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A: abaisser Definition: to pull/push down, to lower N'abaissez pas ce levier ! - Don't pull that lever down!

Tout ce vent va certainement abaisser la temprature. - All this wind will certainly lower the temperature. Related: un abaisse-langue - tongue depressor; un abaissement - pulling down, lowering, humiliation abandonne Definition: (adj) - abandoned, disused, given up La maison ct de chez Anne est abandonne - The house next to Anne's is abandoned L'enfant abandonn par les mdecins s'est guri - The child given up on by doctors got better / was cured Related: abandon (m) - desertion, abandonment; abandonner - to abandon, desert abattre Definition: to pull, knock, cut down; slaughter; weaken, drain of energy Abattez deux murs et tous les arbres - Knock down two walls and cut down all of the trees. Cette fivre m'a vraiment abattu - This fever has really taken it out of me. La chaleur peut t'abattre - The heat can really drain you. Related: abattage - slaughtering, felling; abattement - dejection, despondency; un abattoir slaughterhouse; abattu (adj) - worn out, exhausted abimer Definition: to damage, ruin, spoil Mme une goutte d'eau peut abmer la soie - Even a drop of water can ruin silk Si tu continues conduire comme a tu vas abmer le moteur - If you keep driving like that you're going to damage the motor. (familiar) to beat up Related: s'abmer - to get damaged, go bad, spoil; un abme - abyss; abm (adj) - ruined,

damaged, spoiled abonner Definition: to subscribe, to buy a season ticket for (someone else) Mes parents m'ont abonn trois journaux - My parents took out subscriptions to three newspapers for me. s'abonner - to subscribe, to buy a season ticket for (oneself) Nous allons nous abonner au ballet - We're going to buy season tickets for the ballet. Related: un abonnement - subscription, season ticket, abonn (adj) - subscribed, un(e) abonn(e) - subscriber, season ticket holder aborder Definition: to reach, arrive at; approach (a person), start up, take on Aprs trois heures, nous avons enfin abord le rivage - After three hours, we finally reached the shore. Un chasseur de ttes m'a abord aujourd'hui - A head hunter approached me today. Abordons ce projet ensemble - Let's take this project on together. Related: les abords (m noun) - surroundings, outskirts; abordable (adj) - reasonable, affordable; abordage - attacking aboutir Definition: to succeed; to end up Nos efforts n'ont pas abouti - Our efforts have failed. Jeanne a fait aboutir son projet - Jeanne brought her project to success. Cette conversation est stupide ; elle aboutit au dsespoir - This conversation is stupid; it only leads to despair. Related: un aboutissement - outcome abracadabrant Definition: (adj) - incredible, preposterous Hier, je me suis trouv dans une situation abracadabrante. - Yesterday I found myself in a preposterous situation.

Ces ides sont un peu abracadabrantes - These ideas are a bit far-fetched. abrege Definition: summary, synopsis, short guide Je dois crire un abrg de ce livre avant demain - I have to write a summary of this book by tomorrow. C'est un abrg de la Rvolution franaise - It's a short/concise guide to the French Revolution. Related: en abrg - in brief, a nutshell, miniature; to make a long story short abri Definition: shelter, refuge Il y a un abri antiatomique la bibliothque - There's a fallout shelter at the library. l'abri ! - Take cover! This word is used both literally and figuratively: un abri fiscal - tax shelter Il faut mettre les tableaux l'abri du vol - We need to put the paintings in a safe place (somewhere where thieves won't find them). Related: abriter - to shelter abrutir Definition: to exhaust, to deaden one's mind Ce cours m'abrutit - This class wipes me out. Elle abrutit ses enfants de travail - She works her kids silly, She works her kids until they are exhausted. Il s'abrutit regarder la tl - He's becoming mindless by watching too much TV. Related: abruti (adj) - stunned, dazed, stupefied, idiotic; un abruti (inf) - idiot, moron; abrutissant (adj) - stunning, thought-destroying; abrutissement (m noun) - exhaustion, mindless state absent Definition: (adj) - absent, lacking, missing Je serai absent demain. - I'll be out / absent tomorrow.

Le rire est toujours absent dans cette maison ! - Laughter is always missing in this house (no one ever laughs in this house) Pourquoi est-ce que ce pays est absent des ngociations ? - Why is this country not participating in the negotiations? Related: une absence - absence; absentisme - absenteeism; un/e absentiste - absentee; absenter - to go out, leave (Click the little graphic below to hear the Mot du jour pronounced. If you're wondering why the b is pronounced like a p, see my lesson on assimilation.) Pronunciation: [a psa(n)]Audio Link acadie Definition: (proper name) - Acadia L'Acadie tait la premire colonie franaise dans l'est du Canada, dont les habitants ont t ensuite exils en Louisiane en 1755. - Acadia was the first French colony in in Eastern Canada, whose inhabitants were later exiled to Louisiana in 1755. Related: acadien (adj) and Acadien (proper noun) - Acadian Le mot cajun vient de l'adjectif acadien. - The word "Cajun" comes from the adjective "Acadian." accablant Definition: (adj) - exhausting, oppressive, overwhelming Je ne peux plus travailler ; la chaleur est accablante ! - I can't work any more; the heat is oppressive! Il a trouv tous ces dtails accablants - He found all of these details overwhelming Related: accablement (m) - despondency, depression, exhaustion; accabler - to overwhelm, overcome, condemn accoter Definition: to lean, rest Accote le balai contre le mur - Lean the broom against the wall Il a accot son bras sur mes paules - He rested his arm on my shoulders Related: s'accoter - to lean, rest (oneself), un accotement - shoulder (of a road or railroad), berm; un accotoir - armrest, headrest accro

Definition: (informal adj) - hooked, addicted Le protagoniste est accro l'hrone - The protagonist is addicted to heroin Je suis accro au chocolat - I'm hooked on chocolate un accro - addict Il est accro du ski - He's a skiing addict Homophone - un accroc (tear, blot) accroc Definition: tear; breach, infringement Il y a un accroc dans ce tissu - There's a tear in this fabric C'est un accroc notre rglement - That's a breach of our regulations (figurative) blot; tear, hitch Il n'a aucun accroc sa rputation - He doesn't have a single blot on his reputation On l'a fait sans accroc - We did it without a hitch Homophone - un accro (addict) accrochage Definition: collision, fender-bender; skirmish, clash; coupling, hitching; (picture) hanging; (boxing) clinch J'ai eu un accrochage ce matin - I got into a fender-bender this morning Qu'est-ce qui a caus cet accrochage militaire ? - What caused this military skirmish? Ce muse a un bel accrochage de peintures - This museum has a nice display of paintings Related: accrocher - to hang (up), to couple/hitch, to catch, to bump into/hit; saccroch (adj) hooked; une accroche - (publicity) lead-in, catch phrase; accrocher (adj) - resolute, catchy, attention-grabbing accroche Definition: lead-in, catch phrase, headline Je n'ai pas encore trouv une bonne accroche pour ce produit - I haven't found a good catch phrase for this product yet.

As-tu vu l'accroche la une aujourd'hui ? - Did you see today's (front page) headline? Related: accrocher - to hang, hitch; to stick, jam; to catch on; accrochage (masc) - collision, fender-bender, hanging; accroch (adj) - hooked; accrocheur (adj) - resolute, catchy, striking acharnement Definition: (m noun) - fierceness, fury, determination Son acharnement au travail est extraordinaire - His determination at work is amazing. Mes frres se battent avec acharnement. - My brothers fight relentlessly. Related: s'acharner - to go at fiercely and unrelentingly, acharn (adj) - fierce, relentless, determined; acharnement thrapeutique - using life support to keep someone alive achever Definition: to finish, complete, end; to kill Il vient d'achever son discours - He just finished his speech Quand vas-tu achever ce livre ? - When are you going to complete this book? Cette nouvelle va achever mon pre - This news is going to kill my father s'achever - to end Le jour s'est enfin achev - The day finally ended Related: achev (adj) - thorough, accomplished, perfect; achvement (m noun) - completion, culmination actif Definition: (m noun) - assets, credits Notre actif dpasse 30 millions de dollars - Our assets are more than $30 million. (adj) - active Il est actif en politique locale - He's active in local politics Antonym: le passif - liabilities actualite Definition: (fem noun) - current events, news

Je ne suis pas vraiment l'actualit - I don't really follow current events. Veux-tu regarder les actualits ? - Do you want to watch the news? Related: actuel (adj) - current; actuellement - currently, presently; actualisation - updating; actualiser - to actualize, update ado Definition: (informal apocope of adolescent) - teenager J'ai deux ados - I have two teenagers Related: adolescent (adj) - adolescent, teenage; adolescence (f) - adolescence affadir Definition: to make tasteless, dull, uninteresting, colorless Trop d'eau va affadir le potage - Too much water will make the soup tasteless. Cette chemise blanche affadit ton visage - That white shirt makes your face look pallid. Related: l'affadissement - loss of flavor, weakening, dulling affaler Definition: (nautical) to lower, pull down Savez-vous affaler la voile ? - Do you know how to pull down the sail? s'affaler to collapse, fall, slump Il vient de s'affaler sur le canap - He just collapsed on the sofa. Related: affalement (m) - collapse, slump afficher Definition: to post, display, flaunt J'ai affich un message dans le forum - I posted a message in the forum. Dfense d'afficher - Post no bills. Mon ordi n'affiche pas ces images - My computer won't display these images. Elle affiche sa beaut - She flaunts her beauty.

Related: une fiche - card, form; une affiche - public notice, poster; une affichette - small public notice; un afficheur - billposter, display; un affichiste - poster designer, artist affligeant Definition: (adj) distressing, overwhelming J'ai d prendre une dcision affligeante - I had to make a distressing decision Nous avons t bouleverss par la nouvelle affligeante de sa mort - We were shattered by the overwhelming news of his death Related: affliger - to distress, grieve; afflig (adj) - afflicted affliger Definition: to distress, grieve, afflict Elle est toujours afflige par sa perte - She is still distressed by her loss. Il a t afflig par une maladie grave 13 ans - He was afflicted by a serious illness at the age of 13. affoler Definition: to terrify, throw into a panic Je suis affol par ce type de responsabilit - I'm terrified by this kind of responsibility. Le coup de tlphone a affol mes parents - The phone call threw my parents into a panic. Related: s'affoler - to lose one's head, panic; affolant (adj) - frightening, disturbing; affol (adj) panic-stricken; affolement (m noun) - panic affronter Definition: to confront, face, brave Un jour, vous devrez affronter votre adversaire - One day, you will have to face your adversary Nous avons affront le mauvais temps pour aller louer un DVD - We braved the bad weather to go rent a DVD Related: un affront - insult, un affrontement - confrontation affubler Definition: to wear (especially something strange) Il s'est affubl d'un vieux chapeau - He is wearing an old hat

Tu as vu cette fille affuble d'une robe toute dchire ? - Did you see that girl wearing a torn dress? Expression: affubler d'un sobriquet - to attach a nickname (to someone) agreger Definition: to aggregate, incorporate L'Alliance franaise agrge les Francophiles son groupe - The Alliance franaise incorporates Francophiles into its group. Related: agrgation (f) - the highest competitive exam for teachers in France; agrg - apocope of agrgation un agrgatif - candidate for the agrgation, agrg (adj) - holder of the agrgation (qualified to teach high school), un agrgat - aggregate, mishmash ahbon Expression: Ah bon ? Pronunciation: [a bo(n)] Meaning: Really?, Is that so?, I see Literal translation: oh good Register: normal Notes: The very common French expression ah bon is really more of an interjection and can be translated a dozen different ways; in general, it is used to acknowledge something that another person just said or to ask for confirmation. Don't be fooled by bon - it doesn't mean "good" here, so ah bon can be used when talking about both good and bad things. Examples -J'ai vu un film intressant hier. -Ah bon ? -I saw an interesting movie yesterday. -You did? Oh, yeah? -Nous avons dmnag aprs le dcs de mon pre. -Ah bon. -We moved after my father died. -I see. Post your comments about the French expression ah bon on my French blog - just hit "comments" at the bottom of the post.

More Expressions with bon Everyday French phrases Most common French phrases aigre Definition: (adj) sour (taste), sharp, shrill (sound), bitter, biting (weather), cutting, harsh (remark) Je pense que ce lait est aigre - I think this milk is sour Un de mes tudiants a une voix trs aigre - One of my students has a very shrill voice Je dteste ce vent aigre - I hate this bitter wind Il ne faut pas faire de remarques si aigres - You shouldn't make such harsh comments aile Definition: wing, fender Je pense que cet oiseau s'est cass l'aile - I think that bird broke its wing Elle travaille pour l'aile suisse de notre organisation - She works for the Swiss wing of our organisation (sports) Qui va jouer l'aile droite ? - Who's going to play right wing? Il y a une bosse sur l'aile gauche de ta voiture - There's a dent in your car's left fender (or wing, in UK) dailleurs Expression: D'ailleurs Pronunciation: [da yeur] Meaning: besides, moreover; for that matter; might I add, by the way Literal translation: from elsewhere Register: normal Notes: The adverbial French expression d'ailleurs literally means "besides" or "moreover," but it also has two other uses: 1. It can be used to add a bit of interesting but non-essential information, the way you might say "might I add" or "by the way." 2. It's often tacked on to sentences with no real meaning - it's kind of a filler, like the English word "so."

Examples Je n'ai pas russi l'examen, et d'ailleurs je dois admettre que je n'ai mme pas rvis. I didn't pass the test, and I have to admit that, moreover, I didn't even study. Moi non plus, d'ailleurs. Me neither, for that matter. J'ai parl Jean, d'ailleurs il a maigri, et il va venir vers midi. I talked to Jean, who has lost weight, by the way, and he'll be here around noon. D'ailleurs, on y va ? So anyway, are we going? D'ailleurs is the required contraction of the preposition de (of, from, about) plus the adverb ailleurs (elsewhere, somewhere else). Post your comments about the French expression d'ailleurs on my French blog - just hit "comments" at the bottom of the post.

More: Expressions with de | Most common French phrases ainsi Definition: thus, so, in this way Ainsi soit-il - So be it Mes parents sont morts, ainsi je suis orphelin - My parents died, so I'm an orphan C'est mieux de le faire ainsi - It's better to do it like this ainsi que - (just) as Ainsi que je t'ai dj dit - Just as I've already told you alambique Definition: (adj) - convoluted, involved, obsure Marcel Proust est le matre de la prose alambique - Marcel Proust is the master of convoluted text Je n'aime pas les films alambiqus - I don't like obscure movies rigueur Definition: harshness, severity, rigidness, strictness, rigor, precision Ils traitent les criminels violents avec la plus grande rigueur - They treat violent criminals with

the greatest severity. J'apprcie sa rigueur morale - I appreciate his moral strictness. Related: la rigueur - or even, if need be; rigoureux (adj) - rigorous; rigoureusement (adv) rigorously aleas Definition: (masc plural noun) unknown factors, uncertainties, potential risks C'est trs cher, sans compter tous les alas - It's very expensive, not to mention all of the uncertainties Ce sont les alas de la vie - These things happen Related: alatoire (adj) - uncertain, risky, random; alatoirement (adv) - randomly aleatoire Definition: (adj) uncertain, risky, random Notre succs est bien alatoire - Our success is very uncertain Quelles sont les variables alatoires ? - What are the random variables? Related: alatoirement (adv) - randomly allechant Definition: (adj) - mouth-watering, tempting, enticing Je sens quelque chose d'allchant - I smell something mouth-watering. C'est une offre allchante, mais... - It's a tempting offer, but... Related: allcher - to make one's mouth water, to tempt, entice; allch - tempted, enticed allegement Definition: (m noun) lightening, reduction, relief L'allgement de personnel nous permettra de me faire face nos problmes financiers - A reduction in personnel will allow us to deal with our financial problems Ils cherchent un allgement fiscal - They are seeking tax relief. Alternate spelling: allgement Related: lger (adj) - light; allger - to lighten

allier Definition: to combine, unite, match, ally Il faut allier nos efforts - We need to combine our efforts. Il va s'allier avec tes parents - He's going to ally himself with your parents. Related: une alliance - alliance, union; alli (adj) allied alourdir Definition: to weigh/load down, to make heavy Ma voiture est alourdie par des livres - My car is weighed down with books. Son parfum alourdit l'air - The air is heavy with her perfume. Related: s'alourdir - to become heavy; alourdissement - increased weight, heaviness amateur Definition: amateur, lover of Je suis un photographe amateur - I'm an amateur photographer Il est amateur d'art - He's an art lover Related: amateurisme (masc) - amateurism, amateurishness; aimer - to like, love ameliorer Definition: to improve Je veux amliorer mon franais avant de partir - I want to improve my French before I leave. Nous allons amliorer notre maison - We're going to do some improvements at our house. Related: amliorable (adj) - improvable; amlioration - improvement, betterment; amliorant (adj) - soil-improving amenagement Definition: (masc noun) - conversion, fitting-out, laying-out, development, adjustment, making, building L'amnagement de la grange en maison a cot trs cher - The conversion of the barn into a house was very expensive Avez-vous fini le plan d'amnagement ? - Have you finished the development plan?

On va devoir demander des amnagements d'horaire - We're going to have to request some adjustments to the schedule Related: amnagements - facilities; amnageable (adj) - flexible, suitable for conversion; amnager - to fit/lay out, develop, adjust; un amnageur - city/town planner amical Definition: (adj) friendly Elle est vraiment amicale - She is very friendly. Il est peu amical - He's not very friendly. une amicale - association, club Related: un ami - friend; amicalement - in a friendly way amitie Definition: (fem noun) - friendship, liking, kindness L'amiti est une des choses les plus importantes du monde, surtout aujourd'hui - Friendship is one of the most important things in the world, especially today Expressions: amitis (at the end of a letter) - best wishes, all the best, kind regards; amiti particulire - homosexual relationship; prendre qqun en amiti - to take a liking to someone; Faites-moi l'amiti de + infinitive... - Do me the kindness/favor of + gerund... ampleur Definition: fullness, liberalness, opulence; scale, extent L'ampleur des dgts est incroyable - The extent of the damage is incredible. J'aime l'ampleur de son style - I like his liberal style. Il faut donner plus d'ampleur sa chemise - We need to give more fullness to his shirt (make his shirt bigger). Related: ample (adj) - full, roomy; amplement (adv) - fully, amply; une amplification development, accentuation; amplifier - to develop, expand aneantir Definition: to annihilate, wipe out, destroy; to overwhelm, overcome, wear out L'arme a ananti trois villes en quinze jours - The army wiped out three towns in two weeks

Trop de chaleur m'anantit - Too much heat overwhelms me Il a t ananti par le chagrin - He was overcome with grief Related: anantissement (m noun) - annihilation, destruction, exhaustion anglo-saxon Definition: (adj) - related to British civilization Je ne connais pas bien les traditions anglo-saxonnes - I'm not really familiar with the traditions of British civilization. The English term Anglo-Saxon refers to a historical people and is found in the classification White Anglo-Saxon Protestant (WASP). In French, however, anglo-saxon is used as a catch-all for anything related to Britain and British civilization, including the United States. To anglophone ears, it can sound strange to hear anglo-saxon used over and over in French, but it is a modern-day term in that language. Related: un Anglo-Saxon, une Anglo-Saxonne - a person from Britain or the United States anicroche Definition: (informal) - hitch, snag, problem Nous avons russi sans anicroche(s) - We succeeded without a hitch Il y a eu deux ou trois petites anicroches - There were two or three little snags Related: accrocher - to snag, catch animer Definition: to lead, conduct; drive, impel, encourage; liven up J'aimerais animer la discussion ce soir - I'd like to lead the discussion this evening. Le dsir d'aider les gens anime sa vie - The desire to help people drives (is the driving force behind) his life. Cette soire va t'animer - This party will liven you up. Related: un animateur - organizer, driving force, host, leader; animation - life, liveliness; anim (adj) - busy, lively, animated annuaire Definition: phone book, directory; link directory Il faut chercher un resto dans les pages jaunes de l'annuaire, ou en ligne - You need to look for a

restaurant in the Yellow Pages directory, or online. Quel est le meilleur annuaire ? - What's the best link directory (the best website that organizes internet links)? More vocabulary: On the phone anonymat Definition: (m noun) - anonymity Vous devez assurer son anonymat - You need to ensure his anonymity Je l'ai fait sous le couvert de l'anonymat - I did it anonymously A-t-elle gard son anonymat ? - Did she remain anonymous? Related: anonyme (adj) - anonymous; anonymement (adv) - anonymously apaiser Definition: to calm down, appease, soothe Sa voix a apais le chien - His voice calmed the dog down L'allaitement maternel apaise la mre et l'enfant - Breast-feeding soothes both mother and child Related: apais (adj) - soothed, calmed, appeased; apaisant (adj) - soothing, concialiatory; apaisement (m noun) - appeasement, reassurance, relief apeine Expression: peine Pronunciation: [ah pehn] Meaning: hardly, barely Literal translation: to pain, to effort Register: normal Notes: The French expression peine acts like an adverb and means "hardly" or "barely." If you have trouble with this expression, the literal translation might help. One possibility is "to pain," which would seem to suggest that whatever is being (barely) done is so difficult as to be painful, and therefore just the minimum amount is done. But peine also means "effort," so a more accurate literal translation might be "with effort," as if you have to expend effort to perform the task. Examples:

J'ai peine faim. I'm barely hungry. Il est peine midi. It's only noon, It just struck noon. a s'aperoit peine. It's hardly noticeable, You can barely see it. C'est peine croyable. It's hard to believe. Post your comments about the French expression peine on my French blog - just hit "comments" at the bottom of the post.

More: Expressions with | Most common French phrases appart Definition: (inf) - apartment/flat (short for un appartement) Je vis dans un appart - I live in an apartment. More: French abbreviations + apocopes appreter Definition: (painting) to prime J'ai dj apprt le mur - I've already primed the wall. s'apprter - to get/be prepared; to get ready to do something Est-ce qu'elle s'apprte pour la fte ? - Is she getting ready for the party? Je m'apprtais partir - I was just getting ready to leave. apprivoiser Definition: to tame, domesticate, make more sociable Je ne puis pas jouer avec toi, dit le renard. Je ne suis pas apprivois. "I can't play with you," said the fox. "I'm not tame." (Le Petit Prince, by Antoine de SaintExupry) Sa fille est sauvage ; elle devrait tre apprivoise - His daughter is wild; she should be made (taught to be) more sociable Related: l'apprivoisement (m) - taming; apprivoisable (adj) - tameable

appui Definition: support J'ai trouv un appui dans cette organisation - I found support at this organization. Il a cherch un appui auprs de sa sur - He turned to his sister for support. Nous avons l'appui de l'cole - We have the school's support. Il a des chiffres l'appui de son ide - He has figures in support of his idea. Related: appuyer - to lean, to press, to support; appuy (adj) - fixed, intent, emphatic, overdone, labored ardoise Definition: (fem) slate Il vient d'installer une alle en ardoise - He just installed a slate path (inf) unpaid bill J'ai encore beaucoup d'ardoises - I still have a lot of unpaid bills (adj) slate-grey arnaquer Definition: (familiar) - to swindle, rip off; to nab, arrest Arnaquer les touristes, c'est tout simplement mal - Swindling tourists is just plain wrong On a arnaqu le voleur hier soir - They nabbed the thief last night Related: l'arnaque (f) - swindling, rip-off; un arnaqueur - swindler, cheat arracher Definition: to lift, tear out/off, pull up/out; to snatch Qui va arracher les mauvaises herbes ? - Who's going to pull out the weeds? Il a arrach quelques pages de mon livre - He tore some pages out of my book. Le voleur m'a arrach mon sac main - The thief snatched my purse. Related: l'arrachage - lifting, uprooting, extracting; un arrach (sports) - snatch; un arrache-clou nail wrench; l'arrachement - wrench, tearing; arrache-pied (adv) - relentlessly

arret Definition: stop L'arrt d'autobus - the bus stop Attendez l'arrt complet du train - Wait until the train has come to a complete stop. Related: arrter - to stop, arrest; arrt (adj) - firm, fixed arriere Definition: (m noun) - back, stern Tu dois rester l'arrire - You have to stay in back. en arrire - behind, backwards Ne regarde pas en arrire - Don't look back. Related: s'arrirer - to fall behind on payments, arrire-pays (m) - countryside, upland, hinterland arrondissement Definition: district The major French cities, Paris, Marseilles, and Lyon, are divided into districts, called arrondissements. Paris has 20 arrondissements. The word is often omitted in colloquial French. J'habite dans le 18 arrondissement / J'habite dans le 18 - I live in the 18th (district) Related: arrondir - to round (off), to make smoother arroser Definition: to water, spray, (informal) - to drink to As-tu arros les fleurs ? - Did you water the flowers? Casablanca est plus arros que San Jos - Casablanca is wetter (gets more rain) than San Jos. Nous avons gagn, a s'arrose ! - We won, let's drink to that! Related: arrosage - watering, spraying; un arroseur - waterer; une arroseuse - water cart; un arrosoir - watering can as Definition: ace

As-tu l'as de cur ? - Do you have the ace of hearts? C'est un as de la route - He's an ace driver (tennis) J'ai russi un as ! - I served an ace! Related: un as de pique - fool, idiot; tre ficel/fagot/fichu/foutu comme l'as de pique (informal) - to be dressed any old how, to be looking like a scarecrow; tre (plein) aux as (familiar) - to be loaded, rolling in it passer l'as (informal) - to disappear: les apritifs sont passs l'as - we got the drinks for free; mes vacances sont passes l'as - my vacation went down the drain; mon texte est pass l'as my article was ditched assoupir Definition: to make drowsy Regarder les films m'assoupit. - Watching movies makes me drowsy. Il s'est assoupi pendant la pice - He dozed off during the play. Related: s'assoupir - to doze off; assoupi (adj) - dozing, dulled; assoupissement (m noun) - doze, drowsiness astreindre Definition: to compel, force Sa sant fragile l'a astreint cesser de fumer. - His weak health compelled him to quit smoking. Il ne faut pas astreindre les enfants manger. - You shouldn't force children to eat. Related: astreignant (adj) - exacting, demanding; une astreinte - constraint, obligation, penalty atavique Definition: (adj) - atavistic, hereditary (literally after skipping one or more generations, but commonly used as a synonym for hereditary) Leur facilit avec les chiffres est atavique - Their skill with numbers is hereditary. Related: atavisme - atavism atout Definition: asset, trump card Vous tes un atout dans l'quipe - You're an asset to the team.

Il a un atout dans sa manche - He has an ace up his sleeve. Elle a tous les atouts dans son jeu - She has all of the trumps/winning cards. attentat Definition: murder attempt, attack L'attentat contre le prsident a chou - The assassination attempt on the president failed. Les attentats ont tu des milliers de gens - The attacks killed thousands of people. attention Definition: (excl) - Warning! Watch out! Attention ! tu vas tomber. - Be careful, you're going to fall! Attention la peinture - Wet paint. (fem noun) - attention, care, thoughtfulness Related: faire/prter attention - to pay attention, to be careful (about something), to heed aubaine Definition: godsend, windfall Il faut profiter de l'aubaine - You have to take advantage of this windfall Quelle aubaine ! - What a godsend! aufait Expression: Au fait Pronunciation: [o feht] Meanings: by the way, get to the point, informed Register: normal Notes: The French expression au fait is most commonly used as an interjection meaning "by the way" or "incidentally": Salut Pierre ! Au fait, j'ai parl ta sur hier. Hi Pierre! By the way, I talked to your sister yesterday.

Au fait can also mean "get to the point":

Je n'ai qu'une minute, donc je vais droit au fait. I only have a minute, so I'll go straight to the point. Au fait ! Get to the point (already)!

Au fait de means "informed about" or "conversant with" (though au courant de is more common). This is also the meaning of au fait in English. Je ne suis pas au fait de sa situation. I'm not familiar with his situation; I'm not au fait with his situation.

Attention: Though it may sound similar, the expression en fait means something very different.

Post your comments about the French expression au fait on my French blog - just hit "comments" at the bottom of the post.


Expressions with Expressions with faire Most common French phrases French expressions used in English

auparavant Definition: (adv) - beforehand, previously Il avait dj fini le travail une semaine auparavant - He had already finished the work a week before. Je veux bien couter l'histoire, mais cherchons une boisson auparavant. - I really want to hear the story, but let's get a drink first. Related: avant (preposition or adverb) - before What's the difference? Avant is used in simple present and past constructions, whereas auparavant is used to emphasize that the thing happened before the current situation (similar to the pluperfect). In my second example above, avant would also be acceptable. All about French adverbs aupif Expression: Au pif

Pronunciation: [o peef] Meaning: at a rough guess, at random, using guesswork Literal translation: at the nose Register: familiar Notes: Pif is a familiar and somewhat rude word meaning "big nose," and by extension just "nose." Equivalents in American and British English, respectively, are "schnoz" and "conk." So au pif literally means "in the nose," which makes some sense: letting one's nose provide guidance. But the more idiomatic equivalents of this expression are "at a rough guess" or "at random." Examples: Il y a une dizaine de livres au pif. There are roughly ten books, I'd say there are about ten books. Il ne faut pas choisir tes cours au pif. You shouldn't pick your classes at random. More French expressions: avoir du pif - to have a funny feeling; to have flair avoir quelqu'un dans le pif - to hate someone faire quelque chose au pif - to do something by guesswork Post your comments about the French expression au pif on my French blog - just hit "comments" at the bottom of the post.

More: Expressions with aupres Definition: next to, close to, compared with, in the view of Tu peux t'asseoir auprs de la fentre - You can sit by the window. Je suis pauvre auprs de cette famille* - I'm poor in comparison with this family. *Note that ct de would also be fine here. Il est paresseux auprs de ses collgues - He's lazy in his colleagues' opinion.

Related: prs de (preposition) - near All about French prepositions autant Definition: (adv) - as much/many, so much/many J'ai autant de frres que lui - I have as many brothers as he does. Mange autant que tu veux - Eat as much as you want. Je ne m'attendais pas autant de monde ! - I wasn't expecting so many people! Related: tant (adv) - so much/many (tant vs autant) autochtone Definition: (noun and adjective) native Ce sont les autochtones d'Australie - They are the natives of Australia Quelles sont les coutumes autochtones ? - What are the native customs? autoroute Definition: highway, freeway, motorway Je n'aime pas conduire sur les autoroutes - I don't like driving on the highway Related: une auto(mobile) - car; autoroutier (adj) - related to a highway; auto-stop (m) - hitchhiking autrui Definition: (pronoun) others Il n'a aucun respect pour le bien d'autrui - He has no regard for other people's property Ne fais pas autrui ce que tu ne voudrais pas qu'on te ft - Do unto others as you would have them do unto you Related: autre (adj) - other; un autre (pronoun) - other aval Definition: (m noun used like an adjective) downstream, downhill, (figurative) lower Ils ont trouv le cano en aval - They found the canoe downstream

Le skieur aval a priorit - The downhill skier has priority S'il y a un problme avec la production, on aura des difficults en aval - If there is a production problem, we will have trouble further down the line Related: avaler - to swallow; amont - upstream, uphill, higher avenant Definition: (adj) - pleasant, welcoming Ton pre est trs avenant - Your dad is very welcoming. Quelle maison avenante. - What a pleasant-looking house. Related: l'avenant - in keeping with Le vin cotait 200 euros, et le repas tait l'avenant - The wine cost 200 euros, and the meal was just as expensive aventurier Definition: adventurer Ceux qui voyagent en Inde sont de vrais aventuriers ! - Those who who travel to India are real adventurers! Related: une aventure - adventure; aventurer - to risk, put at stake; aventureusement (adv) adventurously, riskily; aventureux (adj) - adventurous avere Definition: (adj) - known, recognized Il est avr qu'ils parlent trop - It's a known fact that they talk too much Jean va gagner ; c'est un fait avr - Jean will win; it's a given Related: s'avrer - to turn out that: Il s'avre que... - It turns out that... averer Definition: (pronominal verb) to turn out Il s'avre que ce restaurant va fermer - It turns out that this restaurant is going to close Son histoire s'est avre tre fascinante - His story turned out to be fascinating Related: avr (adj) - established, known

averse Definition: (rain) shower On aura des averses demain - There will be some showers tomorrow une forte averse - downpour; une averse orageuse - thunder shower; tre pris par une averse / recevoir une averse - to be caught in a shower; Il n'est pas n / tomb de la dernire averse - He wasn't born yesterday (fig) - flood Il y a eu une averse de donations aprs l'orage - There was a flood of donations after the storm Not to be confused with: Il pleut verse - It's pouring, It's coming down in buckets avouer Definition: to avow, confess, admit Il a avou son amour pour Genevive - He confessed his love for Genevive. J'avoue l'avoir fait - I admit that I did it. Related: s'avouer - to confess one's guilt; avouable (adj) - acceptable; un avou - lawyer; avou (ad) - avowed; un aveu - confession azimut Definition: (astronomy) azimuth Expressions: tous azimuts - wide-ranging, all-out; (informal) dans tous les azimuts - everywhere, all over the place C'est une offensive tous azimuts - It's an all-out offensive Je t'ai cherch dans tous les azimuts ! - I looked everywhere for you!

B: babacool Definition: (informal) - hippy Mme en 2004, il y a toujours des baba cools - Even in 2004, there are still some hippies. Baba cool is synonymous with "baba," but the latter has some other meanings as well. bac Definition: Short for le baccalaurat - a college entrance exam given to all French students upon finishing high school. A-t-il russi au bac ? - Did he pass the bac? (==> Did he get his high school diploma? Did he pass his A-levels?) un bac can also be a ferry, tub, trough, or vat bacler Definition: to botch, scamp, throw together Il a bcl la nouvelle salle de bains - He threw together the new bathroom Ne bcle pas le travail ! - Don't botch the work! Related: le bclage - botching, scamping badiner Definition: to banter, jest, joke; to play around, treat lightly J'aime bien badiner avec mes frres - I really like bantering with my brothers. Il ne badine pas sur la discipline - He doesn't play around with discipline / doesn't treat discipline lightly. Related: le badinage - banter; badin (adj) - jocular, light-hearted, playful bagarre Definition: (informal) - fighting, fight, brawl Il a l'air de chercher la bagarre - He looks like he's looking for a fight Je n'aime pas aller aux matchs de foot, il y a toujours des bagarres - I don't like to go to soccer games, there are always free-for-alls Related: bagarrer - to argue, fight; bagarreur (adj) - aggressive; un bagarreur - fighter

bagarrer Definition: (informal) to fight, clash, argue Je dteste me bagarrer - I hate fighting Mes parents ont bagarr pour avoir une rduction - My parents argued to get a discount Related: la bagarre - a fight, fighting; bagarreur (adj) - aggressive bagatelle Definition: trinket, small item; trifle Je t'ai achet une petite bagatelle - I bought you a little trinket. a cote la bagatelle de 10 euros - It costs a trifling/mere 10 euros. bagnole Definition: (informal) - car J'ai d vendre ma bagnole - I had to sell my wheels Regarde cette vieille bagnole ! - Look at that old banger! baguette Definition: French bread; conductor's baton, chopstick, switch (used for punishment) Sais-tu manger avec les baguettes ? - Do you know how to eat with chopsticks? Types: une baguette de fe - magic wand, une baguette de fusil - ramrod, une baguette magique magic wand, une baguette de protection latrale - side trim (on a car), une baguette de sourcier divining rod, une baguette de tambour - drumstick, une baguette viennoise - Viennese bread Expressions: rsoudre quelque chose d'un coup de baguette magique - to solve something by waving a magic wand, cheveux raides comme des baguettes de tambour - dead straight ou really straight hair, mener quelqu'un la baguette - to be a hard taskmaster, to boss around bahut Definition: sideboard Sophie range la vaisselle dans le bahut - Sophie stores the china in the sideboard (informal) - school, taxi, truck Alain a t vir du bahut - Alain was expelled from school

Je vais prendre un bahut - I'm going to take a taxi baiser Definition: (old-fashioned) to kiss Les hommes ne baisent plus les mains des femmes - Men don't kiss women's hands any more (hand-kissing gesture) Note: Baiser is also a vulgar slang term, depending on the context. In the above sentence, it is obvious that baiser means kiss. In a sentence like Il m'a baise, of course the listener would hear "He f...ed me." Basically, if you have any doubts, find another verb for kiss, like embrasser. (vulgar slang) - to outdo, to be had; to have sex Il s'est fait baiser - He was really had/outdone Related: un baiser - kiss; le baisement - kissing (e.g., the Pope's hand) balader Definition: (informal) - to wander around, to take for a walk Ma sur balade son chien tous les jours - My sister takes her dog out / walks her dog every day Quand il pleut, elle aime se balader dans tous les muses - When it rains she likes to wander around all the museums Expression: envoyer balader quelqu'un - to send someone packing Related: se balader - to go for a walk; une balade - walk, stroll, ride; baladeur (adj) - wandering, roving balai Definition: broom, brush Je dois acheter un balai - I need to buy a broom. Related: un balai ponge - sponge mop; un balai mcanique - carpet sweeper; balayer - to sweep; passer le balai - to sweep; donner un coup de balai - to give the floor a (quick) sweep, (fig) to make a clean sweep; avoir xx balais (fam) - to be xx years old; Du balai ! (inf) - Beat it! Get lost! balbutier Definition: to stammer, babble C'est vident qu'il est ivre quand il commence balbutier - It's obvious that he's drunk when he starts stammering

Le bb ne parle pas encore; elle est toujours en train de balbutier - The baby doesn't talk yet; she's still babbling baleze Definition: (familiar adj) brawny, strapping; great, terrific C'est un mec trs balze - He's a very brawny guy. Elle est balze en maths - She's great at math. un/e balze - strapping wo/man balise Definition: beacon, buoy, sign Le pilote n'a pas vu les balises - The pilot didn't see the beacons. Les balises ne sont pas visibles - The road signs are not clear. Related: le balisage - beaconing, runway lights; baliser - to signpost, mark out with beacons, (inf) - to be all worked up about something, to be afraid balivernes Definition: (fem) - nonsense Tu dis des balivernes - You're talking nonsense. Related: s'amuser des balivernes - to fool around balle Definition: bullet, ball Une balle perdue a tu mon chien - A stray bullet killed my dog As-tu trouv ma balle de golf ? - Did you find my golf ball? (tennis, ping pong) shot C'est une belle balle - Nice shot Expressions: faire des/quelques balles - to knock a few balls around; la balle de jeu/match/set game/set/match point More: tennis vocabulary des balles (informal, archaic) - francs

Je gagne 100 balles par heure - I make 100 francs an hour banc Definition: bench, seat; shoal/school (of fish) Assieds-toi sur ce banc - Sit down on this bench. Nous nous sommes connus sur les bancs de l'cole - We've known one another since school. Related: banc d'glise - pew, banc des tmoins - witness box/stand bandant Definition: (familiar/vulgar adj) - sexy, interesting Elle est vachement bandante ! - She is really hot! Ce film n'est pas trs bandant - This movie isn't that interesting. Related: bander (familiar) - to have an erection; to bandage bande Definition: band, strip, bandage, line, group (of people or animals) Il y a des bandes de tissus partout - There are strips of fabric everywhere. Attention aux bandes sur la chausse ! - Pay attention to the stripes on the road! J'aime la bande "Menudo". - I like the group "Menudo." (informal) bunch of, pack of C'est une bande d'idiots ! - It's / They're a bunch of idiots! Related: un bandeau - headband, blindfold banlieue Definition: suburbs, outskirts J'habite en banlieue de Paris - I live in the suburbs of Paris Il doit conduire jusqu' la banlieue de Lyon - He has to drive to the outskirts of Lyon Paris et sa banlieue - Greater Paris Related: un/e banlieusard/e - commuter; de banlieue - suburban

baraque Definition: shed, hut, stand, stall Tu peux mettre les pelles dans la baraque - You can put the shovels in the shed J'ai lou une baraque la foire - I rented a stand at the fair (informal) - shack, digs, dump Quelle baraque ! - What a dump! Related: baraqu (inf adj) - well-built, hefty; un baraquement - group of huts, military camp baratin Definition: (informal) - sweet talk, chatter Il me fait du baratin - He's sweet-talking me Assez de baratin ! - Cut the chatter! Related: baratiner - to chat someone up, sweet-talk someone; un baratineur - smooth talker, windbag barbiche Definition: goatee Je dteste les barbiches ! - I hate goatees! Related: une barbichette (inf) - small goatee; barbichu (adj) - goeteed, with a goatee; une barbe beard barrer Definition: to bar, block, close, cross out La porte est barre - The door is barred. Cette rue est barre pour travaux - This road is closed for construction. Tu dois barrer les mots incorrects - You have to cross out the incorrect words. Related: un barrage - dam, barrier, roadblock; uen barre - rod, bar, crossbar; un barreau - rung, bar batisse

Definition: building (usually used in a negatively), masonry Qui a construit cette grosse btisse ? - Who built this big hunk of junk? La btisse de cet difice est solide - This building's masonry is solid. Related: un btiment - building, btir - to build, un btisseur - builder battement Definition: banging, beat, beating, flapping; interval, break Le battement de cette porte me rend fou ! - The banging of that door is driving me crazy! J'entends le battement de ton cur - I can hear your heart beating Elle pense que son battement de cils peut me convaincre - She thinks fluttering her eyelashes will convince me Related: battre - to beat bavarder Definition: to chat, chatter; (informal) - to blab J'aime bien bavarder au tlphone - I really like to chat on the phone Il ne faut pas bavarder tous tes amis - You shouldn't blab to all of your friends Related: bavard/e (adj) - talkative, long-winded, (noun) - chatterbox, prattler; le bavardage chattering, talking, gossiping baver Definition: smudge, smear, hitch, flaw On ne peut pas vendre ce livre - regardez toutes ces bavures ! - We can't sell this book - look at all of these smudges! Le jeu s'est pass sans bavure - The game went off without a hitch. baveux Definition: (adj) - dribbly, slobbery, runny, blurry Je dteste les chiens baveux ! - I hate slobbery dogs! Ces oeufs sont trop baveux - These eggs are too runny. Related: baver - to dribble, slobber, drool; la bave - dribble, drool, slaver; une bavette - bib, mud

flap bavure Definition: le 11 janvier 2005 une bavure smudge, smear, hitch, flaw On ne peut pas vendre ce livre - regardez toutes ces bavures ! - We can't sell this book - look at all of these smudges! Le jeu s'est pass sans bavure - The game went off without a hitch. beant Definition: (adj) - gaping, (wide) open Pourquoi y a-t-il un trou bant en plein milieu de la rue ? - Why is there a gaping hole in the middle of the street? Il a une blessure bante sur l'estomac - He has an open wound on his stomach Related: ber - to be wide open, to gape beauf Definition: (familiar, short for beau-frre) - brother-in-law; small-minded/petty person Mon beauf est un de mes meilleurs copains. - My bro-in-law* is one of my best buddies. * I know it sounds funny; I'm just trying to get the flavor of beauf across. Cette ville est pleine de beaufs ! - This town is full of small-minded people! (adj) tacky Ce dcor est vraiment beauf - This decor is really tacky. bec Definition: un bec beak, bill; nib of a pen; spout, (inf) - mouth Le bec de ce type d'oiseau est jaune - This type of bird's beak is yellow. J'ai cass le bec de la thire - I broke the teapot's spout.

Ferme ton bec ! - Shut your mouth! Related: un coup de bec - peck, cutting remark; clore/clouer le bec qqun - to shut someone up; tomber sur un bec (inf) - to hit a snag, to come unstuck; tre/rester le bec dans l'eau (inf) - to be left high and dry / in the lurch; dfendre qqch bec et ongles - to fight tooth and nail for something un bec Bunsen - Bunsen burner; un bec fin (inf) - gourmet; un bec de gaz - lamppost, gaslamp; une prise de bec - row, falling out bouche-bee Expression: Bouche be Pronunciation: [boosh bay] Meaning: open-mouthed, gaping Literal translation: mouth open Register: normal* Notes: The French expression bouche be indicates tremendous surprise, either good or bad: the person is so astonished that s/he is standing open-mouthed and staring at the source of the surprise. Bouche be is usually used with the verbs tre or rester, and has numerous possible translations:

to be flabbergasted to be lost in wonder to be stunned to drop one's jaw to stand gaping to stand open-mouthed

Another verb to use is regarder: regarder (quelqu'un / quelque chose) bouche be = to gape, to stare in amazement at (someone / something) Examples J'en suis bouche be ! I'm flabbergasted (about it)! Bouche be, il a regard fixement le tableau tonnant pendant dix minutes. He stared, gaping, at the astonishing painting for ten minutes. *The word be is the feminine past participle of the literary verb ber - to be wide open. The expression bouche be a bit old-fashioned, so you shouldn't use it all the time - tonn and sans voix are more common and can be used for both good and bad surprises. Other synonyms for bouche be include sidr (informal), stupfi, and ahuri, but they are stronger and tend to be

used for only negative surprises. Post your comments about the French expression bouche be on my French blog - just hit "comments" at the bottom of the post.

More Expressions with bouche begayer Definition: to stammer, stutter Mon frre bgayait quand il avait 6 ans. - My brother stuttered when he was 6 years old. Il a enfin bgay son prnom - He finally stammered his name. Related: les bgaiements - hesitant beginnings; bgayant - stammering, stuttering beguin Definition: (informal) - crush, fancy; bonnet Michel a le bguin pour Dominique - Michael has a crush on Dominique. Elle a le bguin pour cette maison - She has taken a fancy to this house. Quel joli bguin ! - What a pretty bonnet! benevole Definition: volunteer Je travaille comme bnvole la bibliothque - I'm a volunteer (worker) at the library (adj) - volunteer, unpaid Nous cherchons des assistants bnvoles - We're looking for volunteer assistants Related: le bnvolat - voluntary help; bnvolement (adv) - voluntarily benir Definition: to bless, to thank God for Lors de la mort de ma mre, j'ai bni le ciel de l'assistance de mes amis - When my mother died, I thanked God for my friends' assistance. Que dieu bnisse l'Amrique ! - God bless America! Related: bnit (adj) - consecrated, holy benjamin

Definition: youngest child, youngest son David est le benjamin de Luc et Marie - David is Luc and Marie's youngest child/son Related: la benjamine - youngest daughter La benjamine est toujours gte - The youngest daughter is always spoiled bequille Definition: crutch, kick-stand, (nautical) prop, shore Elle marche avec des bquilles - She's walking with crutches Ma bicyclette n'a pas de bquille - My bike doesn't have a kick-stand Related: bquiller - to shore up, (informal) to walk with crutches bercer Definition: to rock, cradle; to lull, soothe J'ai berc l'enfant - I rocked/cradled the child. Related: bercer de - to delude with, se bercer de - to delude oneself with; se bercer d'illusions - to harbor delusions; berceur (adj) - lulling, soothing; (noun) - lullaby, rocking chair; une berceuse lullaby berezina Definition: The Berezina is a river in Belarus where Napoleon Bonaparte suffered heavy losses in 1812. Now it means "catastrophe" or "disaster" in French. C'est la brzina ! - It's a complete disaster! berk Definition: (informal exclamation) - yuck! Je lui ai dit qu'on va manger chez tante Chantal et il a rpondu Berk ! - I told him that we were going to eat at Aunt Chantal's and he said "Yuck!" C'est dgoutant, a. Berk ! - That is disgusting, Yuck! berner Definition: to fool, hoax, dupe C'est une arnaque, ne te laisse pas berner - It's a scam, don't be fooled Vous n'arriverez pas me berner si facilement ! - You won't fool me so easily!

besogne Definition: work, task, job J'ai russi une besogne difficile - I finished a difficult task Expressions: aller vite en besogne - to work too quickly, cut corners; se mettre la besogne - to get to work; C'est de la belle besogne ! - It's a royal mess!; Selon l'argent, la besogne - You get what you pay for Related: besogner - to work hard; besogneux (literary adj and noun) - poor, needy bestiole Definition: bug, creepy crawler Je dteste les bestioles ! - I hate bugs! Ma nice a peur des bestioles la nuit. - My niece is afraid of creepy crawlers at night. Related: une bte - beast, bug bete Definition: animal, insect, creature Je n'aime pas aller dans la fort, il y a trop de btes - I don't like to go into the forest, there are too many creatures. (adj) - stupid, silly, foolish Qu'est-ce qu'il est bte ! - He's so stupid! Related: comme une bte - like a dog: travailler comme une bte - to work like a dog / like crazy, malade comme une bte - sick as a dog; tre bte comme ses pieds - to be as thick as two short planks / a real idiot; chercher la petite bte - to nit-pick betise Definition: stupidity, mistake, blunder, silly thing, nonsense Il a eu la btise d'accepter - He was stupid enough (had the stupidity) to accept Je fais toujours des btises quand j'cris - I always make (silly) mistakes when I write Ne dis pas de btises - Don't talk nonsense Related: un btisier - humorous collection of foolish quotations; bte (adj) - stupid, foolish; btement (adv) - stupidly, foolishly

beton Definition: concrete Le trottoir est en bton - The sidewalk is made of concrete Expressions: un accord en bton arm - ironclad agreement; faire/jouer le bton - to play defensively Related: le btonnage - concreting, defensive play; btonner - to concrete, to play defensively; une btonneuse - concrete mixer bevue Definition: (formal, literary) error, blunder J'ai relev une bvue dans votre essai - I found a mistake in your essay commettre une bvue - to make a blunder Oh l l ! J'ai commis une bvue ! - Oh no! I made a blunder! bibelot Definition: trinket, knick-knack, curio Son appart est plein de bibelots - His apartment is full of knick-knacks. J'ai trouv un bibelot intressant dans ce magasin - I found an interesting curio at this store. biberon Definition: baby bottle Je dois acheter un biberon - I have to buy a bottle. Il n'est pas recommand d'lever les enfants au biberon - Bottle-feeding babies is not recommended. Related: biberonner (familiar) - to tipple, booze bicher Definition: (informal) - to be pleased with oneself Elisabeth biche parce qu'elle a russi l'examen. - Elisabeth is pleased with herself because she passed the test. Expression: a biche ? - How's life?

bichonner Definition: to pamper, to wait on hand and foot Il bichonne la pelouse plus que ses propres enfants - He pampers the lawn more than his own children La pauvre, elle doit bichonner son mari - The poor thing has to wait on her husband hand and foot Related: se bichonner - to get dressed/dolled up; mon bichon (informal term of endearment) - my love, my pet bidon Definition: can, tin, flask C'est bon d'avoir un bidon vide dans sa voiture en cas de panne d'essence - It's good to have an empty can in your car in case you run out of gas. (familiar) belly; hot air, codswallop J'ai mal au bidon - My belly hurts. a c'est du bidon ! - That's a load of bull! (informal adj) rigged, phony J'espre que l'lection ne sera pas bidon - I hope the election isn't rigged. Related: le bidonnage (inf) - faking; bidonnant (fam) - hilarious; bidonner (inf) - to fake; se bidonner - to be doubled up with laughter; un bidonville - shanty town, Hooverville bidonner Definition: (familiar) to split one's sides laughing, bust a gut, be doubled up with laughter J'ai failli me bidonner quand j'ai vu son visage - I almost bust a gut (laughing) when I saw his face Elle n'arrte jamais de se bidonner - She never stops laughing Related: bidonnant (familiar adj) - hilarious; bidonner (archaic) - to drink too much bidule Definition: (inf) contraption, thinking, whatsit; what's-his-name Comment s'appelle le bidule qui va ici ? - What do you call the contraption that goes here?

