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What are Causes of Polymenorrhea and Treatment?

The definition of polymenorrhea denotes anomaly rate of 28-day menstrual cycle, when the interval between the two periods is shorter than 23 days. If cycles last between 21-23 days, ovulation can be preserved and in cycles shorter than 21 days a complete absence is expected. The intensity of menstrual bleeding at in polymenorrhea is usually quite normal. Diagnosis is set based on the measurement of basal temperature over 2 to 3 months. Before starting any treatment of polymenorrhea it is necessary to conduct a subtle diagnosis, in order to conduct an etiological, and not only symptomatic treatment. Important indicators of the duration and extent of disturbance cycles can often be obtained from the medical history, BT measurements and hormone analysis. It is certainly appropriate to exclude general illness, psychological disturbances, extreme fluctuations in weight as well as diseases that may represent an absolute or relative contraindication to hormone treatment.

Polymenorrhea Causes
The disorder occurs more frequently after 35th years, and the causes of polymennorhea may be: shortening of the follicular phase (first phase of the cycle) when gonadotropins are relatively high, and the corpus luteum phase flows regularly shortening of the luteal phase (the second phase of the cycle) anovulatory cycles In each case may be present different disorders present of endocrine regulatory mechanisms, so be careful to watch for any symptoms of polymenorrhea. Now, we will explain some of the usual treatments and some of the alternative remedies.

Polymenorrhea Treatment

If menstrual bleeding too often cause anemia, it is necessary to start substitution treatment with iron. Short follicular phase is treated using estrogen substitution (40 60 micrograms of ethinyl estradiol) of 4 10 day cycle or ovulation induction (clomiphene 50 100 mg). The menstrual cycle is usually stabilized in 2 -3 months of polymenorrhea treatment. If there is a insufficient function of the luteum body, apply estrogen-progesterone substitution during the second phases of the cycle: from 14th 25 day cycle. Acceptable option is the use of low-dosage oral contraceptives. However, there is also treatment of polymenorrhea in alternative medicine. First time we mentioned polymenorrhea was in our article about Vitex Agnus-Castus, so we highly recommend you to read it. It is one of the ways to treat polymenorrhea. Given that most of the causes of menstrual cycle length disorder like polymenorrhea, oligomenorrhea and secondary amenorrhea originates from the hypothalamus, holistic medicine looks at this problem as the unbalanced energy exchange at the leveling of finetuning neuropeptides in the hypothalamus and entire limbic system affected by stress. Stresses that lead to menstrual dysfunction in terms of too often menstrual bleeding (polymenorrhea) include loss of balance in terms of too much emotion and insufficiently mental, intellectual energy that make it to counterbalance. These attitudes are also scientific confirmation in studies that confirm that emotional shocks can completely disrupt the menstrual rhythm, accelerate bleeding and also affect the timing of ovulation. In this connection between emotions and uterine and ovarian function can mediate extensive network of autonomic nerve fibers which connect the brain to the ovaries (autonomic nervous system, autonomic pathways). A frequent conflict with abnormal bleeding is a discrepancy between own sexual needs and negative perceptions inherited in the family or in society in terms of own sexual gratification. In doing so, women may wish for sexual pleasure, but also have a sense of guilt which is the basis of the internal conflict that person may not be aware of. It is generally known as weak neural connections and a small number of synapses between the limbic system, which is the center of an emotional memory and cortex as the center of consciousness. Polymenorrhea can also occur under the influence of season, light, food, travel and during family crises. Reestablishing cyclic ovarian function requires analysis of adopted negative messages as well as the reinstatement of cyclical changes and flow of emotions. This certainly includes psychoanalysis, which is beyond the scope of alternatives, and that certainly is the contact point with the holistic approach. As you can see, in this article, after we gave a definition of polymenorrhea and causes, we primarily focused of polymenorrhea treatment.

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