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Identification: Choose from the pool of words below.









_______________1. It is the water conducting tissue. _______________2. It is a group of cells performing a single function. _______________3. Fundamental tissue for strengthening and support. _______________4. Tissue for controlling heart movements. _______________5. Animal tissue for protection. II. True or false: Write T if the statement is correct, otherwise F.

_____6. Red blood cells are abnormally more in number than white blood cells. _____7. The cerebellum is the largest part of the brain. _____8. The heart of an athlete is the same as normal people have. _____9. We breathe using our lungs, we respire using our lungs, too. _____10. Keratin is a dark brown pigment in our skin. III. Multiple Choice: Encircle the letter of the correct answer. d. regulates temperature d. medulla cortex d. phenylalanine d. gallbladder d. Dieuretic Hormone d. Nasal cavity d. plasma d. pons d. glucagon d. skeletal d. ovary d. anaphase d. neither d. 1 d. 1

11. Which of the following is not a function of the integumentary system? a. barrier against protection b. hormonal replication c. protection against UV light 12. It is a tough sheet of fibrous connective tissue. a. spongy bone b. bone marrow c. periosteum 13. It is the enzyme digesting starch. a. valine b. pepsin c. amylase 14. Which of the following is not an excretory organ? a. large intestine b. liver c. lungs 15. It absorbs water, glucose, amino acids, and sodium. a. proximal convulated tubule b. glumerular filtration c. loop of Henle 16. This is the two sacs which sealed the lungs. a. pleural membrane b. diaphragm c. bronchioles 17. Blood vessels which carries the blood away from the heart. a. capillaries b. arteries c. veins 18. The ______ extends down from the central part of the brain that connects to the spinal cord. a. spinal bulb b. brain stem c. thalamus 19. A hormone that increases glucose in bloodstream. a. insulin b. thyroxin c. promine 20. Type of muscle that is striated or by stripes. a. voluntary b. cardiac c. smooth 21. The reproductive organ of female. a. testes b. penis c. vagina 22. The longest phase of cell division. a. interphase b. cytokinesis c. metaphase 23. In this type of cell growth, the cell starts in a diploid chromosome and ends with a haploid. a. meiosis b. mitosis c. both 24. How many sperms would form out if there are 262 primary spermatocytes? a. 1,048 b. 524 c. 131 25. How many ova would form out if there are 686 oogonia? a. 686 b. 343 c. 1,372 IV. Matching type: Match column A with column B. System _____26. Loop of Henle _____27. Femur _____28. Aorta _____29. Hypothalamus _____30. Sensory Neurons _____31. Collenchyma _____32. Amylase a. b. c. d. e. f. g.

Functions Large flat muscle below the lungs A tough, fiber protein Enzyme digesting starch Carry Impulses to the brain/spinal cord The largest artery Creates a gradient of increasing sodium For the production of sperm

_____33. Thyroxin _____34. Keratin _____35. Seminiferous Tubules

h. i. j. k.

Hormone produced by thyroid glands Fundamental tissue for food storage and strengthening Controls thirst, hunger Longest bone

V. Conceptualization: cross out the word that is not related to the topic. 36. Digestive tract (stomach, lungs, esophagus, mouth) 37. Phases of mitosis (anaphase, metaphase, interphase, prophase) 38. Female reproductive organs (ejaculatory duct, hymen, endometrium, cervix) 39. Joints (suture, periosteum, hinge, pivot) 40. Circulatory tract (bicuspid valve, tricuspid valve, aortic valve, pons) VI.

______________________41. 13 spermatogonia ______________________42. 18 secondary spermatocytes ______________________43. 29 spermatids

A. How many sperms would form out if there are:

Problem Solving

______________________44. How many number of chromosomes are seen in every daughter cells? ______________________45. How many daughter cells were formed? VII. Classification: Classify what system the organ is located. ______________________46. Islets of langerhans ______________________________49. Gluteus maximus ______________________47. Medulla oblongata ______________________________50. Gallbladder ______________________48. Fibula ______________________________51. Distal convulated tubule VIII. Analogy: Match the pair with the other. 52. Somatic cells: mitosis, _________________________: meiosis 53. __________________: Formation of sperm; oogenesis: Formation of egg cell 54. Mitosis: 2 daughter cells; Meiosis: ______________________ 55. Spermatogonium: __________________________: Oogonium: ovary 56. gap 1: cell growth; gap 2: _____________________ IX. CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER: Arrange the circulatory tract from A D. (57-60) Aorta _____ Left Atrium _____ Superior and Inferior Vena Cava _____ Right Ventricle _____

B. A carrot has a diploid chromosome, 2N = 18, it undergoes mitosis.

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