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Congratulations on taking the Stiletto Meditation Challenge.

I am humbled and grateful that

you are allowing me into the most intimate spaces of your life. Over the next 14 days we are going to
get 100% spiritually aligned with the Universe and all that it has to offer us. This challenge is designed
for you to quiet your life, eliminate the clutter and gain clarity and direction for the path that God has
designed for you. When you are still and quiet and have prepared yourself to receive, you will unlock
the door for non-stop abundant blessings to pour in.
The actual challenge: I challenge you to silence the noise in your life. This may sound simple, but
you will be surprised at how consumed we are with things that are keeping us away from God. The
challenge is to rid yourself of people, things and habits that are in your way. This challenge will take
discipline, commitment and perseverance. It will not always be fun. You may experience frustration,
irritability, doubt, fear and many other emotions that may make you feel uncomfortable. But this painful
process is what will get you to experiencing pleasure in your life.
I have personally designed this journal for you to get your mind flowing and for you to open up
the lines of communication between you and God.
This is going to be the most powerful 14 days of your life.
Be still, quiet and amazing,

Your Life Coach

~Shanel Cooper-Sykes

Week One
The first week of the challenge is all about cleaning and clarity. Before
you can make a request to the Universe, you have to be clear, and
have the space to receive it. Do not skip this process! This is a critical
part of alignment. DO NOT start with the prayer exercises and beads
until week 2. Your entire life will be disassembled within this week.
Do not be afraid. You WILL experience resistance from the universe.
KEEP GOING. Remember: You cannot see what you are creating in this
I believe in you!

How the days work:

Morning message e-mail with audio message from Shanel
6:00 AM est. All Participants
Evening message, prayer & meditation call with Shanel
10:00 PM est. Elite Participants
Juice 2X
Eat 3 meals of raw fruits and vegetables
Drink 1 gallon of water
Stay quiet- only speak when necessary
Remove yourself from noisy environments
Keep the lights off as much as possible in your home (use candles)
Unplug electronics unless power is absolutely needed
Stay in constant conversation with God
Be mindful of your language as you communicate with others
Do not allow yourself to get angry or frustrated with people. LET IT GO.

First Week

We start the Stiletto Meditation Challenge in cleanliness. Today wash your bed sheets, towels and
clothes to get rid of all previous negative energy that has been surrounding you. Take an extensive
spiritual bath & shock shower and thoroughly wash your hair. This may be difficult, and sound extreme.
But we are taking extreme measures to get extreme results. Take some time today to grocery shop and
get your raw fruits and vegetables, water and candles that you need. Let everyone know you are taking
this 2 week challenge and invite them to join, or ask them to respect your routines over the next 14
Today I felt:

Week One

In order for you to get what you want, you first must KNOW what you want. Today we get clear and
specific about what you want with your body, your finances, your relationships, your career- every
aspect of your life. Spiritual alignment means knowing the direction that you want to go. Start with the
question: WHAT DO I WANT? On a separate piece of paper ask yourself that question and write it out.
The first time it may be broad and something like I want happiness and love. I want a great job with
amazing friends and I want to be financially free. Then take a second piece of paper and go deeper into
what you want. I want to feel happy every day while I am at work and at home. I want to be in a
relationship and have balance in my friendships. I want to earn enough money to get a bigger apartment
and a new car. Take a few moments and visualize what that actually looks like, then start making the
vision more concrete. Then on another piece of paper, define it even more.
I want to work with children because that makes me happy. I want to find a job at a private school as a
teacher that pays me over $65,000 annually. I want a 3 bedroom loft apartment downtown with lots of
windows and sunlight. I want to meet a great man who is spiritually aligned, financially able, handsome

and open and ready to be in a relationship. I want to purchase a new infinity truck before the end of the
year. Etc
Once you have defined what you want, turn your wants into present statements by creating
On separate paper or post cards write out your affirmations and place them around your home. Repeat
them morning, noon, and night.
To start your affirmations, begin with these words:
1. I am/have/earn/do
2. Gratitude: I am so grateful now that
3. Purpose: I am creating
Speak your affirmations 2-4 times over and over and end with this:
4. I am in the process of aligning myself to receive:

I earn $80,000 annually from an amazing job.

I am so grateful for the $80,000 that I earn each year from my amazing job that I am passionate
My job pays me $80,000 a year that funds my amazing life.
I am in the process of aligning myself with my perfect job that pays me all that I am worth.

Today I felt:

Week One

Today begin to undo your home. Surface clean everything, and then begin to go deeper. Example:
Clean out your drawers and then actually clean the drawer. Remove all of the furniture out of a room,
and clean the floors and walls. Take pictures off the walls and clean the frames and glass. Completely
overhaul your entire house/room or space that you live in. This process may take a few days, but should
be finished before the end of week one. As you are cleaning BLESS your living space and all those who
dwell in it. If you are sharing a house, or living in a situation that you dont want to be in, simply express
gratitude for the fact that you have to rest your head. Send out love and positive energy to those who
you are sharing the space with. Do as much as you can in this process, because this action alone will
send out an energy that you can be grateful for what you currently have and that you are ready to
receive more.
Today I felt:

