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Sirius Vampin Book Series #16 By Jamie Ott ref=tn_tnmn https://twitter.



Chapter 1

He woke to a sound like boulders falling into pools of water. Someone must have removed the bucket hed placed beside his chamber. In it was a bunched up rag that softened the drips, making the echoes softer. He splashed his way down the tunnel. The sound echoed all the way down the winding calcite, into the darkness. In the next cavern, a silver haired man was hunched over a small table, scribbling on a parchment. On the center floor of his chamber, a small fire blazed. Opposite him lay a twine cot.

Edward? He looked up from his parchment; ink dripped from the tip of his quill. Sirius? Did you take the bucket I was using? Yes, I did. I figured youd be getting up, now, anyway. Arent you going back tonight? Yes. Edward observed him a moment. Is there something wrong? Well, to be honest, I wonder if maybe were making a mistake. Edward looked down, saw the blotch on his parchment and set the quill in its pot. Please, he said and motioned to the chair opposite his. Sit and have some tea.

Sirius shuffled into the other seat. Edward got two mugs and removed the kettle from the fire. He, again, took his seat and asked, Like how? Like maybe were superstitious fools. Maybe the rumors weve heard are false. Sirius took a sip. Oh, theyre true, alright. My minister wouldnt have sent me without undeniable proof. This is our job: to find evil and destroy it. Shes made a pact with Satan, and she must be destroyed. Every night, the Queen takes a soul; its the only way she can survive in this world. I know youre worried about what this could mean for you, should you get caught, but youll be saving thousands of souls from the clutches of the devil. Sirius said nothing. He watched the dancing flames. How do I know I can trust you? And trust the Council? You dont know, but we have the same goal, so what does it matter? She killed your future wife; shes hunted Councilmen. We want her dead; you want her dead. She trusts you, and lets not forget that you begged me for this. You said you wanted revenge. I never said I wanted revenge. In fact, I never asked you for anything! I was in the chapel, begging for Gods help when you happened upon me. Tell me, brother, why were you there? How did you know about me? I swear, sometimes its like you can read my mind. Are you some sort of sorcerer? Dont be ridiculous, Sirius. God spoke to me. He told me what was in your heart. Thats all. They sat in silence a moment. Sirius looked down into his mug as an act of concession. Youll go back tonight, and stick to the original plan. Dont let guilt dissuade you. Most importantly, remember that shes not human, Sirius! Keep telling yourself that and itll be easy to do what must be done. He nodded his head in assent.

Put on your jerkin and your fancy breeches, and go to court, tonight, as usual. When shes dead, you can go home. We, then, can return to the Council.


Under the light of the full winter moon, he made his way to the castle. Though she wasnt there by his side, he felt her presence all the way to the royal road that ran from the town straight to the castle gates. Shed been spying on him ever since the night his father announced his engagement. Sometimes, Sirius woke to see her floating beside his window at home. Thats why he, now, resided in the caves; it was the only place she couldnt find him. The Council ministers seemed to have magic to keep her away. The Queen wasnt the most beautiful woman in the world, but she was certainly handsome and ever-so pale with sparkling eyes to match. Sirius would have gladly obliged her in matrimony, but shed never take a king and relinquish her power to a man. He was heartbroken on the morning she turned down his proposal. The sun had only just risen, and theyd shared a night he was sure hed compare the rest of his days to. For some time, he wallowed in grief, until his childhood sweetheart came back into his life. Her name was Catarine. Theyd spent many days together until she turned up missing. She was supposed to meet him beside the lake, where they often went for a row. With his grandmothers ruby ring in pocket, he sat beside the foggy lake for hours. Briefly, images flashed across his minds eye. He tried to stop himself but it was too late: the montage of memories began. How her father, angry and bewildered, banged down the door with French musket in hand, screaming and cursing; her poor weeping mother; the hours and hours of combing the town and the forests. From that day on, many people looked at him with a certain regard. He felt guilty, too, like maybe if he hadnt asked her to join him at such a late hour she would have stayed home and safe. It wasnt until he spotted his loves solid gold brooch, a family heirloom shed worn to countless balls, in the Queens chamber that he realized she was involved. The evil glances she threw at them, in court on the night he and Catarine first went together, suddenly came back to him. If looks could kill, that night her eyes had enough daggers to take out an army.

