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1. Korra 2. hi there. im korra, the new avatar. you probably all remember aang. he was the last avatar.

3. well, all that time he spend frozen in that iceberg caught up with him and he passed away 17 years ago. 4. so now you have me, and you gotta deal with it! 5. im kidding..... just something i used to say when i was a kid. 6. now youre ready to explore republic city. id show you around but i just got here myself 7. why dont you go visit tenzin at air temple island. Hes aangs youngest son and my airbending master 8. although i havent mastered all... 9. tenzin 10. i mentioned before that i am councilman for republic city 11. why dont you head over to city hall. it would be a great place to learn about republic city 12. korra 13. naga is starving. wanna help me feed her? i'll show you a pretty cool trick that makes fishing really easy 14. waterbending is about harnessing the power of water, much like the tides of an ocean will do. go ahead and try to harness some 15. just focus and hold onto one spot. once youve locked in on it, the water will follow you motion. then, drop the fish in front of naga! 16. Gommu(wanderer) 17. i must bid you adieu my new friend as i happen to see that there police airship! best high tail it outta here! 18. Lin beifong 19. if youre going to be traipsing around republic city, at least try to be careful. the downtown area has been full of triads lately. 20. Triple threat triands 21. well, well, well... you must be one of the new recruits. shady shin mentioned he was sending some new bodies over. 22. im two toed ping. we represent the triple threat triads, the biggest gang in republic city. 23. we "protect" these fine establishments around here for a.. small fee 24. i hear there's big game tonight at the pro-bending arena. you gonna go? 25. Bolin 26. hey, friend! come on in im bolin, but, you can call me bo. or lin. or.... bo...lin 27. soo, that stiff over there is my bro mako, and that lovely lady on the couch is the one and only avatar, korra 28. oh and this wet little thing is pabu. just giving him a bath. because hes stinky. yes you are, pabu 29. rub a dub dub got pabu in a tub.. 30. mako 31. dont mind my brother. i'm mako. we make up the fire ferrets

32. i know its only our first year in the league.. but with korra on the team we actually have a shot in the tournament. you should see her out there. 33. if it wasn't for pro-bending i don't know what i would do 34. korra 35. hey, welcome back! Are you an expert on republic city now? if you found everything, you should be. if not, you can always revisit all the locations. 36. well, i still have a lost of training to do. republic city needs me. you should stick around. it could use someone like you too.

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