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HTML Coding of Notepad:

<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> Hurricanes Hunters </TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR = "aqua" TEXT = "blue" LINK = "Magenta" VLINK = "Green" ALINK = "Red"> <CENTER> <H1> HURRICANES </H1> <IMG SRC = "C:\Users\Ravindra\Pictures\aeroplane.jpg"> <HR> <H2> Welcome to Hurricanes Explorers!! </H2></CENTER> <FONT FACE = "Trebuchet MS" SIZE = 5> We fly Aeroplanes right into the eye of Hurricanes to shoot unique pictures. <OL TYPE = "A"> <LI><A HREF = "Home.html">Home</LI></A> <LI> Photographs </LI> <UL TYPE = "disc">

<LI><A HREF = "Katrina.html"> Katrina Hurricanes </LI></A> <LI><A HREF = "Old.html"> Hurricanes in the Past </LI></A> </UL> <LI><A HREF = "Faqs.html"> Faqs about Hurricanes </LI> </OL> <HR> <FONT SIZE = 3> Contact us : email link to <A HREF = ""></A> </BODY> </HTML>

Result :

2. HTML Coding of Notepad:

<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> Website for Kids </TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR = "lime" TEXT = "blue" LINK = "Magenta" VLINK = "Green" ALINK = "Red"> <CENTER> <IMG SRC = "C:\Users\Ravindra\Pictures\1200965_happy_ball.jpg"> <H1> KIDS LEARNING ZONE </H1> <BR><BR> <H3> COME! ENJOY YOURSELVES </H3> </CENTER> <FONT FACE = "Trebuchet MS" SIZE = 6> <OL TYPE = "A"> <LI><A HREF = "Home.html">Home</LI></A> <LI><A HREF = "Act.html">Activities</LI></A> <LI> Kids Club </LI> <UL TYPE = "Circle"> <LI><A HREF = "SeeStory.html"> See a Story </LI></A> <LI><A HREF = "SendStory.html"> Send a Story </LI></A>

</UL> </OL> <FONT SIZE = 3> <CENTER> <A HREF = "">Contact us via email for Enquiries</A> </CENTER> </BODY> </HTML>

Result :

3. HTML Coding of Notepad:

<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> Endangered Species </TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR = "Silver" LINK = "Blue" VLINK = "Magenta"> <BASEFONT FACE = "Verdana" SIZE = "3"> <CENTER> <FONT FACE = "Arial"> <H1> SAVE US !</H1> <H3> EASTERN INDIGO SNAKE </H3></FONT> <IMG SRC = "C:\Users\Ravindra\Documents\indigo_for_use1.jpg"></CENTER> <P> This nonpoisonous snake can grow as long as 8 feet. As forests have been cut down, the snake has lost most of its habitat. <UL> <LI><A HREF = "Home.html">Home</A></LI> <LI><A HREF = "Faq.html">Faqs</A></LI> <LI> Endangered Species </LI> <OL> <LI><A HREF = "Pest.html"> Use of Pesticides </A></LI> <LI><A HREF = "Env.html"> Environment Effects </A></LI> </OL> <LI> Sensitizing Kids </LI> <OL> <LI><A HREF = "Color.html"> Coloring Book </A></LI> <LI><A HREF = "Poster.html"> Posters </A></LI> </OL> </UL></FONT> <HR COLOR = "BLACK"><FONT SIZE = 2><B>

Contact us : <A HREF = "">Live & Let Live </FONT></B></A> </BODY> </HTML>

Result :

