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Wired for Success TV

Mastering the 7 Areas of Life Presented by
Melanie Gabriel & Beryl Thomas

[Episode 17] Transformational Renegade

Transformational Renegade [Episode 17] Wired For Success TV [0:00:10] Melanie: So, welcome to another episode of Today, we are interviewing A.E. Gix about his book, Attack Life On All Fronts. Now I think its safe to say, that you should buckle up for an unexpected ride today. We have no idea where this interview is going to go. He is good at reminding us that we take life far too seriously. He writes about the metaphysical in a very playful way. So playful in fact that I know I can pick this very slim bond book up and offer it to even my most clever-minded friends and know that there is a really high chance that they will read it if only for a giggle. Now, this is not to say that this is a deliberately humorous book. More that in just 200 pages, he touches on a broad number of serious topics from the Big Bang to Law of Attraction. He touches on the health of your physical and emotional body, relationships, money, and purpose. And his reverent challenge to you is invites you to fly in the face of everything you believe to be true about how to make your life work. In other words, youre invited to change your fixed perspectives about what is right or wrong and have the change be effortless, juicy and lasting. Today, we will explore with A.E. exactly how he got on the path that led him to write his book and get him to share the essence of his message with us. So welcome, A.E. A.E.: Thank you, ladies. Hello. Youre looking lovely today. Melanie: Well, we cant wait to see what laughs were going to have today. A.E.: Oh dear, setting me up already for trouble. Very good, very good. Melanie: Before we look at the experiences that prepared the ground work for this book and we, yeah, have a giggle all the way because weve never ever been able to have a chat with you without it collapsing into giggles. Id like to start by asking you to tell the audience very briefly why you wrote the book and what its central message is. A.E.: Oh good, why I wrote the book. OK. There are many reasons but Ill just get into the few majors. The first one being, after researching a lot on self-help reading, all the big books, hearing all of the tapes, I basically compiled down, I wouldnt call it a system but a series of distinctions, a series of tips and tricks and just little shifts that you can make that make huge changes in the long run. I basically distilled and compiled all the things that I considered the best juicy pieces out of all the huge things. And I wanted to get it across as efficiently as I could to people in my life directly, the closest to me that wanted help in all areas of life and they just 2

happen to see that I was doing well in said areas so they ask me, What do I do? What would you advise me to do? So it was more or less for me a compilation. It was my own manual on how to give advice to people. So, I guess the other major reason was slightly egotistical kind of I want to save the world and la da, da, da, da. I say its egotistical because I know that no one person could save or doom the world. Were all equally responsible for all these loveliness or all these crap or sometimes in between thats out there or seemingly out there anyway. And I suppose another main reason was that I felt compelled to do so. I mean I cant rationally explain to you what that meant. I mean you probably understand it already as you feel intuitively drawn to do something and not do some other thing. So yeah, I mean the stars aligned that I had a lot of time on my hands, had creativity coming out every pour by having nowhere to go and going out to the universe and fizzling out into nothing. So Ive decided to take a magnifying lens and focus all these extra energy that was just of fire working and exploding and looking nice for a while but not leaving anything meaningful. So, another thought I had is if I die now, there would be nothing for anyone to remember me by except for embarrassing drinking stories. So I dont want to call it a legacy, not to sound to poncy and up my own ass but just leave something behind, leave something that was that made somebodys life even slightly marginally better than it would have been without it. So legacy, saving the world, advice manual for the people, and eventually the stop being to need to give advice to people, I dont want to glorify laziness. I just want to prove that even with someone as lazy as me, you could still do something and see something through to the end. And thats another reason why I wrote it to be able to prove to myself that I can actually start a project which I always have five projects on the go and they always get to about halfway done and then they just plateau. And I know a lot of people who can relate to that. And yeah, so I finally saw it through to the end and it took about a year and three months until from conception to and someone will look and go, It took you that long to write just this much? But it was about one a half times bigger than that. And then I basically put it in a pot and reduced it and stirred and simmered until only the lovely goodness, the very true essence was left behind. So what I mean is that I might have put a lot of effort into it but the genuine promise of more laziness was another key factor because now, I dont have to look up the manual to give people advice. I just go, Heres a book. Thats all I knew at that point and I might make a couple of notes in it for you since one of the things Ive learned since then which well touch upon a bit later, but yeah. So it was that whole plethora of things, start aligning, et cetera, all conspired for me to do it.

And I suppose thats the why and then what I guess the message was the other part of your question, subjectivity. Its all we really have. Great philosophers debated whats real, what isnt real, what is the purpose of things but they all agree that I can doubt anything else except for the fact that Im having this experience and this experience is controlled to a degree by my perceptions. So, if I want to get into a whole moral aspect of the message, I dont want to call it moral because thats a bit of a subjective whole chest that I dont want to crack right now. But it encourages personal responsibility. To many people that I accept them and love them and bless them anyway, fine, if you choose to see that your emotions or your reactions to the world are a result of those circumstances happening to you then youll always look for the external justifications or what have you to allow you to feel a particular thing you want to feel. I need to get X to feel Y. Not, m going to start feeling Y and X will naturally come in as a result of that. Thats the slight shift and it seems like a weird just polarization of todays kind of western paradigm that we have, get more stuff. Oh, Im feeling a bit depressed. Well, have some drugs and more stuff. The more stuff you have, your pile of stuff isnt big enough. If you have a bigger pile of stuff then you could be happier. Whats wrong with you? Get more stuff. So I guess its been flogging a dead horse but I mean materialism can be fun as well. I mean Ive went through phases of it which Ill get into but yeah. If it makes you happy, then do it. And if its not making you happy then do something else. Melanie: Yeah, yeah. Well, youve actually touched on a couple of things I was going to refer to because I was going to mention the fact that its a no nonsense book even though the book encourages you not to take yourself or the book too seriously well, its a serious book but you dont want to take things too seriously. You dont want to have fixed positions. And of course, just following on from what you say, the book does encourage you to move outside your comfort zone and challenge conventional science and so on. And the thing I just want to mention to the audience is even in the intro, youre no nonsense and the way you started and Ill just quote, Ill just quote the headline. A.E.: Oh dear. Melanie: Its from the intro, bear with me. And it says, Danger. New ideas, radical paradigm changes and far out hippieish metaphysical beliefs ahead. Now, how could one not sort of be alerted to the fact, Hold on a second, and not to think about that? A.E.: Ive had a lot of, you could call it negative feedback, before I published about the first page of the whole book because its almost like youve got someone whos really set in their ways or even just slightly so and this is either way, this is like going up to with a teaser to someone as soon as they open the book which usually isnt the way that youre supposed to draw somebody in. But at the same time, its I wanted to make it different than all the kind of self-help stuff that Ive read over the years. And