J'ai vu bidule dans le parc ce matin - I saw what's-his-name in the park this morning Eh bidule ! - Hey, you! bilan Definition: assessment, results, balance sheet Nous devons faire le bilan de cette situation avant de prendre une dcision. - We need to fully assess this situation before making a decision. Le bilan de cette entreprise n'est pas sain - This company's balance sheet is not healthy. biler Definition: (inf) to worry oneself sick, get worked up Elle se bile pour ses enfants - She worries herself sick about her kids Ne te bile pas ! - Don't get all worked up! Don't worry! Related: bileux (inf adj) - easily upset/worried billet Definition: ticket; bill, note (money) J'ai achet mon billet d'avion - I bought my plane ticket Il a trouv un billet de 20 euros - He found a 20-euro bill Related: une billetterie / un distributeur (automatique) de billets - cash dispenser, ATM biologique Definition: (adj) - biological, organic Avez-vous re trouv votre mre biologique ? - Have you found your biological mother? Je ne mange que de la nourriture biologique - I only eat organic food. Apocope bio Je ne mange que de la nourriture bio - I only eat organic food. Related: la biologie - biology, un(e) biologiste - biologist, biologiquement (adv) - biologically bis

Definition: (adv) - (music) repeat, again, encore; (address) , a la fin du concert, le groupe a jou deux bis - At the end of the concert, the group played two encores Il habite 43 bis, rue verte. - He lives at 43 (or 43a) Green Street un itinraire bis - detour, diversion Homonym: bis (adj) - grayish-brown bissextile Definition: (adj) leap (in calendar terms) Savez-vous que 2012 est une anne bissextile et que le 29 fvrier est une journe bissextile ? Do you know that 2012 is a leap year and that 29 February is a leap day? bistrot Definition: caf, bar, pub Quel est ton bistrot prfr ? - What is your favorite caf? Je n'aime pas faire les bistrots - I don't like to bar hop / pub crawl Alternate spelling: un bistro Related: un bistrotier - bar manager bizutage Definition: (school slang) hazing, ragging Beaucoup de grandes coles en France ne permettent plus le bizutage - Many of France's prestigious universities no longer allow hazing blafard Definition: (adj) - pale, pallid, wan Elle a la peau la plus blafarde que j'ai jamais vue - She has the palest skin I've ever seen. Tu as l'air blafard, a va ? - You look wan, are you ok? blague Definition: joke, trick, blunder J'ai entendu une bonne blague hier - I heard a good joke yesterday.

Expressions: Sans blague ? - Seriously? You don't say! Sans blague, Blague part - Joking aside Prendre tout la blague - To not take anything seriously Raconter des blagues - To put someone on Faire une blague - Play a trick on; Faire une blague - Make a silly mistake; Faire des blagues Do stupid things Pas de blagues ! - No messing around! Related: blaguer (inf) - to joke or kid; blagueur (adj) - ironic, teasing blason Definition: coat of arms, heraldry Je ne connais pas le blason de ma famille - I'm not familiar with my family's coat of arms Expression: redorer son blason - to boost the family fortunes by marrying into money; to regain prestige bled Definition: (familiar) - village, dump, godforsaken place C'est un bled ! - It's a dump! Mes parents habitent dans le bled - My parents live in the middle of nowhere. Le bled veut dire la ville en arabe marocain - means "town" in Moroccan Arabic. blesser Definition: to wound, hurt, injure; to offend Personne n'a t bless dans l'accident - No one was wounded in the accident. Ses paroles m'ont vraiment bless - His words really hurt/offended me. Note that blesser is a false cognate of "to bless." Related: se blesser - to hurt oneself, to take offense; bless (adj) - hurt, injured; blessant (adj) hurtful; une blessure - injury

bloc Definition: block, unit, group, pad (of paper) Les escaliers sont faits de blocs massifs de marbre - The stairs are made from solid blocks of marble On va construire un bloc d'appartements ici - They are going to build a block of apartments here operating room, (familiar) jail Il est au bloc - He is in the operating room OR jail (depending on context) bluffer Definition: (informal) - to bluff, try it on, fool; to impress En jouant au poker, il faut savoir bluffer - When you play poker, you have to know how to bluff Il m'a bluff ! - He fooled me! / He totally impressed me! (Context is everything.) Related: un bluff - bluff, bluffing; un bluffeur - bluffer bobo Definition: (informal, baby language) - boo boo, owie, wound Maman, j'ai un bobo ! - Mama, I have a boo boo. Bobo is also an abbreviation for "un bourgeois-bohme," but this term is becoming obsolete. bobonne Definition: (inf, somewhat archaic - used in jest) - missus, dearie Il est sorti avec sa bobonne - He went out with his woman. -Tu viens ? - Oui bobonne. -Are you coming? -Yes dear. bois Definition: wood J'aime les chaises en bois - I like wooden chairs. Related:

un chque en bois - rubber/bounced check Son visage est de bois - His face is impassive. Je ne suis pas de bois - I'm only human, I'm not made of stone. Je ne suis pas du bois dont on fait les fltes - I'm not going to get pushed around. boite Definition: box, can J'ai achet du thon en bote - I bought some canned tuna (informal) - nightclub Sortons en bote ce soir ! - Let's go to a club tonight! Related: boiter - to limp; le boitement - limping; boiteux (ad) - lame, shaky; un botier - case boiter Definition: to limp, to wobble, to be shaky Depuis l'accident, je boite de la jambe droite - Since the accident, I've been limping with my right leg La chaise boite - j'ai peur qu'elle tombe - The chair is wobbling - I'm afraid it will fall Cet argument boite - That argument is shaky / doesn't hold water Related: boiteux - lame, wobbly, shaky; le boitement - limping; une bote - box bol Definition: bowl Je vais manger un grand bol de potage - I'm going to eat a big bowl of soup Expressions: prendre un (bon) bol d'air - to get a breath of fresh air; cheveux coups au bol (hair) - bowl cut, pudding-basin haircut Familiar expressions: avoir du bol - to be lucky, Pas de bol ! - Bad luck! Too bad! ahbon Expression: Ah bon ? Pronunciation: [a bo(n)]

Meaning: Really?, Is that so?, I see Literal translation: oh good Register: normal Notes: The very common French expression ah bon is really more of an interjection and can be translated a dozen different ways; in general, it is used to acknowledge something that another person just said or to ask for confirmation. Don't be fooled by bon - it doesn't mean "good" here, so ah bon can be used when talking about both good and bad things. Examples -J'ai vu un film intressant hier. -Ah bon ? -I saw an interesting movie yesterday. -You did? Oh, yeah? -Nous avons dmnag aprs le dcs de mon pre. -Ah bon. -We moved after my father died. -I see. Post your comments about the French expression ah bon on my French blog - just hit "comments" at the bottom of the post.

More Expressions with bon Everyday French phrases Most common French phrases bordel Definition: (familiar) - mess, chaos (literally, bordel refers to a brothel) Quel bordel ! - What a stinking mess! What a shambles! a va tre le bordel ! - It'll be chaos! Familiar expressions: mettre/foutre le bordel - to create havoc; mettre/foutre le bordel dans qqch - to screw/bugger something up; bordel de merde (vulgar expression used for emphasis) - for God's sake, goddamnit border Definition: to edge, trim, hem; to border, line; to tuck in Je prfre la robe borde de dentelle - I prefer the dress trimmed with lace Tournez gauche la rue borde d'arbres - Turn left on the street lined with trees

Il veut que tu bordes son lit - He wants you to tuck in the blankets Related: la bordure - edge, frame, border borne Definition: (adj) narrow-minded, limited Les gens borns m'nervent ! - Narrow-minded people annoy me! Related: borner - to limit, restrict, mark the boundary; se borner - to be content with, to limit oneself bosser Definition: (inf) - to work, slog/slave away Il faut bosser ! - Time to work! Get back to work! J'ai vraiment boss pour cet examen - I really slaved away (studying) for this test. Related: bosseur (adj) - hard working; un bosseur - hard worker bottin Definition: directory, phonebook, Yellow Pages J'ai trouv mon plombier en cherchant dans le bottin - I found my plumber by looking in the phonebook tes-vous dans le bottin ? - Are you in the book? le bottin mondain ~ Who's Who bouc Definition: billy goat, goatee Je n'aime pas bien les boucs - I don't really like goatees Expressions: un bouc missaire - scapegoat; sentir/puer le bouc (familiar) - to stink/reek/pong bouchee Definition: mouthful J'avalais une bouche de pain quand il m'a pos la question - I was swallowing a mouthful of bread when he asked me the question. Related: une bouche - mouth; Pour une bouche de pain - For a song; Ds la dernire bouche Immediately after a meal

boucher Definition: (verb) - to cork, plug, block N'oublie pas de boucher le vin - Don't forget to (re)cork the wine bottle. J'ai le nez bouch - My nose is plugged up. (familiar) a lui en a bouch un coin - He was gobsmacked/flabbergasted. un boucher - butcher (person) Related: la boucherie - butcher (shop), un bouche-trou - stop-gap; un bouchon - cork, stopper bouchon Definition: cork, stopper, top, plug, cap; traffic jam Ce vin sent le bouchon - This wine is corked O est le bouchon pour cette carafe ? - Where's the stopper for this carafe? Related: boucher - to cork, plug, block; un bouche-trou - stop-gap bouclier Definition: shield On ne voit plus de boucliers - You don't see shields anymore Tu te sers de ta timidit comme bouclier - You use your shyness as a shield un bouclier fiscal - tax shield bouder Definition: to sulk, keep away from Ce sont les enfants gts qui boudent - It's spoiled children who sulk. Ana est fche contre moi ; elle me boude. - Ana is mad at me; she won't have anything to do with me. Related: la bouderie - sulkiness, sulk; boudeur (adj) - sulky, sullen boudine Definition: (adj) - squeezed into, bursting out of Alice est boudine dans sa robe - Alice is squeezed into her dress.

Related: boudiner - to coil, to be stuffed into; un boudin - a kind of sausage, inflatable tube bouclier Definition: shield On ne voit plus de boucliers - You don't see shields anymore Tu te sers de ta timidit comme bouclier - You use your shyness as a shield un bouclier fiscal - tax shield bouffe Definition: (familiar) food, grub, nosh C'est l'heure de la bouffe - It's time to eat On va organiser une grande bouffe - We're going to do a big spread Expressions: la bouffe ! - Come and eat! Dinner's ready!; faire la bouffe - to get the food ready; se faire une bouffe - to meet up for a bite (to eat) (adj) l'opra bouffe - comic opera Related: bouffer - to eat, nosh bouffer Definition: to be full, have volume, (familiar) - to wolf, gobble Elle doit faire bouffer ses cheveux - She has to add volume to her hair. Ne bouffe pas ! - Don't gobble your food! Related: la bouffe (familiar) - grub; une bouffe - whiff, puff, outburst, gust; la bouffetance (fam) - grub; un bouffeur (fam) - greedy pig; bouffir - to puff up, become bloated bouillant Definition: (adj) boiling, scalding, fiery, hotheaded J'ai besoin d'un litre d'eau bouillante - I need a liter of boiling water. C'est un homme bouillant - He's a hotheaded man. Related: bouillir - to boil; une bouilloire - kettle; le bouillon - stock, bouillon; bouillonant (adj) bubbling, foaming; le bouillonnement - bubbling, foaming; bouillonner - to bubble, froth, foam

bouleversement Definition: disruption, upheaval Dmnager peut tre un vrai bouleversement - Moving can be a real disruption. On a besoin d'un bouleversement de la politique - We need a shift in policy. boulot Definition: (informal) - work, the daily grind J'aime bien mon boulot - I really like my job Au boulot ! - Get to work! Related: boulot (adj) - chubby, tubby; boulotter (informal) - to eat, nosh, chow down Expression: Mtro, boulot, dodo boum Definition: (exclamation) - Boom! Bang! un boum - bang, (fam) tremendous success Nous avons entendu un grand boum - We heard a loud bang. Son article a connu un grand boum - His article was tremendously successful. une boum (informal) - party Allons la boum ce soir - Let's go to the party tonight. bouquin Definition: (informal) - book Je n'aime pas du tout ce bouquin - I don't like this book at all Related: un/e bouquiniste - used bookseller, bouquiner - to read bourde Definition: (informal) mistake, blunder a c'tait ta premire bourde - That was your first mistake Hier, j'ai fait une vraie bourde - I really messed up yesterday

bourdon Definition: bumblebee; great bell; (editing) omission Le bourdon de cette cathdrale est vraiment extradordinaire - This cathedral's great bell is really extraordinary En lisant cette traduction, il faut surtout noter les bourdons - While reading this translation, you especially need to make note of any omissions avoir le bourdon (informal) - to have the blues, be down in the dumps Related: bourdonnant - buzzing; le boudonnement - buzz, hum; bourdonner - to buzz, hum bourre Definition: (adj) - stuffed, packed Mon sac est bourr de vtements - My bag is stuffed with clothes. Il est bourr de talent - He has a lot of talent. (familiar) - drunk, plastered Tu es bien bourr ! - You're so drunk! Related: bourrer - to stuff, fill bourrique Definition: (informal) - blockhead, pigheaded person Quelle bourrique ! - What a pigheaded person! (normal register) - donkey Tu es ttu comme une bourrique - You're as stubborn as a donkey! bourse Definition: scholarship, grant; second-hand sale; money* Il a besoin d'une bourse s'il veut tudier en Italie - He needs a scholarship if he wants to study in Italy. J'adore les bourses aux livres - I love second-hand book sales. *only in certain expressions:

avoir la bourse bien garnie - to be flush, have well-lined pockets; avoir la bourse dgarnie - to be broke, hard up; les cordons de la bourse - purse strings; faire bourse commune - to share expenses; ouvrir sa bourse qqun - to lend someone some money; sans bourse dlier - without spending a penny C'est trop cher pour ma bourse - I can't afford it; La bourse ou la vie ! - Your money or your life! Related: la Bourse - the Stock Exchange bousculer Definition: to jostle, shove, bump into; to hurry, pressure; to shake up, liven up Je n'aime pas tous ces gens qui me bousculent dans le mtro - I don't like all of these people jostling me in the subway Il a bouscul et cass le vase - He knocked into the vase and broke it Il faut bousculer ces paresseux - We have to hurry these lazybones Related: tre bouscul - to be rushed off one's feet; la bousculade - hustle, jostle, rush, scramble boustifaille Definition: (fam) grub, nosh, chow Le frigo est plein de boustifaille - The fridge is full of grub. brancher Definition: to plug in, connect, link up Il faut brancher la tl afin de la regarder - You have to plug in the TV in order to watch it Mon ordinateur n'est pas encore branch sur l'internet - My computer isn't connected to the internet yet Related: branch (informal adj) - switched-on, cool; le branchement - plugging-in, connection branler Definition: to shake, waggle; to be shaky, loose, unsteady Il a branl sa tte - He shook his head Cet immeuble branle quand il fait du vent - This building shakes when it's windy (vulgar slang) - to masturbate Slang expressions: Qu'est-ce qu'ils branlent ? - What the hell are they up to?; Il n'en branle pas

une - He doesn't do a damn thing; Je m'en branle - I don't give a damn braquer Definition: to point, aim, turn the steering wheel Ne braque jamais un pistolet sur quelqu'un. - Never point a gun at someone. Braquez vers la gauche ici - Turn left here. Related: le braquage - steering lock, (slang) - stickup; un braqueur (familiar) - hold-up man

brasser Definition: to stir, mix, knead, shuffle; to brew Il faut bien brasser la pte - You have to knead the dough really well Il brasse sa propre bire - He brews his own beer Expressions: brasser des affaires - to be in big business, brasser du vent - to blow hot air Related: le brassage - brewing, mixing; une brasserie - bar, pub, brewery; un brasseur - brewer; un brasseur d'affaires - big businessman bravitude Definition: fullness of bravery* Comme le disent les Chinois, un Chinois qui ne vient pas sur la Grande muraille n'est pas un brave et un Chinois qui vient sur la Grande muraille conquiert la bravitude As the Chinese say, a Chinese person who does not come on the Great Wall is not a brave person and a Chinese person who comes on the Great Wall conquers bravery Bravitude was invented by French Socialist presidential candidate Sgolne Royal, setting off something of a firestorm in the French news Her campaign co-director Jean-Louis Bianco said: Je pense que ce qu'elle a voulu exprimer c'est la plnitude de la bravoure c'est--dire quelque chose de plus que la simple bravoure I think that what she wanted to express was the fullness of bravery that is, something more than simple bravery Her advisor Jack Lang said: J'aurais aim inventer ce beau mot. Il exprime la plnitude d'un sentiment de bravoure. L'inventivit smantique fait partie de la capacit d'un candidat parler une autre langue que la langue de bois I would have really liked to invent this nice word. It expresses the fullness of a feeling of bravery. Semantic inventiveness is part of the capacity of a candidate to speak rather than waffle

(Source: NouvelObs) *So it's a blend of brave and plnitude and means "fullness/completeness of bravery." I wouldn't recommend using it; we'll just have to wait and see if and when it gets added to the French dictionary ;-) brebis Definition: ewe J'aime bien le fromage de brebis - I really like sheep's milk cheese (cheese made from ewe's milk). Related: les brebis (religious) - the flock; la brebis galeuse - black sheep; une brebis gare - lost sheep; brebis tondue Dieu mesure le vent (proverb) - God tempers the wind to the shorn lamb bref Definition: (adv) - in short, to make a long story short Hier, j'ai eu des problmes la banque... bref, je n'y travaille plus - Yesterday, I had some problems at the bank, and to make a long story short, I don't work there anymore (adj) - brief, short Il prfre les discours brefs - He prefers short speeches Related: une brve - short syllable brevet Definition: diploma, certificate, patent Je viens de recevoir mon brevet de pilote - I just got my pilot's license. Brevet en cours d'homologation - Patent pending Related: brevetable (adj) - patentable, breveter - to patent bricolage Definition: home improvement, tinkering, DIY; (derogatory) rush/makeshift job Mon pre aime bien le bricolage - My father really likes doing home improvement Pour ma voiture, leurs rparations, c'tait du bricolage - They did a makeshift job on my car Related: bricoler - to tinker about, do home improvement; un bricoleur - handyman; une bricole easy job, small matter

brider Definition: to bridle, restrain, curb, keep in check L'homme fort sait brider ses dsirs - A strong man is able to keep his desires in check Il faut brider les moteurs - We need to restrain (car) engines (i.e., lower speed limits) Related: avoir les yeux brids - to have slanting eyes brin Definition: blade, sprig, yarn Il y a un brin d'herbe sur ta chemise. - There's a blade of grass on your shirt. Elle porte un brin de muguet dans les cheveux - She has a sprig of lily of the valley in her hair. (informal) - a bit Il n'a pas un brin de bon sens - He doesn't have a bit of common sense. Related: une brindille - twig briser Definition: to break, smash; ruin, wreck; tire out Il a bris ma tasse prfre - He smashed my favorite cup Sa carrire a t brise par le scandale - His career was ruined by the scandal Ces enfants me brisent - These kids tire me out Related: bris (adj) - worn out, exhausted; un/e briseur/euse - breaker, wrecker brouter Definition: to graze, to nibble, (slang) to be annoying Les vaches broutent l'herbe pendant tout l't. - Cows graze on grass all summer. Il nous les broute ! - He's a pain in the neck! Related: le broutement - grazing, nibbling; le broutage - grazing, nibbling; un broutard - grassfed calf bruiner

Definition: to drizzle On dit qu'il va bruiner demain - It's supposed to drizzle tomorrow. Related: la bruine - drizzle; bruineux (adj) - drizzly bruler Definition: to burn Nous ne brlons pas notre papier ; nous le recyclons - We don't burn our paper; we recycle it. La maison a brl en 6 heures - The house burned (down) in 6 hours. La cuisinire m'a brl la main - The stove burned my hand. Related: le brlage - burning, roasting, singeing; brlant (adj) - burning; une brlure - burn; un brleur - boiler brut Definition: (adj) - uncut, rough, crude, raw J'ai trouv un diamant brut - I found an uncut diamond. J'adore la soie brute - I love raw silk. Produit national brut (PNB) - Gross national product (GNP) le brut - crude oil, gross salary bucher Definition: (inf) - to slog away at, (UK) to swot up Les tudiants doivent bcher chaque soir. - Students need to slog away (at their homework) every night. (Canada) to fell, cut down Il faut bcher ces arbres avant de construire le garage. - We have to fell these trees before building the garage. Related: un bcher - woodshed, pyre; une bche - log, (slang) clod; un bcheron - lumberjack, woodcutter; une bchette - twig; bcheur (inf or noun) - hard-worker, hard-working buriner Definition: to engrave, chisel

J'ai trouv une pierre burine avec un joli dessin - I found a stone engraved with a nice drawing. Il a fait buriner sa bicyclette avec son prnom pour prvenir le vol. - He had his bike engraved with his name to prevent theft. Related: un burin - graver, engraving, chisel; burin (adj) - seamed, craggy but Definition: goal, aim, purpose, destination Nous avons pris comme but de promenade le parc - We walked as far as the park. (Literally, we had the park as our walking goal) Quel est le but de cet exercice ? - What's the point of this exercise? Related: entreprise but lucratif - profit-making business; entreprise but non-lucratif - nonprofit business buter Definition: to stumble, trip; antagonize; to score a goal in soccer/European football; to prop up J'ai but contre tes chaussures - I tripped over your shoes. Cette dcision va buter l'opposition - This decision is going to antagonize the opposition. familiar - to bump off, kill Related: but (adj) - stubborn, obstinate; une bute - abutment; un buteur - striker (soccer)

ca Definition: (indefinite demonstrative pronoun, contraction of cela) that, it C'est quoi a ? - What's that? Qu'est-ce que a veut dire ? - What does that mean? a m'aide beaucoup - It helps me a lot. C'est a - That's it, that's right Often used redundantly: a c'est une bonne ide - That (that) is a good idea. cacahouete Definition: peanut J'adore les cacahoutes - I love peanuts Related: le beurre de cacahoutes - peanut butter; valoir son pesant de cacahoutes (informal) to be worth one's weight in gold, to be an expert in one's field (humorous) Alternate spellings: cacahute, cacahouette cachet Definition: tablet, pill; stamp, seal, postmark; style, character, cachet; fee (acting) Avez-vous un cachet d'aspirine ? - Do you have a tablet of aspirin? Cette carte postale porte le cachet de Toulouse - This postcard is postmarked Toulouse La porte violette donne son cachet l'immeuble - The purple door give the building character Related: le cachetage - sealing; cacheter - to seal; blanc comme un cachet d'aspirine - white as a sheet cadet Definition: youngest child, youngest son Comment s'appelle votre cadet ? - What is your youngest child's name? Guy est mon cadet - Guy is my younger brother

Related: la cadette - youngest daughter; cadet (adj) - younger cadre Definition: frame, container, box, space (on a form), setting, scope, framework, manager Je cherche un cadre pour cette peinture - I'm looking for a frame for this painting Avez-vous des cadres de dmnagement ? - Do you have any packing crates? N'crivez pas dans ce cadre - Don't write in this space C'est dans le cadre de... - It's within the framework of... Il est cadre dans une banque - He's a bank manager caler Definition: to wedge, lock; to prop up Il a cal la porte avec un livre - He wedged a book under the door (informal) - to fill up (with food); to give in/up; to be stuck Je suis cal - I'm full (up) Il va caler d'ici une semaine - He's going to give in within the next week Related: une cale - wedge; se caler - to plant/settle oneself; se caler les joues (informal) - to chow down, have a good feed calfeutrer Definition: to fill, to stop up, to stop drafts Nous devons calfeutrer l'espace en dessous de la porte - We need to stop up the space under the door (to block the draft). se calfeutrer - to shut oneself away, to make oneself snug Pierre s'est calfeutr pendant deux jours afin d'tudier ! - Pierre shut himself away for two days to study! Related: le calfeutrage - draftproofing, filling; le calfatage - caulking; le feutre - felt calque Definition: tracing, carbon copy, spitting image, loan translation

Je vais prendre un calque de ce plan - I'm going to trace (take a tracing of) this map. David est le calque de son pre - David is the spitting image of his father. A loan translation (also called a calque in English) is the literal translation of a word or expression into another language. Faire une dcision est un calque de to make a decision . - Faire une dcision is a loan translation of "to make a decision." (The correct French expression is prendre une dcision.) Related: calquer - to trace, copy exactly; le calquage - tracing cancaner Definition: to gossip, to quack Mes amis aiment cancaner - My friends like to gossip Les canards cancanent trs fort - Ducks quack very loudly Related: un cancan - piece of gossip, cancanier (adj or noun) - gossipy canicule Definition: scorching heat, heatwave On dit que ce sera la canicule la semaine prochaine - They say there will be a heatwave next week C'est la canicule ! - It's a scorcher! Related: caniculaire (adj) - scorching canon Definition: cannon, gun; cylinder; (music) canon Est-ce qu'on utilise toujours les canons ? - Do they still use cannons? Le canon de cette seringue est cass - This syringe's tube is broken. (informal) - great, gorgeous C'est canon, son appart - His apartment is great. Elle est canon ! - She's gorgeous, a fox, a bit of alright (familiar) - glass of wine

les canons - canons, norms cantonner Definition: to station, quarter, confine Mon frre est cantonn au Japon. - My brother is stationed in Japan. Je me sens cantonn dans ce travail - I feel confined to this job. Related: un canton - district; cantonal (adj) - local; le cantonnement - stationing, quartering, quarters, camp cap Definition: (geography) - cape, point, headland Elle va au cap Canaveral - She's going to Cape Canaveral. Expressions: changer le cap - to change direction; mettre le cap - to head/steer for; passer le cap to get past the worst; passer le cap de 30 ans - to turn 30 carburer Definition: (familiar) - to work, use Il carbure trop souvent au crdit - He uses (buys on) credit too often L'usine carbure aux 35 heures - The factory works 35 hours (a week) Familiar expressions: a carbure ? - How's it going?; Il carbure au rouge - Red wine is his poison/tipple; a carbure sec ici ! - They're really drinking it down!, They're working flat out! Literal meaning: to carburet, to carburize; to be tuned (e.g., motor) carrefour Definition: crossroads, junction, intersection, forum (literal and figurative) Ce carrefour est trs dangereux - This intersection is very dangerous La Belgique est le carrefour de l'Europe - Belgium is the crossroads of Europe Nous allons crer un carrefour d'ides - We're going to create a forum/meeting of ideas cartonner Definition: (inf) - to smash into, to do really well or really poorly (depends on context) Il vient de se cartonner en voiture - He just crashed his car

Ne t'inquite pas ; j'ai cartonn ! - Don't worry, I did brilliantly! Oh l l, j'ai cartonn - Oh dear, I blew it / did very poorly / failed Related: faire un carton - to do great; se prendre un carton casser Definition: to break J'ai cass deux verres hier - I broke two glasses yesterday se casser - to break (a part of the body) Je me suis cass la jambe - I broke my leg. (informal) - to strain oneself, to work at something Il ne s'est pas cass pour m'aider - He didn't strain himself to help (i.e., he didn't do much) (familiar) - to split, take off Nous nous sommes casss aprs le dner - We split after dinner Related: une casse - breaking, breakage, damage; cass (adj) - broken casseur Definition: rioter; (familiar) burglar; scrap dealer Des milliers de casseurs ont protest contre la nouvelle loi - Thousands of rioters protested the new law Il travaille en tant que casseur - He works as a scrap dealer Related: casser - to break cauchemar Definition: nightmare Avez-vous jamais eu un cauchemar ? - Have you ever had a nightmare? Cet examen d'histoire va tre un cauchemar ! - This history test is going to be a nightmare! Related: cauchemarder - to have a nightmare; cauchemardesque (adj) - nightmarish; cauchemardeux (adj) - nightmarish causer Definition: to cause, (informal) to chat

La guerre cause beaucoup de douleur - War causes a lot of pain. J'ai caus avec Marie hier - I chatted with Marie yesterday. caviar Definition: caviar Je n'aime pas le caviar - I don't like caviar. Expressions: gauche caviar - faux socialist, hypocrite who does not live according to socialist values passer au caviar - to censor Soccer: perfect pass Il a marqu grce au caviar de l'attaquant - He scored thanks to the forward's perfect pass servir un caviar, donner un caviar, offrir un caviar - to make a perfect pass; recevoir un caviar to receive a perfect pass More: French soccer vocabulary celibataire Definition: (adj) - single, unmarried (not celibate, which is a false cognate) C'est une mre clibataire - She's a single mother. un/e clibataire - bachelor / single woman Mon frre est toujours clibataire - My brother is still a bachelor. Related: le clibat - single life, bachelorhood, celibacy cense Definition: (adj) - supposed to O vas-tu ? Tu es cens travailler ! - Where are you going? You're supposed to be working! Je suis cens faire mes devoirs, mais je suis trop fatigu. - I should be doing my homework, but I'm too tired. Note that there is no preposition between cens and the verb that follows it. More verbs with no preposition

Related: censment (adv) - supposedly, virtually cepage Definition: type of grape vine Le cpage d'Auverne produit un vin rouge - Auverne's vines produce a red wine Quel est le meilleur cpage de Bourgogne ? - Which is the best Burgundian vine? Related: un cep de vigne - wine stock certes Definition: (formal adv) - certainly, admittedly, of course Elle est jeune, certes, mais trs intelligente - She is young, admittedly, but very intelligent Aimez-vous le thtre ? Certes - Do you like the theater? Certainly. Related: certainement - certainly cesser Definition: to cease, stop, bring to an end J'ai cess de visiter le muse aprs la rentre - I stopped visiting the museum after school started. Tout travail a cess - All work has stopped / come to a halt. Il ne cesse pas de chanter - He nevers stops singing. Related: sans cesse - constantly, without interruption; la cessation - cessation, suspension; un cessez-le-feu - cease-fire chaleureux Definition: (adj) - warm, hearty Ils m'ont donn un accueil chaleureux - They gave me a warm welcome J'ai beaucoup apprci ses remerciements chaleureux - I greatly appreciated his hearty thanks Related: la chaleur - heat, warmth; chaleureusement (adv) - warmly, heartily champ Definition: field, area (literally and figuratively) Il s'est gar dans le champ de mas - He got lost in the cornfield.

Le champ de nos tudes est trop troit - Our field of study is too narrow. Related: sur-le-champ - right away; avoir du champ - to have elbowroom; prendre du champ - to step back (figuratively), champtre (adj) - rural; more expressions with champ chantier Definition: building site, job site, depot Le chantier du peintre est ct du parc - The painter's job site is next to the park informal - shambles, mess Quel chantier ! - What a mess! chapeau Definition: hat; introductory paragraph Je ne porte jamais de chapeau - I never wear hats. Le chapeau est le premier paragraphe d'un article - The "chapeau" is the first paragraph of an article. Expressions: Chapeau ! - Well done!; saluer quelqu'un chapeau bas - to doff one's hat at someone; un coup de chapeau - a doffing/tipping of the hat charabia Definition: (informal) - gibberish, gobbledygook C'est quoi ce charabia que tu racontes ? - What's this gibberish that you're spouting? Ce bouquin est plein de charabia - This book is full of gobbledygook. Je dteste tout ce charabia administratif - I hate all of this administrative nonsense. charger Definition: to load; to put in charge of Je vais charger la voiture - I'm going to load the car. Luc m'a charg d'acheter le cadeau. - Luc put me in charge of buying the gift. Related: charg (adj) - loaded, in charge of, busy; le chargement - loading, freight, cargo; un chargeur - loader; une charge - burden, freight, load charniere

Definition: (adj) - turning (point), transitional, linking Le point charnire, a a t quand il m'a dit qu'il m'aimait - The turning point was when he said he loved me L'uvre charnire de Sartre est "Huis clos" - Sartre's transitional work was "No Exit" (The turning point in Sartre's work was "No Exit") Related: une charnire - hinge; un nom charnire (familiar) - double-barrelled name charrier Definition: to cart, carry, trundle along Le fleuve charrie beaucoup de sable - The river carries a lot of sand. (informal) - to kid someone, put someone on (familiar) - to go too far, overstep the mark Related: un charrieur (fam) - someone who always goes too far; une charrette - cart chatier Definition: to refine, perfect; (religion) - to chasten, mortify; (literary) - to punish Elle ne sait pas chtier son style - She doesn't know how to perfect her style Vous devez chtier votre langage - You must refine your language Parler un franais chti - To speak very proper French; Qui aime bien chtie bien - Spare the rod and spoil the child Related: chti (adj) - refined, polished; le chtiment (lit) - chastisement, punishment chatouiller Definition: to tickle Je dteste tre chatouill - I hate being tickled. Arrte, a chatouille ! - Stop, that tickles! Related: le chatouillement - tickling, tickle; la chatouille (inf) - tickle; craindre la chatouille - to be ticklish chausser Definition: to put shoes on, to fit

Il faut chausser les enfants - We have to put the kids' shoes on. Ces souliers chaussent bien - These shoes fit well. Related: une chaussure - shoe, une chaussette - sock, un chausseur - shoemaker, un chausson slipper, chaussant (adj) - well-fitting, snug-fitting chevet Definition: head of the bed, bedside Pierre reste au chevet de son pre. - Pierre is staying at his father's bedside. Ne mets pas tes pieds au chevet ! - Don't put your feet at the head of the bed! J'ai toujours un livre de chevet - I always have a bedside book (a book beside my bed). cheville Definition: ankle, dowel, peg, hook Il s'est foul la cheville - He sprained his ankle. Je dois acheter des chevilles - I need to buy some dowels (pegs, hooks, depending on contect). Expressions: Aucun ne lui arrive la cheville - He's head and shoulders above the others; avoir les chevilles qui enflent (inf) - to have a swelled head; vendre quelque chose la cheville - to sell something wholesale Related: cheviller - to peg; un chevillard - wholesale butcher More: French body vocabulary chevronne Definition: (adj) - seasoned, experienced Mon frre est un alpiniste chevronn - My brother is an experienced skier. Il faut trouver des soldats chevronns - We need to find some veteran soldiers. chez Definition: (preposition) - at the home/office of; in the work/mind of; among (a people) Nous allons chez moi - We're going to my house Il est chez le mdecin - He's at the doctor's (office) Chez Sartre, l'enfer, c'est les autres - To Sartre (in Sartre's mind/writings), hell is other people

Chez les musulmans, le porc ne se mange pas - Muslims don't eat pork chiffe Definition: spineless or weak person Le nouveau maire est une chiffe - The new mayor is spineless (archaic) - rag, old cloth Synonym: un chiffon - rag chiot Definition: puppy Je veux acheter un chiot - I want to buy a puppy. Related: un chien - dog; une chienne (archaic, rare) - litter of puppies chomage Definition: unemployment Le taux de chmage est trs lev - The unemployment rate is very high. Mon pre est au chmage - My father is unemployed. Related: le chmedu (familiar) - unemployment, dole, welfare; chmer - to be unemployed; un chmeur - unemployed person choper Definition: (familiar) - to pinch, nick, steal; to catch Qui m'a chop mon sac dos ? - Who nicked my backpack? La police les a chops - The police caught them J'espre ne pas choper la grippe cet hiver - I hope I don't catch the flu this year choquer Definition: to shock, appall, offend; to shake up Ce film m'a choqu - This film shocked me / I found this film shocking. Cette musique nous choque - This music appalls/offends us. L'accident a terriblement choqu les enfants - The accident shook up the children terribly.

Related: choquant (adj) - shocking, appalling, offensive, scandalous; se choquer - to be shocked chou Definition: cabbage; darling On va manger du chou - We're going to eat some cabbage a va mon chou ? - How are you, my darling (my sweet)? Related: un chouchou - darling, pet; chouchouter (informal) - to pamper, coddle; la choucroute sauerkraut; les choux de Bruxelles - Brussels sprouts Expressions: tre dans les choux (informal) - to be screwed up, lost; faire chou blanc - to draw a blank More: French terms of endearment - Food in French chouette Definition: (informal adjective) cute, smashing, nice Ta copine est chouette - Your girlfriend is nice. C'est chouette ! - That's great ! Related: une chouette - owl chouia Definition: (informal) tiny bit, smidgin Il te faut un choua de patience ! - You need a bit of patience! Ajoute un choua de sel - Add a dash of salt. chuchoter Definition: to whisper, murmur On doit toujours chuchoter la bibliothque - You should always whisper in the library Jeanne a chuchot quelque chose l'oreille de son fils - Jeanne murmured something into her son's ear Related: le chuchotement - whispering, murmuring; un chuchoteur - whisperer; chuchoteur (adj) - whispering chute

Definition: fall, waterfall, collapse/downfall, loss Il a fait une chute mortelle - He fell to his death. Je veux visister les chutes du Niagara - I want to visit Niagra Falls. On s'attend la chute du march - The market is expected to collapse. Il ne peut pas accepter la chute de ses cheveux - He can't accept the loss of this hair. Related: chuter - to fall, fail cible Definition: target Avez-vous atteint la cible ? - Did you hit the target? Pourquoi est-il la cible des mchancets de Michel ? - Why is he the target of Michel's spitefulness? Related: cibler - to target ci-joint Expression: Ci-joint Pronunciation: [see zhwa(n)] Meaning: enclosed, attached Literal translation: here joined Register: normal Notes: The French expression ci-joint is very useful for business correspondence, when you have attached or included a document, photo, etc., along with your letter. Ci-joint is invariable when used as an adverb (example 1), but agrees in gender and number when used as an adjective (example 2). Examples 1. Veuillez trouver notre rclamation ci-joint. / Veuillez trouver ci-joint notre rclamation. Please find our request attached. 2. Dans la rclamation ci-jointe, nous avons numr.... In the attached request, we have enumerated...

Synonyms: ci-annex, ci-inclus Similar expressions

ci-aprs - below, hereafter ci-contre - opposite ci-dessous - below ci-dessus - above ci-devant - formerly

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French business letters Parts of speech Grammatical agreement Joindre conjugations Dessous vs dessus

cineaste Definition: film-maker, movie director C'est ma cinaste prfre - She's my favorite film-maker Qui est le cinaste de ce film ? - Who is the director of this movie? Related: un cinma - movie theater cinoche Definition: (inf) - the pictures, movies Allons au cinoche ! - Let's go to the movies! Related: le cinma - movie theater citadin Definition: (adj) town, urban Quelle est la population citadine ? - What is the town population? un citadin / une citadine - city dweller, urbanite, townsperson Les citadins conduisent moins que les campagnards - City dwellers drives less than country people.

une citadine - city car citer Definition: to quote, cite; to use as an example; summon (law) M Merault a dit, et je cite : ... - Mr. Merault said, and I quote, "..." Mon prof m'a cit pour ma crativit - My teacher held me up as an example of creativity. L'accus va tre cit demain - The accused will be summoned tomorrow. Related: une citation - quote clebard Definition: (inf, pejorative) - mutt, hound, dog C'est qui, ce clbard ? - Whose mutt is this? Que je dteste les clbards ! - I just hate dogs! clef Definition: key; wrench, spanner; (music) - peg, clef J'ai perdu la clef ! - I lost the key! Il vient d'acheter des clefs - He just bought some wrenches/spanners. Alternate spelling - la cl Expressions: personnage clefs - a real person appearing as a fictitious character; roman/livre clef - novel with personnages clefs; prix clefs en main - sticker price, on-the-road price; la clef (informal) - at the end of it all; prendre la clef des champs - to clear out, run away clignotant Definition: turn signal, indicator; warning light/signal/sign Il n'a pas mis son clignotant - He didn't put his turn signal on / He didn't indicate. Que veut dire ce clignotant ? - What does this warning light mean? (adjective) flashing, flickering Cette lumire clignotante me fait mal aux yeux - This flashing light hurts my eyes. Related: clignoter - to blink, flash, flicker; le clignotement - blinking, twinkling, flashing,

flickering; cligner - to blink clocher Definition: to be defective, to have something wrong Il y a quelque chose qui cloche dans son raisonnement - There's something not quite right in his reasoning J'espre que rien ne clochera - I hope nothing goes wrong Related: un clocher - steeple; cloche - bell-shaped, idiotic clou Definition: nail, stud, boil, highlight/star attraction Avez-vous des clous ? - Do you have any nails? Il a un clou sur le dos - He has a boil on his back C'tait quoi le clou de la soire ? - What was the highlight of the evening? Expressions: traverser dans les clous, prendre les clous (pour traverser) - to cross at the crosswalk / zebra crossin; tre dans les clous (fig) - to be on target; vivre sa vie dans les clous to lead a very conventional life; Un clou chasse l'autre (proverb) one man goes and another steps in / takes his place des clous ! (fam) - no way! nothing doing!; Il m'a tout expliqu mais des clous! (inf) - He explained everything to me but he was just wasting his breath!; Je l'ai fait pour des clous (inf) - I did it all for nothing, I was just wasting my time; J'y suis all pour des clous (inf) - It was a wildgoose chase cobaye Definition: guinea-pig (literally and figuratively) Il a achet un cobaye pour les enfants - He bought the kids a guinea-pig Je ne vais pas servir de cobaye ce projet ! - I'm not going to be a guinea-pig for this project! cogestion Definition: joint management, co-management Je respecte la SRM,* dont la mission premire est de dfendre l'indpendance des contenus, mais il n'est pas question de driver vers un systme de cogestion. Pierre Jeantet, 20 dcembre 2007 (explaining why he and his colleagues Bruno Patino and Eric Fottorino collectively resigned from Le Monde's board of directors)

I respect the Society of Editors of Le Monde, whose primary mission is to defend the independence of [the newspaper's] content, but there is no question of moving toward a system of joint management. Related: la gestion - management; cogrer - to manage jointly, to co-manage; un cogrant - joint manager More: French news *French acronyms coiffer Definition: to do someone's hair, to put something on someone's head Elle ne coiffe jamais les enfants - She never does the kids' hair Il a coiff sa fille d'une casquette - He put a cap on his daughter's head Related: une coiffe - headdress, se coiffer - to do one's own hair, un coiffeur - hairdresser or barber, une coiffeuse - hair dresser or dressing table, coiffure - hairstyle coince Definition: (adj) - stuck Ma voiture est coince dans la ruelle - My car is stuck in the alley (informal) - unable to act; hung up, anal, inhibited Cette dcision stupide nous laisse coincs - This stupid decision leaves us with nothing to do, with no way out Pourquoi est-il si coinc ? - Why is he so anal? Related: coincer - to wedge, jam, stick colere Definition: (fit of) anger, rage Expressions: tre en colre - to be angry; tre en colre contre soi-mme - to be angry at oneself; se mettre en colre - to get angry; mettre quelqu'un en colre - to anger someone passer sa colre sur quelqu'un - to take out one's anger on someone; dire avec colre - to say angrily; faire des colres terribles - to have terrible fits of rage; entrer dans une colre noire - to fly into a terrible rage; faire/piquer une colre - to throw a tantrum Related: colreux (adj) - quick-tempered, easily angered

colis Definition: parcel, package J'ai reu un colis hier - I received a package yesterday. Les colis pigs sont trs dangereux. - Mail/Parcel bombs are very dangerous. colistier Definition: (politics) running mate Le choix de colistier peut tre trs important - The choice of a running mate can be very important. Que pensez-vous de sa colistire ? - What do you think of his (female) running mate? colle Definition: past participle of coller - to glue tre coll is found in several interesting expressions: tre coll - to be stuck to (e.g., le timbre doit tre coll l'enveloppe - the stamp needs to be stuck to the envelope) tre coll un examen (informal) - to flunk a test; tre coll en histoire/franais - to flunk history/French tre coll /contre/sur qqchose (informal) - to be stuck/attached to (literally and figuratively) tre coll l'un l'autre - to cling to one another coller Definition: to stick, glue J'ai coll l'affiche ct de la porte - I stuck the notice next to the door (informal) - to stick, shove; (pejorative) - to give, land; to get detention; to fail a test; to catch out O as-tu coll mon sac ? - Where did you stick my bag? Yves m'a coll son chien - Yves landed/stuck me with his dog Cette question m'a coll - That question caught me out Related: la colle - glue

coltiner Definition: to carry, lug around J'ai d coltiner ce truc pendant toute la journe ! - I had to lug this thing around all day! se coltiner - (inf) to be stuck/landed with (doing something) On s'est coltin plein de boulot ! - We got stuck with a lot of work! Related: le coltin (archaic slang) - chore; un coltin - piece of leather to protect head + shoulders of coltineurs, un coltineur - person who carries heavy bags on head and shoulders comble Definition: (figurative) height; last straw; roof trussing/timbers C'est le comble de la stupidit ! - That's the height of stupidity! Le comble, c'tait quand il m'a menti - His lying to me was the last straw La mesure est comble, je pars - That's the last straw, I'm leaving (adj) - full, packed Le cinma est comble ! - The theater is packed! Related: combler - to fill in, make up/good, fulfill Expressions: de fond en comble - from top to bottom; faire salle comble - to play to packed houses comprime Definition: (medicine) pill, tablet Je ne peux pas avaler les comprims - I can't swallow pills. Il prfre les mdicaments en comprim - He prefers (medicine in the form of) tablets. Related: comprimer - to compress compte Definition: count, amount; account Le compte de visiteurs est plus lev qu'hier - The visitor count is higher than yesterday. Est-ce que le compte est juste ? - Is the amount correct?

J'ai un compte cette banque - I have an account at this bank. Related: ce compte-l - in that case, at this rate; tout compte fait/tous comptes faits - all things considered; prendre qqch en compte - to take something into account; compter - to count comptecheque Definition: checking account, cheque account Je dois ouvrir un compte-chque - I need to open a checking account Synonyms: un compte courant, un compte de chque, un compte de dpt Related: un compte - account, un chque - check, cheque concertation Definition: dialogue, meeting, consultation Il y a une absence de concertation entre ces deux pays - There's an absence of dialogue between these two countries L'heure est la concertation - Now's the time for dialogue Related: concerter - to devise (a plan), se concerter - to consult one another confondre Definition: to confuse, mix up; astound Les tudiants de franais confondent souvent 'savoir' et 'connatre'. - Students of French often mix up savoir and connatre. Ces ides me confondent ! - These ideas astound me! Related: confondant (adj) - astounding; se confondre - to merge conformement Definition: (adv) in accordance (with), according (to), in order to conform with/match Nous avons agi conformment la loi - We acted in accordance with the law. Tu dois le rparer conformment l'original - You need to repair it to match the original. Related: conforme (adj) - true to, matching; comform (adj) - formed, shaped; conformer - to model (on), match, conform confortable

Definition: (adj) - comfortable* J'adore ce pantalon, il est trs confortable - I love these pants, they're really comfortable Il a une vie assez confortable - He has a fairly comfortable life *But not for people - to say that a person feels comfortable, use ais or l'aise confus Definition: (adj) - embarrassed, ashamed Je suis confus d'avoir mang tes chocolats - I'm ashamed of having eaten your chocolates. Nous sommes tout confus de notre erreur - We are very embarrassed about our mistake. Note that the English word 'confused' is a false cognate. Related: confusment (adv) - vaguely; la confusion - embarrassment, confusion, disorder conge Definition: holiday, vacation, leave; (job) notice Quand seras-tu en cong ? - When will you be on holiday/vacation? Lundi est mon jour de cong - Monday is my day off. J'ai donn mon cong la semaine dernire - I gave (handed in) my notice last week. Related: congdiable (adj) - due for discharge, able to be dismissed; congdier - to dismiss conjoint Definition: (adj) - joint, linked, related Ces problmes sont peut-tre conjoints - These problems may be related. un/e conjoint(e) - spouse Mon conjoint et moi assisterons ensemble la confrence. - My spouse and I will attend the conference together. Related: conjointement (adv) - jointly connard Definition: (familiar) - idiot, jerk, schmuck C'est un vrai connard ! - He's a real jerk!

Related: une connarde / une connasse (familiar) - bitch, cow consacrer Definition: to devote, dedicate Il a consacr sa vie Dieu - He has devoted his life to God. Il a consacr des annes l'tude des langues - He dedicated years to the study of languages. Peux-tu me consacrer une minute? - Can you spare me a minute? Related: consacr - established, accepted, traditional, given over to, dedicated to constater Definition: to note, notice, record, certify Je n'ai pas constat l'erreur - I didn't notice the error. Le mdecin a constat le dcs - The doctor certified that death had occurred. Related: le constat - affidavit, report; la constatation - noticing, noticing, recording, observation contrepartie Definition: compensation, exchange Qu'est-ce qu'ils ont offert en contrepartie ? - What did they offer as compensation? Il m'a propos un emploi en contrepartie de mon assistance - He offered me a job in exchange for my assistance contretemps Definition: hitch, mishap, slight complication; (music) off-beat rhythm Nous voulions partir ce matin, mais il y a eu un contretemps - We wanted to leave this morning, but there was a slight complication contretemps - at a bad/inopportune moment Il est arriv contretemps - He arrived at an inopportune moment convoiter Definition: to covet, lust after Je convoite son poste depuis des annes - I've been coveting his job for years.

Il n'a jamais cess de convoiter sa femme - He never stopped lusting after his wife. Related: convoit (adj) - coveted; la convoitise - covetousness, lust desire copain Definition: (informal) - buddy, pal, mate; boyfriend Tes copains sont sympa - Your buddies are nice Je vais au cinma avec mon copain - I'm going to the movies with my boyfriend Feminine: une copine coqueluche Definition: (figurative) darling, sweetheart, idol Sgolne Royal est actuellement la coqueluche des mdias franais - Sgolne Royal is currently the darling of the French media Tom Cruise n'est plus une des coqueluches de Hollywood - Tom Cruise is no longer one Hollywood's idols (literal) whooping cough coquille Definition: shell (literally and figuratively) J'ai trouv une coquille la plage - I found a shell at the beach. Elle rentre dans sa coquille quand les mecs lui parlent - She withdraws into her shell when guys talk to her. Related: le coquillage - shellfish, coquillettes (f) - pasta shells, coquillier (adj) - conchiferous coquin Definition: (adj) - mischievous, malicious (for kids), risqu, racy (for things) Les enfants sont toujours coquins - Kids are always mischievous. Ne raconte pas cette histoire coquine ! - Don't tell that racy story! un coquin - a mischievous or malicious person Related: la coquinerie - mischievousness, trick; Coquin de sort ! - Wow! (admiration or astonishment), Darn it! (disappointment)

corvee Definition: chore, drudgery; military duty; (in Canada) - volunteer work A mon avis, nettoyer le parterre est la pire des corves - For me, washing the floor is the worst (kind of) drudgery Quelle corve ! - What drudgery / What a drag! cossu Definition: (adj) well-off, opulent Les tudiants ici sont normalement assez cossus - The students here are usually fairly well-off Sa maison est trs cossue - His house is really opulent costard Definition: (informal) - man's suit Je viens d'acheter un nouveau costard - I just bought a new suit, some new duds Alternate spelling: un costar Expression (informal): tailler un costard quelqu'un - to run someone down behind his/her back Synonym (normal register): un costume costaud Definition: (inf adj) - sturdy, strong Ses amis sont trs costauds - His friends are very strong Je cherche une valise costaude - I'm looking for a sturdy suitcase Related: un costaud - strong man, strong stuff, something strong (alcohol, house, etc); une costaude - strong woman cotoyer Definition: to be next to, rub shoulders with; to move alongside; (figurative) to be close to, border on Jean et Luc se ctoient souvent - Jean and Luc are often together. J'ai ctoy la rivire pied. - I walked alongside the river. Cette ide ctoie le ridicule - This idea borders on the ridiculous.

