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Dictionary of English Phonesthemes

Initial-Cluster Phonesthemes:

/p/ (0/12) Imitative of parting the lips. /p/ is a powerful, poignant, piercing plosive that can pop, punch, puff, and pounce. /p/ is a pale, pious, pitiful, piddling, paltry, petty pest. /p/ (1/12) Explosive Vocal Sounds: pipe, peep, puff, poof, purr, purl (gentle murmuring or bubbling sound like the water of a shallow stream flowing over stones), pop, pash (dash, smash), pat (dab), patter (the quick talk or chatter of a comedian or entertainer, salesman, etc; the slang or private language used by a particular group or class; to repeat mechanically without considering the meaning; to talk volubly but without much sense) {from paternoster}, pitter (make small sounds like a grasshopper), puke, /p/ (2/12) Explosive Sounds With an Abrupt Onset pop, peep, ping, pow, pitter, patter, peal, puff, ping, ping- pong, pang, pom-pom (machine gun), put-put (old car), /p/ (3/12) Energy, Strength, Power (see also /pw/): passion, pep, peppy, pith, pert, perk, pomp, power, peerless, pucka (solid; genuine), posture, pyknic (short, stocky, rotund; endomorphic), python, punchy (forceful; spirited), /p/ (4/12) Words Deriving From the IE root *peuk (prick): impugn (to challenge the integrity or veracity of; attack; to assail by words or arguments, as statements, motives, veracity, etc.; call in question; challenge as false), expunge (cancel; remove; to strike out, obliterate, or mark for deletion; annihilate; delete; edit; rub out), pugilist, pugilistic, pygmy, pungent (having a stiff and sharp point; sharply painful; poignant; caustic; stinging; pointed; telling; causing a sharp or irritated sensation; racy; savory; spicy), pounce (claw; to swoop upon and seize something with or as if with talons; a fine powder formerly used to prevent ink from spreading; a fine powder for making stenciled patterns; emboss; sprinkle), poignant (intense; penetrating; painful; pathetic; piercing; pungent), point, puncture, punctuate, fuck {hypothetical}, /p/ (5/12) Weapons, Fighting, War: poniard (a thin dagger), puncheon (a dagger; a barrel; a carved stamp used by gold smiths; a split log with a smooth face; a marble-working tool), pike (spear, stake, to wound, pierce, or kill by a pike), poke, parry (to ward off a blow; repel; avert; prevent), petard (small explosive device used by military engineers in medieval times to undermine castle walls, break down draw bridges, etc; a case containing an

explosive to break down a door or gate or breach a wall; firework), pavis (a large shield of the Middle Ages; to protect with a pavis), pandy (a hit on the hand; to hit on the hand), posse, potshot, pistol, pummel (strike), picket, pillage, pommel (the knob on the hilt of a sword or saber; the protuberance at the front and top of a saddle; either of a pair of removable rounded or Ushaped handles used on the top of a pommel horse; pummel; strike), punish, pyrrhic (achieved at excessive cost; costly to the point of negating or outweighing expected benefits; a metrical foot consisting of two short or unaccented syllables), /p/ (6/12) Pity, Paleness: pale, pall (altar cloth; something that casts a gloom over an area by covering it; pallium; glut; to cause to be interesting or attractive), pule (whine, whimper), palliate (o reduce the violence of; to cover by excuses and apologies; to moderate the intensity of) {from L pallium=cloak}, pallid (pale; wan; faint or deficient in colour lacking in vitality or interest; ashen), pity, pathos, pathic (a catamite; a passive participator; passive; suffering), passive, peccant (sinning; sinful; faulty; wrong; peccable; guilty of moral offense; violating a rule; liable to break certain social rules; incorrect; inducing disease; guilty of a moral offense), peccable, pensive (musingly, dreamingly, or sadly thoughtful, reflective, speculative, contemplative, or meditative), perish, peril, petty, peasant, pittance (thing of little value; a small portion, amount, or allowance), paltry (trivial; petty; inferior; trashy; mean; despicable; trivial; piddling), piddling, pauper, /p/ (7/12) Contempt: punk, pimp, patch (fool), peacenik, pud (a child's hand; an animal's forefoot; the penis), palliard (a tricky beggar whose parents were also tricky beggars), pap (soft, mashed, or semiliquid food for babies or invalids; political patronage; vapid literature, etc. with no intellectual content; drivel) pig (police officer), padnag (a horse with a pad instead of a saddle; an ambling nag; to ride such a horse; to amble), pangut (one who is all gut), patsy (a person who is easily manipulated or victimized; sucker), puttock (the European kite; the buzzard; the marsh harrier; a greedy person; a sponger), pest, pyrite, pinchback (imitation gold made from an alloy of copper and zinc; something phony; a cheap imitation), purblind (partly blind; lacking insight or understanding), puerile, ponzi (an investment swindle in which some early investors are paid off with money put up by later ones in order to encourage more and bigger risks), poger (a passive homosexual), piddle (trifle; diddle; to pick at one's food; eat like a bird; dawdle; putter; urinate), pingle (to fiddle or trifle with one's food, showing little interest or appetite), paddle (trifle), peddle (trifle, dally), pain, pish, pablum, piss, poop, penis, pecker, putz (penis), pizzle (a whip made from an animal's penis; the penis itself); /p/ (7/12) Ostentation, Decoration: pious, parvis (a courtyard; a public brouhaha, so called from being held in a church parvis), pompous, pistic (pure; genuine; pertaining to faith), pennant (any of various nautical flags

tapering usually to a point or swallowtail and used for identification or signaling; a flag or banner longer in the fly than in the hoist especially one that tapers to a point; a flag emblematic of championship), pendant (drooping; something suspended), pageant, palace, paraph (a flourish at the end of a signature, once used as a protection against forgery), purfle (an ornamental border or trim), piss-proud (having a false erection, said of an old man with a young wife), pecksniff (a hypocritical, unctuous, selfish, devious rascal who preaches virtue), /p/ (8/12) Head, Brain: pash (head), pate (head, brain), pan (face), brainpan, pons (band of nerve fibers through which impulses between various parts of the brain), /p/ (9/12) Affection: peck, pine (yearn; long for one's lover), pamper (pet), penchant (tendency; bias; fondness; leaning; liking), pinch, pander (a go between in love intrigues; a man who solicits clients for a prostitute; some who caters to or exploits the weaknesses of others; to povide gratification for other's desires; lecher; pimp), namby-pamby (weak, indecisive), /p/ (10/12) Anchored Path or Movement: push, pop, pull, pump, put, pass, path, pick, peck, pop, pad (dull sound of steps), punt, pan, /p/ (11/12) Plant Part, Etc: pip, pit, pulp, pod, palm, pickle, pomace (the dry or pulpy residue of material (as fruit, seeds, or fish) from which a liquid (as juice or oil) has been pressed or extracted; something crushed to a pulpy mass), pistil (the ovule-bearing organ of a seed plant consisting of the ovary with its appendages), pinder (peanut), peanut, pinda (a ball of rice offered to Hindu ancestors; the West Indian peanut), pumpkin, peach, /p/ (12/12) Birds: penguin, parrot, pigeon, peacock, partridge, puttock (the European kite; the buzzard; the marsh harrier; a greedy person; a sponger), pipit, paauw (the South African bustard), pen (swan),

/sp/ (0/5) Indo-European symbol. /sp/ spits, spouts, spurts, sputters, spews, and speaks. /sp/ is a spike, a spire, a spur, a spine, and a spear. /sp/ sparkles with spunk, spice, speed, and spirit. /sp/ specially spoils with spud, spam, spackle, and spatula. /sp/ (1/5) Spit, Spew, Reject: spew, spit, spittle (saliva), spat, spurn (to reject with disdain; refuse contemptuously; scorn; the act of spurning; a kick), spout, spurt, spirt, (issue in a jet, squirt), spatter, spattle, spirtle, sputter (to spit or squirt from the mouth with explosive sounds), spawl (spit coursely), spurtle (burst out, squirt), spat (start up sharply), sput, spung, spong, spume, sputum, spill, sparge (to make moist by sprinkling "the gentle rain ~ed the

parched fields"), /sp/ (2/5) Speaking: speak, speech, spiel, sputter, spill the beans /sp/ (3/5) Contempt, Blemish: spam, spud, sped, spic (slur for Spanish American), spazz, spoof, special, spy, spendthrift, spoffish (fussy, bustling), spoffskins (a woman with a dubious sexual history who shacks up with a man and poses as his wife), spotty, spoiled, spent, specious, spurious, spinster (bachelorette), spintry (male whore), spitball, sparse, spare, spot, spall (a small fragment or chip especially of stone; to break off chips, scales, or slabs; exfoliate; to undergo spallation), spatchcock (a bird split and grilled immediately after being killed; to prepare a bird like this; to interpolate a phrase; to add by interpolation; a hastily constructed argument), speck, speckled, spackle (powder mixed with water to form a paste and used as a filler for cracks in a surface before painting, to apply spackle), /sp/ (4/5) Spikiness: spine, spike, spire, spur (a pointed device secured in a rider's heel and used to urge the horse; recognition and reward for achievement; a goad to action; stimulus; something projecting like or suggesting a spur; a projecting root or branch of a tree; a stiff sharp spine (as on the wings or legs of a bird or insect); one on a cock's leg; a gaff for a gamecock; a hollow projecting appendage of a corolla or calyx (as in larkspur or columbine); climbing iron; a ridge or lesser elevation that extends laterally from a mountain or mountain range; a hastey impulse; to urge on with as if with spurs; to incite to action or accelerated growth or development; stimulate; to put spurs on), spear, /sp/ (5/5) Energy, Life, Jet Movement: spang (spring, leap; to a complete degree; in an exact or direct manner; squarely), spank, spunk (spark; spririted courage; punk), spong (comic sound effect), speed, spice, spirit, spite (petty ill will or hatred with the disposition to irritate, annoy, or thwart; malice; to treat maliciously; annoy; offend), spark, sparkle, spangle (a small plate of shining metal or plastic used in ornamentation esp on clothing; small glittering object or particle; to glitter as if covered by spangles; sparkle), spawn, spore, sperm, spasm (a sudden, violent, involuntary contraction of a muscle or a group of muscles, attended by pain and interference with function, producing involuntary movement and distortion; a sudden but transitory constriction of a passage, canal or orifice), spartle (flounder, kick, or flail about),

