 2008 | Creating Protable People Places
Strategy | Branding | Interiors | Architecture
|igh ||onlo Otnco |obby
Sydooy Cb|
|iot. 1ho oot|y to this boildiog litt lobby vas o|igioally
th|oogh a tood coo|t. Oo| b|iot vas to c|oato a |ostigioos
oot|aoco to idootity ao otnco boildiog locatod io ao histo|ic city
1o combioo asocts ot tho histo|ic |ocioct aod adjacoot
cathod|al vith tho ooods aod asi|atioos ot modo|o otnco
tooaots. Mato|ials osod. Saod stooo, Ca||a|a ma|blo, |iot|a g|oy
limostooo. Saoodo|s ootcomo c|oatod a modo|o yot timoloss
oot|aoco that givos a sooso ot |osooco aod vill maiotaio its
statos io tho oov cooto|y.
St Aod|ovs |ooso - Mixod Uso |ovolomoot
Saunders Global 2008 | Creating Protable People Places
Strategy | Branding | Interiors | Architecture
A cootomo|a|y, litostylo o|iootod
boo|sho to| a t|aditiooal
Aost|aliao b|aod.
Saoodo|s |oosod combioiog a modo|o
cootomo|a|y boo|sho vith ao ioto|oatiooal
oovsagoot aod cottoo sho, vith tho dosigo
st|atogy to ioc|oaso visitatioo aod oocoo|ago
costomo|s to oxtood thoi| visit timo.
Saoodo|s solotioo ioclodod ioto|io| dosigo, sho
t|oot, sigoago, g|ahics, catogo|y maoagomoot,
|odoct mo|chaodisiog aod dislays. Saoodo|s
soccosstol st|atogy dolivo|od 'litostylo io |otailiog.
|olightod vith this |osolt, |ymoc|s havo
|ollod this coocot oot ioto otho| high |onlo
56 Strategy | Branding | Interiors | Architecture Strategy | Branding | Interiors | Architecture
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