Related: la cte - coast coucou Definition: (exclamation) hello, hi, peek-a-boo; cuckoo (clock) Coucou, Pierre, c'est moi ! - Hi, Pierre, it's me! Coucou, il y a quelqu'un ? - Hello, is anyone there? couler Definition: to flow, run Les larmes coulaient sur son visage - The tears were running down his cheeks. Ce fleuve coule dans l'ocan Atlantique - This river flows into the Atlantic Ocean. Related: coulant (adj) - runny, flowing courriel Definition: email L'Acadmie franaise a choisi courriel en tant que traduction officielle de courrier lectronique, mais cela ne veut pas dire forcment que l'on l'utilise. The Acadmie franaise chose "courriel" as the official French translation of email, but that doesn't necessarily mean that anyone uses it. envoyer qqch par courriel - to email something Courriel, c'est officiel couvert Definition: place setting; cover, shelter Mon copain va dner avec nous, donc il faut mettre un autre couvert - My boyfriend is going to eat with us, so we have to add another place setting Htel et Bar avec 80 couverts - Hotel and bar with 80 seats Le chat, sous le couvert des buissons du jardin, surveillait sa proie - The cat, under cover of the garden bushes, was watching his prey les couverts - silverware, flatware, cutlery Related: mettre le couvert - to set the table; le vivre / le gte et le couvert - room and board

(adjective) covered (past participle of couvrir) craignos Definition: (fam invariable adj) - shady, dodgy J'ai vu un type craignos devant mon appart - I saw a shady-looking guy in front of my apartment Il habite dans un quartier craignos - He lives in a seedy neighborhood crapaud Definition: toad; flaw (in a gem) Je n'aime pas les crapauds - I don't like toads. Il n'y a aucun crapaud dans ce diamant - There are no flaws in this diamond. informal - brat, child crapoter Definition: (informal) - to smoke without inhaling, ~ to puff Avec les cigares, il faut toujours crapoter sans avaler la fume - With cigars, you should always puff without inhaling Synonym: tirer des bouffes creneau Definition: parallel parking space; gap, niche, slot Je ne sais pas me garer en crneau - I don't know how to parallel park Trouvez-moi un crneau dans votre emploi du temps - Find me an empty spot in your timetable/schedule Expressions: rater son crneau - to park badly; monter au crneau pour dfendre - to leap to the defense of; un crneau horaire - a time slot; un crneau publicitaire - an advertising slot creux Definition: hollow, hole; slack period Il s'est cach dans le creux de cet arbre - He hid in the hollow of this tree Il y a toujours un creux le lundi - There's always a slack period on Mondays Creux is also an adjective - hollow, slack, concave

Expressions: avoir un petit creux un petit creux (informal) - to be a little hungry/peckish; avoir une dent creuse - to have a cavity, (inf) to be hungry; J'ai la tte/cervelle creuse - My mind is blank creve Definition: (adj) - punctured, burst; (fam) - exhausted J'ai un pneu crev - I have a puncture / a flat (tire) Tu as l'air crev - You look beat/exhausted/worn out/knackered Related: crever - to burst, puncture; to wear (someone) out; (fam) to kill; crever la faim/dalle (fam) to be starving criant Definition: (adj) - blatant, striking, shocking Quelle injustice criante ! - What shocking injustice! Voici la preuve criante - Here is the blatant (unmistakeable) proof. Related: un cri - shout, scream; crier - to scream, cry out; la crie - auction; un crieur - seller, crier crible Definition: screen, sieve Nous avons besoin d'un crible pour le jardin - We need a screen for the garden (to remove the stones from the soil) passer au crible - to examine, go through with a fine-tooth comb, do a thorough investigation Je vais passer ce document au crible avant de rpondre - I'm going to go over this document with a fine-tooth comb before responding Related: cribler - to sift, screen; cribl (adj) - riddled with, covered with/in crisper Definition: to tense, to get on someone's nerves Il ne faut pas crisper les mains sur le volant en conduisant - You shouldn't tense your hands on the steering wheel while driving. Anne me crispe ! - Anne gets on my nerves!

Related: se crisper - to tense, to get edgy; crisp (adj) - tense, nervous; la crispation - tensing, contraction; crispant (adj) - irritating, aggravating croquer Definition: (transitive) to crunch; to bite into; to sketch Elle croque des biscuits - She's crunching (munching) cookies Peux-tu croquer cette maison pour moi ? - Could you sketch this house for me? (intransitive) to be crunchy Expression: croquer le marmot (informal) - to wait around, tre (joli) croquer - to be pretty as a picture, il en croque (slang) - he's a nark, he gets bribed Related: croquant (adj) - crisp, crunchy culotte Definition: (inf adj) - cheeky, sassy Il faut pas tre culott avec tes parents ! - You shouldn't be cheeky to your parents! Related: le culot (informal) - nerve, cheek; la culotte - underpants cupidite Definition: greed La cupidit de l'avare ne sera jamais satisfaite - The miser's greed will never be satisfied L'homme d'affaires fut ruin par sa cupidit - The businessman was ruined by his greed Related: cupide (adj) - greedy cure Definition: diet, course of treatment, cure J'ai besoin d'une cure de sommeil - I need sleep therapy Elle va faire une cure de fruits - She's going to go on a fruit diet Il a fait une cure de cinma - He did nothing but watch movies Related: un cur - priest; curer - to clear/clean out cuve

Definition: vat, tank Le vin de ce vignoble vieillit dans des cuves en chne - The wine from this vineyard ages in oak vats La cuve mazout est presque vide - The oil tank is almost empty Related: cuver - to ferment; une cuve - vintage Expression: cuver son vin (fam) - to sleep it off

dabord Definition: adv - first, in the first place D'abord je dois trouver mon livre, et puis nous pourrons commencer - First I need to find my book, and then we can start Il semblait d'abord sympathique, puis il a commenc crier - He seemed nice at first, then he started yelling Expressions: tout d'abord - first of all; ds l'abord - from the outset; au premier abord - at first sight, initially dada Definition: (figurative) hobby-horse Les impts, c'est son dada - Taxes are his hobby-horse (he never stops talking about taxes) (baby talk) horsey, gee-gee Tu veux te mettre dada ? - Do you want to ride the horsey? dailleurs Expression: D'ailleurs

Pronunciation: [da yeur] Meaning: besides, moreover; for that matter; might I add, by the way Literal translation: from elsewhere Register: normal Notes: The adverbial French expression d'ailleurs literally means "besides" or "moreover," but it also has two other uses: 1. It can be used to add a bit of interesting but non-essential information, the way you might say "might I add" or "by the way." 2. It's often tacked on to sentences with no real meaning - it's kind of a filler, like the English word "so." Examples Je n'ai pas russi l'examen, et d'ailleurs je dois admettre que je n'ai mme pas rvis. I didn't pass the test, and I have to admit that, moreover, I didn't even study. Moi non plus, d'ailleurs. Me neither, for that matter. J'ai parl Jean, d'ailleurs il a maigri, et il va venir vers midi. I talked to Jean, who has lost weight, by the way, and he'll be here around noon. D'ailleurs, on y va ? So anyway, are we going? D'ailleurs is the required contraction of the preposition de (of, from, about) plus the adverb ailleurs (elsewhere, somewhere else). Post your comments about the French expression d'ailleurs on my French blog - just hit "comments" at the bottom of the post.

More: Expressions with de | Most common French phrases dalle Definition: flagstone, slab J'aime les trottoirs en dalle - I like sidewalks made of flagstone. Familiar expressions: Que dalle ! - Damn all; ne... que dalle - not a damn thing avoir la dalle en pente - to be a bit of a boozer; avoir la dalle - to be starving; se rincer la dalle -

to wet one's whistle Gesture: Que dalle ! Related: le dallage - paving, pavement; daller - to pave; un dalleur - flag layer deballer Definition: to unpack, display, let out Tu peux dballer avant le dner - You can unpack before dinner. Il faut dballer vos sentiments ! - You have to let your feelings out! Related: le dballage - unpacking, display, outpouring debarrasser Definition: to clear, to rid (someone) of Je viens de dbarasser la table - I just cleared the table Il m'a dbarass de ma vieille voiture - He rid me of my old car Related: se dbarrasser - to get rid of, to remove (e.g., clothing); un dbarass - junk room/boxroom; Bon dbarass ! - Good riddance! debile Definition: (adj) - weak, feeble, frail, sickly, poor Cette organisation est dbile ; elle n'a pas de vrais pouvoirs. - This organization is weak; it doesn't have any real power. L'enfant dbile doit tre soign 24 heures sur 24 - The sickly child needs to be cared for around the clock. (informal) - pathetic, stupid, moronic Quel film dbile ! - What a stupid movie! debiter Definition: to cut up J'ai dj dbit tout le bois - I already cut up all the wood to produce, to sell Cette usine dbite 10 000 pices par jour - This factory produces 10,000 pieces per day

Notre magasin ne peut pas dbiter autant de vtements - Our store can't sell so much clothing (informal, derogatory) to utter, spout, pour out Tu ne peux pas croire les sottises qu'il a dbites - You wouldn't believe the stupid things he uttered deblayer Definition: to clear away, remove, tidy up; to prepare (ground) Pouvez-vous dblayer la porte ? - Could you clear the space by the door / the path to the door? Il faut dblayer le terrain avant de commencer - We have to clear the ground before we begin Informal expression: Dblaye (le terrain) ! - Get lost! Push off! Related: le dblai - clearing, cleaning, excavations; le dblaiement - clearing; le dblayage clearning deboiter Definition: to disconnect, dislodge, dislocate; (driving) to pull out Comment as-tu dbot ton paule ? - How did you dislocate your shoulder On va devoir dboter la porte - We're going to have to take the door off its hinges Vous pouvez dboter aprs la voiture blanche - You can pull out after the white car Related: le dbotement - dislocation, pulling out; boiter - to limp, wobble debordement Definition: overflow(ing), boiling over, (out)burst Le dbordement de la rivire au printemps... - The overflow of the river in spring... Il a tout fait avec un dbordement d'nergie - He did everything with a sudden burst of energy Related: les dbordements - excesses, dborder - to overflow, boil over deborder Definition: to overflow, to stick out; (fig) to be bursting with Les gouttires dbordent cause de l'orage - The gutters are overflowing due to the storm Il vient d'apprendre colorier et il dborde encore beaucoup - He just learned how to color and

he still goes outside of the lines a lot Attention, le lait va dborder ! - Watch out, the milk is going to boil over! Son annonce m'a fait dborder de joie - His announcement made me burst with joy Expressions: La goutte d'eau qui fait dborder le vase - The straw that broke the camel's back; plein dborder - filled to the brim debouche Definition: opening, outlet, prospect Y a-t-il des dbouchs dans cette entreprise ? - Are there any (job) openings in this company? Il faut trouver un dbouch pour notre nouveau produit - We need to find an outlet for our new product Je veux traverser la rue, mais je ne vois aucun dbouch dans le dfil - I want to cross the street, but I don't see any openings in the parade O est le dbouch de ce canal ? - Where is this canal's outlet? Where does it open out (into the lake)? Related: dboucher - to unblock, uncork, emerge debout Definition: (adj, adv) - standing, upright C'est difficile d'tre debout pendant longtemps - It's difficult to stand (be standing) for a long time. Mettez-vous debout ! - Stand up! Le verre ne se tient pas debout - The glass isn't staying / won't stay upright. debrider Definition: to unbridle, lance, incise Il faut toujours dbrider le cheval aprs la promenade - You always have to unbridle the horse after the ride Tu ne peux pas dbrider la plaie toi-mme ! - You can't lance the wound yourself! sans dbrider - incessantly, without a break, with no interruption Related: dbrid - (adj) unbridled, unrestrained; le dbridement - unbridling, unleashing, lancing

debrouiller Definition: to untangle, sort out Ce problme doit tre dbrouill - This problem needs to be sorted out. se dbrouiller - to manage (to do something), to have a working knowledge of, to cope Je me dbrouille assez bien en franais - I get by fairly well in French. Related: le dbrouillage - disentangling; dbrouillard (inf adj) - smart; un dbrouillar - coper; la dbrouillardise (inf) - smartness, resourcefulness debutant Definition: (fem: une dbutante) - beginner, novice C'est un cours pour les dbutants - It's a class for beginners. Je suis dbutant en tennis. - I'm a tennis novice. (adj) - novice Related: un dbut - beginning, start; dbuter - to start out, to begin deca Definition: decaf (informal abbreviation of dcafin - decaffeinated) Je prfre le dca - I prefer decaf. May also be written DK decalagehoraire Definition: time difference, jet lag Il y a un dcalage horaire d'une heure entre la France et l'Angleterre. - There's a one-hour time difference between France and England. Je ne souffre pas de la fatigue due au dcalage horaire - I don't suffer from jet lag. Related: un dcalage - gap, interval; dcaler - to bring forward, to put back (in time) decaler Definition: to bring/move (forward, back, to the side) Au printemps et en automne, nous devons dcaler d'une heure - In spring and fall, we have to move the clock (forward/back) by one hour.

Pouvez-vous dcaler la table d'un mtre vers la gauche ? - Could you move the table a meter to the left? Related: dcal (adj) - quirky, off-beat, unconventional, irregular; un dcalage - gap, interval, discrepancy Also see dcalage horaire deceder Definition: (formal) - to die, pass away Il est dcd l'anne dernire - He passed away last year. Related: dcd (adj) - deceased Mme Martin, dcde le 7 janvier 2005... - Mrs. Martin, who died on 7 January 2005... deception Definition: disappointment Leur dception tait palpable - Their disappointment was palpable Note that this is a false cognate Related: dcevoir - to disappoint, dcevant - (adj) disappointing decerner Definition: to give, award, issue Ils vont dcerner les prix la semaine prochaine - They're going to give out the prizes next week La police a dcern un mandat d'arrt pour mon pre - Police have issued an arrest warrant for my father dechirant Definition: (adj) heartbreaking, heartrending, harrowing Son dpart tait dchirant - His departure was heartbreaking Related: dechirer - to tear, rip; le dchirement - tearing, ripping, heartbreak declenchement Definition: release, activation, setting off, launch, start Je ne comprends pas le dclenchement de ce mcanisme - I don't understand how to activate this

mechanism. Le dclenchement de la guerre nous a beaucoup choqus - We were deeply shocked by the start of the war. Related: dclencher - to set off, release activate; un dclencheur - releast mechanism, shutter release declencher Definition: to release, set off, trigger, launch, work Le moindre mouvement dclenche l'alarme - The slightest movement sets off the alarm. Ses paroles ont dclench un dbat prolong - His words triggered a prolonged debate. Related: le dclenchement - triggering, release, launching; un dclencheur - release mechanism decoiffer Definition: to muss (one's hair), to take one's hat off Le vent l'a dcoiffe - The wind messed up her hair. Tu devrais te dcoiffer en entrant dans une maison - You should take your hat off when entering a home. (informal) - to surprise, shock a dcoiffe ! - That's really something! Related: coiffer - to fix one's hair decontracte Definition: (adj) relaxed, laid back, casual Aprs le massage, tous les muscles de ton corps seront dcontracts - After the massage, all the muscles in your body will be relaxed Elle est presque trop dcontracte - She's almost too laid-back Related: dcontracter - to relax; la dcontraction - relaxation; contracter - to tense, contract decortiquer Definition: to shell, hull, remove bark J'aime bien m'asseoir sur le balcon et dcortiquer des noix - I really like sitting on the balcony, shelling walnuts

(figurative) to dissect, analyze Nous devons dcortiquer ces chiffres - We need to analyze these numbers Related: le dcorticage - shelling, dissection decoudre Definition: to take stitches out, unpick Qui a dcousu ce bouton ? - Who took the stitches out of this button / took this button off? (literary, in jest) to fight, do battle Nous en dcousons trop - We fight too much. Pronominal: se dcoudre - to come unstitched, to come apart decreter Definition: to order, declare, decree, ordain, decide L'arme n'a pas encore dcrt la mobilisation gnrale - The army hasn't ordered general mobilization yet. Luc a dcrt qu'il ne travaillerait plus pour son pre - Luc declared that he would no longer work for his father. Related: un dcret - decree dedaigner Definition: to despise, look down on, scorn, disdain, spurn Il ne faut pas ddaigner ses subordonns - One shouldn't look down on subordinates. Elle a ddaign les honneurs - She scorned/spurned the honors. Il ne ddaigne pas d'y aller tous les jours - He's not adverse to going there every day. Related: ddaigneusement (adv) - disdainfully, contemptuously; ddaigneux (adj) - scornful, disdainful; le ddain - contempt, disdain, scorn dedommagement Definition: compensation, something to make up for a problem J'ai reu des billets en ddommagement - I received tickets in compensation.

Que voulez-vous en ddommagement du mal ? - What do you want to make up for the trouble? Related: ddommager - to compensation, make up for defaillant Definition: (adj) - failing, declining, weak(ening), shaky Sa sant dfaillante me perturbe - His failing health disturbs me Il a pris ses premiers pas dfaillants hier - He took his first shaky steps yesterday Related: la dfaillance - blackout, faintness, breakdown; dfaillir - to faint, weaken deferler Definition: to unfurl, (intransitive) to break, surge, spread, flood Peux-tu m'aider dferler la voile ? - Can you help me unfurl the sail? Comme les vagues, les touristes dferlent sur les plages - Like waves, tourists surge across the beaches. Related: le dferlement - breaking, surge, spread, flood defi Definition: challenge, defiance J'adore un bon dfi ! - I love a good challenge! Elle a un regard de dfi - She has a defiant look. Related: la dfiance - mistrust, distrust; dfiant (adj) - mistrustful, distrustful degat Definition: (often plural) - damage Heureusement, le tremblement de terre n'a pas caus beaucoup de dgts - Fortunately, the earthquake did not cause a lot of damage. Les cigarettes font beaucoup de dgts - Cigarettes do a lot of harm / are very harmful. deglinguer Definition: (informal) - to bust, break L'appareil-photo que je viens d'acheter est dj dglingu - The camera I just bought is already busted.

se dglinguer - to be on the blink, fall apart, go bust Sa tl se dglingue tout le temps - His TV is always on the blink. Related: la dglingue (fam) - dilapidation, decay; dglingu (inf adj) - battered, broken, rundown, kaput, ramshackle degoiser Definition: (inf) - to spout, rattle on Qu'est-ce qu'il dgoise ? - What's he rattling on about? Il n'arrte jamais de dgoiser - He never shuts up, He never stops rattling on. degommer Definition: (familiar) - to demote, unseat, sack, fire; to put down, lay into, get told off On veut dgommer le directeur-gnral - They want to sack the manager Il s'est fait dgommer par ses parents - His parents told him off / laid into him Related: le dgommage (familiar) - demoting, unseating, sacking degoter Definition: (informal) - to dig up, find La police n'a pas russi dgoter assez de preuve - The police didn't manage to dig up enough proof O as-tu dgot ces livres ? - Where did you dig up these books? Alternate spelling: dgotter degringoler Definition: to collapse, fall; to rush/fall down Apparemment, il a dgringol du toit - Apparently, he fell off the roof Aprs la guerre, les prix ont dgringol - After the war, prices collapsed Il ne faut pas dgringoler les escaliers - You shouldn't rush down the stairs deguerpir Definition: (informal) - to clear off/out, scarper Il a dit aux gosses de dguerpir - He told the kids to clear off.

J'espre qu'il pourra faire dguerpir les fourmis ! - I hope he can get the ants to clear out! degueulasse Definition: (fam adj) - lousy, rotten, filthy, disgusting Ce film est dgueulasse ! - This movie is disgusting! C'est dgueulasse de voler aux enfants - It's rotten/disgusting to steal from kids. Apocope: dgueu Related: un/e dgueulasse (fam) - dirty pig, disgusting person; dgueulasser (fam) - to muck/up deguster Definition: to taste, sample, savor Nous allons dguster du vin - We're going to taste some wine Il dguste son caf - He's enjoying/savoring his coffee (informal) - to suffer, have a rough time J'ai un mal de tte, je dguste ! - I have a hell of a headache!, I have a headache and it's killing me! Related: une dgustation - tasting; un dgustateur - wine taster delaisser Definition: to abandon, quit, give up, neglect Il a dlaiss sa famille - He abandoned his family. Il ne faut pas dlaisser ses amis - You shouldn't neglect your friends. Ne dlaisse pas tes nouveaux jouets ! - Don't abandon your new toys! Related: le dlaissement - abandonment, desertion, neglect; dlaiss (adj) - neglected; laisser - to leave delecter Definition: to (take) delight in, to revel in En t, je me dlecte de manger dehors - In the summer, I revel in eating outside Anne se dlecte la lecture des romans de Zola - Anne delights in reading Zola's novels

(Use when followed by a noun, de when followed by a verb) Related: dlectable (adj) - delectable; la dlectation - delight delester Definition: (technical) to cut off power, relieve congestion / a burden; (transportation) to remove ballast Le courant sera dlest pendant une heure demain - The power will be turned off for an hour tomorrow Quand vont-ils faire quelque chose pour dlester cette autoroute ? - When are they going to do something to relieve congestion on this highway? (informal) to relieve someone of something by stealing it Pronominal: se dlester - to put down, offload sedemander Definition: to wonder, to ask oneself Je me demande pourquoi il est en retard - I wonder why he's late Il s'est demand pourquoi cela ne marchait pas - He asked himself why that didn't work Cela ne se demande pas ! - That's a stupid question! Related: demander - to ask (for), une demande - request, claim; un demandeur - plaintiff, caller demanger Definition: to itch (literally and figuratively) Mes pieds me dmangent la nuit - My feet itch at night O est-ce que a vous dmange ? - Where does it itch? Expressions: Le poing lui dmange - He's itching for a fight; La main me dmange - I'm itching to hit (someone), La langue me dmange - I'm dying to speak; L'envie/a me dmange de + infinitive - I'm itching to + verb demarrer Definition: to start up, to move off, to get moving Le rendez-vous a bien dmarr - The date started off well

La voiture a dmarr tout de suite - The car started right up dmarrer de - to let go of (an idea, project, plan, etc) Related: le dmarrage - starting up, start, moving off; un dmarreur - starter (in a car) demeler Definition: to untangle (literally and figuratively), to sort out, unravel, get to the bottom of Lui dmler les cheveux le matin, c'est un vrai cauchemar! - Untangling his hair every morning is a real nightmare! Nous devons dmler le vrai du faux - We need to sort out the truth from the lies Related: le dmlage - untangling, le dmlant - hair conditioner, un dml - dispute, quarrel demenager Definition: to move (from one house/place to another) Je vais dmnager en France cette anne - I'm going to move to France this year (familiar) - to leave, get lost, clear out; to be crazy Il dmnage compltement ! - He is totally crazy! Related: un demnageur - furniture mover; un demnagement - removal, moving; dmnager la cloche de bois - to sneak off in the middle of the night; a dmnage ! (informal) - It's great/brilliant! demener Definition: to thrash about, struggle, exert oneself Si tu te dmnes, je ne peux pas t'aider. - If you struggle, I won't be able to help you. Nous devons nous dmener afin de le faire - We need to exert ourselves in order to do it. demettre Definition: to dislocate, dismiss Il s'est dmis l'paule - He dislocated his shoulder Vous devrez le dmettre de son poste - You should dismiss him from his post Related: (le poignet) demis - dislocated (wrist), une dmission - resignation, abdication; dmissionnaire (adj) - resigning; dmissioner - to resign, (informal) - to be fired

demeure Definition: residence, home (literary, formal) C'est en Normandie qu'il choisit de faire sa demeure - He chose to make his home in Normandie Expressions: demeure - permanent, live-in; mettre qqun en demeure de faire qqchose - to order someone to do something; une mise en demeure - formal demand Related: demeurer - to stay, live somewhere, remain; demeur (adj) - half-witted demeurer Definition: to stay/live somewhere, to remain Je demeure en Californie - I live in California. Mme dans les annes 30, cette industrie demeurait trs comptitive - Even in the 1930's, this industry remained very competitive. Related: la demeure - residence, demeur (adj) - half-witted; au demeurant (adv) - incidentally, by the way demission Definition: resignation, abdication La dmission du prsident a dclench une enqute - The chairman's resignation triggered an investigation. Ces problmes sont dus la dmission des politiques / parents - These problems are caused by politicians' / parents' failure to take responsability. Related: dmissionnaire (adj) - resigning; un dmissionnaire - person who is resigning; dmissioner - to resign, give up demode Definition: (adj) - old-fashioned, out-of-date Ses vtements sont dmods - His clothes are old-fashioned. Quelle thorie dmode - What an out-of-date/outmoded theory. Related: la mode - fashion; la mode - in fashion; se dmoder - to become old-fashioned, to out out of fashion deni

Definition: denial (law and psychology) C'est quoi exactement le dni de justice ? - What exactly is denial of justice? Il est dans le dni - He's in denial Related: nier - to deny deposer Definition: to lay/put/set down, dump, leave; to deposit, file, register, testify Puis-je dposer ces sacs ? - Can I put these bags down? Dfense de dposer des ordures - Dumping garbage is prohibited J'ai dpos de l'argent hier - I deposited some money yesterday Il a dpos une rclamation - He filed a complaint Related: un dposant - depositor; la dpose - removal; une marque dpose - brand name; une dposition - evidence, statement depouille Definition: skin, hide Il a la dpouille d'un tigre devant la chemine - He has a tiger skin in front of the fireplace. (literary) remains Que faire avec sa dpouille mortelle ? - What should we do with his mortal remains? les dpouilles (literary) plunder, spoils le systme des dpouilles - spoils system Related: dpouill - (adj) bare, plain, uncluttered; dpouiller - to skim, go through, to skin, strip; le dpouillement - perusal, going through depoussierer Definition: to remove dust from Il faut dpoussirer ces livres - We need to get the dust off these books. (figuratively) Cette entreprise doit tre dpoussire - This company needs to get cleaned of its

cobwebs. Related: le dpoussirage - removal of dust; le dpoussirant - anti-static furniture polish; la poussire - dust deranger Definition: to disturb, bother, trouble; to mix/mess up Ce bruit me drange - That noise is bothering me Je viendrai demain, si cela ne te drange pas - I'll come tomorrow, if that's ok / if that doesn't bother you Ne drange pas mes papiers - Don't mess up my papers! Related: le drangement - trouble, disturbance, disorder deraper Definition: to skid, slip, soar Sa voiture a drap cause de la glace - His car skidded on the ice. Le prix de l'essence drape en Europe ! - The price of gas is soaring in Europe! Related: le drapage - skid, unexpected increase (in a price) derechef Definition: (literary, archaic, used in jest) once again, once more Essayons-le derechef. - Let's try once more. derive Definition: drift, deviation, abuse La drive des continents continue depuis des sicles - Continental drift has been going on for centuries Il y a rcemment une drive au sein du Parti Socialiste - Recently there has been a deviation in the Socialist Party C'est une drive du systme - That's an abuse of the system deriver Definition: to divert, derive, stem from Le gouvernement a dcid de driver la rivire - The government decided to divert the river

Ces problmes drivent d'un manque de communication - These problems stem from a lack of communication Related: driv (adj) - derived; un driv - derivative (chem, ling), spin-off, by-product; une drive - derivative (math), la drivation - diversion, detour, derivation derouter Definition: to reroute, divert; to disconcert, puzzle, throw, put off the scent Ils ont dj drout trois avions cause de l'orage - They've already rerouted three planes because of the storm Le public est parfois drout par ses dcisions - The public is sometimes disconcerted by his decisions Related: la droute - rout, retreat, collapse desoriente Definition: (adj) - bewildered, confused Le bb est dsorient par tous ces gens. - The baby is confused by all of these people. Jean, a va ? Tu a l'air dsorient. - Jean, are you ok? You look bewildered. Related: dsorienter - to bewilder, confuse dessaisir Definition: to part with, to give away Je dteste me dessaisir de cette photo - I hate to part with this photograph Nous nous dessaisissons de nos vieux vtements - We're giving away our old clothes dessaisir (legal) - to remove Le juge va dessaisir le tribunal de l'affaire - The judge is going to remove the case from court Related: le dessaisissement - giving up, relinquishment desservir Definition: to clear (away), to do a disservice to, to harm; (transportation) - to serve Peux-tu desservir la table ? - Could you clear the table? Cette dcision va desservir notre cause - This decision is going to do a disservice to our cause

La France est bien desservie - France has good public transportation desuet Definition: (adj) - outdated, old-fashioned, quaint Ma grand-mre a souvent des opinions dsuettes - My grandmother often has old-fashioned opinions. La maison a un charme dsuet - The house has a quaint charm. Related: la dsutude - disuse, obsolescence detaler Definition: (informal) - to bolt, take off, clear out, skedaddle Quand j'ai entendu les sirnes, j'ai dtal ! - When I heard the sirens, I took off! Expressions of emphasis: dtaler toutes jambes, dtaler comme un lapin, dtaler au triple galop; dtaler d'une telle vitesse que... - to take off so quickly that... detournement Definition: diversion, rerouting, hijacking Le dtournement des profits au bnfice des cadres doit tre arrt - The diversion of profits to the executives must be stopped. Il y a eu un dtournement d'avion hier - There was a plane hijacking yesterday. Expressions: le dtournement de fonds - embezzlement; dtournement de mineur - corruption of a minor; dtournement de pouvoir - abuse of power Related: dtourner - to divert, reroute, hijack, (sports) deflect detourner Definition: to divert, reroute, hijack; turn away, avert; embezzle Pourquoi faut-il dtourner la circulation ? - Why must the traffic be rerouted? Essaie de dtourner l'attention de Jean - Try to divert Jean's attention. J'ai d dtourner les yeux - I had to avert my eyes. Related: un dtour - bend, detour; dtourn (adj) - roundabout, indirect; un dtournement diversion, rerouting

detraque Definition: (adj) - broken down; (informal) - shaky, unbalanced, unhinged Ma voiture est dtraque - My car is broken down Ce mec est dtraqu - This guy is unhinged Sa sant est toujours dtraque - His health is still shaky Related: le dtraquement - breakdown, shakiness, instability; dtraquer - to put out of order, to put out of sorts, (inf) to upset, shake up; se dtraquer - to go wrong, break down, be upset, become unstable detraquer Definition: to put out of order, put out of sorts La coupure de courant a dtraqu cette machine - The power outage put this machine out of order se dtraquer - to break down, to be upset La machine s'est dtraque - The machine broke down. Son estomac est dtraqu - His stomach is upset. Related: dtraqu (adj) - broken down, crazy; le dtraquement - breakdown, shakiness devancer Definition: to get/be/arrive/do ahead of Pour gagner, il faut devancer tous les autres coureurs - To win, you have to get ahead of all the other runners. Je te devancerai chez nous - I'll get home before you. J'allais le lui dire, mais Hlne m'a devanc. - I was going to tell him, but Hlne beat me to it. Related: devant (adv) - in front of; un devancier - precursor devant Definition: (adv) - in front of Je l'ai vu devant la poste - I saw him in front of the post office. Ils sont passs devant nous sans nous voir - They walked right by us.

Related: derrire - in back of; avant - before (avant vs devant) deveine Definition: (informal) rotten luck Quelle dveine ! - What rotten luck! Il est dans la dveine - He's down on his luck / He's out of luck. Et puis j'avais la dveine de... - And then I had the rotten luck to... Tu as toutes les dveines ! - You have all the rotten luck! Related: la veine (informal) - good luck; veinard ! - lucky dog! deviner Definition: to guess, solve, foresee; to make out Devinez quoi ! - Guess what! Tu devines le reste - You can guess/imagine the rest. Je crois deviner ce qui s'est pass - I think I can guess what happened. Il a devin l'nigme - He solved the riddle. Elle peut deviner l'avenir - She can see into the future. Je devinais un soupon de peur dans ses yeux - I made out a hint of fear in his eyes. Related: deviner quelqu'un - to read someone's mind devoiler Definition: to unveil, disclose, reveal Nous allons dvoiler nos projets demain matin - We're going to reveal our plans tomorrow La statue a t dvoile aprs les discours - The statue was unveiled after the speeches Pierre n'a pas dvoil le nom de son complice - Pierre did not disclose his accomplice's name Related: le dvoilement - unveiling, disclosure, revelation; voiler - to veil, hide, mist over diable

Definition: devil; hand cart/truck; earthenware casserole Expressions: qui/quoi/o/pourquoi/etc diable...? - who/what/where/why the hell...? au diable: tre au diable - to be in the middle of nowhere, miles from anywhere; envoyer qqun au diable - to tell someone to go to hell; aller au diable - to go to hell du diable (intensifier): faire un froid du diable - to be extremely cold; avoir un mal du diable de faire - to have a hell of a time doing en diable (intensifier): tre + adj + en diable - to be extremely/terribly/bloody + adj la diable: any which way, any old how diapason Definition: (music) range, tuning fork, pitch pipe Cette chanteuse a un diapason impressionnant - That singer has an impressive range Expressions: tre au diapason d'une situation - to be in tune with a situation; se mettre au diapason de quelqu'un - to get in tune with someone, get onto someone's wavelength dico Definition: (informal) - dictionary (short for dictionnaire) J'ai besoin d'un bon dico franais-anglais - I need a good French-English dictionary Links: Dozens of online French dicos dicton Definition: saying, dicton, expression Je ne connais pas ce dicton - I don't know that saying. Connais-tu une bonne liste de dictons franais ? - Do you know of a good list of French expressions? Related: dicter - to dictate difference Definition: difference, identity, dissent Quelle est la diffrence ? - What's the difference? Il essaie de marquer sa diffrence - He's trying to assert his identity.

Il y a des diffrences dans le parti - There is dissent in the (political) party. differer Definition: to differ, be different; to postpone Souvent les frres et les surs diffrent en leurs gots - Often brothers and sisters differ in their tastes La loi diffre suivant les pays - Laws differ by country Il va diffrer la soire jusqu' ce que ses amis puissent venir - He is going to postpone the party until his friends can come Related: diffrent (adj) - different; diffr (adj) - pre-recorded: Cette mission passe en diffr This program is pre-recorded dingue Definition: (inf adj) - crazy, nuts, barmy Il est dingue de cette fille - He's crazy about this girl. J'ai vu un film dingue - I saw a crazy / far-out movie. un/e dingue (inf noun) - nutcase, loony Il y a un dingue dans ton appart - Some nutcase is in your apartment. Related: dinguer - (inf) to fall flat on one's face, la dinguerie - (inf) craziness, stupidity direct Definition: (adj) - direct, straight Cette rue va direct ma maison - This road goes straight to my house. le direct - express train; live broadcast Je vais prendre le direct Dijon - I'm going to take the express train to Dijon. Nous regardons l'actualit en direct - We're watching the news broadcast live. Related: directement (adv) - directly; la direction - direction, management dirigeant Definition: leader, ruler, director, manager Qui est le dirigeant de ce syndicat ? - Who's in charge of this union?

Il y aura une runion pour les dirigeants 9h00 - There will be a managers meeting at 9:00. (adj) - ruling, senior La classe dirigeante a tout le pouvoir - The ruling class has all of the power. Related: diriger - to run, be in charge of, manage, steer dispositif Definition: device, mechanism; plan (of action, attack...) J'ai achet un dispositif d'alarme - I bought an alarm / warning device. Nous devons mettre en place un dispositif - We need to begin a plan of action. Le dispositif d'attaque est compliqu - The plan of attack is complicated. Related: disposer - to arrange, incline (s.o. to do s.t.), une disposition - arrangement, mood dizaine Definition: about ten, ten or so Il y a une dizaine de livres sur la table - There are about ten books on the table Des dizaines et des dizaines de fois - Countless times, over and over, hundreds of times Related: approximate numbers dodo Definition: (baby talk) - sleepy time, beddy-bye Je vais faire dodo - I'm going beddy-bye (I'm going to sleep) Au dodo ! - Sleepy time! More baby talk dompter Definition: to tame, subdue, master, overcome Je vais dompter ce renard - I'm going to tame this fox. Ces enfants doivent tre dompts ! - These kids need to be subdued! (teasingly) J'ai russi dompter ma peur - I managed to overcome my fear.

Related: domptable (adj) - tameable; le domptage - taming; un dompteur - trainer domtom Definition: (acronym) - Dpartements d'outre-mer, Territoires d'outre-mer - French overseas departments and territories Grce Aim Csaire, la France a cr les DOM-TOM - Thanks to Aim Csaire, France created its overseas departments and territories Les citoyens des DOM sont des citoyens de la France - Citizens in the overseas departments are citizens of France Alternate spelling: D.O.M.-T.O.M. Learn more: DOM-TOM and other French-speaking countries donc Definition: (conjunction) so, therefore J'ai dj mang, donc je vais partir - I've already eaten, so I'm going to leave. C'est donc fini ? - So it's finished? dis donc / dites donc - I say, how about that dorenavant Definition: (adv) - from now on, henceforth Suzanne vient de changer son nom ; dornavant, vous devez l'appeler Suzette. - Suzanne just changed her name; from now on, you have to call her Suzette. Dornavant, je veux que tu fasses ton lit chaque matin - From now on, I want you to make your bed every morning. dote Definition: equipped/endowed; with a dowry/prize Cette usine est dote d'un quipement moderne. - This factory is equipped with modern equipment. Pierre est dot d'un grand talent musical - Pierre is endowed with great musical talent. Cette comptition est richement dote - This competition has a big prize. Related: la dot - dowry; la dotation - endowment, grant; doter - to provide a dowry, to endow, to

equip with double Definition: (adj) - lined, dubbed Elle a achet une jupe double de soie - She bought a silk-lined skirt Je n'aime pas les films doubls ; je prfre les sous-titres - I don't like dubbed movies; I prefer subtitles Related: doubler - to double, repeat (a class), dub, line, overtake doue Definition: talented, gifted, endowed with Mon frre est dou pour la musique - My brother is gifted in (has a gift for) music. Elle est doue d'une mmoire extraordinaire - She is endowed with an amazing memory. Related: douer - to endow, bless douillet Definition: (adj) soft, cozy, snug C'est un appartement douillet - It's a cozy apartment (derogatory) soft, weak, unable to stand pain Related: douillettement (adv) - cozily, snuggly doux Definition: (adj) - sweet, soft, gentle, mild C'est un homme trs doux - He's a very gentle man Cette musique douce me relaxe - This sweet music relaxes me Ta peau est trs douce - Your skin is very soft Related: la douceur - sweetness, softness, mildness; doucetre (adj) - sickly sweet; doucement (adv) - gently, softly drap Definition: sheet, large towel J'ai achet de nouveaux draps (de lit) - I bought some new (bed) sheets

O est mon drap de plage ? - Where is my beach towel? Expression: mettre qqun dans de beaux/sales/vilains draps - to land someone in a fine mess dresser Definition: to draw or write up; to stand up, raise, erect J'ai dress la liste d'invits - I drew up the guest list. Vas-tu dresser un plan pour nos amis ? - Are you going to draw up a map for our friends? Ils vont dresser une statue dans le parc - They're going to erect a statue in the park. Dressez les ttes - Raise your heads. drole Definition: (adj) - funny, peculiar J'ai regard un film drle hier soir - I watched a funny movie last night C'est drle, je ne reconnais pas ces livres sur mon tagre - That's funny, I don't recognize these books on my shelf drle de - strange Il a un drle d'air - He looks strange; C'est une drle d'ide - That's a peculiar idea Related: drlement (adv) - funnily, strangely; la drlerie - funniness

ebranler Definition: to shake, weaken, compromise Le vent a branl les vitres pendant des heures - The wind shook the windows for hours Cette vidence va branler votre position - This evidence is going to weaken your position La mort soudaine de sa femme l'a branl - His wife's sudden death shook him up Related: un branlement - shaking, weakening, shock ebullition

Definition: (f noun) boiling, turmoil Ajouter les ptes au moment de l'bullition - Add the pasta once (the water is) boiling Porter le potage bullition - Bring the soup to a boil Expression: tre en bullition - (literally) to be boiling; (figuratively) to be in turmoil, bubbling over, seething ecarter Definition: to move apart, to spread (open), to dismiss Il a cart les rideaux pour jeter un coup d'il dans la rue - He spread open the curtains in order to glance at the street. On dit que l'ail sert carter les vampires - They say that garlic can scare away vampires. Je ne peux pas carter les bras - I can't spread/reach my arms out. Related: un cart - distance, gap; cart (adj) - remote, isolated; un cartement - gap, space, distance; s'carter - to draw aside, to step back from echeance Definition: expiration/maturity/redemption/payment/due date; term J'attends l'chance de mon bon - I'm waiting for my bond's maturity date. Quelle est l'chance de cette facture ? - What is this bill's due date? Related: un chancier - payment schedule; chances politiques - elections; payable l'chance - payable when due; venir chance - to become due; plus ou moins brve chance - sooner or later; longue chance - in the long run, long-term; courte chance before long, short-term; le cas chant - if need be echec Definition: failure, defeat, setback, breakdown C'est son premier chec en tant que maire - It's his first failure as mayor Notre projet a subi un chec - Our project suffered a setback L'chec des ngociations... - The breakdown of negotiations... Related: les checs - chess; chouer - to fail, to end up echouer

Definition: to fail; to end up J'ai chou l'examen - I failed the test Il faut faire chouer ce projet - We have to make this project fail Il a chou dans le Maine - He ended up in Maine Related: un chec - failure, defeat, setback, breakdown eclair Definition: lightning, flash, (fig) spark Il y avait des clairs pendant l'orage - There was lightning during the storm Les clairs du phare avertissent les navires - The flashes from the lighthouse warn ships J'ai vu un clair d'intelligence dans ses yeux - I saw a spark of intelligence in his eyes Related: en un clair - quickly, in a flash; clairage - lighting; clairant (adj) - enlightening; claircir - to lighten, clarify; clairer - to light, enlighten eclater Definition: to burst, blow up, explode; to break out; to make noise; to shine La bombe va clater minuit - The bomb will explode at midnight. L'incendie a clat cause des cigarettes - The fire broke out because of cigarettes. Quand je lui ai racont la blague, il a clat de rire - When I told him the joke, he burst out laughing. Son talent clatera toujours - His talent will always shine through. Related: un clat - splinter, sparkle; clatant (adj) - bright, brilliant, loud; clat (adj) fragmented, confused; un clatement - explosion, split; un clateur - spark gap eclipser Definition: to eclipse, overshadow La lune n'clipse pas souvent le soleil - The moon doesn't often eclipse the sun. Ces problmes ont clips la fte - These problems eclipsed the party. Je n'aime pas quand les succs de mon frre clipsent les miens - I don't like it when my brother's successes overshadow my own.

Related: s'clipser - to slip/sneak away/out; une clipse - eclipse economie Definition: economics; economy, thrift, saving Marie fait des conomies - Marie is saving up (putting money away). Avoir le sens d'conomie est trs pratique - Having a sense of thrift is very practical. Related: conomiser - to save, conserve; conomique (adj) - economic(al); conomiquement (adv) - economically economies Definition: (f plural) savings, conservation Je dois faire des conomies - I need to save up. As-tu des conomies ? - Do you have any savings? Il faut nous concentrer sur les conomies d'nergie - We need to concentrate on energy conservation. Related: l'conomie - economics; economy, thrift; conomiser - to economize, save on, conserve ecorce Definition: (fem noun) - bark, peel, skin On peut reconnatre un platane par l'corce - You can recognize a plane tree by the bark J'aime l'corce d'orange couverte de chocolat - I like chocolate-covered orange peels Related: corcer - to peel, strip the bark from ecouler Definition: to sell Il faut couler ce stock avant la prochaine livraison - We need to sell off this stock before the next delivery. Related: s'couler - to leak, flow out; to pass by, disappear, melt away L'eau s'coule des tuyaux - Water is leaking from the pipes. Le temps s'coule vite quand on est occup - Time passes quickly when one is busy.

ecourter Definition: to shorten, cut short, curtail Notre visite a t courte par l'arrive de Claude - Our visit was cut short by Claude's arrival. Vous devrez courter votre discours - You'll have to cut down your speech. Related: court (adj) - short ecran Definition: screen J'ai achet un cran plat - I bought a flat screen (monitor) Il ne peut pas voir l'cran (de cinma) - He can't see the (movie) screen J'ai besoin d'cran solaire - I need some sunscreen ecraser Definition: to crush, mash, grind, pound, squeeze; run over Est-ce qu'on crase toujours le raisin avec les pieds ? - Do they still crush grapes with their feet? Ils ont cras l'autre quipe ! - They crushed the other team! Sa voiture a cras la souris - His car ran over the mouse. Related: cras (adj) - crushed, mashed; crasant (adj) - crushing, overwhelming, grueling; crasement - crushing, swatting, smashing... ecrouler Definition: (reflexive verb) - to fall down, collapse, crumble Le mur vient de s'crouler - The wall just fell down. Thierry s'est croul quand il a vu l'accident - Thierry collapsed when he saw the accident. Ses thories s'crouleront dans la nouvelle conomie - His theories will collapse in the new economy. Related: croul (adj) - tumbledown, fallen; croulement - fall, collapse ecule Definition: (adj) - worn down, worn out

Ses nouvelles chaussures sont dj cules - His new shoes are already worn down (at the heel). Arrte avec ces plaisanteries cules ! - Stop with these worn out jokes! Related: culer - to wear down at the heel; s'culer - to become hackneyed, wear thin ecume Definition: (fem) foam, froth, scum, lather Je n'aime pas voir l'cume sur la plage - I don't like seeing (sea) foam on the beach Quand tu fais bouillir les haricots secs, il faut enlever l'cume - When you boil dried beans, you have to remove the scum (that gathers on top of the water) l'cume de la socit (derogatory) - the scum/dregs of society Related: cumant (adj) - foamy, foaming, frothy; cumer - to foam, froth; to skim, take the scum off; cumeux (adj) - foamy, frothy edulcorer Definition: to water/tone down; to sweeten Il nous a racont une version dulcore de l'histoire - He told us a watered-down version of the story Les ides radicales dans votre thse doivent tre dulcores - The radical ideas in your thesis need to be toned down Il dulcorera le mdicament avec du sucre - He'll sweeten the medicine with some sugar Related: dulcorant (adj) - sweetening; un dulcorant - sweetener effacer Definition: to erase Il faut effacer tout ce qui est crit dans ces livres - You need to erase everything that's written in these books. Elle m'a demand d'effacer le tableau noir - She asked me to erase the chalkboard. Related: effac (adj) - faded, subdued; self-effacing; effacement - obliteration, erasing, deletion; s'effacer - to wear away, fade; to move aside, withdraw effectuer Definition: to carry out, to make (happen), to accomplish

Le mdecin n'a pas voulu effectuer l'opration - The doctor did not want to carry out the operation L'arbitre a effectu un changement des rgles - The referee made a change in the rules Les rnovations chez moi seront effectues dans 3 mois - The renovations on my home will be done in 3 months Related: effectif (adj) - effective effondre Definition: shattered, crushed, collapsed Le mur effondr doit tre rpar. - The collapsed wall must be fixed. Elle tait effondre de douleur - She was crushed by grief. Related: effondrer - to make collapse; s'effondrer - to collapse, cave in; un effondrement collapse, caving-in, utter dejection efforcer Definition: to try hard, endeavor, do one's best to Je m'efforce de faire mes devoirs avant le dner - I really try to finish my homework before dinner. Elle s'est efforce de tout expliquer - She did her best to explain everything. Related: un effort - effort effroyable Definition: appalling, horrifying La situation dans cette ville est effroyable - The situation in that town is appalling Quand j'ai entendu les cris effroyables, j'ai tlphon la police - When I heard the horrifying screams, I called the police egal Definition: (adj) equal, even, unchanging Ces deux hommes sont d'intelligence gale - These two men are equally intelligent Le climat est gal cet t - The weather has been unchanging this summer Expressions: a m'est gal - I don't care, It's all the same to me; C'est gal - All the same, Be that

as it may; rester gal soi-mme - to be true to form; toutes choses gales par ailleurs - all/other things being equal un gal - equal Il n'est pas ton gal - He is not your equal egard Definition: (masc noun) - only used in fixed expressions * l'gard de - toward, concerning Il est gentil l'gard des enfants - He is nice to children. A l'gard de ce problme... - As for/Concerning this problem... * gards - consideration Il a beaucoup d'gards pour les femmes - He is very considerate toward women. Il manque d'gards envers les femmes - He is very inconsiderate toward women. egare Definition: (adj) - lost, stray, distraught Il y a beaucoup de chats gars ici - There are a lot of stray cats here. a va ? Tu as l'air gar. - Are you ok? You look distraught. s'garer - to get lost Nous nous sommes gars ! - We're lost! Related: garer - to mislead, lead astray, mislay; un garement - distraction, madness ehonte Definition: (adj) shameless, brazen Vos actions hontes nous ont mis en danger - Your shameless actions put us in danger C'est un mensonge hont ! - That's a bold-faced lie! Related: la honte - shame elaguer

Definition: to prune (literally and figuratively) Nous devons laguer ces arbres - We need to prune these trees. Il a lagu le budget - He pruned the budget. Related: lagage (m) - pruning, un lagueur/une lagueuse - pruner eloigne Definition: (adj) - distant, remote, far C'est assez loign de notre maison - It's fairly far/distant from our house. Dans un avenir peu loign - In the not-too-distant future Related: loigner - to move/take away, to banish; loignement - removal, taking away, estrangement; loin (adv) - far eloigner Definition: to move away (transitive), remove, estrange, banish, dismiss Il faut loigner le chocolat du four - You need to move the chocolate away from the oven. Cette femme a loign ses enfants de leur pre - That woman estranged her children from their father. Quand j'ai fait ta connaissance, le souvenir de mon ex-copain s'est loign - When I met you, the memory of my ex-boyfriend was banished. Related: loign (adj) - distant, remote; un loignement - removal, estrangement elucubrations Definition: wild imaginings Je ne sais pas o il trouve toutes ces savantes lucubrations - I don't know how he imagines these wild things, where he comes up with this stuff C'est impossible de prendre au srieux ses lucubrations - It's impossible to take his wild imaginings seriously Related: lucubrer - to dream up emballer Definition: to pack (up) Il faut encore que j'emballe mes livres - I still need to pack up my books

(informal) - to thrill Ses ides ne m'ont pas emball - I wasn't thrilled by his ideas (familiar) - to arrest, nick; to seduce, pick up Related: emballage (m) - packing, wrapping, packaging; emballement (m) - flash of enthusiasm or anger; un emballeur - packer embeter Definition: to bother, worry, annoy Est-ce que a t'embte ? - Does that bother you? Related: s'embter - to be bored, fed up; embtant (adj) - annoying; embt (adj) - bothered, upset; embtement - trouble, bother emboiter Definition: to fit together, into Il a russi emboter les tuyaux - He managed to fit the pipes together Cette partie ne veut pas s'emboter dans l'appareil - This piece won't fit into the device Expression: emboter le pas qqun - to follow close one someone's heels, to follow suit Related: une bote - box, can, tin embouteillage Definition: traffic jam, holdup, (fig) bottleneck Il y a toujours des embouteillages dans les grandes villes - There are always traffic jams in big cities C'est l'impatience qui cause beaucoup d'embouteillages - Impatience is what causes a lot of bottlenecks Related: embouteiller - to block, to jam; une bouteille - bottle embrouille Definition: (adj) - muddled, confused, mixed-up Ces papiers sont tout embrouills - These papers are all mixed up. Je ne peux pas dcider ; mes ides sont embrouilles. - I can't decide; my thoughts are all

muddled. Related: embrouiller - to tangle up, mix up, confuse; embrouillement - tangling, muddling up, confusion emparer Definition: (reflexive verb) - to seize, snatch, grab, take over Le voleur s'est empar de mon sac main et a disparu - The thief grabbed my purse and disappeared. La police va s'emparer de toute la contrebande - The police will seize all of the contraband. La jalousie s'est empare de mon bon sens - Jealousy took over / took hold of my common sense. empecher Definition: to prevent, stop Il faut empcher que ce projet russisse - We have to prevent this project from succeeding. Elle m'a empch de fuir - She stopped me from fleeing. Related: empch (adj) - detained, held up; embarassed; un empchement - hitch, difficulty, obstacle, impediment; un empcheur - spoilsport, troublemaker empiler Definition: to pile, stack up, squeeze in Tu dois empiler ces journaux - You need to stack up these newspapers. Comment avez-vous empil 8 personnes dans cette voiture ? - How did you squeeze 8 people into this car? (familiar) - to have, swindle, rook Mon pre a t empil - My father was swindled. Related: une pile - pile, stack; empilage - piling-up, stacking-up; un empileur - stacker, swindler emprunter Definition: to borrow J'ai d emprunter de l'argent - I had to borrow some money Il a emprunt une voiture son frre - He borrowed a car from his brother

Note that emprunter is followed by , not de, to mean "to borrow from" Related: un emprunt - borrowing, loan; un emprunteur - borrower encastrer Definition: to embed, fit L'pe du roi Arthur tait encastre en pierre - King Arthur's sword was embedded in stone Les livres s'encastrent exactement dans cette bote - The books fit perfectly into this box Related: encastr (adj) - built-in; encastrable (adj) - slot-in enceinte Definition: (adj) - pregnant Elle est enceinte - She's pregnant. Expressions: tomber enceinte, se retrouver enceinte - to get pregnant; une femme enceinte expectant mother; enceinte de 4 mois - 4 months pregnant; enceinte de ___ - pregnant with / by ___ (depending on whether you give the baby's or the father's name), mettre qqun enceinte - to get someone pregant; enceinte jusqu'aux yeux (inf) - very pregnant Related: une enceinte - wall, enclosure encenser Definition: to flatter, praise excessively Luc encense les femmes qu'il trouve jolies - Luc flatters women he finds attractive Le critique a encens ce film parce qu'il connat le ralisateur - The critic praised this film excessively because he knows the director Related: encens (m noun) - incense; encensement - the act of burning incense; un encensoir censer enchante Definition: (adj) - enchanted, delighted, "nice to meet you" Je suis enchant de cette pice - I'm delighted by this play. - Voici mon frre David. - Enchant. - This is my brother David. - Nice to meet you.

