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Classroon Management as Discipline



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preservice Chapter prepares 5 teachers meetINTASC to standards (Student #2 Develop(Assessment), #9 (Reflective ment), {Motivation Management), #5 and #B Practitioner) and by helping themto . useknowledge abouthumanbehavior drawnfrom the research Adler, of Dreikurs, Albert, and Nelsen develop to strategies classroom for management. . understand motives student the for behavior. . evaluate research concerning useof consequencesan alternative tradithe as to tionalpunishment. . learn strategies applying for natural logical and consequences classroom. in the . understand basic the principles Logical of Consequences.

At the endof herfirstyearofteachingthird-grade teacher SaraPrabhu spenta fewdays reflecting whatshewanted do differently nextyear. on to the Although planned she to change physical the setupof herclassroom revise and several herteaching of strategies, the areashefelt that needed mostimprovement herclassroom-management the was plan. WhenSara began teaching adopted discipline hercooperating she plan the teacher hadusedduringSara's student-teaching experience. planrequired establishThis the mentof classroom rules andconsequences. Throughout each day, students turned cards astheyviolated classroom rules. moreandmorecards As wereturned, consethe quences became moresevere. Afterusingthis modelfor a year, however, Sara wasfrusflawrvas tratedand feltthereweremanyflawsin her plan.Themostcritical thatthe consequences not tiedto the misbehavior the motive the misbehavior. were or for Because Sara sawlittleconnection the between behavior the consequence, was and she sureher students failedto seethe connection well. as During summer, wasdetermined finda classroom-management the plan Sara to that better herteaching fit styleand personal philosophy. readnumerous She booksand management finally and foundan article written theearly1970s articles classroom on in on the useof logical conseguences. lntrigued, readtheworksof Rudolf she Dreikurs. Dreikurs's model madesense her,because consequence misbehavior to the for was directly to themisbehavior. feltcertain by usinglogical tied She that her consequences, students wouldseethe relationship between theirbehavior theirpunishment. and waiteduntilshemetwith the class Whenschoolbegan, Sara before developing the rules. of classroom Aftera discussion whatwouldmake theirclassroom smoothlv. run theclass agreed upona setof rules. Theyestablished consequences, no because consequences wereto be based the behavior on the motive themisbehavior. on and for A few daysintotheterm, lunchroom the monitor told Sara had thata groupof herstudents failedto clean theirtableand had leftit too messy otherstudents use. for to Thinking of theappropriate logical consequence suchbehavior, sent students the for Sara the to to the to staff. Duringthe weeks cafeteria clean tableand to apologize the cafeteria that



Logical Consequences


followed, Sara oftenhadto struggle find an appropriate to logical consequence each for misbehavior remained but confident students that werelearning fromtheconsequences rather thansimply feeling punished.


The last chapterin Part I on classroommanagement discipline is basedon the original as work of Rudolf Dreikurs. Sincethe late 1960sand I 970s,many teachers, like SaraPrabhu, haveadoptedDreikurs'smodel, Logical Consequences. When developed, Logical Consequences represented shift from a behavioralfocus on disciplineto a more humanisticapa proach, using the concept that the motivation and goals of student behavior must be considered the development a disciplineplan. However,understanding motivation in of the behindbehaviorshould not negatethe needfor appropriate consequences misbehavior. fbr Therefore,a major focus of Logical Consequences to control studentbehavior while is helping students recognizethe consequences oftheir decisions. ExpandingDreikurs'sdisciplineconcepts, Linda Albert and JaneNelsenhaveprovided a more current twist to Dreikurs's original theory.Albert (1996) and Nelsen (1987) stress that it is importantto understand why students behavein a particularway. Through this understanding, teacherscan develop strategies handle particular problems.The premise to behind Logical Consequences, however,is not just to control behavior but also to assist students taking responsibilityfor their actionsand behaviors. in Many of the conceptsof Logical Consequences basedon the work of the Viennese are psychiatrist Alfred Adler ( 1958),who proposedthat all behaviorhas a purpose. According to Adler, eachindividual act by a studentis goal-driven.Unlike behavioraltheorists, Adler did not see studentsas passivelyreactingto what is happeningto them. Adler suggested that students actively interactingwith the environmentand,evenmore irnportantly, are that a student'sbehavioris a product ofthe student'sappraisaland perceptionofthe situation. is Unfortunately,this appraisal often subjective, biased,or inaccurate; to students, perbut ceptionsand assumptions reality and are thereforenot questioned. are Consider the following example. BecauseCynthia's ninth-gradeteacherasked studentsto work problems on the board,Cynthia alwaysdreadedgoing to math class.Becauseshewas overweight. Cynthia hated going to the board, knowing her classmates were staring at her. Today,shewas assigned problemthat shehadn't beenable to work the night bea fore. Standingin front ofthe board,she felt her face reddenas she struggledwith the problem. She kept her face to the board, praying the answer would emerge. Then she heardlaughtercoming liom the back of the room. Assuming the class was laughing at her, she turned and yelled, "I hate all of you. I hate this class." She ran from the room before shecould learn that the classwas actuallylaughing at a late-arriving student who was trying to sneak into the classroomwithout being seenby the teacher. Adler's premise is that all people are social beings, and the need to belong or to be acceptedis a basic human motivation. Every action of a studentis an endeavorto find a



