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Jeffrey Layosa University

Midterm First Semester SY 2012 - 2013 NO1 Theoretical Foundations of Nursing Name ________________________________________ Yr & Sec_________ Date ___________Score___________ I. Multiple Choice Questions: INSTRUCTION: Select the best answer and place the letter of your answer before the item number. Erasures are not allowed. Since the beginning of time, men and women have engaged in the search for reality and truth. This search is called philosophy. Nursing philosophy examines the relationship between truth and ideals in nursing. The examination of these truths and ideals leads to beliefs and ideals that form the framework for nursing practice. ____1. Nursing philosophy can be defined by the following EXCEPT: A. Individual or it can be global B. Dynamic and changes over time C. Influenced by the era and the environment in which it is practiced D. Searches for hypotheses and conclusions ____2. Florence Nightingale (1820-1910) lived through an era of change and conflict. This was the Victorian Era, the birth of the Industrial Revolution, the time of The Crimean War. Women were expected to "keep house" and do little else; their social standing relegated to the proverbial "second class citizen" status. Which of the following statements is related to Florence Nightingale? A. Nursing is therapeutic interpersonal process. B. The role of nursing is to facilitate "the bodys reparative processes" by manipulating clients environment. C. Nursing is the science and practice that expands adaptive abilities and enhances person and environment transformation D. Nursing care becomes necessary when client is unable to fulfill biological, psychological, developmental, or social needs. ____3.There are five (5) essential points in securing health of houses according to Nightingale namely pure water and air, efficient drainage, light, and: A. cleanliness: extended to patient, nurse & environment B. peace of mind, soul and spirit C. right food, eating on time D. correct medication and treatment ____4. The unique function of the nurse is to assist the individual, sick or well, in the performance of those activities contributing to health or its recovery (or to peaceful death) that he would perform unaided if he had the necessary strength, will, or knowledge. This is the definition of nursing in functional terms according to: A. Florence Nightingale B. Virginia Henderson C. Faye Glenn Abdellah D. Jean Watson ____5. In the theoretical assertions of Henderson, she stated the relationship of the nurse to other people. In this particular aspect, she noted an overlap of professional function. A. nurse-health worker relationship B. nurse-family interaction C. nurse-physician relationship D. nurse-employer collaboration

II. Matching Type: Classification of Nursing Theories according to function and Scheme:
______1. To know the properties and workings of a discipline ______2. To examine how properties relate and thus affect the discipline. ______3. To calculate relationships between properties and how they occur. ______4. Theory that is broad in Scope and complex in nature. ______5. Theory helps elaborate more on how social structure Affect experiences and health outcomes. a. Critical theory b. Situation- Relating Theories c. Situation- Producing Theories d. Grand theory e. Middle Range theory

III. Identification: Direction: Fill in with the correct answer the space provided with each number.
________1. The act of utilizing the environment of the patient to assist him in his recovery is first theorized by. ________2. The unique function of the nurse to assist the individual, sick or well, in the performance of those activities contributing to health that he would perform unaided if he has the necessary strength, will and knowledge, and to do this in such a way as to help him gain independence as rapidly as possible. ________3. Caring is healing; it is communicated through the consciousness of the nurse to the individual being cared for. It allows access to higher human spirits. ________4. She Develop the CLINICAL NURSING A HELPING ART MODEL. ________5. The country where Florence Nightingale train in nursing.

IV. Essay: Explain the following statements. 1. Compare and contrast the similarities and differences of the nursing philosophies given by the five nurses and
indicate which differences played an important role in the development of each unique nursing philosophy. (10pts) 2. Choose one (1) nursing theory and explain this theory. Would it be productive to share this theory with others who work in environments where it might fit? Why? (10 pts)

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