Related: un enchantement - enchantment, spell; enchanter - to enchant, bewitch; enchanteur (adj) - enchanting, bewitching; (noun) - enchanter, charmer enchere Definition: bid Je n'ai pas encore fait d'enchre - I haven't made any bids yet. Sa mort a fait monter les enchres - His death pushed up the bidding. Related: enchrir sur un offre - to outbid; enchrir sur - to go one better than, go further; mettre aux enchres - to put up for auction; un enchrisseur - bidder, un renchrissement - a rise in price enclin Definition: (adj) - inclined/prone (to) Je suis enclin commencer sans lui - I'm inclined to start without him Elle est encline au mlodrame - She's prone to melodrama (She's often melodramatic) energumene Definition: firebrand, nutcase Ma fille est une vraie nergumne - My daughter is a real firebrand Qui est cet nergumne ct de Jean ? - Who's that nutcase next to Jean? enfait Expression: En fait Pronunciation: [a(n) feht] Meaning: in fact, as a matter of fact, actually Register: normal Notes: The French expression en fait is a statement of contradiction, used when you want to set the record straight. -As-tu faim ? -Non, en fait, j'ai dj mang. -Are you hungry? -No, actually, I've already eaten. J'avais pens que nous allions le faire ensemble, mais en fait j'tais tout seul. I'd thought we were going to do it together, but in fact I was by myself. There are two potential confusions with the expression en fait:

1. It's really only used to contradict something. In English there's another meaning of "in fact," where you agree with what was just said and want to add some more information, as in "Yes, in fact, that's a good idea." In this case, a better translation of "in fact" is en effet, effectivement, or possibly justement. 2. Though it may sound similar, the expression au fait means something very different. Post your comments about the French expression en fait on my French blog - just hit "comments" at the bottom of the post.


Expressions with en Expressions with faire Most common French phrases

enfin Definition: (adv) - at last, finally Enfin seuls ! - Alone at last! Elle y est enfin arrive - She has finally succeeded (interjection) - well, at least, let's say, all in all, in a word, I mean Il est intelligent, enfin, malin - He's smart, or at least shrewd J'ai perdu mes cls, quelqu'un m'a vol la voiture, j'ai t vir ; enfin, pas une bonne journe - I lost my keys, someone stole my car, I got fired; all in all, not a good day J'en veux deux, enfin, trois - I'd like two, I mean three of them In informal speech, enfin is often abbreviated to a single syllable: 'fin More: Common French phrases enflammer Definition: to set on fire, inflame; to strike (a match) Avec quoi peut-on enflammer ce bois ? - What can we set this wood on fire with? Cette discussion a vraiment enflamm son imagination - That discussion really fired up his imagination

Related: s'enflammer - to catch fire, ignite, to flare up, to become impassioned; une flamme flame engelure Definition: chilblain des engelures - frostbite Attention, on peut perdre des doigts aux engelures ! - Be careful, you can lose fingers to frostbite! engourdir Definition: to make numb J'ai la main engourdie - My hand is numb. Je suis engourdi de froid - I'm numb with cold. Related: engourdi (adj) - numb, dull; engourdissement (m noun) - numbness, sleepiness, dullness enjeu Definition: stake, issue Quels sont les enjeux de ce match ? - What are the stakes in this match? L'environnement est un enjeu important dans cette lection - The environment is an important issue in this election Related: en jeu - in play, at stake enquete Definition: inquiry, investigation, survey On fait une enqute sur le dtournement de fonds - They're investigating the embezzlement. Qui mne l'enqute ? - Who's leading the investigation? J'ai vu les rsultats de l'enqute - I saw the survey results. Related: s'enqurir - to inquire, ask; enquter - to hold an inquiry, investigate, conduct a survey; un enquteur - investigator enrayer Definition: to (keep in) check, curb, jam Y a-t-il un moyen d'enrayer la progression de cette maladie ? - Is there a way to check the spread of this disease?

Quelqu'un a enray la machine ! - Someone jammed the machine! Related: enrayage (m noun) - jamming; enrayement (m noun; also spelled enraiement) checking, curbing enrhume Definition: (adj) - having a cold Je suis un peu enrhum - I have a bit of a cold. Il est trs enrhum - He has a bad cold. Related: enrhumer - to give a cold to; s'enrhumer - to catch a cold; un rhume - cold souffrance Definition: suffering Il est trs sensible la souffrance des autres - He is very sensitive to the suffering of others Expression: en souffrance - pending, awaiting delivery ensuque Definition: (inf adj, Provenal) sleepy, droopy Je me sens ensuqu par la chaleur - I feel sleepy from the heat, The heat is making me sleepy un ensuqu, une ensuque (inf) - idiot entacher Definition: to soil, taint, tarnish (only figuratively), riddled, marred (with errors) Son honneur est entach - His honor is soiled. Rien ne peut entacher notre joie - Nothing can tarnish our joy. Cette fiche est entache d'erreurs - This form is riddled with errors. Related: une tache - mark, stain entamer Definition: to start, broach, open, cut into, eat into (literally and figuratively) Le premier ministre va entamer une visite en gypte - The Prime Minister is going to visit Egypt.

Qui a dj entam le pt ? - Who already started on the pt? J'aimerais entamer une bouteille de vin - I'd like to open a bottle of wine. Est-ce que la rouille peut entamer une porte en acier ? - Can rust eat into a steel door? (Can a steel door get rusty?) Related: une entame - first slice, piece, card entourer Definition: to surround, rally around Nous allons entourer le jardin d'arbres - We're going to surround the garden with trees. Lors de sa mort, les enfants de Luc ont entour leur mre. - When Luc died, his children rallied around their mother. Related: entour - popular, surrounded (with, by), un entourage - circle, entourage entracte Definition: (theater, cinma) interval, intermission; (figurative) interruption, interlude, break Il y aura un entracte de 15 minutes - There will be a 15-minute intermission J'ai besoin d'un petit entracte - I need a little break entrainer Definition: to take, drag (a person), to lead, influence; to bring about, lead to; to entail, mean Il m'a entran vers la sortie - He dragged me to the exit. J'espre qu'elle ne t'entranera pas trop dpenser - I hope she won't lead you into spending too much. Les attentats ont entran de nouvelles mesures de scurit - The bombings brought about new security measures. Ce projet entranera une nouvelle manire de travailler - This project will entail a new way of working. Related: s'entraner - to practice, train; entrain (m noun) - spirit drive, liveliness; entranant (adj) - stirring, lively; entranement (m noun) - training, coaching, impetus; un entraneur - trainer entretenir

Definition: to maintain, keep, look after, support; (formal) to talk, converse Qui va entretenir la maison pendant tes vacances ? - Who's going to look after the house during your vacation? C'est difficile d'entretenir une grande famille - It's hard to support a large family Related: entretenu (adj) - kept; entretien (m noun) - upkeep, maintenance, conversation, interview entrouvrir Definition: to half-open, open slightly Peux-tu entrouvrir les fentres ? - Could you open the windows halfway? Related: entrouvert (adj) - half-open, s'entrouvrir - to half-open, to gape, to part (one's lips) envergure Definition: breadth, wingspan; scope, scale, range, significance L'envergure de cet avion est trs large - The wingspan of this plane is very wide C'est une opration de grande envergure - It's a large-scale operation Mon chef manque d'envergure - My boss lacks significance, isn't very significant envisager Definition: to envisage, view, contemplate, consider Comment envisages-tu le programme ? - How do you view the program? J'envisage d'aller au Mexique - I'm thinking about going to Mexico. Nous n'avions pas envisag a - We hadn't considered that. Related: envisageable - conceivable eolien Definition: (adj) related to wind Que pensez-vous de l'nergie olienne ? - What do you think of wind power? L'rosion olienne va dtruire ce coteau - Wind erosion is going to destroy this hillside Related: une olienne - windmill, wind turbine

epais Definition: (adj) thick; (derog) dense, dull, thick Je prfre la crme plus paisse - I prefer the thicker cream Elle a les cheveux trs pais - She has very thick hair Il est pais, ce mec - That guy is thick eparpiller Definition: to scatter, disperse Il faut parpiller les graines - We need to scatter the seeds. s'parpiller - to scatter, to spread oneself Il s'parpille trop - He spreads himself too thin. Related: parpillement (m noun) - scattering, dissipation, distribution epater Definition: to amaze, impress Je n'ai jamais russi pater mon frre - I've never managed to impress my brother. Related: patant (informal adj) - splendid, great; l'pate - showing off; pat - flat-bottomed; patement - flatness, amazement; s'pater - to spread out epi Definition: spike, tuft Attention ! Ces fleurs ont beaucoup d'pis - Be careful! These flowers have a lot of spikes Il est mignon avec cet pi de cheveux sur son front - He's cute with that tuft of hair on his forehead pi also has some less common meanings:

breakwater corn cob cowlick, quiff ear (of corn, wheat) herringbone (pattern) part(ing) of a horse's mane (gar) en pi - (parked) diagonally

epreuve Definition: test, ordeal, hardship; (sports) event; (publishing) proof On passera l'preuve orale la semaine prochaine - We'll take the oral test next week. La colonie a connu beaucoup d'preuves - The colony experienced a great deal of hardship. Il m'a demand de corriger les preuves de son livre - He asked me to proofread his book. Related: prouver - to feel, suffer, put to the test; prouv - proven, staunch; prouvant - trying, testing, nerve-racking; une prouvette - test tube eprouver Definition: to feel, experience, suffer, sustain, test J'prouve beaucoup de plaisir t'crire - I really enjoy writing to you. La Normandie a t trs prouve par la deuxime guerre mondiale - Normandy suffered/was really tested by WWII. Related: une preuve - test, ordeal; mettre l'preuve - to put to the test; toute preuve staunch, solid as a rock; prouvant (adj) - trying, testing; prouv (adj) - well-tried, proven; une prouvette - test tube epuise Definition: (adj) - worn-out, exhausted Le pauvre - il est puis ! - Poor thing - he's exhausted! Ma patience est puise ; arrte ! - I'm out of patience; stop it! Related: puiser - to wear out, exhaust; puisant - exhausting; puisement - exhaustion es Definition: s is a contraction of en + les, used in describing university degrees. Elle a une licence s sciences et un doctorat s lettres. - She has a BSc degree and a PhD. escale Definition: stopover, port of call Il y aura une escale Londres - There will be a stopover in London. Est-ce un vol sans escale ? - Is it a direct flight? Related: une escale technique - refueling stop escamoter

Definition: evade, get around, dodge; to conjure away (by magic) Il prfre escamoter les problmes que les rsoudre - He prefers evading problems to resolving them Il a escamot toutes leurs questions - He dodged all of their questions (informal) - to steal, pinch, filch On m'a escamot mon sac main hier - Someone pinched my purse yesterday Related: escamotable (adj) - collapsible, retractible, foldaway; escamotage (m) - evading, dodging, filching, retraction escrime Definition: (fem noun) - fencing J'aime bien l'escrime - I really like fencing. Mon pre fait de l'escrime - My father fences. Related: s'escrimer (inf) - to struggle, wear out; un escrimeur - fencer esgourde Definition: (familiar and old-fashioned, used in jest) ear Ton copain a de grandes esgourdes ! - Your boyfriend has big ears! Ouvre tes esgourdes - Listen up espece Definition: kind, type, species L'espce humaine - The human race C'est une espce d'glise - It's a kind of church. espce de - (informal, pej) some, stupid Il y a une espce de type qui t'attend - There's some guy waiting for you. C'est une espce d'imbcile - He's a stupid idiot. espces (feminine plural) - cash

Pouvez-vous payer en espces ? - Can you pay cash? espiegle Definition: (adj) - mischievous, impish Ton fils est trs espigle ! - Your son is very mischievous! Related: espiglerie (f) - mischievousness, impishness, roguishness; prank espion Definition: spy Je crois qu'il est espion - I think he's a spy. une espionne - female spy Related: espionite (fem) - spy mania; espionnage (masc) - espionage, spying; espionner - to spy on, watch esquisse Definition: sketch, outline; beginnings, hint Un peintre commence souvent avec une esquisse - A painter often starts with a sketch crivez une esquisse avant de faire la recherche - Write an outline before doing the research J'ai vu l'esquisse d'un sourire sur ses lvres - I saw the hint of a smile on his lips Related: esquisser - to sketch, outline essaim Definition: swarm (literally and figuratively) Tout d'un coup, un essaim d'abeilles est apparu - All of a sudden, a swarm of bees appeared Pourquoi y a-t-il un essaim d'tudiants devant la porte ? - Why is there a swarm of students in front of the door Related: essaimage (m) - swarming, scattering, spreading; essaimer - to swarm, scatter, spread essence Definition: petrol/gas; spirit, essence, gist; species of a tree Je dois acheter de l'essence - I need to buy some gas.

L'essence, c'est que nous devons travailler encore plus. - The gist of it is that we need to work even more. Related: essentiel (adj) - essential, basic; essentiellement (adv) - basically, essentially, mainly essor Definition: rapid growth, development, boom; (formal/elegant) flight Cette rgion est en plein essor - This region is booming Pouvez-vous expliquer le grand essor de son entreprise ? - Can you explain his organization's rapid growth? Expression: prendre son essor - to develop, soar estimer Definition: to appraise, value, assess, estimate; to (hold in) esteem; to appreciate; to consider, judge, reckon Cette maison est estime cent mille euros - This house is valued / was appraised at a hundred thousand euros. J'estime beaucoup les travaux de cet homme - I hold this man's work in high regard/esteem. Personne n'estime ma loyaut - No one appreciates my loyalty. Estimes-tu ncessaire de faire cela ? Do you consider it necessary to do that? Related: estimable (adj) - respectable, calculable; estimable (adj) -estimated; estimation appraisal, valuation, estimation; une estime - respect, esteem, regard estival Definition: (adj) summer(y) Il y a plus de touristes pendant la saison estivale - There are more tourists during the summer months Je dois acheter des vtements estivaux - I need to buy some summery clothes Related: t (m noun) - summer estomaquer Definition: (informal) to stun, stagger, flabbergast, gobsmack Ses nouvelles m'ont estomaqu - His news stunned me

Il a rest bouche be, estomaqu - He stood open-mouthed, flabbergasted estomper Definition: to blur, dim, soften, become indistinct Le brouillard estompe notre vue de la mer - Fog blurs our view of the sea Les lignes dans ce dessin sont trop vigoureuses ; il faut les estomper - The lines in this drawing are too bold; you need to soften them Related: une estompe (art) - stump; estomp (adj) - blurred, soft etaler Definition: to spread, strew J'aime taler le journal de dimanche sur mon bureau - I like to spread out the Sunday paper on my desk. tale du beurre sur ta tartine - Spread some butter on your toast. Related: tale (adj) - slack, steady; talement - spreading, displaying etanche Definition: (adj) waterproof, watertight Votre montre est-elle tanche ? - Is your watch waterproof? C'est un compartiment tanche - It's a watertight compartment Related: tancher - to staunch, stem, dam, dry, stop up, make watertight; tanchit (f noun) watertightness etatiser Definition: to put under state control Ils vont tatiser les banques - They are going to put bank under state control Related: tatis (adj) - state-run, state-controlled Antonym: privatiser - to privatize eternuer Definition: to sneeze; (motor, engine) to cough J'ternue souvent cause de mes allergies - I sneeze a lot because of my allergies

Le moteur a commenc ternuer hier - The motor started coughing yesterday Related: un ternuement - a sneeze etirer Definition: to stretch En faisant le tatouage, faut-il tirer la peau ? - When doing a tattoo, do you need to stretch the skin? N'oublie pas de t'tirer avant le match - Don't forget to stretch before the match Related: tirement (m) - stretching etoffer Definition: to enrich, fill in, flesh out, extend, beef up, strengthen Il a toff son rcit avec de petites plaisanteries - He enriched his story with little jokes On va toffer l'quipe avec deux nouveaux membres - We're going to beef up the team with two new members Related: toff (adj) - fleshy, meaty, substantial, strengthened etouffer Definition: to suffocate, smother, stifle, choke, muffle, deaden, suppress, hush up Cette chaleur m'touffe ! - This heat is smothering me! Est-ce que a t'etoufferait de dire merci ? - Would it kill you to say thank you? Il faut trouver un moyen d'touffer ce bruit - We need to find a way to muffle this noise Il n'essaie pas d'touffer le scandale - He's not trying to hush up the scandal Related: touffant - suffocating, stiffling; touffement (m noun) - suffocation etourderie Definition: absent-mindedness; (familiar) - careless mistake L'tourderie de ma mre m'inquite - My mother's absent-mindedness worries me. Tu fais trop d'tourderies ! - You make too many careless mistakes! Related: tourdi (adj) - scatterbrained, absent-minded, (noun) - scatterbrain; tourdiement (adv) carelessly, rashly; tourdir - to stun, daze, deafen, make dizzy; agir avec/par tourderie - to act

without thinking evanouir Definition: to faint, pass out; to disappear Je me suis vanoui hier - I fainted yesterday. Tes craintes vont s'vanouir quand tu comprendras mieux la situation - Your fears will disappear when you understand the situation better. eveille Definition: (adj) - alert, bright, awake Il a l'air bien veill - He looks very alert, bright. Je ne peux pas m'endormir ; je suis tout veill - I can't fall asleep; I'm wide awake. Related: un veil - awakening, dawning; veiller - to awaken, to arouse (one's curiosity), to stimulate eventuellement Definition: (adv) - possibly, if need be Nous pourrions visiter la France, ventuellement - We could possibly visit France Eventuellement je prendrais ma voiture - If need be, I would take my car Related: ventuel (adj) - possible, une ventualit - possibility Note that ventuellement and "eventually" are faux amis exact Definition: (adj) exact, right, accurate, correct; on time Oui, c'est exact - Yes, that's right. Il a une copie exacte - He has an exact copy. C'est l'exacte vrit - That's the absolute truth. Ce n'est pas le terme exact - That's not the right word. Il est toujours exact - He's always right on time. Related: exactement (adv) - exactly

exagerer Definition: to exaggerate, overdo Elle n'a pas tout perdu ; elle exagre. - She hasn't lost everything; she's exaggerating. Il ne faut pas exagrer avec cette musique - Don't overdo it with this music (don't make it too loud). Related: une exagration - exaggeration; exagr (adj) - exaggerated, excessive; exagrment (adv) - excessively, exaggeratedly exaucer Definition: to fulfill, grant, answer Nos voeux ont t exaucs - Our wishes have been granted Dieu a exauc leurs prires - God has answered their prayers Related: exaucement (m noun) granting, fulfillment (of a wish/prayer) excursionner Definition: to go on trips, walks J'aimerais bien excursionner en Amrique du sud - I would love to take some trips around South America. Related: une excursion - excursion, sight-seeing trip; walk, hike; un/e excursionniste - tripper, traveler, hiker, walker; faire une excursion - to take a walk exemplaire Definition: (adj) - model, exemplary C'est une tudiante exemplaire - She's a model student un exemplaire - copy Vous devez remplir les fiches en deux exemplaires - You have to fill out two copies of the forms/fill out the forms in duplicate Related: exemplairement (adv) - exemplarily; exemplarit (f noun) - exemplary nature exigeant Definition: (adj) demanding, exacting Mes enfants sont vraiment trop exigeants - My children are really too demanding

Le travail est exigeant, mais il en vaut la peine - The work is exacting, but it's worth it expectative Definition: state of uncertainty, cautious approach Nous serons dans l'expectative jusqu'aux lections - We will be in a state of uncertainty until the elections Il faut demeurer dans l'expectative en attendant sa rponse - We have to take a cautious approach while waiting for his response. experience Definition: experience, experiment Avez-vous de l'exprience ? - Do you have any experience? C'tait une exprience intressante - It was an interesting experience. J'ai fait une exprience - I did an experiment. Related: exprimental - experimental; exprimentateur - experimenter; experiment experienced; exprimenter - to experiment, test Exprience is a semi-false cognate expres Definition: (adv) - on purpose, deliberately Tu l'as fait exprs ! - You did it on purpose! Il est venu exprs pour nous aider - He came specially to help us. C'est fait exprs - It's meant to be like that, It's deliberate. Related: expressment (adv) - expressly, specially, in so many words Lesson: French Adverbs exprimer Definition: to express Je ne peux pas exprimer mon bonheur - I can't express my happiness (how happy I am) Related: s'exprimer - to express oneself; exprimable (adj) - expressible

fabriquer Definition: to make, manufacture, produce; to forge, fabricate, make up; (inf) to do, to be up to Qui fabrique ces vtements ? - Who manufactures these clothes? Tu dois arrter de fabriquer ces histoires - You have to stop making up these stories Qu'est-ce qu'il fabrique ? - What is he doing / What is he up to? Related: un fabricant - manufacturer; un fabricateur - counterfeiter, forger; la fabrication manufacturing, workmanship; une fabrique - factory fabuler Definition: to fantasize, invent stories Les enfants aiment fabuler - Children like to fantasize. Related: fabulateur (adj) - fantasy, fantasizing, (noun) - storyteller; une fabulation - fantasizing, storytelling, fable, story, tale; fabuleusement (adv) - fabulously, fantastically; fabuleux (adj) mythical, legendary, fabulous; un fabuliste - writer of fables or tales fac Definition: (informal apocope of facult) - university department, can also refer to the university in general La fac de Lettres de la Sorbonne est excellente - The Sorbonne's Department of Arts/Humanities is excellent Je vais la fac cet aprs-midi - I'm going over to the university this afternoon facheux Definition: (adj) unfortunate, regrettable Il est fcheux que vous n'y ayez pas russi - It's regrettable that you didn't succeed a c'est vraiment le point fcheux dans cette histoire - That's really the unfortunate thing in this story. faineant Definition: (adj) lazy, idle Tu es vraiment fainant ! - You are really lazy! Related: un/e fainant/e - idler, lazybones; fainanter - to idle/loaf about

Etymology: fais (from faire - to do) + (le) nant - nothingness aufait Expression: Au fait Pronunciation: [o feht] Meanings: by the way, get to the point, informed Register: normal Notes: The French expression au fait is most commonly used as an interjection meaning "by the way" or "incidentally": Salut Pierre ! Au fait, j'ai parl ta sur hier. Hi Pierre! By the way, I talked to your sister yesterday.

Au fait can also mean "get to the point": Je n'ai qu'une minute, donc je vais droit au fait. I only have a minute, so I'll go straight to the point. Au fait ! Get to the point (already)!

Au fait de means "informed about" or "conversant with" (though au courant de is more common). This is also the meaning of au fait in English. Je ne suis pas au fait de sa situation. I'm not familiar with his situation; I'm not au fait with his situation.

Attention: Though it may sound similar, the expression en fait means something very different.

Post your comments about the French expression au fait on my French blog - just hit "comments" at the bottom of the post.


Expressions with Expressions with faire Most common French phrases French expressions used in English

enfait Expression: En fait Pronunciation: [a(n) feht] Meaning: in fact, as a matter of fact, actually Register: normal Notes: The French expression en fait is a statement of contradiction, used when you want to set the record straight. -As-tu faim ? -Non, en fait, j'ai dj mang. -Are you hungry? -No, actually, I've already eaten. J'avais pens que nous allions le faire ensemble, mais en fait j'tais tout seul. I'd thought we were going to do it together, but in fact I was by myself. There are two potential confusions with the expression en fait: 1. It's really only used to contradict something. In English there's another meaning of "in fact," where you agree with what was just said and want to add some more information, as in "Yes, in fact, that's a good idea." In this case, a better translation of "in fact" is en effet, effectivement, or possibly justement. 2. Though it may sound similar, the expression au fait means something very different. Post your comments about the French expression en fait on my French blog - just hit "comments" at the bottom of the post.


Expressions with en Expressions with faire Most common French phrases

faix Definition: (literary, old-fashioned) burden Mon fils n'est jamais un faix ! - My son is never a burden! Elle vieillit sous le faix de ses soucis - She is aging due to the burden of worrying. falaise Definition: cliff

Ces falaises sont magnifiques ! - These cliffs are magnificent! As-tu visit les falaises blanches de Douvres ? - Have you visited the white cliffs of Dover? falot Definition: (adj) - colorless, wan, pale Les personnages de cet crivain sont falots - This writer's characters are colorless, flat. Son teint est falot - His complexion is pale. Related: un falot - lantern fameux Definition: (adj before noun) - first-rate; real, quite a, big; famous, much talked-about J'ai achet un fameux vin - I bougth a first-rate / excellent wine C'est un fameux problme - It's a real problem, quite a problem Comment s'appelle ton fameux frre ? - What is your much talked-about brother's name? Comment tait le film ? Pas fameux - How was the movie? Not that great (adj after noun) - famous, infamous C'est un homme fameux - He's a famous/infamous man Yes, fameux can be positive or negative, so be careful with it! fane Definition: (adj) - faded, wilted Mes rideaux sont fans par le soleil - My curtains are faded by the sun. C'est dommage que les fleurs soient fanes - It's too bad that the flowers are wilted. Related: se faner - to fade, wilt; faner - to toss, turn (e.g., hay); un faneur - hay-maker fard Definition: make-up, greasepaint Je ne mets plus de fard - I don't put on make-up anymore Related: le fard joues - blusher; le fard paupires - eye shadow; farder - to make up, dress up

Cette femme est toujours trs farde - That woman is always very made-up Expressions: sans fard - unpretentious, simple; parler sans fard - to talk openly; piquer un fard to turn bright red farfelu Definition: (informal adj) - cranky, scatty, hare-brained, eccentric Il est bizarre ce mec, toujours avec ses projets farfelus - That guy is strange, always with these hare-brained plans Il y a plus de gens farfelus aujourd'hui qu'hier - There are more eccentric people today than yesterday Related: un(e) farfelu(e) - eccentric person fastueux Definition: luxurious, sumptuous C'est un htel fastueux - It's a luxurious hotel Il mne une vie fastueuse - He leads a life of luxury Related: fastueusement - (adv) sumptuously, luxuriously faufiler Definition: to inch, thread, worm (into) Je me suis faufil dans le passage - I inched my way into the passageway Tu dois te faufiler entre les gens - You have to thread you way through the people Sa moto s'est faufile au milieu des voitures - His motorbike dodged in and out of the traffic Related: faufiler - to baste, tack; un faufil - tacking/basting thread; le faufilage - tacking, basting fauteur Definition: ~ one who does something (usually bad) Les fauteurs seront punis - The participants will be punished C'est un fauteur de troubles - He's a trouble-maker Quel fauteur de guerre ! - What a warmonger! Related: faire - to do

fee Definition: fairy, pixie, banshee Qui est la bonne fe dans cette histoire ? - Who's the good fairy in this story? Expressions: un conte de fe - fairy tale; une fe du logis - homebody; avoir des doigts de fe - to have nimble / gentle fingers fele Definition: (adj) cracked, (informal) crazy Cette assiette est fle - This plate is cracked Tu est compltement fl ! - You are totally nuts! Related: un fl / une fle (informal) - nutcase, crackpot; fler - to crack fermete Definition: firmness, solidness, confidence Nous devons ngocier avec fermet - We need to be firm in our negotiations. La fermet de ses croyances est impressionnante - The solidness of his beliefs is impressive. Related: ferme (adj) - firm, solid; fermer - to close feru Definition: (formal adj) interested, keen on; (noun) buff, enthusiast Il est fru de musique classique - He's interested in classical music Il n'est pas fru de notre ide - He's not wild about our idea C'est un fru de la Deuxime Guerre mondiale - He's a World War II buff Fru is also the past participle of frir (archaic) - to hit fesse Definition: buttock les fesses buttocks, backside, bottom, bum de fesses (adj)

girlie, porn, dirty Related: les fesses rouges - diaper/nappy rash; une fesse - spanking, smack on the bottom; gare tes fesses (inf) - watch out or you'll get spanked O je pose mes fesses ? (inf) - Where can I park myself / sit down? un coup de pied aux fesses (inf) - kick up the backside / in the pants; avoir qqun aux fesses (inf) to have someone on your tail; serrer les fesses - to hold on; (inf) - to be scared out of one's wits feu Definition: fire, stoplight, stove burner Je vais allumer un feu - I'm going to start a fire Il ne s'est pas arrt au feu rouge / aux feux rouges - He didn't stop at the red (stop)light Il y a du caf sur le feu - There's some coffee on the stove Tu as du feu ? - Do you have a light? feuilleter Definition: to leaf through, skim; to roll out (pastry, dough) J'aime feuilleter les livres avant de les acheter - I like to leaf through books before I buy them Tu devrais feuilleter tes notes avant l'examen - You should skim through your notes before the test Related: une feuille - leaf of a tree, sheet of paper; le feuillage - foliage fiable Definition: (adj) accurate, reliable, dependable C'est la mthode la plus fiable que nous ayons trouv - It's the most accurate method we've found. Sais-tu s'il est fiable ? - Do you know if he's reliable? Related: fiabiliser - to make (more) accurate/reliable; la fiabilit - accuracy, reliability, dependability; se fier - to trust, rely on fiancailles Definition: (fem plural noun) - engagement Nos fianailles ont dur 6 mois, et puis je les ai rompues - Our engagement lasted 6 months, and

then I broke it Ils ont invit le tout-Paris leur dner de fianailles - They invited everyone who's anyone in Paris to their engagement dinner Related: se fiancer - to get engaged; un fianc, une fiance - fiance More: * French love language * French terms of endearment * Plural French nouns with singular English equivalents ficelle Definition: string, type of bread similar to a demi-baguette J'aime bien dfaire la ficelle des colis. - I love untying (the string on) packages. Mon pain prfr, c'est la ficelle - "Ficelle" is my favorite kind of bread. Expressions: tirer les ficelles - to pull strings; connatre les ficelles du mtier - to know the tricks of the trade; la ficelle est un peu grosse - you can see right through it Related: ficeler - to tie up, (informal) - to wear (clothes) ficher Definition: (ranges from inf to slang) - to do, give, put, leave Qu'est-ce qu'il fiche ? - What the heck is he doing? Fiche-moi la paix ! - Leave me the hell alone! Shut up! Il me fiche la migraine - He gives me a headache Fiche-le sur la table/dans un tiroir - Stick it on the table/in a drawer Fiche(-moi) le camp ! - Get lost! a lui a fichu un coup - He was touched, That touched him se ficher de qqun - to make fun of, to kid s.o. Je m'en fiche - I could care less, I don't give a damn Related: fichu (adj) damned, darn, blinking

fichu Definition: (informal adj) - lousy, rotten, foul; one heck of a; done for, bust; put together, dressed; damned Il fait un fichu temps - The weather is lousy Il est dans une fichue humeur - He is in one heck of a mood Ma camra est fichue - My videocamera is done for Regarde comme elle est fichue ! - Look at how she's dressed! Ce fichu stylo ! - This damned pen! Fichu is the past participle of ficher figurer Definition: to represent, appear Ces images figurent le soleil - These images represent the sun Mon nom ne figure pas sur la liste - My name isn't on the list se figurer - to believe, imagine Il a gagn, figure-toi - He won, imagine that/if you can believe that Figure-toi qu'il ne m'en a rien dit - Believe it or not, he didn't tell me anything about it Related: figur - figurative; un figurant - extra (in a movie) filigrane Definition: watermark, filigree; (figurative) hint, implication Il faut trouver le filigrane avant d'accepter les billets de 100 euros - You have to find the watermark before accepting 100 euro notes Il y a un message en filigrane dans ce film - There's a hidden message in this movie Related: filigraner - to watermark, filigree flair Definition: (figurative) nose, ability; (people) intuition, sixth sense; (dogs) sense of smell Il a du flair pour la politique - He has a good nose for politics.

Elle a du flair - She has good intuition. Ce chien a du flair - This dog has a good sense of smell. Related: flairer - to smell, sniff, scent, sense flairer Definition: to smell, sense Je flaire quelque chose de louche - I smell something fishy Mon chien flaire toujours le danger - My dog always senses danger Related: le flair - sense of smell, intuition, avoir du flair - to have a good nose, to have intuition flaner Definition: to stroll, hang around, dawdle J'aime bien flner dans la ville le matin - I really like strolling around town in the morning Va chercher ton frre, et sans flner - Go get your brother, and don't dawdle! Related: la flnerie - stroll, strolling; un flneur - person who strolls fleau Definition: curse, plague, bane; flail Nos enfants connatront le flau de la guerre - Our children will know the curse of war. Il est le flau de mon existence ! - He's the bane of my existence! Utilisez-vous un flau dans la ferme ? - Do you use a flail on the farm? flemme Definition: (inf) - laziness Il a la flemme de faire la lessive - He can't be bothered to do the laundry. J'ai la flemme ! - I'm too lazy (to do it)! I don't feel like it! Expessions: avoir la flemme - to be too lazy to...; tirer/traner sa flemme - to loaf about Related: flemmarder - to laze/loaf about; flemmard (adj) - lazy, idle; un flemmard - lazybones; flmingite - acute laziness (medical)

flic Definition: (inf) - cop, copper, bobby Les flics ont arrt mon frre - The cops arrested my brother C'est les flics, tirons-nous! - It's the cops, let's get out of here! flingue Definition: gun, rifle Je n'ai jamais tir un flingue - I've never shot a gun. Related: (all familiar) flinguer - to gun down, to harangue; un flingueur - hitman; une flingueuse - contract killer flippant Definition: (inf adj) - grim, depressing C'est une situation flippante - It's a grim situation. N'invite pas Charles, il est flippant - Don't invite Charles, he's depressing. Related: flipper (inf) - to feel down, blue, depressed; to freak out, go temporarily crazy (due to stress, drugs, etc) flocon Definition: flake, fleck Les flocons de neige sont uniques - Snowflakes are unique. Je n'aime pas les flocons de mas - I don't like cornflakes. Related: floconneux (adj) - frothy, fluffy flopee Definition: (informal) - a bunch, tons, loads, masses J'ai une flope d'ides pour demain - I have a bunch of ideas for tomorrow Il y a une flope de touristes en t - There are loads of tourists in the summer flotter Definition: to float, drift, hang (in the air), flutter, hover Ce bateau ne flotte pas - This boat doesn't float.

Son parfum flottait dans l'air - Her perfume hung in the air. Les vtements flottent au vent - The clothes are fluttering in the wind. Un sourire flottait sur ses lvres - A smile hovered on his lips. Related: le flot - tide; flottant (adj) - floating; une flotte - fleet fofolle Definition: (inf adj) - crazy, nutty, scatty Cette dame, elle est fofolle ! - That lady is crazy! Synonyms: fou/folle, foufou foin Definition: hay Il y a du foin dans tes cheveux - There's some hay in your hair. Related: le foin d'artichaut - choke (inedible part of artichoke), faire du foin (inf) - to make a fuss/racket; le rhume des foins - hay fever; la fenaison - haymaking fonce Definition: (invariable adj) - dark (color) J'aime cette chemise violet fonc - I like this dark purple shirt. Antonym: clair (invariable adj) - light Related: foncer - to darken, make darker Lesson: Invariable color adjectives foncer Definition: (informal) - to rush, tear, charge along J'ai fonc au bahut - I rushed to school Il faut que je fonce - I've got to get a move on, I've got to fly Vas-y, fonce ! - Come on, hit it! (normal register) - to make darker

C'est plus facile de foncer les cheveux que de les claircir - It's easier to make your hair darker than lighter to line a baking dish with (pie) dough to charge at (with vers or sur) or into (with dans) Related: fonc (adj) - dark; fonceur/euse (inf adj) - audacious and dynamic; un/e fonceur/euse (inf) - someone who is audacious and dynamic foncierement Definition: (adv) - fundamentally, basically Je crois que les gens sont foncirement bons - I believe that people are basically good Il a l'air goste, mais en fait il est foncirement gnreux - He seems selfish, but in fact he is fundamentally generous Related: foncier (adj) - land, landed; fundamental, basic, innate; le foncier - land/property tax forain Definition: (noun) - fairground entertainer, carnie Travailler comme forain, a doit tre intressant - Working as a carnie must be interesting. (adj) - of a fairground/carnival J'ai visit toutes les baraques foraines - I visited all of the carnival stalls. forcement Definition: (adv) - necessarily, inevitably Tu n'as pas forcment raison - You aren't necessarily correct. Cela devait forcment arriver - It was bound to happen, It was inevitable. forfait Definition: fixed/set price, package (deal), (sports) withdrawal C'est mieux de faire un forfait pour la construction - It's better to work out a fixed price for construction Le forfait internet n'est pas cher - The internet package is not expensive Ils ont gagn par forfait - They won by default (i.e., the other team didn't show up)

Related: forfaitaire (adj) - fixed, set, inclusive; forfaitairement (adv) - inclusively; forfaitiser - to charge a flat rate forme Definition: form, shape Le projet prend forme - The project is taking shape (shaping up). J'ai une table en forme carre - I have a square table. Je dteste la discrimination, sous toutes ses formes - I hate discrimination, in all of its forms. Nous sommes en forme ! - We are in good shape! (physically) / We feel good! Related: former - to form, establish, make fosse Definition: (lit and fig) - ditch, gulf, gap Il y a un foss entre mes frres - There's a gulf between my brothers. Il est tomb dans le foss - He fell in the ditch. Related: une fosse - pit, grave, une fossette - dimple foudre Definition: lightning L'arbre a t frapp par la foudre - The tree was struck by lightning Il est parti avec la rapidit de la foudre - He left quick as a flash Related: foudres - anathama, wrath; le foudroiement - striking by lightning; foudroyant (adj) lightning, violent, instant (death), stunning; foudroyer - to strike Expressions: Ce fut le coup de foudre - It was love at first sight; attirer/affronter les foudres de quelqu'un - to attract someone's wrath fouet Definition: whip, whisk J'ai entendu le claquement d'un fouet - I heard the crack of a whip. Le fouet est un outil essentiel dans la cuisine - The whisk is an essential tool in the kitchen. un coup de fouet - (lit) lash, (fig) boost

Le caf me donne un coup de fouet le matin Related: fouetter - to whip, flog; le fouettement - whipping; le pre Fouettard - the Bogeyman fougue Definition: ardor, spirit Son discours est plein de fougue - His speech is full of spirit, His speech is ardent Related: fougueusement (adv) - with spirit, ardently; fougueux (adj) - fiery, ardent fouille Definition: search, excavation, dig La fouille policire n'a rien donn - Nothing was found during the police search Le plombier va devoir faire une fouille pour rparer la fuite - The plumber wil have to dig (into the wall) to repair the leak fouillis Definition: jumble, muddle Il y a un fouillis de papiers sur mon bureau - There's a tangle of papers on my desk; My desk is a jumble of papers Expressions: faire du fouillis - to make a mess; tre foullis (informal) - to be untidy fouramicroondes Definition: microwave oven Nous venons d'acheter un four micro-ondes - We just bought a microwave. Related: un four - oven, kiln, furnace fourrer Definition: to stuff, fill J'aime le gteau fourr aux fraises - I like cake stuffed with strawberries (informal) - to put, stick, shove, stuff J'ai fourr mes mains dans mes poches - I stuck my hands in my pockets Luc a fourr les livres dans son sac dos - Luc shoved the books into his backpack

Related: fourr (adj) - stuffed, filled; un fourre-tout - lumber/junk room, holdall fourriere Definition: dog pound, impound yard J'ai trouv mon chien la fourrire - I found my dog at the pound Ma voiture est actuellement la fourrire - Right now, my car is at the impound yard; My car has been impounded Related: un fourrier (military) - harbinger, quartermaster fourvoyer Definition: to mislead, get someone lost, lead astray Ces informations m'ont fourvoy - This information led me astray. Il ne faut pas fourvoyer les tudiants - You shouldn't mislead the students. Related: se fourvoyer - to lose one's way, le fourvoiement - losing one's way, mistake frais Definition: (adj) - cool, crisp, fresh Il fait frais - It's cool out L'encre est encore frache - The ink is still wet Related: la fracheur - coolness; frachement (adv) - newly, freshly; frachir - to get cooler franchir Definition: to cross, get over, overcome Nous devons franchir le fleuve - We have to cross the river. Il a enfin franchi les difficults - He finally overcame the difficulties. francophone Definition: (adj) - French-speaking Il y a beaucoup de pays francophones en Afrique - There are a lot of French-speaking countries in Africa un/e Francophone - a person who speaks French Note that the adjective takes a lower-case f and the noun takes a capital F. Learn more: French

capitalization Related: la francophonie - the phenomenon of speaking French; franquette Expression: la bonne franquette Pronunciation: [a la buhn fra(n) keht] Meaning: simple, without any fuss, informal Register: informal Notes: The French expression la bonne franquette is somewhat old-fashioned, but I still hear it quite a bit. Franquette is a diminutive of franc, meaning "frank" or "straightforward." So la bonne franquette is kind of like saying "really simple" with no negative connotation. You can use it like an adjective - "simple" or "unceremonious," or like an adverb - "simply" or "unceremoniously." I've also heard it used for potluck meals (where guests bring dishes to share), which has no real French equivalent. Examples: C'est une runion la bonne franquette. It's an informal meeting. Nous avons mang la bonne franquette. We ate a simple meal. Post your comments about the French expression la bonne franquette on my French blog - just hit "comments" at the bottom of the post.

More: Expressions with frapper Definition: to hit, stab, strike, knock Quelqu'un frappe la porte - Someone is knocking on the door. Nicholas m'a frapp ! - Nicholas hit me! La famille a t encore frappe par la tragdie - The family was again stricken by tragedy. Related: la frappe - striking, stamp, impression; frapp (adj) - struck; le frappement - striking; frappant (adj) - striking frasques Definition: (f noun) - escapades

Mon frre m'a racont toutes ses frasques - My brother told me about all of his escapades. Ne fais pas de frasques ! - Don't get into any mischief! fredaine Definition: mischief, prank, escapade (esp. sexual) Sois sage cette fois - pas de fredaines - Be good this time - no mischief. Sa dernire fredaine tait la pire - His last escapade was the worst. fredonner Definition: to hum Arrte de fredonner, tu m'nerves ! - Stop humming, you're getting on my nerves! Il peut fredonner un air aprs l'avoir entendu une seule fois - He can hum a tune after hearing it only once. Related: le fredonnement - humming frele Definition: (adj) - flimsy, fragile, frail C'est une petite vieille la voix frle - She's a dear old lady with a thin voice Tous ses enfants sont frles - All of his children are frail fremir Definition: to quake, tremble, shudder, shiver J'ai frmi de peur lorsque j'ai vu le fantme - I quaked with fear when I saw the ghost. Il fait froid ; Lise frmit. - It's cold; Lise is shivering. Related: un frmissement - shudder, quiver, shiver; frmissant (adj) - quaking, trembling, shuddering friand Definition: (adj) - partial to, fond of Je suis friand de chocolat - I'm fond of chocolat. Related: friand (adj to describe a person) - gourmet; un friand - meat pie, un friand sucr almond cake; une friandise - delicacy; affriander (literary) - to lure, entice

fric Definition: (fam) - cash, bread, money Elle fait beaucoup de fric - She makes a lot of bread Je n'ai pas de fric - I don't have any cash frigo Definition: (informal) - fridge (apocope of rfrigrateur) Le frigo est en panne - The fridge isn't working Mets le lait dans le frigo - Put the milk in the fridge Related: frigide (adj) - frigid; frigorifier - to refrigerate; la frigidit - frigidity; frigorifique (adj) refrigerating, refrigerator; un frigoriste - refrigeration engineer frileux Definition: (adj) - sensitive to cold; (economics) - overcautious, nervous Mon mari est moins frileux que moi - My husband is less sensitive to cold than I am L'conomie tait frileuse aprs les attentats - The economy was nervous after the attacks Related: frileusement (adv) - (huddled together) against the cold; la frilosit (econ/politics) overcautiousness, nervousness; la frilosit (literary) - high sensitivity to cold friperie Definition: used/second-hand clothing store Je vais donner tous mes vtements la friperie - I'm going to give all my clothes to the using clothing store. Related: la fripe (inf) - the clothing business (new or used); friper - to crumple/crush; un fripier second-hand clothes dealer frisson Definition: shiver, shudder, thrill La fivre lui donne des frissons - He is shivering due to the fever J'ai le frisson quand j'y pense - I shudder at the thought of it a me donne le frisson (inf) - That gives me the creeps

Related: frissonner - to shiver, to shudder; le frissonnement - shivering, shuddering; frissonant (adj) - shuddery, shivery froisser Definition: to crumple, offend Il a froiss la lettre et l'a jete. - He crumpled up the letter and threw it away. Je ne veux pas vous froisser, mais... - I don't want to offend you, but... Related: froiss (adj) - offended, hurt; se froisser - to take offense froler Definition: to brush against, skim, verge on La voiture a frl l'arbre. - The car brushed against the tree. Le ballon de football a frl l'enfant. - The soccer ball skimmed past the child. Related: le frlement - light touch, light contact; un frleur - fondler frotter Definition: to rub, scrape Tu dois frotter tes mains avec du savon - You need to rub some soap on your hands. Il faut d'abord frotter le pain d'ail - First you have to rub garlic on the bread. se frotter to rub (one another), to fight Mes frres se frottent constamment l'un l'autre - My brothers are always fighting. (slang) - to have sex Related: le frottement - rubbing, scraping; le frottoir - friction strip (on a match) fugace Definition: (adj) - fleeting, transient Je n'ai que des souvenirs fugaces de cette poque - I have only fleeting memories of that period Il y a une fracheur fugace ce soir - There's a fleeting freshness (to the air) tonight Related: la fugacit - fleetingness, transience; la fugue - running away

fuguer Definition: (informal) - to run away, run off Ma petite sur a fugu trois fois - My little sister ran away three times. Related: la fugue - running away, fugue (music), un fugueur - absconder, runaway; faire la fugue - to run away, abscond fuir Definition: to flee, avoid, fly off, shun, shirk Beaucoup de gens ont d fuir l'Allemagne pendant la guerre. - Many people had to flee Germany during the war. Tu ne dois pas fuir tes amis. - You shouldn't avoid your friends. Il fuit ses responsabilits depuis des mois. - He's been shirking his responsibilities for months. Related: faire fuir - to put to flight, chase away; la fuite - flight; prendre la fuite - to take flight; s'enfuir de - to flee, run away from, escape fulgurant Definition: (figurative adj) lightning, dazzling, blinding, searing Je suis tonn par son progrs fulgurant - I'm astonished by his lightning progress La douleur fulgurante a failli me faire perdre connaissance - I almost passed out from the searing pain Related: une fulguration - flash of lightning; fulgurer - to flash fuser Definition: to gush, spurt, burst forth L'eau fusait du tuyau clat - Water gushed out of the burst pipe. Les cris fusaient de toutes parts quand le feu a commenc - Screams burst forth from all over when the fire started. Homophone: une fuse - rocket fute Definition: (adj) - wily, crafty, cunning, sly Quelle petite fille fute ! - What a cunning little girl!

J'aime bien ses ides futes - I really like his wily ideas. gacher Definition: gcher to waste, spoil, botch; to temper, mix Tu gches tant d'argent ! - You waste so much money! Il m'a gch le plaisir - He spoiled it for me. Anne a vraiment gch ce projet - Anne really botched this project. Il faut gcher le mortier - You have to mix the mortar. Related: le gchage - mixing, wasting, botching; une gche - trowel; gcheur - (adj) wasteful, (noun) wasteful person; un gchis - mess, waste gaffe Definition: blunder, clanger/foot in the mouth David, tu as fait une bonne gaffe, l ! - David, you made a big mistake there! Je n'aurais pas d dire a ; j'ai fait une gaffe cette fois-l. - I shouldn't have said that; I put my foot in my mouth that time. Fais gaffe ! - Watch out! Be careful! Related: gaffer - to blunder, to put one's foot in one's mouth; un gaffeur - blundering fool gager Definition: to bet, wager; to guarantee (a loan) Je gage qu'il gagnera facilement - I bet he'll win easily. Je serais prte gager que c'est un coup de pub - I'd be willing to bet that it's a publicity stunt. Mes parents vont gager l'emprunt - My parents are going to guarantee the loan. Related: un gage - security, guarantee, proof gagnepain Definition: (inf) - job L'enseignement est mon gagne-pain. - Teaching is my job.

Related: gagner - to earn, le pain - bread galere Definition: galley (of a ship) Expressions: Qu'est-il all faire dans cette galre ? - Why did he get involved in this business? Je me suis laiss entraner dans une drle de galre - I got caught up in some crazy stuff. Dans quelle galre me suis-je embarqu ? - What have I gotten myself into? (informal) Quelle galre ! / C'est la galre ! - It's a real grind! Related: galrer - (familiar) to slog, sweat blood, struggle gamin Definition: (informal) - kid, urchin Quand j'tais gamin... - When I was a kid... Il y a trop de gamins des rues - There are too many street urchins. (adj) - mischievous, playful, childish Elle est gamine, ta fille ! - Your daughter is so mischievous! Related: la gaminerie - playfulness, childishness gamme Definition: range, variety, line (of products), (music) scale La nouvelle gamme de French Connection est trs intressante - French Connection's new line is very interesting Il a resenti toute une gamme d'motions - He felt a whole range of emotions Tu dois faire des gammes chaque jour - You have to practice scales every day garcon Definition: boy, young man Je n'aime pas le garon qui habite ct - I don't like the boy who lives next door.

