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EXER # 1: Demonstration of Blackbody radiation using lamps with varying power ratings HZ-4L Kevin A.

Rodriguez December 9, 2009

Abstract A blackbody is an idealized object that absorbs and emits all radiation. Demonstrating blackbody radiation using lamps with different power ratings will show the relationship between power irradiated by the bulb, temperature, energy and the peak wavelength. I. Introduction In relating energy, temperature and peak wavelength by demonstrating blackbody radiation involves Wiens Displacement law, which states that the peak wavelength, max, is inversely proportional to the temperature of the radiating surface in Kelvin. Given by the formula: max = (2.898 x 10-3 m K) / T Another important principle involved is the Stefan-Boltzman law which states that the total power irradiated by the source of radiation, which corresponds to energy, is directly proportional to the temperature of the source in Kelvin rose to the fourth power. Given by the equation: R = eT4 Where = 5.67 x 10-8 W/m2 K4 and e= emissivity. Though this experiment may show the relationship of the peak wavelength and the energy irradiated by the bulb, it will not be able to demonstrate blackbody radiation not within the visible light spectra due to equipment constraints and health concerns. Fig1. Set-up III. Results and Discussion black box with a cavity on its side, and a microchip connected to a voltmeter. The monochromator will filter the light coming out from the bulb, so that only the electromagnetic wave with the set wavelength can enter the cavity of the blackbody. Then, the reading in the voltmeter will be recorded for each wavelength set in the monochromator. The set-up for the experiment is shown below.

II. Materials and Methods The materials used were lamps with varying power ratings, monochromator, blackbody or Fig 2. Effect of varying the power rating of bulbs per wavelength to the voltage

Errors during the experiment may be the cause of some discrepancies. Light other than what the monochromater gives the blackbox also enters the blackbox through the side were the wires of the voltmeter electrodes connected to the chip inside the box kept it open. Thus, it affected the voltage values that can be read and recorded, and errors in the data may be observed. IV. Summary and Conclusion

Fig 3. Variation of the voltage reading with the wavelength

Power rating (W)
Peak wavelength, max,(nm) Temperature(K)
Energy per second per square meters (W/m2)

The experiment demonstrated Plancks Radiation law by devising a blackbody using a blackbox. From that, we have found out that increasing the power rating of bulb or source of radiation also increases the peak wavelength. We even learned that as the power rating, corresponding to the temperature of the source of radiation, increases, the peak wavelength shortens. These principles may help us learn or find out the temperature of a body with out touching it by simply knowing the peak wavelength. References: Young and Freedman. University physics with moderns physics. 12th ed. 2008. Beiser, Arthur. Concepts of Modern Physics. 4th ed. 1987

50 594 4878.7879 32126354 75 583 4970.8404 34620471.1 100 589 4920.2037 33231200.36 Table 1. Peak wavelength for each bulb and their corresponding temperature and energy Fig 2 shows that the as the power rating of the bulb is increased, the peak voltage also increases. And since voltage corresponds to the intensity, we can say that as the rating of the bulb is increased, its intensity also is increased. However, the data gathered may have some discrepancy. It supposes to be that as the power rating is increased, the peak wavelength should decrease, but in the data, the 75 W bulb has shorter peak wavelength than that of the 100 W bulb. If only to rely on those data, it cannot clearly show how the increase in temperature affects the peak wavelength. In fig 3, the graph from the values gathered in the lab only showed a part of the wavelength versus voltage graph. It did not also show decreasing trend for us t locate the peak wavelength. The data can still show some relationship between the wavelength and intensity of the light emitted by the bulb, however still insufficient because it covered fewer wavelengths than in fig 2.

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