Like a colorful flower garden, nobility lined the road that led to the gates of the castle. Their silk and muslin costumes gleamed under the moonlight and the flames of the many torches. They chatted as they shivered, waiting for the guards to open the gates. At the very front was the Queens coterie. Dressed in their usual black, from head to toe, they were a very strange group. All with skin as waxy and pale as the moon, itself. Most women had to swallow poison and apply many coats of white lead to achieve such fairness. Stranger yet, theyd only ever been seen out at night. Edward said they were the Queens cabal, appointed to ensure her survival at any costs. Several nodded to him as he walked up to the gate. One was a blonde woman named Lady Gwen. Rumor was the Queen dug her up out of the ground, waking her from a demonic sleep state. She was the Queens closest ally, and was rumored to be a witch. The old priests would have burned her long ago, if not for the Queens pardon. Her green eyes glittered sinisterly as she stared him down. Sirius, called a familiar voice. He turned. On the side of the road was his longtime friend. Peter! When did you get back? Last month! I sent you a letter last week but you didnt respond. How was the university? It was such a bore, my friend. We did nothing but study philosophy, language and art. Im so glad to be back. This is my friend, Amelia. Shes the only reason I lasted at that dreary university. He bowed. Suddenly, the gates opened. Slowly, behind the large crowd, they passed through. Ah ha! someone shouted and laughed. Peter! Lereux, you filthy French dog! Peter swung his arms around both, theirs, necks and slapped their shoulders.

My two best friends in the world. We must have a night of nostalgia. Tonight well reminisce! Not Sirius, Im afraid. Hes the Queens new pet, Lereux said mockingly. Really, shes an evil, and not forgetting to mention boring, thing. I know, but how can I refuse the Queen? Shes terribly distressed, lately. Its not easy being queen, what with men coming at her from every angle, thinking her incapable of handling her sovereignty. Shes an ingnue, and you know it. Now, now, mes amis, dont fight. Sirius is right: he cant refuse the Queen. Shell have him blackballed from all of society. Well just have to have a private party, ourselves, some night this week, I say. Slowly, they followed the coterie and courtiers through the courtyard, and into the entrance hall. In the great hall, tables and benches had been set out at the far end for a ceremonial supper. People were shuffling into spaces as quickly as they could. At the very back, the Queen sat on a dais that was several feet higher than the floor. Immediately, her eyes drew to him, and followed him all the way to his seat. Next to her sat her evil half-brother and fellow servant to the devil, Dracus. Sirius, its a wonder to see you. A man with long curls and a van dyke sat across from him, on the bench. William, my friend. Youve met Lereux, and this is Peter who is just got back from Cambridge. He nodded his head to them. I wanted to say hello to you, last week, but the Queen seemed to keep you engaged. Yes, said Lereux. It wont be long before the court has a new courtesan, and youll grow breasts and shed your balls, haha! I resent that.

After dinner, they stood and filed out of the great hall and into the ball room. A band had already set up and was playing the best of the baroque. Couples started on the floor with soulful a loure. In the corner, glittering in a black silk gown, he spotted Lady Gwen. The Queen insisted that everyone who attended her events must dance at least once. Lady Gwen wasnt much for words. Her cold eyes gave him the shivers, but he figured it was safer than putting any of his other female friends in danger. On the floor, when they embraced, a tingling sensation traveled up and down his back. Once more, he knew the Queen was watching.

It was nearly midnight when the queen finally interrupted. He was on a lucky roll at the roulette table. She insisted he dance with her, and dragged him to the floor. My Queen, you just lost me a substantial wager. Tell your father to bill the court, then. Her face was just like her strange cohorts: white and waxy and without makeup. Normally, a very beautiful trait on a woman, but on her, it was ghastly. Her lips were red like berries; her hair was as shiny as polished leather but her skin was colder than snow. The night picked up and progressed, as did the music. When the band led them into a Basque tambourin, they danced more vivaciously, and the older crowd left the court. The Queen laughed, hysterically, as he spun her around and around. People lost their grace in the high-spirited drum beats. Her lips spread wide, lighting up her face. Something about when she smiled like that was almost like the devil left her for a moment, and only gods grace shone forth. I cant dance anymore! Im tired! she shouted. She dragged him off the floor, and demanded two glasses of wine from a nearby servant. Come on, she said, taking a sloppy sip, and nearly spilling down her dress.