most of it kind of I mean all respect to all of it, Im not trying to put anybody elses style down but it was like showing you a beautiful carrot and then pulling it away from you gradually until you got to the end of the book and then it lets you have a bite. But and although thats good because it makes you work for it or whatever, mine is the opposite. First, you get hit in the head with a stick and then you say, theres a carrot over here but you might have to get a couple more times. I mean its an initial shock treatment, yes. And it might put some people off. But to be honest with you, it was almost like now that I look at it, Ive never actually thought of this before but its almost like a little mini gatekeeper and I dont want to put anybody off. So if anybody cant get passed the first page that kind of it kind of ridicules the closeminded to say the least and I dont want anybody to leave even a section because its very modular. You could jump around in the book. I dont want anybody to feel worse than they did before they started reading it. So, if they get a negative, bad, negative reaction after the first page and they go, The hell with this, and throw it out, then thats fine. Id rather them dismiss it than go on and go through some kind of weird awakening where theyre sitting and shuddering and going, Oh my God. I have to control my thoughts. I am responsible for my life. If theyre not ready for that then this is a fail-safe. Melanie: But I can say for the audience that the book does go on to breakdown into really digestible pieces concepts around the possibility that we possess an amazing inner power that we can learn to harness and master. And of course, some people, this is if youre accustomed to relying on external sources to giving you a par away and relying on the external sources to drive you through life that this might feel a bit like a rude awakening. But I suppose if you start to sift and sort from the outset, people will maybe even be encouraged to be a little bit more open-minded when they read it. A.E.: Well, I sincerely hope so because it can sometimes. Its not the lovely its not like a blossoming awakening and its not Im going to say its not going to be for everybody. Some people respond to seeing the lovely lotus blossom, lovely and slowly and its beautiful and stuff. This is more like your brain is a crate and this is a crowbar that just jabs into the side of it and kind of yanks the top off slightly. It might be like that for some people. Some people that are more kind of, Yeah, Im into. Go ahead and screw with my perception. They might perceive it as a very light. And some people, some more hardcore people would have written it a lot. There was a lot of harshness that I went in through the editing process and took out upon the advice of others and say, No, no, no, no. That might lead someone to commit suicide. I went, thats probably not a very good marketing ploy. Yeah, people read books. They dont become assassins. They kill themselves. Wow! So, I had to take a lot of that out. And whats left in is seriously the most distilled kind of still remaining useful stuff.

Beryl: So, this book is it sounds like feels like something to push people out of comfort zones to start them wallowing in a victim state and sadly, many do hang out there. Its not about angel healing, is it? Its about its a little bit more sharp tactic as lovingly wrapped as you can I think. A.E.: Well, the difference I would say is theres a lot of the personal development and as I affectionately termed in the book, hippie movement is very much love where my book is a little bit more love. So I mean, its just a slightly different shift and different people will respond to the whole movement because it seems to me a bit, I dont know, almost a bit clicky where youve got as youve mentioned, youve got your angel healers who dont really talk about the kind of personal development coachy Tony Robbinsish achiever success type people who would not talk to the UFO soul origin people, who dont talk to the conspiracy nuts, I want to get the truth out, let me go out and peek at people. And all of those I think are necessary and they shouldnt it shouldnt be so clicky. It should be a lot more integrative and a lot more free to be able to interpret things as you want to interpret them and dont put a particular colored filter on to see it in the type of hue that everybody else is trying to its just a different its almost a different bin of a trap where you come out of the corporate machine world and you think youre having an awakening which is good. You start opening to all these new ideas and everything. And then you get a yoga teacher telling you that actually you should sit like this and breath like this all the time because and then they impose more rules on you. And people dont get that. Theyre just jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire. Its the whole rigidity of the subjectivity of a persons consciousness is the thing that I try to breakdown and I know I am more shocking than most kind of, this is what you do personal development type things. But I think thats just my angle and if it has a niche of people that never would even consider anything in, Oh I dont need personal development. I just work harder, is not a lovely paradigm. I dont need to change my perception. I just need to hit this hammer harder more often and Ill eventually and if thats your consciousness, Im not trying to put it down by any means because you can be by all means happy like that. But if youre not, then just look at it from over here or over here. Dont be afraid. Beryl: So, are you looking to help people become, I dont know what the word is, happier, more at peace with what they have in their life, more fulfilled, what is the goal, what is it you want to help people towards? And then are you saying that we dont need tools and techniques to get there? A.E.: Thats what I evolved into eventually. At the point of writing the book, the tools or before I even had my next level awakening, I knew that the tools were just tools and tips and things that you want to try are just suggestions and theyre not as important as such as what the tool shifts in your perception. So if you do do some NLP stuff of EFT or if I tap my cheek enough like this then eventually Ill reach Nirvana probably. Im not

