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XAT 2005
1. [4]
From the formula, total approx loss = (20/10)
= 4%. Since 4% of 60,000 is 2400, the best answer
would be D.
2. [1]
Let the failed candidates be F and the total candidates be 100. Then, (100 F) x% + F y%
= z%(100). Solving the equation, we get x Fx + Fy = z; Hence F = (z x)/(y x).
3. [3]
Let the radius of the innermost circle be 1. Then radius of successive circles will be 2 and 3. First
area = t(2)
t = 3t. Second area = t(3)
5t. Reqd. ratio = 3/5.
4. [2]
Since the difference in angles is 90, these angles are 135 and 45 respectively. Taking one triangle
which is half the rhombus, it is an isosceles triangle with angle 45 and 2 sides of 2 each. Area =
bc sin A. Hence area of rhombus = 2 2 sin 45 = 2 2
5. [3]
Clearly, the series is of natural numbers l, 2, 3, 4, ... .Reqd. ratio = l : 4.
6. [4]
Since the curves are symmetric, the ratio of the areas will be equal.
7. [2]
There is only one number that satisfies the condition, and that is 64.
8. [4]
Substitute the choices. We find that none of them gives an integer.
9. [4]
f(x) = cos x. fx = sin x. fx = cos x. fx = sin x.
fx = cos x. The function is repeating after 4. Hence f
x = fx = cos x.
10. [3]
Substitute values in the given terms. For a = 2 and b = 3, we find that [3] is not true.
11. [4]
12. [3]
The lowest value of x is 9. This is always less than 2y for all y.
Substitute different values, the least value of x is 8. l. So 8. l is always less than 2y.
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13. [1]
Sum of terms of T
= ( n)
. In this case, there will be no value of n for which T
is a positive
power of 2.
14. [2]
Area of outer most triangle = 3 / 4 16
= 64 3 .
Now areas of triangles so formed becomes a GP with r = . Hence total area = a/(l r) =
64 3 3/4 =
15. [4]
Equate two sides at a time to see whether we find x that makes the two sides equal. We get three
value, x = 4, x = l and x = 2.
16. [1]
17. [2]
The common terms are 21, 41, 61, ... Sum of these
= n/2(2a +(n l)d) = 100/2 (42 + (99)20) = 50 2022 = 101100.
18. [3]
There are 3 intervals of 20 minutes each. Hence total sample space = 3 3 = 9. The probability that
they meet is when both come in the same 20 minute interval. Hence there are 3 cases for meeting
and required probability = 3/9.
19. [3]
Since the roots are opposite in sign, then sum of the roots = 0 coefficient of linear term = 0. This
coefficient will be 0 only when a + b = 0.
20. [2]
Each station must have 6 tickets for each of 6 stations. Total number of tickets = 6 7 = 42.
21. [1]
If the wind is pushing the kite horizontally at 5 km/h, then the slanting vector will be less than the
speed of the wind and will be in the same ratio.
22. [1]
23. [4]
f(x) = l + x.g(x) where g(x) T. Hence f(x) l + xT.
(x) = (l + xT)
= k(l + xT).
24. [3]
Plot the lines. We find that the area described by the lines is infinite.
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25. [1]
From the above, DE = AE, since ADE is an isosceles triangle. Hence AB = AE + BE = 2 + 3 = 5.
26. [4]
By Lagranges mean value theorem, F(a) = [F(9)F(3)]/(93) = (26)/6 = 2/3.
27. [4]
Surface area = trl, where l =
2 2
h r . + Substitute the choices to get the answer: the least value is
3 t , when h = 2 and r = l.
28. [3]
If Hn =
, it means that the number must be prime. Checking out the choices, we find only [3]
satisfies the condition of being prime.
29. [3]
If the ratio of the roots is k : l, then product of the roots b : d = k
: l. Also sum of the roots a: c
should be in the ratio of k : 1. Solving the two, we get the answer.
30. [4]
Substitute the values in the given terms. Choice D : X = k/Y; or k = XY. We notice that XY is
always 72, hence the correct answer is [4].
Solutions (Qs. 31 to 34): We get the order of the sets as: C/P, A, F, G, D, B, E/H. Now all questions can
be answered.
31. [4]
We are not sure about E and H, from the above.
32. [1]
G is less than C, P, A, F.
