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Patterns of Functioning
Psychological Health
His sister stated that they rate their brothers health from 1-10 as 10 being the highest as a rate of 5 because he easy get sick and hes weak and he has a low self-esteem, they also said that their brother had a twin sister but unfortunately his twin died at six years old due to weakness. His father is a farmer, and his mother is a house wife only. They said that he had a chicken pox when he was in elementary, he graduated as computer technician, he works as a driver on a lumber company 2 years ago but he decided to resign because of his health condition, after he works he stayed in their house with his family, he had a living partner, they dont get married yet because the girl is only 17, if he had a problem he calls to his siblings to get an advice. They also said that their brother doesnt have any vises, he drinks alcohols occasionally, whenever they had a health problem they consults doctors and albularyos because they believe that there are health problems that a doctors can solve and cannot be solved by an albularyo, And there are also health problems that only albularyos can solve. He past time is to watch T.V, to ride on his motorcycle and to play computer games. He usually eat fried foods, hes not use to eat fruits and vegetables even to drink milk, but he drinks 2-3 glasses of water a meal.

Even if the patient has low self-esteem he has a positive outlook in life, he communicates well with others and interact with the people around him. His family was there to support him with his need and help him to resolve some of his problem.


Each person has certain psychologic needs, such as the need for love, security & self-esteem, which must be met to maintain psychological homeostasis. When one or more of these needs are is not met or is threatened, certain coping mechanisms are activated to protect the person & provide psychologic homeostasis. (Kozier & Erbs Fundamentals of Nursing 8th Ed, pp 272) Individuals with positive self-concept or high self-esteem are better able to develop and maintain warm intrapersonal relationships and resist psychological and physical illness. (Kozier & Erbs Fundamentals of Nursing 5th Ed, pp 802)

Socio-Cultural Patterns
Their primary source of income was the work their father as a farmer. If they have financial problem they help each other and sometimes they seek financial help to their other relatives. Her wife lives with them for a month now. They said that their brother doesnt have problem interacting with others. They live at Tanauan, they stated that their place is congested.

Their family supports each others needs even if some of his siblings dont have a job and their parents and relatives are still helping them financially.

Health beliefs needs to be clarified, particularly those beliefs that determine how they perceive control of their own health care status. Several cultures have a strong belief in fate, if people hold this belief; they do not feel that they can do anything to change the course of their disease. (Kozier and Erbs Fundamentals of Nursing, 8th Ed.)

Having a support network helps people avoid illness. Support people also provide the stimulus for an ill person to become well again. (FON, Kozier & Erbs 8th Ed, pp 302)

Spiritual Patterns
They are Roman Catholics, he goes to church to attend mass if he has a free time but not regularly, hes not a religious person but he believes in God. Their family believes in Albularyos and faith healers, their mother teaches those right values for them to grow as good individuals.

The patients mother teaches him right values, and hoe to respect older individuals. They believe in faith healers, the patient doesnt go to mass regularly but he believes in God and he knows that God could give him strength for him to face his problems.

According to Pilch(1988,p.31), spiritual wellness is a way of living, a lifestyle that views and lives life as purposeful and pleasurable, that seeks out life-sustaining and life-enriching options to be chosen freely at every opportunity, and that sinks its roots deeply into spiritual values and/or specific religious beliefs. (Kozier & Erbs Fundamentals of Nursing 5th Ed, pp 317)

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