making fun of the EFT people. Before you send me hate mail and say, tapping is Ive used tapping. Tapping is great. I only use it in a, I wouldnt say life or death situation, but when youre above flying on an airplane, it kind of feels like that. So I just tap it away. I only use it as a self-defense mechanism like a can of Mace in my, I dont know, whatever. I wouldnt carry Mace. Im not likely to get anyway, the point Im trying to get at is I wouldnt say that there is one goal to my book. Whatever it does to the person, I mean its a bit weird how virally I want it to go because the book itself has whatever purpose you get out of it. Whatever as miniscule as the change might be and Ill get into that a little bit more on what I embedded between the lines, what I try to do kind of energetically before while I was still playing with crystals and stuff. I mean I still do. I still have crystals and like pyramids and stuff. I mean now mostly for aesthetic reasons because they look a bit neat to have and Im sure they do do stuff but Im not necessarily going to sit there and pray to any particular thing or do whatever. But I did do some nice embedding within those words for them to be specifically catered to any individual that uses them. So I embedded infinite possibility if you want within the context or in between the context. So as youre reading it, youre getting a bit NLP treatment, youre getting a bit of Reiki, and you might be even getting a bit of Matrix Energetics or whatever. Youre getting that infinite awareness that I intended while I was writing it separate to the actual just content of it. So its unique to everyone else. If some people, it makes them happier and just thats it then awesome. If all it does is make you cure a digestive problem, awesome as well. If it makes you completely reevaluate your life and you become president of some country that you just bought with all the billions you just made, even better. Awesome. Mention me to your people, Mr. Dictator. Thank you. Whatever. But its supposed to be Ive come to terms with the fact that some people will say, Well, some of it isnt positive. And Ill say, Well, thats your subjectivity. If you dont see it as positive because it might have hit a nerve of yours, didnt it? You had a lovely paradigm which youve nurtured and watered and loved through your whole life and now somebody tells you that lovely plant you grew is actually a vine type weed thats killing all the things around you. Oh dear. But noticing that and it being able to correct it, shouldnt that in a sense, be ultimately positive? So thats just my take on it. Melanie: So A.E., I think this is a good point at which to get you to start chatting for us your journey thats the path your journey has taken you on thats led to your birthing the book. Would you like to sketch in your background and just the experiences, et cetera? A.E.: OK. Well, I cant just probably give you the last snippet which Im going to have and Ill try to be as brief as possible, summarize most of my life story basically. So, grew up in Communist Poland. I say grew up from the ages of 0 to 7. I was living in Communist Poland. I dont remember much except for being a kid running around,

everything looked so rosy and beautiful. I went back several years later and everything was completely just shit and Im just like, How did I ever see all this as beautiful? But I suppose the past is usually rose-tinted if you look at the good moments. The point is, I was always loved. I was wanted and loved and even though we were all poor and everybody was struggling to make ends meet, I was in a loving home so I couldnt really complain. So unfortunately now, if I have any problems like I dont go to the gym as often as I should. I cant go, Damn it. Its all my moms fault. Why didnt she So unfortunately, I didnt have as rough early childhood so I cant really blame a lot of my psychological problems on that. So Im supposed Im afraid Im going to have to take personal responsibility for as messed up as I am and take it off my own butt. So thats fine. Basically, not very eventful. Again, I cant remember most things between 0 and 7. I remember normal toddler things. But things really started to happen at seven when we immigrated, when my parents immigrated and brought me along to Canada and there, it was night and day in comparison to the economy and the mindset of people and how tolerant and nice and everything was. I was seven so to me, its just pleasant and not so pleasant in comparison to how people treated each other on the street and all the rest of the small little things. I didnt speak a word of English so that was a bit of a problem for the first year or so. Well, one thing I remember quite clearly is going to what I thought was a mans bathroom which it wasnt. But not the girls inside didnt really mind. This was I just got there, right? So I was seven. And I had long hair over my face and I was cute enough to be a girl. So nobody minded. And I must have in there about two or three times before one of the few Polish kids told me. He was just like thats the girls bathroom. And its just little, little funny nuances. Like apparently, this middle finger doesnt mean, Hello. Nice to see you, teacher, which my Polish classmates thought was funny to teach me and gotten lots of trouble for that. Normal childhood up until that point and then a little thing happened. They took the top two or three percent of a particular grade age group and they would put them in this gifted program. Now, I wasnt particularly gifted as such as even though it was Communist Poland, their education system for young kids was like two or three years more advanced than the Canadian one at the time. So I was doing multiplication tables and stuff while kids were trying to count blocks and just count to ten, that kind of level. And so, they told me I was gifted. And as a stupid impressionable kid, youre going to believe this stuff, right? So the class is doing so and so and I go off with a few other kids and we do advanced problems and try to solve cold fusion or split the atom or whatever, whatever fun things they thought were fun for us to do at the time. And then in grade five, this is age ten, three years into it, they made me their equivalent of valedictorian or whatever and made me write and read a whole speech about stuff. I