ClassroontManagenrcntus Discipline

To use LogicalConsequences your classroom, in you will needto do the following things: 1. Evaluate goal of misbehavior determine it is the to if . Attention-seeking . Power-seeking . Revenge-seeking . Failure-avoiding 2. Provideinterventionsbasedon the goal. 3. lmposea naturalor logicalconsequence when rulesare brokenor misbehavioroccurs. 4. Buildcommunityin the classroom helpingstudents by connectto each other and to you.

place in the social structureof the classroom.Ideally, studentsdiscoverthat contributing to the welfare of the group is the best way to gain and maintain acceptance others.Unby fortunately,this is not always the case.All too frequently,students tail to understand what actions would help them to be acceptedby the class.To help studentsfind their place in the classand, ultimately,in society,Albert ( 1996)noted that teachers must understand the following: . Teachers Students choosetheir behavior. havethe power to influence,not control, havea choosingdisability rather studentchoices.She suggested that somestudents than a physicalor learningdisability. The ultimategoal of studentbehavioris to fulfill the psychological and emotional needto belong. to Students misbehave achieveone of four soals.

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A student'sbehavior makessenseonly when the teacherunderstands reasonsbehind the the behavior. Nelsen, Lott, and Glenn (2000) suggestthat studentsare always making decisionsbasedon their perceptionsof their experiences the classroom. in subconscious feel they do The decisionsthey make becomethe basisof their behaviors.When students not belong, that they have no power, that they have been wronged. or that they cannot achieve,they act out in order to return balanceto their lives. Perceptions and feelings become actions.In order to deal with the actions,Albert (1996) and Nelsen(1987) stress

CHAPTER5 Logical Consequences

that teachersmust understandthe goals studentsare trying to achieveby their actions. Basedon Adler's original theory,Albert and Nelsen identity four studentgoals: l. 2. 3. 4. To seekattention To gain power To seekrevengefor someperceivedinjustice To avoid failure


The most common goal for childrenis attention seeking.Students often havethe mistaken idea that they haveself-worthonly when attentionis paid to them. Although all children want and needattention,attentionseekingbecomesa problem when the goal is not to learn or to cooperate but to elevatethe personalpower of the student.For thesechildren, being ignored is intolerable.In order to be noticed by the teacheror their peers,they are pain, and humiliation. willing to acceptpunishment, Attention seekingplays out in numerousways, some constructiveand some destructive.In the passivefbrm of attentionseeking,the child may appearto be a model child and in some casesis the teacher'spet. Unfortunately, the demandfbr attention becomes strongerand stronger.When no longer satisfied with small amounts of attention, the studentbecomesa nuisance, show-oft', the classclown. The attention-seeking a or studentwill constantlyask questions, for information,but for attention. of these not All behaviols are designedto keep the teacherand f'ellow studentsfocused on the attentionseekingstudent. Albert (1996) notesthat thereis a silver lining to attention-seeking behaviorin that the studentwants a relationshipwith the teacher. Therefore,the teachercan redirectinappropriate behavior,so that the chilclgets attentionin a more appropriate manner. Albert (1996) states,"Young people don't lose their temper; they use it" (p. 4l). This accuratelydescribesthe studentwho is power seeking. When the teachertries to stop or redirect one of these students,a power struggle between the student and the teachercan ensue.[n this situation, the studentis trying to control the adult rather than get attention. The power-seekingstudent wants to be the boss and will contradict, lie, have a temper tantrum. or questionthe teacher'sability. Older studentsoften have verbal tantrumsand use what Albert ( 1996)calls the "lawyer syndrome" in which they drill the teacher as if the teacher were on the witness stand. Some power-seekingstudentsare more passive.They are "sneaky," with their words representingone thing and their actions another. Although the teachermay f'eel physically or professionallythreatened, is imporit tant that the teachernot engagein a power struggle with the student.Although powerseekingstudentscan be extremely fiustrating, Albert (1996) stresses that thesestudents of do have positivesharacteristics leadership ability, assertiveness, independent and thinking, which can be redirectedinto more appropriate action. Revenge-seeking behavioris the result of a long seriesof discouragements, which in the studenthas decidedthat there is no way to acquirethe attentionor power desired,and that revengewill make up for the lack of belonging.Although the teacherand other studentsmay be the targetof a student'sangeror pain, the causeof this angerand pain may actually be the result of personalcircumstances, such as a broken home, parentalunemployment,or racial prejudice(Albert. 1996).