C'est un gentil garon - He's a nice young man. Note: French waiters were once known as garons, and it's not uncommon in old movies to hear customers shouting Garon ! when they need more bread or whatever. This is no longer the case: garon is considered disrespectful, kind of like calling an adult "sonny." Nowadays, the polite way to get a French waiter's attention is either by saying Monsieur ! (or Madame, if it's a woman) or by catching his (her) eye and nodding. Related: un jeune garon - teenage boy; un garon d'honneur - best man, ring bearer; un garon manqu - tomboy Expressions: tre garon - to be a bachelor, rester garon - to remain a bachelor, enterrer sa vie de garon - to have a stag / bachelor party garderie Definition: day school, day-care center, preschool; after-school center/club Je cherche une bonne garderie pour mes enfants - I'm looking for a good day-care center for my kids. Il faut ouvrir une garderie pour les parents qui travaillent l'aprs-midi - They should open an after-school center for parents who work in the afternoon. Related: garder - to keep, look after, mind; un gardien - warden, keeper; le gardiennage caretaking, security gaspi Definition: (informal) - waste Chasse au gaspi ! - Down with waste! (slogan from the '90s which tried to convince people to stop wasting the earth's resources; now the slogan of French social security). Gaspi is short for le gaspillage - waste. Related: gaspiller - to waste; gaspilleur (adj) - wasteful, (noun) - waster, squanderer gaspiller Definition: to waste, squander Qu'est-ce que tu gaspilles ! - You are so wasteful! Il a gaspill tout son argent - He squandered all of his money Related: le gaspillage - wasting; gaspilleur (adj) - wasteful; un gaspilleur - waster gater

Definition: to spoil, damage, ruin Les parents ne devraient pas gter leurs enfants. - Parents shouldn't spoil their children. Il fait trop chaud ; cette viande est gte. - It's too hot; this meat is bad. Le papier est gt ! - The paper is ruined! Related: se gter - to go bad, take a turn for the worse; gt (adj) - spoiled; une gterie - treat gaver Definition: to forcefeed; to fill up, cram Les oies sont gaves pour le foie gras - Geese are forcefed for foie gras. Je suis gav ! - I'm full/stuffed! Related: se gaver - to stuff oneself; un gaveur - forcefeeder; le gavage - forcefeeding gaz Definition: (natural) gas, fizz, wind Nous faisons la cuisine au gaz - We cook with gas. Vous voulez de l'eau avec ou sans gaz ? - Do you want fizzy (carbonated) water or noncarbonated water? Le chien a des gaz - The dog has gas/wind. Related: gazeux (adj) - gaseous, fizzy; Il y a de l'eau dans le gaz - Things aren't going too well. gazer Definition: (informal) - to go, feel, work a gaze ? - How's it going? a a gaz ? - Did it go ok? a ne gaze pas fort - I don't feel so well a gaze avec tes parents ? - How are things with your parents? Il y a quelque chose qui ne gaze pas - There's something fishy / wrong somewhere (military) - to gas

Related: le gaz - gas, wind; le gazage - gassing; gazeux (adj) - gaseous, fizzy; un gazier (familiar) - guy, dude; une gazinire - gas cooker gazole Definition: (fuel) diesel Beaucoup de voitures en France semblent marcher au gazole - A lot of cars in France seem to run on diesel Le gazole est le carburant des moteurs diesels - Diesel is the fuel of diesel engines Related: l'essence (f) - gasoline, petrol gazouiller Definition: to chirp, to babble En faisant une randonne au bois, j'ai entendu les oiseaux gazouiller - While hiking in the woods, I heard birds chirping Le bb a gazouill de joie - The baby babbled with happiness Nous avons trouv un endroit parfait ct d'un ruisseau gazouillant - We found the perfect spot next to a babbling brook Related: le gazouillis - babbling geler Definition: to freeze (literally and figuratively) J'espre que la rivire glera bientt - I hope the stream freezes soon. Les prix seront gels jusqu' l'anne prochaine - Prices will be frozen until next year. Related: se geler (informal) - to be freezing cold, on se gle ! - we're freezing!, gel (adj) - frozen, la gele - frost gemir Definition: to moan, bemoan, groan; to creak J'ai gmi de plaisir en gotant le gteau - I groaned with pleasure upon tasting the cake Il gmit toujours sur son sort - He's always bemoaning his fate La porte gmit chaque fois qu'on l'ouvre - The door creaks each time it's opened Related: gmissant (adj) - wailing, creaking; le gmissement - groan, moan

gener Definition: to bother, to hamper (literally and figuratively) La fume me gne - Smoke bothers me a me gne pour respirer - It hampers my breathing Cette facture va nous gner considrablement - This bill is going to put us in financial difficulties Related: la gne - discomfort, trouble; gn (adj) - short of money, uncomfortable; le gneur intruder generaliser Definition: to generalize, to put into widespread usage Il ne faut pas gnraliser les gens - You shouldn't generalize about people. Pensez-vous que le gouvernement gnralise le contrle des prix ? - Do you think the government will put price controls into widespread use? Related: gnralis (adj) - widespread, generalized, in general usage, (medicine) systemic genial Definition: (adj) - of genius, inspired C'est une gniale ide ! - That's an inspired/brillant idea! (informal) - great, cool Ce film est gnial - This movie is great. - On va au resto. - Gnial ! - We're going to a restaurant. - Great! Related: le gnie - genius; gnialement - with genius genre Definition: type, kind, sort; appearance; race; gender Quel genre de films aimes-tu ? - What kind of movies do you like? Ce n'est pas son genre - That's not like him

Tu vois le genre ! - You know the type! Il a bon genre - He looks respectable Elle fait toujours du genre - She always stands on ceremony le genre humain - the human race La langue franaise a deux genres - The French language has two genders (informal) about, kind of a fait genre trois ans qu'on ne s'est pas vu - We haven't seen each other for about three years gentil Definition: kind, nice, good C'est gentil toi de m'aider. - It's nice of you to help me. Merci, tu es trs gentil - Thank you, you're very kind. Sois gentil, mon fils. - Be good, my son. Related: un gentilhomme - gentleman; la gentillesse - kindness; gentiment (adv) - kindly gercer Definition: to chap, crack J'ai toujours les lvres gerces en hiver - I always have chapped lips in the winter. Il a les mains gerces - His hands are all cracked. Related: une gerure - crack, chapping gerer Definition: to manage, administer Cette entreprise est bien gre. - This company is well managed. Ces fonds sont grs par les Nations Unies. - These funds are administered by the UN. Related: le grant, la grante - manager; la grance - management; grable (adj) - manageable giboulee

Definition: sudden downpour, possibly accompanied by wind, hail, or snow, shortly followed by sun J'tais sur mon vlo quand la giboule a commenc tomber - I was on my bike when the downpour began les giboules de mars ~ April showers giclee Definition: spurt, squirt; splash, small amount (of liquid); spray (of bullets); (art) giclee, highquality digital print En ouvrant la bouteille, je n'ai pas pu empcher une gicle de champagne - While opening the bottle, I couldn't avoid a little spurt of champagne Tu devrais ajouter une gicle de vin rouge la sauce - You should add a splash of red wine to the sauce Les gicles sont imprimes sur des imprimantes jet d'encre - Giclees are printed on inkjet printers Note: Gicle is also a vulgar slang noun meaning "ejaculate" gifle Definition: slap, smack Maman ! Luc m'a donn une gifle ! - Mom! Luc slapped me! Cette pluie est comme une gifle - This rain is like a slap in the face. Related: gifler - to slap giratoire Definition: (adj) - gyrating, circular movement un sens giratoire - roundabout, traffic circle (these are common throughout the French countryside) gisement Definition: (geology) deposit; pool, source; (boating) bearing Ils ont dcouvert un gisement de ptrole - They struck oil, found a new oilfield Dans notre gisement de clients... - In our pool of clients... givre

Definition: (adj) - frosted, covered in frost Les arbres givrs sont trs beaux - The trees covered in frost are very beautiful Je ne peux pas voir travers la fentre givre - I can't see through the frosted window (informal) - drunk, plastered; crazy, bonkers Regarde ce mec givr ! - Check out this drunk guy! Tu es compltement givr ! - You're totally bonkers! Related: le givre - frost, crystallization; givrer - to frost/ice up gite Definition: shelter, tourist cottage Il pleut ; nous devons trouver un gte. - It's raining; we need to find shelter. Nous avons lou un gte bien mignon en France - We rented a really cute cottage in France. Related: rentrer au gte - to return home; le gte et le couvert - room and board, board and lodging glacon Definition: ice cube; block of ice Tu veux des glaons ? - Do you want ice (cubes)? Mes pieds sont comme des glaons - My feet are like blocks of ice. (derogatory) cold fish C'est un vrai glaon, cette fille ! - That girl is a real cold fish! Related: la glace - ice, ice cream, mirror; glac (adj) - frozen; glacer - to freeze gnon Definition: (informal aphrse of oignon) dent, bump, blow Je lui ai coll un gnon dans l'oeil - I really hit/clocked/belted him in the eye Ma voiture a pris un gnon - My car got dented gober

Definition: to swallow whole, (inf) to swallow hook, line, and sinker Il faut gober les hutres - You're supposed to swallow oysters whole Il a gob les mensonges - He swallowed the lies hook, line, and sinker Expressions: ne pas pouvoir gober qqun (inf) - to not be able to stand someone; rester la gober les mouches - to stand there gawking; Il te ferait gober n'importe quoi (inf) - He'd have you believe anything Related: un gobeur (fam) - sucker, idiot godiche Definition: (informal adj) silly, awkward, lumpish, oafish Tu es godiche de faire a tout seul - It's silly of you to do that alone Qu'il est godiche ! - He's so awkward! He's such an oaf! gonfler Definition: to inflate, pump/blow up, swell Je dteste gonfler les ballons - I hate blowing up balloons La bire me gonfle l'estomac - Beer makes me feel bloated La joie lui gonflait le cur - His heart swelled with joy (fam) - to get on one's nerves, be a pain Tu me (les) gonfles ! - You're getting on my nerves! Related: gonflable (adj) - inflatable; le gonflage - inflation; gonflant (adj) - bouffant; gonfl (adj) - swollen, puffy; le gonflement - swelling gosse Definition: (informal) - kid; (Qubec) - testicle Combien de gosses as-tu ? - How many kids do you have? Quel sale gosse ! - What a brat! Be careful with this word when traveling to Canada, as it has a completely different meaning: Je suis mari avec trois gosses (France): I'm married with three kids

(Qubec): I'm married with three testicles Expressions: Il est beau gosse - He's cute; un gosse de riches - spoiled rich kid gourer Definition: (familiar) - to goof, boob, screw up Il s'est gour d'heure - He goofed over the time / got the time wrong J'espre que tu ne t'es pas gour dans ton addition - I hope you didn't screw up the total goutte Definition: drop, gout, (inf) brandy Il y a une goutte de sang par terre - There's a drop of blood on the floor. Encore du vin? - More wine? Une goutte - Just a drop. Elle souffre de la goutte depuis 5 ans - She's had gout for five years. Related: un goutte--goutte - drip, IV; goutter - to drip; goutteux (adj) - gouty; une gouttire gutter, drainpipe, (plaster) cast Expressions: tomber goutte goutte - to drip; suer grosses gouttes - to be sweating profusely; pleuvoir grosses gouttes - to rain heavily, to pour; avoir la goutte au nez - to have a runny nose; passer entre les gouttes - to come through without a scratch; Il n'y en a plus une goutte - There's not a drop left; C'est une goutte d'eau dans la mer - It's a drop in the bucket / ocean; C'est la goutte (d'eau) qui fait dborder la vase - It's the last straw / the straw that broke the camel's back grain Definition: bean, seed, grain, cereal Je vais acheter des grains de caf entiers - I'm going to buy some whole coffee beans. Il faut manger beaucoup de grains - You should eat a lot of cereals. Il met des grains de moutarde dans sa vinaigrette - He puts mustard seeds in his vinegar and oil dressing. Related: grain de raisin - grape; grain de poivre - peppercorn une graine - seed, bean; une graine de pavot - poppyseed, une graine de soja - soybean Grain vs graine - un grain is the edible part of a grass or cereal, une graine is the seed or bean of a flowering plant

Expressions: mettre son grain de sel (inf) - to put one's two cents in; a a t le grain de sable dans l'engrenage - The straw that broke the camel's back; C'est de la graine de voleur - He has the makings of a thief. gratteciel Definition: (invariable noun*) skyscraper Mon pre travaille dans un gratte-ciel - My dad works in a skyscraper Il y a beaucoup de gratte-ciel New York - There are a lot of skyscrapers in New York Related: gratter - to scrape or scratch; ciel - sky; le grattement - scratching; le gratte-dos - backscratcher; le gratte-pieds - shoe-scraper gratter Definition: to scratch, to make itch, to earn a bit of money Peux-tu me gratter le dos ? - Can you scratch my back for me? Cette robe me gratte - This dress makes me itch J'ai gratt quelques euros hier - I made a few euros yesterday Related: une gratte (informal) - pickings/a bit of money, (slang) guitar; le grattement - scratching; un grattoir - scraper; un gratte-ciel - skyscraper gre Definition: liking, desire Ce n'est pas mon gr - It's not to my liking; I'm not wild about it. Je l'ai fait contre le gr de mes parents - I did it against my parents' wishes. Expressions: de gr gr - by mutual agreement; de gr ou de force - whether one likes it or not; bon gr mauvais gr - whether one likes it or not; de son plein gr - of one's own free will; de bon gr - willingly; de mauvais gr - reluctantly greffe Definition: transplant, graft Il a besoin d'une greffe de rein - He needs a kidney transplant La greffe de ce noyer n'a pas bien march - The graft on this walnut tree did not work very well Related: le greffage - grafting; le greffe - Court Clerk's office; un greff - transplant patient;

greffer - to transplant, to graft griffe Definition: claw; manufacturer's label, signature stamp Il faut couper les griffes de ton chat - You need to cut your cat's claws Elle achte seulement les vtements qui portent la griffe d'un grand couturier - She only buys designer clothes (literally, clothes with a big designer's label) Puisqu'il doit signer tant de documents, il a achet une griffe - Since he has to sign so many documents, he bought a signature stamp Related: une griffade - scratch; griffer - to scratch, claw grignoter Definition: to nibble, gnaw at; to eat away at Il a grignot seulement un peu de son dner - He only nibbled at his dinner Il va falloir commencer grignoter sur nos conomies - We're going to have to start eating away at (using) our savings Related: le grignotage - gradual erosion, whittling away; le grignotement - nibbling, gnawing gril Definition: steak/grill pan Je prfre le bifteck cuit sur le gril - I prefer steak cooked in a grill pan Expressions: tre sur le gril (informal) - to be on tenterhooks, to be like a cat on a hot tin roof; le gril costal - rib cage grimper Definition: to climb, clamber J'aime grimper sur les arbres - I like to climb trees. As-tu jamais grimp une montagne ? - Have you ever climbed a mountain? Related: grimpant (adj) - climbing; la grimpe (informal) - rock-climbing; une grimpe - steep climb; un grimpeur - rock climber grippe Definition: flu, influenza

J'ai la grippe - I have the flu. As-tu une petite gripppe ? - Do you have a touch of the flu? Related: la grippe intestinale - gastric flu; grippal (adj) - related to the flu, influenzal; prendre qqun/qqch en grippe - to take a sudden dislike to someone/something grogner Definition: grumble, grunt, moan Il grogne toujours contre le progrs - He always grumbles at progress J'ai entendu le chien grogner ce matin - I heard the dog growling this morning Related: la grogne (inf) - grumbling; le grognement - grunt, growling; grognon (adj) - grumpy, surly, grouchy grognon Definition: (adj) grumpy, gruff Tu es trs grognon aujourd'hui ! - You're so grumpy today! Related: la grogne - simmering discontent; un grognement - grunt, snort; grogner - to grumble groupuscule Definition: (derogatory) - small political group Ce groupuscule ne sera jamais lu - This little group will never be elected. Related: groupusculaire (adj) - relating to a small political group; un groupe - group; minuscule (adj) - tiny, lower case grue Definition: crane (machinery and bird) Ils vont louer une grue pour cette mission - They are going to rent a crane for this program J'ai vu une grue sur le fleuve - I saw a crane on the river (familiar, derogatory) hooker, tart, slut Informal expression: faire le pied de grue - to stand around waiting guerir Definition: to cure, heal, mend, make better

Pensez-vous qu'on arrive gurir le cancer un jour ? - Do you think we'll manage to cure cancer one day? J'ai une plaie qui refuse de gurir - I have a sore that refuses to heal Related: la gurison - recovery, curing, healing; gurissable - curable; un gurisseur - healer, (insult) quack guetter Definition: to watch, watch out for, lie in wait for; to be at risk of Le chat guette une souris - The cat is watching a mouse Elle guette n'importe quelle raction ngative - She's lying in wait for any kind of negative reaction La faillite te guette - You're at risk of / heading for bankruptcy Related: un guetteur - lookout gab Definition: ATM, cash dispenser acronym - GAB Les GAB sont trs commode - ATM's are very convenient Related: un guichet - store window, counter, box office; un guichetier - counter clerk guidon Definition: handlebars Tiens bien le guidon ! - Hold the handlebars tightly! Related: guider - to guide More: French cycling vocabulary guillemet Definition: quotation mark, inverted comma Il faut mettre ce mot entre guillemets - You have to put this word in quotes / inverted commas L'expert, entre guillemets, va nous l'expliquer - The quote unquote "expert" is going to explain it to us

Related: guillemeter - to put in quotes / inverted commas; French punctuation habitude Definition: habit Il a pris de mauvaises habitudes - He has picked up some bad habits. J'ai l'habitude de m'endormir 22h00 - I'm used to/in the habit of going to bed at 10pm, I usually go to bed at 10pm. Related: habitudes - customs; d'habitude - usually, as a rule; par habitude - out of/force of habit; comme d'habitude - as usual; selon son habitude - as is his wont haler Definition: to get some sun (can mean "to tan" or "to burn") Les pcheurs sont toujours hls - Fishermen always have lots of sun (e.g., on their faces and arms) Sa peau hle facilement - His skin colors (tans or burns) easily Related: le hle - suntan, sunburn; hl (adj) - tanned, sunburned; haler - to haul, tow haletant Definition: (adj) panting, breathless; suspenseful Ma respiration tait haletante quand je suis arriv au dernier tage - My breath came in gasps (I was panting) when I climbed to the top floor Je t'aime dit-il d'une voix haletante - "I love you" he said breathlessly Ce roman n'tait pas trs haletant - This novel wasn't very suspenseful Related: haleter - to pant; le haltement - panting, gasping hasard Definition: coincidence, chance, fate, luck Quel hasard ! - What a coincidence! As-tu un stylo, par hasard ? - Do you have a pen, by any chance? Le hasard fait bien les choses - As luck would have it... Je fais confiance au hasard - I trust to luck

Related: les hasards - hazards; hasarder - to risk, hazard, venture; hasardeux (adj) - risky; au hasard - at random, aimlessly hausser Definition: to raise Elle n'a jamais hauss la voix - She never raised her voice J'ai simplement hauss les paules - I just shrugged (my shoulders) Nous avons d hausser les murs - We had to raise the walls Related: une hausse - rise, increase; un haussement d'paules - shrug; haussier (econ) - bullish, upward market; haut (adj) - high hexagone Definition: (m noun) - Metropolitan France (so called because it is shaped roughly like a hexagon) Paris est la capitale de l'Hexagone - Paris is the capital of France. Related: hexagonal (adj) - French More: Synonyms for French and France hisser Definition: to hoist, heave, haul up Il a hiss David sur ses paules - He hoisted David up onto his shoulders Hissez les voiles ! - Up sails! Related: hisser les couleurs - to run up the colors / flag; hisser qqun au pouvoir - to put someone into a position of power; oh hisse (exclamation) - heave ho hivernant Definition: winter visitor, winter resident, ~snow bunny Le Midi accueille beaucoup d'hivernants chaque anne - The South of France see a lot of winter visitors every year. Les hivernants prfrent ce march - The winter residents prefer this market Related: hiver (m) - winter hola

Definition: (exclamation) - hello! hang on! Hol, Marie, tu es l ? - Hey, Marie, are you there? -- Viens David ! -- Come on David! -- Hol ! Je dois trouver mes chaussures -- Wait! I have to find my shoes Related: mettre le hol quelque chose - to put an end to something homologue Definition: counterpart Qui est l'homologue franais du prsident amricain - le prsident ou le premier ministre ? - Who is the French counterpart of the US president - the president or the prime minister? Related: homologue (adj) - homologous, equivalent; homologuer - to ratify, approve, sanction, probate hoqueter Definition: to hiccup, hiccough Merci dit-elle en hoquetant - "Thank you" she hiccupped. Note that hoqueter begins with an h aspir Related: le hoquet - hiccup; avoir le hoquet - to have hiccups horaire Definition: timetable, schedule Quel est ton horaire aujourd'hui ? - What is your schedule today? J'ai des horaires flexibles - I set my own hours. Related: horaire (adj) - hourly; la vitesse horaire - speed limit hormis Definition: (literary preposition) except, apart from, save Rien n'est sacr, hormis l'amour - Nothing is sacred, except love Tous les enfants, hormis mile, pleurrent en voyant l'accident - All of the children, save mile, cried when they saw the accident Synonym: hors (normal register)

horreur Definition: horror, awfulness; loathing Il n'oubliera jamais les horreurs de la guerre - He will never forget the horrors of war. J'ai horreur de la misre / La misre me fait horreur - I hate poverty. Quelle horreur ! - How awful! Expressions: prendre quelqu'un / qqchose en horreur - to come to hate someone/something; avoir horreur de (faire) qqchose - to detest (doing) something horripilant Definition: (adj) - exasperating, trying Ces enfants sont horripilants ! - These kids are exasperating! Related: horripiler - to try someone's patience, exasperate someone; l'horripilation (fem) exasperation, goose bumps horsservice Definition: out of order Cet appareil est hors service - This device is out of order. Abbreviation: HS Related: hors (preposition) - except for, apart from; hormis (literary preposition) - but, save for houleux Definition: (adj) - stormy, turbulent, tumultuous Notre rendez-vous tait assez houleux - Our meeting was rather tumultuous Je n'aime pas tre en bateau quand la mer est houleuse - I don't like to be on a boat when the sea is turbulent huppe Definition: (inf) rich, swanky, posh Ils habitent une banlieue huppe de Paris - They live in a rich suburb of Paris Mes amis ne sont pas trop hupps - My friends aren't too swanky hypotheque

Definition: mortgage, (politics) obstacle Nous avons une hypothque de 30 ans - We have a 30-year mortgage prendre une hypothque sur l'avenir - to mortgage the future lever l'hypothque - to release the mortgage, (politics) to remove the obstacle la mainleve d'hypothque - release of mortgage illustre Definition: (adj) illustrious, renowned C'est une des familles les plus vieilles et les plus illustres Paris - It's one of the oldest and most renowned families in Paris J'ai eu l'honneur de voir l'illustre fltiste, Jean-Pierre Rampal, avant sa mort - I had the honor of seeing the illustrious flutist, Jean-Pierre Rampal, before his death Related: illustrer - to illustrate; s'illustrer- to win fame; une illustration - illustration; un illustre inconnu - a nobody who pretends to be somebody ilotier Definition: community policeman Les lotiers travaillent dans les communauts difficiles et essaient de devenir plus proches des gens qui y habitent afin d'amliorer les relations et, on espre, rduire le taux de crime Community policemen work in difficult communities and try to get closer to the people who live there in order to better relations and, hopefully, reduce the crime rate Related: une le - island, un lot - small island, lotage (masc) - community policing imbiber Definition: to soak, saturate Mes chaussures sont imbibes d'eau - My shoes are soaking wet. J'aime le gteau imbib de rhum - I like cake soaked in rum. imbu Definition: (adj) - pompous, full of oneself Ce mec est imbu de lui-mme - This guy is full of himself Je dteste les gens imbus de leur personne - I hate pompous people

impec Definition: (informal adj, short for impeccable) - great! terrific! Ce film est impec ! - This movie is great! C'est impec ! - Brilliant! Related: impeccable (adj) - perfect, impeccable, faultless; impeccablement (adv) - perfectly, faultlessly imper Definition: (informal, short for impermable) - raincoat, mac Ah zut ! J'ai oubli mon imper! - Darn it! I forgot my raincoat. Related: un impermable - raincoat, mackintosh; impermable (adj) - waterproof, impervious; impermabiliser - to waterproof implanter Definition: to introduce, settle, establish Ce mode de transport a t implant en 1973. - This method of transportation was introduced in 1973. Ils vont implanter des usines dans 13 pays. - They are going to establish / set up factories in 13 countries. Related: un implant - implant; implantation - introduction, setting up impregner Definition: to soak, permeate, fill, pervade Ton mouchoir est imprgn de parfum - Your handkerchief is soaked with perfume. L'odeur de pain imprgnait la cuisine - The scent of bread filled the kitchen. Note that imprgner is a false cognate of "to impregnate" > fconder Related: imprgnation - filling, permeation, imbuing impuissant Definition: (adj) powerless, helpless, impotent Je me sentais impuissant devant la tragdie - I felt powerless faced with the tragedy.

Il y a des remdes pour les hommes impuissants - There are remedies for impotent men. Related: puissant - powerful imputer Definition: to attribute/ascribe to; to charge to Je ne sais pas qui imputer ce travail - I don't know who to attribute this work to (who to credit with this work) Il m'a imput toutes les erreurs - He attributed all of the mistakes to me (blamed me for...) Nous pouvons imputer ces frais notre budget - We can charge these fees to our budget (include them in) incontournable Definition: inescapable, inevitable, indispensable La conclusion est incontournable - The conclusion is inescapable Ces rformes sont incontournables - These reforms are indispensable Related: contourner - to bypass, circumvent, get around inde Definition: (invariable, informal adjective; apocope of indpendant) - indie, independent (music, film, etc) J'aime bien les films ind - I really like independent movies Le Mouv' joue l'ind 30 chaque semaine - (French radio station) Le Mouv' plays the indie top 30 every week indigne Definition: (adj) - unworthy, not worthy Il est indigne de notre confiance - He is unworthy of our trust Mais enfin ce Rodrigue est indigne de vous (Corneille, Le Cid) - But in the end Rodrigue is unworthy of you inedit Definition: (adj) - unpublished; novel, new, original J'ai lu un manuscrit indit de Sartre. - I read an unpublished manuscript by Sartre.

Nous avons dcouvert une mthode indite de faire le vin - We've discovered a new way to make wine. Related: un indit - unpublished work/manuscript information Definition: a piece of information Voici une information intressante - Here's an interesting piece of information. des informations - information, news Avez-vous trouv des informations ? - Have you found any information? Regardons les informations - Let's watch the news. Informations is often shortened to the apocope infos informatique Definition: (fem) - computer science Mon pre est dans l'informatique - My father works with computers / is a computer scientist. Nous vivons l're de l'informatique - We are living in the computer age. (adj) computer L'industrie informatique est en plein boom - The computer industry is booming. inopine Definition: (adj) - unexpected Leur arrive tait inopine - Their arrival was unexpected Sa mort inopine nous a choqus - His unexpected (sudden) death shocked us Il nous a annonc une nouvelle tout fait inopine - He gave us some unexpected (surprising) news Related: inopinment - (adv) unexpectedly inoui Definition: (adj) - unprecendented, unheard of; extraordinary, incredible Les vnements de la semaine dernire sont inous - The events of last week are unprecedented

J'ai une nouvelle inoue pour toi ! - I have some extraordinary news for you! Related: our - to hear insister Definition: to stress, be insistent, emphasize J'insiste sur l'honntet - I insist upon honesty. Il a insist sur l'importance de cette tche - He stressed the importance of this task. Il ne veut pas te parler -- n'insiste pas. - He doesn't want to talk to you -- don't push it. Related: insistance - insistence; insistant (adj) - insistent installer Definition: to set up, put in, fit out, get settled Le tlphone n'est pas encore install - The phone isn't set up / installed yet. Nous venons d'installer notre appartement - We've just fitted out our apartment. Elle s'est bien installe l'universit - She is all settled at college. Related: un installateur - fitter; installation - installation, setting up; install - fitted out, equipped instar Definition: l'instar de - following the example of, like Je vais tudier la loi l'instar de mon frre. - I'm going to study law, following my brother's example. Peux-tu nettoyer ta chambre l'instar de Jacques ? - Could you clean your room, like Jacques (did)? intercalaire Definition: (adj) intercalary, inserted, inset Ce livre a trop de feuillets intercalaires - This book has too many inserted/extra pages Aujourd'hui, le 29 fvrier 2008, est un jour intercalaire - Today, 29 February 2008, is an intercalary day (leap day) Related: un intercalaire - inset, insert, divider; intercaler - to insert, intercalate interdit

Definition: (adj) - banned, forbidden, prohibited; dumbfounded, disconcerted Il est interdit de fumer ici - Smoking is prohibited here. Stationnement interdit - No parking. Leur dcision m'a laiss interdit - Their decision left me dumbfounded. Related: interdire - to forbid, ban, prohibit, prevent interessant Definition: (adj) - interesting, attractive, worthwhile Ce film est intressant - This movie is interesting Les prix sont intressants - The prices are attractive Related: intresser - to interest; intress (adj) - interested; un intrt - interest interpeller Definition: to hail, call out to; to question, heckle; be of concern to, appeal to J'ai interpell Laurent, en vain - I called out to Laurent, to no effect. La police doit toujours interpeller les tmoins - The police still need to question the witnesses. Le terrorisme nous interpelle normment - Terrorism is extremely disturbing to us. Related: un interpellateur - questioner, heckler; interpellation - hailing, questioning, heckling intitule Definition: account holder's name N'oubliez pas l'intitul pour chaque compte - Don't forget the account holder's information for each account (adj) titled, named, called Je cherche un article intitul... - I'm looking for an articled called... Related: intituler - to entitle, call; le titulaire - account holder invraisemblable Definition: (adj) unlikely, improbable, implausible, unimaginable Il raconte toutes sortes d'histoires invraisemblables - He tells all kinds of unlikely stories

C'est invraisembable ! - It's unimaginable! Related: vrai - (adj) true, semblable - (adj) similar issue Definition: exit, solution Issue de secours - Emergency exit La situation est sans issue - There is no solution to this situation Note that this is a false cognate with the English word "issue" Related: issu de (adj) - stemming or resulting from itou Definition: (informal and old-fashioned) - too, likewise Et moi itou ! - Me too! Il va t'aider et moi itou - He will help you and I will too

jadis Definition: (adv) formerly, of old, long ago, in olden days J'ai perdu le contact avec tous mes amis de jadis - I've lost touch with all of my old friends Au temps jadis, on s'crivait des lettres - Long ago, In days of old, people used to write letters to each other jaillir Definition: spurt out, gush forth, spring out L'eau jaillissait du trou - Water spurted out of the hole Des centaines d'tudiants ont jailli de l'cole 15h00 - Hundreds of students sprang out of the school at 3 o'clock Quand nous sommes ensemble, nos ides jaillissent facilement - When we're together, ideas just gush forth Related: le jaillissement - spurt, gush, outpouring

jalonner Definition: to mark (figuratively); to line, stretch along Le voyage a t jalonn d'incidents de toutes sortes - The trip was marked by all kinds of incidents Quels sont les vnements importants qui ont jalonn sa vie ces vingt dernires annes ? - What are the important events which have marked his life over the last twenty years? J'aime bien ces fleurs qui jalonnent l'autoroute - I really like these flowers that stretch along the highway Related: un jalon - surveyor's staff, landmark, milestone; le jalonnement - marking out jalouser Definition: to be jealous of, to envy Ce n'est pas bon de jalouser ses collgues - It's not good to be jealous of your co-workers. Il est jalous de tout le monde - Everyone is jealous of him. Note that jalouser means "to be jealous, to envy" so il jalouse means "he is jealous, he envies." But the passive voice, il est jalous, means "he is envied, people are jealous of him." Related: jaloux (adj) - jealous, jalousement (adv) - jealously, la jalousie - jealousy jeton Definition: token; (in a game) - counter, chip Avez-vous un jeton pour le tlphone ? - Do you have a token for the telephone? Expression: toucher ses jetons - to draw one's fees (familiar) - bang, dent Sa voiture est pleine de jetons - His car is all beat up Expressions: tre faux comme un jeton - to be phony; un faux jeton - a phony; avoir les jetons to have the jitters jeu Definition: play, game Le jeu est essentiel pour les enfants - Play(ing) is essential for children

La pluie a ralenti le jeu - Rain slowed down the game Expressions: en jeu - in play (literally and figuratively), tre en jeu - to be at stake, les forces en jeu - the forces at work par jeu - for fun, faire/jouer le jeu de qqun - to play into someone's hands, faire jeu gal avec qqun - to be evenly matched, jeux de main(s), jeux de vilain(s) ! - stop fooling around or it'll end in tears! jonche Definition: (adj) - littered, strewn with Le champ est jonch de feuilles - The field is littered with leaves. Related: une jonche - spray of flowers; joncher - to litter, strew with joual Definition: Joual (informal dialect of French spoken in Qubec) Icitte est le mot joual pour "ici" - Icitte is the Joual word for "here" Le mot "joual" vient de la prononciation jouale de "cheval" - The word "Joual" comes from the Joual pronunciation of the French word for "horse." Related: joualiser - to speak/write in Joual; un joualisant - person who speaks Joual; joualisant (adj) - speaking/writing in Joual jouir Definition: to enjoy, delight in Il faut jouir de la vie - One must enjoy life Les les Carabes jouissent d'un bon climat - The Caribbean islands enjoy/have a good climate Note: When used intransitively (with no object), jouir means "to orgasm" Related: la jouissance - enjoyment, delight; jouisseur/euse (adj) - sensual jucher Definition: to perch Mon frre me juchait sur ses paules - My brother used to perch me on his shoulders. Je dteste tre juch tout en haut d'une chelle - I hate being perched up on ladders. justement

Definition: (adv) - exactly, rightly, just, in fact On parlait justement de toi - We were just talking about you Il ne sera pas long, justement, il arrive - He won't be long, in fact, here he comes Justement is used when what you were talking about or doing coincides with what someone else says or does: - Peux-tu me prter de l'argent ? - Justement, je n'ai pas d'argent non plus Related: juste (adj) - just, fair; la justesse - accuracy, precision Synonymous expression: en effet kascher Definition: (invariable adj) - kosher Je cherche une picerie fine-traiteur kascher - I'm looking for a kosher deli. Ce repas est-il kascher ? - Is this meal kosher? Alternate spellings (same pronunciation) - casher, cascher kepi Definition: kepi (sturdy hat with a flat, raised, circular top and a visor, worn by French military and police) Au dbut, j'ai trouv les kpis marrants - At first, I thought kepis looked funny kermesse Definition: fair, bazaar (specific to Belgium and northern France) Nous avons visit une kermesse en Normandie - We went to a fair in Normandy Mon cole va avoir une kermesse artisanale - My school is going to have a craft fair kifkif Definition: (familiar adj) - (all the) same Le mot kif-kif vient de l'arabe - The word "kif-kif" comes from Arabic Le beurre, la margarine, c'est kif-kif, n'est-ce pas ? - Butter, margarine, it's all the same, isn't it? Related: le kif - hashish; C'est du kif - It's the same thing

klaxonner Definition: to honk/beep/toot one's horn Quand vous arriverez, ne klaxonnez pas ; je prfre que vous sonniez la porte - When you arrive, don't beep your horn; I'd prefer it if you rang the doorbell Pourquoi les gens doivent-ils klaxonner quand ils voient bien que c'est impossible de bouger ? Why do people have to honk when they can see that it's impossible to move? Related: le Klaxon (trademark) - horn krach Definition: market crash Qui vient en premier, le krach immobilier ou le krach boursier ? - Which came first, the real estate market crash or the stock market crash? Note: At first I assumed krach was a Frenchification of "crash" and would be pronounced similarly, since ch in French is normally pronounced like sh in English. A bit of research revealed that krach is in fact derived from the German word "Krach," hence the unusual French pronunciation of ch as k. lacher Definition: to loosen, let out; to let go of, release J'ai d lcher ma ceinture - I had to loosen my belt Ne lche pas l'anse ! - Don't let go of the handle! (informal) - to leave, walk out on Related: lche (adj) - slack, loose, lax; un/e lche - coward; lchement (adv) - loosely, cowardly; la lchet - cowardice lacune Definition: gap, blank, deficiency, lack Il y a de graves lacunes dans ses connaissances gnrales - There are some serious gaps in his general knowledge Vous devez combler la lacune dans votre thse - You need to fill in the deficiency in your thesis Related: lacunaire (adj) - incomplete, deficient lambda

Definition: (invariable adj) average Dcrivez votre lecteur lambda - Describe your average/typical reader La personne lambda travaille pendant 40 ans - The average person works for 40 years lambris Definition: panel, wainscoting Je n'aime pas le lambris de pin ; je le prfre en chne - I don't like pine wainscoting; I prefer it in oak (figurative) sumptuous interior decoration Le programme des festivits a t dvoil sous les lambris de l'htel Georges V - The schedule of festivities was unveiled at the sumptuous Georges V hotel Related: un lambris d'appui - dado rail; lambrisser - to panel, wainscot lancer Definition: to throw, launch Qui a lanc cette balle ? - Who threw this ball? "Tom's of Maine" a lanc un nouveau produit cette semaine - Tom's of Maine launched a new product this week. Related: une lance - spear, lance, hose; le lancement - launching, sending up; un lanceur thrower larguer Definition: to release, let out, cast off, drop Il faut larguer la voile aprs avoir quitt le port - You have to let out the sail after you leave the port Quelle organisation a largu les vivres ? - Which organization dropped the provisions? (inf) to dump, ditch, get rid off; to quit Il m'a largue ! - He dumped me! Je vais larguer ce boulot - I'm going to quit this job. Related: la largue - quartering wind; largue (adj) - slack, quartering; largu (adj) - at sea, lost; largable (adj) - releasable; le largage - casting off, release, dropping

larve Definition: (adj) latent, below the surface Il a un talent larv pour l'art - He has a latent talent for art Mes paroles ont fait apparatre son hostilit larve - My words made his latent hostility appear Related: la larve - larva, grub lasser Definition: to tire, weary La prsence de ma belle-mre me lasse - My mother-in-law's presence wears on me La fte a lass les enfants - The party tired out the children Related: la lassitude - weariness; lassant (adj) - tiresome, wearisome lendemain Definition: the next day, day after; future J'ai vu Luc jeudi, et il est parti le lendemain. - I saw Luc on Thursday, and he left the next day. Le lendemain de la fte, il s'est cass le bras. - The day after the party, he broke his arm. Pensons au lendemain - Let's think about the future. les lendemains - consequences Les lendemains de cette dcision ne seront pas jolis - The consequences of this decision won't be pretty. Related: demain - tomorrow leser Definition: (law, medicine) to wrong, damage, injure, infringe upon Personne ne fut ls dans l'incident - No one was wronged in the incident Cette dcision va lser les droits de notre communaut - This decision is going to infringe on our community's rights lesiner Definition: to skimp

Je refuse de lsiner sur l'ducation - I refuse to skimp on education Vous ne devez pas lsiner sur les moyens - You have to use all the means at your disposal, pull out all the stops Related: la lsinerie - stinginess lest Definition: ballast Notre montgolfire a besoin de plus de lest - Our hot-air balloon needs more ballast Expressions: jeter du lest, lcher du lest - to make concessions On va devoir jeter du lest afin de conclure ces ngotations - We're going to have to make concessions to finish these negotiations Related: le lestage - ballasting; lester - to ballast, (inf) fill leurrer Definition: to deceive, delude, lure Ils m'ont leurr - They deceived me Il m'a leurr par des promesses fallacieuses - He lured me with false promises Related: un leurre - illusion, delusion, deception, trap, lure; se leurrer - to fool, delude oneself liasse Definition: wad, bundle Il a une liasse de billets de cent euros - He has a wad of 100-euro bills Je viens de mettre une liasse de documents sur votre bureau - I just put a bundle of documents on your desk licencier Definition: to lay off, make redundant; to fire Mon pre a t licenci il y a un an - My father was laid off a year ago. Related: le licenciement - lay-off, dismissal; licenciement collectif - mass lay-offs; la lettre de licenciement - letter of dismissal, pink slip ligoter

Definition: to bind, tie (literally and figuratively) Les voleurs l'ont ligot - The thieves bound him up Il est ligot par un contrat - He is bound by a contract Related: le ligotage - tying up, binding location Definition: renting, hiring, letting; rental accommodation; lease; (performance) - reservation, booking Cherchez-vous un achat ou une location ? - Are you looking to buy or to rent? C'est pour une vente ou pour une location ? - Is it to sell or to rent/let? mettre en location - to rent (out), prendre en location - to rent la location de matriel - equipment rental, la location de voiture - car rental la location saisonnire, la location vacances - holiday/vacation/seasonal rental le bureau de location - box office, booking office Note: la location is a faux ami with the English word "location." logiciel Definition: software, software program Ce logiciel est trs utile - This software is very useful J'ai achet un bon logiciel hier - I bought some good software / a good software program yesterday (Note that French takes the indefinite singular article, whereas English takes the collective article "some") long Definition: length, long way, lengthwise La nappe fait 2 mtres de long - The tablecloth is 2 meters long J'ai coup les aubergines en long - I cut the eggplant lengthwise Expressions: le long de - along; de tout son long - full length; tout au long de (sa carrire, la journe...) - throughout (one's career, the day...), tout au long de - all along, the whole time

loti Definition: (adjective) bien loti - well-off mieux loti - better off mal loti - badly-off Related: lotir - to divide into lots; to allocate, allot louable Definition: (adj) - commendable, laudable; "rentable" Ces ides sont louables - These ideas are commendable. La maison est difficilement louable - The house is hard to rent (out). Related: louer - to praise; to rent louche Definition: (adj) shady, shifty, seedy, dubious C'tait une affaire louche - It was a shady deal J'ai vu un mec louche devant le restaurant - I saw a shifty-looking guy in front of the restaurant Homophone: une louche - ladle, ladleful loufoque Definition: (inf adj) - wild, crazy C'est une ide loufoque ! - That's a crazy idea! Loufoque is a word from largonji aka loucherbem. Related: la loufoquerie - craziness, barminess; fou (adj) - crazy louper Definition: (familiar) - to miss, mess up, flunk Tu vas louper l'avion ! - You're going to miss the plane! Pierre a loup ses devoirs - Pierre messed up his homework.

Je sais que j'ai loup l'examen. - I know I flunked the test. Related: le loupage - missing, messing up, flunking, spoiling; un loup - failure, defect, flaw lourdingue Definition: (informal adj) person: clumsy, oafish, annoying Il ne danse jamais ; il est trop lourdingue - He never dances; he's too clumsy joke: predictable C'est une blaque lourdingue - It's a predictable/obvious joke language: clumsy, awkward Il faut rcrire ce paragraphe lourdingue - You need to rewrite this awkward paragaph Related: lourd (adj) - heavy; lourdement (adv) - heavily ludique Definition: (adj) playful, recreational J'ai achet un logiciel pour le travail et deux qui sont plus ludiques - I bought one program for work and two that are more playful Quelles sont les activits ludiques ? - What are the play/recreational activities? Related: ludo-ducatif (apocope of ludique-ducatif) - edu-tainment, educational entertainment lugubre Definition: (adj) - gloomy, dismal Cette ville est vraiment lugubre - This town is really dismal. Dominique a l'air lugubre, comme d'habitude - Dominique looks gloomy, as usual. Related: lugubrement (adv) - gloomily, dismally lune Definition: Lun is an adjective, but the best English equivalent is the noun "mood": Il est bien lun - He's in a good mood Elle est mal lune - She's in a bad mood

Comment sont-ils luns aujourd'hui ? - What kind of mood are they in today? lune-de-miel Expression: Lune de miel Pronunciation: [loon d(eu) myehl] Meaning: honeymoon Literal translation: moon of honey Register: normal Notes: The French expression la lune de miel technically refers to the lunar month (29 days) immediately following a wedding, when the couple is madly in love and everything is wonderful (at least in theory). Perhaps due to the influence of English, lune de miel has come to mean the trip newlyweds take right after the ceremony, but since this "honeymoon" usually takes place during and is therefore part of the "moon of honey," the more accurate French expression for the trip is voyage de noces. Like the English expression "honeymoon," la lune de miel can be used figuratively when talking about the high point / best moment of a situation. La lune de miel can also refer to the early stages of an illness, such as diabetes or Parkinson's disease, when the symptoms are still mild - in English, the "honeymoon period." Examples Nous sommes partis en Italie pour notre lune de miel. We went to Italy for our honeymoon. Aprs la dispute avec notre nouveau chef, la lune de miel tait finie. After the argument with our new boss, the honeymoon was over. Post your comments about the French expression lune de miel on my French blog - just hit "comments" at the bottom of the post.


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Definition: fight, conflict, wrestling La lutte entre l'amour et le devoir - The conflict between love and duty Jeannette a gagn sa lutte contre l'alcoolisme - Jeannette won the struggle with alcoholism J'ai assist une lutte libre - I attended a freestyle wrestling match Related: lutter - to fight, combat, wrestle; un lutteur - fighter, wrestler machin Definition: thingie, whatsit, contraption Passe-moi le machin pour la tl - Pass me the thingie for the TV Je n'ai jamais vu un tel machin - I've never seen a contraption like this Machin - what's-his-name H, Machin ! - Hey, you! maculer Definition: to stain Aprs le match, mon short tait macul de boue - After the game, my shorts were covered in mud Les murs sont maculs de graffiti - The walls are stained with graffiti Related: une macule - smudge mademoiselle Definition: Miss, young/unmarried woman Bonsoir, Mademoiselle - Good evening, Miss. The French title Mademoiselle, literally "My young lady," has long been used to distinguish between women, whether due to their age or marital status. Shopkeepers and bank clerks, for example, always greet female customers with a polite Bonjour, Mademoiselle or Bonjour, Madame, and so have to make a quick assessment of the woman's age in order to choose the correct term. Likewise, on administrative forms, women have to indicate their marital status by checking either Mlle or Mme in front of their names. For any number of reasons,* many people find the term Mademoiselle unnecessary or even offensive, and as of 1st January 2012, the town of Cesson-Svign (Ille-et-Vilaine, Bretagne) has removed it from all administrative forms. (The city of Rennes was the first to drop Mademoiselle, in 2008, but that made much less of a splash since it was not accompanied by today's national

campaign.) On 21 February 2012, Prime Minister Franois Fillon decreed that the term Mademoiselle was to be removed from all administrative documents: Madame will be used for women of any age and marital status. Likewise, the terms nom de jeune fille (maiden name) and nom d'pouse (married name) must be replaced by nom de famille and nom d'usage, respectively. It remains to be seen whether the private sector will follow. Decree: Circulaire du 21 fvrier 2012 - download PDF (Interestingly, there was once a masculine equivalent to demoiselle: damoiseau, but for some reason Mondamoiseau never really caught on as a title.) *You can read more about the campaign against Mademoiselle and share your thoughts on my blog, but here is a brief rsum of some of the arguments: This distinction does not exist for men, so why should it for women? Why does a woman's age and/or marital status matter when a man's doesn't? Demoiselle refers to not just a young, unmarried woman, but also, by extension, a virgin - another bit of personal information that women might not necessarily feel like sharing with the whole world. maghreb Definition: (proper noun) - North Africa Je n'ai jamais visit le Maghreb - I've never been to North Africa Le Maghreb veut dire l'occident ou le coucher de soleil en arabe, et vient du mot Maghrib qui veut dire aussi Maroc - "Maghreb" means "west" or "sunset" in Arabic, and comes from the word "Maghrib" which also means "Morocco." Related: maghrbin/maghrbien (adj) - North African, un(e) Magrbin(e)/Maghrbien(ne) - a North African magnetoscope Definition: VCR / video cassette recorder Je dois acheter un nouveau magntoscope - I need to buy a new VCR Related: magntoscoper - to videotape; magntophone - tape recorder maint Definition: (adj) - many, a lot, much Maints problmes ont t dcouverts - A lot of problems were discovered J'ai beaucoup de clients et maints d'entre eux habitent Marseille - I have a lot of clients and many of them live in Marseilles

On le lui a dit maintes fois mais il n'coute jamais - We've told him many times but he never listens mairie Definition: town/city hall; town/city council; mayor's office C'est ct de la mairie - It's next to the town hall La mairie a dcid de fermer le thtre - The city council decided to close the theater la Mairie - City J'aime bien la publicit de la Mairie de Toulouse - I really like the City of Toulouse's ad (Toulouse: One step closer to perfection) Related: la mairie d'arrondissement - town hall of an arrondissement; le secretaire de mairie town clerk maitriser Definition: to control, overcome, suppress; to master C'tait difficile de matriser la foule - It was difficult to control the crowd. J'ai enfin matris mes difficults avec les maths - I finally overcame my difficulties with math. Est-il possible pour un adulte d'arriver matriser une langue trangre ? - Is is possible for an adult to master a foreign language? Related: se matriser - to control oneself; un matre/une matresse - master, rule, authority, teacher; matrisable (adj) - controllable; la matrise - (self-)control, mastery malbouffe Definition: (fam) unhealthy eating, junk food La mal-bouffe est aussi dangereuse que les cigarettes - Unhealthy eating is just as dangerous as cigarettes. De temps en temps, j'aime bien un peu de mal-bouffe - Once in a while, I really like a bit of junk food. Related: mal - bad, la bouffe - food malentendu Definition: misunderstanding

Quelle est la cause de ce malentendu ? - What is the cause of this misunderstanding? Une explication dissipera les malentendus - An explanation will clear up misunderstandings Related: entendre - to hear, understand; un malentendant - person who is hard of hearing Expression: bon entendeur, salut - a word to the wise is enough malfrat Definition: (informal) - thug, crook, gangster, truant Il y a une bande de malfrats dans ce quartier - There's a gang of truants around here Related: malfaisant (adj) - evil, wicked; un malfaiteur - criminal, gangster, thief malin Definition: (informal adj) - shrewd, cunning Il faut tre malin pour russir - You have to be shrewd in order to succeed. Il m'a donn un sourire malin - He gave me a knowing smile. un malin - crafty or clever person Related: malignement (adv) - maliciously; la malignit - malice, spite mandat Definition: mandate; postal/money order Il m'a donn un mandat - He gave me a mandate. Je dois lui envoyer un mandat - I need to send him a money/postal order. A money order may also be called un mandat-poste. Related: un mandataire - proxy, attorney; le mandatement - payment by money order maquiller Definition: to make up (with cosmetics), to fake, doctor Elle a maquill toutes ses poupes - She made up all of her dolls Il ne faut jamais maquiller les documents officiels - You should never fake official documents Related: maquill (adj) - made-up; le maquillage - make-up, doctoring, faking; un/e maquilleur/euse - make-up artist

marianne Definition: Marianne is the symbol of France, the female figure that you see on the official seal of France as well as money and stamps. Statues of Marianne can be found in city halls, law courts, and plazas all over France. Learn more: Marianne More: French names maroquin Definition: morocco, goat/sheep leather J'ai un sac dos en maroquin - I have a leather backpack. Homophone: marocain (adj) - Moroccan Related: une maroquinerie - leather shop, tannery; un maroquinier - leather dealer, leather worker; le Maroc - Morocco marrant Definition: (informal adj) - funny, odd Ce n'est pas marrant ! - It's not funny! David, il est marrant ! - David is so funny! C'est marrant, parce que je ne me souviens pas de son prnom. - It's strange, because I can't remember his name. Related: masser Definition: to assemble, gather together; to massage Nous devons masser les membres - We need to assemble the members. Il a promis de me masser le dos - He promised to rub my back. Related: un massage - massage; une masse - mass matelas Definition: mattress; reserve, cushion Je viens d'acheter un nouveau matelas - I just bought a new mattress. Il nous faut un petit matelas de scurit - We need a little cushion (of money to fall back on). Related: un matelas de billets (informal) - wad of money; Il a un joli petit matelas (inf) - He has a tidy sum put away; matelasser - to pad, upholster, quilt, line; un matelassier - mattress maker;

la matelassure - padding, quilting, lining maudit Definition: (informal adj) - darned, blasted, hateful O sont ces maudites cls ? - Where are those darned keys? Aprs ce cours, je ne veux plus voir ce maudit livre - After this class, I don't want to see this hateful book any more (literary adj) - accursed Related: maudire - to curse; un/e maudit/e - damned soul; le Maudit - the Devil maussade Definition: (adj) - sullen, gloomy, morose Il est trs maussade aujourd'hui. - He's very sullen today. Quel temps maussade ! - What gloomy weather! Related: maussadement (adv) - sullenly, glumly; la maussaderie - sullenness, moroseness mec Definition: (familiar) - dude, bloke Ce mec-l est trs grand - That dude is really tall a va les mecs ? - How's it going, guys? informal synonyms: un gars, un type - guy mecene Definition: patron, sponsor (of artists or writers) Avoir un mcne, a aide beaucoup les artistes - Having a patron helps artists a lot Also spelled: un Mcne Related: le mcnat - patronage meche Definition: wick, fuse; lock of hair; streak; (medicine) pack, dressing La mche de la bougie est trop longue - The candle's wick is too long

Je me suis fait faire des mches - I got my hair streaked meduser Definition: to dumbfound, paralyze, stupefy Sa raction m'a laiss mdus - His reaction dumbfounded me Les attentats nous ont laisss mduss - The attacks left us paralyzed Related: une mduse - jellyfish mefiance Definition: mistrust, distrust, suspicion Votre mfiance est tout fait comprhensible - Your distrust is perfectly understandable. Related: se mfier - to mistrust, distrust; mfiant (adj) - distrustful, mistrustful, suspicious Expressions: avoir/prouver de la mfiance envers - to mistrust; apaiser la mfiance de qqun - to allay one's suspicions; veiller la mfiance de qqun - to arouse one's suspicions; tre sans mfiance - to be completely unsuspecting; avec mfiance - mistrustfully, suspiciously; mfiance ! - be careful! watch out! mefier Definition: to distrust, be careful about Je me mfie toujours de ce qu'il dit - I always distrust what he says Mfiez-vous des trangers - Watch out for strangers Tu ne t'es pas mfi et il t'a eu - You weren't careful and he tricked you Mfie-toi ! - Look out! Related: la mfiance - distrust, suspicion; mfiant (adj) - distrustful, suspicious megoter Definition: (inf) - to skimp Ne mgote pas sur le fromage - Don't skimp on the cheese. On va pas mgoter cette fois ! - We're not going to skimp this time! Related: un mgot - cigarette butt, (British) fag end, le mgotage - miserly attitude meler

Definition: to mix, mingle, blend, combine, muddle Il faut d'abord mler la farine et l'eau - First you have to combine the flour and water Essayez de ne pas mler ces papiers - Try not to muddle up these papers Related: se mler - to join, get involved in, meddle with memere Definition: (informal) - granny, grandma Je t'aime mmre ! - I love you grandma! (derogatory) - "fat elderly woman" Viens mmre ! - Come on, (old) lady! meteo Definition: weather, weather forecast La mto est bonne pour ce weekend. - The weather forecast for this weekend is good. Mto is an apocope of la mtorologie - meteorology Related: mtorologique - meteorological metier Definition: job, trade, occupation, craft, skill, experience Vous devez choisir votre mtier avant l'universit - You need to pick a trade/career before you go to college Avez-vous du mtier dans ce domaine ? - Do you have any experience in this field? Expressions: un homme de mtier - expert, specialist; Quel mtier ! (informal) - What a job!; C'est le mtier qui rentre (informal) - It's learning the hard way; un mtier tisser - loom metrage Definition: length, measurement, yardage* Le mtrage est le mme pour ces femmes - The length is the same for these women Quel mtrage voulez-vous ? - What yardage* do you need? *Mtrage is referring to length in meters, but English tends to refer to length in yards, hence yardage.

