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Points for action in managing technology

Implementation o o Select one or two POs as model and implement technology fully; Replicate this in other offices Ascertain the existing infrastructure availability in terms of building, power, connectivity, furniture etc.. Note down the requirement for computerization and do the gap analysis for each of the items noted.. Process for bridging the gap in terms of each infrastructure. Implement according to uniform plan Keep a trained pool Build a team of resource persons; If possible, reserve a system at one of the offices, preferably DO for testing Monitor implementation and continuity Enhance acceptance of the reports generated, avoiding duplication Security of users in applications Ensure independent operations by supervisors to eliminate laxity Implement a HR policy to broaden technology acceptance and reduce dependence on the skilled few Ensure installation and use immediately after supply Keep accurate record of the hardware in each site Maximize utility through sharing instead of providing computers per seat Ensure AMC for hardware and UPS Liaison with AMC and implementation of obligatory clauses Keep a list of reliable service engineers to attend to immediate repairs on call basis when AMC is not available or when AMC fails to attend to the maintenance Follow a battery replacement policy for UPS Capacity planning requirements; for UPS and generator in relation to the

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Ensure maintenance of generator in good condition and availability of consumables for use during failure; Maintain a register to follow up use and consumption ratio Spare hardware Manage consumables

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Preventive checks during visit o o o o o Check the user security Check the use of CDs of applications, OS and SQL Server Check the log files in Point of Sale and Treasury Check the HO summary or daily account with TCB and BO summary to ensure balancing; Probe into out of account entries Check HO summary/daily account with TCB over a few days to confirm correctness and to ensure that manual corrections are avoided. Similarly check SO & BO summaries. In such cases, check whether the office is trying to manipulate database do this with the help of a resource person Check the advance items and ensure that SOs are incorporating transactions relating to out of account cheques sent to HOs and realized and no undue delay is observed Check whether physical access to server is administrators account is not being used by all secured and the

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Discourage the use of server as another node in network Check shift reports in Point of Sale over a few days for UCR, MO issue, PLI and other financial transactions to confirm whether any break is seen in the serial number of receipts Test check a few articles on the date of visit to confirm correct accounting of transactions Check the security of backup media

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