/t/ (0/5) Variation of /d/. /t/ titters, teases, tingles, tickles, and titillates. /t/ tumbles topsy-turvy into tempest and turmoil. /t/ tackles with tussles, temper- tantrums, tiffs, and tizzies. /t/ taps into tipsy tankards at the tavern. /t/ is ticked, touchy, tangled, teathered, taut, and tight. /t/ is tepid,

timid, temperate, timely, tact, and teetotaling. /t/ (1/5) Sound Produced By Smart Stroke Against a Body: tap, tink, tinkle, tingle, tittle, tick, tattle, tip, ting, toot, tuck (of a drum), tickle, tang (strike a bell; point; zest), tonk, tut, tick-tack, tittle-tattle, titter (laugh), tootle (frequentative of toot), too-too, tum- ti-tum (sound of drum or stringed instrument when plucked), tirl (to make a rattling or clattering sound by spinning or moving rapidly up and down; to make a string vibrate by plucking it; to pluck a string; to vibrate; peel; to twirl; to rattle; vibration; something that revolves; a rattle; a drinking bout; a fling at dancing), tone, /t/ (2/5) Excitement, Emotion: tush (exclamation of impatience), tiff (outburst of temper), tosh (sheer nonsense; bosh; twaddle), ticked, tizzy (an anxious state of mind; dither), tussle, tackle, tangle, tumble, topple, turmoil, turbo, turbine, temblor (earthquake, tremor), tantrum, temper, tempest, tempo (rate of speed), /t/ (3/5) Alcohol: tiff (drink, sip), tipple, tipsy, topsy-turvy, teetotal, tap, tapster (bartender), tavern, tanked (drunk), tankard, tank (to take an unusually long time to decide on a bid or play), /t/ (4/5) Tininess, Timidity, Restaint: timid, tiptoe, tightrope, tiny, toddick (a very small quantity), tepid (moderately warm), tinge (a slight staining or suffusing shade or color; an affective or modifying property or influence; touch; to color with a slight shade or stain; tint; to affect or modify with a slight odor or taste; to affect or modify in character), tincture, tint, tickle, tease, touch, tit-for-tat, toddler, tyke (an inferior or mongrel dog; a clumsy, churlish, or eccentric person; a small child), tike {variation of tyke}, tad, tidbit, temperance, temperate, tempered, tidy, timely, tact, tardy, tilt, /t/ (5/5) Land, Cultivation: till, tilth (cultivation of the soil; cultivated land; cultivation; tilled land; tilled earth), tath (cattle dung; grass growing near cattle dung; to fertilize by pasturing cattle), turf, tract, toft (a building site), tundra,

/st/ (0/6) Indo-European symbol. /st/ is stable, stalwart, staunch, steadfast, steady, stolid, stout, and sturdy. /st/ is starchy, steely, stern, stiffnecked, staunch, stubborn, and stuffy. /st/ stalls, stays, sticks, stops, stubs, stumps, and stanches. /st/ stamps, stampedes, starts, startles, steps, stimulates, stings, stirs, stomps, storms, and stuns. /st/ (1/6) Standing And Stepping: stand, step, stead, sty, stumble, stamp, stomp, stodge (stuff, gorge), stash, (stop abruptly) /st/ (2/6) Arrest: stall, stay, steady, stick, stop, stub, stump, stanch,

stable, staunch, /st/ (3/6) Implacableness, Rigidity: starchy, steely, stern, stiff-necked, strait-laced, strict, stubborn, stuffy, /st/ (4/6) Movement, Attacking: stamp, stampede, start, startle, step, stimulate, sting, stir, stomp, stab, stamp, stick, sting, storm, stun, /st/ (5/6) Reliability, Steadfastness: stable, stalwart, staunch, steadfast, steady, stolid, stout, sturdy, state, /st/ (6/6) One-Dimensionality: stick, staff, stem, stud,

/ t/ (0/1) Yinglish Symbol / t/ (1/1) Unclassified: shtup (fornicate; have sexual intercourse), schtick (a piece, esp a theatrical piece; a hobby or characteristic), shtick, shtetl (village),

/k/ (0/2) Associated with Indo-European root *kal or *kla). /k/ calls, coughs, cackles, kicks, cuffs, and kisses. /k/ (1/2) Vocal Sounds: call, cow (after the sound), kiss, chough (crow), cackle, cough, cuckoo, caw, coo, kink (gasp for breath, whooping-cough), cack (excrement) /k/ (2/2) Movement: cuff (strike with the fist or with the open hand, buffet), kick,

/sk/ (0/2) /sk/ scuffles, skips, scuttles, scoots, scampers, scurries, and skedaddles. /sk/ (1/2) Quick, Brisk Movement: scour (rush violently), skip, scope (skip), scuttle, scutter, scoot, helter-skelter, skedaddle, scamper, skirr (run away hastily), scurry, scuffle (scrambling fight, tussle), scud /sk/ (2/2) Flexibility And Two-Dimensionality: scarf, skin, skein,

/b/ (0/3) Imitative of sound made when mouth is opened, softened explosion of sound. /b/ barks, bellows, burps, babbles, buzzes, bawls. /b/ bounces, boings, bumps, bangs, and bashes.

/b/ (1/3) Sound With Abrupt, Relatively Loud Onset: bark, bell, bellow, belch, burp, babble, bumble (buzz), buzz, boom (hum, buzz), bum (hum loudly), bawl, bow- wow, bleat, boh, bo, boo, booh, bull, bat (strike), buss (kiss), bang, beep, boing, bonk (have casual sex with), Big Bang, bomb, bing, bingo [thanks to Jack McGrath ], bash, bang, boom, bop, bing, biff, boing, bounce, bong, bonk, beep, /b/ (2/3) Movement, With Anchored Path: bob (strike, rap, tap), bang, bump, bum (strike, knock, thump), bash, bubble, burble (bubble), bounce, bungle, botch, burn, /b/ (3/3) Unclassified: bole [bo:l] (the trunk of a tree); boll [bo:l] (the pod or capsule of a plant, as cotton),

/d/ (1/3) /d/ dashes, dabs, dapples, dithers. /d/ dangles, dodders, and dandles. /d/ is a dead, dull, dumpy dud. /d/ (1/3) Sound Produced By Dull Stroke Against A Body: din, dash (strike, smash), dump (fall heavily), dab (soft blow), dabble (frequentative of dab, paddle, besputter), dib, dibble, ding (knock, hammer), ding-dong, dod (beat), dindle (tinkle, ring, tingle as with cold or pain), dingle, dud, /d/ (2/3) Unsteady Movement: didder (quake, quiver), dither, diddle, dodder, daddle (walk totteringly), dapple, /d/ (3/3) Swinging Movement: ding-dong, dangle, dandle (move lightly up and down)

/g/ (0/1) /g/ gushes, gabs, giggles, and guffaws. /g/ gurgles, gargles, guzzles, and gobbles. /g/ (1/1) Throat: gulch (swallow, devour greedily), gulp, gush, gaggle, giggle, gabble (jabber), gobble (said of turkey cock), gurgle, guggle, guttle (eat greedily), guzzle (swallow liquor greedily), gargle, gulch (ravine, cleft), gab (talk), gob (talk), gob (mouth, beak), guff (puff, whiff), guffaw, gong {Malay}

/f/ (0/1) /f/ fizzes, fizzles, fuddles, fidgets, fusses, and farts. /f/ is fond of phatic phonics. /f/ (1/1) Hissing: fart, fizzle (break wind quietly), fuzz (loose volatile matter), fuss, fizz (make a hissing or sputtering sound), famble (stammer),

faffle (stutter), fumble {variant of famble}, fuddle (tipple, booze, muddle), fidge (fidget, twitch), fidget,

/sf/ (1/1) Unclassified: sphere, sphincter, sphex (wasp), sphygmus (pulse), sphinx,

// (0/1) // thunders, thuds, thunks, and thumps. // (1/1) Low Pitch Sound with Poorly Resolvable Onset: thunder, thud (gust of wind), thump, thunk,

/s/ (0/1) /s/ sucks, soaks, sops, sips, seeps, sizzles, and sighs. /s/ (1/1) Frictional Noise, Intake of Breath, Dripping or Trickling of Liquids: suck, sigh, soak, sup, sop, sipe (ooze, drip), sip {variant of sop or sup}, seep (ooze) {variant of sip}, siss (hiss), sizz (burn, brand, hiss, sizzle), sizzle souse (heavy blow, thump, strike), sock (beat), sussing,

/ / (0/3) Not very productive // shambles, shakes, shocks, shushes, and shoos. / / (1/3) Flexibility, Two-Dimensionality: sheet, sheer, /S/ (2/3) Quietude, Exclamation: shush, shish, sheesh, shoot, shucks, shit, shafted, / / (3/3) Unclassified: shag (toss about, shake) {variant of shake}, shog (shake, rock, jolt) {variant of shake}, shod (move swiftly or suddenly) {variant of shake}, shake, shock (collide) {possibly variant of shake}, shamble (walk unsteadily, stool), shail (stumble, shamble), shoo (used to frighten or drive away),

/t / (0/4) Symbol not older than Middle English /t/ chatters, chitchats, chirps, cheeps, chirrs, chuckles, and chortles. /t/ chimes, chinks, and chugs. /t / (1/4) Vocal Sound Of Small Animals, Especially Birds: chirk, chough (crow), chatter, chitter {ablaut variant of chatter}, chat, chit-chat, chap (crack, jaw), chip {ablaut variant of chap}, chop {ablaut variant of

chop}, chirp, chirrup, chirt, chirr (trill like a grasshopper), chirl (warble), chuck (cluck), chuckle, cheep (used of birds and mice), chipper (twitter, babble, chatter), chit (name of bird), chiff-chaff (name of a bird), chink (fit of coughing), champ (chew), chomp {variant of champ}, chank {variant of champ}, chock {variant of shock}, chuck (give a gentle blow under the chin), {variant of chock}, /t / (2/4) Sound With Irregular Onset: chirp, cheep, chitter, chatter, /t / (3/4) Metallic Or Glass Sounds: chime, chink (sound of metal or glass), chug (sound of oil-engine, etc when running slowly), /t / (4/4) Short Path: chop,

/h/ (0/4) /h/ hushes, hisses, huffs, hems and haws, hoots, honks, howls, and hums. /h/ (1/4) Sound and Exclamation: ha, ho, hoop, heh, heigh, heigh-ho, hee-haw, huh, hmmm, hrmm, hoot, hum, humble (hum), hiss, hush, howl, hizz (make a whining noise) {variant of hiss}, honk, /h/ (2/4) Sound Of Phoneme: hiss, hush, hum, huff, hish, hizz, huss, huzz, /h/ (3/4) Sudden, Jerky Movement: hop, hip {ablaut variant of hop}, hobble, hack, hag (variant of hack), hackle {frequentative of hack}, haggle (cut, mangle by cutting) {frequentative of hag}, higgle {ablaut variant of haggle}, hitch, hug, huff (puff, swell), /h/ (4/4) Rimes: humdrum, helter-skelter, hubble- bubble, hurdy-gurdy,

/v/ (0/5) /v/ is vile, vicious, vehement, and vexing. /v/ is vested with verve, vigor, vim, and vibes. /v/ (1/5) Vileness: vex, vie, vice, vile, vamp (to invent, concoct, fabricate, improvise; to practice seductive wiles on; flirt; seductress), vert (one who renounces the Church or England for the Catholic Church; any convert or pervert), vafrous (crafty; shrewd; cunning), vicious, vehement, /v/ (2/5) Container: valve, vent, vault, vat, vessel, vase, /v/ (3/5) Word or Voice: verb, verse, vox (voice), /v/ (4/5) Energy: verve (energy; zest), verge (rim; shoulder), vibes, vim (robust energy and enthusiasm; vitality, zip), vigor,

