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Metabolism - sum total of all bodily reactions

 Anabolism – simple to complex (building)
 Catabolism – complex to simple (breakdown)

“ Regulation of the balance is dynamic and is one function of the endocrine and neuroendocrine system.
Metabolic processes affect ALL cells of the body and whole-body metabolic regulation involves
numerous endocrine structures, the liver, muscle and fat cells.”


1. LIVER - largest gland about 2.5 of TBW; located in the RUQ ; lies under the R lung and above the
stomach and intestines. Liver flow represents about 20% of CO (1L/min)
a. Hepatic artery –supplies the liver about 1/3 of its blood, carries O2 blood
b. Portal vein – supplies the liver about 2/3 of its blood; carries deO2 blood; formed by the
junction of superior and inferior mesenteric veins and splenic veins which receive blood from
pancreas, spleen, stomach, intestines, and gallbladder; carries nutrients, metabolites and
toxins from digestive organs to liver for processing, detoxification or assimilation
c. BP in the liver is low hence and increase in CVP causes liver engorgement

 Lobule – fxn’l unit of the liver

 Hepatocytes – major cells
 Kupffer cells – MPS

Functions of the Liver

 Storage of glycogen
 Performs glycogenesis – glucose to glycogen
 Performs glycogenolysis – glycogen to glucose
 Performs gluconeogenesis – amino acid/fructose/galactose to glucose
 Formation of lipoproteins
 Cholesterol and phospholipid synthesis
 Fat synthesis from CHON and CHO
 Deamination of amino acids – degradation or catabolism of amino acids, removal of amino group
(NH2) to NH3 converted to urea and excreted by the kidneys
 Formation of urea
 Formation of plasma CHON (albumin, clotting proteins, etc)
 Biotransformation of hormones, drugs and other substances
 Reservoir of blood – contraction of hepatic venules and veins moving about 500ml into the
 Oxidation of fatty acids for energy – through splitting of glycerol and fatty acids

ENDOCRINE SYSTEM – secretes hormones that acts on target organs

a. Hypothalamus – regulates secretions of APG and PPG through the infundibulum; lies dorsal to the
pituitary gland.
b. Pituitary Gland – (hypophysis) a small extension on the dorsal surface of the hypothalamus
i. ANTERIOR PITUITARY GLAND - (adenphypophysis) a glandular tissue that consists a variety
of secretory cell types
1. Prolactin – promotes milk production
2. TSH – stimulates prdxn of thyroid hormone secretion
3. ACTH – stimulates release of adrenal hormones
4. Growth hormone - somatotropins
5. Gonadotropins – secondary sex characteristics
ii. POSTERIOR PITUITARY GLAND – (neurohypophysis) is a neural tissue that contains glial cells
and terminal axons from cells of the hypothalamus.
1. Anti-diuretic hormone – aka Vasopressin, inhibits diuresis
2. Oxytocin – formed primarily in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus,
promotes uterine contraction during parturition, causing milk let-down.

c. Thyroid Gland - Located in the neck, just below the cricoid , H-shaped
1. Triidothyronine (T3) – rapid effect on target tissue, 3 days for peak effect
2. Thyroxine (T4) – requires 11 days for peak effect
a. Requires Iodine for synthesis of thyroid hormones
b. Release is dependent on TSH via negative feedback
a. Increases metabolism
b. Promotes growth
c. Balance between CHON anabolism and catabolism
d. Assists in acclimitization to cold env’ts by the increasing metabolic rate (heat
pdxn is a by product of metabolism)
e. Increases DNA translation and transcription

d. Pancreas
1. Insulin – Beta Cells
a. Enhance glucose transport into the cell. (adipose tissue formation)
b. Enhances amino acid transport into the cell
c. Works with growth hormone to promote cell hypertrophy and hyperplasia
2. Glucagon – alpha cells
a. Elevates plasma glucose when blood glucose levels drop below 90 mg/dl
3. Somatostatin –delta cells
a. Delay nutrient absorption at the GI tract
b. Regulates release of insulin and glucose