She pulled him to the back of the castle, up a winding set of stairs until they stood on her bedroom terrace, which overlooked the lands for miles. So beautiful, tonight, he said. The air was chilly. If not for the alcohol in his veins, it wouldnt have felt so nice on his skin. A full moon, clear of any cloud blemishes, seemed to sit right on the grass in between two groups of pine trees. She slipped her hand into his and drew him close to her. If it were any other woman, it would have been romantic. She must have sensed his disdain, for she asked, You dont like me, anymore, is that it? No, I just never had a woman aggressive like you. A lady should be genteel. She pulled her hand from his and turned her back to him. He felt in his jacket for the blessed blade Edward gave him. His heart tripled its pace. She was right there, back turned, vulnerable. He pulled the knife from its sheath but then she sniffed and turned. Quickly, he slipped it back in the sheath. He couldnt do it whilst she looked at him with eyes like a doe. Sometimes, her innocence glared out from her devil mask, and it was that side of her he, once, loved.

~~~ Through the window, the sun warmed him into consciousness. In his arms, the Queen slept. A ray reached her delicate skin. A foul odor, like burning trash, wafted into his sinuses. Her flesh turned to a mocha color, and smoke fumed into the air. He pulled her arm close to his face for inspection. Sirius ran his finger along her flesh. Pieces of it, charred and ashy, fell to the blanket. The sunlight covered her entire hand when he did this, causing her entire arm to sizzle. The Queen sat up, shrieked and yanked back her hand. Her mocha charred skin immediately turned white again.

So its true! You really are in league with the devil. He climbed out of bed and reached for his clothes. Sirius, stop. Im not in league with anyone. Ill explain if youll let me. Dont bother. I know you had something to do with Catarines death. Youre evil! You should be burned. Sirius spun, grabbed the knife from its sheath, turned and ran at her. But before he touched the bed, shed disappeared. Guards! Her voice came from behind him, on the other side of the room. The door opened. Arrest him, she said to the man, who was wearing a metal plate with sword at the ready. Sirius ran at him, grabbed his wrist with the sword and punched him in the face. Then he ran downstairs, through the kitchens and out of the back.

Mud spattered his silk breeches each time he pounded one of his feet to the ground. His shoes were soaked with morning dew, and all the while, he felt the Queens presence with him. You think I dont know about you and your friends? she whispered to him. You think you can hide from me? Go away! Half an hour later, he made it back to the caves. The minute he entered, he felt something was wrong. From further down the limestone path, past a large grouping of stalagmites he heard shrieking, the sounds of his comrades shouting, shattering of glass and scuffles. He unsheathed his sword and splashed down the water soaked way. In the largest cavern, which they used for ministerial meetings, were many persons dressed in black billowing cloaks: they were the Queens coterie. He raised his sword, preparing to strike when he was shocked, frozen, by the sight of every single one of his comrades dead on the ground; all with their chests and throats ripped out. Lady Gwen

and her cohorts stared idly at him with blood dripping from their mouths. Slowly, he stepped back out into the hall when they flew around him so fast that he was blinded by black. Next thing he knew, he was floating high above the trees. Fear seared his flesh; a scream was locked in his chest. The Lady Gwen held him. In the distance, the Queens castle came into view. They settled on the ground right as a guard opened the gate for them to walk through. They marched him down to the dungeons and locked him in a cell.