CLassroctm Management as Discipline

As a means maximizing of one-on-one withstudents, time I make pointto stand a outside doorduringpassing my periods. thestudents As enter room,I have the the opportunity greetthemby name, to congratulate themon theirteam's the win nightbefore, themabouttheirweekend, ask welcome thembackif theyhavebeen absent . . in short,acknowledge ofthem so thattheyknowtheyarean . each partof my classroom. important With a student loadof 150teenagers,is a very it efficient one-on-one connect I am a presence the hallway, and in whichthe administration appreciates!
Kathy KoenekeHeavers Montrose High School Montrose,Colorado 2005 Colorado Teacherof the Year

Revenge-seeking studentsthink everyoneis againstthem. They think that teachersand fellow students are unfair to them, disregard their feelings, and hurt them. They are convinced that no one likes them, and becauseof this belief, they provoke others to a point at which relationships with the teacherand classmatesare destroyed. Students who feel beaten seek to retaliate. Revenge-seekingstudents are so deeply discouragedthat they believe that only by hurting others can they find a place in the social atmosphere ofthe school.Thesestudents often threatenteachers and classmates. They can be the victims of a bully, or they can becomethe bully. Many harbor feelings that are manifested in violence toward themselvesor others. Revenge-seeking studentsknow what the teacherholds dear and do what it takesto violate those values. Feeling personally attacked, the teacher feels hurt, disappointment, and dislike for the student.The behavior of these studentsoften borders on the pathologicaland requiresintervention from professionals. Therefore,it is important that teachersnot retaliate or become emotionally upset. Only through an attitude of understandingand assistance can thesestudentsbe helped. Failure-avoiding studentsexpect only failure and defeat, and after a while, these studentssimply give up. Feeling they cannot either achieveacademicallyor find a place in the social structureof the class,they withdraw. Eventually,they sit alone and shrug off attemptsby the teacherto help. Dreikurs, Grunwald, and Pepper (1982) describethese studentsas extremely discouragedand defeated.They may refuse to try, because

CHAPTER LogicalCortsequences 5


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They are overly ambitious and l'earthey cannot do as well as they want to. They are competitiveand f'earthey can't do as well as othersdo. They feel pressured parentsand teachersand incapableof meeting their by expectations. They fear they will fail if they try.

Albert (1996) notes that a studentwho is avoiding failure rarely distractsor disrupts the classroom.Instead,the studentsleepsor daydreamsquietly throughoutthe class.The teachermay find it hard to determinewhetherthe studentcann()tdo the work or if the studentwill not do the work. Unfortunately,the student'sdiscouragement contagious,and is soonthe teacherfeels helplessto reachthe student.Ofien, the studentis left aloneto withdraw further from the teacherand other classmates. Nelsen (1987) identified two clues to identifying mistakengoals. First, teachers their reactionsto students' shouldevaluate misbehaviors. the teacherfeels irritatedor anlf noyed, the student'sgoal is to get attention.If the teacherfeels threatened. studentis the displayingpower-seeking behavior.Ifthe teacheris hurt by the student'sbehavior,the student is probably seekingrevenge. Finally, ifthe teachert'eelsinadequately prepared help to the student,the studentis displayingtailure avoidance. The secondclue is the child's respollse the teacher's to intervention. Attention-seeking studentswill stop their annoying behaviorsfor a short time if they receiveattentionfrom the teacher. The power-seeking studentwill continue to misbehave and may verbally defy the teacher.The revenge-seekingstudent's misbehavior will intensify when the teacher attempts to stop the behavior. Failure-avoiding studentsrefuse to respond and withdraw further, hoping to be left alone. Consider the behavior of studentsin the following example: After Ms. Brentner gavethe directionsto the class,she allowed the classto start on their homework during the last fifteen minutes of class.Walking around the room to make sure everyoneunderstood her directions,she noticed Garrett staring off into space.Placing her hand on Garrett's shoulder,she said,"Garrett, you needto start to work." Attention-seeking Garrett looks up at Ms. Brentner, smiles,and beginshis work. "This is stupid.It is Power-seeking Garrettresponds loudly announcing, by the samestuff we did vesterdav. Whv do we have to do the samethins over and over again'?" Revettge-seeking Gatett violently jerks away from Ms. Brentner'stouch and shouts, "Get your stinky handsoff me. I don't needyour help." Foilure-ttt'ttidingGorrett keepshis head down and looks at the paperon his desk.Speaking barelyabovea whisper. says,"I can't. I don't understand he how to do this." Nelsen(1987)notesthat it is much harderto discover goal for behaviorafier students the entertheir preteens. Although more teensdisplay the mistakengoal of power or revengethan youngerstudents, other factorsare at play as well. Peerpressure extremelyimportant to is