e. Adrenal Glands - Paired endocrine organs situated at the superior poles of the kidney
1. Cortex
a. Aldosterone – primary mineralocorticoid secreted by the adrenal cortex,
degraded in the liver and excreted by the as glucosonide or SO4, conserves
Na and excretes K
b. Cortisol – primary glucocorticoid, stress hormone
 Facilitates gluconeogenesis – increases plasma glucose
 Stimulates appetite – which leads to central deposition of fat
2. Medulla – postganglionic sympathetic nerve secreting catecolamines
a. Epinephrine – 80% of secretion, strong beta adrenergic effects, potent
stimulator of HR, contractility, increases met. Rate by 100%
b. Norepinephrine

f. Gonads – Males- androgens primarily testosterone (promotes CHON synthesis and musculoskeletal
growth), have a potent anabolic action; Females- estrogen estradiol, puberty related increase in
musculoskeletal growth

a. History Taking
i. Biographic and Demographic Data
 As person ages, fewer hormones and metabolic secretions may be produced and their
effect on target organs may diminish.

ii. Chief Complaint – take note of the onset, duration, intensity, characteristic manifestations and
alterations in growth patterns esp. changes in weight, height or hand, foot, or head size.
1. Integumentary manifestations
a. Non – inflammatory blisters on the dorsum of the hand - common among patients w/
Hepa C virus
b. Jaundice – viral hepatitis, cirrhosis, obstructive or cholestatic liver
c. Unexplained punctured holes – route for entry of hepa virus
d. Spider Angiomas – liver cirrhosis
e. Dilated abdominal veins (caput medusa) – liver cirrhosis
f. Skin lesions that do not heal – pancreatic dysfunction, DM
g. Changes in pigmentation – hyperpigmentation in addison’s dse, hypopigmentation such
as vitiligo (patches) and albinism (general hypopigmentation)
h. Hard, non pitting edema – hypothyroidism (myxedema)
i. Changes in appearance of hands, head, feet and face – acromegaly produces
enlargement of head, hands and feet, coarsening of facial features; cushing’s syndrome
 moonlike face, thin extremities and truncal obesity
j. Growth – stunted growth (dwarfism); excessive (gigantism), inappropriate (acromegaly)
k. Hair distribution, amount and texture – hirsutism (excessive hair may indicate ovarian or
adrenocortical d/o; loss of pubic and ancillary hair (pituitary problem); dry brittle hair
(hypothyroidism); soft silky (hyperthyroidism)
l. Diaphoresis – hyperthyroidism and pheochromocytoma

2. Cardiovascular manifestations
a. Epistaxis - problem w/ liver decreases ability to produce clotting factors
b. Hemorrhoids – indicative of hepatic disorder in which fluid overload results from the
liver’s improper functioning and metabolism of hormones and ADH
c. Changes in V/S – elevated in hyperthyroidism and pheochromocytoma
d. Hypertension – portal HPN in liver dse.
e. Elevated HR, flushing - elevated in hyperthyroidism and pheochromocytoma
f. Kussmaul’s Respiration - DKA
g. Tolerance to heat/ cold – heat intolerance in hyperthyroidism; cold intolerance in
3. Neurologic Manifestations
a. Weakness –late manifestation of DM, liver and pancreatic dses.
b. Depression – pancreatic cancer or endocrine disorder (decrease cortisol-decrease
c. Changes in mental status or mood – diabetic neuropathy, hepatic encephalopathy
d. Emotional lability - diabetic neuropathy, hepatic encephalopathy
e. Pain – radiating to the back  pancreatic, gallbladder or biliary tract d/o
f. Tremors – hyperthyroidism – increased calcitonin decreases serum calcium
g. Muscle weakness- DM due to muscle wasting; hypothyroidism decreased calcitonin
increases serum calcium
h. Loss of sensation – DM neuropathy

4. Ophthalmic Manifestations
a. Exophthalmos - hyperthyroidism
b. Diminished/ blurring of vision - DM retinopathy or pituitary tumor