4. HTML Coding of Notepad:

<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> Save The Earth </TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR = "Silver"> <CENTER> <H1> <FONT FACE = "Arial" COLOR = "Black"> Save The Earth!!</H1></FONT> <H3> <FONT FACE = "Verdana" COLOR = "Brown"></FONT> NGO group dedicated to sayingg the Earth's natural environment</H3> <IMG SRC = "C:\Users\Ravindra\Pictures\logo-250-save-theearth.jpg"> </CENTER> <FONT FACE = "Verdana" COLOR = "Black" SIZE = 4> <UL TYPE = "disk"> <LI><A HREF = "Home.htm"> Home </A></LI> <LI><A HREF = "Faq.htm"> Faqs </A></LI> <LI> Controlling </LI> <OL TYPE = "1"> <LI><A HREF = "Poll.htm"> Pollution </A></LI> <LI><A HREF = "Defores.htm"> Deforestation </A></LI> <LI><A HREF = "Poach.htm"> Poaching </A></LI> </OL> <LI> Saving </LI> <OL TYPE = "1"> <LI><A HREF = "Forest.htm"> Forests </A></LI> <LI><A HREF = "Specie.htm"> Endangered Species </A></LI> </OL> </UL> <HR WIDTH = 820 LENGTH = 80>

Contact Us: <A HREF = ""> </A> </BODY> </HTML>


1. XML Coding :
<?xml version ="1.0" ?> <?xml-stylesheet href="booklist.css" type="text/css" ?> <BookDetails> <Details> <Asin>059600396x</Asin> <ProductName>Introduction to wonderful world of XML </ProductName> <Catalog>Book</Catalog> <Author>A Jazz</Author> <ReleaseDate>19 December, 2009</ReleaseDate> <Publisher>PITS</Publisher> <Prices> <ListPrice>Rs. 540.95</ListPrice> <OurPrice>Rs. 380.47</OurPrice> </Prices> </Details> <Details> <Asin>059603496s</Asin> <ProductName>XML, HTML and CSS </ProductName>

<Catalog>Book</Catalog> <Author>C Link</Author> <ReleaseDate>25 November, 2009</ReleaseDate> <Publisher>HRS</Publisher> <Prices> <ListPrice>Rs. 400.95</ListPrice> <OurPrice>Rs. 275.00</OurPrice> </Prices> </Details> </BookDetails>

1. CSS Coding :
title { font-size : 48pts; font-weight : bold; text-align : center; display : block; font-family : "Lucida Console", Helvetica; } { display : block; margin-top : 50px; font-family : Bookman; color : blue; } { color : black; font-style : italic; } { color : grey; }

Details Catalog Asin

Publisher { color : red; } Author ListPrice OurPrice {color : maroon; } { color : black; font-family : "Times"; } { color : purple; font-family : Arial; }

Result :

2. XML Coding :
<?xml version="1.0" ?> <?xml-stylesheet href = "recipe.css" type="text/css" ?> <recipe> <head> <title> CORIANDER CHUTNEY </title> </head> <ingredients> <ing> <amt> <qty>2</qty>

<unit>bunches</unit> </amt> <item>fresh coriander</item> </ing> <ing> <amt> <qty>1</qty> <unit> </unit> </amt> <item>tart green apple</item> </ing> <ing> <amt> <qty>2</qty> <unit></unit> </amt> <item>medium Tomatoes</item> </ing> <ing> <amt> <qty>2</qty> <unit> </unit> </amt>

<item>fresh or dried red chilli Peppers</item> </ing> <ing> <amt> <qty>1</qty> <unit>teaspoon</unit> </amt> <item>Mango Powder</item> </ing> <ing> <amt> <qty>1</qty> <unit>teaspoon</unit> </amt> <item>salt</item> </ing> </ingredients> <directions> <step>1. Wash the fresh coriander thoroughly.</step> <step>2. Peel and chop the apple in small pieces.</step> <step>3. Cut each of the tomatoes into four pieces.</step> <step>4. Now combine all the ingredients gradually (in order), in a blender.</step>

<step>5. Blend until a fine paste is ready.</step> </directions> </recipe>

2.CSS Coding :
title { font-size : large; font-weight : bold; text-align : center; display : block; } ingredients {display : block; margin-top : 18px; margin-left : 30px; font-family : verdana; } ing {display : block; margin-left : 40 px; } amt { font-style : italic; } directions {display : block; margin-top : 18px; margin-left : 60px; } step {display : block; color : blue; font-family : Arial; margin-top : 10px; }


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