33. [4]
Only D can be said with certainty, since E and H can be smallest.
34. [3]
N(H) can be least but it is not necessarily true.
35. [2]
The value of the expression will be least when x = y = z = 1/3. Hence the least value is

E 3
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36. [2]
Centre of the circle will be at (l, 1). Using the general equation of a circle, we find [2] will be the
37. [4]
38. [1]
Profit = Revenue Cost = Q((100Q)/2) (Q
16Q + 2000) = 3Q
+ 132Q 4000. To maximise
this function, we make the first differential = 0, hence 6Q +132 = 0, or Q = 22.
39. [4]
Since tax is imposed on profit, the profit maximising output will still be 22.
40. [3]
Summing up the series, X denominator = given sum. Denominator is a GP with common ratio as
(l + r). Its sum will be ((l +r)
l)/r. Hence the answer is [3].
41. [2]
Let (r + l)th be the first negative term in (l + 2x)
. Then, T
r + 1
, = {[7/2(7/2 1)(7/2 2)...(7/2 r +
l)]/r!} (2x)
. Hence the first negative term will be where (7/2 4) occurs, that is, the 5
42. [3]
Sum of l to 100 = 50(2 + 99) = 5050. Sum of multiplies of 3 = 33/2(6 + 96) = 1683. Sum of
multiples of 5 = 20/2 (10 + 95) = 1050. Sum of multiples of 15 = 6/2(15 + 90) = 315. Hence the
answer is: 5050 1683 1050 + 315 = 2632.
43. [3]
Let P = 2, then A = 4, if R = 3, then E = 6. If S = 7, then D = 14. If Q = 5, then B = 15 and C = 35.
Now the order is: CBDEA. Since B and C can change position, hence the answer is [3].
44. [1]
A and D cannot be placed consecutively.
45. [2]
If E is not in the list, then we have BCDA.
46. [2]
If B are not in the list, then we have CDEA. We see that C can be at one end.
47. [2]
48. [3]
LCMof 3, 5, 7, 9 = 315. Hence, the number is odd and it is the only number, between 0 and 400
that can satisfy these conditions using (A) & (B) both.
49. [3]
A = > C = T + 5, B = > C = 3T 5. Hence, answer can be got.
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50. [3]
Let Radha without Rani = x, Radha with Rani = y, then we want x + y. A = > y = 20, B = > x = 3/5
(x + y) = > 2/5 x = 3/5 y = 12 = > x + y can be got.
51. [1]
Convert INR into $ and then AUD: 500,000 INR = 500000/45.47 '1.32 = 14515 AUD.
52. [2]
20000/45.47 ' l.66 = 730 SGD
53. [2]
100 SGD = 100/1.68 0.78 = 46.42 Euro, hence SGD
= 100/46.42 = 2.15 Euro. Similarly, 100 Euro = 100/0.78 1.56 = 210 SGD, or l Euro = 2.10 SGD.
54. [3]
Total money he gets = 20000/0.79 l.66 + 40000 1.66 = 108425 SGD.
55. [3]
Growth in Mining: 118.2 to 130.3; Manufacturing: 133.6 to167.9; Electricity: 122 to 154.4.
Visually, we see that the maximum increase is in the last.
56. [3]
Manufacturing: 133.6 to 142.5; Mining: 118.2 to 126.4; Electricity: 122 to 130. Least growth is in
57. [2]
Growth rates indifferent years (approx): (A): 5/1 54; (B): 5/159; (C): 6/148; (D): 9/108, We see that
the lowest growth rate will be [2].
58. [4]
Growth rates (A): 9/133 and 8/122. (B): 11/148 and I0/138. (C) 11/172 and 5/159. While the
growth rates are approximately equal in all cases, (the difference being only in the decimal figure) it
is difficult to figure out what the examiner wants. However, since the figures will not be exactly
equal, we may tick [4].
59. [1]
Total score of Treasury = 18 3 = 54. Leaving out the 3 employees, we get the total as 51 . But
now there are 15 employees, hence average = 5 1/15 = 3.4
60. [4]
Check all the statements. We find all them are true.
61. [1]
Total in personality test = 18 4 + 37 4 + 113 4 + 32 5 = 832. Average = 832/200 = 4.16.
62. [3]
Visual question. Only in retail is the score less in personality in actuals.