Classroom Management Discipline as

teenagers, Nelsensuggests and that seekingpeerapprovalis an additionalgoal fbr students. 'Just for the Teenagers also havethe mistakengoal of excitementand will often misbehave fun of it."


Dinkmeyer and Dinkmeyer (1976) stressthat to effectively work with students,teachers needto understand goals of the students'behaviors. do this, the teachermust work the To to determinethe real issuesunderlying behavior.Table 5.1 further explainshow to determine thesegoals. A teacher'sreaction to misbehavior should be related to the goal for the behavior. For attention-seeking students, reinforcementshould occur only when these students are acting appropriately.Often these studentsare not aware of how annoying their antics have become and will try to correct their behavior when the teachertalks to them about the situation.In some cases,the teachercan provide a signal that indicatesthat

TABLE5.1 The FourMistaken Goalsof Students MistakenGoal Student's Belief Example Student's Teacher's of Behaviors Reaction to Behavior
Constantly demands attention Desiresto be teacher's

Student's Reaction to Intervention by Teacher

Stops momentarily butthenresumes

Attention Seeking The student feelspart of classonly when getting aftention from the

Annoyance/ lrritation

teacher otherstudents or

pet off Shows Becomes class the clown Contradicts ProfessionallyContinues verbally to Lies threatened or physically defy Hastemper tantrum theteacher teacher's Questions authority knowledge or
ls aggressive toward teacheror classmates Becomes bully a Threatens teachersor classmates


The student feelspart of the classwhen controlling the teacher or other students

Revenge Seeking Thestudent feels out left ofthe social structure so strikes at out classmates teacher or
Failure Avoiding The student feels incapable achieving of socially academically or and no longer tries


Intensifies behavior

Sleeps daydreams or throughclass Attempts be invisible to

Inadequate Withdraws to further helpstudent from teacher or classmates

(19B2); (1987). Source: Dreikurs, Crunwald, Pepper and Nelsen


Logical Consequences


the behaviorneedsto stop.Unfortunately, teacherand the attention-seeking the student are not alone in the class,and classmates may give the studentthe attentionhe or she seeks.When this occurs, the student may stop trying to get the attention of the teacher and act out even more. When dealing with a power-seeking student,the first requirementis disinvolvement. Becausethere is no reintbrcementfor the studentif power is not contested,it is critical that the teachernot engagethe studentin a power struggle.The teachershould avoid a direct confrontation.Becauseneither the studentnor the teacherwants to lose face. discussion ofthe student's behaviorshouldtakeplacein private. Albert (1996)suggests this that allows both the teacherand the studentto save face as everyoneis allowed to escapea heated situation. When the teacher's power is challenged, is bestfor the teacherto allow a cooling-off it period. After both the teacherand the studenthave had an opporlunity to becomecalmer, they can discussthe student'smisbehavior. is importantthat students allowed to have It be their say.Many times this will defusethe situationbecause many students. fbr having their say is as importantas having their way. Albert (1996) stresses that power seekingcan be reducedwhen students allowed a are voice in the classroom.She advocates granting legitimatepower by involving students in decision making. When students can have a choice, they feel they have power.When students have real responsibility,they are less likely to strive for power in destructiveways. For dealing with revenge-seeking students, is important that teachers to build a it try caring relationship.This begins by talking with the studentabout the behavior.In some cases,studentsaren't aware that they are taking out their frustrationson the teacher.In other cases,the studentsknow exactly what they are doing and must not be allowed to physically or psychologicallyhurt other studentsor the teacher.Regardless the motive of or reasons the behavior,revenge-seeking for students must be requiredto return, repair,or replaceany damagedobjects(Albert, 1995). In dealing with studentsseekingto avoid failure. the teachershould try to determine the causeof the problem. Albert (1995) suggeststhat teachersmodify the instructional methods,provide additional tutoring, encourage the studentto use positive self-talk, and teachnew strategies use when the students to wants to quit trying. reffi**r'