Lifes End Chapter 2 He slept and sat on the cold wooden bench which was the only thing in the cell. Three days past before the guards gave him any food or water. Occasionally, he felt the presence of the Queen. Come and get me, then! hed say but shed just go away. Rats scurried in and out of the cell. They were the only company and intrigue he had, as the entire dungeon was empty. The Queen liked to keep prisoners in a jail on the other side of town, only bringing them to the dungeons when they were needed for questioning or trial or for public execution. He hoped his father was alright. Did he hear hed been arrested? Would he come for him? Not that it mattered, as he was sure the Queen would dispose of Sirius, one way or another. From time to time, he wondered about poor Edward. He didnt deserve to die. Did he have any family? And that night, when the guard brought him supper, he begged him to bring him ink, quill and parchment. Later, when he came back, he told him to take the letter to his father, who would pay him well. That evening, he heard music from court and wondered if anyone talked about him, and what must they be saying? A couple days later, Sirius was really starting to become anxious. He talked to himself, paced the room, exercised. Then he had fantasies of doing things with people, entertaining guests, having parties. At one point, he even shouted through the air, to the Queen to hurry up and hang him. A week later, he was brought out of a nap by the sounds of shouting and screaming. He hurried off the bench and looked through the small barred window. All he saw was fire blazing through the trees. Soon, the sounds grew nearer, until he heard striking blades coming from right outside the dungeon wall. To the far right and left, he saw plain dressed men with beards fighting the Queens guards. The fighting continued on for many hours, during which he clung the bars trying to catch glimpses. By midnight, the plain men had fought their way into the castle. It was quite a feat, Sirius considered,

as they didnt seem to be military. They were neither Wallachian nor even Moldavian, and it just wasnt possible that they were Transylvanian with their collectively pale eyes and reddish locks. Near dawn, the door to the dungeon opened and in walked a bloodied and bruised soldier. At knife point, he was escorted by a limping, plain-dressed man into a nearby cell. From then on, periodically throughout the day, both men and women were dragged into the jails. They were mostly the Queens men, but there were a few random vagrants and towns folk as well as a family of Gypsies. The sound of squeaking and crunching gravel came from the other side of his wall. He looked through the window, again, and saw a large wheel barrel loaded with bodies. From the flapping of black silk in the wind, he knew they were the Queens coterie. A tall and majestic looking man with a long orange and white beard said to the man pushing the barrel, Dont wait, burn their bodies right away; they are vampeer, for certain. By morning, the cells in the dungeon were full. His own square room had received three more patrons, but never did he see the Queen. From the chatters of the guards, he gathered that the attackers were from sent by no king. In fact, no one had any clue where they were from or who they were. A man in his own cell talked about how one of the men stabbed the Queens brother, but he didnt die. His fellow, then, yanked out his own sword and beheaded Dracus from behind. Several days went by in this fashion. The cells in the dungeon continued to fill. Three new additions had been crowded in with Sirius, one of whom couldnt stop sniffling for fear he would never see his son again. On the tenth morning, the door to the dungeons opened. A man in a long black cloak walked down to the last cell. He opened the door and was heard to say, You! Come on, now. Try anything, and Ill kill you on the spot. Slowly, a dirty soldier with watery eyes walked past with the mans sword held to his back.

They left the dungeon and, one hour later, the man came back for another, and an hour later, another. For the rest of the day, the man worked his way down, from cell to cell. Of each man he called forth, only two came back. The prisoners instantly questioned them, and the answer was exactly as theyd expected: executions had begun. It took several days to clear out several cells. Finally, on the fourth day, the man reached Sirius cell. When the man looked at him and pointed his finger, his pores ran, unrelentingly, with sweat. The man pointed him up the dungeon stairs, out into the Queens Great Hall, where they normally had court dinners. Now, the same tall man hed seen outside his window sat on the dais, in the very middle of four men. Plain dressed guards lined the walls. The man dipped his quill in the ink pot and demanded, Your name? Sirius Batran Basarab the X. The man scribbled on the parchment. Date of birth and rank? June 1st, 1624. Im a nobleman and civilian scholar. Do you have any family that you want us to notify? What? Why? About your death, sir. I did not fight you when you came. I was already in the dungeons, so cant you spare me? That makes no difference. Youre a law breaker; a no good vagrant. But Im not. Im a nobleman whos been locked up by the Queen purely for revenge! Yeah, sure. Take him away, he said to his escort. But Im on your side! I was jailed for trying to kill the Queen. I was working with a group who called themselves the Council! The men stopped and looked at him.

What did you say your name was, again? Sirius Basarab. With whom did you work? A man by the name of Edward. I wrote the council a fortnight ago, telling them how we were attacked at the caves. You can verify it. My father sent the letter for me. The men bent their heads toward one another and whispered. Finally, the tall one said, Very well, let him go.

