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Grade 7 Mathematics INTRODUCTION TO GEOMETRY Geometry comes from the Greek words geo meaning earth and metre

e meaning measure. Therefore, geometry simply means earth measure. Geometry is an ancient subject developed by the Egyptians and Sumerians, for which it was first developed by an ancient Greek philosopher named Euclid of Alexandria the Father of School Geometry about 300 B.C. His book entitled The Elements, one of the most famous books of all time, is used as a basic test in Geometry. Aside from Euclid, some of the greatest Greek contributors to the development of Geometry are Pythagoras (about 500 B.C) and Archimedes (about 212 B.C.). Geometry, started as a practical subject in ancient Egypt and Babylonia, is a branch of mathematics concerned with the properties of space and of figures in space. It also deals with shapes that we see in the world each day. In fact, no scientist, mathematician, or artist in the world can draw you a more natural example of a pentagon than is seen in the beauty of a starfish. For you see, the greatest Master of Geometry is God. POINTS, LINES AND PLANES In Geometry, we often talk of points, lines, rays, segments, planes, and solid figures. For today, we are focusing on the basic geometric figures or so-called the undefined terms in Geometry (points, lines and planes). Everybody has experienced to draw lines, plot points, and create shapes with sides. For this activity, let us try to differentiate those geometric terms. Activity 1 Directions: Categorize the given definitions and descriptions listed on the box according to its corresponding basic undefined term in Geometry.
It is represented by a double-headed arrow. It is usually shown as a four-sided shape. It extends infinitely in two directions. It is a definite location in space. or shape. It is the most basic geometric figure. width. It refers to a flat surface. and thickness. It It It It has no dimension. is straight. is represented by a dot. indicates position only but has no size

It extends infinitely along its length and It has infinite length but has no width





Activity 2 Directions: 1. T

Give all possible names for each figure shown below. 2.


n 3. M 4. A B C

Exercises: A. Identify what geometric figure is suggested by each of the following. 1. The intersection of Sta. Maria By-Pass Road and J.P. Rizal Street 2. Construction paper 3. The tip of a pencil 4. A barbecue stick 5. CD case 6. A nail mark on the wall 7. A shoelace 8. North Luzon Expressway 9. A red handkerchief 10.Electric wires on posts B. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Draw the following figures. Points X, Y and Z Plane A Line z Line HI Plane ABC

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