/v/ (5/5) Unclassified: van, vast, veldt (open grassland in S. Africa; the flat, treeless country of the Transvaal plateau), vair (squirrel fur), vest, vet, vine,

// (1/1) Adverbs, Etc: that'd, that'll, that, that's, them, then, thence, there'll, there're, their, there, they're, thereby, there'd, therefore, there've, therewithal, theirs, there's, thestreen, theretofore, thereinafter, thenceforth, thereabout, thereabouts, thereinbefore, thereupon, themself, themselves, thenceforward, thenceforwards, thereafter, thereat, therein, thereinto, thereunder, thereon, therefor, therefrom, thereto, therewith, this'll, this, this'll, thur, thao, thau, thou, thous, they, they'd, they'll, they've, thereunto, thee, thesing, these, the, theus, though, those, the, thus, thusly, that, thy, thine, theis,

/z/ (0/1) Infrequent initial /z/ zigzags, zips, zooms, zings, and zaps. /z/ (1/1) Sound With Poorly Resolvable Onset: zigzag {loan from French}, zip, zoom (make a continuous, low- pitched, buzzing sound; aircraft's steep climb), zoon, zunn (go or run fast witha hum or buzz), zing, zap, zat, zot,

/ / (1/1) Unclassified: genre, gendarme (a moderate blue-green color; policeman; a flaw in a gem), girouettism {weathercock -ism} (alteration of one's opinion or position to follow popular trends) jamais {never} (the denial of having experienced something actually experienced), j'adoube (I adjust), jeunesse dore (wealthy and fashionable young men), jupe (a man's shirt or jacket; a woman's blouse or skirt), juste-millieu (happy medium), zho (dzo),

/d / (0/2) No coinages before about 1300 /d/ jingles, jangles, jibbers, jabbers, jars, jumbles, jeers, and jests. /d/ jabs, jags, jogs, jumps, jerks, jounces, and jiggles. /d / (1/2) Emotion: jingle, jangle (chatter, babble, dispute, wrangle; jingle harshly) {variant of jingle}, jabber (gabble), jowl (joll), jowl (toll a bell, bump), jumble (make a rumbling noise), jump (the noise of jumping), jar (make a harsh, grating sound), jug (imitation of one of the notes of the nightingale), gibber {ablaut variation of jabber}, jibber {ablaut variation of jabber}, jam, jazz, jeer, jest (feat, tale of a feat, idle tale, jeer), Jesus!,

/d / (2/2) Jerky Movement With Short Path: jag (pierce, prick; sharp projection), jog (shake with a jerk), joggle {frequentative of jog}, jiggle {ablaut variation of joggle}, jig (lively dance), jiggle (move backwards and forwards), jigger (make a succession of rapid jerks), jigget (jig, hop, skip about) {influenced by fidget}, jerk, jink (jerk, quick turn; used in WWII for maneuvering aircraft), job, jab (stab, prod, poke) {variant of job}, jib (pull a sail), jounce, jagged,

/pl/ (0/2) Symbol no older than Middle English /pl/ is plump and plops, plunges, and plashes. /pl/ (1/2) Dull Impact, Chiefly In Connection With Water: plump, plunge, plash, plod (walk heavily), plop (drop into water without splashing), plap, plodge (walk in mud, water, plunge), pluff (strong puff), plip, ploosh, /pl/ (2/2) Sounds With A Less Abrupt Onset: plink, plop, plunk, plash

/spl/ (0/1) Modern symbol, combination of /pl/ and /sp/. /spl/ splashes, splatters, splinters, and splurges. /spl/ (1/1) Jet Movement, Impact, Splash: splash, splatter, splatch (splash, patch of color), splat (pat, slap, spat), splosh (splash), splodge (trudge or plod splashily through water), splunge (plunge) splurge (ostentatious display), splotch (blend of blotch and spot) splodge (clumsy splotch), splinter, splow, splush, sploodge (to eject semen),

/tl/ (1/1) Unclassified: tlaco {Nahuatl} (a small 18th-c Mexican coin worth one eigth of a real),

/kl/ (0/1) /kl/ clatters, clamors, clicks, clacks, clangs, clumps, clamps, clomps, clops, and clunks. /kl/ (1/1) Sound with Somewhat Abrupt Onset: clatter, clack, clamber, clamor (bell-ringing), clam (clang of bells), cluck, clash, click, clang, clank, clump (tread heavily), clink-clank, clamp (variant of clump), clomp (clump), cloop (sound of a cork drawn from a bottle), clip (cut), clop, clunk,

/bl/ (0/3) Imitative of the sound of a bubble. /bl/ blows, blazes, and

blisters as a blizzard. /bl/ bleats, blurts, blubbers, and blabs /bl/ is a blot, a blob, a blister and a bleb. /bl/ (1/3) Blowing, Blowing Up, Or Swelling: blow, blast, bladder, blain (chilbain), blaze (blow), blister, bluster, blurt, blore (violent blowing), blizzard, blam, blug, /bl/ (2/3) Swelling Of The Lips: blubber (bubble up, give forth bubbling sound), blob, blot, blub (swell, puff out), blabber (bubble, mumble), blabberlipped (with protruding lips), blobber-lipped (with protruding lips), blab (chatterer), blob (mark with a blob or ink or color), bleb, blab (blister) /bl/ (3/3) Vocal, Air-Induced Sound: bleat (bleat, cry piteously as a child), blather, blatter (speak or prate volubly), blate (babble, prate), blat (bleat), blast, blab, bleep,

/gl/ (0/8) /gl/ glitters, gleams, glimmers, glistens, glows, glares, and glimpses into the gloom. /gl/ gloms, glops, and globs as glue. /gl/ (1/8) Light, Shine: glass, gleam, gleed (live coal), glisten, glow, glare, glary (having a dazzling brightness; glaring), glent (glean, shine), glimmer, glimpse, glister (glisten), glitter, glim (shine, gleam), gloat, gloss, gloze (gloss), glaze {from gaze, glare, glance}, glint {ablaut variant of glent} (of rays of light, to strike reflecting surface obliquely and dart out at an angle), glance, glim (glimmer, something that furnishes light; illumination), glory, /gl/ (2/8) Twilight, Contempt: gloaming (twilight, dusk), gloam {backformation from gloaming} (twilight), gloom, glum (look sullen) {probable ablaut variation of gloom}, glare, glout (frown, scowl), glower {from glow, glare, glance, lower} (to look or stare with sullen annoyance), glib, gloat, gleek (to make a jibe or jest), /gl/ (3/8) Sliding, smooth, slippery: glabella (the smooth prominence between the eyebrows), glabrous (having a surface without hairs or projections), glac (made or finished so as to have a smooth glossy surface), glacier, glacial (extremely cold; frigid), glaciate (freeze; cover with a glacier), glacis [glasi:] (a gentle slope, incline, a slope that runs downward from a fortification; buffer state; buffer zone), glide, glissade (to slide in a standing or squatting position down a snow-covered slope without the aid of skis), glissando, /gl/ (4/8) Words deriving from IE root *gerbh, to carve: glamour {from grammar}, glyph (non-verbal symbol), glyptic (the art or process of carving or engaging esp on gems)

/gl/ (5/8) Sword: gladiator, glaive (sword; broadsword), /gl/ (6/8) Gladness: glad {from OHG glat=smooth}, glee, gleg {from ON gloggr=clear-sighted} (quick, sharp), glaikit [gle:kut] (foolish, giddy), glaiket {variant of glaikit}, /gl/ (7/8) Oversupply, secretion, stickiness: glut (to swallow greedily; an oversupply), glutton, glom (take, steal, seize, catch), glop (jumbled or messy mass or mixture), glob, globe, glue, gluteus (any of the large muscles of the buttocks), glyc- (sugar; glycine), glair {L claris=clear} (a sizing liquid made from egg white; a viscid substance suggestive of an eggwhite), glaire {variant of glair} gleet (a chronic inflammation of a bodily orifice usu accompanied by abnormal discharge), gland {L glan=acorn}, glanders (contagious and destructive disease esp of horses), glans {L=acorn} (conical vascular body forming extremity of penis), glitch (an unwanted brief surge of electric power; malfunction; minor technical problem), /gl/ (8/8) Unclassified: glisk (a slight touch of pleasure or a twinge of pain that penetrates the soul and passes quickly away), glebe (a plot of cultivated land; land belonging or yielding revenue to a parish church or ecclesiastical benefice), glade (open space surrounded by woods) glen (secluded narrow valley), gley [gle:] (a sticky layer formed under the surface of some waterlogged soils), glean, glume {L glubere=to peel} (a chaffy bract; either of two empty bracts at the base of the spikelet in grasses), glede (any of several birds of prey), glossolalia, glottis (the elongated between the vocal chords), glove,

/fl/ (0/3) /fl/ flutters, flaps, flies, flits, flitters, floats, flows, and flushes in a flurry of fluid. /fl/ flipflops, flickers, flares, and flags. /fl/ (1/3) Movement, Flying, Flowing: flee, fleet, float, flicker, flow, flutter, fly, flit, flush, fling, flap {originally slap}, flash, flack (flap, flutter), flacker, flick, fluster, flatter (float, flutter), flitter (flit, flutter) {variant of flatter}, flirt, flip, flop, flurry, flump, flunk, flare, flag {probably variant of flack}, flaught (a spark; a snowflake; a handful; a flight or flutter; a roll of wool; lying with outstretched arms; eagerly), /fl/ (2/3) Liquid Motion: fly, flow, flush, flood, fluid, flee, /fl/ (3/3) Two-Dimensionality: flap, flat, floor,

/cl/ (1/1) Unclassified: thlyphthoric (pertaining to that which corrupts women),

/sl/ (0/3) /sl/ slides, slithers, slips, slogs, slumps, and slouches. /sl/ slays, slaughters, slits, slashes, slings, slams, and slaps. /sl/ is slime, slough, slobber, slop, slush, and sludge. /sl/ (1/4) Sliding Movement: slide, slidder (cause to slip), slither {variant of slidder}, slive, slip, slouch {through slouch-eared}, slump, /sl/ (2/4) Falling Blow: slay, slaughter, slit, sling (hurl, throw), slash, slap, slam, slog (strike hard), /sl/ (3/4) Slime, Slush, Liquid: slime, slough (muddy ground), slip (soft, semi-liquid mass, curdled milk), slop (muddy place) {variant of slip}, slobber (slime, slush) {variant of slop}, slub (sludy mud), slush, sludge, slutch (slush, mud) {variant of sludge}, slosh, slurry, sluice /sl/ (4/4) Slowness: slow, slog, slump, slack, slip, sludge, slumber, sleep, slowth (slow economic growth)

/ l/ (1/1) Contempt: schlang (snake; penis), schlong {variant of schlang}, schlenter (imitation diamond), schlepp (to move with difficulty or reluctance), schlep {variant of schlepp}, shlep {variant of schlepp}, schlock (something of poor quality or inferior construction), schlocky (worthless), schlemiel, schlungerfunger (snake chaser; homosexual; slut), shlub, shlump, shlock {variant of schlock}, shlimazel,

/r/ (0/2) /r/ rings, rattles, rustles, raps, roars, and rumbles. /r/ wrenches, wrests, wrestles, wrings, wrinkles, and wriggles. /r/ (1/2) Loud, Noisy, Vibrating Sounds: ring (clear sound of hard metal), rattle, roar, rap, ram, rumble, rustle, rabble (speak in a rapid, confused manner), rough (cough), ruckle (rattle in the the throat), rat-tat, rub-a- dub, row-dow-dow (imitation of sound of drum), row-de-dow (din), razzle-dazzle, rash (dash, rush), run, rush (dash) {variant of rash}, rip, rollick, romp, racket (disturbance, loud noise, uproar) {onomatopoeic or from Gaelic racaid}, /r/ (2/2) Twisting, Distortion: wrench, wrest, wrestle, wring, wrinkle, wriggle, reach,

/sw/ (0/4) /sw/ swiftly sweeps, swings, sways, swirls, swims, swoops, swerves, and swooshes.