He couldnt believe his good fortune. The escort led Sirius to the castle doors. From there, he took off running straight through the town center, over the hill and to his fathers property. His heart leapt for joy, and a smile widened his face when he set foot on the mile long gravel road that led right up to his front double doors. Father, he called as he ran through the entrance hall, past the parlor and toward the den. Gray but sturdy and wearing a gold monocle, his father came out of the study. Dropping the papers in his hands, and his monocle falling to his chest, he said, Son, I thought you were dead! He trampled the parchment and pulled him into an embrace. I heard they began executions! Since I hadnt heard from you, I assumed they got you, too. They almost did, today; then they released me for some reason! Why? I, he stammered, dont know. I was so relieved to be allowed to live that I forgot to ask. No matter, youre here, now! Just let those dogs come and try to claim you! Maria! he shouted as he went down the short hall and

stood in the kitchen archway. Prepare an early dinner! The rabbits; its his favorite! Get the younger ones so theyre tender. A moment later, he reappeared but turned around, briefly, and shouted, Dont forget to tidy up his room. He guided him back into the parlor where he started a fire. You look terrible! Jail can do that to people; make them look like washed up muskrats. So youve been locked up all this time? He walked to the bar and poured him a cognac. Yes, because I tried to kill the Queen. I understand that, but what I dont is why she didnt execute you right away. Why wasnt there a grand trial and spectacle? He handed Sirius the copper glass. I dont know why, he said and took a sip. Women are forgiving creatures. So if you have not an explicable reason, then the answer is simple: she loves you. She is a demon, father, just like Edward said. Demons arent capable of love, only sadistic pleasure that comes from torturing innocents. Shes not a demon, son. Evil, yes, but even if her blood runs green, shes still human, too. After a while, Sirius went up to his room to wash and change for dinner. Up the cool, dark hallway he went. His room was at the farthest end of the third floor, where a sky light shone down. For a moment, the light was snuffed out, as is what happened when flocks of birds happen by. The light continued to flicker as he walked to the door. As he reached for the handle in the center and pushed, he looked up. He stepped back, immediately, to clarify what he just saw.

Floating on the other side of the glass, he thought he saw a black sheet with two flashes of light that looked almost like eyes do when moonlight shines on a face. But when he stepped back, it was gone. In his room, he was happy to be surrounded by familiar things. His straw stuffed canopied bed; his favorite writing desk; the throw of orange light from the small fireplace at the foot of his bed. It was like being in a cozy little corner. Maria set out a large pitcher, which he tilted over the wash bowl, filling it half-way with water. He stripped down and with the rag, sponged every inch of his body. When hed done, he put his clothes in the fireplace and watched them burn; then grabbed a fresh pair of stockings, vest and shirt and shoes. Just as he rung the last bit of lace on his vest, the horses in the barn started screeching harmoniously, as they did when dangerous animals approached. He picked up his sword, rushed into his shoes and down the stairs where he met his father who had a musket in hand. Outside, grey clouds had moved in and rain blasted down at them. Sirius followed his father across the muddy grass to the barn. I dont understand, his father said, when they got inside and lit a lantern. The horses arent usually afraid of rain. Maybe a little thunder but these horses arent skittish at all. Yet there they were, jumping and hopping about, rearing their legs. What do we do? Get the wolves and station them here, tonight. Sirius ran across to the other barn where they kept a family of wolf-dog breeds. They made an excellent defense against bear intruders; they also kept rabbits from eating his gardens. He entered the dog pen and grabbed all the blankets, but the wolves didnt want to go outside. Their tails were tucked low and their ears flayed back, pulling the folds of their foreheads, making their eyes look wider and brighter under the moonlight. Come on, he said. Dont be afraid.

Finally, they followed him across and into the horse barn where Sirius laid down the blankets into a circle of piles, and then prompted the wolf-dogs to lay, but they were distracted, sniffing the air, looking around. It didnt occur to him that the horses had suddenly become still and quiet, until he looked around for his father. Dad? The wolf-dogs gathered at a spot, sniffing the ground. Sirius squeezed into the midst of them and saw bits of blood speckled the straw strewn floor. All of the wolf-dogs were looking at the other end of the barn; the leader had already begun its saunter there, and Sirius followed. When they reached the corner, Sirius screamed, Daaad!

Strange Sightings Chapter 3 Without heart, liver or kidneys, his body now lay in the parlor in a casket. The examiner bent over him, touching his face, hands, legs, and looking in his chest cavity. He stood up again. Are you sure a bear did this? Well, what else could have done it? asked Sirius. I dont know, but Ive never seen a bear eat out its victim so cleanly. His intestines and stomach is perfectly intact, his lungs are untouched, as is his pancreas and appendix. His heart, liver and kidneys are the only thing missing. Think about it, doctor. What else, but an animal, could have torn through his rib cage like that? The doctor merely looked at him and furrowed his eyebrows and pursed his lips. Well, dont look at me! I didnt do this! He sighed and said, Well, here you are then. He handed him a death certificate. Do you have a bit of fire? he asked, holding up a stick of wax.

