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First They Come For TheTruth

Growing faster than than the global slow-down is the spreading belief that austerity brings prosperity. A reader of Paul Krugman's blog proclaims his membership in the enemy camp. Every Krugman column brings deleterious responses of nuts! Paul's detailed and meticulous explanations, his graphs of inflation and interest rates (low!), his country comparisons of GDP and policies, his step by step explanations of growth, jobs, and a solid future are rejected by many and dismissed under a barrage of talking points. Take John Boehner's online survey; questions 5 and 6 are: Do you agree that spending cuts not tax hikes are key to solving our debt crisis? Do you support House Republicans goal of balancing the budget within 10 years? News flash: No GOP 10 year balanced budget plan exists! Republicans voted for tax hikes! The belief in sound bites is actually disbelief. Its logic fails. Then, what's its purpose?

Power. In the pursuit of power, Democrats are not the opposition, truth is. The debate isn't between parties, it's between lies and truth. Lies divide us. Undermine truth and citizens gleefully accept the deleterious policies of the enemy camp, whose fallacies have more in common with a magician's misdirection than with governing. A government of fallacies separates appearance from reality and rules by pretense and concealment. Make no mistake, these are lies not lip-synch. The capability and capacity for collective work, the GOP calls "budget deficits." The efficiency of collective work, the GOP calls "socialism." They don't want smaller government. They want the power, to give and take away. First they come for the truth. Then they will come for social security, the air we breathe, the water we drink.

Two Elephants Mobile Publishing

Public and Oral Tradition with Great Design.

Walter Rhett

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