5. GIT
a. Glossitis – enlarged red tongue in severe DM and acromegaly
b. Changes in weight – decreased in hypothyroidism and increased in hypothyroidism
c. Anorexia – liver d/o
d. Polydipsia - DM
e. Nausea and Vomiting – pancreatitis and hepatobiliary obstruction
f. RUQ Pain – gallbladder and liver dse.
g. Fatty food intolerance – hepatobiliary dse and pancreatitis
h. Belching (excessive eructation or aerophagia) – gall bladder dse and pancreatitis
because of fat malabsorption and reflux of bile and acid
i. Heartburn – gall bladder dse and pancreatitis because of fat malabsorption and reflux of
bile and acid
j. Changes in bowel habits – diarrhea in hyperthyroidism, constipation in hypothyroidism
k. Constipation/ diarrhea
l. Changes in stool appearance – acholic stool in hepatobiliary obstruction, steatorrhea in

6. GUT
a. Tea – colored urine - hepatobiliary obstruction
b. Frequent urination - DM
c. Menstrual cycle irregularities – endocrine d/o
d. Calcium stones – hypothyroidism or hyperparathyroidism

iii. Past Health History

 Childhood / Infectious Diseases – ask client and family members about episodes of
endocrine and metabolic d/o that client may have experience as a child or adolescent
 Immunizations – Hepa Vaccines
 Major Illnesses and Hospitalizations – head trauma (hypopituitarism), break in the skin
(hepa B or C)
 Medications
• Use of hormones and steroids
• Over the counter medications – hepatotoxic drugs (Acetaminophen, INH,
sulfonamides, arsenic, thiazide diuretics, antineoplastic drugs, oral contraceptives,
anesthetics, antipsychotics)
• Allergies

iv. Family Health History

 Any family member with a similar disorder?
 Family history of diabetes mellitus
 Any family member with cancer?
Insipidus, Addison’s insipidus, addison’s dse, pheochromocytoma

v. Psychosocial History
 Stress and patient’s coping mechanisms – stress can increase the severity of DM
 Work environment – job related stressors, exposure to hepatotoxic chemicals such as lead,
anesthethic agents such as nitrous oxides
 Physical activity – balance in activity and rest promotes utilization of glucose in DM
 Sleep and rest patterns
 Nutrition
• Food preferences – Laennec’s cirrhosis in alcoholism
• Eating patterns
• Meal preparation – Hepa A
 Travel in areas where hepa/pancreatitis is endemic
 Eating raw or steamed selfish (oysters, clams, scallops) from polluted H2O
 Swimming or bathing in polluted water
 Any known contact w/ hepa infected host

b. Physical Assessment
i. General Appearance and Nutritional Status
 Level of consciousness – client’s mood, affect, orientation, alertness, verbal and nonverbal
memory, speech patterns
 Appearance
 Obtain the weight

ii. Vital Signs

iii. Integument
 Hair texture and distribution
 Skin color
 Palpate skin for texture, moisture

iv. Head
 Symmetry of facial features

v. Eyes
 Position, symmetry, shape, eyelid lag
 Visual acuity and Extraocular movements

NOSE – assess mucosa for swelling and color; listen for noisy breathing
MOUTH – note size and shape of the jaw. Inspect the color of the oral mucosa and the condition of
client’s teeth. Note malocclusion. Observe tongue size, activity and fasciculations

vi. Neck
 Inspect for symmetry, alignment, bulging over the thyroid gland
 Palpate thyroid gland in two ways
• Anterior
o Stand in front of the client.
o To palpate the thyroid gland’s right lobe, flex the client’s head toward the right to
relax the neck muscles on that side.
o Use the fingers of your right hand to displace the trachea slightly to the client’s
o Ask the client to swallow while you palpate the right lobe of the thyroid with the
fingers of examiner’s left hand.
o Repeat with the left lobe.
o *** the nurse can also palpate for enlargement by palpating deep on each side of
the sternocleidomastoid muscles.

• Posterior approach
o Stand behind the client.
o Ask the client to lower the chin to relax the neck muscles.
o Tilt the head slightly to the right to examine the right lobe of the thyroid.
o Use the fingers of your left hand to displace the trachea and the slightly to the
right. This moves the thyroid laterally.
o Palpate between the trachea and the sternocleidomastoid for the right lobe with
the fingers of the right hand.
o Ask the client to swallow while you palpate; doing so will cause the gland to rise
in the neck.
o Repeat for the left lobe by reversing hand placement and positioning the client
toward the left.

