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Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity Alumni Association & Relations Committee Report January

Anthony Sacco Ohio State 99, Coordinator of Alumni Relations & Associations 2012-2014 Ryan K. Spencer, Texas State 06 Deputy Coor. of Alumni Relations & Associations 2012-2014 Kevin J. Marks, Valparaiso 92, Director of Alumni Services

Goal 1 & 2: (1)Inventory and Measure: Establish a measurable culture of Alumni Relations for Associations located across the country. This work will include the definition and implementation of metrics to assess the health of our alumni associations. The committee will focus in 2012-2014 on refining and analyzing data collected from the Alumni Association Accreditation reports.

(2)Set Strategic Direction: Create and publish best practices and develop key messaging. This work will build off the work of the done in 2010-2012 through the accreditation program results. After categorizing best practice among key associations, the committee will develop short and long term action items established in a quarterly calendar. The communication of both findings and plan to both national office and alumni associations will be important.

The above two goals are taken from the initial report submitted and have been as focal points for our committee in the first quarter of 2013.


Since the last call for reports the committee has begun dialogue to successfully complete the first two stated goals above. The results of those conversations have uncovered a wide range of results within associations member groups, ranging from highly functioning to defunct. This broad range is not tied to a specific region, demographic s or the history of those member groups. Within the population of the associations member groups, there is also wide variance in types in example single chapter representation to the metropolitan association member groups that can have up to 100 different chapters represented within its population (Chicago & NYC). Lastly, the committee has not been able to identify a clear story or best practice from any member group that can be used across this diverse population of groups. The committee seeks to organize our efforts in two ways; the first is identify similarities and pair those member groups together in a Tier, and secondly leverage the national network and resources to define a story and best practice. These are the three areas we will seek to focus on to define Our Story. 1) Good Data

Shared services Central data storage easily accessible and usable for communication

2) Alumni Value Proposition

What's in it for me (alumni) What's in it for me (volunteer) Why are alumni going to participate beyond the above two.

3) Defining the story to Leverage our Network

What is it we want to accomplish Who are we Why is a network important Why is it important to build a collective network, and how can we leverage it to create member value.

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