CorusreuENcEs oF MrsBEHAVtoRs
Dreikurs rejectedthe useof punishment, because felt that students he associate punishthe ment not with their own actionsbut with thoseof their punisher(Queen,Blackwelder,& Mallen, 1997).Nelsen(1987)agrees that too often punishment creates what shecalls the four R's of punishment:resentment, revenge, rebellion,and retreat. Rather than punishment,Nelsen (1987) advocates method that advances social a the order. The social order consistsof a body of rules that must be learnedand followed in order for a classroomto be a caring place in which studentscan learn and grow. To learn responsibility,studentsmust experiencethe consequences behavior in order to preof serve the "social order." The teacheris the representative the social order, the person of who imposesconsequences failing to respectthe established for rule.



Classroom Managertertt Discipline as

Therefbre,when a studentbreaks a class rule or behavesinappropriately,a consequence must fbllow. Every act has a consequence; some occur naturally, and some are teacherimposed.Natural and logical consequences so called becausetheir goal is to are teachchildren to understand, anticipate, and make decisionsbasedon the consequences of their actionsin the real world (Nelsen,Lynn & Glenn. 2000). Natural consequences the resultsof ill-advised acts. They are the result of the are evolutionof eventsand take place without adult interference. Meyerhoff (1996) notesthat there is no need for a teacherto provide natural consequences. becausethey will occur job, however,to make sure that even without the teacher'sinterventior.t. is the teacher's lt the natural consequences a student'sbehavior are not physically or psychologically of hannful to the student. Logical consequences teacher-arranged are ratherthan being the obvious result of the student'sown acts (Meyerhoff. 1996).Logical consequences neededwhen the misbeare havior substantially affectsothersor when the potentialnaturalconsequence too severe. is Logical consequences a subsetof punishrnent, the sense are in that they are imposedstimuli usedto reducea targetbehavior (Elias & Schwab,2006). lt is tbr this reasonthat students often perceivelogical consequences is critical that consequences as be relatedto the student's actionsand be discussed with the student. the consequences not If are understood by and accepted the student,the studentmay considerthe consequences punishas ment ratherthan as a logical resultof the student'sown behavior.To avoid consequences being viewed as a punishment,Dreikurs and Loren (1968) provided the following criteria distinguishinglogical consequences from punishment. . Logical consequences express reality of what happens societywhen one the in breaksa iaw or rule. They are tied to the social order,because they represent the rules of living, which all human beingsmust learn in order to function in society. Punishment, the other hand,only expresses personalpower ofthe teacher on the and the authority a teacherhas over students. Logical consequences tied directly to the misbehavior. are Punishments rarely are. Logical consequences involve no elernentof moral judgment; punishmentinevitably does.Logical consequences distinguishbetweenthe deedand the doer. Logical consequences concerned are only with what will happennow. Punishmentsare tied to the past. Logical consequences appliedin a nonthreatening are manner.Often, thereis angerin punishment. presentchoicestbr the student.PunishmentdemandscomLogical consequences pliance.When a teacheremploys a logical-consequences approach, student the must be given the option of stoppinginappropriate behavioror face the consequences the misbehavior(Dinkmeyer & Dinkmeyer, 1976). of

. . . . .

Only carefully and appropriatedly adminstrerednatural and logical consequences promote intrinsic motivation,self-control, and personal responsibility. Essential thesetechfor niquesto have their desiredpositive effect is that they are rooted in a caring relationship betweenteachers and students. Unfortunately,logical consequences not alwaysreadily are apparent easilydevised, when usedappropriately, or but they can havetrernendous power in that they help studentsto learn accountabilityfor their choices (Nelsen,Lott, & Glenn,


Logicnl Consequences


2000). In order to maximize the informationalvalue of logical consequences while minimizing the control aspect,five elementsare needed. be effective,logical consequences To must be related,reasonable, respectful,reliably enfbrced,and revealed. Thesefive R's of logical consequences explainedin Table5.2. are