/sw/ (1/4) Swinging, Swaying: sweep, swing, swingle, swag (move unsteadily, sway, wag), sway, swap (smite, strike), swip, swirl, swagger (frequentative of swag), swinge (brandish, whirl, flog), swat, swash, (pigwash), swish, swoosh, swank (swagger), swoop, swerve (file, scour), switch (whip), swath, /sw/ (2/4) Drink, Tipple: swig (drink, liquor), swinge (drink), swink, swipe, swizzle, /sw/ (3/4) Movement Through Air or Water: sway, sweep, swerve, swim, swing, swish, swivel, swoosh, swan, swallow, swift, /sw/ (4/4) Acoustically Complex Sound: swish, swoosh, swack, swat,

/pr/ (0/2) In some words, a variant of /br/. /pr/ pricks, prickles, and prods. /pr/ prates, prattles, and preaches. /pr/ (1/2) Pricking, Sharpness: prick, prickle (a thing to prick with), prong, prang (pang), prod, proke prog /pr/ (2/2) Unpleasant Or Lively Noise: prate, prattle, pribble, prabble (variant of brabble), preach,

/spr/ (0/3) Variant of /sp/ /spr/ springs, sprouts, spreads, sprawls, sprays, and sprinkles. /spr/ (1/3) Spreading, Springing: spread, sprout, spring, sprawl, springle (sprinkle), sprinkle, besprinkle, bespring (besprinkle), spreng (sprinkle), bespreng (besprinkle), spray, /spr/ (2/3) Spiritedness, Energy: sprightly, spry, springy, spree, sprint /spr/ (3/3) Acoustically Complex Sound: sproing, sproink,

/br/ (0/1) /br/ brashly brawls and brabbles as a brat. /br/ (1/1) Unpleasant Noise: brack (noise, outcry), brag (brack), brawl, brabble (brawl), brangle (brawl, wrangle), brash (sickness arising from disorder of alimentary canal; sudden dash of rain), brat, brake,

/tr/ (0/1) /tr/ treads, trods, tramps, tramples, trudges, trots, and treks down a

track on trip. /tr/ trickles in a trough as treacle. /tr/ (1/2) Simple Path, Treading: tread, trod, trap (originally sound imitative), tramp, trample, trip, troll, trudge, trot, trek, track, /tr/ (2/2) Liquid: trickle, trough, teacle,

/str/ (0/4) /str/ straddles, strolls, struts, strikes, and strafes. /str/ strives to struggle against stress, strain, and stricture with strength. /str/ straddles, straggles, strands, streams, stretches, strews, and strings out. /str/ (1/4) Striding: straddle, stroddle (straddle), striddle (straddle), stroll, struggle, strum, strike, /str/ (2/4) Movement, Attacking: stray, stream, stride, stroll, strut, strafe, /str/ (3/4) Effort Against Obstruction: strain, stress, stretch, strive, struggle, stricture, restrict, constrict, obstruct, strong, strength, /str/ (4/4) Stretching Out, Scattering: straddle, straggle, strand, stray, stream, stretch, strew, string out,

/kr/ (0/2) Germanic symbol for twistedness. /kr/ cracks, creaks, croaks, crashes, crushes, crackles, crunches, cricks, and cronks. /kr/ crumples, crumps, crimps, cringes, cranks, crimps, creeps, crawls, and crouches. /kr/ (1/2) Jarring, Harsh, Grating Sound, with Abrupt, Irregular Onset: crow, crane, crack, creak, crook (croak), crake, crush, crash, croak, crackle, crick- crack (repeated sharp sound), crunk (utter a hoarse, harsh cry, said of birds), crick (sound of grasshopper or the like), crunkle (cry like a crane, frequentative of crunk), crunch, craunch (crunch), cronch (crunch), crank (make a jarring or grating sound), cronk (cry of the wild goose), crumb (sound of a bursting bomb or shell), /kr/ (2/2) Twistedness, Crookedness, Distortion: crumpled (crooked, curled), crump (curl up), cramp, crimp (shrink, curl), crank, cringe, crinkle, crunkle (crinkle), crankle (run zigzag), crinkle-crankle (wind in and out), crick (spasm of the muscles), creep, crawl, crouch, crisp (curl, twist),

/skr/ (0/3) /skr/ scrapes, scritches, screams, screeches, and scrunches. /skr/ scrubs, scrambles, scribbles, and scrawls. /skr/ (1/3) Unpleasant, Acoustically Complex Sound: scrape, scritch

(screech, shriek), scream, screak (screech), screech, scranch (crunch), scraunch (crunch), scroop (creak, squeak), scrunch /skr/ (2/3) Irregular Movement: scrape, scratch, scrub, scramble, scriggle (wriggle, struggle), scribble, scrabble (scribble, scrawl), scrawl /skr/ (3/3) Eke Out, Struggle: scrabble, scrimp, scrape, scratch, scrounge, screw,

/dr/ (0/3) /dr/ drips, dribbles, drools, dredges, drizzles, drops, droops, and drags with the dross, dregs and the dreck. /dr/ (1/3) Dropping and Driving: drivel, dross, draw, drive, drop, drip, drain, droop, dregs, drag, draggle (frequentative of drag), drib, dribble, dripple, drizzle, drown, drink, drench, drive, dreck, drek {variant of dreck}, /dr/ (2/3) Sound: drum, drawl /dr/ (3/3) Liquid Motion: drink, drain, drizzle, drop, droop, dredge, drool,

/gr/ (0/2) Probably sound imitative. /gr/ grumbles gruffly, gripes, grouses, growls and grimly grabs, gropes and grapples. /gr/ (1/2) Deep-Toned, Grumbling, Inimical, or Menacing Noises: grin, grunt, grim, grimly, growl, gruntle, grumble, gruff, groin, grutch, grudge (grumble), grum (glum, harsh), grouse (grumble), /gr/ (2/2) Grip: grip, gripe, grope, grab, grabble, grapple, grasp

/sfr/ (0/1) Extremely rare /sfr/ (1/1) Engraved Seals: sphragistic (pertaining to engraved seals), sphragistics (study of engraved seals), sphragide (???), sphragis (body???, image of seal???)

/r/ (0/1) /r/ throbs, throttles, throws and thrusts. /r/ (1/1) Unclassified: throb, thrum. thrust, throw, throttle, throstle, throng,

/ r/ (0/5) /r/ shrieks and shreds like shrill shrapnel. / r/ (1/5) Unpleasant Sound Or Horribleness: shream (scream), shriek, shrieky, shrill, shrew, shrewish, shrapnel {eponymous}, schrik (a sudden fright or panic), schrecklichkeit (horror, horribleness, devilishness, terribleness), / r/ (2/5) Shrubbery Or Trimming: shred, shragger (a tree trimmer), shrub, shrubbery, / r/ (3/5) Shrinkage: shrink, shrinkage, shrivel, / r/ (4/5) Holiness, Law, Banking: shrine, shrive, shrieve (variant of shrive), shriver (confessor), shrift (act of shriving), Shrove Tuesday, shroom (psychedelic mushroom, to ingest psychedelic mushrooms) sri (fortunate, glorious, beautiful, majestic, and holy; conventional title of respect when addressing or speaking of a distinguished Indian) {Sanskrit}, shri (variant of sri), shree (variant of sri) shrievalty (the office or jurisdiction of a sheriff), shrewd, shroff (to inspect coins, a bank expert who fixes coin valiues, moneychanger, banker), schreinerize (polish), / r/ (5/5) Mysterious Action: shroud, shrug, shred (evidence)

/vr/ (1/1) Energy: vrille (an aerobatic spinning nose dive; to perform a vrille),

/w/ (0/4) /w/ wags, wiggles, waggles, wades, wobbles, and wangles. /w/ whines, whimpers, weeps, whistles, whispers, whirls, whips, whishes, whinnies, whizzes, whiffs, whiffles, whacks, and whooshes. /w/ (1/4) Unsteady, Uncertain To And Fro Movement: waw, wag, wiggle, waggle, waddle, wade, wobble, wangle (walk unsteadily), wangle (obtain in some irregular way), /w/ (2/4) Intensity: whish, whoosh, whump, whomp, /w/ (3/4) Insanity: whacko, wacko, wacky, whacky, whacked, /w/ (4/4) Air, Breath, Forcible Movement: whine, whistle, whisper, whirl, whip (move the wings briskly), whoop, whap, whop (cast, strike), wheeze, whew (whistle), whish, whimper, whinny, whizz, whiff (puff, whistle), whiffle (blow in puffs), whoo, whicker (snigger, titter), whack, whoof (gruff cry), whang (beat), whing (move up with great force), whuff (sound of a forcible blast or breath of wind), whoosh (soft sibilant sound), wheep (long-drawn

sound of a steel weapon drawn from its sheath), whit (sound of a bird), whing (high-pitched ringing sound) {variant of whang},

/pw/ (0/1) See also /p/ /pw/ (1/1) Power, Strength: poilu (a man of great strength and power), puissance, puissant,

/tw/ (0/2) /tw/ twitters, tweets, twirls, twists, twinges, twangs, tweaks, and twittle-twattles. /tw/ (1/2) Small Sounds, Twisting Movements: twitter, twiddle, tweedle, twang, twank (variant of twang), twingle-twangle, tweet, twattle, twittle (babble, tattle), twaddle (variant of twattle), twitch, twick (pluck), twinge (twitch, pinch), twinkle (sparkle, glitter), twist, twirl, tweak, twiddle (to trifle), twittle-twattle (idle talk), twead, twit, twat, /tw/ (2/2) Plucking And Tweaking: tweak, twang, twinge, twist, twiddle,

/kw/ (0/2) /kw/ quakes, quivers, quavers, and quacks /kw/ (1/2) Quaking, Quivering, Shaking: quetch, quake, quern (handmill for grinding grain), quave, quake, quaver, quiver (ablaut variation of quaver), quag {from quagmire}, quash (shake, crush, quell), /kw/ (2/2) Harsh Bird Sounds: quack, quackle, qua- bird (the Night Heron of North America),