(of a movie) - length un long mtrage - feature-length film un court mtrage - short movie Related: un mtre - meter; mtrer (technical) - to measure metro Definition: subway, underground Je prfre prendre le mtro - I prefer taking the subway. Note: mtro is an apocope of mtropolitain Expressions: mtro-boulot-dodo - "rat race"; avoir toujours un mtro de retard (informal) - to always be one step behind mets Definition: dish of food Tout le monde doit amener un mets partager - Everyone needs to bring a dish to share Les mets sont assez varis dans ce restaurant - The dishes in this restaurant are quite varied mie Definition: the soft part of bread Je prfre la mie - I like the soft part better Bread is a much more important part of the French meal, as seen by the fact that they have a word for both the crust (la crote) and the soft part (la mie). Types of French bread Expression: la mie de pain (informal) - worthless; le pain de mie - sandwich bread mignon Definition: (adj) - cute, dainty Qu'elle est mignonne ! - She is so cute! (noun) - darling, cutie Related: mignonnet (adj) - sweet, cute mijoter

Definition: to simmer Il faut mijoter la sauce pendant vingt minutes - The sauce must simmer for twenty minutes (informal) - to plot, hatch, cook up Qu'est-ce que tu mijotes, l ? - What are you cooking up over there? Related: une mijoteuse - slow cooker minable Definition: (adj) - shabby, seedy, mediocre Cette maison a l'air assez minable - This house looks pretty shabby. Le film tait minable - The movie was mediocre. Related: minablement (adv) - shabbily, in a mediocre fashion mince Definition: (adj) - thin, meager Elle est trs mince - She is very thin. Notre profit a t mince - Our profit was meager. (informal exclamation) - Darn it! Wow! minet Definition: (informal, baby talk) - kitty O est mon minet ? - Where's my kitty? (informal, term of affection) - pet, sweetie-pie Salut minet ! - Hi sweetie! Hi pet! (derogatory) - dandy, fop Feminine: une minette - female kitten, sweetie-pie; (informal) - young girl, chick minorer Definition: (finance) to cut, reduce; to underestimate; to play down, minimize Il veut minorer les impts - He wants to cut taxes.

Je crois que tu as minor la valeur de ces bijoux - I think you underestimated the value of these jewels. Il nous faut minorer cet incident - We need to play down this incident. Related: la minoration - cut, reduction miraud Definition: (informal adj) myopic, near-sighted Je porte des lunettes parce que je suis miraud - I wear glasses because I'm near-sighted Il est compltement miraud ! - He's blind as a bat! mirettes Definition: (feminine, plural, informal) - eyes, peepers Tiens les grandes mirettes de cette fille ! - Look at the big eyes on this girl! Expressions: en avoir plein les mirettes - to be very tired, drunk, dazzled; le jus de mirettes tears mitige Definition: mitig (figurative adj) lukewarm, half-hearted Je m'attends un accueil mitig - I expect a lukewarm welcome. Leur enthousiasme tait mitig - Their enthusiasm was half-hearted. Related: sentiments mitigs - mixed feelings; mitig de - mixed/mingled with; un succs mitig not a great success; ractions mitiges - mixed reactions mobilisation Definition: mobilization, calling up, turnout; (economics) mobilization of realty, conversion Il y aura bientt une mobilisation gnrale - There will soon be a general mobilization (of troops). Il appelle la mobilisation de tous - He's calling for everyone to join forces. C'est la plus forte mobilisation des lecteurs depuis 20 ans - It's the biggest voter turnout in 20 years. Related: mobiliser - to mobilize

mobiliser Definition: to call up, mobilize, raise On va mobiliser les soldats - They are going to mobilize the troops. Nous avons russi mobiliser les fonds - We've managed to raise the funds. Il a essay de mobiliser les esprits en faveur de l'environnement - He tried to rally people's interest in the environment. Related: mobilisable (adj) - able to be mobilized; mobilisateur (adj) - rallying, stirring; la mobilisation - mobilization, calling up moche Definition: (informal adj) - ugly, mean Que ce chien est moche ! - What an ugly dog! Thierry est moche avec elle - Thierry is mean to her (treats her badly). Related: la mochet - ugliness, eyesore, ugly person modique Definition: (adj) modest (only used with money) Il gagne un salaire modique - He earns a modest amount Elle reoit une pension modique - She receives a modest pension C'est un prix modique - It's a modest price Related: modiquement - modestly moelleux Definition: (adj) soft, mellow, tender, moist, sweet Ce lit est trop moelleux - This bed is too soft. La viande devrait tre moelleuse - The meat should be tender. Je prfre un vin plus moelleux - I prefer a sweeter wine. moindre Definition: (adj) - lesser, lower

J'ai vu cette chemise moindre prix - I saw that shirt for a lower price. Il est nerveux un moindre degr - He is nervous to a lesser degree (less nervous). le/la moindre - least, the slightest C'est la moindre des choses ! - It's nothing! (Literally, It's the least of things) Le moindre de deux maux - The lesser of two evils. Related: moins - less mollo Definition: (familiar adv) easy (in attitude) Vas-y mollo ! - Take it easy!, Go easy! Related: mollir - to give, yield, relent mome Definition: (informal) - kid, brat, chick Il y a trop de mmes ici - There are too many kids around Tu as vu cette mme ? - Did you see that chick? Related: une mmesse - chick; des mmeries (inf, fem plural) - childish behavior, group of children moniteur Definition: coach, instructor, supervisor, camp counselor, graduate assistant Qui est ton moniteur de ski ? - Who is your ski instructor? Je veux tre moniteur d'une colonie de vacances cet t - I want to be a camp counselor this summer Apocope: mono (electronics) monitor (other than your computer screen, which is un cran) montant Definition: post, upright, jamb; total, sum Il va mettre des montants ici - He's going to put some posts here

Quel est le montant ? - What's the total? adj - rising, upward, high J'aime regarder la mare montante - I like to watch the rising tide. mordiller Definition: to nibble, chew on Il ne faut pas mordiller son crayon - You shouldn't chew on your pencil Je n'aime pas les chiens qui mordillent pour jouer - I don't like dogs that nibble playfully Related: le mordillage - nibble, nibbling; le mordillement - nibbling; mordre - to bite mordre Definition: to bite (literally and figuratively) Votre chien m'a mordu ! - Your dog bit me! Le froid mordait nos visages - The cold bit into our faces Expressions: mordre sur - to overlap into, to corrode; mordre dans - to bite into (e.g., an apple), se mordre la langue - to bite/hold one's tongue mou Definition: (adj) soft, limp; lifeless, weak, dull Cet ananas est tout mou - This pineapple has gone all soft/mushy Ne t'inquite pas, notre opposition est molle - Don't worry, our opposition is weak le mou - slackness, looseness; spineless person Il y a du mou dans la corde - The rope is loose mouiller Definition: to wet, drench, water Oh l l ! La pluie va mouiller mes chaussettes ! - Oh no! The rain is going to drench my socks! (familiar) - to drag into, to mix up in Pierre m'a mouill dans cette affaire louche - Pierre got me mixed up in this shady deal Related: mouill (adj) - wet, drenched; une poule mouille - softie, coward

mouise Definition: (familiar) - poverty, hard times Il est toujours la mouise - He's always broke C'est la mouise chez elle - She's having a hard time; She has hit hard times moule Definition: une moule - mussel; (inf) - idiot Je n'aime pas les moules - I don't like mussels un moule - (form, model) mold, mould Il a une bonne collection de moules - He has a nice collection of molds Related: fait sur le mme moule / coul dans le mme moule - cast in the same mold; tre fait au moule - to be shapely; un moule briques - brick mold; un moule beurre - butter mold; un moule gteaux - cake pan; un moule gaufre - waffle iron; un moule tarte - pie plate; mouler - to mold, make a cast of Dual-gender nouns mouton Definition: un mouton sheep, sheepskin, mutton; white caps; stool pigeon Y a-t-il des moutons dans cette ferme ? - Are there any sheep on this farm? Je n'ai jamais got le mouton - I've never tasted mutton. Il y a de grands moutons sur la mer aujourd'hui - There are big white caps on the sea today. Expression: Mais revenons nos moutons - Let's get back to the subject, But getting back to the subject at hand mouture Definition: milling, grinding, grounds; draft, rehashing La mouture du bl fait du bruit ! - The grinding of wheat is noisy! Je prfre la fine mouture de caf - I prefer finely ground coffee. C'est la premire mouture de mon article - It's the first draft of my article.

Related: moudre - to mill, grind; un moulin - mill mouvemente Definition: (adj) eventful, turbulent, rough Il a eu une vie assez mouvemente - He's had a fairly eventful life Attention, le terrain est mouvement par ici - Be careful, the ground is rough around here muer Definition: to molt, shed; (voice) to break, change Pourquoi est-ce que les chiens muent ? - Why do dogs shed? Il a treize ans et il mue / sa voix mue - He's thirteen and his voice is changing/breaking Related: la mue - molting, shedding, changing musique Definition: la musique music Quel type de musique aimes-tu ? - What kind of music do you like? Informal expressions: Tu connais la musique - You know the routine; C'est toujours la mme musique - It's always the same old song; Je connais la musique - I've heard it all before muter Definition: to transfer Il va tre mut en France - He's going to be transferred to France Je ne veux pas tre mut l'administration - I don't want to be transferred to administration nana Definition: une nana (informal) woman, chick, girlfriend T'as vu cette nana ? - Did you see that chick? Je suis all Nice avec ma nana - I went to Nice with my girlfriend. narguer

Definition: to flout, scoff at, deride, turn up one's nose at Ce n'est pas poli de narguer les gens plus pauvres que soi - It's not polite to deride people who are poorer than you Il nargue toujours les traditions de notre famille - He always scoffs at our family traditions Oh l l ! Pourquoi doit-il toujours narguer le danger ? - Oh my! Why does he always have to flout danger? (informal, figurative) to taunt, beckon to Le chocolat sur ton bureau me nargue ! - The chocolate on your desk is taunting me! (I want to eat it!) nature Definition: (adj) - plain Une omelette nature, du caf nature, du whisky nature - A plain omelette, black coffee, neat whisky (informal) Il est nature ! - He's so natural/uninhibited! la nature - nature Related: naturel (adj) - natural, bodily, pure; naturellement (adv) - naturally navet Definition: turnip Je n'aime pas les navets - I don't like turnips (derogatory) bad movie Quel navet ! - What a terrible movie! Expressions: il a du sang de navet - he's spineless/gutless, he's lethargic navette Definition: shuttle service, commute Il y a une navette de l'aeroport notre htel - There's a shuttle from the airport to our hotel. Mon mari fait la navette entre Rouen et Paris - My husband commutes from Rouen to Paris. Related: un navateur (Belgian French) - commuter

navetteur Definition: (Belgium) commuter Presque tous nos employs sont des navetteurs - Nearly all of our employers are commuters Elle tait navetteuse quand elle habitait en Californie - She was a commuter when she lived in California Related: la navette - shuttle service navre Definition: (adj) - extremely sorry, distressed Je suis navr de vous dranger - I'm terribly sorry to disturb you. Elle tait navre aprs la mort de son chien - She was distressed after the death of her dog. Related: navrer - to grieve, distress, upset, annoy; navrant (adj) - distressing, upsetting neanmoins Definition: (adv) - nevertheless, yet J'ai peur, mais je vais nanmoins le faire. - I'm afraid, but I'll do it nevertheless. Il est impatient mais nanmoins gentil. - He is impatient, yet kind. necessairement Definition: (adv) - necessarily, automatically, inevitably, unavoidably Ce n'est pas ncessairement faux - It's not necessarily wrong. En parlant de l'amour, on pense ncessairement Paris - When talking about love, you always/automatically think of Paris. Pour aller en Afrique, il faut ncessairement passer par l' Europe - To get to Africa, you inevitably have to go through Europe. Related: ncessaire (adj) - necessary nerf Definition: (anatomy) - nerve Expressions: porter/taper sur les nerfs de qqun - to get on someone's nerves; avoir ses nerfs - to have a fit of nerves; Allons du nerf ! - Come on! Buck up!

avoir les nerfs en boule / avoir les nerfs en pelote - to be edgy, tense avoir les nerfs malades - to suffer from nerves avoir les nerfs toute preuve / avoir les nerfs d'acier - to have nerves of steel Related: nerveux - nervous net Definition: (adj) clean, neat, clear Il a la conscience nette - He has a clear conscience Ses ongles sont toujours nets - His nails are always clean Related: nettement (adv) - clearly, flatly, point-blank, la nettet - neatness, le nettoiement cleaning, nettoyer - to clean niveau Definition: level, standard Le niveau d'eau est trop bas. - The water level is too low J'ai assist aux ngociations au plus haut niveau - I attended top-level negotiations Related: le nivelage - leveling, evening out, niveler - to level noce Definition: wedding, wedding party Je ne suis pas all leur noce - I didn't attend their wedding tes-vous de la noce ? - Are you part of the wedding party? les noces (formal) - wedding, nuptials Expressions: faire la noce (informal) - to live it up; tre la noce (informal) - to enjoy oneself, have a nice time nocif Definition: nocif (adj) noxious, harmful Il faut acheter quelque chose qui dtecte le gaz nocif - We have to buy something that detects (the presence of) noxious gas.

Fumer est nocif pour la sant - Smoking is harmful/hazardous to your health. nombriliste Definition: (informal adj) - self-centered Pierre est trs nombriliste - Pierre is very self-centered/wrapped up in himself. Related: un nombril - navel, belly button normal Definition: (adj) - normal, usual, standard, natural Aprs les vacances de Nol, la vie redevient normale - After the Christmas holidays, life is back to normal. C'est une plainte normale - It's a common complaint. Ce n'est pas normal ! - It's weird! Something's wrong! Related: la normale - norm, normalcy; normalement - normally, ordinarily; la normalisation normalization; normaliser - to normalize; la normalit - normality. Normal is a semi-false cognate. While it can mean "normal," it is often used in a more figurative sense, as in "usual" or "expected." For example, the weather is supposed to be clear and sunny all week, but there's a freak rainstorm. One might say Ce n'est pas normal - "That's not right, not what was supposed to happen." More false and semi-false cognates normalement Definition: (adv) normally, if all goes as expected Je me lve normalement 7h00 - I normally get up at 7am. Normalement, on devrait partir dans 10 minutes - We are supposed to leave in 10 minutes (if all goes well). Related: normal - normal, natural Normalement is a semi-false cognate. While it can mean "normally," it is often used in a more figurative sense, as in "usually" or "it's expected." For example, it was 12:15 and I was waiting to join a tour group in a wine cave. The proprietor said, "Normalement, ils doivent arriver midi." In English, using "normally" here would make it sound like this group visits the cave regularly at noon, whereas what she meant was "They were supposed to be here at noon."

nouer Definition: to tie, knot, fasten; to form, hatch, build up Il vient d'apprendre nouer ses lacets - He just learned how to tie his shoes Qui a nou ta cravate ? - Who knotted your tie? Je pense qu'ils nouent un complot - I think they're hatching a plot Related: un nud - knot; nou (adj) - knotted, tight; noueux (adj) - knotty, gnarled nuee Definition: (figurative) cloud, horde J'ai vu une nue d'insectes dans l'arbre - I saw a horde of insects in the tree (literary) thick cloud Des nues d'orages s'approchent - Thick storm clouds are drawing near nuit Definition: night, dark(ness) Bonne nuit ! - Goodnight! Il fait nuit - It's dark. Related: une nuit blanche - sleepless night; une nuit bleue - night of terror; une nuite - overnight stay Expressions: La nuit porte conseil - Let's sleep on it; La nuit tous les chats sont gris (proverb) All cats are grey in the dark. nuitee Definition: (tourism industry) night Quel est le tarif la nuite ? - What is the room rate / the rate per night? L'quipe va passer trois nuites cet htel - The team will spend three nights at this hotel Related: une nuit - night (all other uses) nul Definition: (negative adj) - no, zero; (neg. pronoun) - no one

Je n'ai nulle envie de travailler - I have no desire to work. Le rsultant est nul - There's no score, It's 0 to 0. Nul n'est prophte en son pays - No man is a prophet in his own country. Informal: worthless, hopeless, lame, idiotic David est nul en franais - David is hopeless at French. Cette classe est nulle - This is a lame/idiotic class Related: nullard (adj) - hopeless, (noun) - dunce; nullement (adv) - not at all; la nullit uselessness, incompetence Lessons on French negation numero Definition: number, issue (of a periodical) Quel est ton numro de tlphone ? - What's your phone number? Je n'ai pas reu le dernier numro de votre revue - I didn't receive the latest issue of your magazine. Related: Quel numro ! - (inf) What a character!; numrique - (adj) numerical, digital; numroter - to number nunuche Definition: (inf adj) - namby-pamby, insipid, silly Cette carte est vraiment nunuche - This card is really insipid. Quelle histoire nunuche ! - What an insipid/a namby-pamby story! un/e nunuche - (inf) ninny nuque Definition: nape of the neck Les chats portent les chatons par la nuque. - Cats carry kittens by the nape of their necks. J'ai une raideur dans la nuque - I've got a stiff neck

obstiner Definition: to insist, persist, continue to do stubbornly Tu t'obstines croire ces mensonges ? - You persist in believing these lies? Il s'obstine dans son refus - He stubbornly keeps refusing. obvier Definition: (formal) to take precautions against, overcome Nous avons obvi la menace de guerre - We took precautions against the threat of war. Tu dois obvier cet inconvnient - You have to overcome this inconvenience. Conjugations for obvier occasion Definition: chance, opportunity The French words une chance and une opportunit are false cognates; the French word you usually want to translate "chance" or "opportunity" is une occasion. Je n'ai pas eu l'occasion de le faire - I haven't had a chance to do it. d'occasion - second-hand C'est une robe d'occasion - It's a second-hand (used) dress. Related: sauter sur / saisir l'occasion - to jump at the chance; laisser passer / chapper l'occasion to let the opportunity slip by; l'occasion - sometimes; passer par occasion - to happen by occasionner Definition: to cause, bring about Cette dcision va occasionner beaucoup de problmes - This decision is going to bring about a lot of problems L'orage a occasionn pas mal de dgts - The storm caused quite a bit of damage Nous regrettons le drangement occasionn par nos travaux - We apologize for the disturbance caused by our road work Related: une occasion - occasion, opportunity, chance; occasionnel (adj) - occasional, casual,

chance occuper Definition: to occupy, take up, fill Vos valises occupent toute la chambre - Your suitcases take up the whole bedroom Il va occuper le nouveau poste - He's going to fill the new position Related: s'occuper de - to take care of, deal with, be in charge of; occup (adj) - busy, occupied octroyer Definition: (formal) to grant, bestow L'crivain m'a octroy la permission de citer son roman - The writer granted me permission to cite his novel. Le roi a octroy une faveur mon pre - The king bestowed a favor upon my father. Related: octroi (m noun) - granting, bestowing; s'octroyer - to claim, win Conjugations for octroyer odoriferant Definition: (adj) fragrant, sweet-smelling, odoriferous La lavande dans ton oreiller est trs odorifrante - The lavender in your pillow smells really nice Ces fleurs ne sont pas trs odorifrantes - These flowers don't have much of a fragrance Related: une odeur - odor, smell; odorant (adj) scented, aromatic oignon Definition: un oignon onion, bulb; bunion Veux-tu des oignons avec ton sandwich ? - Do you want onions with your sandwich? J'ai plant des oignons de tulipe hier - I planted some tulip bulbs yesterday. Informal expressions: Ce n'est pas tes oignons - It's none of your business; Occupe-toi de tes oignons - Mind your own business; tre soign aux petits oignons - to be very well looked after; C'tait aux petits oignons - It was the last word in luxury ombre

Definition: une ombre shadow, shade; darkness, obscurity Il fait 30 degrs l'ombre - It's 30 degrees (Celsius) in the shade. Il a peur de son ombre - He's afraid of his own shadow. Expressions: travailler dans l'ombre - to work behind the scenes; sortir de l'ombre - to come out into the open; rester dans l'ombre - to keep in the background, to remain unclear ondoyer Definition: to undulate, ripple, wave Le vent fait ondoyer l'herbe. - Wind makes the grass undulate. Les drapeaux ondoient cause du vent - Flags ripple in the wind. Note that ondoyer is used only for undulations caused by air. To describe ripples in water, you need rider. Related: un ondoiement - undulation, provisional baptism; ondoyant (adj) - undulating, wavering, shimmering; ondulant (adj) - swaying, supple, undulating; ondulation - undulation, wave Synonym: onduler ondule Definition: (adj) - wavy, undulating, corrugated Elle a les cheveux onduls - She has wavy hair. J'ai trouv un carton condul - I found a corrugated cardboard carton. Related: ondulant (adj) - swaying, undulating; ondulation - undulation, wave; onduler - to undulate, ripple, wave ordi Definition: (informal) - computer (apocope of ordinateur) Je viens d'acheter un nouvel ordi - I just bought a new computer Related: un ordinateur personnel - personal computer; un ordinateur portable - portable/laptop computer; un ordinateur familial/domestique - home computer; un ordinateur central mainframe mettre sur ordinateur - to computerize; la mise sur ordinateur - computerization

orgueil Definition: (masc noun) - pride, arrogance L'orgueil est un des sept pchs capitaux - Pride is one of the seven deadly sins. Son orgueil peut nous mettre en danger - His arrogance may put us in danger. Related: orgueilleusement (adv) - proudly, arrogantly; orgueilleux (adj) - proud, arrogant orniere Definition: rut (literal and figurative) Aprs la pluie, la piste tait pleine d'ornires - After the rain, the trail was full of ruts Je ne peux pas sortir de l'ornire ! - I can't get out of the rut! orthographe Definition: (fem noun) spelling Ils vont rformer l'orthographe - They are going to reform the spelling system. Il y a des mots qui ont deux diffrentes orthographes, comme une cl et une clef - There are words with two different spellings, like cl and clef (they are pronounced the same and mean "key"). Related: une faute d'orthographe - spelling mistake; avoir deux orthographes - to have two different spellings, to be able to be spelled two different ways; avoir un bonne orthographe - to be a good speller; orthographe d'accord - the spelling of grammatical (gender and number) agreement in French os Definition: bone Tu as de petits os - You are small-boned Il a achet un couteau manche en os - He bought a bone-handled knife Expressions: tre un paquet/sac d'os - to be all skin and bones; tremper/mouiller jusqu'aux os - to be soaking wet; ne pas faire de vieux os - to not last/live long oseille Definition: (fem) sorrel Je n'ai jamais got l'oseille - I've never tasted sorrel

(familiar) dough, bread, dosh, money Il a toujours de l'oseille - He always has lots of dough oser Definition: to dare, venture Je n'ose pas me promener dans ce quartier - I don't dare walk in this neighborhood Comment osez-vous ! - How dare you! Je trouve ce tableau fort insignifiant, si j'ose le dire - I find this painting quite insignificant, if I may (venture to) say so Si j'ose m'exprimer ainsi - If you will / If you'll pardon the expression J'ose croire que... - I like to think that... Related: os (adj) - bold, daring feu Definition: fire, stoplight, stove burner Je vais allumer un feu - I'm going to start a fire Il ne s'est pas arrt au feu rouge / aux feux rouges - He didn't stop at the red (stop)light Il y a du caf sur le feu - There's some coffee on the stove Tu as du feu ? - Do you have a light? outil Definition: tool Le marteau est un outil essentiel - The hammer is an essential tool. Je cherche de bons outils pdagogiques - I'm looking for good teaching materials/tools. Related: un outillage - set of tools, equipment; outiller - to supply with tools, outfit; un outilleur tool-maker outrer Definition: outrer - to outrage Sa dcision m'a outr ! - His decision outraged me!

Related: outr (adj) - scandalized, outraged; un outrage - insult; outrager - to insult pagaille Definition: mess, chaos, shambles Quelle pagaille ! - What a mess! en pagaille (informal) - loads, tons, masses Il y en a en pagaille - There are tons of them. Alternate spellings: pagae, pagaye paillard Definition: (informal adj) - bawdy, coarse, lewd Ce mec est trop paillard - This guy is too bawdy. Aimes-tu les histoires paillardes ? - Do you like lewd stories? Related: la paillardise - bawdiness, lewd/dirty joke paletot Definition: cardigan Je vais tricoter un paletot. - I'm going to knit a cardigan. Familiar expression: Il m'est tomb / m'a saut sur le paletot - He jumped on me. pallier Definition: to overcome, get round, compensate for Je sais que nous pouvons pallier cette difficult - I know that we can overcome this difficulty. Nous devons pallier ce manque dans notre produit - We have to compensate for this lack in our product. Related: palliatif (adj) - palliative, un palliatif - palliative, stopgap measure, makeshift repair panne Definition: breakdown; pork fat, grease Ma voiture est en panne - My car broke down Il y a une panne d'lectricit - The power is out

Avez-vous ajout de la panne dans ce mets ? - Did you add any pork fat into this dish? Informal expressions: tre en panne - to be stuck, run out of words; tre en panne de + qqchose to run out of something; rester en panne devant une difficult - to remain stumped, stuck by a problem; les travaux sont / le projet est en panne - work/the project is at a standstill; laisser qqun en panne - to leave someone in the lurch, let someone down pantouflard Definition: (inf adj) - uneventful, quiet Nous avons pass une journe pantouflarde. - We spent an uneventful day. un pantouflard - stay-at-home person Related: une pantoufle - slipper; pantoufler - (inf) to laze/lounge around at home papoter Definition: to chatter Je prfre papoter sur IRC - I prefer chatting on IRC Veux-tu papoter avec nous demain ? - Do you want to chat with us tomorrow? parages Definition: (masc plural noun) - area, vicinity Habitez-vous dans les parages ? - Do you live in the area? Je cherche une picerie dans les parages - I'm looking for a grocery store in the region. parcourir Definition: to travel, cover; to skim through, run one's eye over Nous avons parcouru toute la ville en trois jours - We covered the whole city in three days. J'ai dj parcouru le livre - I've already skimmed through the book Related: le parcours - distance, journey, route; career, path; courir - to run parer Definition: to fend off, prepare for; to dress, deck out, embellish L'arme a par l'attaque de l'ennemi - The army fended off the enemy's attack Il se pare toujours pour les cas d'urgences - He always prepares for emergencies

La marie tait pare de ses plus beaux bijoux - The bride was adorned with her most beautiful jewels Related: par (adj) - ready paresseux Definition: (adj) lazy, idle, sluggish Je me sens trs paresseux aujourd'hui - I feel very lazy today Il cherche toujours la solution paresseuse - He always looks for the easy way out Related: un paresseux - a lazybones; la paresse - laziness; paresser - to lie around; paresseusement - lazily parfaire Definition: to perfect, complete J'aime toujours parfaire mon travail - I always like to perfect my work Pour parfaire le tout, elle a ajout des coussins dans le salon - To complete it, she added some cushions in the living room Related: parfait (adj) - perfect; parfaitement (adv) - perfectly parfois Definition: (adv) sometimes Je suis parfois triste - Sometimes I'm sad Parfois il aime lire haute voix - Sometimes he likes to read out loud Synonyms: quelquefois, dans certains cas, de temps en temps Related: une fois - once, one time parier Definition: to bet, wager Je te parie qu'il sera en retard - I bet he'll be late As-tu jamais pari sur un cheval ? - Have you ever bet on a horse? Elles sont fatigues, je parie - I bet they're tired; They're tired, I'd wager Related: un pari - bet, wager, betting

parole Definition: word, speech, lyrics Quel est le sens de ces paroles ? - What do these words mean? Elle a la parole facile - She is a fluent/good speaker C'est un homme de parole - He's a man of his word Expressions: tenir sa parole - to keep one's word; avoir la parole - to have the floor (a turn to speak), Voil une bonne parole - Good thinking; des paroles en air - idle talk Related: un parolier - song writer parrain Definition: godfather; sponsor; christener Veux-tu tre le parrain de Jeanne ? - Do you want to be Jeanne's godfather? Vous avez besoin d'un parrain pour pouvoir joindre cette organisation - You need a sponsor in order to join this organization. Related: le parrainage - sponsorship, christening, promoting; parrainer - to sponsor, to christen, to promote; une marraine - godmother partout Definition: (adv) - everywhere, anywhere; (sports) all, tie score J'ai march partout hier - I walked everywhere yesterday. On peut le trouver partout - You can find it anywhere. O as-tu mal ? Partout ! - Where does it hurt? Everywhere! Il a ses vtements partout - He has his clothes everywhere. Quel est le score ? Cinq partout. - What's the score? Five all. parvenir Definition: to reach, achieve, manage to Ma lettre lui est parvenue - My letter reached him. Elle est parvenue au plus grand honneur - She achieved the greatest honor.

Va-t-on parvenir finir avant demain ? - Are we going to manage to finish before tomorrow? Related: parvenir - (pej) to succeed in life, make one's fortune; parvenu (adj) - upstart pataques Definition: mistaken elision or liaison, malapropism; muddle, incoherent jumble Il a fait un pataqus de son discours - His speech was an incoherent jumble. faire un pataqus - to make an incorrect elision/liaison Example: "Tu es all" should be pronounced [tu ay a lay], but many French learners (including myself) unconsciously add a T (es => est) and say [tu ay ta lay]. This is known as a pataqus mispronouncing a French phrase by adding or changing a liaison. More: French pronunciation etpatatietpatata Expression: Et patati et patata Pronunciation: [ay pa ta tee ay pa ta ta] Meaning: and so on and so forth, blah blah, yada yada Register: informal Notes: The informal French exclamation et patati et patata might be one of most useful expressions you never realized you needed. It comes from patatin, patatan, the French equivalent of "giddyup." I love the image the onomatopoeic French expression evokes: someone's mouth running off like a galloping horse. Example: Elle m'a dit de faire la lessive, les lits, la vaiselle et patati et patata. She told me to do the laundry, make the beds, do the dishes, yada yada. Post your comments about the French expression et patati et patata on my French blog - just hit "comments" at the bottom of the post. Synonyms

et ainsi de suite et bla bla bla (informal) et cetera et j'en passe je vous fais cadeau des dtails

Most common French phrases patrimoine Definition: inheritance, heritage Ce patrimoine doit tre divis en trois - This inheritance has to be divided in three Ils sont trs fiers de leur patrimoine culturel - They are very proud of their cultural heritage Related: le patrimoine immobilier - property, buildings; le patrimoine social - public housing; le patrimoine mondial de l'Unesco - Unesco World Heritage les Journes du Patrimoine - annual "open house" of public buildings in France, including the lyse Palace and ministries la patrie - homeland; patrimonial (adj) - relating to an inheritance or heritage paume Definition: (inf adj) lost, bewildered; poor Je me sens tout fait paum dans cette classe - I'm completely lost in this class Il n'y a pas beaucoup de ressources pour les jeunes paums - There aren't a lot of resources for poor youths Related: la paume - palm peaufiner Definition: to polish, refine, put the finishing touches on Nous pouvons partir ds que j'aurai fini de peaufiner mon article - We can leave as soon as I put the finishing touches on my article. Related: la peau - skin pedaler Definition: to pedal, (inf) - to hurry Tu dois pdaler vite afin de grimper cette colline. - You have to pedal quickly in order to climb this hill. Il est tard, il va falloir qu'on pdale ! - It's late, we have to hurry! Familiar expressions: pdaler dans la choucroute / la semoule / le yaourt - to be at a complete loss Related: une pdale - pedal, (familiar and pejorative) homosexual

peinard Definition: (familiar adj) - cushy, easy C'est un boulot peinard - It's a cushy job. On va tre peinard - We're going to take it easy. Alternate spelling: pnard Related: rester / se tenir peinard - to keep out of trouble; peinardement (adv) - quietly peine Definition: sorrow, sadness, trouble, effort, penalty Ma mre a de la peine - My mother is sad/upset. Ce boulot demande de la peine - This job requires some effort. Ce n'est pas la peine (de le faire) - There's no point (in)/It's not worth (doing it). Il a reu une peine de prison - He received a prison sentence. Related: peine - hardly, barely; peiner - to work hard, toil, labor apeine Expression: peine Pronunciation: [ah pehn] Meaning: hardly, barely Literal translation: to pain, to effort Register: normal Notes: The French expression peine acts like an adverb and means "hardly" or "barely." If you have trouble with this expression, the literal translation might help. One possibility is "to pain," which would seem to suggest that whatever is being (barely) done is so difficult as to be painful, and therefore just the minimum amount is done. But peine also means "effort," so a more accurate literal translation might be "with effort," as if you have to expend effort to perform the task. Examples: J'ai peine faim. I'm barely hungry.

Il est peine midi. It's only noon, It just struck noon. a s'aperoit peine. It's hardly noticeable, You can barely see it. C'est peine croyable. It's hard to believe. Post your comments about the French expression peine on my French blog - just hit "comments" at the bottom of the post.

More: Expressions with | Most common French phrases peler Definition: to peel D'abord, il faut peler les pommes de terre. - First, we have to peel the potatoes. Je ple les oranges et toi, les bananes. - I'm peeling the oranges; you do the bananas. Familiar expression: On ple ici ! - It's damn cold! We're freezing our butts off here! pelle Definition: shovel J'ai besoin d'une pelle - I need a shovel. Peux-tu ramasser la neige la pelle ? - Can you shovel the snow? On en ramasse la pelle , Il y en a la pelle - There are loads of it/them avoir de l'argent la pelle, remuer l'argent la pelle - to have piles of money (se) ramasser une pelle (familiar), se prendre une pelle (familiar) - to fall flat on one's face, to be send packing rouler une pelle qqun (familiar) - to give someone a French kiss, to kiss someone with tongues pelouse Definition: lawn, field, track La pelouse de cette maison est norme - This house's lawn is enormous. Les footballeurs se rencontrent sur la pelouse - The soccer players meet at the field.

pencher Definition: to tilt, slope, bend, lean, incline (figuratively and literally) La Tour de Pisa est clbre parce qu'elle penche. - The Tower of Pisa is famous because it leans. Quand il ne comprend pas il penche la tte. - When he doesn't understand he tilts his head. Je penche croire qu'il dit la vrit - I'm inclined to believe that he's telling the truth. Related: se pencher - to lean over, bend down, study, turn's one attention to; un penchant tendency, propensity pente Definition: slope Quelle est la pente du toit ? - How much does the roof slope? en pente - sloping, on a slope Related: en pente raide - steeply sloped; en pente douce - gently sloped; garer en pente - to park on a slope; avoir la dalle en pente (familiar) - to be a bit of a boozer Expressions: une rupture de pente - change of incline/gradient; tre sur une/la mauvaise pente to be going downhill; remonter la pente (fig) - to get back on one's feet; tre sur une pente glissante/dangereurse/savonneuse (fig) - to be on a slippery slope; suivre sa pente naturelle - to follow one's natural inclination pepere Definition: (informal, baby talk) grandad, grandpa Salut ppre ! - Hi grandad! (informal) cute child (only with gros) Tiens le gros ppre ! - Look at the cute little baby! (informal adjective) quiet, easy, uneventful, cushy On ne veut qu'une vie ppre - All we want is a quiet life. Quel boulot ppre ! - What a cushy job! percuter Definition: to strike, crash into

Son corps, ject de la voiture, a percut un arbre ! - His body flew out of the car and hit a tree! Le train a percut un autre train - The train struck another train L'automobiliste, qui tait ivre, a percut deux passants - The driver, who was drunk, hit two pedestrians Attention ! Tu continues comme a et on va percuter un arbre - Watch out! You keep going like this and we'll crash into a tree Related: la percussion - percussion; un/e percussioniste - percussionist perime Definition: (adj) - expired, out of date, invalid, outdated Mon passeport est prim - My passport is expired J'ai trouv un billet, mais il est prim - I found a ticket, but it's invalid Toutes ses ides sont primes - All of his ideas are outdated Related: se primer - to expire, become outdated peser Definition: to weigh (lit and fig), to consider, be worth something Le pdiatre pse le bb - The pediatrician is weighing the baby Elle a pes le pour et le contre - She considered the pros and cons Le chmage lui pse lourd - Unemployment is hard on him Il ne pse pas lourd - He is not very important / He doesn't carry any weight Related: un pse-personne - bathroom scale; la pesanteur - gravity (literal and figurative) petillant Definition: (adj) - bubbly, sparkling Il n'aime pas l'eau ptillante - He doesn't like bubbly water. Ses yeux ptillants m'ont pig - Her sparkling eyes trapped me. Related: le ptillement - crackling, bubbling, sparkling; ptiller - to crackle, bubble, sparkle phare

Definition: lighthouse, beacon, headlight (adj) - leading, primary, most important C'est un ralisateur phare - He's a leading director Quels sont les thmes phares de cette campagne ? - What are the defining issues of this campaign? piauler Definition: to cheep, sing, whimper Les oiseaux piaulent en t - Birds sing in the summer. Je n'aime pas quand les enfant piaulent - I don't like it when children whimper. Related: une piaule (inf) - rented room, bedroom, le piaulement - whimpering, cheeping pie Definition: magpie, (informal) chatterbox J'ai vu une pie ce matin - I saw a magpie this morning Elle est bavarde comme une pie ! - She's a real chatterbox! (inv adj) piebald, black and white spotted/patched Comment s'appellent les vaches pie ? - What are black and white cows called? pied Definition: foot J'ai mal au pied - My foot hurts. Expressions: C'est le pied / Quel pied ! - It's great! J'aurais voulu tre 100 pieds sous terre - I wish the ground had swallowed me up/I could have died au pied de la lettre - literally; de pied ferme - resolutely avoir bon pied bon oeil - to be fit as a fiddle; tre sur pied - to be under way; pied pied - every inch of the way Cela lui fera les pieds - That'll teach him a thing or two; mettre le pied dans le plat - to put one's

foot down piege Definition: trap, pit, pitfall Il y a trop de piges dans la fort - There are too many traps in the forest. Ce texte a beaucoup de piges pour le traducteur - This text has a lot of pitfalls/traps for a translator. Related: piger - to trap; le pigeage - trapping, setting of traps aupif Expression: Au pif Pronunciation: [o peef] Meaning: at a rough guess, at random, using guesswork Literal translation: at the nose Register: familiar Notes: Pif is a familiar and somewhat rude word meaning "big nose," and by extension just "nose." Equivalents in American and British English, respectively, are "schnoz" and "conk." So au pif literally means "in the nose," which makes some sense: letting one's nose provide guidance. But the more idiomatic equivalents of this expression are "at a rough guess" or "at random." Examples: Il y a une dizaine de livres au pif. There are roughly ten books, I'd say there are about ten books. Il ne faut pas choisir tes cours au pif. You shouldn't pick your classes at random. More French expressions: avoir du pif - to have a funny feeling; to have flair avoir quelqu'un dans le pif - to hate someone faire quelque chose au pif - to do something by guesswork Post your comments about the French expression au pif on my French blog - just hit "comments"

at the bottom of the post.

More: Expressions with piger Definition: to twig, get it, understand Tu piges ? - You get it? Je ne pige pas - I don't get it Je pige enfin - The penny has finally dropped (for me) / I finally understand. Je ne pige rien a - That's all Greek to me. pile Definition: pile, stack, battery, tails (on a coin toss) Les piles d'un pont doivent tre trs fortes - A bridge's piles (beams) have to be very strong Il y a une pile d'assiettes sur la table - There's a stack of dishes on the table J'ai achet des piles rechargeables - I bought some rechargeable batteries (inf adv) - just, exactly, dead La voiture s'est arrte pile - The car stopped dead Related: un pilier - pillar pinailleur Definition: (inf adj) - persnickety, fussy Ta mre est trop pinailleuse ! - Your mother is too fussy! Related: pinailler (inf) - to split hairs, quibble, le pinaillage - hair-splitting, quibbling pinard Definition: (familiar) - cheap wine, plonk Ne me donne pas de pinard ! - Don't give me any cheap wine! Related: un pinardier - wine tanker piquer Definition: to sting, bite; give a shot; stick, jab; prickle

Attention aux abeilles - elles piquent ! - Watch out for bees - they sting! Je dteste tre piqu - I hate getting stung (or getting shots). Ne pique pas ta fourchette dans le tapis ! - Don't stick your fork in the rug! Cette robe me pique la peau - This dress feels prickly. Related: piquant (adj) - prickly, hot (spicy), une piqre - sting, bite, pinprick, shot, jab piqure Definition: sting, bite; injection Est-ce une piqre de moustique ? - Is it a mosquito bite? Non, c'est une piqre d'abeille - No, it's a bee sting. Je dois me faire faire des piqres avant le voyage - I need to get some shots before the trip. Related: piquer - to sting, bite, prick pisser Definition: (familiar) to pee, piss; to gush Je dois pisser ! - I have to pee! a pisse ! - It's pouring/pissing down! Expressions: Il ne se sent plus pisser - He thinks the sun shines out of his ass/arse a l'a pris comme une envie de pisser - He suddenly got the urge to do it ____, je lui/leur pisse dessus ! - I couldn't give a damn about ____!; Laisse pisser (le mrinos) ! Forget it! Let them get on with it! C'est comme si on pissait dans un violon - It's like pissing in the wind / up a rope a ne pisse pas loin - It's nothing to shout/write home about; pisser de la copie - to churn out garbage/rubbish placard Definition: cupboard, cabinet; poster, notice; galley proof J'ai mis les verres dans le placard - I put the glasses in the cabinet Il faut faire des placards pour la manifestation - We need to make some posters for the

demonstration Expressions:: crire un grand placard sur qqch - to write a great tome about something; mettre qqun au placard (fam) - to put someone away in jail, to fire someone, to push someone aside; mettre qqch au placard - to shelve something planer Definition: to glide, hang (over), remain; (informal) to be high (on drugs), to have one's head in the clouds C'est tonnant de voir les oiseaux planer dans le ciel - It's amazing to see birds gliding in the sky Un sens de danger planait sur la ville - A sense of danger hung over the town Arrte de planer ! - Get your head out of the clouds! planter Definition: to plant; to hammer/knock/drive/stick (in) Qui a plant tous ces arbres ? - Who planted all these trees? Il faut planter les pieux dans la terre - You have to drive the stakes into the ground se planter (informal) - to mess up, to crash Je me suis plant - I messed up Related: une plante - plant; une planteuse - potato planter; plantureux (adj) - fertile plier Definition: to fold, bend J'ai pli le journal - I folded the newspaper Il faut plier les genoux quand on ski - You have to bend your knees while skiing Related: un pli - fold, pleat, crease; pliable (adj) - pliable, flexible; un pliage - folding; pliant (adj) - collapsible, folding plomb Definition: lead (literal and fig), lead shot, sinker (fishing) J'ai des jambes de plomb - My legs are leaden Expression: ne pas avoir de plomb dans la tte / le cerveau - to be featherbrained; mettre du plomb dans la tte / le cerveau - to knock some sense into; le soleil tombe plomb - the sun is

shining straight down Related: le plombage - weighting, tooth filling; plomb (adj) - leaden, leaded; plomber - to weight, fill (cavity), un plombier - plumber plouc Definition: (informal, derogatory) - country bumpkin, hick Il n'est jamais all une ville ; c'est un vrai plouc. - He's never been to the city; he's a real hick. (adj) - dowdy Sa robe fait plouc - Her dress looks dowdy. plutot Definition: (adv) - rather, sooner La vie est plutt monotone - Life is rather monotonous Voulez-vous la chemise rouge ? Non, plutt la noire - Do you want the red shirt? No, (I'd rather have) the black one Je prfrerais manger des pinards plutt que des algues - I'd eat spinach sooner than / before I'd eat seaweed Related: plus - more; tt - early poignarder Definition: to stab, knife (literally and figuratively) As-tu jamais t poignard ? - Have you ever been stabbed? Il ne faut jamais poignarder ses amis dans le dos - One should never stab one's friends in the back. La jalousie me poignarde chaque fois que je les vois ensemble - Jealousy cuts through me each time I see them together. Related: un poignard - dagger pointer Definition: to check off, clock in, aim; to stick (into) Les employes doivent pointer l'arrive - Employees must clock in upon arrival. Ne pointe pas ton fusil sur les gens ! - Don't point your gun at people!

Il a point sa canne dans mon dos - He stuck his cane in my back. se pointer (informal) - to turn up quelle heure s'est-il point ? - What time did he turn up? Related: un point - point, spot; le pointage - checking off; la pointe - pont, tip; un pointeau needle; un pointer - pointer dog; un pointeur - timekeeper; une pointeuse - time clock polemique Definition: (adj) controversial, contentious Ses ides polmiques ne vont pas tre acceptes - His controversial ideas won't be accepted Aprs cette dcision polmique... - After this controversial discussion une polmique - controversy, argument Il cherche toujours faire de la polmique - He's always trying to stir up controversy Related: polmiquer - to argue; un(e) polmiste - polemist, polemicist; la polmogie - study of war; un(e) polmologue - war specialist police Definition: police, policy, font La police est arrive trs vite - The police arrived very quickly J'ai achet une police d'assurance vie - I bought a life insurance policy Quelle police prfres-tu ? - Which font do you prefer? Related: un policier - police officer; polic (formal) - refined, polished pommade Definition: ointment, cream Ma sur utilise beaucoup de pommades pour cheveux et peau - My sister uses a lot of hair creams and skin ointments. Related: pommader - to (use) pommade; passer de la pommade quelqu'un (informal) - to butter someone up, to soft-soap someone poser

Definition: to put down; to ask (a question) Il a pos son livre sur la table - He put his book on the table. Vous pouvez poser des questions aprs la prsentation - You can ask questions after the presentation. (Note that you use demander to ask for something (a favor, etc), but use poser when it's followed by une question. You cannot say demander une question.) Related: la pose - hanging up (e.g., curtains), putting down (e.g., tile); pos (adj) - serious, sedate; posment (adv) - calmly, deliberately; poseur (adj) - affected; un poseur - show-off pot Definition: jar, pot, tin, can J'ai achet un pot de confiture - I bought a jar of jam. (informal) - drink, luck On va prendre un pot ! - We're going to have a drink! Pierre a du pot ! - Pierre is lucky! Related: potable (adj) - drinkable potager Definition: (adj) - edible, vegetable Il faut trouver des plantes potagres - We have to find some edible plants. J'aimerais un jardin potager - I'd like a vegetable garden. Related: le potage - soup potasser Definition: (informal) - to cram, bone up, (UK) swot Il y a un examen demain ; je dois vraiment potasser - There's a test tomorrow; I really need to cram J'ai oubli de potasser l'histoire - I forgot to bone up on history pote Definition: (informal) mate, buddy, chum

Je sors avec mes potes ce soir - I'm going out with my mates tonight. Salut mon pote ! - Hi, buddy! poupe Definition: stern (of a ship) Le contraire de la poupe est la proue - The opposite of the stern is the bow. Expression: avoir le vent en poupe - to have the wind in your sails (to head toward success) pousse Definition: (adj) - advanced, intensive, exhaustive Les cours pousss cette cole sont formidables - The advanced classes at this school are great. Nous avons men une enqute pousse - We led an intensive investigation. Related: la pousse - dust, la pousse - shoot, growth, pousser - to push prealable Definition: (adj) - preliminary, previous, preceding J'ai fait l'entretien pralable - I did the preliminary interview. L'accord pralable a expir - The previous agreement expired. La runion pralable cette dcision... - The meeting which preceded this decision... Related: un pralable - prerequisite; pralablement (adv) - first, beforehand, prior to preconiser Definition: to strongly recommend, advise, advocate Il est le seul mdecin qui ne prconise pas ce mdicament - He is the only doctor who doesn't strongly recommend this medicine tes-vous d'accord avec ceux qui prconisent toujours la guerre ? - Do you agree with those who always insist on war? predicateur Definition: preacher J'aime beaucoup notre prdicateur - I really like our preacher Synonym: un prdicant

Related: la prdication - teaching, sermon presse Definition: (adj) - in a hurry, urgent; freshly-squeezed Je suis press ! - I'm in a hurry! Je vous ai envoy une lettre presse ce matin - I sent you an urgent letter this morning Aimes-tu l'orange presse ? - Do you like freshly-squeezed orange juice? Related: pressant (adj) - urgent, pressing, insistant; presser - to squeeze, push, press, speed up pressentir Definition: to sense, have a premonition; to approach, sound out, consider as a prospect Il a pressenti quelque chose avant son accident - He had a premonition about something before his accident. Qui allez-vous pressentir pour ce project ? - Who are you going to approach about this project? Expression: laisser pressentir - to give/leave a hint, allow something to suggest Rien ne laissait pressentir sa faillite - There was nothing to suggest he would go bankrupt. Related: le pressentiment - foreboding, presentiment, premonition, feeling prestations Definition: (feminine) - benefits Je ne reois pas de prestations de mon patron - I don't receive benefits from my employer. Related: une prestation - benefit, service, performance; un prestataire - person receiving benefits previsible Definition: (adj) - foreseeable Dans un avenir prvisible, nous aurons tous des voitures intelligentes - In the foreseeable future, we will all have "smart cars." Les rsultats de cette enqute sont difficilement prvisibles - The results of this survey are difficult to foresee/estimate. Related: la prvisibilit - foreseeable nature; une prvision - prediction, expectation, forecast; visible (adj) - visible

prevu Definition: (adj) - forseen, anticipated, expected, planned Ce n'tait pas prvu - That wasn't planned, It wasn't what we expected Comme prvu - As planned Prvu is the past participle of prvoir prime Definition: gift, bonus, premium, subsidy, allowance Ce magasin donne un livre en prime avec un achat quelconque - This store is giving away a book with any purchase. Ma prime d'assurances est trs leve - My insurance premium is very high. Y a-t-il une prime l'exportation ? - Is there an export subsidy? J'ai reu une bonne prime de licenciement - I received good severance pay. Quels pays offrent une prime de naissance ? - Which countries offer a child birth allowance? Expression: faire prime - to be at a premium prochainement Definition: (adv) soon, shortly Des prcisions seront communiques prochainement - Details will be released soon Prochainement sur vos crans : le nouveau film de Luc Besson - Coming soon to a theater near you: Luc Besson's new movie Related: prochain (adj) - next prof Definition: (informal) - teacher (apocope of professeur) J'aime bien mon prof - I really like my teacher Note: In France, professeur is always masculine even if the teacher is female: Laura est mon professeur - Laura is my teacher. Prof, however, can be masculine or feminine (as can professeur, in Canada). profiter

Definition: with de - to make the most of, take advantage of Nous profitons du soleil pour aller la plage - We're taking advantage of the sun to go to the beach. Je profite de la terrasse de mon nouvel appart - I'm making the most of my new appartment's terrace. with - to benefit, be profitable to qui profite cette fte ? - Who benefits from this party? Related: le profit - profit; profitable (adj) - beneficial, profitable projet Definition: plan, draft Quels sont tes projets pour aujourd'hui ? - What are your plans for today? J'ai fini le projet de mon roman - I finished the draft of my novel. Related: projeter - to plan, throw; un projeteur - project manager proprio Definition: (inf) - landlord, landlady (apocope of propritaire) Je n'ai jamais eu de problmes avec mon proprio - I've never had problems with my landlord La proprio de cet immeuble est trs mchante - This building's landlady is very mean Related: la proprit - property, ownership prosaique Definition: (adj) - mundane, prosaic Sa vie est prosaque - His life is mundane. C'est un dtail prosaque - It's a mundane detail. Related: prosaquement (adv) - mundanely, prosaically, le prosasme - mundaneness, prosaicness, pedestrianism provisoire Definition: (adj) - temporary, provisional, interim C'est une bonne solution provisoire - It's a good temporary solution.

