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EC2202-Data Structures and OOPS in C++ Branch:IIyr Dept: ECE PART-A 1. What is a type conversion? 2. What is a friend function? 3. What is a virtual base class? 4. What is ios::left,ios::right? 5. What is the complexity of insertion sort? 6. What is the complexity of merge sort? 7. What is an greedy algorithm? 8. What is an minmax problem? 9. What is an traveling salesman problem? 10. What is an shortest path algorithm? PART-B Answer any 3 Questions 19. Explain the stages of heap sort with example (16) 11. Explain Control Structures in C++ with a program? OR 12. Explain Type conversions in C++ with a program? S.I: TIME:3.00 Hrs 10X 2 = 20 13. Explain Types of inheritance in C++ with a program? OR 14. Explain Manipulating strings in C++ with a program? 15. Explain in detail insertion sort & shell sort? (With algorithm) OR 16. Explain Djikstras algorithm?

17. Show how heap sort processes the input 142,543,123,65,453,879,572,434,111,242 ,811,102. (16) OR 5X15= 30 18. Trace the quick sort algorithm for the following numbers 90,77,60,99,55,88,66

OR 20. Explain the operation and implementation shell sort.

EC2202-Data Structures and OOPS in C++ Branch:IIyr Dept: ECE PART-A 1. What is a constructor,destructor? 2. What is meant by overloading of a function? 3. What is polymorphism? 4. What is a virtual function? 5. What is the complexity of shell sort? 6. What is the complexity of heap sort? 7. What is the complexity of bucket sort? 8. What is an divide and conquer method? 9.What are the types of sorting ? 10. what is sorting ? PART-B Answer any 3 Questions 11. Explain Functions in C++ with a program? OR 12. Explain Operator overloading in C++ with a program? S.I: 15. Explain greedy algoritm? TIME:3.00 Hrs

OR 14. Explain Exception handing in C++ with a program?

OR 10X 2 = 20 16. Explain divide and conquer method in detail? 17. . Explain in detail bucket sort &merge sort? (With algorithm) OR 18. Sort the sequence 3, 1, 4,7,5,9,2,6,5 using Insertion sort. 19. Explain external sorting. Give an example OR 20. 8.Write ADT operation for Heap sort. Using the above algorithm sort the following 35,45,25,11,6,85,17,35 (16)

5X15= 30

13. Explain Pointer to array,pointer to objects C++ with a program?

EC2202-Data Structures and OOPS in C++ Branch:IIyr Dept: ECE PART-A S.I:C.VINOTH TIME:3.00 Hrs 10X 2 = 20

13. Write notes on Formatted and Unformatted Console I/O Operations. (16) OR 14. Explain about Template and its types with example. (16) 15. Explain the process of postfix expression evaluation with an example. (16) OR 16. Define Heap? State the properties of heap. Explain the Maximum heap and minimum heap with an example? (16) 17. Draw the binary search tree for the following input list 60,25,75,15,50,66,33,44.Tracean algorithm to delete the nodes 25,75,44 from the tree. (16) OR

1. Define Object Oriented Programming (OOP). 2. Define token. What are the tokens used in C++? 3. Give the syntax for inheritance. 4. What are the types of polymorphism? 5. What is Complexity analysis? 6. Define HEAD pointer and NULL pointer? 7. Define non-linear data structure? 8. What is an acyclic graph? 9. What are the two main classifications of sorting based on the source of data? 10. Define Greedy method. PART-B 5X15= 30 Answer any 3 Questions 11. Explain copy constructor and destructor with suitable C++ coding. (8) Describe the advantages of OOP. (8) OR 12. Explain about call-by-reference and return by reference. (16)

18. Define AVL trees? Explain the LL, RR, RL, LR case with an example?

19. (a) Write quick sort algorithm and explain. (8)

(b) Trace the quick sort algorithm for the following list of numbers. 90,77,60,99,55,88,66 (8)

OR 20. Write down the merge sort algorithm and give its worst case, best case
and average case analysis. (16)

EC2202-Data Structures and OOPS in C++ Branch:IIyr Dept: ECE PART-A S.I:C.VINOTH TIME:3.00 Hrs 10X 2 = 20

14. Write notes on Typing conversions and derived class with program. (16) 15. Discuss in detail the array implementation of queue (16) OR 16. Give a procedure to convert an infix expression a+b*c+(d*e+f)*g to postfix notation. (8) 17. Explain Dijikstras algorithm and find shortest path algorithm (v1 to v6) 5 2
V3 V1

1. Distinguish between Procedure Oriented Programming and Object Oriented Programming. 2. List out the new operators introduced in C++. 3. What is an abstract class? 4. Write short notes on virtual base class. 5. Define ADT (Abstract Data Type)? 6. Define Graph? 7. Define Terminal node or leaf? 8. Define Terminal node or leaf? 9. What is meant by sorting? 10. What is the need of external sorting? PART-B 5X15= 30 Answer any 3 Questions 11. Explain with the Basic Concepts of object oriented programming. (16) OR 12. Write a C++ program to define Binary and unary operator. (8)

8 7 4 9 3 4 5 OR



4 6


8 2

V6 6



18. Explain the basic terminologies in trees. (16) 19. Explain divide and conquer method in detail? OR 20. Briefly explain about Greedy algorithm with example (16)

13. Explain the various types of Inheritance with suitable example program. (16) OR

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