/skw/ (0/2) /skw/ squeals, squeaks, squawks, squirks, and squanks. /skw/ squirts, squabbls, squiggles, squirms, and squeezes. /skw/ (1/2) Discordant, Eruptive Sound: squeal, squeak, squash (quash), squall (scream discordantly) {variant of squeal}, squish {variant of squash}, squidge {variant of squish}, squitter, squirt, squawk (cry with a harsh note), squirk (half-suppressed laugh, squeak), squank (the sound of a fart), /skw/ (2/2) Violent, Distorted Movement: squirt, squabble (wrangle, brawl), squirr, squiggle, squirm, squeeze,

/fw/ (0/1) Intensified /w/ /fw/ (1/1) Unclassified: fwack, fwop, phwop, fwoosh,

/w/ (1/1) Obstruction: thwart, thwack, thwing, thwittle, thwaite (forest land cleared and converted to tillage; a piece of land used as a meadow), thwertnick (according to old English law, entertaining a sheriff for three nights),

/ w/ (0/1) Intensified /w/ / w/ (1/1) Unclassified: shwack, shwoosh,

/m/ (0/4) /m/ murmurs, mutters, mumbles, mews, moos, and munches. /m/ mopes in a mad, muddled, miffed, mean mood /m/ is mired in milky marshy muck, mucus, and merde. /m/ (1/4) Movements of Mouth, Muttering Sounds: murmur, murr (a form of catarrh), mutter, mumble, mum, munch, mump, /m/ (2/4) Feelings Characterized by Particular Position of Mouth or Lips: mop (make a grimace), mow (make a grimace), mope (be listless) {probably variation of mop}, miff (fit of ill-humor), miffed, miminy-piminy, mizzle (drizzle), mad, mood, muddle, mean, /m/ (3/4) Animal Sounds: mew (utter the sound [mjU]), moo, miaow, /m/ (4/4) Shapelessness, Liquid: mud, mush, mire, marsh, muck, milk, mucus, micturate, mulch, merde, mutate,

/sm/ (0/1) /sm/ smashes, smacks, smooshes, smears, and smells of smut and smegma. /sm/ (1/1) Distastefulness: smack, smash, smurf, smegma, smut, smoosh, smear, smell,

/ m/ (0/1) Yinglish symbol / m/ (0/1) /m/ is a shmaltzy schmuck and a schmoozing schmo.

/ m/ (1/1) Contempt: schmooze, schmaltz, schmuck, shmuck, schmeer, schmo, shmo, shmutz, shmegege, shmek,

/fn/ (1/1) Panting, Heavy Breath: fnast (pant, breath), fnese (breath heavily, snore), fnord,

/sn/ (0/2) /sn/ snarls, sneers, snickers, sniffles, sniffs, sneezes, and snorts with a snide, snooty snout. /sn/ (1/2) Sound and Movement of Mouth, Nose, and Face: snite (clean the nose), snout, snatch, snack, snap, sniff, snore, snort {intensified snore}, snot (mucus of the nose, snuff of the candle), snivel, sneeze, sneer, snuff, snarl, snar (snarl, growl), snicker, snigger {variant of snicker}, sniffle, snip {variant of nip or ablaut variant of snap}, sneap (nip, pinch) {variant of snap}, snick (snip, nick) {variant of nick, influenced by snip}, sneer, snide, snooty, /sn/ (2/2) Sneakiness: sneak, snitch, snoop, snide

/ n/ (0/2) Yinglish symbol / n/ (1/2) Contempt: schnapps, schnell (fast), schnitz (cut-up and dried apples), schnook (an easy mark), shnook, schnorrer (scoundrel, smooth talker, professional unapologetic panhandler), / n/ (2/2) Nose and Mouth: schnorkel (snorkle), schnozzle, schnoz, schnauzkrampf (a mouth that looks more like a snout), schnauzer (a short haired terrier of a German breed, with a heavy head, heavy eyebrows and beard, and small ears),

/d / (0/1) /d/ yells, yelps, yaps, yaks, yatters, and yammers. /d / (1/1) Loud, Vocal Sounds: yell, yelp, yex, yesk (sob, hiccup, belch), yo-ho, yow (exclamation), yowl, yawl (cry of pain, grief, distress) {variant of yowl}, yawp (yelp, cry harshly), yammer, yap (bark sharply), yaffle (name of green woodpecker), yah (exclamation of disgust), yaw-haw (guffaw), yawyaw (talk affectedly), yoho (exclamation to call attention), yoicks (fox-hunting cry urging on the hounds), yoop (sound of convulsive sobbing), yow (cry of cat or dog), yep (a call to urge a horse), yip (cheep as a young bird), yipe, yatter, yak,

Final-Cluster Phonesthemes (Rimes):

/p/ (1/2) Action That Strikes Then Glides Off: clap, tap, heel-tap, chap, flap, flip-flap, rap, snap, swap* {originally onomatopoeic for the sound of hands coming together}, slap, yap, plap, flap, lap, clap, afterclap, knap (to rap; to break with a quick blow; to shape be breaking pieces; snap; crop; chatter; crest of a hill; summit; small hill), /p/ (2/2) Unclassified: trap, entrap, rattletrap, claptrap, sap, pap, Jap (ethnic slur), wrap, enwrap, unwrap, hap (to happen; something that serves as a covering or wrap), lagniappe (small gift given to a customer), scrap, agape, cap, foolscap (jester's or dunce's cap), forage cap, chap, dap, frap (to draw tight as with ropes or cables), gap, stopgap, gape, genapp, genappe, handicap, Lapp, map, mayhap, mishap, nap, nightcap (alcoholic drink taken at bedtime), overlap, strap, bestrap, unlap, wapp, nappe {Frech = tablecloth}(a large mass thrust over other rocks; one of the two sheets that lie on opposite sides of the vertex that together make up a cone),

/p d/ Quality: rapid, sapid (flavorful; aggreeable to the mind), vapid,

/p / (1/1) Unclassified: chappy, gappy, gapy, happy, knappy, nappy (a rimless shallow open serving dish; liquor; ale; diaper; kinky), sappy, scrappy, snappy,

/p / (1/1) Unclassified: dapper (neat and trim in appearance; excessively spruce and stylish; alert and lively in movement and manners), capper, clapper, entrapper, enwrapper, flapper, flyflapper, gapper, handicapper, lapper, mapper, napper (one that naps; one that naps cloth), overlapper, rapper, sapper, slapper, snapper, snippersnapper, strapper, tapper, trapper, understrapper, unwrapper, whippersnapper, wrapper, yapper,

/t/ (1/1) Unclassified: bat (stick, strike), pat, chat, swat*, rat-tat, spat (start up sharply), splat (pat, slap, spat),

/t / (1/1) Unclassified: attach, latch, unlatch, hatch, crosshatch, patch, crosspatch, thatch, bach (to live as a bachelor), batch, brach, catch, coffee klatsch, cratch, kaffee klatsch, detach, dispatch, match, mismatch, overmatch, rematch, natch, nuthatch, potlatch, rach, ratch, Satch, scatch, scratch, slatch, smatch, tache,

/tl/ (1/1) Noise: rattle {from rattle-wort}, tattle, prattle, twattle*, cattle, chattel, battle, brattle (noise), Seattle (grunge),

/t / (1/1) Clatter, Chatter, and Batter: clatter, chatter, batter (beat), patter (the quick talk or chatter of a comedian or entertainer, salesman, etc; the slang or private language used by a particular group or class; mechanically repeated words; to repeat mechanically without considering the meaning; to talk volubly but without much sense), {influenced by paternoster, recite prayers}, hatter (bruise with blows), smatter (prate, chatter; dabble), splatter, yatter (chatter), blatter (talk noisily and fast), natter (gossip, chat), flatter, scatter, shatter, platter, attar (a fragrant essential oil; perfume),

/k/ (1/1) Sound With Abrupt Decay: crack, brack (noise, outcry), clack (chatter, prate, cluck, cackle), snack, smack (kiss noisily), thwack (beat soundly), quack (said of ducks), whack (thwack), flack (slap, blow),

/kl/ (1/1) Unclassified: cackle, crackle, debacle, grackle, hackle, hibernacle, jackal, mackle, macle, piacle, quackle, ramshackle, tackle, retackle, untackle, shackle, unshackle, spackle, tabernacle,

/b/ (1/2) Striking That Stops In or On Something: dab, bedab, stab, jab (strike or thrust), grab, nab, /b/ (2/2) Unclassified: gab, baffle-gab, blab, bab, baobab, cab, Cantab, confab, crab, drab, fab, frab, Joab, knab, lab, mab, Moab, pedicab, prefab, rab, scab, shab, slab, tab, taxicab,

/bl/ (1/1) Unclassified: babble, rabble (spek in a rapid, confused manner), gabble (talk volubly),

/d/ (1/3) Condition Or Emotion: bad, rad, sad, mad, glad, /d/ (2/3) Person: lad, tad, cad, grad, dad, /d/ (3/3) Unclassified: clad, plaid, pad, nad, brad (a thin, flat, slightheaded, short nail of uniform thickness, tapering in width) gad (a goad; to rove), scad (any of several carangid fishes; large number or quantity),

/dl/ (1/1) Unclassified: straddle (stride about), paddle (walk in shallow water) {variant of puddle}, waddle*

/g/ (1/4) Irregular Movement: jag, zag, shag (pursue), /g/ (2/4) Falling Behind: lag, drag, flag, sag, /g/ (3/4) Epithet: nag, wag, hag, fag, bag, drag, /g/ (4/4) Unclassified: brag, gag, mag (magazine), blague (joking; trickery), crag (a steep, rugged, rock or cliff; a piece of rock projecting from a surface; rock) kag (the stump of a broken tooth; a tooth standing alone; the stump of a severed tree branch; an angular tear or rent in cloth)

/gl/ (1/1) Unclassified: draggle, bedraggle, daggle {from draggle}, paggle (to hang loosely; to bag), haggle, quaggle (a quivering, as of jelly), scraggle, straggle (rove, stray), waggle (wag) {frequentative of wag}, gaggle (flock of geese when not in flight), raggle-taggle {variant of ragtag} (motley; shabby), eggtaggle (to waste time in bad company), maggle, naggle, wraggle, higglehaggle,

/f/ (1/2) Dregs: chaff (something comparitively light or worthless; to joke or engage in banter; banter; deride; tease; ridicule), draff (dregs, refuse), raff (riffraff), gaffe (social blunder, faux pas), naph (unfashionable, altogether unsuitable), scaff (to beg or sponge for food), /f/ (2/2) Unclassified: staff, calf, half, graph, quaff (drink deeply), raphe (dice game), gaff (spur; a spear or spearhead for taking fish or turtle; a handled hook for holding or lifting heavy fish; a metal spur for a gamecock; a butcher's hook; a climbing iron or its steel point used by a telephone lineman; the spar on which the head of a fore-and-aft sail is extended; gaffe;

something painful or difficult to bear; ordeal; persistent raillery or criticism; rough treatment; abuse; hoax, fraud; gimmick; trick; a cheap theatre or music hall),