Le gouvernement provisoire sera l pendant un an de plus - The interim government will be there for another year. Related: titre provisoire - temporarily, provisionally; c'est du provisoire - it's a temporary/provisional situation; libert provisoire - temporary release prudent Definition: (adj) - careful, cautious; wise, sensible Soyez prudent ! - Be careful! Il serait prudent d'apporter de l'argent - It would be wise to take some money. Ce n'est pas prudent - It's not a good idea. Related: la prudence - care, caution, prudence; prudemment (adv) - carefully, cautiously psychose Definition: psychosis; obsession La psychose est une maladie trs grave - Psychosis is a very severe illness. Guy, ta psychose de la nourriture, c'est quoi exactement ? - Guy, what is this obsession (of yours) with food? publicite Definition: advertising, advertisement, bad publicity Il travaille dans la publicit - He works in advertising, He's an ad man. Je n'aime pas cette publicit - I don't like this advertisement. Il y a trop de publicit dans cette affaire - There's been too much publicity on this matter. Related: publicitaire (adj) - advertising, promotional pudeur Definition: sense of modesty, decency, propriety Hollywood a perdu son sens de la pudeur il y a longtemps - Hollywood lost its sense of modesty a long time ago Il ne faut pas agir sans pudeur - You shouldn't act without regard to propriety Related: pudibond (adj) - prudish (exaggerated); la pudibonderie - prudishness; la pudicit -

modesty, discretion; pudique (adj) - modest, discreet; pudiquement (adv) - modestly, discreetly quanta Definition: (preposition) - as for, regarding Il pense que non, mais quant moi, je pense que c'est une bonne ide - He doesn't think so, but as for me/as far as I'm concerned, (I think) it's a good idea Quant a, tu peux en tre sr - You can be sure about that Quant a, je n'en sais rien - As for that, I don't know anything Related: le quant--soi - reserve, aloofness quasiment Definition: (adv) - almost, nearly Nous avons quasiment fini - We're almost done. Tu dois tre quasiment gel ! - You must be practically frozen! Related: quasi (adv) - almost, nearly; quasi- (prefix) - near, quasiquelquepart Definition: (indefinite adv) - somewhere J'ai perdu mon sac dos quelque part - I lost my backpack somewhere Related: quelque chose (indefinite pronoun) - something, quelque (indefinite adj) - some More: indefinite French quitter Definition: to leave (not "to quit," which is a faux ami) Il doit quitter la maison 8h00 - He has to leave the house at 8:00 Je suis press ; il faut que je vous quitte - I'm in a hurry; I've got to go Tout son courage l'a quitt - All of his courage left him (au tlphone) Ne quittez pas - (on the phone) Don't hang up, Please hold rabais Definition: reduction, discount

J'ai achet cette jupe au rabais - I bought this skirt at a discount. Nous faisons un rabais de 10 % sur ces meubles - We're offering a 10% discount on this furniture. au rabais (pejorative) - third-rate, cheap C'est un journaliste au rabais - This journalist is third-rate. Related: rabaissant (adj) - disparaging, derogatory, degrading; rabaisser - to belittle, reduce rabioter Definition: (inf) - to beg, mooch, scrounge, wangle, swindle Il a rabiot tout le vin - He mooched all the wine. J'ai essay de rabioter 5 minutes de sommeil - I tried to snatch 5 minutes of sleep. Elle m'a rabiot ! - She swindled me! Related: (all informal) un rabiot - an extra, du rabiot - some extra; un/e rabioteur/euse scrounger, moocher raccourci Definition: short cut; turn of phrase; summary On peut prendre un raccourci - We can take a short cut. C'est un raccourci saisissant - It's a shocking turn of phrase. En raccourci... - In sum, In a nutshell... Related: raccourcir - to shorten; un raccourcissement - shortening Related: raccrocher Definition: (phone) to hang up; to hang back up; to link, connect Je vais chercher ces infos, ne raccrochez pas - I'll go get that information, don't hang up. Les rideaux sont tombs, peux-tu m'aider les raccrocher ? - The curtains fell down, could you help me hang them back up? Sports - to retire. Variations: raccrocher les crampons, raccrocher les gants raconter Definition: to tell, recount

Raconte-moi ce qui s'est pass - Tell me what happened Informal expressions: Je (ne) te raconte pas - You don't want to know / You can't imagine Raconter sa vie qqun - To go on and on / talk excessively Se raconter des histoires - To be kidding / lying to oneself Qu'est-ce que tu racontes ? - What are you talking about? Il raconte n'importe quoi - He's babbling / talking rubbish rade Definition: harbor Regardez tous les bateaux en rade ! - Look at all the boats in the harbor! Related: laisser en rade - to leave stranded, in the lurch; tomber en rade - to run out of gas/petrol, to break down radier Definition: to cross off, strike off Il s'est fait radier des listes lectorales - He got himself crossed of the electoral lists Aprs tous ces problmes, ce restaurant va se faire radier du guide - After all of these problems, this restaurant is going to get struck from the guidebook radin Definition: (informal adj) stingy, (UK) mean Ne sois pas si radin ! - Don't be so stingy! un(e) radin(e) skinflint, cheap person Related: la radinerie (informal) - stinginess, meanness raffine Definition: (adj) - refined, sophisticated, polished Je ne mange pas de sucre raffin. - I don't eat refined sugar.

Ses manires sont raffines - His manners are refined/polished. Related: le raffinement - refinement, sophistication, nicety, subtlety; raffiner - to refine, polish; une raffinerie - refinery; un/e raffineur/euse - refiner raffoler Definition: to be keen on, wild about Il raffole de Juliette Binoche - He's wild about Juliette Binoche. Raffoles-tu de Chantal ? - Are you keen on Chantal? Related: affoler - to terrify, throw into a panic ragot Definition: (inf) - piece of gossip (usually plural) Ce n'est pas gentil de faire des ragots - It's not nice to gossip ragoter - to gossip ragoutant Definition: (adj) appetizing, savory (used in negative or ironic constructions) Ce n'est gure ragotant - It's not very appetizing. Cet homme est peu ragotant - This man is unsavory. Related: un ragot - stew raidir Definition: to stiffen, harden, tighten, tense Quand le mdecin te touchera, ne raidis pas tes muscles - When the doctor touches you, don't tense your muscles. Si tu laisses cette chemise sans la scher, le tissu va raidir - If you leave this shirt without drying it, the fabric will stiffen. Related: raide (adj) - stiff, taut, tight; la raideur - stiffness, straightness, tightness; le raidissement - stiffening Related: raie Definition: line, scratch, mark, stripe, (hair) part, parting; (fish) ray, skate Je vois des raies sur le CD que je viens d'acheter - There are scratches on the CD I just bought

Ne porte pas de chemise avec des raies - Don't wear a striped shirt Je prfre avoir la raie au milieu - I prefer having my hair parted in the center Related: rayer - to rule, line, scratch ralant Definition: (adj) - infuriating Cet embouteillage est rlant ! - This traffic jam is infuriating! Related: rler - to groan, moan, infuriate; rleur (adj, noun) - complaining, complainer ralentir Definition: to slow down, to slacken Il faut ralentir la voiture avant le carrefour - You have to slow the car down before the intersection Nous avons ralenti nos efforts aprs son annonce - We slackened our efforts after his announcement Related: lent (adj) - slow; lentement (adv) - slowly raler Definition: to moan, groan Il n'a pas rl en se faisant faire la piqre - He didn't moan when he got the shot (informal) to complain, whine Arrte de rler ! - Stop whining! ramer Definition: (boat) to row C'est toi de ramer - It's your turn to row (informal) - to work hard, struggle, slog; to not have a clue, be lost Il rame tous les jours - He works hard every day Je rame compltement - I'm completely lost rancune

Definition: grudge, rancor Il a encore de la rancune contre / l'gard de Christine - He still has a grudge against Christine Il ne faut pas garder de la rancune contre ses amis - One shouldn't hold a grudge against one's friends Sans rancune ! - No hard feelings! Related: rancunier (adj) - vindictive, spiteful randonnee Definition: drive, ride, hike Roland fait une randonne dans les bois tous les matins - Roland goes for a hike in the woods every morning Types: une randonne pdestre / pied - a walk, a hike; une randonne questre - a horseback ride; une randonne ski - cross-country ski run; une randonne en voiture - car ride Related: un randonneur - hiker, walker ranger Definition: to tidy, arrange, order, put away Tu dois ranger tes affaires avant de sortir - You have to tidy your things before you go out Il a rang son vlo dans le garage - He put his bike away in the garage Related: rang (adj) - orderly, settled, steady; une range - row, line; le rangement - putting away, tidying up, storage space rappeler Definition: to call back, to remind Rappelle-le - Call him back se rappeler - to remember, recollect Il s'est rappel qu'elle parle chinois - He remembered that she speaks Chinese Je ne me rappelle plus rien - I can't recall anything rassasier Definition: to satisfy

Ce repas va-t-il te rassasier ? - Is this meal going to satisfy you? Merci, mais je suis rassasi - Thanks, but I'm full. J'ai toutes les rponses ; ma curiosit est enfin rassasie. - I have all the answers; my curiosity is finally satisfied. rater Definition: to misfire, miss, fail, bungle, miscarry, mess up Fais attention ! Le fusil peut rater. - Be careful! The rifle could misfire. Elle a rat le train pour Paris. - She missed the train to Paris. Le project a rat parce que Paul n'y a pas contribu. - The project failed because Paul didn't contribute to it. Tu as rat ta vie ! - You've messed up your life! Related: un rat - failure, flop, misfiring (of a gun or motor) raturer Definition: to alter, make an alteration; to cross out, erase Si tu ratures l'adresse, tu peux rutiliser cette enveloppe - If you cross out the address, you can reuse this envelope Qui a ratur ce document ? - Who altered this document? Related: la rature - erasure, crossing out, alteration ravi Definition: (adj) - delighted Je suis ravi de vous connatre - I'm delighted to meet you Elle tait ravie de nous voir - She was delighted to see us Related: ravir - to delight; ravissant (adj.) - ravishing, beautiful; le ravissement - rapture raye Definition: (adjective) - striped, scratched Je prfre la chemise raye - I like the striped shirt better Mon nouveau CD est ray - My new CD is scratched

Synonyms: raies, rayures Related: rayer - to rule, line, scratch; le rayage - crossing out; une raie / une rayure - stripe rayonner Definition: to shine forth/through, be radiant; to radiate from Ton visage rayonne de joie ! - Your face is glowing with joy! You're radiant! Plusieurs avenues rayonnent autour de ce monument - Several avenues radiate out from that monument. rayonner autour d'une ville, rayonner dans une rgion - to tour a region around a town Related: un rayon - ray, beam, radius, spoke (of a wheel), shelf, department (in a store), honeycomb; un rayonnage - shelving; rayonnant (adj) - radiant, beaming; le rayonnement influence, charisma, radiance rebarbatif Definition: forbidding, daunting C'est une tche rbarbative - It's a daunting task. Ta mre a l'air rbarbatif - Your mom looks forbidding/has a forbidding look. Related: une barbe - beard a-rebours Expression: rebours Pronunciation: [ah r(eu) boor] Meaning: against the nap, wrong way, backwards Register: normal Notes: The old French word rebours has no equivalent noun in English; it refers to the opposite direction of a fabric's nap. Today rebours survives only in the expression rebours, which literally means "against the nap," but is also used figuratively to mean "backwards, wrong way." Examples Quelqu'un a d lisser le tissu rebours. Someone must have rubbed the fabric against the nap. Peux-tu compter rebours ?

Can you count backwards? Il feuillette le livre rebours. He's flipping through the book backwards.

Expressions comprendre rebours to misunderstand, get the wrong idea un compte rebours countdown faire tout rebours to do everything the wrong way around prendre l'ennemi rebours to sneak up behind the enemy prendre quelqu'un rebours to rub someone the wrong way prendre une rue en sens unique rebours to go the wrong way up a one-way street rebours de is a figurative expression meaning "against": aller rebours de la nature to go against nature C'est rebours du bon sens. It goes against common sense. Post your comments about the French expression rebours on my French blog - just hit "comments" at the bottom of the post.


Expressions with Most common French phrases

recette Definition: recipe, formula; takings

J'ai une bonne recette de soupe l'oignon - I have a good recipe for French onion soup. C'est une recette secrte - It's a secret formula. On a fait une bonne recette aujourd'hui - The takings were good today. Related: faire recette - to be successful; les recettes - receipts, revenue recidive Definition: second offense, recurrence, repetition Comme c'est de la rcidive, votre amende sera triple - Because it's a second offense/you committed the crime a second time, your fine will be tripled. Son cancer est en rcidive - His cancer has recurred. Related: rcidivant (adj) - recurring; rcidiver - to reoffend, commit a second offense, recur; le rcidivisme - reoffending; rcidiviste - second/habitual offender; la rcidivit - recurring nature (of a disease) reclamer Definition: to ask for, to claim, to demand; to complain Il a rclam une minute de silence - He asked for a minute of silence Nous rclamons justice ! - We demand justice! Si vous n'tes pas content, vous pouvez rclamer la mairie - If you're not happy, you can complain (file a complaint) at city hall Related: se rclamer de - to claim to belong to / follow / be a part of s.t. recul Definition: retreat, recoil, shrink back, recession, decline, (temporal) distance On attend un recul de l'arme - We're waiting for the army to retreat Heureusement, l'pidmie est en recul - Fortunately, the epidemic is declining Avec le recul, je vois clairement mes erreurs - With time, I clearly see my mistakes Related: une reculade - retreat, withdrawal; recul (adj) - remote, distant; reculer - to move/step/draw back, to reverse redaction

Definition: drafting, editing, writing, drawing up C'est la premire rdaction - It's the first draft. La rdaction est trs importante - Editing is very important. Related: un/e rdacteur/trice - writer, drafter, editor; rdactionnel (adj) - editorial; rdiger - to write, compose, draft rediger Definition: to write, compose, draft J'aimerais rdiger un article pour un journal international - I would like to write an article for an international newspaper Nous devons rdiger un nouveau contrat - We need to draft a new contract Related: la rdaction - editing; un rdacteur - editor redite Definition: needless repetition Oui, oui, tu me l'as dj expliqu... cesse cette redite ! - Yes yes, you already explained it to me... stop this needless repetition! Related: redire - to say again, repeat redoubler Definition: to increase, intensify, double, do something more ___ly Nous allons redoubler nos efforts - We're going to increase our efforts Le vent a redoubl avant l'orage - The wind intensified before the storm Ses larmes ont redoubl - His tears flowed more quickly Related: doubler - to double; redoubler une class - to repeat a grade/year; un redoublant someone repeating a grade; le redoublement - increase, intensification redouter Definition: to dread, fear Je redoute de le faire - I dread doing it. Je redoute qu'il ne le fasse - I dread his doing it.

Wondering about the ne? Lesson on ne expltif Related: redoutable - fearsome, formidable referencement Definition: referencing; web site linking Le rfrencement d'articles pour votre thse est essentiel - Referencing articles for your thesis is essential. L'action d'inscription d'un site-web dans un moteur de recherche s'appelle rfrencement - The adding of a website into a search engine is called "linking." Related: rfrencer - to reference, link; une rfrence - reference, footnote regal Definition: delight, treat Quel rgal ! - What a treat! It's delicious! C'est un rgal pour les yeux - It's a sight for sore eyes, It's a delight to behold Related: rgaler - to treat, regale regaler Definition: to treat, regale C'est moi qui rgale, ce soir - It's my treat tonight. Mon grand-pre nous rgalait avec des histoires incroyables - My grandfather used to regale us with incredible stories. se rgaler: - to have a delicious meal, eat very well Je me rgale ! - This is delicious, I love this! Related: un rgal - delight, treat; rgalien (adj) - kingly regie Definition: government control; state-owned company Cette entreprise est en rgie - This company is government-controlled Je travaille pour la Rgie autonome des transports parisiens (RATP) - I work for the Paris city transport authority

regle Definition: rgl (adj) regular, stable, settled; menstruating; lined Je ne veux qu'une vie rgle - I just want a regular life L'affaire est rgle - The matter is settled Une Musulmane rgle doit tre voile - A Muslim woman who has started menstruating must wear a veil Expression: rgl comme une horloge/du papier musique - regular as clockwork Related: papier rgl - lined paper; la rgle - rule; un rglement - regulation; la rglementation regulations; rgler - to settle, sort out, regulate rejeton Definition: descendant Les rejetons de cette civilisation ont compltement disparu - The descendants of this civilization completely disappeared. (informal, ironic) - kid Il envoie son rejeton une cole prive - He's sending his kid to a private school. (botany) - shoot Tu peux avoir un rejeton de cette plante pour ton jardin - You can have a shoot from this plant for your garden. relais Definition: (sports) relay, handover, pass; (electronics) relay On va regarder le relais - We're going to watch the relay (race). O se trouve le relais de CNN ? - Where is CNN's relay station? Related: un relais routier - transport caf, truck stop; une ville relais - stopover; le crdit-relai / le prt relais - bridging loan reliquat Definition: remainder, outstanding amount, balance

Aprs ce versement, le reliquat est de 100 francs. - After this payment, the outstanding balance is 100 francs. Il n'y a pas de reliquat - There is nothing left over. Related: une relique - relic reluquer Definition: (inf) - to eye, ogle Je n'aime pas tre reluqu - I don't like to be ogled. Ce mec reluque mon repas depuis 10 minutes - This guy has been eyeing my meal for 10 minutes. remorque Definition: trailer; towrope, towline Ma voiture peut tracter la remorque - My car can tow the trailer en remorque - in tow, being towed tre la remorque, se mettre la remorque (derogatory) - to trail / tag along Pourquoi est-ce que ma sur est toujours la remorque ? - Why is my sister always tagging along? Related: remorquer - to tow, drag, pull; un remorqueur - tugboat remuer Definition: to move, twitch, stir, shift, shake Ses lvres remuent ; il doit tre en train d'essayer de ne pas rire - His lips are twitching; he must be trying not to laugh. Avec difficult, j'ai russi remuer l'tagre - With difficulty, I managed to move the bookshelves. La table remue quand j'essaie d'crire - The table shakes when I try to write. Related: remuant (adj) - restless, fidgety; le remuement - moving, movement renacler Definition: to snort; to complain, grumble Quand ce cheval rencle, a veut dire qu'il est en colre - When this horse snorts, that means that he's angry

Il m'a aid pendant toute la journe, sans rencler - He helped me all day, without complaining Expressions: rencler la besogne/tche - to grumble/to complain (about having to do something), rencler faire qqch - to do something reluctantly/grudgingly, sans rencler uncomplainingly / without grumbling, faire qqch en renclant - to do something grudgingly/reluctantly rencontre Definition: encounter, meeting La rencontre inattendue m'a fait penser - The unexpected encounter made me think. J'ai fait la rencontre d'un vrai pote hier - I met a real poet yesterday. Il va la recontre de sa copine - He's going to meet his girlfriend. O est le lieu de rencontre ? - Where is the meeting place? Related: rencontrer - to meet rendement Definition: yield, output, return Ce champ a le rendement le plus lev - This field has the highest yield. Le rendement de cette machine diminue quand elle n'est pas propre - The output of this machine decreases when it's not clean. C'est un trs bon taux de rendement - It's a very good rate of return. Related: rendre - to return (one of seven French verbs that mean "to return" - learn more) rendrecompte Definition: to realize, be aware Je ne me suis pas rendu compte qu'il allait arriver ce soir - I didn't realize that he was going to arrive this evening Tu te rends compte de la situation ? - Are you aware of the situation? Et il l'a fait, tu te rends compte ! - And he did it, can you imagine! Related: rendre - to give back, return renfort

Definition: help, helpers Le renfort arrive ! - Help is on the way! les renforts - reinforcements, supplies On ne peut pas le faire sans renforts - We can't do it without reinforcements Related: de renfort - strengthening, supporting, extra; envoyer qqun en renfort - to send someone as an extra; recevoir un renfort de... - to receive more/further/additional...; grand renfort de with a great many renfrogne Definition: (adj) - sullen, scowling, sulky Quel visage renfrogn ! - What a sullen face! Related: se renfrogner - to sulk, scowl; le renfrognement - scowling, sullenness renouer Definition: to tie again, re-tie; to renew, resume Il faut renouer ta cravate - You need to re-tie your tie J'espre qu'ils renoueront leurs relations - I hope they'll renew their relationship Related: nouer - to tie, un nud - knot renseigner Definition: to give information to; to fill in Je n'ai pas encore renseign la police - I haven't give information to the police yet. Pouvez-vous me renseigner sur lui ? - Can you tell me about him? Vous n'avez pas renseign la case de statut civil - You didn't fill in the marital status box. Related: se renseigner - to ask for / obtain information; un renseignement - a piece of information; les renseignements - information rentable Definition: (adj) - profitable, worthwhile Cette affaire ne sera pas rentable - This deal will not be profitable Je cherche toujours un projet rentable - I'm still looking for a worthwhile project

Related: la rentabilit - profitability; rentabiliser - to make profit rente Definition: annuity, allowance; government stock/loan/bond Sa famille lui fait une rente - His family gives him an allowance. Les rentes sont 5 pour cent - Government bonds are at 5 percent. les rentes - private/unearned income Je pense qu'il a des rentes - I think he has private income. Related: la rente viagre - life annuity; les rentes perptuelles - perpetual loans, irredeemable securities repere Definition: line, marker, indicator, landmark, reference point J'ai mis des pierres commes repres - I put some rocks down as markers. Nous utiliserons cet arbre comme repre - We'll use this tree as a landmark. reperer Definition: to spot, pick out, locate, find; to be found out, get caught J'ai repr David au concert - I spotted David at the concert. Nous avons repr un bon restaurant - We've found a good restaurant. Le voleur a enfin t repr - The thief was finally caught. Related: se reprer - to get one's bearings, find one's way around; un repre - line, marker, indicator, landmark repondeurenreg Definition: answering machine which takes messages Mes parents n'ont pas de rpondeur enregistreur - My parents don't have an answering machine Related: un rpondeur tlphonique - answering machine with a pre-recorded message that does not take messages rpondre - to answer; enregistrer - to record

reposer Definition: to put back down, put back; rest; ask again Repose ce gteau ! - Put that cake back down! Je dois reposer mes yeux avant de le lire - I need to rest my eyes before reading it. Pouvez-vous reposer la question ? - Could you repeat the question? Related: poser - to put down, to ask; un repos - rest; reposant - refreshing, restful; repos (adj) fresh, rested; faire quelque chose tte repose - to do something in a more leisurely moment represailles Definition: (fem plural noun) - reprisal, retaliation Les reprsailles du peuple local envers la dbcle ont t trs svres - The local people's retaliation for the debacle was very harsh Related: user de reprsailles - to retaliate; exercer des reprsailles - to retaliate; par reprsailles in retaliation; en reprsailles de - in retaliation for; Attends-toi des reprsailles - You can expect retaliation! resolu Definition: (adj) resolute, resolved, determined Je suis bien rsolu gagner - I am determined to win. Il a l'air rsolu - He looks resolute. Related: rsolu is the past participle of rsoudre - to resolve; rsolument - totally, resolutely; une rsolution - resolution resquilleur Definition: (informal) line-jumper, queue-jumper, fare-dodger, gate-crasher, squatter C'est une resquilleuse, j'tais devant elle ! - She's a line-jumper, I was in front of her! (She cut in front of me!) Ces vieux immeubles ont toujours des problmes avec des resquilleurs - These old buildings always have problems with squatters (adj) one who cuts in line, sneaks in without paying, gate crashes, or squats Related: le resquillage (inf) - line-jumping, fare-dodging, squatting; la resquille (inf) - linejumping, fare-dodging, squatting; resquiller - to line jump, fare dodge, squat

resumer Definition: to summarize, sum up Pouvez-vous rsumer les dcisions pour nous ? - Can you sum up the decisions for us? Pour rsumer... - To sum up... Related: un rsum - summary. Note that rsum is a false cognate. The English term rsum = un CV retors Definition: (adj) sly, underhanded, wily Je dteste les manuvres retors de politiciens ! - I hate the wily machinations of politicians! Il m'a donn des conseils retors - He gave me some underhanded advice retraite Definition: retreat, retirement, pension L'arme est en retraite - The army is retreating Ma mre est dj la retraite - My mother is already retired Elle ne touche pas de retraite - She does not receive a pension Related: un retrait - ebb, retreat, withdrawal; retrait (adj) - retired reussir Definition: to succeed, to manage to; to pass (a test) L'entreprise a russi - The venture succeeded (was a success) Nous avons russi complter le travail - We managed to complete the work J'ai russi l'examen - I passed the test (passer is a false cognate) Related: une russite - success revasser Definition: to daydream, let one's mind wander Faites attention - ne rvassez pas ! - Pay attention - don't daydream! Elle rvasse toujours en classe - She's always letting her mind wander in class

Related: la rvasserie - daydreaming, un rve - dream reveil Definition: alarm clock, waking up Je viens d'acheter un rveil - I just bought an alarm clock Il a le rveil difficile - He has a hard time waking up Synonym: un rveille-matin Related: rveiller - to wake up, rveill (adj) - awake revanche Definition: revenge (figurative), revenge match, return game/fight Il a pris sa revanche sur nous - He took his revenge on us; He got his own back on us Le match samedi, c'est une revanche - It's a revenge match on Saturday Related: en revanche - on the other hand revendiquer Definition: to claim, demand, take responsibility for Il faut revendiquer vos droits - You have to demand your rights. J'ai dcid de revendiquer - I decided to make a claim. Des terroristes ont revendiqu cet attentat - Terrorists have claimed responsibility for this attack. Related: revendicateur (adj) - related to a claim; revendicatif (adj) - of protest; la revendication claiming, claim, demand rhume Definition: cold (illness) J'ai ce rhume depuis deux semaines - I've had this cold for two weeks. Related: attraper un rhume - to catch a cold; un rhume de cerveau - head cold; le rhume des foins - hay fever; enrhumer - to give a cold to; s'enrhumer - to catch a cold; tre enrhum - to have a cold rigoler

Definition: (informal) - to laugh, have fun, joke J'ai bien rigol en regardant ce film - I laughed a lot while watching this movie. On a bien rigol, ce soir - We had a great time tonight. Tu rigoles ! - You're joking! Related: (all informal) la rigolade - a bit of fun; rigolard (adj) - grinning, ready for a laugh; rigolo (adj) - funny; un rigolo - comic, funny person rigueur Definition: harshness, severity, rigidness, strictness, rigor, precision Ils traitent les criminels violents avec la plus grande rigueur - They treat violent criminals with the greatest severity. J'apprcie sa rigueur morale - I appreciate his moral strictness. Related: la rigueur - or even, if need be; rigoureux (adj) - rigorous; rigoureusement (adv) rigorously ringard Definition: (informal adj) - corny, rinky-dink, old-fashioned Quelle expression ringarde ! - What a corny expression! Je n'aime pas ces livres ; ils sont ringards - I don't like these books; they're old-fashioned Related: un/e ringard/e - fuddy duddy, old-fashioned person; une ringardise - fuddy duddy riposte Definition: retort, counter-attack, (fencing) - riposte Pierre a la riposte rapide - Pierre always has a quick retort. Nous ne nous attendions pas une riposte - We weren't expecting a counter-attack. Related: riposter - to retort, retaliate risee Definition: mockery, ridicule; gust of wind Cela va t'exposer la rise gnrale - That's going to lay you open to ridicule. Philippe est un objet de rise - Philippe is a laughing stock.

roder Definition: to loiter, lurk, prowl On a toujours des chats affams qui rdent autour de nos poubelles - We always have starving cats that lurk around the garbage cans C'est un quartier mal fam avec des jeunes qui rdent la nuit - It's a seedy area with young people prowling around at night Related: un/e rdeur/euse - prowler romanesque Definition: (adj) - fabulous, fantastical, storybook, romantic C'est une histoire romanesque - It's a fantastical story. Leur amour romanesque m'inspire - Their storybook love inspires me. Related: le romanesque - romantic side, romance; un roman - novel romanpolicier Definition: detective story, whodunit Mon frre aime les romans policiers - My brother likes detective novels Related: un roman - novel, story; un film policier - detective movie; un policier - police officer rompre Definition: to break (off, up) Les Etats-Unis ont rompu les relations diplomatiques avec la Chine. - The US has broken off diplomatic relations with China. Elle va rompre avec son fianc - She is going to break up with her fianc. Peux-tu rompre le pain ? - Can you break the bread? Related: rompu (adj) - exhausted, worn-out ronchon Definition: (adj) - grumpy, grouchy; (noun) - grumbler, grouch Mon pre est toujours ronchon - My father is always grumpy. Tu es un vrai ronchon aujourd'hui ! - You're a real grouch today!

Related: ronchonneur (adj) - grumpy, grouchy; un/e ronchonneur/euse - grump, grouch; le ronchonnement - grumbling, grouching; ronchonner - to grumble, grouch rondement Definition: (adv) - briskly, frankly Il a rondement conclu les ngociations - He briskly/efficiently concluded the negotiations. Puis-je parler rondement ? - May I speak frankly? Related: rond (adj) - round; rondelet (adj) - plump, chubby; une rondelle - slice, round (of a carrot, cucumber, etc.); la rondeur - plumpness, roundness; rondillard (informal adj) - tubby, pudgy ronfler Definition: to snore, hum, roar Mon mari ronfle - My husband snores. Faire ronfler son moteur - to rev up one's engine. Related: ronflant (adj) - grand, bombastic, high-flown; le ronflement - snore, snoring, humming, roar, etc.; un/e ronfleur/euse - snorer; un ronfleur - telephone buzzer ronronner Definition: to purr, hum (literally and figuratively) Mon chat ne ronronne jamais - My cat never purrs Pierre ronronnait de satisfaction - Pierre was purring with satisfaction Related: le ronron - purring, drone; le ronronnement - purr, hum rosier Definition: rosebush Il y a beaucoup de rosiers en Californie - There are a lot of rosebushes in California. Related: une rose - rose The -ier suffix indicates a tree or bush that produces the first part of the word: un abricotier apricot tree, un cerisier - cherry tree, un poirier - pear tree, un pommier - apple tree, etc. rougir

Definition: to turn red, to blush Je rougis quand il me regarde - I blush when he looks at me Les homards rougissent la cuisson - Lobsters turn red as they cook Related: rouge (adj) - red; rougi (adj) - reddened; rougissant (adj) - reddening; le rougissement reddening rouspeter Definition: (inf) - to moan, grumble Tu rousptes vraiment trop - You really complain too much. Related: se faire rouspter par qqun - to get scolded by s.o., to get an earful from s.o.; la rousptance - moaning, groaning; rouspteur/euse (adj) - grumpy, (noun) - groaner, grouch routard Definition: backpacker Il n'y a pas beaucoup de routards cet htel - There aren't many backpackers at this hotel C'est un bon guide de voyage pour les routards - It's a good travel guide for backpackers Related: la route - road routier Definition: truck driver; truckstop Il est routier - He's a truck driver As-tu mang ce routier ? - Have you eaten at this truckstop? (adj) road J'ai perdu la carte routire - I lost the road map Related: une route - road rubrique Definition: (news) column, heading, rubric J'aime bien la rubrique de Dave Barry - I really like Dave Barry's column Vous pouvez expliquer ces deux inventions sous la mme rubrique - You can explain these two inventions under the same heading

rudement Definition: (adv) - roughly, hard, harshly Tu ne devrais pas rpondre si rudement ! - You shouldn't respond so harshly! Le pauvre, il est rudement tomb - The poor thing fell down hard. (informal) - very, terribly, awfully Tu chantes rudement bien ! - You sing terribly well! Related: rude (adj) - rough, harsh, tough; la rudesse - roughness, harshness rupin Definition: (fam adj) ritzy, swanky, filthy rich J'imagine qu'il habite dans un appartement rupin - I imagine he lives in a ritzy apartment Son pater est rupin - His old man is filthy rich Related: un/e rupin/e - rich person sabot Definition: clog, hoof Je n'aime pas les sabots - I don't like clogs. Le cheval donne beaucoup de coups de sabot - The horse kicks a lot. (informal) - wreck, idiot C'est un sabot - It's an old wreck. Expressions: Je le vois venir avec ses gros sabots - I know just what he's after; travailler/jouer comme un sabot - to be a shoddy worker/player; mettre un sabot une voiture - to clamp a car Related: un sabotier - clog-maker/seller; un sabot de frein - brake shoe saccade Definition: (adj) - jerky, spasmodic, fitful, halting Son style de danse est assez saccad - His dance style is rather jerky. Sa respiration est saccade - His breathing is spasmodic.

D'une voix saccade, elle m'a racont l'histoire - In a halting voice, she told me the story. Related: une saccade - jerking motion; avancer par saccades - to jerk along; parler par saccades to speak haltingly sacre Definition: (adj after noun) holy, sacred Les objets sacrs doivent tre protgs - Sacred objects need to be protected. (inf adj before noun) damn(ed), blasted; real, a heck of a C'est un sacr menteur ! - He's a damn liar! Il a eu une sacre occasion - He had a heck of an opportunity. Related: sacrebleu (inf, archaic) - damnit!; sacrment (fam adv) - damned, out-and-out; sacrer to crown, consecrate saigner Definition: to bleed (literally and figuratively), to tap (a tree) Il saigne du nez - His nose is bleeding. Mon coeur saigne pour toi - My heart bleeds for you. Allez-vous saigner les boeufs ? - Are you going to bleed (kill by bleeding) the cattle? Je n'ai jamais saign un arbre - I've never tapped a tree (for syrup). Related: saigner qqun blanc - to bleed someone dry; a va saigner (familiar) - The fur is going to fly!; saignant - bleeding, rare (meat), (inf) scathing; la saigne - bleeding, bloodletting, savage cut; le saignement - bleeding saillant Definition: (adj) - prominent, protruding, jutting; salient C'est l'homme au nez saillant - It's the man with the prominent nose. Pouvez-vous rsumer les points saillants ? - Can you summarize the salient points? Related: une saillie - projection, witticism; saillir - to jut out, stick out, project saisie Definition: seizure, confiscation, foreclosure, data entry

Le taux de saisie de maisons continue monter - The rate of home foreclosures continues to climb La police a opr une saisie de contrebande - The police seized the contraband Tous articles prohibs sont sujets saisie - All prohibited articles are subject to confiscation Je dteste la saisie manuelle - I hate manual data entry Related: saisir - to seize, grab saisine Definition: (law) case submission, appeal Suite votre saisine de la Commission contre les Refus de Visa... - Following the submission of your case to the Visa Refusal Commission... Il y a une possibilit de saisine du Conseil constitutionnel par les citoyens - There is the possibility of an appeal by citizens to the Constitutional Council Related: saisir - to submit/refer a case, (outside of law) - to seize saisir Definition: to seize, grab; to get, catch, understand; to strike Il a saisi le ballon - He grabbed the ball. J'tais saisi de peur - I was seized by / overcome with fear. Je n'ai pas saisi son prnom - I didn't catch his name. La ressemblance entre eux m'a saisi - I was struck by the ressemblance between them. Related: saisir sa chance - to grab one's chance/opportunity; saisir l'occasion/la chance au vol - to jump at the opportunity saltimbanque Definition: acrobat, performer, entertainer J'adore les saltimbanques chinois - I love Chinese acrobats C'est toute une famille de saltimbanques - It's a whole family of performers saluer Definition: to greet, salute, take one's leave

Il ne m'a pas salu mon arrive - He didn't greet me upon my arrival Marie va saluer Pierre et sortir - Marie is going to take her leave of Pierre and then go out Related: une salutation - greeting; salut (exclamation) - hi, bye; salutaire (adj) - salutary, profitable, healthy; French greetings sang Definition: blood Expressions: un apport de sang frais - a bit of fresh blood attraper un coup de sang - to fly into a rage avoir du sang dans les veines - to be brave avoir le sang chaud - to be hot-headed avoir le sang qui monte la tte - to be about to burst out in anger du mme sang - the same flesh and blood Mon sang n'a fait qu'un tour - My heart skipped a beat payer son crime de son sang - to pay for one's crime with one's life se faire un sang d'encre (inf) - to be scared stiff sanglot Definition: sob, tears Sa voix s'est brise pour finir dans un sanglot - His voice broke with a sob. Elle a rpondu avec des sanglots dans la voix - She responded with tears in her voice. J'ai parl entre deux sanglots - I spoke between sobs. Related: clater en sanglots - to burst into tears; sangloter - to sob sape Definition: (familiar) - clothes, gear, duds T'as achet de nouvelles sapes ? - You bought some new duds?

(normal register) - undermining, sapping Related: saper - to sap, undermine; se saper (familiar) - to do oneself up saper Definition: to undermine Le fleuve a sap ce mur - The river has undermined this wall. Il essaie de saper mon autorit - He is trying to undermine my authority. Related: se saper (informal) - to get dressed; la sape - undermining, sapping sas Definition: airlock, security door; sieve, screen Le sas de cet avion a t compromis - That plane's airlock was compromised Je vais passer la sauce au sas - I'm going to put the sauce through a sieve saucee Definition: (informal) downpour On a eu une vraie sauce hier - We had a real downpour yesterday Expressions: recevoir une sauce, prendre une sauce - to get soaked/drenched savoirfaire Definition: know-how, expertise Chantal a un vrai savoir-faire en ce qui concerne les ordinateurs - Chantal really knows her stuff when it comes to computers Related: savoir - to know, faire - to do Synonyms: le savoir-vivre - know-how, mannerliness More: French terms used in English sbire Definition: henchman Dans les films, les mchants ont toujours des sbires - In movies, the bad guys always have henchmen Un sbire de ce dictateur a t tu - One of that dictator's henchmen was killed

sceller Definition: to seal L'enveloppe doit tre scelle avec la signature du maire - The envelope must be sealed with the mayor's signature Nous avons scell le pacte en nous serrant la main - We sealed the pact by shaking hands Related: le scellement - sealing; les scells - seals; le scellofrais (trademark) - cling film, Saran Wrap sciemment Definition: (adv) - knowingly, on purpose C'est risqu de revendre sciemment des articles vols - It's risky to knowingly resell stolen goods Les prisonniers ont sciemment aval le poison - The prisoners knowingly swallowed the poison Related: consciemment (adv) - consciously scier Definition: to saw (up, off) Qui a sci cet arbre ? - Who sawed up this tree? (informal) to stagger, bowl over; to bore a m'a sci ! - It staggered me! Ce livre m'a sci - This book bored me silly Related: une scie - saw, une scierie - sawmill, un scieur - sawyer scruter Definition: to scan, search, scrutinize J'ai scrut l'horizon mais je ne l'ai pas vu - I scanned the horizon but didn't see him. Il m'a scrut avant de parler - He scrutinized me before speaking. Related: scrutateur - (adj) searching, un scrutateur - scrutineer, teller, canvasser; un scrutin ballot sec

Definition: (adj) dry Il fait trs sec - The weather is very dry / It's very dry out Elle est partie, l'oeil sec - She left, dry-eyed Informal: broke Je ne peux pas sortir avec toi, je suis sec - I can't go out with you, I'm broke Related: schement (adv) - dryly, scher - to dry, la scheresse - dryness, une scherie - drying machine / dryer second Definition: (adj) - second of two* le second - the second one, second in command; second (UK) or third (US) floor* Il n'a pas vu la Seconde Guerre mondiale - He didn't (live to) see World War II. J'habite au second - I live on the second (UK) / third (US) floor. *learn more Related: la seconde - second class, une seconde - a second; secondaire (adj) - secondary; secondement (adj) - secondly (Click the little red + white graphic below to hear the Mot du jour pronounced. If you don't know why "c" is pronounced "g," read my lesson on assimilation.) Pronunciation: [seu go(n)] Audio Link secouer Definition: to shake (up, off) Il faut bien secouer la vinaigrette - You have to shake the vinaigrette well. Une crise a secou les ngociations de la paix. - A crisis has shaken up the peace negotiations. C'est difficile de secouer cette paresse - It's difficult to shake off this laziness. Related: une secousse - jolt, bump, jerk, shock secours Definition: aid, help, assistance Il nous faut demander du secours - We need to ask for help.

Quelle organisation va distribuer les secours ? - Which organization is going to distribute the aid? Au secours ! - Help! Related: secourable (adj) - helpful; le secourisme - first aid; le secouriste - first aid worker; secourir - to help sein Definition: breast Elle a dcid de ne pas nourrir son bb au sein - She decided not to breastfeed her baby Expression: au sein de - at the heart of, within, inside Il y a de graves problmes au sein de cette organisation - There are some serious problems in this organization seisme Definition: earthquake, upheaval Il y a eu un sisme 4h00 du matin. - There was an earthquake at 4am. Le sisme de divorce peut faire de la peine aux enfants - The upheaval of divorce can hurt children. Synonyms: (earthquake) - un tremblement de terre; (upheaval) - un bouleversement, des perturbations, une crise selle Definition: saddle Je ne suis jamais mont sans selle - I've never ridden bareback les selles (medical term) stool Expressions: mettre en selle - to mount, get into the saddle; mettre quelqu'un en selle - to give someone a boost/leg-up; se remettre en selle - to get back in the saddle (literally and figuratively), tre bien en selle - to be firmly in the saddle; tes-vous all la selle aujourd'hui ? - Have your bowels moved today? sellette Definition: stand J'ai achet une sellette pour ce pot de fleurs - I bought a stand for this pot of flowers

Expressions: tre sur la sellette - to be in the hot seat; mettre qqun sur la sellette - to question/grill someone, to put someone in the hot seat semer Definition: to sow, scatter, strew Nous avons dj sem les graines - We've already scattered the seeds. On va semer les confettis quand il arrivera - We're going to throw the confetti when he arrives. Son silence a sem le doute dans l'esprit de sa femme. - His silence sowed the seeds of doubt in his wife's mind. Related: sem (adj) - full of; la semence - seed, semen; un semeur - sower sempiternel Definition: (adj that precedes noun) - eternal, never-ending Vous m'ennuyez avec vos sempiternelles plaintes - You annoy me with your never-ending complaints. Une simplicit qui me repose du sempiternel romanesque (Henry de MONTHERLANT) A simplicity "which gives me a rest from eternal romance." Related: sempiternellement (adv) - eternally sens Definition: sense, meaning, direction Quels sont les cinq sens ? - What are the five senses? J'espre qu'il aura le sens de l'humour - I hope he has a sense of humor. On discute du sens de la vie. - We're talking about the meaning of life. Vous allez dans le mauvais sens - You're going in the wrong direction. sevrer Definition: to wean, lessen dependence on / addiction to Le bb n'est pas encore sevr - The baby isn't weaned yet Penses-tu que cette loi va sevrer les fumeurs ? - Do you think this law will help smokers give up? siderer

Definition: (informal) to stupefy, shock; (medical) - to go into shock L'annonce m'a sidr - The announcement stupefied me Ils taient tous sidrs par les rsultats - They were all shocked by the results Related: sidr (adj) - shocked; sidrant (adj) - shocking; la sidration (medical) - shock siffler Definition: to whistle (for), to hiss, wheeze Je ne sais pas siffler - I don't know how to whistle. J'espre que ce n'est pas un serpent qui vient de siffler - I hope that's not a snake that just hissed. Related: le sifflement - whistling, hissing, wheezing; sifflant (adj) - whistling, hissing, wheezing; un sifflet - whistle; un siffleur - whistler, hisser sillage Definition: wake (of a boat), slipstream, trail Ce bateau laisse un grand sillage - This boat leaves a big wake. J'ai vu le sillage d'un avion hier - I saw a plane's (vapor) trail yesterday. Suivons le sillage de parfum - Let's follow the scent of perfume. Related: dans le sillage de qqun - in someone's wake (lit and fig); marcher dans le sillage de qqun - to follow in someone's footsteps sillonner Definition: to cross, cut across, furrow, scar Le bateau a vite sillonn le lac - The boat quickly cut across the lake. Cette campagne est sillonne de ravins - This countryside is scarred with ravines. Related: un sillon - furrow sinon Definition: (conj) except, other than; if not; otherwise, or else Pourquoi a-t-on pris cette dcision, sinon pour nous aider ? - Why was this decision made, if not to help us? Je n'en sais rien, sinon qu'il n'y va pas. - I don't know anything about it, other than that he's not

going. Fais-le, sinon tu ne peux pas sortir ce soir. - Do it, or else you can't go out tonight. Related: si - if, non - no siroter Definition: (informal) to sip, savor Si tu sirotes le caf, tu l'apprcieras mieux et tu laisseras le marc au fond de la tasse - If you sip the coffee, you'll enjoy it more and also leave the grounds at the bottom of the cup. Nous avons sirot un verre de Chteauneuf-du-Pape - We savored a glass of Chteauneuf-duPape. smicard Definition: (informal) - minimum-wage earner Comment est-ce que les smicards peuvent survivre ? - How can minimum-wage earners survive? Note: Smicard comes from SMIC, the acronym for Salaire Minimum Interprofessionel de Croissance, which means as minimum wage. In 1970, SMIC replaced the term SMIG (Salaire Minimum Interprofessionel Garantie), under which a minimum-wage earner was known as a smigard. snob Definition: snob; (adj) - snobby, posh Qu'est-ce qu'elle est snob ! - What a snob she is! She's so snobby! Paul m'a dit que les gens dans sa ville sont trs snobs - Paul told me that the people in his town are very snobby/posh. Related: snober - to snub, give the cold shoulder to; snobinard (adj) - snooty, stuck-up; le snobisme - snobbery socle Definition: base, pedestal, foundation (literal and figurative) Le socle de cette statue devrait tre remplac - The base of this statue should be replaced J'arrive, je dois remettre le botier sur le socle - I'll be right back, I have to put the device back on the base (You might hear this at a restaurant after your bank card is swiped through the handheld device) Il perd son socle lectoral - He's losing his electoral base

C'est le socle de notre nation - It's the foundation of our country soigner Definition: to treat, look after, nurse, take care of Tu dois tre soign l'hpital - You need to be treated at the hospital. Anne soigne bien ses plantes - Anne takes good care of her plants. Related: soign (adj) - well-groomed, tidy, neat, meticulous Informal expressions: Il faut te faire soigner ! - You need to get your head examined!; Ils nous ont soigns - They ripped us off, They really let us have it (beat us up), a se soigne ! - There's a cure for that! soiree Definition: evening, party, evening performance Bonne soire ! - Have a nice evening! J'ai vu Les Misrables en soire - I saw an evening performance of Les Misrables. Related: un soir - evening Lessons: Soir vs Soire | French greetings soit Definition: (conjunction) - that is, for example Voici des numros de tlphone importants, soit pour le mdecin, l'htel, et cetera - Here are some important phone numbers, for example the doctor, the hotel, etc soit... soit - either... or Soit l'un, soit l'autre, a m'est gal - Either one or the other, I don't care (formal adv) - so be it, very well then Il veut partir ? Alors, soit, qu'il parte - He wants to leave? Very well then, let him leave. Note that soit is also the third person singular subjunctive of tre (to be) soldes Definition: (masculine plural noun) sales

En France, les soldes ont lieu deux fois par an - In France, sales take place twice a year un solde - financial balance, left-over item une solde - (derog) pay Related: solder - to settle, balance; to put on sale sosie Definition: double, twin On dit que tout le monde a un sosie - They say that everyone has a double Ton fils pourrait tre ton sosie ! - Your son could be your twin! Your son is the spitting image of you! souci Definition: worry, concern, sake; marigold Il a trop de soucis - He has too many worries (He worries about too many things). Quel est votre souci principal ? - What is your main concern? Expressions: pas de souci(s) - no worries, no problem; se faire du souci pour - to worry about; tre sans souci - to be free of worries; donner du souci qqun - to make someone worry; avoir du/le souci de - to be concerned about; par souci de - for the sake of; C'est le moindre/cadet/dernier de mes soucis - That's the least of my worries. souder Definition: to solder, weld, seal, fuse, knit together Tu dois savoir souder pour faire des vitraux - You have to know how to solder to make stained glass. Nous nous sommes souds afin de lutter contre la rpression - We united/joined together to fight against repression. Ce couple est soud l'un l'autre ! - This couple is joined together! Related: soud (adj) - united, joined; un/e soudeur/euse - solderer, welder; la soudure - soldering, welding, binding, uniting soudoyer Definition: to bribe Dans certains pays, il faut soudoyer les fonctionnaires afin de faire quoi que ce soit - In some

countries, you have to bribe civil servants in order to do anything Penses-tu que le juge ait t soudoy ? - Do you think the judge was bribed? souffrance Definition: suffering Il est trs sensible la souffrance des autres - He is very sensitive to the suffering of others Expression: en souffrance - pending, awaiting delivery soulager Definition: to relieve, soothe, ease Les mdicaments ne peuvent pas soulager mes migraines - Medicine cannot relieve my migraines. Ses paroles ont soulag les enfants - His words soothed the children. Related: le soulagement - relief soulier Definition: (old-fashioned) - shoe J'ai besoin de souliers de marche - I need some walking shoes. Nous n'aimons pas les souliers bas - We don't like low-heeled shoes. Expressions (not old-fashioned): tre dans ses petits souliers - to feel awkward / ill at ease ne pas tre digne de dnouer les cordons des souliers d'un tel - to not be fit to tie someone's shoes, to be inferior En attendant les souliers d'un mort, on marche longtemps pieds nus (proverb) - He that waits for a dead man's shoes may long go barefoot soupcon Definition: suspicion; hint, drop (figurative) David est l'abri de tout soupon - David is free of any suspicion. Je sens juste un soupon d'ail - I taste just a hint of garlic. Veux-tu un soupon de vin ? - Would you like a drop of wine?

