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Reformation ID Pluralism Mostly Italian clerics with several church offices who didnt fulfill their duties and

instead collected revenues and hired poor priests to fulfill their spiritual duties. These clerics held offices all over Europe (ex: England, Spain, and Germany). A problem prior to reformation but it wasn't really until the early 16th century that critics of the church concentrated their attacks on this issue. This was because the revenues paid for Italian priests salaries and caused national resentment of clerical privilege. This was especially heightened because the clerical staff didnt pay taxes to the state and were excused by civil services. Indulgence In 1100s, Indulgences were used to reward crusaders and spare them from some time in purgatory. Indulgences became available for cash transactions mostly starting with the 1300s and became a fundraising strategy. Trouble spreads when Leo X is pope and in 1510s, indulgences become sin-insurance. Indulgences were sold all over Europe but Tetzels strategy to increase business in Germany end up causing trouble with Frederick the Wise. Issue of indulgences lead to trouble with Luther and begin a wave of reformation. Anabaptists Luther was not the only reformer out there; Thomas Munzer supported Luther but broke off from him. The Anabaptists questioned the fundamental tenets of Catholicism and began to preach their radical new gospel in the 1520s and in Switzerland and Germany. They shunned infant baptism (proposing that adults should choose baptism), and desired complete separation from others (amish). Reformers werent united and this is one of the first sects from Lutheranism. Lead to other sects such as Calvinists. Also paved the road for Quakers and authors of US Constitution. Supremacy Act It was thus that Henry VIII created the Church of England (or the Anglican Church) with a Parliaments approval and in 1534 he made himself the official head of the church with a declaration called the Act of Supremacy. This allowed him to annul his marriage to Catherine and let him marry Anne Boleyn. The Act of Supremacy is still the legal authority of the Sovereign of the United Kingdom. This act broke the bond between England and Rome as England went under reformation. Lead to increase in Calvinist (later Puritan) population. Puritans In 1558, Elizabeth took the throne of England and since she was Protestant, the Calvinists in England who had earlier fled or were in hiding now stepped up to purify the English church of Catholicism. Puritans evolve from Calvinists and though they want to purify Englands church, they end up leaving for America. They had capitalistic society and Their popularity establishes a Protestant presence in England. Council of Trent

Pope Paul III wished to reform the papacy and called the Council (1545 - 1563) in Trent, Italy to address issues of corruption and confusion in the Catholic church. Reformation leaders were invited too but they declined since Scripture wasnt the sole basis of discussion. Helped reinstate the Catholic control as the church reformed itself. It dealt with doctrinal matters, gave equal validity to scripture and tradition, reaffirmed the seven sacraments, and rejected Lutheran/ Calvinist proposals. Tridentine Decrees Issued by Pope Pius IV in 1560s. The creed was intended to summarize the teaching of the Council of Trent. One, uniform Latin Mass throughout the world, an improved translation of the Bible, bishops should live in their bishoprics and check up on their clergy regularly, clergy should preach a proper sermon every week, BANNED: Selling relics, selling indulgences, priests' concubines. The Tridentine Decrees were intended to make Catholicism a much more intense personal experience, instead of just a set of mechanical rituals. The Church started running off a printed Catechism, explaining what Catholics believe in an FAQ style. Society of Jesus Ignatius Loyola, a former Spanish soldier, founded the Order of Jesus or the Jesuits in 1540. It trained priests as an army of God to rid Europe of heresy. They resisted the spread of Protestantism. Eventually Jesuits could be found in India, the Congo, and North America. Jesuits also brought much of southern Germany and eastern Europe back to Christianity. The brought a large part of Europe back to Catholicism and spread the religion in other continents as well.

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