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& learning together

From Masterplan to Implementa5on Two Dutch examples

Sebas5aan van Herk, New Orleans, 16 March 2012

Before we start: You learn & work together?

A. B. C. To get be*er plans. Meanwhile I enjoy and learn For broad support and to save =me and money later We can s=ll improve, especially towards the next phase and between dierent levels

Today I will tell you

Eec=ve Project Delivery and O&M requires: an integrated and collabora=ve approach. Mul=-level and trans-disciplinary. How? Ideas on how to organize Social Learning Example Room for the River: Central framework, but Decentral delivery with design space. Example Mul=-Level-Safety Dordrecht: Learning & Ac=on Alliance for new policies and measures.

Why Social Learning? Integrate and collaborate

Need to integrate FRM, spa=al planning and emergency planning makes governance more complex.

Why social learning? Absorb context & stakeholder management

Time-delay and cost overrun 20% - 45% (Flyvbjerg, 2007). Mostly due to due to context factors and poor stakeholder management (EU Netclipse).

Example 1: Room for the River

Output of Social learning

Flood Safety and Spa=al Quality delivered within =me and budget, whilst Sa=sfac=on is highest on Public Par=cipa=on and Support (Van Herk, subm.)

Organisa5on of Social learning: mul5-phase

Central framework, but Decentral delivery with design space
Policy options / Design space

Select 39 Measures

Design Measures

- PPP - Permit Coord

INITIATION 1999 Policy RftR DESIGN 2006 Programme Decision RftR DELIVERY 2011 Decisions on RftR Projects OPERATION time 2015 Delivery

Example 2. Dordrecht

History of Dordrecht

Social Learning: Mul5-Level Safety Dordrecht

Learning & Ac=on Alliance: Engage new stakeholders Explore interests, problems, solu=ons Learning by doing: demonstra=on projects Explore eg: policy hiatus, responsibili=es New knowledge: =pping points & adapta=on

Example: 5pping points & adapta5on LT



Example: Super levee (1)

Why here a super levee? Reduced flood risk of 39%

Example: Super levee (2)

Building with nature: Use nature development to reinforce old secundary dyke

Floodproof outer marches

Controlled ood
Foto zijstraat Voorstraat

Vervolgvragen: Is capaciteit binnendijkse watersysteem groot genoeg om overstromingswater tijdelijk te bergen? Wat is de houdbaarheid van het huidige vloedschottensysteem op de Voorstraat?

Organisa5on of Social learning

Generate knowledge: Facts, Images, Ambi=ons, To address problems, propose solu=ons and involve stakeholders / inuence poli=cs
Collaborative Design System Analysis Social Learning



Sebas5aan van Herk, New Orleans, 16 March 2012

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