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Saving Stove
September 1987
F\\. 1) C"hina Focal Point
(("hinu Centre of Rural Energy
ft e e a r c h a n d T r a i n i ng).
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The Spread or Firewood l Coaf Err lc-lent Stove nov Co1es Into
New Stage--Industrial Production
In spread or firewood l coal efficient stoves In China, usually stoves are
built on the spot by ski l led technicians, which raises higher requlreents
for their technical skills. On the other hand, stoves built In this way
need regular 1a lntenance. All these affected the stove quality and slowed
down the spread.
However, In recent years, spread of firewood & coal efficient stoves In
China has co1e Into a new stage . The standard and unlveral stoves are being
co11erclally produced. This a lso serves preparations for a national fair of
rural energy products as we l l as foratlon of national standards. The
Bureau of Rural Energy & Environmental Protection under Hlnlstry of
Agriculture, Anlaal Husbandry and Fishery held a national conference on
Industrially-lade firewood l coal efficient stoves In the autuan of 1986 in
Zhengzhou, China.
After strict testing and co1petltlon, 57 types of stoves fro di f ferent
places of China won first, second and third prizes at this conference.
Appraisals are also aade at the conference on laproveaent of kang co1blned
stoves that are widely used In cold areas of north rural China. 19
outstanding types won the pr izes.
Stove laprove1ent Technique Coaes into Production Field Rapidly
The l1proveaent of stoves and firewood saving firstly shov their effect in
rural ltfe. After that, scientific research and studies conducted In Ch i na
1ade this technique sQon coae into production f ield, which now has been a
aajor tendency In stove laproveaent in rural China .
Ylngshan County, Hubei Province, Is fa1ous for Its tea. Af t er the studies
on energy efficient tea processing stoves are finished, 272 out of 320 tea
far11s ___ at the county have eap loyeif the energy-saving techno I oy in thei-r -tea-
processing In 1986, which constitutes 84% of thea . The firewood consuaptlon
is lowered by 40%, 1ore than RKB Yl00,000 production cost Is saved and 700
hectars of land can be closed for afforestation. At present , technological
renovat ton Is carried out on aaell brlclckiiM wlllcll Is a bll eneru
consuaer In the county.
Xln11111 County, Henan Province, Is also a tee producln& area. Arter
on Its tee processln& stoves et tee raru, or rtrewood Is
saved, end uount or dr led tea product I on per hour Is Increased by 1/3, The
technical renovation on old-styled brlckkllns results In rtrewood savln& by
sn, t tee savln& by 281 and laboUr savlns by 551. Arter all .C2.C brlclclcllns
or old strte or tile county ere renovated, In year, ellllon lcS firewood
can be conserved. A type or stove especlelly ror belncurd ellis, potato-
starch noodle ellis and oil pressln& ellis ts developed In the county. It
Is capable or savln& ses or firewood. \then stoves oov used ror those ellis
finish their technical up to this standard, the county can save
another 29t,ete lei rtrevood In a rear.
For Lln'an County of ZheJiang Province, 45e flrevood-efflclent tea
processtns stoves have been In use. The bCGS-88 eodel drying stove
developed by the county can save ses or rlrevood In coeperlson with stoves
or old one. This laproveaent alone can save 35&8 tons or firewood and
decrease R"B YJ&e,e&e or production cost ror the county In a year.
Coapulsory Spread or Firewood !coall Eff ici ent Stoves In Urban Area
by Shaowu "unlclpallty
To spread energy-saving stoves In cities and tOMns Involves different
aspects and certain difficulties eaerge. For that reason , the aunlclpal
governaent or Shaowu has organized a leading teaa consisting aeabers froa
different depart1ents to be In charge of the popularization. According to
the - Regulations for Spread of Civil Firewood Efficient Stoves- jointly
Issued by the provincial coaalsslon of science I technology, coaalsslon of
planning and coaalsslon of econoay, the leading teaa reiterated that
ll .advanced energy-saving stoves recoaaendated by the provincial
governaent shou ld be used in stove design and construction In new
town apartaent buildings since the late of 1986, otherwise
departaents involved In quality checks will not accept the
buildings: The backward stoves of old style should be renovated In
turn to speed up the process of iaproveaent.