dont even know remember what on. But then shortly after that, I realized that they had said one off the cough comment, when an advanced problem was introduced in class, now, Ive never told anyone this, so we might edit it out later, but basically what happened is in normal class, a teacher introduced us to a complex logic problem. I dont even remember what it was but you had to think outside the usual box in order to solve it, one of these normal brain teaser things. And I stood up and made a comment that, Well, isnt this great? Its just like doing our gifted class except with all the average dummies. Oh my! So from that, in my pruned [Phonetic] [0:32:22] of school record, I have, He sometimes has delusions of grandeur. You put a kid in gifted class for a couple of years and then complain that he thinks hes better than everyone or smarter than everyone. I mean come on. I mean I didnt know any better so I just like, Well, theres a reason why Im doing this difficult stuff here and Im not doing it here. And I felt good. I didnt mean to put them down. Im just like, Yay! Theyre testing everyone else at these standards. Now, everyone is going to get it. And everybody was just sitting there scratching their heads. So anyway, I just got to tell you, this is the beginning of the downward spiral I suppose, which led me to all the crazy events. Moving swiftly on, I have to get into my first brushes with morality I suppose which was in Canada, in the place called Hamilton, which is a steel worker normal working class city, population about, I dont know, 200,000, 200 somewhat thousand. And everybody was just normal. It was diverse. It was nice. It was peaceful, friendly up until the age of 13. But two thirds of the kids would bully the other one third of the kids. So, you were either like it wasnt like everybody was normal like normal schools we have, most people are just normal outside of it. Then you have a few bullies and a few kids that the kids picked on. But it was really weird like two thirds of the kids would gang up and bully the other one third. So I was obviously, if you have to choose, Ill obviously be in the two thirds that are dishing it out. And because I thought of myself as rather clever, I would be really, really cruel to these kids. I mean youd make them sing things to teachers and everybody else was a bit crude with their bullying. I thought of myself as a connoisseur. So while they would pick out stupid things like, he is gay or he is a different ethnicity or hes this or hes that, or hes too tall or hes too fat or hes too short or whatever, normal physical things kids go into. I would have to be all deep and Im not even going to go into the filth I said. But suffice it to say, it was a more intelligent form of bullying which dont, bear with me, because my next section, I get it all back. You cant ever be malicious or mean or do any of that stuff without it coming back to you and life had to prove this to me firsthand or else I would have kept being a sadist for the rest of my life and that wouldnt have boded well for anybody. So up until the age of 13, I was doing that whole thing and it was all cool. I was into heavy metal at that point so I was growing my hair out and stuff and it was all cool. I had all my friends and everything was good.

And then high school came at the age 14. Now in Canada, you have two types of schools. Well, you do have private schools but theyre for the top like 5 percent richest people and you dont hear about them. So you have public schools which arent like posh public schools as you people call them in Britain. Were talking about state schools. And the other kinds were Catholic schools which were also state schools but they had uniforms. Therefore, they must have been more respectable and taught more discipline and just much higher. And obviously, all my friends from state middle school went to the state high school. But my parents as they were, decided to send me to the Catholic high school. And as much as I like to haze them about kind of why youve messed me up for life and all that stuff, and we say it in gist and we have a good understanding about it. But I needed those two years of shit in order to well, first of all, I had a lot of built-up karma which I had to kind of purged by fire or whatever. I had to get that experience. So I had to have both experience as the close-minded person who dishes out kind of evil and the victim at the other end. So I had to experience both and I did so in a short amount of time. Basically, the teachers didnt like me. The students, I was, for the first time in my life I was an outcast, delegated to, how do I put this, the frizz and the outcast of the school because although I was a Polish person, I didnt listen to techno music which was obviously against the rules. If you didnt listen to dance music or the particular mainstream then sorry, you were cast out. Forget you. And the uniforms Im talking about by the way was just a green polo shirt and black trousers. So everybody was just in the same wave of shit colored green. And yeah, it wasnt it was that the first time Ive learned first-hand about what its like to be bullied, whats its like to be discriminated against, what its like to be just the victim of grossly, inappropriate hypocrisy or just my rights were fringed upon as I get into a little anecdote. And it was all in all unpleasant. Its tampered in a way to be a lot more thick-skinned. And I thank those two years now although for the last eight years well, for the eight years after that, I hated Catholicism. I hated anything to do I associated Christianity with the epitome of hypocritical egotistical people that did nothing but preach you how you should be generous and loving while they are the worst people under the sun. Ive recently havent really changed that opinion but Im cool with it. I get what I get the validity of why they need to have that experience. And it was around that time that I, now I have to put this into context a little bit. Its not just that I didnt listen to techno music being a Polish person. I by that point, I had hair down to elbows and I was wearing a long black leatherish trench coat and I did it long before the Columbine kids made it cool. So, I got a lot of flock about that. How could you still wear this? Its all trench coat mafia this, and youre going to go shoot us. Im like, Listen, if I was going to shoot you people, I would have done it a long, long time ago. I didnt need to be prompted by some crazy kids that were probably mind-control by the way, but thats neither here nor there. I didnt need to be prompted. If I was going to lash out in such a way, I wouldnt do it that


way and I wouldnt kill innocence, whatever. Mine would have been a lot more cold and calculated and I would have picked out specific people. But sorry for that breach of psychosis. Getting back to why I was hated. So obviously, the teachers hated me. I mean I went into religion. I was a Goth kid and started asking questions, just normal, noncontroversial, something like, so in the Old Testament, why is God such an asshole? I mean I didnt phrase it that way but I said it in the nicest way I could. And some of the things I came out with, a lot of the students would sit and think and then the teacher would tell me to go wait outside to the end of the class because he didnt have answers for me. It didnt it started falling apart. I mean obviously, I was raised Catholic but after that, after the first year of that, I began turning my parents. I say turning like a Sith Lord or something. I turned them away from the church basically. Im not responsible. Well, I am a bit responsible but I kind of showed them another way. My dad went, Yeah, actually. What am I doing? I mean Ive been doing this my whole life, going into this Catholic Church and youre absolutely right about everything you say. He couldnt justify it so the way I got to my dad was just pure logic. And because I get all my pure logic from him, he had to submit and say, Actually, youre absolutely right. I dont know what Ive been doing. And my mom, I love her. But she didnt really have a choice because at the point, she couldnt yet drive. So if my dad is not taking us to church, were not going to church. That was the end of it. So yeah, there was a lot of rebellion there. And in my second year, I got and I might have told you guys before but Ill quickly recap. I was talking to my best friend at that time who was a lovely quiet guy. So he was an outcast just on the basis of him being quiet and reserve. But we used to play first person shooters over the modem and stuff and I used to make levels and I made one level which looked like a hallway in any nondescript school. OK? And I might have packed the locker in this nondescript school with shotguns and shells and everything. Now, in this video game, I dont want people cutting this out of the video and using it in my court cases and stuff. So anyway, I was talking to him about it and apparently, a girl from the school caught a glimpse of us and because I was all long trench coaty and this was only a couple of months after Columbine and basically what she did is she told her mom who told a friend who told a friend who told a friend who knew the principal who came in at like 8 or 9PM to the school. Im sure theres some breach of something. But everybody was on the high alert for terrorists and crazy kids shooting people. So they looked through all 1500 photos of all the students, managed to identify me and my friend, called the police. They show up at my house and are swarming his house because hes not answering the door. They had a five-minute chat with me. Im like, What are you talking about? It was this game. It was this. If I knew then what I know now I could have such an awesome cushy lawsuit out of that. But c'est la vie. It was not meant to be. And yeah, and I had to get on to the game. I had to connect to my friend


