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A Health and Life Extension Dietary Protocol for Even the Laziest Of Minimalists

Gregory S. Bambeck PhD., Michael Wolfson J.D., M.B.A., and Warren Weller H.B. Practice the following regimen, if possible, daily. 1) One good multiple vitamin: particularly a brand that includes small amounts of a wide array of metal cofactors, taken once a day with a meal. 2) A cell growth inhibitor and caloric restriction mimetic: from our food supplement listing in the contents section 6, preferably EGCG (100 mg) and pterostilbene (50 mg), once or twice daily, preferably, with a low insulin inducing meal (low sugar, low carb), or not less than two hours after a large carb meal. 3) Omega 3 oil: from flax, borage, fish, krill etc. (1 tablespoonful, or 14 grams), taken once a day with a meal. 4) Dense salad: a fresh multiple vegetable salad that is either finely diced with a food chopper or liquefied with a blender, (no less than one 8 oz. cupful before the morning meal and not less than one 8 oz. cupful before the evening meal), as an appetizer. 5) Antioxidant/vitamin supplementation (optional): vitamin C (1,000 mg), vitamin E, (400 I.U.), alpha lipoic acid (100 mg), coenzyme Q (50 mg) and vitamin D3 (5,000 I.U.), all taken once daily with a meal. The need for number 1), a good multiple vitamin with small amounts of a wide array of metal cofactors has to do with the fact that farm monoculture, and in particular, the use of insecticides and fungicides, although necessary on massive farm scales, result in poor microbiota and detritivore mobilization of soil micronutrients to plant roots, leaving our food deficient in many of these vital cofactors. Coral calcium consists of a virtual periodic table of these necessary micro-elements, and should be a reasonable alternative. Number 2), the CG inhibitor and CR mimetic combination is designed to act synergistically, so as to reduce both the obesity causing sugar/hunger drive state, and the incidence and severity of the three great diseases of aging. Although we are not in the business of, nor do we intend to engage in the practice of, product promotion, we have only

found one product which satisfies both of our CG and CR requirements. It is called Eternal Blue, and it is manufactured by Blue Science. It came out on the market a mere three months prior to the completion of this paper, and is the product that we would have invented if we owned a $100 million food supplement processing plant. Item number 3), omega 3 oil, is adequately described in our food supplement candidate section. The addition of a teaspoonful of monounsaturated oil, such as olive oil, would be a nice little oil booster. To the truly lazy minimalist, our number 4) item, dense salad, sounds like a chore, but there are some things that one may wish to consider (including the chore part). If you dice up, or liquefy three bowls of a typical salad, you end up with only one bowl of dense salad. This shows that three bowls of a standard restaurant tossed salad (mostly lettuce) consists of two bowls of air, to yield a net of, one bowl of actual food. Also, prepared foods have trained us not to chew properly, and poorly chewed vegetables have very diminished digestive absorption. Dicing or liquefying vegetables makes their metal cofactors and micronutrients much more bioavailable. Liquifying the vegetables in a blender is very fast and easy. Throw in the juicy stuff, (like tomatoes) first, then follow with a veritable cornucopia of day to day vegetable options and taste variations, especially including nuts, tomatoes, berries and orange and green vegetables, to obtain something similar to the consistency of a smoothie or a milk shake. If its consistency is too thick, add a couple ounces of juice or water. This should be made and consumed fresh, because many phytonutrients are lost via enzymatic, acid /base and redox decomposition within a few hours. The beauty of the blender is that after youre done making this delightful liquefaction, you can rinse out the reservoir, fill it half full of tap water, add a few drops of dish detergent, set the machine on blastomatic and it will blend itself clean. Rinse with tap water, and youre done. This is true minimalism at its best, because you spend most of your time just watching things go around in circles, and besides, it is also a practical answer for veggie haters, who use the excuse that all that cutting just takes too much time, or that youve got to wait for it to cook to become edible. The number 5) item, the antioxidant and vitamin supplement option, from the antioxidant standpoint, is just a backup plan because the CR regimen turns on the cells 200+ gene activated macromecular machine antioxidant systems anyway. Coenzyme Q is rather useful to most people over the age of fifty because it has been

shown to strengthen force of contraction in the heart. Vitamin D3, the so called sunshine vitamin, is probably the least optional, and most necessary, on the list. It is important because it has untold numbers of functions and is in short supply polar of the thirty to fortieth latitude lines, in both hemispheres, due to the lack of high vertical angle sunshine, especially during the four deepest winter months. Vitamin D is produced by the body in adequate quantities if the skin of the arms, legs and head are exposed to high angle sunlight for only about 20-30 minutes per day. This is not enough sunlight to burn even the palest of skin tones. For these reasons, we should supplement during the colder months of the year. It is important to note that the darker the natural skin color, the more one needs to supplement, due to the blocking of D producing rays by melanin. Of course, proper exercise and diet are a bonus, but for all those entrenched couch potatoes and absolute minimalists out there, our dietary protocol is the best alternative option we can think of. Except for the CG and CR mimetic portion, the protocol can be started at any age. As mentioned previously, the use of CG inhibitors and CR mimetics in unnaturally large quantities is best delayed until early adulthood. Besides, the effects of CR/HE/LE pathway activation have been shown to have the most pronounced impact on those of us who have more than fifty years under our belts * * *

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Copyright, November 30, 2012 by Gregory S. Bambeck, Warren Weller, and Michael Wolfson.

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