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Canonical Schema -- Common Data Definition Across Web Services

The company I work for is currently developing bottom-up Web Services. We have differeing viewpoints on how to define the interface for these services. Our data modelers prefer we use a Canonical Schema (a subset of the Enterprise Canonical Data Model that represents the data we will pass between systems). In practice, the development teams are struggling with the amount of changes needed because the Canonical Model and Canonical Schema are not mature. How are your companies handling common data defintions across Web Services? If you are using a shared definition, is this loosely bound or tightly bound to the Web Services? Thank you in advance for your input!

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In a future step you can try to refactor these different canonical models/ domain level service inventories to one (or smaller number). In this manner you decrease the need for transformation steps when exchanging messages. Hope this helps you... - My general rules-of-thumb to take into consideration: * How many distinct applications / client platforms will be consuming the service? If there are only 1 or 2 - and you don't see that changing for at least 3-5 years - then don't invest in the additional overhead of maintaining a canonical message mapping layer. * If the application is slated for replacement within 2-5 years - go ahead and invest in the canonical abstraction layer - it will save [hopefully a lot of effort later when you are ready to migrate to the new application. - Canonical models can create intensive quarrel. And, althought they are great for in-house development, they can't be applied to interfaces that are a part of a software package bought from a vendor. I believe the best approach is to have a metadata solution on your SOA infrastructure, where you can persist diferent concurent canons, and versions of the same canon; that allows cross reference to logs, setting the conditions for fine auditing. I have seen such solutions implemented, and I believe they address the problem in a much more flexible way than having a design time canon that developers must follow. Having a global data dictionary can help translate rebel implementations to the canon, and apply new versions of the canon to old data. - Since you judge your legacy Canonical Models and Schemas not enough mature to make life easier for developers. You can for instance either extend or adapt them to TMF SID and OSS/J standards. Kind regards, - My 2 cents 1.Define an extensible base canonical schema and try to achieve further extensions/modification with the help of extensible nodes (data type *any) With this approach existing services need not to be changed for any extensions in the canonical schema (provided base structure is untouched) 2.Use XSLT based approach (load XSLT dynamically) for XML validation and let XSLT and Canonical schema be in synch with each other for any changes in canonical.

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