through ancient modem means to tell him, to open his door because the cops are swarming around his house thinking hes going to go shoot up the school with me. So I mean lovely little but now in retrospect, I understand why she did it. It was just fear and her perception. I mean its fear enough. And Ill let her have that as a win to make herself feels safer. And its good. And its another one of these experiences that has tampered me through fire. So yeah, that was that. Then also, one of my friends I have to kind of explain. I was a bit of a hacker as well. So I got caught with a disc with a Trojan virus thing on it that my friend slipped into my bag because he was infecting all the library computers and he thought it was fun. I mean back in the day, it was almost an honor to be in the kind of hacker word. Before, it was cool. Before, every script kiddie had a sorry. These words will mean nothing to you guys maybe but anybody that uses somebody elses hacking tools or whatever, isnt fully respective or embraced by the hacker bosom. So it was a privilege and this guy was like acting like a script kiddie and doing all this stuff and Im sure this is against the law but the vice-principal or vice-headmaster, whatever you guys call it, went in and just basically cut open the lock of my locker and searched my locker. And he found this disc and they suspended me for three days. Oh yeah, the incident before that where the police were involved, I and my friend still got suspended for three days because there was some incident and the police were involved. Thats it. Forget about our rights. Forget about this. And this is Canada, loveliest, most peaceful kind of tranquil, sleepy, lovely nature country. So I mean, its that kind of stuff going on then but I know it had to happen to me. I know it did. For some reasons, I already found out for other reasons Ill find out later. So yeah, that was me until 14 and 15, going through the usual adolescent things and just after puberty and youre going out and being a bit of experimenty slight person and normal stuff. Nothing traumatic or amazing happen to me then. Luckily after the second year, I went back to a state school when my parents moved to Burlington which was one city over. And I went back to a state high school and boom! Just like that. I fit like a puzzle piece right into there. They were missing a crazy Goth kid. Can you believe that? They were just missing one. I mean they had the drummer kids who were a bit punky, the music kids who were a bit punk and metal. But there was clearly a lacking of a long haired Goth kid and I fitted, slotted beautifully in there. And for my senior years, grade 11 and 12 and we had grade 13 at that time, just lovely. I made some life-long friends. Melanie: You mean you infected a bunch of kids? A.E.: Sorry?


Melanie: You said you were the only Goth kid so you mean you infected a bunch of kids into this way of being? A.E.: Thats the thing. I didnt even have to start a click. It wasnt very clicky which was lovely. But the Catholic school had its stereotypical clicks of you got the sporty jocks and you got the cheerleader types and you got things and then you got the really kind of greasy-haired like Italians going, Hey! Like kind of fans really type people. Like cool. Theyve had those and they had the upper head click and then you had even they had the drama geeks in there. I mean in the state school back in my the senior years of my high school were actually quite good. I mean I wasnt in with the jocks but I talked to some jocks and we had a lovely maybe fear-based mutual respect. So that was still fine. Same with the drama kids, same with the super nerds. Same with everybody else and everybody kind of there was inter-click kind of mingling which never happened at the Catholic school. So because of that, the rest of those years were just fine and dandy. Then university happened. Oh, slight difference, slight difference. I was in computer engineering at that point in grade 13. I figured out thats my forte obviously. Since the age of ten, Ive been making viruses or hacking, doing all sorts of crazy stuff. So I figured thats going to be me. So I applied to the best computer engineering university in Canada and they said, Yeah, well take you but were not going to give you any money. And then I went all the way to Ottawa, the capital. And I applied to what some people call second last chance U which was for some subjects, if no other uni will take you, they will. I wont mention their name least I get sued. But if you know me, you know what Im talking but they offered me money. They offered me like three grand a year as a university scholarship to help out with my studies and stuff. So I said, Yeah, lets do that. So basically, the first month into it, I was just like any freshmen, just wandering around going, Whats going on? I have classes at 8 in the morning but sometimes I have about 7 at night. It takes a while getting used to away from the high school kind of strictly 9 until 4 or 9 until 3:30 lifestyle. Basically, I joined a fraternity. I dont know how. I was at the right party at the right time and I signed up to a form and they didnt know who I was so they couldnt really decide whether I was good enough or not and both me and my mate who Ive just met a couple of months ago but already, we were the best of friends because thats how you bond at that age. Have you ever noticed that? So, this is a bit weird, isnt it? Not that I felt [indiscernible] [0:52:27]. As an adult, it takes a lot more time to process and to establish a bond with anybody new. But when youre like 19, 20 years old, you just you form a best friend within a matter of weeks. Melanie: Yeah. A.E.: Anyway, but we ended up in the right place and the right time and we ended up joining a fraternity, which as you see, all the stereotypical things about American