After he sealed the wax to the certificate, the doctor left. Just as he rode down the gravel mile, in the distance a four horse carriage was headed toward him. By the looks of it, it was the royal carriage. He waited for the carriage to approach. Five minutes later, it stopped in front of the door. A man in black pulled out a scroll and reached over the side, beckoning Sirius to come and take it. Im sorry, sir, but I havent much time. Your presence has been requested. Youre to be a formal witness to the execution of the Queen this Sunday at dawn. Speechless, he walked up and grabbed the scroll. Is it required that I be there?

Yes, sir. At least one man from the Basard house is required to attend. Then he turned around and rode back down the mile.


Over the next few days, people dropped in and out to pay their respects. Many of whom were instantly suspicious of Sirius. He was sure that if the Queens sheriff hadnt been executed, hed have arrested Sirius on coincidence alone. First, Catarine goes missing, and now, his father was dead; people assumed this made him as good as a murderer. Of the townsfolk, only Peter and Lereux believed he had nothing to do with his fathers murder and Catarines disappearance. They came and helped out with the memorial, and then shouldered his fathers casket to the church cemetery. From the ledge of the castle, the man who presided over him, on his near execution, tipped his hat. That Sunday, he put on his best and went to the town again. He tied his horse at the entrance to the center and walked down the muddy road. Up ahead, a platform had been raised. People already stood about with terrified looks on their faces. Several nodded to him as he approached. Peter, Lereux, he said, and stood beside them. How have you been? asked Lereux. Well, my friend. Tis quiet at the house; almost too quiet. Any disturbances? No, none since the night my father died, he said a little strongly. He didnt want to say that ever since theyd left, he felt like someone was watching him; that occasionally, hed turn and see strange shadows disappear around corners.

Some moments later, they were distracted from chit chat. Two men escorted a small cloaked figure up onto the platform. When they lowered her hood, she was pale and still faced; she showed no fear. Her eyes immediately shifted right to his. The strangling rope was affixed to her neck and the wood was piled high around her, so they couldnt see her naked body burn. Then the platform torches were lit, and she was pushed forward into an invisible space that allowed her to hang as flames traveled toward her. She jerked up and down on the rope; her choking noises were loud and inhuman. Then her head popped off and rolled away; her body fell to the platform. Just as this happened, something blotted out the sky. Sirius looked up in time to see things in black cloaks dive at the executioners. They drew their swords but were overcome. The crowd shouted and pointed, wondering if they should help. The spinning of cloaks everywhere made it hard to see what was happening. But as fast as they came was as fast as they were gone. Everyone, stay right where you are while we look for the head! called one of the executioners. When they couldnt find it, they continued with burning the body, which they put up on the pyre and watched as it was reduced to ashes within an hour. Sirius, Peter and Lereux walked back to their horses. Father is having a dinner the night after tomorrow. You should receive your invitations today. We start receiving guests at 8 o clock. They walked a ways together. And as they reached the end of the gravel road, talking about plans for the party, Sirius thought he saw something in the trees. Shh! He extended his arm, pointing at the wooded area that lined the back of the town. What is it? asked Lereux. Someone wearing dark clothing is among the trees. Immediately, they drew their swords, as did Sirius. Upon crossing into the woods, they found nothing.

They turned back to each other while sheathing their swords. Its nothing, said Lereux. What is it, Sirius? asked Peter. You look spooked. Theyre gone, so theres no need to be frightened. No, it just that I think someone has been watching me, and may even have followed me here. No ones watching or following you, said Peter mockingly. Its just being alone in that big house with that mute, Maria. The same thing happened when my uncle died: my poor aunt got spooked in her own home, so I said get a slave! A woman should not be all alone in a castle! Think about it, Sirius. Right now, theres a family of Romani in the Queens dungeons; one of them a fairly cute girl with hair like onyx, and dewy eyes.


Later, Maria served him bread, cheese and cold mutton by the fire, and then retired to her quarters. As he sipped wine, he thought about his father and Catarine. Briefly, he considered the chances that the Queen took part in his fathers death. Quickly, he discredited the notion, for the Queen was imprisoned at the time, and none but an animal could have inflicted the wounds his father suffered. Still, it bothered him, the timing of Catarines disappearance and the death of his father. Both times, he felt as if he was being watched; both times he felt the Queens presence. Impossible! She never leaves the castle! He leaned forward in his chair and stoked the fire. Its the devil in her.

That night he climbed the stairs to his bedroom where as soon as his head touched the feather pillow, he was aslumber.