/fl/ Unclassified: baffle, gaffle, haffle, raffle, scraffle, snaffle, yaffle,

// (1/2) Region of land: swath (a row of cut grain or grass left by a scythe or mowing machine; the sweep of a scythe or a machine in mowing or the path cut in one course; a long broad strip or belt; a stroke of or as if of a scythe; a space devastated as if by a scythe), strath (a flat wide river valley or the low-lying grassland along it), tath (cattle dung; grass growing near cattle dung; to fertilize by pasturing cattle), lath (a thin narrow strip of wood nailed to rafters, joists, or studding as a groundwork for slates, tiles, or plaster; a building material in sheets used as a base for plaster; a quantity of laths), path, // (2/2) Unclassified: math, bath, bloodbath, wrath (strong vengeful anger or indignation; retributory punishment for an offense or a crime; divine chastisement), warpath,

/s/ (1/2) Taboo: sass, crass (gross), gas, ass, frass (the excrement of insect larvae; the refuse left behind by boring insects), /s/ (2/2) Unclassified: brass, class, pass, mass, lass, grass,

/sl/ (1/1) Unclassified: castle, vassal, wrastle, facile, gracile, hassle, tassel,

/ / (1/4) Impact, Violence: dash, lash, flash {originally said of water}, pash (dash, smash), crash (gnash, dash, smash), slash, rash (dash), gnash, clash, plash, swash* (fall of a heavy body), squash*, gash (deep long cut in flesh; deep narrow depression or cut; vagina; knowing; witty; well- dressed; trim), quash*, bash (strike with a heavy blow, originally used of a hen), splash, smash (have sex), hash, lash, mash, trash, thrash, rash, pash (smash), squabash (to defeat with cutting criticism; to crush a person's spirit by pointing out eir faults; to crush by criticism; a crushing blow to crush by criticism; a crushing blow), slash (urination),

/ / (2/4) Abuse, contempt: trash, snash (abuse; insolence; to talk insolently or abusively), rash, blash (weak or watered-down liquor or beer), brash (brittle; heedless; audacious; bumptious; tactless; impudent; harsh; bold; a mass of fragments), / / (3/4) Fashion: cash, fash (fashionable), sash (a band worn about the waist or over one shoulder and used as a dress accessory or the emblem of an honorary or military order; the framework in which panes of glass are set in a window or door; such a framework together with its panes forming a usually movable part of a window), / / (4/4) Unclassified: ash, stash, cache (a place for hiding or storing things, to hide or store),

/v/ (1/1) Unclassified: calve (to give birth to a calf; of an iceberg or glacier, to split so that a piece of ice is thrown off), halve, have,

/z/ (1/1) Lack of Restraint: jazz {etymology controversial}, bejazz, outjazz, spazz {clipping of spasmodic}, razzmatazz (drivel; double-talk; razzle-dazzle) {variant of razzle-dazzle}, pizazz (glamour, vitality){etymology unknown}, pizzazz {variant of pizazz},

/z / (1/1) Snazziness: jazzy, snazzy, pizazzy,

/zm/ (1/1) Liquid, Energy, Illusion: chasm, spasm, plasm, phasm, miasm, sarcasm, phantasm, demoniasm, iconoclasm, pleonasm, enthusiasm,

/m/ (1/1) Unclassified: lam, clam (clang of bells), slam, jam, flam (signal drum), ram, wham (slam, bang),

/mbl/ (1/1) Unsteady To and Fro Movement: amble, famble (stammer, stutter) {variant of fumble}, wamble (turn and twist the body about), scramble, scamble {variant of scramble}, shamble (walk unsteadily), ramble (wander, travel),

/mp/ (1/1) Forceful Collision: stamp, tramp, champ (chew),

/n/ (1/1) Unclassified: tan, stan, van, sedan, San-Fran, plan, pan, man, clan, fan, ban, bran (the edible broken seed coats of cereal grain separated from the flour or meal by sifting or bolting), flan (an open pie containing any of various sweet or savory fillings; custard baked with a caramel glaze; the metal disk of a coin, token, or medal as distinguished from the design and lettering stamped on it),

// (1/2) Extended Sound: pang, bang, twang, tang (zest), clang, spang (spring, leap; originally used of the bow and arrow; to a complete degree; in an exact or direct manner; squarely), whang (rawhide; thong; penis), prang (bomb hard from the air, crash), gang-bang, dang-a-lang, shebang, // (2/2) Unclassified: fang, mang (to lead or go astray; to be anxious or puzzled), cangue (a square wooden collar with openings for the head and hands, one used for punishment of certain crimes; a heavy square of wood that was hung around the head and usu confined the hands), hang, gang, dang, bhang (hashish), shlang (snake; penis), wing-wang (penis), whizz-bang, thang, slang, sprang, rang, stang,

/k/ (1/1) Unclassified: clank, spank, crank (jarring sound),

/l/ (1/1) Unclassified: pal, gal, shall,

/ p/ (1/1) Brief sound: pop, whop (cast, strike), flop, plop, lop, crop,

/ t/ (1/1) Unclassified: shot, pot, rot, sot, tot, wat (monastery, temple), watt, trot, taut, swat, slot, spot, squat, scot (money assessed and paid), plot, knot, lot, clot, cot, caught, yacht, hot, haute, haut {variant of haute}, fraught (filled; involving or potentially filled with; threatening), flaught (a spark; a snowflake; a handful; a flight or flutter; a roll of wool; lying with outstretched arms; eagerly), sought, faught, braught, aught, distraught, xot (a carved post in front of certain aborigal North American homes),

/ t / (1/1) Unclassified: watch, debauch, nautch,

/ k/ (1/4) Sound: squawk, quawk (caw; screetch; the night heron), crawk (radio announcer who imitates animals), flock, knock, / k/ (2/4) Pots: wok, crock (a thick earthenware pot or jar; soot; smut; coloring matter that rubs off from cloth or dyed leather; bunkum; one that is broken-down, disabled, or impaired; complaining medical patient whose illness is largely imaginary or psychosomatic; to soil with crock; smudge; to transfer color; to cause to become disabled; to break down), / k/ (3/4) Informal Abbreviations: croc (crocodile), doc (doctor), / k (4/4) Clothing: sock, smock (yoked undershirt; chemise), frock (an outer garment worn chiefly by men; a long, loose, mantle; a woman's dress; to clothe in a frock; ro make a cleric),

/ b/ (1/1) Unclassified: sob {perhaps variant of sop}, throb, athrob, mob, blob, gob, rob, jawab, jelab, squab, swab, bob, cabob, cob, corncob, fob, hob, hob-and-nob, hobnob, job, kebab, knob, lob, mob, nob, quab, rob, shish kebab, slob, snob, stob,

/ d/ (1/1) Sound: plod, prod, dod (beat), pod (prod, poke),

/ / (0/1) Variant of older /u: / / / (1/1) Heaviness, Stuffedness: podge (walk heavily and slowly), stodge (gorge, stuff), podge (short, thick, and fat person or animal), podgy,

/ g/ (1/2) Muddiness: frog, hog, bog, clog, slog, pinag (a temporary lake of flood water), fog, smog, / g/ (2/2) Functioning: cog, log, prog (to search about; forage), agog (full of intence interest or excitement; eager),

/ gl/ (1/1) Unclassified: toggle, boggle, goggle, boondoggle (to carry out valueless or extremely trivial work in order to convey the impression one is busy), jargogle (befuddle, mess up), hornswoggle (bamboozle, hoax), joggle (to move or shake by a series of slight pushes or jerks; to have or go with a shaking or jerking motion; to jog and juggle at the same time),

/ f/ (1/2) Coughing, Roughness: cough, rough*, sclaff (to hit the ground before hitting the golf ball; in golf, to strike or scrape the ground with the club b efore hitting the ball; such a golf stroke), off, gnoff (churl; lout; boor), scoff, boff (to play-fight with foam weapons; to have sexual intercourse), / f/ (2/2) Unclassified: trough, haaf (fishing grounds), maugh (a brother-in-law; a son-in-law; a friend), shroff (a bank expert who fixes coin values; to inspect coins), coiffe (the wire cage that holds down the cork in a bottle of champagne; agraffe; dress; set; arrange; do; coif; coiffure),

// (1/1) Unclassified: swath, wroth, Ashtaroth, behemoth, broth, cloth, froth, Goth, moth, troth,

/ s/ (1/1) Unclassified: kvass, en masse, springhass, volte-face, sauce, across, albatross, boss, coloss, cross, doss, dross, emboss, floss, fosse, gloss, joss, lacrosse, loss, moss, rhinoceros, Setebos, toss,

/ / (1/1) Unclassified: awash, bosh, debosh, wash, frosh, galosh, gosh, goulash, hogwash, josh, kibosh, mackintosh, musquash, nosh, quash, slosh, splosh, swash, tosh,

/ m/ (1/1) Unclassified: balm, calm, becalm, embalm, imam, palm, impalm, psalm, qualm, Guam, Islam, salaam, malm, bomb, aplomb, dom, hecatomb, intercom, om, pogrom, rhomb, sitcom, swom, Viet Nam,

/ mp/ (0/1) Variant of /mp/ / mp/ (1/1) Unclassified: stomp (beat down forcibly), romp, clomp, comp, pomp, swamp, trompe,

/ n/ (1/1) Unclassified: awn, bawn, brawn, cawn, dawn, drawn, faun, fawn, impawn, indrawn, lawn, pawn, prawn, sawn, spawn, undrawn, withdrawn, yawn,

/ n / (1/1) Unclassified: Blanche, carte blanche, haunch, launch, manche, stanch, staunch,

/ r/ (1/1) Unclassified: gnar (snarl), snar (snarl), jar (make a harsh, grating sound), car,

/ rtl/ (1/1) Unclassified: startle, dartle,

/ rkl/ (1/1) Unclassified: darkle, sparkle,

/ rbl/ (1/1) Inconsistency: garble, jarble (to wet, dirty), marble, warble (to sing with trills and runs or with tremulous vibrations, to make a liquid, murmuring sound as of a stream),

/ rgl/ (1/1) Unclassified: argle-bargle, gargle,

/ rl/ (1/1) Unclassified: snarl {from snar}, gnarl (snarl), imparl (to confer with opposing counsel prior to out-of-court settlement), harl, garl,

/ l/ (1/2) Drawn Out or Clumsy Movement: sprawl, crawl, scrawl, spawl (spit coarsely), drawl, / l/ (2/2) Sound: yawl (cry of pain, grief), brawl, bawl, drawl, call,

/ / (1/1) Unclassified: along, belong, daylong, dingdong, dugong, erelong, evensong, flong, gong, headlong, headstrong, lifelong, livelong, long,

mah-jongg, nightlong, overlong, Ping-Pong, prolong, prong, scuppernong, singsong, song, souchong, strong, thong, throng, tong, undersong, Viet Cong, wong, wrong,

/ k/ (1/1) Unclassified: honk, cronk (cry of the wild goose), conk {originally said of airplance motor} (break down, give out, fail), conch, honky-tonk,

/eks/ (1/1) Unclassified: annex, ex, flex, googolplex, inflex, kex, Kleenex, latex, lex, multiplex, narthex, perplex, prex, Pyrex, reflex, rex, Rolodex, sex, Tex- Mex, triplex, vex, videotex, vortex,