fraternities, pretty much spot on. Big Greek letters, toga parties, everybody is getting pissed, youre helping brothers out, everything is cool and its awesome. I thoroughly recommend it to anybody as a uni experience. Obviously, they want to encourage that you dont let your academic suffer. But if youre drinking at every night, I mean youre going to have a little bit of a knockout effect, isnt it? So I sailed through the first two years with low As and Bs as grades so not particularly a grade that I wanted however, not horrible. I could have went on and I could have done great. But then something weird happened to me. I went to my cousins wedding back in Poland. And after the wedding, I was going to jump to London for a couple of weeks, just to see what all the buzzes about. Now, my cousin, the day before his wedding day, said to me that my mom is scared of me going London and never coming back. Now, that sounds like a funny, not like, What are you have been afraid of? Im supposed to be going there for two weeks. Ive got the next semester in my third year starting in September. Im not just going to up in up sticks and just say goodbye to all my education. But fondly enough, thats exactly what I did. So thats to anybody who nay says the power of womens intuition or a mothers right to know. She knew. It wasnt that she was afraid. She was already dealing with me having done that before it even happened. So anyhow, thats what I did. I went in. I came to London with all my awesome Canadian dollars which I had maybe just over a grand of which meant nothing because it was 2.5 Canadian to one pound. So my first couple of weeks, everything went on just accommodation and just seriously, accommodation, food, and I had a couple of normal 50 to 60 quid nights out in London. Thats it. That was all my money. I had nothing else. So I said, OK. Well, this isnt working out well. After a couple of months of just scraping by, I mean like eating [indiscernible] [0:55:45] value bread and [indiscernible] and thats for a nice couple of months, to be honest with you. It definitely taught me a lot of humility to say the least. So, I usually just laugh at the things that other people take so seriously but not out of arrogance but because Ive been there and Ive done that. Most of the things, most of the so-called negative things that people experience, I can laugh about which some people say is quite insensitive because yeah, it is but only because theyre taking it seriously. If they could laugh if you could laugh about the most horrible problem in that moment, then youve achieved mastery. Im not saying Im even capable of that. I tried to interject before a moments perception or some events perception really hits me. I can do it. If I were to do it right in the moment and adjust my I see incoming stimuli coming out here, something happened. Someone said some bad words to you or somebody criticized you, if I could stop it before it comes into here, precognitive type stuff then I could put my filter on and choose the interpretation that I want and then flip on it, if you


could do that in the moment, thats it. I mean theres nothing else I could say or anyone else can say you are some kind of a bad-like person and congratulations. Im working steadily towards that but thats ultimate mystery to me and I cant do it. But approaching it is still a lot better than not doing anything at all. But sorry, I completely detracted from what we were talking about as I tend to do. Melanie: OK. So, in terms of the background experience where you, for a whole hostile reasons become some kind of a renegade and you end up in London and it sounds like it wasnt the easiest most straightforward introduction to England. A.E.: Yes, thank you so much for putting my train back on the tracks. I was [Inaudible] [0:58:13] before I tangent off. Thank you. So going through poverty, going through discrimination, oh thats another lovely thing Ive had to experience. When the EU let Eastern Europe in, as a Polish-born passport holding citizen, I was able to come here and work freely just on my passport. As a Canadian, I was not able to do the same and I think thats a little bit backwards because obviously, all the Polish wanted to migrate over here and even if Canadas doors were open tomorrow, nobody would really care. I mean yeah, we can go to England. Yeah, if yeah, its been too sunny. If you fancy a bit of miserable weather and sarcastic people, lets go right now. Im not holding it against Britain in any sense. But saying it, I found it quite funny how Canada is being, No, no, no, you need like a visa and you need a sponsor, and you need all this stuff. But as soon as the door was opened, I was able to say cool. Well, I should have a bit of a leg up since at least I speak English even though its North American English and theyll be funny little nuances that people will have to decipher. Yeah. So, how do I put this? It wasnt easy until basically I had my full real Polish unpronounceable name on my CV. I wouldnt get any calls as a computer engineer person and I didnt understand why. It was only when I translated my name from Polish to English and I just dropped the hold of my surname that people started calling me back for interviews and stuff. And I know I had to experience that discrimination so I can help other Polish for example rise above it. And I got a lot of criticism that, Oh no, youre embarrassed about your heritage and thats why you dropped your surname and blah, blah, blah. And Im just like, No, its not that. Its not that Im ashamed. Its that a lot of English people resent them for undercutting them in their building [inaudible] [1:00:59]. Thats not my field. Im sorry. I do computer stuff, a whole wide range of it but thats just what I do. And if I cant break into the IT sector in the UK because Im a Polish person, well, thats a little strange. I can speak the language. I can back up my claims. Lets go and do it. So this is around the time where my life the tipping point. This the couple of first years in London were the toughest Id say. And family talked to me and say, Come back. Its not against your pride or whatever. Just you can just hop on a plane. Come back to Canada where its lovely, safe, and warm. Well, in the summer, it is. We dont all live in


[indiscernible] [1:02:00]. The altitude is all [indiscernible]. Its the same thing. But we get sunny days. So anyways, and every time I would deny them and say, No, I need to suffer. And this is what we were talking about that victim mentality. I needed to experience the fullness of rock bottom. I needed to feel the visceral shadow of shit that underpins todays society. I had to be I mean Ive never became a full out junkie or anything. I was never well, I would say I was never on the street. I just got evicted from the hostile if you can believe it. But how the hell does a person get evicted from a hostile? Anyway, the point Melanie: So, is it in retrospect you realized that you needed to experience rock bottom or while you were going through that, you were thinking, This is a good eye-opener? A.E.: Thats a very good point. No, no, no. At that time, I thought nothing more than, I am too hardcore for this shit to break me down. Melanie: OK. A.E.: To me, it was just a rebellion against stances which I think I still believe because I was on this side of my kind of perceptions shift, still at that side of it. So Im just like, No, no, no. I am going to fight and I am going to overcome all these obstacles and adversaries, all these things, Im going to fight on a normal physical level. Which at the time I needed to be able to experience as well because now I can get on to the kind of semi enlightened high horse to my past self and I can finger out my past self and go, No, no, no. Why are you dealing with this that pain? Dont you know what Ive learned since you were talking to past whatever? But I know I needed to play at the lowest level with the rest of them. Not only that I needed to do that. Right. Getting back to now, this is where it reaches epiphany I suppose. After I reached what I thought was for me as rock bottom as it can get in terms of poverty, in terms of my limited consciousness and what not, the way I still blamed external circumstances for whats going to happen next, is there something fun going to happen or is there something not fun going to happen. And it wasnt it was so focused on, Oh, I hope this kind of crap doesnt happen. And low and behold, it would. So after that, I was for some reason, I stumbled upon at the same time The Secret, Tony Robbins and David Icke. So thats quite a triangle of fun awakening if you take all the merits of those three corners separately. You have The Secret which opened me up to the whole world of existence of quantum physics and all the lovely stuff that people like us already take for granted and were somewhat deep down into the rabbit hole of all that craziness. Then youve had Tony Robbins, the best kind of down to earth coachy, success, happiness-oriented but everything still on a very scientifical and logical conventional level. I wouldnt say conventional. I dont mean to put it down in any way because Tony is awesome.