2l.Froa 1987, provincial governaent will Issue quotas step by step for
spread or energy-saving stoves, as well as quotas for coal saving.
To areas where the spread Is not satisfactory, quotas for civil
energy resources aarket will be deducted to energy conservation
quotas for purpose of coapulsory spread;
Jl.To guarantee the quality as well as quantity or energy-saving
stoves In spread, stoves can only be constructed by qualified
technicians who have been trained by provincial and prefectural
training courses. Stoves should be exaalned at randoa by
organlzat Ions for onltorlng energy consuaptlon and ror spread. The
unqualified stoves should be rebuilt rree or charge.
The focus or the Shaowu Is to construct energy-saving stoves
In nevly-bul It apartaent buildings In the tovn. The but ldlngs that have
been eKaa1ned , yet without coal lfirnvoodl eff icient stoves should all
construct stoves; the unqua ltflod stoves should renovate
agaIn; to the bu l I dings that have not been exaa i ned, it can be checked anc1
accepted only after nev energy-saving stoves are constructed Inside. To
institutions and organ izations that do not spreac1 s toves of new types, the
aun icipa l const ruction coaalttee viii refuse to accept their nevly-bul It
bui ldlngs anc1 the aunicipal fuel supply corporation vi II stop coa l s upply.
41 I these aeasures are taken for purpose of coapulsory spread . The heat
e ffi c iency of coa l stoves in spr ead should all reach for firewooc1
stoves, it should reach They al I shou ld be easy to use and have good
perforaancc as vel I as low pri ces.
Energy Conservation Offi ce of
Shaovu "unictpa l ity , Fujian Province
What does it aean--peop le 1 ike stoves of old style Instead of new
node! Yueyang I I stove and "ode I Oafeng stove had been popularized in
Luj iang County, Anhui Province since 198. However, the loss over weights
the ga1n. The governaent spent aoney, the stoves arc c1isliked by people . In
two aonths, new s toves were replaced by old ones. It shows that local
co11bust ion pract ice as we ll as living style should be pu t into
consider at 10n 1n spread of fi r ewood-efficient stoves. New types of stoves
c1cveloped in other areas s hou ld not be coapletely cop1ed in L. uj iang Coun ty
for s heer pur suit of high thermal effi c iency ."
Farmers of l.ujl ang County always prefer stoves w1th front 1nc. They
ref use to accept the stoves wi th rear dra fting struct ure no aatter how auch
firewood they can conserve even the spread of stoves I S forced.
Star ting from 198&, we improve only the structure of combust ion chaabers
and knep t he outlook unchangecl. The chllracter of fr ont 1trllft ing and ash
fencing watt s rcmilin 1n new s t oves. lle ' d rather I ike to have soae
concessiOns i n ther11al effi c iency than to be cmupletely n: jcc: tcrt by
farmers. The resu It is sati s factory.
Judging fro11 these pract icc, we beli eve that close t1:nt ion shoulcl he
paid to the fol loving aspects.
I.The types of firt:wood-eff1c 1ent s toves should be t o local
sur roundings.
Spec i fi C inves ti ga ti on should be aac1e on local types of s t oves, co11pos t ion
of loca l fuels, and loca l 11vingcusto11s . All these shou ld not be fi gured
out by just silti ng ic1 lnly at office.
In r enovation. we put it 1nto our cons iderat 10n that local use
aail'iTy-riC:esffaw as fuel for their stoves, '" low fl aDte'"
special l y eaphaslzed. Instead, the flaae distance 1s prolonged to about 20
em. Loca l peop le li kr: to heat rood and pig feen 11ith residua l heat.
