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To type any command you will need to type / and then the command. Help and Information Commands This lists commands. To get to other pages type: /help and then the page number. /help This sends a message to an operator. /helpop [message] This shows the server rules. /rules Messaging /msg [username] [message] /tell [username] [message] /tell [username] /tell /mail read /mail send [username] [message] /mail clear /me [message] /online, /list, /who /ignore [username] /afk /motd /whois /seen [username]
Sends a private message to a player. Sends a private message in purple font to a player. Starts a conversation with a player. (messages will be sent only to that player) Ends a current conversation. Lists all mail sent to you. Sends mail to another player. Clears mail. Types a message in 3rd person view.

Chat and Other Users

Shows players that are currently online. It will show their rank, and if they are afk. Ignores a player. If your use the command again you will stop ignoring them. Shows to others that you area Away From the Keyboard. Shows your chat box as if you had just logged onto the server. Shows the real username behind a nickname. Shows the last time that a player has been on the server.

Teleporting and Warping

This will teleport you to spawn. /spawn This will set your current location as your home. /sethome This will teleport you to your set home location. /home This will teleport you to the last place you teleported to. /back This will accept a request to have an admin or mod teleport to you or for you to teleport to them. /tpaccept This will deny a request to have an admin or mod teleport to you or for you to teleport to them. /tpdeny This will list locations you can warp to. /warp This will teleport you to a specified location. Locations listed below. /warp [location] Kaiserville, aquapolis, boardwalk, eastmoor, farlands, nethertown, commercialcity, woodrowe, mobville, cloudcity

Location /getpos /depth /compass /balance, /bal /pay [username] [###] /balancetop, /baltop /worth
This shows your position on the map. Similar information as F3. This shows your height above or below sea level. This shows your

Game Currency
This will show you the money you have. You start with $250. This will pay the player indicated the money you type. (leave out brackets) This will show you a list of the top ten players with the most money. This shows the value of the item that you are holding.

Petitions /pe open [message] /pe comment [petition #] [message] /pe close [petition #] [message] /pe list /pe view [petition #]
Opens a petition. To get protection use: /pe open I need protection This allows you to comment on a petition. This closes a petition if you do not want it any longer. Message is optional. This shows open petitions This shows petitions

Basic Protections This adds a player to your protection. To find the protection /region addmember [region name] [username] /region addowner [region name] [username]
name hold a piece of string and right click on a block. This shows the protections for that area. This adds an owner to your protection.

Other Commands /jails /clearinventory /suicide /slay /ping

Shows a list of server jails. Removes all items from your inventory. Kills yourself forcing respawn. Kills yourself forcing respawn. Returning message is Pong!

Guest Abilities
Permission to use:
Use of portals Use of nether portals Use of buy signs Use of sell signs Use of trade signs Use of mail signs Use of heal signs Use of time signs Use of warp signs Use of balance signs

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