But then you had the other corner which was David Icke which was Illuminati weird rituals, oh my God, what the hell is going on in the planet. So Ive had all three of these things to consider at once and I would switch between them every time I got a bit too depressed with the Illuminati eating babies. I would go to Tony Robbins and workout and clean my fly [Phonetic] [1:06:30]. And at the same time, I would keep The Secret things in and I would have a little vision board and I would say affirmations in the mirror and stuff which works wonders by the way even though you do feel silly somewhat. But do it by yourself. Its fun. So all those things combined in my mind to give me a shift and awareness in that I now started to believe that the internal comes first than the circumstances will eventually sometimes take a while, sometimes not depending on the strength of your convictions and you freewill so to speak, will follow shortly after. So that to me was mind-blowing and I got very, very eclectic. I started all the things that I would dismiss in the past like any forms of formal organized religion, anything like that. Now, I was starting to accept and consider those people as still being spiritual even though in the broader sense maybe they were a bit deceived in that it was all still a system of control. But at the same time, I began to accept every point of view around the world no matter how diverse they were as valid. And I would no longer judge myself or beat up myself for not having the correct perception or point of view to deal with any given situation that I would simply accept that I had to perceive that in that way to teach me so and so. So after that, I started to do all the research on Ive got into like Abraham Hicks. Theyre always quite good about making sense of the Law of Attraction where the kind of The Secret lives off. Bashar, I dont know if you guys heard any of his stuff. Melanie: Yup. A.E.: Hes awesome, isnt he? And thats what we need. Diversity in these things because otherwise youre just rehashing the same old stuff and youre trying to conform to now the academic culture which has been set up around the Law of Attraction. Now, these we dont want these morphic fields to become stagnant and rigid. They need to always be expanding and evolving as well. So, just as we have to step into them, doesnt mean that we have the right to overly define or in fact, to conform to what we think is that particular set of beliefs or whatever around any idea even personal development and self-help. So, thats my story in a rather big nutshell. Melanie: So, indirectly then, you have all these guys be your mentor, not deliberately but Bashars and Tony Robbins, theyve been your mentor in shaping your perception over time where you really could start taking responsibility for how you created your life and then it sounds like the book has evolved as a way of setting up a sign post for others to be able to do the same.


A.E.: Yeah, I definitely would. Ive got some negative feedback that the book tries to be too mentoring in itself but Im not trying to portray myself as the authority figure at any given subject. All I want to do is really open people up to and as Ive discussed before the book is actually meant to be something for everyone even if you are deeply into personal development and stuff. Ive mastered that stuff years ago and walked at this well, its still a new perspective on that stuff and whatever I reread now, even some of the old stuff of Tony, et cetera, I still pick up some new things. But in my mind, this was meant to be the main people that and it could be for everyone. I mean it. I want it to be for everyone. But almost like the turning point, it was around this it was way after my epiphany or my series of epiphanies which led me to kind of how this new outlook in life, but I wanted to recreate that feeling of having all the things, that triangle of stuff, metaphysical, positivity, practical positivity, and stare the negativity in the face in order to overcome it, the triangle that I described before. I wanted to recreate that in a way in terms of its all actually doing the same thing. So, a lot of the book I tried to just be positive, practical, down to earth, do action X to achieve Y and things like that. And then others I say, will actually work on hacking your brain and go crazy metaphysical about it, why not? Im still look at what Im wearing. Im wearing the chakra thing and I mean I got it from my lovely lady and it just looks cool but is it doing something metaphysically to my energies? Does it matter? I like to think it does. I like to imagine it does. Whether it actually does or not isnt relevant because Im already appreciating it just on the level, its pathetic. So you dont have to believe in absolutely everything. I dont believe in anything. And one thing I want to make clear is I no longer in anything. I consider everything. I consider everything and I give it its due but believing something is to the exclusivity of everything else that contradicts it. And I no longer feel I want to do that. So Melanie: Thats a nice place to be. I mean just imagine not having to be restrained by beliefs or be fixed on any kind of perspective at all, that does create quite I suppose for some people, that could feel a bit scary but it does open up things a bit. A.E.: I wouldnt worry too much about it because if you think I mean I say I dont believe in anything. Subconsciously, I believe in a lot of things because if I jump out this window, I know Im going to fall even though Ill be saying I can fly, I can fly. I know my subconscious isnt yet believing that [inaudible] [1:14:12]. So the [indiscernible] still thinks that your body and your subconscious believe because well, otherwise it would be impolite company to just start floating away. I suppose. I dont know. Ive never tried it. Melanie: Unless they will do it as well. So, OK. So youve gone through youve given us youve sketched in the background which has allowed the book to be born. Having spent all that time giving birth to the book and to some extent nurturing it because there is feedback and I suppose a degree of explaining or clarifying you might need to give to