HrrprHrc Sruorrurs Corururcr

One critical differencein the work of DreikursandAlbert is that Albert's more currentview providesa more supportive, of classroom management relationalcommunity in which studentscan take risks in thinking for themselves, take responsibilityfor their teachers'help when necessary, drive the cognitivebenefitsfrom peerinteraction. and Albert advocates view of classroommanagement a that focuseson creatingclassroomenvironmentsthat are supportive students' psychological of needsand today'scomplexapproaches to learning.Albert (1996) advisesthat providing consequences will not prevent students from misbehaving the future ifthe consequences not accompanied encouragement in are by techniques that build self-esteem and strengthen student'smotivationto cooperate the and learn. lt is impoltant, accordingto Albert, that studentsbe made to feel part of the classroom colnmunity by creatingan environmentwherethey feel capable, connected, and able to contribute.

TABLE5.2 The5 R'sof LogicolConsequences The5 R'sof LogicalConsequences

Related A consequence shouldbe logically connected the behavior. to The more closelyrelatedto the consequence, more valuableit is to the the student. A consequence shouldbe equalin proportionand intensity to the misbehavior. The purpose is for studentsto seethe connection betweenbehaviorand consequences, to make them suffer. not A consequence shouldbe statedand carriedout in a way that preserves student'sself-esteem. addresses behavior,not the a lt the characterof the student. A consequence should follow misbehavior. Threats without action are ineffective. Consistencv the kev is A consequence should be revealed(known) in advancedfor predictable behavior suchas breaking classrules. When misbehavior occursthat was not predicted, logicalconsequences connectedto the misbehavior should be established.



Reliably Enforced


(2000). Source: Albert(1996); Nelsen, Lott,& Glenn,



as Management Discipline Classroorn

Students can be madeto feel capableby creatinga classroomin which it is acceptable to make mistakes.The teacherneedsto ensure that everyone can be successfulby providing work appropriate for various learning styles and skill levels. The emphasis should be on completing work in a satisfactory manner and on continuous improvement. with teachers and Students needto believethat they can developpositiverelationships To connect,Albert (1995) suggests that teachers fellow classmates. help students . . . . . Accept all studentsand encouragetolerance of diversity. Give attentionto students listening and showing interestin their activitiesoutby side of class. of Show appreciation students'kindnesses good work throughpraise,phone and written notesto parents. calls, or that are specificabout a student'spositivequalities. Use affirmation statements Build affectionate relationships with simple actsof kindness.

Teachersshould also help students realize they need to contribute to the welfare of their classmates and to the positive atmosphereof the class.Allowing studentsto have leadNelsen,Lott, and Glenn (2000) ership roles within the classcan promote this awareness. advocatethe use of class meetings for that purpose. They suggestthat class meetings can be the placewhere true dialogueand problem solving can begin.Classmeetingsshouldbe held to discussproblemsand issuesof concernfor the entire class.

feel careers rotate that To helpmy students a partof the class, haveclassroom we eachweek. Some the careers of include as messenger deliver to itemsto the office. Courier: Serves theteacher's prizes, reading and ShowHost:Assists teacher drawing names, in of Game questions. plants. Horticulturist; Takes careof the classroom Lunch Monitor: Takes dailvlunchcount, hands lunch out tickets. Passes newassignments. Paper Passer: out Technologist: Responsible keeping computer for the area neat and shutting at down computers the endof the day.
Venosdale Krisanda Fourth Crade Teacher Monroe School St. Louis. Missouri


Logicttl Consequences


Rather than using traditional classroomrules, Albert (1996) advocates the use of a classroom code ofconduct. She suggests that students classroomrules as adult-driven. see Codes of conduct provide a franework for how everyone in the class, including the teache4will interact and treat each other.With a code of conduct. studentsare held accountablefor their behavior at all times. A code of conduct allows studentsto f'eel thev havea voice in how the classwill irct.
ffi:t,rt'r .