After breakfast the next day, he did what hed been dreading: he entered his fathers room. Maria had kept it tidy. There was not a speck of dust anywhere. Everything was in its place or arranged as if it were a display. Father often groomed in front of the mirror on the desk. On its smooth walnut surface lay his favorite pearl necklace. He took it off a pirate ship that tried to take him on the Black Sea. The size of a large grape, it was hoisted on a silver circle and hung on a thick metal, hand braided chain. Delicately layered around the monstrous pearl were silver coins, like in old Roman fashion. He walked up to the desk and held the necklace. The surface was smooth, and a rainbow gleamed across its surface. It was a symbol of the power he once had over the lands and the sea, and now, though still a Lord when alive, hed lost most of his assets in civil wars with the Moldavians and the Wallachians. In his closet hung the finest lace and the sturdiest heels that a man could afford. Beside those, boots of the softest lambskin with heels hed had especially affixed to elongate his thick calves, making them more graceful. That afternoon, he cleared out his fathers room, sending what he would keep to their seamstress, and packing the rest into boxes he sent Maria up to the attic with. He hated to be rid of his fathers things so quickly, but their castle was a smaller home than the one they used to have. One day, Sirius would need those rooms to start a family. Later, he went downstairs to tend the gardens and let the dogs out. It was a cool but sunny day, though clouds threatened to smother the sun. From the shed, he got a hoe and proceeded to breaking up the soil under the rows of greens. In that climate, the soil had thick silica like components that often clumped together. As he worked his way down the last row, he noticed a plant had been gnawed, recently. Normally, the bits around the bite would turn brown, but these bites were still green and fresh. He went back to the shed and got the metal cage. He set fresh sliced apples and carrots into a bowl, and the placed them inside the cage. Then he visited the place he dreaded even more than his fathers bedroom. They heard him coming and started neighing.

Sirius stopped in the door. Each horse had its head stuck outside their stall, and watched him. He could see the eager in their eyes. In the same spot as before, the straw was still specked with blood. Trying not to look at the spots, he walked to the stalls and opened them. Quickly, they walked out and did a couple laps around the soft mud bed. Beside the door was a large can they used for water. Sirius picked it up and walked to the well around the back. He dropped the bucket down several times and poured the cold liquid into the can, and went to the trough and poured it in. Back inside the castle, Maria was too tired from the days chores and had gone to bed early. Maybe Peter was right. Perhaps a Gypsy girl, and let Maria retire from her duties. Not that he would dream of sending Maria away. Shed been a lifelong servant, and he was grateful to her. Sirius helped himself to a light supper and read by candlelight until it burned down to the silver saucer. And not once did he sense the presence of anyone, nor did he see any shadows.

On the following evening, Maria again retired to her quarters just after dark. Sirius adorned his fathers fine linen ruff, which bounced in the wind as his steed lightly trotted the bridge over the lake. About halfway across, the horse started to whinny the way she did when dangerous animals came near the barn. What is it, Santa girl? Suddenly, the horse dropped her trot, and galloped to the other side of the bridge. Slow down! he yelled, and tried to pull back the reigns as he kicked her. She only ignored him and leapt faster; however, Santa seemed to know exactly where he wanted to go. As without any direction, she instinctively turned on the dirt road with the many lit torches; the very road that led to Peters house, and she didnt stop until she was mere feet away from the front door. She skidded to a stop, blowing up gravel.

Sirius leapt off the horse and approached her from the side. When he looked into her eye, he saw fear. Its okay, girl, he said as he rubbed her head and stroked her neck. Come on. Instead of tying her to the post, he led her to the trough in the back where he let her to drink and graze with Peters horses. Right as he got back to the front of the house, the door opened. Sirius! Its about time you showed! called Peter. As he stepped into the house, he saw the trees waiver. The sound of crunching leaves echoed across the air. I just put my horse to graze in the back with yours. She had a terrible fright, just now. I hope you dont mind? Of course, I dont mind! How long have we known each other, for me to care about such things? Theres something else: I think someone or some persons may have followed me here. What? Still being haunted and stalked, are you? he laughed and nodded his head. Sirius handed his cloak to the servant, who bowed and walked off. I dont know, but I think its the Queens coterie. But that is ridiculous! Theyre all dead! All of them! I saw their bodies rolled through town. Now, now, youve been under too much stress, and its understandable that youre upset. Youre all alone in that house and only Maria to keep you company. Come, now, Lereux and Marcus is here. He guided him into the lounge where half a dozen gentlemen and ladies idled about. Peter slipped a silver goblet into his hand. In the corner sat a soft and lovely lady who had clear jewels weaved into her hair netting. Beside her sat a woman in a red dress who laughed with a man who wore pince-nez on the very tip of his nose.

