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The Carnival of Brazil (Portuguese: Carnaval) is an annual festival held forty days (or six weeks) before the

beginning of Easter, ie, in the days immediately before Lent. On certain days of Lent, Roman Catholics and some other Christians traditionally abstained from the consumption of meat and poultry, hence the term "carnival," from carnelevare, "to remove (literally, "raise") meat." Carnival has roots in the pagan festival of Saturnalia, which, adapted to Catholicism became a farewell to well things in a season of religious discipline to practice repentance and prepare for Christ's death and resurrection.

Rhythmic, participation, and costumes vary from one region of Brazil to another. In the southeastern cities of Rio de Janeiro and So Paulo, huge organized parades are led by samba schools. Those official parades are meant to be watched by the public, while minor parades ("blocos") allowing public participation can be found in other cities. The northeastern cities of Salvador, Porto Seguro and Recife have organized groups parading through streets, and public interacts directly with them. This carnival is also influenced by AfricanBrazilian culture. It's a six-day party where crowds follow the trios eltricos through the city streets, dancing and singing. Also in northeast, Olinda carnival SKIMMING features unique characteristics, part influenced by Venice Carnival mixed with cultural depictions of local folklore. 1. Esse texto sobre: A) O carnaval brasileiro. B) A cidade do carnaval. C) O feriado mais famoso do Brasil. 2. A principal funo do texto : A) divertir. B) persuadir. C) informar. 3. O texto refere que o carnaval do Brasil um festival anual e que acontece em vrias cidades do pas com diferentes caractersticas. A) Verdadeiro B) Falso 4. O texto lista: A) Os vrios tipos das fantasias de carnaval. B) Os gneros tpicos da msica do carnaval brasileiro. C) As diversas razes de origem do carnaval. 5. O texto nos diz: A) Ritmos, participao e fantasias tm as mesmas caractersticas em todas as regies do Brasil. B) As cidades nordestinas de Salvador, Porto Seguro e Recife tm grupos organizados desfilando pelas ruas, e o pblico interage diretamente com eles. C) O carnaval de Olinda apresenta caractersticas nicas, parte influenciada pelo Carnaval de Portugal misturado com representaes culturais do folclore local. 6. A informao neste texto est atualizada.

SCANNING 1. Onde podemos encontrar mais informaes sobre este assunto? 2. Quais so as razes do carnaval? 3. O carnaval das cidades nordestinas de Salvador, Porto Seguro e Recife so influenciados por qual cultura? 4. Cite as localidades e os gneros tpicos da msica do carnaval brasileiro. 5. O Carnaval do Rio atraiu um grande nmero de visitantes no ano de 2012. Aps uma pesquisa sobre os estilos musicais da regio nordeste, nomeie as imagens: Frevo / Maracatu / Samba-reggae / Ax

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