SrRrrucrHs WEAKNESsEs LoctcALCoNsEeuENcEs AND oF

Many seeDreikurs's Logical Consequences the later variationsof Dreikurs's theories and by Albert and Nelsen as a positive way of promoting communicationand respectbetween teacherand students.They suggestthat the model promotesautonomy by allowing studentsto take responsibilityfor their actionsand choices.However,the model is not without its critics. One criticism is that first-yearteachersmay have a difficult time identifying and understanding students'motivesfbr misbehavior, because children often sendfalse or mixed signals(Morris, 1996).Queen.Blackwelder, and Mallen (1997) contendthat within the contextof a classroom, is impossiblelbr evena veteranteacherto determinethe goal of it eachchild's behavior. Kohn (1996) also questionsDreikurs'sidea that studentbehavior is a choice. He 'Adults states, who blithely insist that children chooseto misbehave rather like politiare cianswho declare that peoplehaveonly themselves blamefbr being poor" (p. l7). He to funher suggests that such a conceptremovesthe need for teachers considertheir own to decisions and classroom demands creating in problemstudents. Even after teachers haveestablished rnotivesfbr misbehavior, may still be ditll, the it cult to know how to respondto inappropriate behavior.Unfortunately, thereis not alwaysa naturalor a logical consequence flt the misbehavior. to Kohn (1996)calls logicalconsequences "punishment lite." He states that it is difficult to differentiatebetweenpunishmentand logical consequences questions and whetherthere is a real differencebetweenDreikurs's model and other models that promote punishment for misbehavior.

Locrcnl CorusreuENcEs tNTHE CmssRoorr,r

When EricaMcCaslin beganher first yearof teaching sixthgradeat Bracey Middle School, she decidedto use Cooperative Discipline her classroom-management as model. Rather than establishing set of classroom a rules,she allowedthe students spendthe to first few days of schoolestablishing classroom a code.Dividingthe classinto groups, eachgroup wrote what they thought the code should be.After puttingall the codeson the board,partsfrom several were incorporated and the classagreedon the following classcode:



Clu,rsroomManagement as Discipline

tN4'---h t-

at Students MontgomeryCentralMiddle Schoolsign a code of conductthat reads Central Communitl,, As partof the Montgomery of individual. I WILLsettheexample a caring profanity from my language. towardothers I WILLeliminate hurt others. l WILLnot let my wordsor actions to by I WILLdo my partto makeMCMSa safeplace beingmoresensitive others. to I WILLencourage others do thesame. I . . . andif others won'tbecome partof thesolution,WILL. a
Joe Nell Waters Principal Montgomery Central Middle School Tennessee Clarksville,

should treated class. that be We,Ms.McCaslin's sixth-grade believe all students the of withdignity and courtesy. believe we have responsibility helping We that from teachthatprevents McCaslin Ms. learn, we will do nothing and everyone We for our ing or anyone from learning. will showrespect eachother, teacher, and our classroom, theschool. the and above in signed codeof conduct a copywasposted Each student theclass thewhiteboard. between student Ms.McCaslin, a and that developed Theclass agreed if a problem for and the wouldhandle situation provide consequence misbehavior. the Ms.McCaslin two the wouldbe sent a classto between students, students lf a problem developed So wouldhave a the roomtribunal who woulddecide consequences.thatall students as threestudents werepicked eachmonthto serve the chance serve thetribunal, to on had to twiceuntilall students an opportunity serve. tribunal, no student and couldserve Ms. McCaslin several had opportunities seehow well to Duringthe firstmonth, Ms. WhenBethany failed finishher assignmenf McCaslin to her planwasworking. and that Bethany wouldmissthe opportunity attend assembly would to the decided brokethe aquarium whenhe to remain the classroom finishher work.WhenJamal in the decided wouldhaveto payto replace he leaned backin hischair, tribunal the threedollars a parents agreed Jamal wouldhaveto contribute that aquarium. Jamal's WhenNickpulled of moneyto the replacement the aquarium. weekfrom his spending her decided that causing to fallto the floor,thetribunal thechairfrom underKristin, one hour in time-out writinga letter apology Kristin. of to Nickwouldhave spend to


Logical Consequences


Tom Watson/hlerrill

Allowing students worktogether to increases feeling community the of within the classroom.

Although McCaslin Ms. sometimes foundit difficult find an appropriate to consequence eachmisbehavior. feltthe planhelped for she students make connection the between theirbehavior the consequence theirbehavior. and of


Rudolf Dreikurs'sLogical Consequences Linda Albert's Cooperative and Discipline arethe last modelspresented with a focus on control.When developed, Logical Consequences represented shift from a behavioralfocus on disciplineto a more hurnanistic a approachbased on the conceptthat the motivationand goals of studentbehaviormust be considered the in development a discipline plan. ExpandingDreikurs's discipline concepts, of Linda Albert proposesa cooperativeapproachto help studentsconnect,contribute,and feel capable. Basedon Adler's original theory,Dreikurs and Albert identified four studentgoals: (l) to (2) seekattention, to gain power.(3) to seekrevenge someperceived for injustice,and (4) to avoid failure.The ideathat the consequence must fit the crime is the key to their theories, in that every act has a consequence; someoccur naturally,and someare teacherimposed.