/e p / (1/1) Unclassified: sapor (a proberty that affects the sense of taste; savor; flavor),

/e b/ (1/1) Unclassified: babe, astrolabe, cosmobabe,

/a ns/ (1/1) Sound Imitative: bounce, jounce

/a t / (1/1) Staying low: couch, crouch, slouch,

/a l/ (1/1) Animal sound: growl, howl, yowl,

/i p/ (1/1) High-pitched sound: peep (cry of young birds), cheep, bleep,

/i b/ (1/1) Unclassified: glebe (a plot of cultivated land; land belonging or yielding revenue to a parish church or ecclesiastical benefice), grebe (any of a family of swimming and diving birds closely relating to the loon but having lobate toes)

/i r/ (1/1) Contempt: fleer (jibe, sneer, jeer), sneer, jeer, queer,

/i v/ (1/1) Unclassified: believe, disbelieve, make believe, conceive, misconceive, perceive, deceive, undeceive, naive, grieve, aggrieve, beeve, bereave, breve, cleave, deev, eave, endive, eve, yester-eve, greave, engrieve, heave, interleave, keeve, khedive, leave, lieve, qui vive, reave, receive, recitative, reeve, relieve, reprieve, retrieve, seave, sheave, shirereeve, shrieve, sleave, steeve, Steve, thieve, achieve, overachieve, underachieve, unreave, upheave, vive, weave, interweave, inweave, unweave, we've,

/i v / (1/1) Unclassified: believer, disbeliever, unbeliever, make-believer, conciever, preconceiver, misconciever, deceiver, undeceiver, naiver, achiever, underachiever, griever, aggriever, bereaver, brever, beaver, cleaver, Guadalquivir, interleaver, interweaver, keever, leaver, lever, cantilever, livre, overachiever, reaver, receiver, reever, reiver, reliever, repriever, sheaver, upheaver, weaver, weever, heaver, ballast heaver, coal heaver, fever, enfever, hay fever, spring fever, jungle fever, scarlet fever, yellow fever,

/i z/ (1/1) Unclassified: sneeze, wheeze, fnese (breath heavily, snore), squeeze, tease, sottise (foolish behavior, stupidity), sleaze, ease, appease, seize, reprise, please, mease (a measure of 500 herrings; to ease; calm), cheese, breeze, aes (bronze or copper; bronze or copper money in roman antiquity) frieze (the part of an entablature between the achitrave and the cornice; a sculptured or richly ornamented band),

/i z / Unclassified: geezer, wheezer, sneezer, appeaser, Ceaser, easer, Ebeneezer, freezer, friezer, pleaser, squeezer, teaser, tweezer, greaser, leaser,

/ p/ (1/1) Quick Movement: clip (cut), whip (move the wings briskly), hip (hop), skip, gnip, knip, nip {variant of knip, gnip}, tip, snip, flip, zip

/ t/ (1/1) Unclassified: spit, flit, hit, skit (quick movement), shit, twit, grit, kit,

/ t / (1/1) Jerky Movement: twitch, hitch, pitch,

/ k/ (1/1) Quick sound: pick, prick, kick, tick, flick, nick, click, snick (click), crick (sound of grasshopper; spasm of the muscles),

/ dl/ (1/1) Trifle: fiddle, piddle, tiddle, twiddle (have sexual relations), quiddle, diddle (sing without distinct utterance of words), diddle away (trifle away, waste), middle, riddle, fiddle, quiddle (to procrastinate or dawdle in carrying out one's dury), criddle, siddle, friddle, biddle, tiddle, striddle, squiddle, niddle, flumadiddle (a New England holidy mess consisting of stale bread, pork fat, molasses, cinnamon, allspice, and cloves; nonsense), flummydiddle, flumdiddle (frills), befiddle, condiddle, piddle (to pick at one's food; eat like a bird), taradiddle (fib; pretentious nonsense), paradiddle (a quick succession of drumbeats slower than a roll and alternating left- and right- hand strokes in a typical L-R-L-L, R-L-R-R pattern),

/ gl/ (1/1) Small, Continuous Movement Sounds: wiggle (wobble, waggle, wriggle), wriggle, squiggle, scriggle (squiggle), sniggle (snicker),

/ f/ (1/1) Noise of Breath or Liquor: sniff, whiff (puff, whistle), tiff (outburst of temper), miff (tiff, petty quarrel), biff (blow), tiff (drink, sip) {influenced by tipple}, squiffy (drunk),

/ fl/ (1/1) Irregular sound: whiffle, sniffle, piffle (to talk or act in a trivial, inept, or ineffective way; trivial nonsense; ineptitude), riffle (a shallow extending across a stream bed and causing broken water; a stretch of water flowing over a riffle; a small wave or succession of small waves; ripple; the act or process of shuffling, as of cards; the made while doing this; to form, flow over or move in riffles; to flip curiously, to thumb; to ruffle slightly; to leaf through hastily; to leaf, as a stack of paper, by sliding the thumb along the edge of the leaves; to shuffle playing cards by separating the deck into two parts and riffling with the thumbs so that the cards intermix; to manipulate small objects idly with the fingers; any of various contrivances, as blocks or rails, laid on the bottom of a sluice or launder to make a series of grooves or interstices to catch and retain a mineral, as gold; a groove or

interstice so formed; a cleat or bar fastened to an inclined surface in a goldwashing apparatus to catcha and hold mineral grains; to run through a riffle or over a series of riffles

/ s/ (1/1) Unclassified: siss, hiss,

/ sk/ (1/1) Unclassified: whisk (to bear along or sweep with light movements as a broom; to move quickly and lightly), frisk, flisk (caper, frolic), brisk, fisk, prisk, sisk, zisk, bisk, pisk, flisk, drisk, glisk (a slight touch of pleasure or a twinge of pain that penetrates the soul and passes quickly away), disc, risk,

/ v / (1/1) Tremble, Shake: quiver, chiver, shiver {from chiver}, flivver (originally fail, bungle; small, cheap, shaking, usually old automobile),

/ z/ (1/1) Noise: whizz, fizz, sizz, frizz, blizzard, jizz (what identifies a bird; semen, to eject semen),

/ z / (1/1) Unclassified: busy, dizzy, frizzy, jizzy, tizzy, tin-lizzie,

/ zm/ (1/1) Unclassified: abysm, schism, jism,

/ zl/ (1/1) Continuous, Quietly Sputtering Noises, as of Rain or Fat in a Pan: mizzle, drizzle, sizzle, frizzle (sizzle), fizzle, pizzle (animal penis),

/ / (1/2) Sound With Extended Decay: ring, sing, ding (knock, hammer), ping, whing (high-pitched ringing sound), / / (2/2) Movement: swing, sling, fling, whing (move with force or impetus), wing, wring,

/ k/ (1/2) High pitched sound: tink, clink, chink, plink, flink (comic sound

effect), / k/ (2/2) Unclassified: skink (lizard; drink; liquor; beef hocks or beef hock soup; to pour liquor; to pour), smink, spink, stink, swink, vink, wink, hoodwink, awink, tiddlywink, link, rink, mink, pink, fink, ratfink, jink (move quickly or unexpectedly with sudden turns and shifts), hink, frink, drink, kink, ink, sprink, sink, gink, schlink, dink (penis, esp small one), Chink (epithet for Chinese), chink (narrow opening, division, cleft, slit, or fissure; a narrow beam of light shining through a chink; a weak spot that may leave one vulnerable; sound of money), slink (move stealthily or furtively), twink, trink, glink (the sound of liquid escaping from a narrow-mouthed vessel; to glance at slyly or sideways), shrink, ink, zinc, jinniwink (a small derrick), chiwink (the redeyed towhee),

/ kL/ (1/1) Unclassified: crinkle, inkle, periwinkle, sprinkle, twinkle, winkle, wrinkle,

/o n/ (1/1) Unclassified: groan, moan,

/ r/ (1/1) Low-Pitched Tone: roar, snore, snort, blore (a violent blowing), snore (a snort),

/o l/ (1/1) Sound: knoll (sound of a bell), toll, jowl, joll (toll a bell; bump the head), loll, troll, stroll, roll (of thunder),

/ k/ (1/1) Resonating Sound Cut Short: boink, doink, foink, goink, koink, poink, sproink, toink,

/ / (1/1) Resonance, Vibration, Oscillation, Undulation, Pulsation, Elasticity, Recoil, Spring, Bounce: boing, bloing, choing, doing, foing, poing, shtoing, skoing, sproing, toing, zoing,

/ p/ (1/1) Unclassifed: crup, cup, gup, larrup, scup, sup, tup, whup,

/ pl/ (1/1) Unclassified: couple, supple,

/ t/ (1/1) Unclassified: abut, but, butt, catgut, coconut, crut, cut, uncut, glut, gut, halibut, hut, jut, Lilliput, mutt, nut, occiput, putt, rebut, rut, scut, scuttlebutt, shut, slut, smut, besmut, strut, astrut, surrebut, tut,

/ tl/ (1/1) Unclassified: abuttal, cuttle, guttle, rebuttal, ruttle, scuttle, shuttle, subtle, suttle,

/ t / (1/1) Unclassified: mutch, clutch, crutch, Dutch, touch, hutch (a chest or compartment for storage; a low cupbourd usu surmounted by open shelves; a pen or coop for an animal; shack; shanty), scutch (to separate the woody fiber from flax or hemp by beating; an implement for so doing; a bricklayer's hammer for cutting, trimming, and dressing bricks), such, much, forasmuch, inasmuch, insomuch, overmuch,

/ k/ (1/1) Unclassified: guck (oozy, sloppy dirt or debris),

/ kl/ (1/1) Unclassified: bruckle, buckle, unbuckle, chuckle, honeysuckle, huckle, knuckle, muckle, parbuckle, suckle, truckle,

/ b/ (1/1) Unclassified: Beelzebub, blub, bub, chub, club, cub, drub, dub, fub, grub, hub, hubbub, nub, pub, rub, rub-a-dub, scrub, shrub, sillabub, slub, snub, stub, sub, tub,

/ bl/ (1/1) Unclassified: bubble, double, grubble, hubble-bubble, nouble, redouble, rubble, stubble, trouble,

/ d/ (1/1) Unclassified: blood, bud, cud, dud, flood, fud, lud, mud, scud, spud, stud, bestud, thud,

/ dl/ (1/1) Unclassified: buddle, cuddle, fuddle, huddle, muddle, bemuddle, nuddle, puddle, ruddle, scuddle,

/ g/ (1/2) Pulling Movement: tug {variant of tuck (tug, pull)}, shrug (shudder, shiver), rug (pull forcefully), hug, lug, chug (the sound of an oil engine, etc running slowly) {variant of chuck}, / g/ (2/2) Unclassified: bug, drug, dug, fug, hug, jug, mug, plug, pug, rug, shrug, slug, smug, snug, thug, trug,