Consideri ng this custom, we enlarged fir ewood-inlet door , and changed front
clraft1ng into r ear draf ting. The node! l.ujiang Z:l l'irf:vood-Efficir.nt Stovt!
in spread is warmly welcoed by people.
2. Firewooc1- r:ffic:lent stoves shouln be constr ucU:!I by stanrl ;rri11ZI:!I part s .
111: wnrt: short of tcclullc:a l force when rconle stronp,ly i! Skl:rl for ranovat 1on
0 f 0 Ill S l OVf!S. ., IH!rl:fOf l!, COlli hilS t I 011 cltamlwr, t ! oVI! !1\H>I , r IIIIII IH:y, t
fi!C!: , vent 1 I 'll l Oll oren111g arc l prcfalrr:atl:rt acr:or1t1ng to standarc117.1:11
aodel vlth aoulds. In this vay, process can be sped up by 50%. On the other
hand, it can save labour, aaterlals and is convenient to people. Ordinary
can asseable 11.
J.Types or grates of flrevood-efficient stoves should aatch diversified
The dense grate is only suitable to hard firevood, rice and coal . It
is not suitable for grass and crop if the grate is rather sparce,
i t vi I I not be suitable for hard fuels either. For that reason , ve designed
a of grate Cl x 18 c1 l vith dense grates on one end and sparce
grates on the other. It can suit every of fuel by just reversing the
grate. The change can be 1ade very easily.
4. The application of firewood saved should not be neglected.
Large a1ount of firewood Is saved by spreading firewood-efficient s t oves,
uti I izing energy-conservation water and biogas to substitute civi I
fuels. If the fuels saved cannot find their vay of application and fail to
increase their value. Faraers vi II be no longer ent hus iastic vith the
construct I on of new stoves. As they put It: 1 t Is no use to save firewood,
they alI rot down. -
The lain application for firewood conserved could be raw 1aterials for
paper 11 I Is, hr1r.kyard, grass product processing and culture or edib le
rung i.
Nevs in Brief
By Zhang Yungao
Biogas Office or Luj1ang County
Anhui Province
.A on-the-spot aeeting held in Tangyuan County, Heilongjiang Provi nce
requested the whole [lrovince, pilot count ies in particular, t o aat er1a l ize
standardized product ion of cobust ion chaher of s tove by 1988 .
A sokeless, coal-effic ient, easy operating and aa intaining, ste[l- grate
typed stove developed by Jiajiang County, Sichuan Provi nce, has Interested
environaental protect ion depart1ents. Many big ci ties r equested the
introduction or the technology .
. The rural households using nev type stoves has constitu ted 84.51 or
total rural households in Shufu County, at vest end of Tashlaaagan Desert.
The qual lfication rate of new stoves r eached 95% .
. The ther1al efficiency or a cast-1ron comhust ion chamber ass- produced
tty lluhan llunicipality has co11e to 1ore than 301: The combust ton
lnclttding accessaries, se l Is for AMI:\ Yl3. I t can br. asse111hled in about an
hour and It is for various kinds of fuel s .
. The govern1ent of Y1ngshan County, Hubei Province, st ipulatlls that
firewood-efficient stoves shou ld b!l built along with new apart11ent
llui ldinl(s. COIAtHJst watr.r h<JVn bP.c!n popula rizod in t ho
llholc! coun1y. The flruwooc1 -cfflr.lent stovc!s with water heaters can conserve
anotllc!r IJ:l firewood in co111parison with nn11 stoves 111thout thc: hc:atcr.
.The Ther1al Engineering Depart1ent or the Chinese Unlwerslty or Science
and Technology ran training courses ror key technicians engaged In
flrevood-cfflclent s t o w P ~ . which upgraded their theoretical level
1500 hectars or hillsides have been closed In three years In Its errort s
or arrorcstatlon by spreading r1rewood-erric1cnt stoves at Xuanchcng
D1strir.t, Changdlng County, Fujlan Province.
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