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Below are spiritual exercises and special lessons taken from classroom lectures by Action and Reaction Exercise

Vernon gave us this most practical self-acquaintance exercise which we can use anytime. Heres an exercise to practice for at least the next seven days. The action part is what you see with your eyes as you go about the world. The reaction part is what you do with your mind as a result of the action of observing something exterior to yourself. You go shopping. You go out into the front yard and you observe something with your physical eyes. Thats the first step. And then the reaction, that is, what was your reaction to what you saw? And youre to know both what you saw with your physical eyes and what you responded, what was the nature of your response to what you saw? Now, youre not to react to your reaction. Youre to leave it alone so that it flies away all by itself. But youre to see it before it flies away. For example, you might see an ad for maybe your favorite dinner advertised. You see the ad and then you see what went on inside of you as a result of it. I want that for dinner tonight. Or, I had it three nights ago. Just see the reaction and then let the reaction go. Dont hang onto it. Dont try to get a sense of excitement, of possession, of identity over it at all. Or maybe you see an accident and then you watch your reaction to that. A little bit of fear or maybe your major reaction was, Well, Im going to drive a little more attentively after this, after seeing that accident. Notice what you see, then notice how you responded to what you see, and then let the response go. This is self-acquaintance at its best. Do that all the time and this way you will not unknowingly identify with or be caught up by what you see with wrong emotions and wrong reactions. Eventually, you will have proper reactions instead of the wrong ones that now take you over because you were not conscious of them. Look at the world, look at a particular event or a particular person, then notice your response and then let it fade out and start all over again. All right. Everyone come awake right now. Know where you are. Dont be gone in the riotous thoughts of your mind. Come wide-awake. Be aware of yourself and of the exterior world at the same time. Have the flashlight pointed both outward and inward. Come wide-awake now. Now stay that way.

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