63. [1]
GNP Growth: A. 120 to 135. B. 130 to 140. C. 135 to 150. D. 150 to 160. Visually we see that
maximum growth rate is in A because growth is maximum, and denominator is least.
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64. [2]
Growth rate:(A) 150 to 142: (B) 142 to 130, (C) 140 to 135 (D) l60 to 155.
65. [3]
In 199293, we see that inflation rate was 5.25% but GNP rate is negative, hence the answer is [3]
66. [4]
Since inflation rate is always positive in all the years, prices increased in all the given years. It
would be wrong to say that average price level declined in these years.
67. [1]
Visual question. Simply check out on the graph and tick the answer.
68. [1]
Increase 250 by 5%, 5.2%, 4.8%and 4% consecutively. Roughly, it is a 20% increase and hence we
get a figure close to 300. Compounding the figures we will get a similar answer.
69. [4]
Since the figures given are for the entire week, it is not possible to determine the shares traded on
any particular day.
70. [4]
Same as in Q. 69.
71. [2]
Visual question. Cement has increased from 25% to 36%, which is the maximum, even if we don't
take the increase in sales into account.
72. [2]
Same as in Q. 72.
73. [2]
Others growth rate is from 16%(120) to 8%(195) = 19.2 to 15.2. Growth rate = 3.6/19.2 = 18.75%.
Since this is for 2 years, average annual growth rate would be 18.75/2 = 9.37%. If we take a
compounding figure the answer would be different, but in the absence of other close choices, we
would tick [2].
74. [4]
Textiles = 28%(120) to 31%(195) = 33.6 to 60.45. In 2002; the figure will be 60.45 60.45/33.6 =
75. [4]
Cement = 25%(120) to 36%(195) = 30 to 70.2. Growth rate = 40/30 = 133%. Now in this question
we take the average annual growth rate, the answer would b. 133/2 = 67%, But if we take a
compounded annual growth rate (CAGR), then the answer would come out to be 52.97%. The sum
is not clear as to which annualised growth rate the examiner wants. However, since we used
average growth rate in Q. 73, we may use the same in Q. 75 and tick [4]. However, the sum is not
clear and the answer could also be [3].
76. [3] 77. [2] 78. [4]
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79. [3] 80. [1] 81. [2]
82. [4] 83. [2] 84. [3]
85. [1] 86. [2] 87. [4]
88. [4] 89. [1] 90. [2]
91. [2] 92. [1] 93. [3]
94. [1] 95. [2] 96. [3]
97. [4] 98. [1] 99. [4]
100. [1] 101. [2] 102. [4]
103. [3] 104. [3] 105. [3]
106. [2] 107. [3] 108. [3]
109. [3] 110. [4] 111. [1]
112. [1] 113. [3] 114. [1]
115. [4] 116. [1]
117. [2]
If A is on the team, Y and B cannot be selected. Hence other members are X, Z and D because Z
and C cannot be selected together.
118. [4]
Y and C can be selected along with X and B or D.
Z and B can be selected along with X or Y and D.
Z and D can be selected along with X or Y and A or B.
119. [4]
If Y and Z are selected A and C cannot be selected. Hence two Junior members are B and D only.
120. [4]
If C is selected Z cannot be selected. Hence X must be there as one of the two senior members.
Solutions (Qs. 121 to 125):
Halwa ~ Burfi ~ Laddu ~ Kaala Jamun ~ Rasgulla
Jogindra X
Kedarnath X X X
Girish X X
Trilochan X X
Rameshwar X X X X
121. [4] 122. [3] 123. [4]
124. [3] 125. [4] 126. [3]
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127. [2] 128. [4] 129. [3]
130. [1] 131. [4] 132. [4]
133. [2] 134. [4] 135. [2]
136. [2] 137. [2] 138. [4]
139. [4] 140. [3] 141. [2]
142. [3] 143. [2] 144. [4]
145. [4] 146. [2] 147. [4]
148. [2] 149. [3] 150. [4]
151. [1] 152. [4] 153. [3]
154. [3] 155. [1] 156. [4]
157. [4] 158. [1] 159. [3]
160. [2] 161. [4] 162. [1]
163. [1] 164. [1] 165. [2]
166. [1] 167. [4] 168. [4]
169. [3] 170. [3] 171. [1]
172. [4] 173. [2] 174. [1]
175. [2]

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