/ gl/ (1/1) Unclassified: guggle, juggle, smuggle, snuggle, struggle,

/ d / (0/1) Similar to / d / / d / (1/1) Heaviness, Unpleasantness: grudge (murmur, grumble, be reluctant, envy) {variant of grutch}, drudge {blend of dree (labor) and grudge}, trudge, smudge (soil, smirch) {from smot}, snudge (miser, niggard) {from snap, snatch (money)}, sludge {from slub or slush}, pudge (short and thick person or thing) {from podge},

/ dl/ (1/1) Unclassified: cuddle, huddle, nuddle, fuddle, muddle (wallow in mud; stupefy with liquor),

/ f/ (0/1) Onomatopoeic variant of / f/ / f/ (1/2) Outburst Of Breath, Air, Or Smoke: puff, buff (burst into a laugh), huff (puff, swell), snuff, whuff (puff), fluff, fuff (fluff), pluff (fluff), chuff (the noise of an engin or machine), cuff (strike), buff (nudity; moderate orange or light yellow; enthusiast), bluff (to make a blindfolded buff of a person; to blindfold), dandruff, / f/ (2/2) Unclassified: rough, tough, gruff, muff,

/ fl/ (1/1) Untidiness, Disordiliness: ruffle (crumple), shuffle (put together in a hasty, disorderly manner), scuffle (put together in a hasty, disorderly manner; scrambling fight),

/ sl/ (1/1) Sound With Continuation: rustle (move rapidly), bustle {variant of buskle}, hustle,

/ / (0/1) Variant of / / / / (1/1) Unclassified: flush, lush (dash, strike), dush (dash), rush, gush, frush (strike violently), crush, blush, push*,

/ z/ (1/1) Sound: buzz, huzz (buzz), fuzz (buzz; make drunk), fuzz-ball, muzz (fuddle),

/ z / (1/1) Unclassified: fuzzy, hussy, muzzy (muddle, stupid with excess of liquor, blurred),

/ zl/ Unclassified: guzzle, puzzle, nuzzle, wuzzle (mix), fuzzle (intoxicate), muzzle (fuddle; drink to excess) {blend of muddle and muzzy}, bemuzzle, unmuzzle,

/ m/ (1/1) Vibrating Sounds: hum, bum (hum loudly), bum (beat, thump), drum, thrum, strum, tum,

/ mbl/ (1/1) Humming or Rumbling: mumble, rumble, humble (hum), jumble (grumble), drumble (mumble), grumble, tumble, stumble, fumble, crumble, stumble, scumble, umbel,

/ mp/ (1/4) Heavy Fall and Impact; Low-Pitched Sound: dump (fall heavily), plump, jump, thump, bump, crump (noise of horses or pigs when eating), clump (tread heavily), slump, flump, wump (throb, sound of fall), / mp/ (2/4) Displeasure: lump (be displeased), mump, hump (ill-humor), frump (cross, old-fashioned woman; put in a bad humor; sulk), lump (look sulky), grump (sulk), glump (sulk),

/ mp/ (3/4) Clumsiness, Unattractiveness: chump, dump, frump, grump, / mp/ (4/4) Rounded Collection: bump, clump, hump, slump, stump, rump,

/ mpk n/ (1/1) Unclassified: bumpkin, pumpkin,

/ mps/ (1/1) Unclassified: mumps, frumps (sulks), humps and grumps (slights and snubs),

/ mp / (1/1) Unclassified: bumpy, chumpy, clumpy, crumpy, dumpy, frumpy, grumpy, glumpy, humpy, jumpy, lumpy, mumpy, plumpy, slumpy, stumpy, thumpy,

/ mpl/ (1/1) Unclassified: crumble, rumple, unrumple,

/ nt / (1/1) Low-Pitched Sound: munch, crunch, scrunch, bunch, hunch, lunch, clunch,

/ gl/ (1/1) Unclassified: bungle, jungle, fungal, mungle,

/ k/ (1/1) Low-Pitched Sound: clunk, plunk, thunk, funk (spark), spunk (tinder, touchwood), punk {variant of spunk}, funk (flinch),

/ / (1/1) Movement or Whirring Sound: skirr (move hastily, make a whirring sound), chirr (make a sound like a grasshopper), squirr (cast with a whirling motion),

/ / (1/1) Agitated Activity: hurry, {from hurr}, hurry-scurry, scurry, flurry, worry,

/ l/ (1/2) Prolonged Vibrating, Dull Sounds: hurl, purl (gentle murmuring or bubbling sound like the water of a shallow stream flowing over stones), / l/ (2/2) Unclassified: whirl, swirl (whirlpool), chirl (warble), twirl, girl,

/ t/ (1/1) Unclassified: spurt, blurt, squirt, flirt (fling), spirt,

/u b/ (1/1) Triviality: boob, cube, tube, Rube,

/u d/ (1/1) Unclassified: abrood, astrude, allude, brood, collude, conclude, consuetude, crude, delude, denude, desuetude, detrude, dude, elude, exclude, extrude, exude, feud, food, hebetude, illude, include, interclude, interlude, lewd, lude, mood, nude, obtrude, occlude, pood, preclude, prelude, prude, Quaalude, reclude, retrude, rood, rude, seclude, shrewd, slewed, snood, stude, thewed, glued,

/u dl/ (1/1) Unclassified: boodle, caboodle, conoodle, flapdoodle, kiyoodle, noodle, poodle, doodle,

/u d / (1/1) Unclassified: splooge (to eject semen), demonifuge, febrifuge, gamboge, huge, insectifuge, Scrooge, scrouge, stooge, subterfuge, vermifuge,

/u gl/ (1/1) Unclassified: bugle, febrifugle, frugal, fugal, infrugal, jugal, vermifrugal,

/u f/ (1/1) Unclassified: aloof, behoof, goof, hoof, loof, proof, roof, spoof, woof,

/u t / (1/1) Unclassified: cooch, brooch (an ornament that is held by a pin or a clasp and is worn at or near the neck), hooch {Japanese uchi=house} (thatched hut; dwelling), hootch {variant of hooch} (thatched hut; dwelling), hooch {clipping of Hoochinoo, a liquor made by the Hoochinoo Indians, a

Tlingit people} (alcoholic liquor, esp inferior and illicit), hoochy-cooch, mooch (to wander aimlessly; amble; sneak; sponge; cadge; beg; to take surreptitiously; steal) pooch (dog),

/u m/ (1/1) Unclassified: boom (buzz, make a deep resonant sound), zoom (make a low-pitched buzzing sound; the sudden, steep climbing of a plane), boom (rapid business growth) {noise of production machinery},

/u s/ (1/1) Unclassified: juice, sluice, moose, spruce (very neat, clean, tidy; of dress and appearance, trim; a genus of quick-growing conifers, with the branches close together and forming a conical head; their light but strong wood), loose, goose, noose, duce (dictator), deuce (two), obduce (to cover with), abstruce, induce (conclude by induction), puce (brownish purple; goblin), obtuse, excuse, seduce, reproduce, reuse, truce, Zeus,

/u p/ (1/1) Unclassified: whoop, roop (horse sound), scroop (creak, grate), cloop (noise of a cork), poop, scoop, troop, hoop,

Vowel Phonesthemes

/ / (1/3) High or Thin Tone: hiss, swish, whimper, whinney, click, clip, clink, tick, ting, / / (2/3) High Pitched or Low Amplitude Sound: clink, jingle, click, plink, bing, / / (3/3) Diminution: itsy-bitsy, kid, bit, grit, pittance, mini, Lilliput,

/ / (1/2) Low-Pitched, Tone: knock, blob, pop, plop, flop, plod, bawl, caw, whomp, bong, tock, clop, gong, / / (2/2) Largness: Ah!, Ah-ha!, all, always, awesome, Brobdingnag,

/o / (1/3) Low-Pitched, Voluminous, Lengthened Tone: moan, groan, drone,

Slow or Long Movement: flow, float, Realization, Emphasis: oh!, so...!, whoa!, behold!, note, total, bold,

/ / (1/1) Down-To-Earthness, Effort: oof, look, hook, crook, shook, book, wood, pull,

/u / (1/2) Low-Pitched, Voluminous, Lengthened Tone: hoot, toot, boom, coo, whoop, whoosh, croon, tu-shoo, too wit oo woo (call of an owl), /u / (2/2) Awe: ooh!, dude!, cool!, tubular!, super-duper!, groovy!, that rules!, yeah-hoo!,

/a / (1/2) Low-Pitched Tone: howl, yowl /a / (2/2) Pain: ow!, ouch!, dour, sour, gouge, flout, oust,

/ / (1/2) Indistinct Low Pitch: hum, drum, thrum, bump, plump, flump, bubble, grunt, grumble, gulp, guggle, puff, gush, / / (2/2) Stuntedness, Dullness: uh, duh!, dull, stunt, thud, mumble, rut, dud,

/e / (1/1) Affirmation: eh?, hey!, yay!, great, ace, a-ok, US of A,

/e/ (1/1) Affirmation: eh?, you bet!,

// (1/3) Clear and Distinct Sharp Medium Sounds: bang, tang, twang, rap, tap, slap, pat, crack, clatter, patter, cackle, crash, clash, // (2/3) Consternation, Frustration: Ah!, blast!, damn!, crap!, rats!, bad, sad, // (3/3) Exultation: glad, rad, ba-a-ad,

/a / (1/3) Lengthened, Voluminous Tone: whine, chime, /a / (2/3) Slow Or Long Movement: slide, glide, sipe (ooze, drip), /a / (3/3) Positivity: aye!, hi!, high, fly, try, nigh,

/ / (1/1) Silliness; Contempt: oy!, boy, toy, coy, soy, annoy, ploy, goiter, hoity-toity, hoi-polloi, boing, boink, oink,

/i / (1/3) Slow or Long Movement: fleet, teeter, seep, /i / (2/3) High-Pitched Sound: peep, beep, creak, squeak, tweet, screech, /i / (3/3) Diminution, Brevity: ee!, mini, teeny-weeny,

Ablaut Modifications
(not phonesthemes per se, but still interesting)

/ - / chitter / chatter, clip / clap, clitter / clatter, dib / dab, flick / flack (flap), flicker / flacker, giggle / gaggle, grip / grap, gripple / grapple, higgle / haggle, jibber / jabber, pribble / prabble, scribble / scrabble, snip / snap, snitch / snatch, ting / tang, tip / tap, tittle / tattle, whing / whang,

/ - / drip / drop, hip / hop, jig / jog, jiggle / joggle, sip / sop, top / top, tit (small object) / tot (small child),

/ - e/ clinch / clench, glint / glent, pick / peck,

/ - / sniffle / snuffle, spirt / spurt, spirtle / spurtle, tick / tuck (beat the drum),

/ - / cluck / clack, dush / dash, flutter / flatter, lush / lash, ruttle / rattle, sputter (auditory) / spatter (visual), splutter / splatter, bluster / blast, paddle /

puddle, rugged / ragged,

/ - / champ (chew) / chomp, gabble (jabber) / gobble (said of a turkey cock), jab / job, plap / plop, splash / splosh, tot (child) / tat, tad,

/ - / tush / tosh (exclamation), pudge / podge (short and thick person), putter / potter,

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