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Consumer Attitudes and Behavior Towards Fast Food Restaurants in Jeddah

Consumers Attitudes and Behavior Towards Fast Food Restauralits i n Jeddah

The Saudi society has witnessed a great eco~lo~nic developnie~lt du~.i~lg [he past decades, which has a direct and illdirect influelice 011 ~llqior social behavior. For exalnple mo.ther's d.irect supervisioll over Iler falllily ill all differ-crlt aspects of live specially food is cllallged. In the past she was prcparillg [he food for the whole failllly together. Recently, Saudi woman is busy going to work, building ther social ties and hunting for all new styles. This had contribi~tedto changing the Saudi consunlel- bellavior. 'l'llc family nutrition need had changed towards the fast Sood restar~~a~lts The nuinber of fast food restaurants grew fast in Jeddall. The study I~as briefly discussed these issues by l~igl~ligl~ting history of tllose the restaw-ants and the franchise process, and it had also Iiigl~lightcdtllc consLuller behavior and the influencing factors on consunlers. The field study Ins indicated that consumer behavior towards the fast food I-estaurants is positive by all age segments, education and social levels, and income categories. This is due to the taste and food vnrietics offer by resta~~rants which made it suitable for them. 'flie at tracli\,c food presentation inethod, speed of service, good service attitude allti I-casonableprices are tlie factors tliat ellcourage tlie~iito f~.eq~~cntly visil those restaurants. On the other Iland one of the niain reasolls fi)r visiting tlle fast food restam.a~ltsis basically getting o ~ of ttlic tI:l~l>* ~ liorrse routine. The type of food offered in ihese types of I-estauraiitshas a g~cat iliil>;~ct on the consumers' health. It also 11ns all i1rlj2act on the society's IlaOits ant1 values espcially chilt11.envisit to those types of restat~rantsto lllccl tl~cil.1'1-ic~icls 1.1-eclyaway fl-0111 Ilome wllich will drive the falllily a\\';l>' ~ ' 1 ~ 0 1 1l1l ~ ; ~ ( . ~ il~~i( o l\lI~ ~ O I ~ ~ S . i l IC S SC\JCI.;I~ ~.cco~ll~~lc~ldatio~ls to cllalige the Saudi consunic~.~'l t i l l ~ t l ~ il t r ) \ \ ' i ~ r ~ tliosc I'ilst l i d i.csta~~~.a~its to co1.1.ect the c o ~ i s r ~ ~ ~ ~ c l and I I I I ~ 'I'llc .1i;lbit of visiting the f'ast food l~cst;1111i1111 ; I I I ~ t1)c C O I I S I I I ~ I J ) ~ tI1e ~ food tlley serve is not llcaltlly i l l tllc 01. ~ ~ ~ ~)r;ijoiiij I I S I I S I I ~ S It is :11so ;I 111nio1. cause of b i . ~ i ~ l i~ iI ~C l ~ I 11-aditio~lal f'a~llil)~ ties.

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