Related: souponner - to suspect; souponnable (adj) - arouses suspicion; souponneusement (adv) - suspiciously; souponneux (adj) - suspicious souplesse Definition: suppleness, softness, flexibility, adaptability, fluidity La souplesse de sa peau est incomparable - The softness of her skin is unmatched. Je manque de souplesse - I'm not very flexible. Il a une souplesse impressionnante - He is impressively adaptable. Related: souple (adj) - supple, flexible sournois Definition: sly, shifty, underhanded, insidious Cet homme-l a l'air sournois - That guy looks shifty Il n'hsite pas utiliser des mthodes sournoises - He doesn't hesitate to use underhanded methods. Related: sournoisement (adv) - slyly, stealthily; la sournoiserie (literary) - slyness, shiftiness, underhanded nature soutenu Definition: (adj) - elevated (figuratively), sustained Son langage est trs soutenu - His language (style) is very elevated/proper. Avec un effort soutenu, nous pouvons le faire - With sustained effort, we'll be able to do it. Related: soutenir - to support, withstand soutien Definition: support, backing Nous apprcierions votre soutien - We would appreciate your support. Le soutien financier est toujours difficile trouver - Financial backing is always difficult to find. Related: soutenir - to support, hold up; soutenu (adj) - sustained, elevated; un soutien-gorge - bra stade

Definition: stadium, (development) stage, phase Ils vont construire un nouveau stade - They're going to build a new stadium ce stade, nous ne pouvons pas prendre une dcision - At this stage, we can't make a decision C'est un stade critique dans son dveloppement - It's a critical phase of his development stationner Definition: to park On ne peut pas stationner ici - You can't park here Related: stationn (adj) - parked; le stationnement - parking strier Definition: to streak, ridge, groove, striate Ces images sont toutes stries - These images are all streaky Ce poisson a un corps stri - This fish has a body marked with stripes Vous pouvez strier la pte avec une fourchette - You can ridge the (pie) crust with a fork subalterne Definition: (noun, adj) - subordinate, inferior Les subalternes gagnent moins que les directeurs. - Subordinates earn less than managers. Il a un rle subalterne dans ce projet - He has an inferior role in this plan. Related: alterne (adj) - alternate; alterner - to alternate, rotate subir Definition: to be subjected to, undergo, suffer; to be under the influence of Vous n'avez pas subir ces attaques ! - You don't have to be subjected to / be a victim of these attacks! Il ne subit pas votre charme - He's not under the influence of / affected by your charm. J'ai subi l'examen l'anne dernire - I underwent / suffered through the exam last year. subitement Definition: (adv) - suddenly, all of a sudden

J'ai subitement compris son hsitation - I suddenly understood his hesitation. ... et puis subitement, on a vu... - ... and then all of a sudden we saw ... Related: subit (adj) - sudden; subito presto (adv) - all of a sudden succursale Definition: branch (of a company) Y a-t-il une succursale de cette banque au centre-ville ? - Is there a branch of this bank downtown? Je n'aime pas les magasins succursales (multiples) - I don't like chain stores super Definition: (informal adj) - great, fantastic Cette bote est super ! - This club is great! (prefix) - very, ultra C'est super-chic, cette robe ! - This dress is very (way) chic! Le resto est super-cher ! - The restaurant is ultra-expensive. supplice Definition: torture, torment Le supplice est soi-disant illgal dans beaucoup de pays - Torture is supposedly illegal in many countries Ce cours est un vrai supplice ! - This class is absolute torture! Expressions: le dernier supplice - death, execution; prouver le supplice de... - to be tormented by...; tre au supplice - to be in agony/misery; mettre qqun au supplice - to torture someone; C'est un vrai supplice de Tantale - It's really frustrating supplier Definition: to beseech, implore, beg Il m'a suppli de ne pas en parler - He implored me not to talk about it. Aidez-moi, je vous en supplie ! - Help me, I beg you! Related: suppliant (adj) - beseeching, imploring; une supplique - petition

supplique Definition: petition, official request Supplique tre enterr la plage - Petition to be buried at the beach Quand va-t-il prsenter sa supplique ? - When is he going to make his official request? Related: supplier - to implore, beseech, beg supprimer Definition: to delete, remove, cancel Tu devrais supprimer cette phrase - You should delete this sentence. J'espre qu'il pourra supprimer les obstacles - I hope he'll be able to remove the obstacles. Notre vol a t supprim - Our flight was canceled. Related: la suppression - deletion, removal, withdrawal, suppression, elimination surenchere Definition: overbid, higher bid, overstatement, oneupmanship J'ai enfin russi faire une surenchre sur Paul - I finally succeeded in outbidding Paul. Il est roi de la surenchre - He's the king of overstatement. Je prfre que tu ne fasses pas de surenchre - I prefer that you don't play at oneupmanship. Related: surenchrir - to bid higher, raise one's bid, try to outdo; un surenchrisseur - high bidder surmener Definition: to overwork, overtax Ce n'est pas gentil de surmener les animaux - It's not kind to overwork animals. la fin de l'anne, tous les tudiants se sentent surmens - At the end of the year, all students feel overtaxed. Related: le surmenage - overworking, overtaxing; mener - to take, lead surmonter Definition: to surmount, top, overcome La porte est surmonte d'une croix - The door is topped with a cross.

Nous pouvons surmonter ces difficults ! - We can overcome these difficulties! Related: surmontable (adj) - surmountable sursaut Definition: start, jump; fit, burst J'ai eu un sursaut en le voyant - I jumped upon seeing him Dans un sursaut d'nergie, il a fait la lessive de toute la famille - In a burst of energy, he did the entire family's laundry sursis Definition: reprieve, deferment Condamn mort, il a reu un sursis la veille de son excution - Condemned to death, he was reprieved the night before his execution L'argent de la vente de la maison nous assure un peu de sursis avant la faillite totale - The money from the sale of our house gives us a bit of a reprieve before bankruptcy Related: sursitaire (adj) - deferred; surseoir - to defer, postpone, stay (a sentence) surtout Definition: (adv) above all, especially J'aime lire, surtout les romans - I like to read, especially novels Il est intelligent, cratif et surtout gentil - He is smart, creative, and above all kind surveiller Definition: to watch, keep an eye on, supervise Pouvez-vous surveiller ma valise ? - Can you keep an eye on my suitcase? Mes parents n'ont pas surveill mon ducation - My parents didn't supervise my education. Related: la surveillance - watch, supervision; un surveillant - guard, supervisor survoler Definition: to fly over; to skim/skip through/over Des avions survolent notre maison deux fois par jour - Planes fly over our house twice a day. J'ai survol le livre hier soir - I skimmed through the book last night.

Il a survol la question la plus importante - He skipped over the most important question. Related: le survol - flying over, skimming/skipping through susciter Definition: to incite, arouse, provoke Qu'est-ce qui a suscit toutes ces questions ? - What provoked all of these questions? Cet homme suscite l'admiration de tous ceux qui le connaissent - This man incites admiration in everyone who knows him. susurrer Definition: to whisper (literally and figuratively) Il m'a susurr des mots doux l'oreille pendant une heure - He whispered sweet nothings into my ear for an hour. On susurre que c'est la faute Michel - They are whispering / The word is that it's Michel's fault. Related: le susurrement - whisper, whispering, murmuring sweat Definition: sweatshirt Je porte un sweat et un jean. - I'm wearing a sweatshirt and jeans. While the singular sweat just sounds a little funny to English speakers, due to its shortened form as well as its pronunciation,* the plural sweats might actually cause problems for Americans, for whom the word "sweats" indicates a pair of sweatpants rather than a couple of sweatshirts. Il va faire froid, n'oubliez pas d'amener des sweats. - It's going to be cold, don't forget to bring sweatshirts. Note: Though you will hear sweat in France (and possibly other French-speaking countries), it is not a French word: it's an anglicism, which automatically makes it informal. Use with caution, if at all. Sweat is shortened from the anglicism sweat-shirt and defined as un pull-over de sport en coton molletonn ou en tissu ponge, ras le cou ou col montant, termin la taille et aux poignets par un bord ctes. (Le Petit Robert 2012) *Click the little graphic below to hear sweat pronounced in French. Pronunciation: [sweet]Audio Link sympa

Definition: (informal adj) - nice, likable, friendly Ton copain est super-sympa ! - Your boyfriend is really nice! Sympa is an apocope of sympathique. Related: la sympathie - liking, warmth, friendship; sympathiquement (adv) - in a friendly manner tabac Definition: tobacco; smoke shop (shop that sells tobacco and stamps) Informal expressions: passer qqun tabac - to beat someone up; un passage tabac - beating up; faire un tabac - to be a roaring success; c'est toujours le mme tabac - it's always the same old thing; quelque chose du mme tabac - something along those lines; un coup de tabac - squall tableau Definition: picture, painting, scene, list, chart, blackboard, bulletin board Ce tableau est trs joli. - This painting is very pretty. Quel tableau idyllique ! - What an idyllic scene! Les directions sont affiches sur le tableau. - The directions are posted on the bulletin board. Related: tabler - to count; une tablette - tablet, notebook, shelf; un tablier - apron, hood; un tableur - spreadsheet tabler Definition: to count/bank/rely on something Il table sur une promotion - He's counting on a promotion Il ne faut pas tabler sur la chance - You shouldn't rely on luck Homophone: une table - table (of people) tabouret Definition: stool Je viens d'acheter des tabourets pour la cuisine - I just bought some stools for the kitchen. Prfres-tu un tabouret avec ou sans dossier ? - Would you rather have a stool with or without a back? Related: un tabouret de bar - bar stool, un tabouret de piano - piano bench

tac Definition: (noun and interjection) tap, clack (sound) J'aime bien le tac des billes - I love the "clack" of billiard balls. Et puis tac, tac, tac la porte - And then "tap, tap, tap" at the door. Tac is commonly used in pairs to indicate the sound of machine gun fire: le tac tac (or tacatac) des mitrailleuses - the rat-a-tat of machine guns. (informal abbreviation) taxi J'veux prendre un tac - I want to take a taxi. Expression: rpondre/riposter du tac au tac - to always have a ready answer, to come back at someone quick as a flash, to snap back tailler Definition: to cut, carve, prune, trim Inf expressions: tailler une bavette - to chat, rap, natter; tailler un costard/une vest qqun - to talk about someone behind his/her back; tailler la route - to hit the road se tailler - to beat it, split, run off Expressions: se tailler un beau/franc succs - to be a great success; se tailler la part du lion - to take the lion's share; se tailler une place - to carve out a place for oneself Related: la taille - size taler Definition: to bruise (literally and figuratively) Si tu laisses tomber les citrons sur les pches, ils les taleront - If you drop the lemons on the peaches, they'll bruise them Les accusations ont tal son amour-propre - The accusation bruised his ego Related: tal (adj) - bruised Les bananes tales sont moiti prix - The bruised bananas are half price talonner Definition: to follow hot on someone's heels, to hotly pursue; to hound, gnaw at; to kick, spur on; (boats) to touch the bottom

Les fugitifs ont t talonns par la police - The fugitives were hotly pursued by the police; The police were hot on the heels of the fugitives Les dbiteurs me talonnent depuis deux ans - Creditors have been hounding me for two years Il ne faut pas talonner son cheval - You shouldn't kick the horse, hit the horse with spurs Le bateau va talonner si tu ne fais pas attention - The boat is going to hit the bottom if you don't pay attention Related: un talon - heel, stub (of a check), le talonnade (rugby) - heel, (soccer) back heel; le talonnage - heeling; un talonneur (rugby) - hooker tamis Definition: sieve, sifter; raquette head/strings Il vient d'acheter un tamis farine - He just bought a sieve (for flour). Je cherche une raquette grand tamis - I'm looking for a large-headed raquette. Related: passer au tamis - to sift, sieve, search; le tamisage - sifting; tamiser - to sift, sieve tampon Definition: stopper, plug, wad, swab; tampon; stamp; buffer Je vais boucher cette voie d'eau avec un tampon de bois - I'm going to plug this leak with a wooden stopper Il a besoin d'un tampon pour vernir la table - He needs a pad to varnish the table. Je n'aime pas les tampons ; je prfre les serviettes hyginiques - I don't like tampons; I prefer sanitary napkins. Elle sert de tampon entre les gens qui disputent - She serves as a buffer between people who are disputing. (invariable adj) - buffer C'est une zone tampon - It's a buffer zone Note: Tampon is a semi-false cognate in English, in which it has only one meaning. tamponner Definition: to mop up, plug; crash into; stamp

Il a tamponn le sang de ses plaies - He mopped up the blood from his cuts Le train a failli tamponner notre voiture - The train nearly crashed into our car Ce document n'est pas tamponn - This document is not stamped (~ notarized) Related: un tampon - stopper, plug, stamp; le tamponnement - collision, crash taper Definition: to type; to beat, hit, bang, knock; (inf) to scrounge, hit up Il ne sait pas taper - He doesn't know how to type. Il m'a tap de 20 dollars - He hit me up for 20 dollars. Related: le tapement - banging noise; une tapette - little tap; un tapeur (inf) - cadger; une tapineuse (fam) - streetwalker, hustler taquiner Definition: to tease, bother, (humorously) to dabble at Marie me taquine constamment - Marie teases me constantly Tu me taquines ! - You're bothering me! Il taquine la muse - He dabbles at poetry Related: taquin (adj) - teasing, mishievous; la taquinerie - teasing tarabiscote Definition: (adj) - (overly) involved, ornate, fussy, (architecture) gingerbread Son style d'criture est trop tarabiscot - His writing style is too fussy J'espre que cette explication n'est pas trop tarabiscote - I hope this explanation isn't too involved (complicated) J'aime bien les difices tarabiscots - I really like gingerbread buildings

tarabuster Definition: to badger, pester, bother, worry Arrte de me tarabuster ! - Stop pestering me!

Ces problmes me tarabustent depuis hier. - These problems have been bothering me since yesterday. tarder Definition: to delay, to take a long time Nous devons commencer, ne tarde pas ! - We have to begin, don't delay! Il tarde toujours faire ses devoirs. - He always puts off doing his homework. Sa lettre tarde venir - His letter is taking a long time to get here. Related: tard (adv) - late; tardif (adj) - late; tardivement (adv) - late tare Definition: (adj) - defective; (inf) perverted, crazy La pomme que j'ai achete est tare - The apple I bought has a defect. Il faut tre tar pour faire a ! - You have to be sick (perverted) to do something like that! Il est tar, ce mec ! - That guy is crazy! Related: un tar - degenerate; une tare - defect, flaw targuer Definition: to boast, brag Il se targue toujours de sa voiture - He's always bragging about his car. Il se targue de faire son lit - He prides himself on making his bed. tartempion Definition: (informal) - average Joe, nobody Je suis sr que c'est un Tartempion quelconque qui a obtenu mon poste - I'm sure it was some average Joe / some nobody who got my job. Elle va voir des gens Paris, je ne sais pas qui, des Tartempion - She's going to see some people in Paris, I don't know who, some nobodies. Synonym: M Untel, Mme Unetelle. However, Tartempion has a slightly pejorative nuance to it that Untel (which is more like John Doe or John Q. Public) does not. tas

Definition: pile, heap Mets tes vtement en tas - Put your clothes in a pile. un tas de / des tas de (inf) - tons of, lots of, piles of J'ai des tas de choses faire - I have lots of things to do. Il m'a racont un tas de mensonges - He told me a pack of lies. Expressions: dans le tas (inf) - in the crowd: tirer dans le tas - to fire into the crowd, foncer dans le tas - to charge in, taper/piocher dans le tas - dig in (to the bag, box, etc.) sur le tas - on the fly, as one goes along: la formation sur le tas - on the job training un tas de boue (inf) - wreck, heap (car in poor condition); un tas de ferraille - scrapheap; un tas de fumier - dung heap; un tas d'ordures - rubbish/garbage heap; une grve sur le tas - sit-down strike tatillon Definition: (adj) - finicky, nit-picky Tu es vraiment trop tatillon ! - You are really too finicky! Je n'aime pas cette attitude tatillonne - I don't like this nit-picky attitude. un tatillon - a finicky person tatouer Definition: to tattoo Il veut se faire tatouer le dos - He wants to have his back tattooed. Elle est tatoue au poignet - She has a tattoo on her wrist. Related: le tatouage - tattooing, tattoo; un tatoueur - tattooer Note that un tatou means "armadillo," not tattoo. taule Definition: (fam) - jail, slammer, clink, nick Il est en taule ! - He's in the slammer!

Related: aller en taule - to go down; mettre/foutre qqun en taule - to put someone in jail; faire de la taule - to do time; un taulard - convict taux Definition: rate, level Quel est le taux de change ? - What is the exchange rate? Le taux de mortalit baisse - The mortality rate is decreasing. Nous avons vu un taux de pollution trs lev - We've seen a very high level of pollution. telautre Definition: so-and-so, John Doe, some guy (usually used in conjunction with Untel) Si Untel dit oui et Telautre dit non... - If some guy says yes and some other one says no... Que faire si Untel reoit plus d'assistance que Telautre ? - What should you do when Mr. so-andso gets more help than Mr. such-and-such? Related: tel - any; autre - other; indefinite French telecharger Definition: to download Tu peux tlcharger ce logiciel de son site - You can download this software from his site. Related: le tlchargement - downloading; tlchargeable (adj) - downloadable temeraire Definition: (adj) - rash, reckless, foolhardy Il prend des dcisions tmraires - He makes rash decisions. Elle est vraiment tmraire - She is really reckless. Related: tmrairement (adv) - rashly, recklessly; la tmrit - rashness, recklessness temoigner Definition: to testify; to show, display, evince Je ne vais pas tmoigner contre cet homme - I'm not going to testify against that man. Il tmoigne une prfrence pour la cuisine italienne - He displays a preference for Italian cuisine. Vos remarques tmoignent que vous n'tes pas impartial - Your remarks show that you are

biased. Related: tmoigner en justice - to testify in court; tmoigner de - to testify to, bear witness to; un tmoin - witness, evidence; le tmoignage - testimony, proof temoin Definition: witness, evidence, proof J'ai t tmoin d'un crime - I witnessed a crime. Il est tmoin charge - He's a witness for the prosecution. Cette destruction est le tmoin de leur dtermination - This destruction is proof of their determination. Related: le tmoignage - testimony, evidence, account; tmoigner - to testify temporiser Definition: to delay, stall, play for time Arrte de temporiser ! - Stop stalling! Le tribunal temporise encore malgr toutes les preuves et remet plus tard son verdict - The court is stalling again despite all the proof and putting off its verdict Il est toujours prt temporiser et ngocier - He is always ready to play for time and to negotiate Related: temporisateur (adj) - delaying, stalling; un temporisateur - temporizer; la temporisation - delaying, stalling, playing for time tempspartiel Definition: (adj, adv) - part-time Je travaille temps partiel - I work part-time J'ai un emploi temps partiel - I have a part-time job Related: mi-temps - half-time, plein temps / temps plein - full-time tendre Definition: to tighten, tauten, tense; to hang; to set (a trap) Je dois faire tendre les cordes de ma raquette de tennis - I need to get the strings on my tennis racket tightened.

Ils n'ont pas bien tendu cette tapisserie - They did not hang this tapestry well. Il a tendu un pige aux intrus - He set a trap for trespassers. (adj) soft, tender Ce bois n'est pas assez tendre pour tre sculpt - This wood is not soft enough for carving. I find it interesting that the meanings of the verb and adjective are almost exact opposites - LKL tendu Definition: (adj) tight, taut, tensed; strained; held/stretched out La corde est trop tendue - The rope is too tight Tu vas avoir mal au dos si tu restes comme a avec les muscles tendus - You're going to have a backache if you stay like that with your muscles tensed C'est lui, avec les bras tendus - That's him with his arms stretched out Related: tendu de - hung from; tendre - to tighten, tense teneur Definition: terms, content Quelle est la teneur du trait ? - What are the terms of the treaty? Je ne peux pas rvler la teneur de sa lettre - I can't reveal the content of his letter Nous cherchons un fromage de faible teneur en matires grasses - We're looking for a low-fat cheese (a cheese with low fat content) Related: tenir - to hold tenter Definition: to tempt, attempt, try Il me tente avec du chocolat - He is tempting me with chocolate. J'ai tent la planche voile l'anne passe - I tried windsurfing last year. Expressions: Il ne faut pas tenter le diable - Don't tempt fate; se laisser tenter - to succumb to temptation; tenter le tout pour le tout - to risk one's all; tenter sa/la chance - to try one's luck; tenter le coup - to give it a try Related: tent (adj) - tempted; la tentation - temptation; une tentative - attempt

tenue Definition: upkeep, running, handling, control; good manners, behavior; standard, quality; posture; performance; dress, appearance Mon pre se charge de la tenue de la maison - My father takes care of the upkeep on the house Elle a une bonne tenue en classe - She behaves in class Est-ce une publication qui a de la tenue ? - Is it a quality publication? Il a une trs mauvaise tenue - He has very bad posture Le dollar a une bonne tenue face la livre - The dollar is performing well against the pound Tenue correcte exige - Strict dress code tetu Definition: (adj) - stubborn, pigheaded Ne sois pas ttu, parle-moi ! - Don't be stubborn, talk to me! Tu es ttu comme une mule - You're as stubborn as a mule. Related: la tte - head; entt (adj) - stubborn, (noun) - mule, stubborn person tiede Definition: (adj) - lukewarm, tepid, mild Il faut le laver dans de l'eau tide - You have to wash it in lukewarm water. Le vent est tide ce soir - The wind is mild this evening. Related: tidement (adv) - half-heartedly; la tideur - lukewarmness, half-heartedness; tidir - to become lukewarm (either by cooling down or warming up) tiers Definition: (fraction) third; third party/person Il m'a donn un tiers de l'argent - He gave me a third of the money. J'ai appris la nouvelle par un tiers - I learned the news from a third party (adj) third le Tiers Monde - the Third World

Related: la tierce preuve - final draft; un tiers arbitre - independent arbitrator; lesson on ordinal numbers timore Definition: (adj) - fearful, timid; (literary, religious) - over-scrupulous Mon petit frre est trop timor - My little brother is too timid Pourquoi es-tu si timor ? - Why are you so fearful? tiquer Definition: to make/pull a face, to raise an eyebrow, to bat an eye Les rsultats m'ont presque fait tiquer. - The results almost made me make a face. Il n'a pas tiqu quand j'ai mentionn notre rendez-vous - He didn't bat an eye when I mentioned our date. tisane Definition: herbal tea J'aime bien la tisane - I really like herbal tea. Related: une tisanire (rare) - teapot; C'est de la tisane (inf) - It's very watery. tissu Definition: fabric, cloth, material; (anatomy) tissue; (figurative) fabric, web J'ai trouv un trs joli tissu avec quoi faire une robe - I found a very pretty fabric to make a dress with Quel tissu prfres-tu ? - Which material do you prefer? C'est un tissu de mensonges ! - It's a web of lies! toc Definition: (exclamation) Toc toc! - Knock knock! (informal) et toc ! - so there! serves you/him/etc right! (informal adj) toc toc - crazy, nuts tocard Definition: (familiar adj used with things) cheap, trashy

Ces meubles sont vraiment tocards - This furniture is really cheap un tocard - loser, deadbeat, washout Il ne faut pas couter ce tocard - You shouldn't listen to this deadbeat Alternate spelllings: toquard, tocquard tolerer Definition: to tolerate, bear, endure Nous ne tolrerons aucune infraction au rglement - We will not tolerate any infraction of the rules Je ne peux pas tolrer ses excentricits - I can't bear his excentricities Le systme ne tolre pas la chaleur - The system cannot tolerate heat tolle Definition: general outcry, protest Il y a eu un toll aprs l'annonce - There was an outcry after the announcement. Je vais viter un toll cette fois en expliquant notre point de vue - I'm going to avoid a protest this time by explaining our point of view. tombee Definition: (figurative) fall Nous partirons la tombe de la nuit - We'll leave at nightfall C'est mystrieux ici la tombe du jour - It's mysterious here at the close of the day (at dusk) Related: tomber - to fall tondre Definition: to shear, mow, clip, crop Les moutons doivent tre tondus - The sheep need to be shorn. Peux-tu tondre le gazon ? - Could you mow the lawn? Tu t'es tondu les cheveux ! - You chopped off your hair! Related: tondu (adj) - closely-cropped, un tondeur - shearer, une tondeuse - clippers, lawnmower

tonton Definition: uncle (babytalk) Je t'aime, tonton Luc - I love you Uncle Luc. Related: un oncle - uncle More French baby talk tonus Definition: (biology) tone; energy, dynamism, drive Il a un bon tonus musculaire - He has good muscle tone L 'arrive de Caroline a donn du tonus notre projet - Caroline's arrival gave our project new life, brought energy to our project tordre Definition: to wring, twist, contort Il ne faut pas tordre le linge - Don't wring out the laundry Le chagrin lui tordait le visage - Grief contorted his face; His face was contorted with grief. Related: tordu (adj) - twisted torpiller Definition: to torpedo, sabotage Son bateau a t torpill - His boat was torpedoed Qui a torpill les projets ? - Who sabotaged the plans? Related: le torpillage - torpedoing; une torpille - torpedo; un torpilleur - torpedo boat toucher Definition: to touch; to approach, be/go near; to affect Prire de ne pas toucher les peintures - Please don't touch the paintings. Nous touchons une priode de calme - We're approaching a calm period. Ma chambre touche la cuisine - My bedroom is next to the kitchen. Cela ne te touche pas - That doesn't concern/affect you.

Related: Touche pas ! (inf) - Hands off!; toucher la main qqun - to briefly shake hands with someone; Touchons du bois (inf) - Touch/Knock on wood; faire toucher du doigt qqch qqun to bring something home to someone; toucher un chque - to cash a check; une touche - button, key; touch, stroke tournure Definition: turn (of phrase, events), appearance Cette tournure est un bon exemple d'ironie - This turn of phrase is a good example of irony Il faut viter les tournures l'anglaise - Anglicisms must be avoided La tournure que prenait la situation... - The turn that the situation was taking..., The way the situation was developing... Related: tourner - to turn; tourn (adj) - shaped, phrased, worded tousser Definition: to cough Mets ta main devant ta bouche quand tu tousses - Cover your mouth when you cough. J'ai touss pendant toute la nuit - I coughed / was coughing all night. Related: toussailler - to have a bit of a cough; le toussotement - slight coughing; toussoter - to have a slight cough; la toux - cough tout Definition: (adj, adv, noun, pronoun) - every, very, all, everything You probably know the French word tout, but you might not realize just how many ways it can be used: Adjective: tout le temps - all the time Adverb: tout prs d'ici - very near (to here) Noun: pas du tout - not at all Pronoun: tout va bien - everything is fine. For "tout" you need to know about tout, please see my lesson on tout. trac

Definition: stage fright, nerves; avoir le trac - to be nervous Je n'ai jamais le trac - I never get stage fright. Les examens me donnent le trac - Tests make me nervous. Related: tracasser - to bother, worry, harass; les tracas - worries; dire/demander tout trac (oldfashioned expression) - to say/ask right out of the blue; ficher le trac quelqu'un (informal) - to give someone a fright, put the wind up someone traduction Definition: C'est une bonne traduction - It's a good translation. Y a-t-il une traduction japonaise ? - Is there a Japanese translation? Je cherche une cole d'interprtariat et de traduction - I'm looking for an interpretation and translation school. Related: traduire - to translate; un traducteur - translator; traduisible (adj) - translatable; la traduction automatique - machine translation, automatic translation traiteur Definition: delicatessen, caterer J'aime bien le traiteur ct de la banque - I really like the deli next to the bank Va-t-on s'adresser un traiteur pour organiser la rception ? - Are we going to find a caterer to organize the reception? tranche Definition: slice, edge Veux-tu une tranche de pain ? - Do you want a slice of bread? La tranche de ce livre est sale - The edge of this book is dirty. Expressions: Il s'en sont pay une tranche - (inf) They had a great time; une tranche d'ge - age bracket; une tranche de temps - time period; une tranche horaire - time slot Related: tranchant (adj) - sharp, (noun) - cutting edge (of a knife), tranch (adj) - clear, distinct, clear-cut; une tranche - trench; trancher - to cut, sever; un tranchet - leather knife; un tranchoir platter, chopper tranquille Definition: (adj) - quiet, gentle, peaceful, calm

La mer est tranquille aujourd'hui - The sea is peaceful today. Reste tranquille ! - Stay calm! Be quiet! Related: tranquillement (adv) - quietly, tranquilly; tranquillisant (adj) - reassuring, soothing; tranquilliser - to reassure, set one's mind at ease, la tranquillit - quietness, tranquillity trebucher Definition: to stumble (lit and fig) Tu vas trbucher sur ces livres par terre. - You're going to stumble over those books on the floor. Il a trbuch sur le nom du professeur - He stumbled over the teacher's last name. Related: trbuchant - tottering, stumbling, halting; un trbuchet - bird trap, assay balance, (chess) position of mutual zugzwang trempe Definition: caliber, moral fiber, temper, quality; damping, wetting, soaking Je cherche un homme de trempe - I'm looking for a man of caliber / with moral fiber Le processus commence avec la trempe du papier - The process begins with soaking the paper (inf) - hiding, thrashing Related: flanquer une trempe qqun (inf) - to give someone a hiding; filer une trempe qqun au tennis/foot (inf) - to thrash someone at tennis/soccer; tremper - to soak trempe Definition: (adj) - soaked, drenched; to participate (in something dishonest) Tu es tremp jusqu'aux os ! - You're soaked to the skin! Son visage est tremp de larmes - His face is bathed in tears. Il a tremp dans ce crime - He took part in / was an accomplice to this crime. Related: tremper - to soak, wet, dampen; la trempe - quenching, temper, damping; une trempette - a piece of bread for dunking treve Definition: truce, respite Il semble qu'une trve dans ce pays soit impossible - It seems like a truce in that country is impossible.

Related: s'accorder une trve - to allow oneself a moment's peace; faire trve - (literary) to rest from; trve de a - enough of that, joking aside; sans trve - unceasingly tri Definition: sorting, selection, grading, sifting Prfrez-vous un tri par prix ou par date ? - Do you prefer it sorted by price or date? Il m'a aid faire le tri des lettres - He helped me sort out the letters Le tri des candidats s'est vite pass - The candidate selection went quickly Expressions: faire le tri (des dchets) - to sort garbage for recycling; faire le tri entre les rumeurs et les faits - to separate fact from fiction trimbaler Definition: (informal) - to lug, cart around Je dteste trimbaler toutes ces valises ! - I hate lugging all of these suitcases around! Alice le trimbale depuis ce matin - Alice has been dragging it around since this morning. Related: Qu'est-ce qu'il trimbale ! - He's as dumb as they get!; le trimbalage, le trimballage carting/lugging around Alternate spelling: trimballer trinquer Definition: to toast, drink to; to be damaged On doit trinquer au futur des nouveaux maris - We have to toast the future of the newly-weds. C'est le vase qui a trinqu - The vase was damaged. (informal) - to take the rap Pierre a trinqu pour ses amis - Pierre took the rap for his friends. (informal, old-fashioned) to booze; to bump into one another tripe Definition: (informal, figurative) - core, fiber Il a la tripe rpublicaine - He is Republican through and through / to the core

les tripes (informal) guts Cette nouvelle m'a pris aux tripes - That news got me right there / in the guts rendre tripes et boyaux - to be sick as a dog (normal register) - tripe Related: la triperie - tripe shop / trade troc Definition: trade, exchange, barter J'ai fait le troc de mon vlo contre le skateboard de Lise - I traded my bike for Lise's skateboard. Nous voulons faire un troc avec vous - We want to make an exchange with you. Related: troquer - to barter, exchange tronche Definition: (fam) - mug (face), noggin (head) Quelle sale tronche ! - What an ugly mug! Arrte de faire la tronche ! - Stop sulking! Tu en fais une tronche ! - You look fed up! Note: This term comes from tronche - a kind of tree, whose name comes from le tronc - tree trunk. trouer Definition: to make/wear/punch a hole in, to pierce (literally and figuratively) Tu troues trop vite tes chaussettes - You wear holes in (wear out) your socks too quickly Un clair a trou l'obscurit - A bolt of lightning pierced the darkness Expression: trouer la peau qqun - to put a bullet into someone Related: un trou - hole; une troue - gap, break, breach; trou (adj) - with holes trouille

Definition: (fam) - extreme fear J'ai la trouille ! - I'm scared to death! Il a eu la trouille de sa vie - He got the fright of his life Expression: flanquer/ficher la trouille quelqu'un - to scare the pants off someone Related: trouillard (familiar adj and noun) - yellow, chicken, yellowbelly; un trouillomtre - fear, avoir le trouillomtre zro - to be scared witless truc Definition: (informal) - thingie, whatsit, trick J'ai perdu ce truc que tu m'avais donn - I lost that thingie you gave me J'ai pens un truc - I thought of something Il a trouv le truc pour le faire - He figured out how to do it Synonyms: un machin (informal), un trucmuche (familiar) trucmuche Definition: (familiar) thingamajig, thingie, whatsit O est le trucmuche pour la tl ? - Where's the thingamajig for the TV? J'ai perdu le trucmuche pour l'appareil-photo - I lost the thingie for the camera Trucmuche - whats-his-name Et Trucmuche, ton ami, comment il s'appelle dj ? - And whats-his-name, your friend, what's his name again? turbin Definition: (familiar) - job, daily grind Ils vont au turbin - They're off to the daily grind Related: turbiner (familiar) - to slog/slave away, to keep one's nose to the grindstone turne Definition: (informal) simple/basic (bed)room, dorm, dive J'ai habit une turne dans le IXe pendant deux ans - I lived in a dive in the 9th arrondissement for two years

Vas-tu vivre dans une turne ou bien un appart en ville ? - Are you going to live in a dorm or an apartment in town? Alternate spelling: thurne tutoyer Definition: to use "tu," be on familiar terms Et si on se tutoyait ? - How about if we use "tu" with one another? (more or less equivalent to "call me by my first name") Vous ne devriez pas tutoyer vos professeurs - You shouldn't use "tu" with your teachers Related: le tutoiement - the act of using "tu"; vouvoyer - to use "vous" Learn the difference: tu vs vous tuyau Definition: pipe, (inf) - tip, piece of advice Il doit remplacer ce tuyau - He needs to replace this pipe. J'ai quelques tuyaux pour toi - I have a few tips for you. C'tait un tuyau crev - It was a useless tip. Related: tuyauter - to give someone a tip, to tip someone off; la tuyauterie - piping, organ pipes; un tuyauteur (informal) - informant type Definition: type, kind; classic example, epitome Quel type de moto cherchez-vous ? - What kind of motorbike are you looking for? Mon frre est le type de l'gosme. - My brother is the epitome of selfishness. (informal) - guy, bloke, chap Ce type-l te regarde ! - That guy is looking at you! ulcerer Definition: (figurative) - to sicken, appall; (medical) - ulcerate Je suis ulcr par ces discours racistes - I'm appalled by these racist speeches Son attitude nous ulcre - His attitude sickens us

Related: un ulcre - ulcer; ulcreux (adj) - ulcerated, ulcerous; ulcr (adj) - ulcerated, sickened, appalled ultime Definition: (adj) last, final, ultimate Nous avons essay une ultime fois - We tried one last time. C'est son ultime responsabilit - It's his final responsibility. uni Definition: (adj) - plain, solid-colored; close-knit Je prfre le tissu uni - I prefer the solid-colored fabric C'est une famille trs unie - It's a very close-knit family une uni - apocope of universit Related: unir - to unite unique Definition: (adj) unique, only C'est une exprience unique - It's a unique experience Notre unique espoir, c'est de lui dire la vrit - Our only hope is to tell him the truth Je suis fils unique - I'm an only child untel Definition: So-and-so Monsieur Untel et Madame Unetelle - Mr. and Mrs. So-and-so; John and Jane Doe Related: un/une - one, a, an; tel, telle, tels, telles - such urger Definition: (inf) - to be urgent Viens ici, a urge ! - Come here, it's urgent! Il n'y a rien qui urge - There's nothing urgent. Related: urgent - (adj) urgent, pressing; urgentissime - (adj) extremely urgent; un/e urgentiste -

emergency physician user Definition: to wear out, wear away; to use up Il use ses vtements en 3 mois - He wears out his clothes in 3 months La maladie a us ta sur - The sickness wore out your sister Toutes ses promesses finissent par user ma patience - All of his promises end up using my patience Related: us/usag (adj) - worn out; usant (adj) - exhausting, tiresome; un usager - user; usit (adj) - in common use, used usine Definition: factory J'habite ct de l'usine d'automobiles - I live next to the car factory. Travaillez-vous en usine ? - Do you do factory work? Do you work in a factory? Related: l'usinage - machining, manufacturing; usiner - to machine, manufacture; un usinier (adj) industrial, related to a factory usite Definition: (adj) - commonly-used, in common use C'est un mot peu usit - It's not a word in common use. Les temps littraires ne sont pas trs usits - Literary tenses are not commonly used. Related: user - to wear out; utiliser - to use ustensile Definition: utensil, implement, tool, stuff Quel ustensile utilises-tu pour battre les oeufs, un fouet ou une fourchette ? - Which utensil do you use to beat eggs, a whisk or a fork? Je n'ai pas d'ustensile de mnage - I don't have any house cleaning stuff Informal: gadget, thingie usuel

Definition: (adj) - everyday, ordinary J'aimerais acheter un dictionnaire du franais usuel - I'd like to buy a dictionary of everyday French Quelle est la dnomination usuelle de cette plante ? - What is the common name of this plant? Related: usuellement (adv) - ordinarily, commonly vacarme Definition: racket, row, din C'est quoi ce vacarme ? - What's that racket? La circulation dans les grandes villes produit un vacarme constant - Traffic in big cities produces a constant din. vacataire Definition: stand-in, temporary replacement, part-time teacher Je dois trouver un vacataire pour novembre, quand je serai en vacances - I have to find a stand-in for November, when I'll be on vacation. Il est vacataire l'universit - He's a part-time (contract) teacher at the university. Related: la vacation - vacation vachard Definition: (familiar adj) mean, nasty, rotten Qu'est-ce qu'il est vachard ! - He's so mean! J'ai toujours les profs vachards - I always have the nasty teachers Related: une vache - cow; une vacherie - dirty trick, mean/nasty comment vachement Definition: (inf adj) - very, really, damn, (Br Eng) - bloody C'est vachement difficile ! - It's damn hard! On s'est vachement tromp - We made one hell of a mistake Related: une vache - cow; vache (inf adj) - mean, rotten; une vacherie - dirty trick, nasty remark, meanness

vacherie Definition: (familiar) - meanness, rottenness; nasty remark or action; garbage, junk La vacherie de ton ami m'tonne - Your friend's rottenness astonishes me Ces vacheries ne sont pas acceptables - These mean actions (or words) are unacceptable C'est quoi cette vacherie ? - What's this junk? Related: une vache - cow; vachard (familiar adj) - nasty, rotten, mean; vachement (familiar adv) - very, damned, bloody vaciller Definition: to sway, wobble; flicker; (fig.) to shake, waver, falter Pourquoi vacille-t-il en marchant ? - Why does he sway when he walks? Regardez comme la flamme vacille - Look at how the flame flickers. Sa rsolution n'a jamais vacill - His determination never faltered. Related: vacillant (adj) - unsteady, shaky, wobbly; la vacillation - unsteadiness, shakiness; le vacillement - swaying, wobbling, faltering vadrouiller Definition: (informal) - to rove/roam/wander around Quand je voyage, j'aime vadrouiller dans les rues de nouvelles villes. - When I travel, I like to rove around / wander the streets of new towns. Related: une vadrouille - ramble, jaunt vanter Definition: to praise, speak highly of, laud Il n'aime pas qu'on vante ses mrites - He doesn't like to be praised Ne vante pas trop ses ides - Don't laud his ideas too much Related: se vanter - to brag, boast; se vanter de - to pride oneself on; vantard (adj) - boastful; la vantardise - boastfulness, bragging vaquer Definition: to attend to, see to, take care of; to be on vacation

Quand il a le temps, il vaque aux affaires publiques - When he has time, he takes care of public affairs Je vaque mes occupations - I'm taking care of / going about my business Les cours vaqueront en juin et juillet - Lessons will stop in June and July vaseux Definition: (informal adj) - woozy, dazed, hazy, muddled; lame, stupid Cette fille a toujours l'air vaseux - That girl always looks dazed Je me sentais vaseux ce matin - I felt muddled this morning C'est une blague vaseuse - It's a stupid joke Related: vasouiller (informal) - to flounder, struggle; vasouillard (inf adj) - woozy, dazed, muddled vedette Definition: star, leading figure Tom Hanks est une grande vedette. - Tom Hanks is a big star. Notice that "vedette" is one of the few French professions that is always feminine. Expressions: mettre en vedette - to give someone star billing, to spotlight, highlight; avoir la vedette - to have top billing, be in the limelight; voler la vedette - to steal the show; en vedette amricaine - as a special guest star veille Definition: wakefulness; night before, eve, brink J'adore le moment entre la veille et le sommeil - I love the moment between being awake and asleep. Aujourd'hui, c'est la veille du jour de l'an - Today is New Year's Eve. J'avais peur la veille de l'examen - I was scared the night before the exam. Ils sont la veille de la guerre - They are on the brink of war. Related: la veille - evening meeting, evening veiller

Definition: to stay/sit up, be on watch, be awake, spend the evening Qui va veiller ce soir ? - Who's going to stay up / Who's on watch tonight? veiller to look after, see to, monitor Nous devons veiller aux intrts de nos clients - We must look after our clients' interests Veillez ce que tout le monde soit l'aise - Make sure that everyone is comfortable Related: la veille - eve, brink, night before veilleuse Definition: night light, (car) sidelight, pilot light Il a toujours besoin d'une veilleuse - He still needs a night light Je pense que la veilleuse s'est teinte - I think the pilot light went out Related: mettre en veilleuse - to dim (a light), mets-la en veilleuse (familiar) - Shut your face! Put a sock in it!, Calm down! Cool it! veinard Definition: (informal adj) - lucky, (UK) jammy; (noun) - lucky duck/dog - Je vais Paris demain. - Veinard ! / Que tu es veinard ! - I'm going to Paris tomorrow. - Lucky duck! / You're so lucky! verlan Definition: Verlan is a form of slang along the same lines as pig latin. In verlan, the syllables of the French word are reversed. For example, verlan is actually the word l'envers with the syllables inverted. Verlan lesson and list vertement Definition: (adv) sharply, strongly Elle m'a vertement dit de m'asseoir - She sharply told me to sit down Le film a t vertement critiqu pour son langage - The film was strongly criticized for its language vertige

Definition: vertigo, dizzyness, giddiness As-tu le vertige ? - Do you suffer from vertigo? Are you dizzy? J'ai le vertige parce que je n'ai pas mang depuis hier - I'm dizzy because I haven't eaten since yesterday. Related: vertigineusement (adv) - dizzyingly, at a dizzying rate; vertigineux (adj) - vertiginous, breathtaking, dizzy, giddy vexer Definition: to upset, offend, anger Je suis vex par cette dcision - I'm offended by this decision. Ne vexe pas ta sur ! - Don't upset your sister! Related: vexant (adj) - annoying, une vexation - humilation, vexatoire (adj) - persecutory, hurtful, harassing viager Definition: life annuity C'est une bonne ide de placer de l'argent en viager - It's a good idea to invest in an annuity. Il a achet une maison en viager - He bought a house in return for a life annuity (he bought it for a good price, but can't move in until the current owner dies - very common arrangement in France) (adj) life, for life titre viager - for the duration of one's life villegiature Definition: vacation, (UK) holiday; resort Il est en villgiature - He's on vacation/holiday Nous allons en villgiature en Italie - We're going on vacation/holiday in Italy C'est une villgiature trs connue - It's a well-known resort virer Definition: to turn (a vehicle), to change (color or other aspect), to kick or chuck out; to transfer (money)

Il faut virer le bateau ! - You have to turn the boat! Ma chemise a vir au rose - My shirt turned pink. "Il a vir ma femme !" (from the terrific movie "Le Dner de cons") - He kicked my wife out! J'ai vir 100 francs ton compte - I transfered 100 francs into your account. Related: le virement - transfer viser Definition: to aim at/for, be directed at Nous visons un but plus modeste - We're aiming for a more modest objective / The objective we're aiming for is more modest Cette dcision vise tout le monde - This decision is directed at / has to do with / affects everyone (familiar) - to take a gander, a peek Vise ce mec ! - Take a look at this guy! Related: la vise - taking aim, sighting; un viseur - sights, viewfinder visser Definition: to screw on/down; (informal, figurative) to be glued to/in/on; (informal) - to be strict, keep a tight rein on Ce couvercle n'est pas bien viss - This lid is not screwed on properly Il est toujours viss devant la tl - He's always glued to the TV Ta mre te visse vraiment bien ! - Your mom really keeps a tight rein on you! vivant Definition: (adj) - living, alive, live; lively, full of life; life-like; vivid Est-il encore vivant ? - Is he still alive? Cette ville est trs vivante - This town is very lively C'est un portrait vivant - It's a life-like portrait C'est une image trs vivante - It's a very vivid image Related: vivre - to live

vivoter Definition: to struggle along, scrape by Nous avons vivot pendant des annes - We (just barely) scraped by for years Mon restaurant prfr vivote actuellement - My favorite restaurant is struggling along right now voila Expression: Voil Pronunciation: [vwa la] Register: normal Notes: Even though voil is just one word, it has so many possible meanings - most of which require multiple words in the English equivalents - that I've decided to treat it as an expression. The first thing to know about voil is that it's spelled voil. Please note that the grave accent on the a is obligatory. (See common misspellings at the end of this article.) Secondly, voil, which is a contraction of vois l (literally, "see there"), has varied uses and meanings, which are hard to define precisely, so I've provided numerous examples to help make the distinctions clear. 1. Voil can be a presentative which introduces a visible noun or group of nouns and can mean any of the following: here is, here are, there is, there are. Technically, voil only refers to things that are farther away (there is/are), while voici is used for close things (here is/are), but in reality voil tends to be used for all of the above, except when a distinction between two objects is required. Voil la voiture que je veux acheter. Here / There is the car I want to buy. Me voil ! Here I am! Le voil ! Here it / he is! There it / he is! Voici mon livre et voil le tien. Here's my book and there's yours.

2. When followed by an interrogative adverb or indefinite relative pronoun, voil means "this/that is":

Voil o il habite maintenant. This is where he lives now. Voil pourquoi je suis parti. That's why I left / That is the reason (why) I left. Voil ce que nous devons faire. This is what we have to do. Voil ce qu'ils m'ont dit. That's what they told me.

3. Voil is commonly used as a sort of summing up expression at the end of a statement. This is usually just a filler and doesn't have a simple English equivalent. In some cases, you could say "you know," "OK," or "there you have it," but in general I just leave it out of the English translation. Nous avons dcid d'acheter une nouvelle voiture et de donner l'ancienne notre fils, voil. We decided to buy a new car and give the old one to our son. On va commencer avec ma prsentation, suivie d'une visite du jardin et puis le djeuner, voil. We're going to start with my presentation, followed by a visit to the garden and then lunch.

4. Voil can be an informal replacement for depuis or il y a when talking about how long something has been going on or how long ago something happened. Voil 20 minutes que je suis ici. I've been here for 20 minutes. Nous avons mang voil trois heures. We ate three hours ago.

5. Voil can be used to agree with what someone just said, along the lines of "that's right" or "that's it exactly." (Another way to say this is en effet) - Alors, si j'ai bien compris, vous voulez acheter sept cartes postales mais seulement quatre timbres. - Voil. - So if I've understood correctly, you want to buy seven postcards but only four stamps. - That's right.

Spelling notes: Voil is sometimes used in English, and for this reason it's often written voila. This is acceptable in English, which tends to lose accents on words borrowed from other languages, but it's not acceptable in French. There are several other common misspellings: 1. "Voil" has the wrong accent. The only letter that ever has an acute accent in French is e, as in t (summer). 2. "Viola" is a word, though not a French one: a viola is a musical instrument slightly larger than a violin; the French translation is viole. 3. "Vwala" is an Anglicized spelling of voil. 4. "Walla"? Not even close. Please, use voil.

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More: French expressions used in English | Most common French phrases voire Definition: (adv) - indeed, even Il faut attendre une semaine, voire un mois. - You have to wait a week, maybe even month. L'ducation est importante, voire essentielle - Education is important, indeed, it's essential. volontiers Definition: (adv) - gladly, with pleasure Je t'aiderai volontiers - I'll gladly help you/I'll be happy to help you. - Pouvez-vous m'aider ? - Can you help me? - Volontiers ! - With pleasure! Related: la volont - will, wish vouvoyer Definition: to use "vous" with someone Il faut vouvoyer le chef - You should use "vous" with the boss (equivalent to saying "call him sir") Related: le vouvoiement - the action of using "vous" with someone Lesson: tu vs vous voyou Definition: hoodlum, delinquent, brat (can also be an adj)

Les artistes de graffiti ne sont pas tous des voyous - Graffiti artists are not all hoodlums Il avait l'air un peu voyou - He looked a bit like a delinquent voyoucratie Definition: thuggery, rule by thugs/hoodlums, thugocracy* Ce qui s'est pass Villiers-le-Bel n'a rien voir avec une crise sociale, a a tout voir avec la voyoucratie (Nicolas Sarkozy, 29 novembre 2007) What happened at Villiers-le-Bel has nothing to do with a social crisis; it has everything to do with thuggery Aux yeux du peuple et d'abord de la jeunesse, les rgles se dissolvent, les frontires du bien et du mal s'estompent. Sur les ruines de la Dmocratie s'installe la Voyoucratie (Jean-Marie Le Pen, 26 septembre 1999) In the eyes of the people and primarily of youths, the rules are dissolving, the distinction between good and bad is being blurred. On the ruins of Democracy, "Thugocracy" is taking root Source: Combat en ligne - Le petit pre du (bon) peuple More: French news *The word voyoucratie was coined by Gustave Flaubert in 1865, by adding the suffix -cratie (meaning "government of" or "rule by," as in dmocratie and thocratie) onto the word voyou. American media translate it as "thugocracy" Related: un voyou - thug, hoodlum, brat; voyou (adj) - loutish; la voyouterie (rare) - the acts, words, or morals of a thug/hoodlum vrac Definition: (adv/adj) - loose, (in) bulk, jumbled, disorderly Je prfre acheter les pois chiches en vrac - I prefer buying unpackaged chickpeas / chickpeas in bulk / bulk chickpeas Ne mets pas tout en vrac dans les botes - Don't jumble everything into the boxes Related: un vraquier - bulk seller wagon Definition: train car; truckload Ce train a plus de cent wagons - This train has more than a hundred cars J'ai achet un wagon de cdre - I bought a truckload of cedar wood

(informal) - stacks, piles, tons Il y a tout un wagon de livres - There are tons of books Related: un wagonnet - small truck wallon Definition: (adj) - Walloon, French-speaking Belgian Le (franais) wallon est intressant - Walloon French is interesting Je connais un crivain wallon - I know a Walloon writer Related: un/e Wallon(ne) (proper noun) - French-speaking Belgian person; la Wallonie - Frenchspeaking part of Belgium French dialects and variations xenophobe Definition: (adj) - xenophobic (fearful or contemptuous of foreigners) Mon voisin est xnophobe - My neighbor is xenophobic. Related: xnophobe (noun) - xenophobe, la xnophobie - xenophobia xeres Definition: sherry Le xrs est un ingrdient important dans la cuisine franaise - Sherry is an important ingredient in French cooking Le mot xrs vient de Jerez, la rgion espagnole dans laquelle on le fabrique - The word "sherry" comes from Jerez, the Spanish region in which it is made y Definition: (adverbial pronoun) - there Il y un problme - There's a problem On y est - We're there Nous y sommes alls - We went there Lesson: All about Y yeye

Definition: (old-fashioned, informal, invariable adj) refers to the 1960's, particularly pop music, singers, and/or fans from that era Aimes-tu la musique yy ? - Do you like 60's pop music? les annes yy - the sixties le yy - 60's pop music un/une yy - 60's pop music singer or fan Alternate spelling: y-y zapper Definition: (TV) to channel-hop, (radio) to change stations rapidly Mon mari zappe en cherchant des sports la tl - My husband channel-hops in search of sports on TV Je dteste que les gens zappent quand je suis en train de rouler - I hate it when people keep changing the radio station when I'm driving Related: un zappeur / une zappeuse - channel-hopper; le zapping - channel-hopping zizanie Definition: ill-feeling, feud, rivalry Il y a une vieille zizanie entre les familles de Romeo et Juliette - There's an old rivalry between Romeo's and Juliette's families Ne laisse pas continuer cette zizanie ! - Don't let this feud continue! zone Definition: zone, area; ghetto, slum Dans quelle zone habitez-vous ? - Which zone do you live in? Notre zone d'influence s'arrte ici - Our sphere of influence ends here. Ne traverse pas la zone le soir - Don't walk through the ghetto at night. (informal) C'est la zone - It's a bad situation. Related: zoner (familiar) - to bum around

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