Day 4

Today THROW OUT all of the material clutter that you discovered during your cleaning process. Go to
the extreme as to drop clothes off to the Good Will. Rent a truck if need be and take the old worn out
couch you hate to the dumpster. (Just an example of the extreme action needed) Destroy old pictures
of ex-boyfriends or painful memories in your life. Throw out old pots and containers and spices in your
cabinets and clean the actual cabinet. Clear out your bathroom with old products and make-up. Literally
THROW OUT anything that is in your home that you do not use, that is unwanted or out of alignment
with where you want to go. Do not be afraid to leave an empty space- this is part of the process. You
will need this space for the manifestation of new things.
Today I felt:

Day 5

Today sit down and take an inventory of your friends and close loved ones who are actively in your life.
Ask yourself what impact do they have on you and are they adding value or taking away. Literally rewind
the last few encounters and experiences you had with them and see if they were giving or taking and are
they helping you move along the journey that you are on. Also ask yourself are YOU a giver or a taker in
the relationship and ask yourself how can you make adjustments to improve your friendship. Today
make the necessary calls and have the conversations needed to end, heal or align your friendships.
Today I felt:

Week One
Day 6


Today we eliminate all of your limiting and self-defeating thoughts that have been keeping you out of
alignment. Sit down with a piece of paper and write out the reoccurring thoughts that you have on a
daily basis. Like, I am over weight, I dont have any money or a job, Times are so hard right now
Etc. once you get them out, have someone read them to you as though they are saying it to you directly.
(Or you can read them out loud to yourself in the mirror) Acknowledge how that feels. At once tear up,
shred or burn that piece of paper with those thoughts and affirm, I am free and clear of all negative
conversations with myself, I speak to me with kindness, love and respect.
Take out another piece of paper and create a new empowering conversation with yourself that is in
alignment with where you want to go. Example: I am in the process of releasing all excess weight from
my body. My body is perfect right now, I am in the process of recovering from my financial drought
and educating myself on how to become financially free Etc. Post that conversation on your bathroom
mirror and read it daily.
Today I felt:

Day 7


After a week of cleansing and purging, you must complete the process by cleansing your body. Today
add a scoop of phyllium husk fiber to your juice and drink it. You will experience a rush of waste being
eliminated from your body- so be prepared. Today drink as much water as possible and juice one extra
time. End your night with a long bath and a body scrub and prepare yourself for week 2.
Today I felt:

Week 2 is all about stillness, quietness, prayer and conversation with
God. You will be in a constant meditative state and will begin to
experience the alignment process. Things will happen this week that
will amaze you or excite you to the point of disbelief. Do not stay in
that feeling for long. This tells God: I am shocked that you gave this
to me because I really didnt believe I could have it, because I didnt
think I was worthy Expect miracles to happen and great things to
manifest. You may also experience some horrible moments, but KEEP
GOING. You are in the midst of manifesting something amazing.

How the days work:

Morning Meditation call 7:00 am est. All Participants
Afternoon Conversation with God 1:00 pm est. Elite Participants
Evening message, prayer & meditation call with Shanel
10:00 PM est. Elite Participants
Take 5-10 minute meditation breaks every hour (using your beads)
Spend time writing in this prayer journal opening up to God
Juice 3X
Eat 1 meals of raw fruits and vegetables
Drink 1 gallon of water
Stay quiet- only speak when necessary
Remove yourself from noisy environments
Keep the lights off as much as possible in your home (use candles)
Unplug electronics unless power is absolutely needed
Stay in constant conversation with God
Be mindful of your language as you communicate with others
Do not allow yourself to get angry or frustrated with people. LET IT GO.

Day 1: Strength, Courage & Focus
Todays Prayer: (I need/ want)
WHO: _________________________
WHAT: ________________________
WHEN: ________________________
WHY: _________________________
WHERE: _______________________
Todays Deposit: (I can give)
AM: Today I Affirm & Believe:
PM: Today I received:


Conversation with God:

Week 2

Day 2: Money, Credibility & Value

Todays Prayer:
WHO: _________________________
WHAT: ________________________
WHEN: ________________________
WHY: _________________________
WHERE: _______________________
AM: Today I Affirm & Believe:
PM: Today I received:

Week 2

Day 3: Health, Vitality & Energy

Todays Prayer:
WHO: _________________________
WHAT: ________________________
WHEN: ________________________
WHY: _________________________
WHERE: _______________________
AM: Today I Affirm & Believe:
PM: Today I received:


Week 2

Day 4: Relationships, Love & Family

Todays Prayer:
WHO: _________________________
WHAT: ________________________
WHEN: ________________________
WHY: _________________________
WHERE: _______________________
AM: Today I Affirm & Believe:
PM: Today I received:


Week 2

Day 5: Job, Career & Purpose

Todays Prayer:
WHO: _________________________
WHAT: ________________________
WHEN: ________________________
WHY: _________________________
WHERE: _______________________
AM: Today I Affirm & Believe:
PM: Today I received:


Week 2

Day 6: Spirituality, Prayer & Religion

Todays Prayer:
WHO: _________________________
WHAT: ________________________
WHEN: ________________________
WHY: _________________________
WHERE: _______________________
AM: Today I Affirm & Believe:
PM: Today I received:


Week 2

Day 7: Vision, Plan & Accountability

Todays Prayer:
WHO: _________________________
WHAT: ________________________
WHEN: ________________________
WHY: _________________________
WHERE: _______________________
AM: Today I Affirm & Believe:
PM: Today I received:


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