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1. Define SRS. Explain features of good SRS. Also list the users of SRS ans thei r purpose 2.

Explain role of a software quality assurance group. Also explain formal techn ical review (FTR) 3. Define Software Reliability. Explain different reliability matrics. 4. Explain Reliability growth models in details. 5. Explain make buy decisions 6. What is software maintanance? Describe various categories of s/w maintenance? which category consumes maximum efforts and why? 7. Define software configuration items. Explain how they are used in SCM process 8. Define matrics,measure, indicator and also explain relationship among them 9. What are components of use case diagram, explain their usage with help of dia gram 10. Discuss Various key process areas of CMM at various maturity levels 11. Explain the boundary value analysis testing technique with the help of examp le 12. What are the advantages of developing the protoype of ssystem 13. List & explain the tools & techniques for performing risk monitoring & contr ol 14. What are size metrics? how is function point metric advantages over LOC metr ic explain? 15. Explain putman resource allocation model. what are limitation of this model 16. Explain Mc Call's software quality model. 17. Discuss various types of COCOMO model 18. Explain the advantages of developing the prototype of a system? 19. Define software design software design. Explain the features of a good softw are design. 20. Explain the relationship of cohesion and coupling with functional independen ce. 21. Explain boundary value analysis testing tevhniques with the help of an exmpl e 22. Explain degree of Rigor, Task set selector and Task Network 23. Discuss the infrastructure sector of COCOMO II 24. Explain configuration Audit version control source control system. 25. What is path testing? Explain cyclometic complexity with suitable.

26. List and explain different decomposition techniques with suitable example. 27. What is requirement engineering? List and explain different steps in require ment engineering 28. Define module coupling and module cohesion. Also explain different kinds of system testing 29. What is software engineering? Explain role of management in software develop ment 30. What is SCM? why it is necessary? Explain role of management in software dev elopment 31. Describe equivalence class testing method. compare this with boundary value analysis techniques 32. Describe any two software size estimation techniques. 33. Enumerate Boehm's top ten software risk 34. Write a progrma in PDL to sort 10 numbers. Draw the flow graph. How many tes t cases should be derived to test the program completely? Write a complete set o f test cases 35. Wrire short Notes on 1) RMMM plan 2) Software reliability 3) WBS 4) Make buy decision 5) Status reporting 6) Task Network 7) FAST 8.) Make-buy decision 9) Art of debugging 10) Software reengineering 11) for P's in software management 12) Software Reliability 13) System Testing 14) Reverse Engineering 15) IT project Success factor 36. Differentitate between 1) size oriented matric and function oriented matrics 2) Balck box testing and white box testing 3) ISO 9000 certification and SEI CMM model. 4) Hardware reliability and software reliabilitgy

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