Clussrcun Managernentas Discipline


Krv TrniutNoLocY
Definitions for theseterms appearin the glossary. students 85 Attention-seeking students 86 Failure-avoiding Logicalconsequences83 Naturalconsequences 90 Power-seeking students 85 Revenge-seeking students 85


on Reflecting the Theory
preparedto leavehis seventh-grade l . As Mr. Hoernschemeyer class,he noticedthat someone had carvedthe letters"JK" into a desk.Since Jack Kelly occupiedthe desk eachsixth period, it was not difficult for Mr. Hoernschemeyer guesswho to had damagedthe desk. What should Mr. Hoernschemeyer now? How can he apply the principlesof do Logical Consequences resolvingthis situation? to 2. In the openingscenario, Ms. Prabhudesignedconsequences basedon the misbehaviors and the students'motivesfbr them. Do you agreewith this methodfor determining the appropriate consequence misbehavior'l for What problemsrnight this methodcreatein a classroom? --).Kohn suggests logical consequences that arejust "punishmentlite" and that they with a lessoflensivename.Do you agree,or are logical conarejust punishments sequences diff-erent from punishment?

Artifacts for Your Portfolio Developing

1. Describefive typical classroommisbehaviors. Describea naturalconsequence, a logical consequence, a typical punishmentthat might be usedfor each. and 2. Observethe behaviorsof three students. Describethe behaviorsof thesestudents. How doesthe teacherreactto their behaviors? How do the students reactto the intervention? Basedon your observations, classitythe students'behavteacher's iors as attentionseeking,power seeking,revengeseeking,or failure avoiding.

Developing Your Personal Philosophy of ClasirodmManagement

L Would you be comfbrtableusing Logical Consequences your classroomas that you will management approach? Why or why not?Are theresome strategies plan? definitely incorporateinto your classroom-management ,) Many with which considera strengthof AssertiveDiscipline to be the consistency punishmentis administered. providesfor a more individual Logical Consequences approach discipline.Which do you considerto be more critical-to be consistent to or to deal with students individuals? as


Logical Consequent'es



FoR RrsouncEs FuRrHrR Sruov

Furtherinformationabout Logical Consequences resources its use in the classand fbr room can be found by contacting Dr. Linda Albert 8503 N. 29th Street Tampa. FL 33604 (P 813-931-4183 hone) (Fax) 813-935-4571 Dr. JaneNelsen EmpoweringPeople,Inc. P . O .B o x 1 9 2 6 Orem, UT 84059-1926 -456-7 70 (Phone) 1 -800 1



CHnprun RsrrRrrucrs
Adler, A. (1958). What liJ'e shouldnrcanto yoz. New York: Capricorn. Albert, L. (1995).Discipline:Is it a dirty word?Leanttng,24, 43-46. Albert, L. (1996). Cooperative discipline.Circle Pines,MN: AmericanGuidanceServlce. Dinkmeyer,D., & Dinkmeyer,D., Jr. (1976).Logical consequences: key to the reA duction of disciplinary problems. Phi Delta Kappan, 57, 664-666. Dreikurs,R.. Grunwald,B. 8., & Pepper, C. (1982).Maintaining sanity in the F. classroom. New York: HarperCollins. Dreikurs,R.. & Loren, G. ( 1968 A new approac'h discipline:Logical conseto ). quences.New York: Hawthorn Books. Elias, M. J., & Schwab, (2006).From complianceto responsibility:Socialand emoY. tional learningand classroon management. C. Evertson,C. Weinstein(Eds.), In practice, and contentporary isHandbook of classroomtnantrgement: Research, sr.res. Mahwah, NJ: LawrenceErlbaumAssociates, Inc. Kohn, A. (1996). Be-vond discipline: From compliance to community.Alexandria, VA: Association Supervision for and Curriculum Development. Meyerhoff, M. K. (1996). Natural and logical consequences. Pediatrie:s Parents, for 16,8-10. Morris, R.C. (1996).Contrasting disciplinarymodelsin education. Thresholds Edin u c a t i o n2 2 . 7 - 1 3 . . Nelsen,J. ( 1987).Positivediscipline.New York: BallantineBooks. (3rd ed.). Nelsen,J., Lott, L., & Glenn. S. (2000).Positivedisciplinein the classroom Rocklin. CA: PrirnaPublishing. classroom manQueen,J. A., Blackwelder,B. B, & Mallen,L. P. (1997).Responsible agetnent for teachersantl students.Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill/Prentice Hall.

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