This is Bethany, Angelina and Antony, Peter said, motioning with his hand to the two ladies and the gentleman. And, of course, you know Marcus, from our time studying with the priests, and Lereux and Amelia. Sirius bowed to them all, and then welcomed an embrace from Lereux and Marcus. Later, they were joined by Peters father, John William, who was a robust and entertaining man. Around the dinner table, the maid went setting a honey soaked dormouse on each of their plates, followed by brain stuffed honey cakes and nuts. So have you heard? asked Marcus. What? asked Peter, whose cheeks were looking a bit rosy. The crying in the cemetery? Theyre saying its cursed; that its the demons of the Queen. Well, it serves them right, putting her ashes in a holy ground, he replied, licking the wine off his lips. Well be lucky if the dead dont come crawling out of the ground only to drag us down into the belly of the beast. I agree, said John William. That execution was a fiasco. Why, theyre not even sure they burned the right body. What? asked Amelia with wide eyes. Well, they couldnt find her head, for one. And the queen has a very specific body, not to mention void of any color whatsoever. Now, after the black cloaked fiends attacked and then suddenly disappeared, the body that lay on the platform had been moved. And not only that, but it was a different shade then before, and as my friend, the head executioner said - whom is not to be named, so dont ask, he said loudly, looking sternly at his son, upon her right breast, a mole that he swears wasnt there before. Gasps followed around the table. Sirius, himself, couldnt tear his eyes away from John Williams. What does it mean? asked Bethany, a light tremble to her voice. It means that those fiends stole her body. But she was dead, already! said Marcus.

You dont know that! John Williams shouted. Think about this: Isnt it strange that this land has been ruled by a woman for so many centuries? Have you ever bothered to look at the royal family portraits, while at court? Each Queen looks very much alike, dont you think? There has never been a husband, not a single man or child of the royal family to make an appearance since Ive been alive, and for as long as my parents lived, and their parents before them. Just some new illegitimate child every 30 years - by rumor, and then suddenly the Queen dies some decades later, when the supposedly new Queen takes over. Thats my superstitious father for you, said Peter, rolling his eyes. I believe him, said Angelina. I dont think shes dead, which means this town is in danger. A chill ran up and down Sirius spine.

They took after-dinner drinks in the parlor. A large fire roared. They danced in a line while John Williams youngest daughter played the clavichord for them. About two in the morning, they started to gather their things. Sirius was nervous about leaving. When he went around back to fetch Santa, he learned he wasnt the only one. He could only get her to the front of the property by using his angry voice, which he hadnt done since she was young and kicking. Thankfully, Lereux understood and rode alongside Sirius rather than galloping off. Santa seemed to calm down with his presence. Marcus and Antony agreed to escort Angelina and Bethany. In a line, they followed Sirius and Lereux down the dark mile, as all the torches had extinguished. Thick clouds of fog weighed down on Sirius head and shoulders. He could only just barely see Lereux next to him. One of the ladies from behind screamed so loud that Sirius horse jumped, almost tossing him from his saddle. Are you okay? asked Lereux. Im fine. He turned and shouted, Whats wrong?

Marcus and Antony were lying, unconscious, some feet back. Two dark figures appeared beside Angelina and Bethany. One craned Bethanys neck back and put his mouth to her neck. What are you doing, sir? asked Lereux. Bethany, do you know this man? The man didnt answer. Blood ran down her neck. The other pushed Angelinas head back in the same fashion as Bethany. She shrieked, Get off me, get off me! Sir, I demand you unhand her, now! said Lereux, as he slid off his horse and unsheathed his sword. Suddenly, he pulled out a knife and rammed it into Angelinas belly, upon which she fell silent. The man who held Bethany flew off, leaving her to slide off her horse and fall to the ground with a thud. Lereux made a swiping motion with his sword, and as it came down, it struck air, for the man and Angelina disappeared. Sirius climbed down from his horse and drew his own sword. They both turned around, looking for where the men possibly could have gone. Then, Angelinas body slammed to the ground, splattering mud up into their faces. Her neck was bloody and broken; veins stuck out of its side. Marcus, Antony, are you okay? asked Sirius. Sirius knelt down and reached out to shake Marcus. His hand stopped midair as he took in their shorn necks and their emptied rib cages.

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