people who are not completely on that wavelength. What would you say has been the change or the evolution in you as a result of writing the book? A.E.: Well, I still use it as a manual for myself whenever I forget the basics. Now, the book is pre-Matrix Energetics for me although Im sure now Ive applied some, if you can call them principles. But some of the matrix suggestions that it would make while writing it but since then, Im completely OK with not being the perfect the stereotypically perfect person. Im in a much more loving and accepting space for myself and Im quite all right with embracing the imperfections because Ive gone through, I feel like Ive gone through the whole cycles of as bad as it can get then as bad as it can get because I wanted it to. And then as good as it can get because thats as much as I feel that I can be good at this time to a lovely point of its all good. Im just excited to what the future holds. I mean I was a lot more rigid than I am now when I wrote the book because I felt like my life needed a bit more structure. And then after that I have to breakthrough it even though one could argue that the main message of the book is to breakdown structures. But to me, putting it all in a format like the book made it easy for me just to refer to. And yeah, I mean it gives your left brain a number of fun things to focus on, fun little hints and tips of what should I do now? Its all well and good. Ill just sit here in a low disposition. Take some deep breaths. Yeah, I feel infinite, universe, love, and all that stuff but my soul is still a bit restless and it needs to go out and do something. Im a lot more at peace without having to run around and consciously personally develop myself but at the same time I had to go through all of that. I had to go through the practical meets the metaphysical. I had to go through with having to utilize tools in order so that I could have transcended them. It wouldnt have been right for me to go from the young computer engineer me straight into matrix me which is because I needed to experience those things for myself in order to transcend them. So, I think that for me was a natural progression. For some people, their matrix-ish awakening or their kind of quantum entanglement or whatever level of understanding you want to ascribe to it would come before reading my book because to them it will be a lovely piece of sapphire that they can look back on rigid kind of self-help movement and be able to make fun of it now. And basically, just see where it goes. Melanie: So for those who have not been involved with the Matrix Energetics, you refer to the matrix you and I suppose its very similar to in the movie The Matrix, you take the red pill and you lose all your limitations. Just for those who are not aware of it, can you just give in a nutshell your describe to them your matrix you? What youre referring to there? A.E.: I would describe it as almost my leveling up, my next level of my no one call it a level. The next chapter of my evolution was about a bit more than three years ago, I read Richard Bartletts Matrix Energetics books and I came along to study play groups,


experience universal consciousness at a level. And since then, Ive been more and more in tuned with true self, if that makes any sense. Ive stopped rushing around trying to achieve things, trying to improve things consciously. Ive shifted my scope or my focus on appreciating and truly being OK with everything as it is and simply saying things like, I love how this is that although I might prefer it to be like that. But then never leaving it closed off because I would run around and go, I want to achieve this although yeah, Im fine with where I am but I want to achieve this and only this and only in this way and only in this specific time and only if the planets are like and like that. So, Ive really become a lot more flexible in my interpretations of things and Ive definitely become more flexible in the way I try to improve myself which is a lot more I guess you can call it subtle and less invasive to my own self, if that makes any sense. Melanie: So, it sounds very much because weve come to this conversation because I was curious to know what evolution youd gone through. So it sounds very much as though you have brewing inside you another book. A.E.: I do. This is Ive start work on an actual novel. Its going to be well, its going to be labeled fiction although Ill try to put between the lines a lot of factual stuff which Ive picked up in research over the years on human origins kind of slight alien origin theorems [indiscernible] [1:22:15] and all that kind of jazz and how its actually playing out on. Its going to be what is really going on behind the scenes but its not going to be from a NWO Illuminati oh my God perspective. Its going to be like, heres actually the fun stuff thats going on behind the scenes that most people dont know about. So it will be a huge novel. It might be coming out next year but I need to really work on how the stuff is going to come through me because the book itself is a little bit semi-channeled, could I say. Its not the kind of channeling you see when you see somebody on a YouTube video just go all into, Dear ones, we are talking to you from All these people at all I think theres more than place for them and what they do and if instills a lot of confidence in people then all the power to them. But my sort of channeling is Ill get a thought formed in my head and then it has to boil in a kind of brainy stew for a little bit and then it translates and it comes out of my mouth as apparently my own thoughts. Its in my words but theyre not my thoughts but theyre my words. But then that gets back in terms to all conversation on actually are our thoughts actually ours and do they originate in our brains? But thats just for another day. Melanie: OK. Beryl: So youre saying youll come back and talk to us another?


A.E.: Oh, Ill definitely will. Ill probably have another book out next year so I definitely will or I mean its been lovely chatting to you chicks anyway. So if I get any great world epiphanies youll be the first to know. Melanie: That would be great. Beryl: And people are going to want to read your book, your present book. A.E.: Yes. Beryl: Where can they find that? How can they get a hold of that? A.E.: Yeah. Its called Attack Life On All Fronts by A.E. Gix. Thats A.E. G-I-X. Beryl: Got it, got it. A.E.: You can get it from Amazon or any other online thingy. But if you look closely, you could probably get the PDF for free. I dont know if I should say that. But its too helpful for me to care. If you want the PDF, just Google it with PDF and youll probably be able to get a free copy of the PDF. But if you want to buy it, then by all means please do. Its on all the Amazons around the world. Yeah. Beryl: And if people want to get into conversation with you Melanie: Throw an egg at you or something. A.E.: If they want to get into conversation Beryl: Yeah, how do they do that? A.E.: My email is on it. I think the address for my book which doesnt have a lot of stuff except for links but I think its or or both. Beryl: OK. Well put a link on the site. People can find you and A.E.: The address will be on that so if anybody wants to give me more hates, yeah, please do. Beryl: OK. OK. Melanie: No doubt if they have comments on this video, you will come and address them. Yeah? On the site. A.E.: Quite possibly but I just hope you want great things because if I get into a flame more with somebody, it might not be pretty.


Beryl: Well, we can be there with our extinguisher. Thats OK. Its been fascinating. A.E.: Thank you. Its been equally enlightening for me too. So thank you everyone for tuning in to todays episode of If youre watching this on YouTube, then please subscribe to the button above and if youre listening to this on iTunes, please subscribe to our podcast channel free to post a Review there. and feel

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So from me Beryl and my co-host Melanie and from our interviewee A.E we bid you farewell and next time. So ladies, if you would like to say good-bye.


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