 Observe for difficulty in swallowing

 Observe for hoarseness or huskiness – deepening of voice in hyperthyroidism

THORAX – inspect for gynecomastia in males because of decrease metabolism of estrogen

Extremities – examine for size, shape, symmetry, and proportionality to the trunk; note for
peripheral edema, palpate for peripheral pulses, DTR
 Ask the client to extend the hand w/ palms down, observe for fine tremors and for
reddened palms
 Note the size of the client’s hand in proportion to the rest of the body
 Assess grip strength and muscle strength
 Note the color and distribution of hair
 Assess the size of the client’s feet in proportion to the rest of the body
 Inspect for corns and calluses
 Palpate and note pedal pulses
 Assess leg for muscle weakness

vii. Abdomen

 Observe for distention with tight and shiny skin.
 Take note of distended veins
 Obtain abdominal girth if ascites is present. Measure weight.

 Hum
 Friction rub
 Systolic bruit

 Size
• Right Midclavicular line
• Begin at 3rd ICS
• Percuss downwards until the sound changes from resonant to dull.
• Mark.
• Inferiorly, percuss from the typanic area and progress upward until the sound changes
to dull.
• Mark
• 6 – 12 cm.
• Midsternal Line
• Percuss upward from above the umbilicus from tympany to DULL.
• Mark.
• Superiorly, percuss down the sternum until the percussion note changes.
• Mark.
• Liver span: 4 – 8 cm.
 Liver span may increase more than 12 cm, more than slightly tender, rigid
• Liver Descent
• Mark the distance of liver descent by:
• Ask your patient to inhale deeply and hold it.
• Percuss the lower border of the liver from right midclavicular line.
• Mark and measure.
• Normal: 2 – 3 cm descent

 Test for shifting dullness

• To assess fluid level in ascites:
• To lower abdomen when standing.
• To flanks when supine
• To dependent side while lying on one side
 Fluid wave test
• 2 Nurses participate
• 1 stabilizes the abdominal wall by placing her hand on one side of the client’s
abdomen while briskly tapping the opposite side of the abdomen with the other hand.
• 2nd nurse feels for the movement of fluid wave against the palpating hand opposite
the side

 Assess muscle guarding and tenderness
 RUQ/ Epigastric Pain
 WOF Rebound Tenderness
• Left hand of the examiner under the right posterior thorax (11th and 12th ribs).
• Push thorax upwards.
• Right hand over the previously marked level of liver descent.
• Examiner’s fingers are pushed up as the client takes a deep breath using the
abdominal muscles.
• Feel for the firm, sharp, smooth and regular border of the
 SPLEEN – located by percussion of LMAL bet 6th to 10th ribs; Normal: 2 ½ to 3 inches
• Do not palpate if enlarged (ruptured spleen)
• If no enlargement, ask client to turn into the right side allowing gravity to bring the
spleen forward and down, closer to the abdominal wall.
• Normal spleen is not palpable
• Enlargement in portal HPN

c. Diagnostic Tests
i. Tests for Endocrine Pancreas Function
1. Fasting Blood Glucose (FBS)
• Patient to be on NPO for 8 hours

< 110 mg/ dl Normal FBS

110 – 126 mg/ dl Impaired Fasting Glucose(IFG)
> 126 mg/dl Dx of Diabetes

2. Glycosylated Hemoglobin (HBA1C) – glucose normally attaches itself to the hgb molecules
once attached, it cannot dissociate; stated in percentage and is useful in evaluating long
term glycemic control
• Average blood glucose measured over the previous 3 months
• Normal 6-7%
3. Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT) – unnecessary if FBS > 140 mg/dl; bedrest, infection,
trauma, medications and stress can alter result
• Diet of at least 150 g of CHO/ day for 3 days
• Blood sample withdrawn for FBS
• Client drinks 75 g of glucose in water
• Blood samples are obtained in between regular intervals (at 1 and 2 hours)
• Client cannot consume any food or fluid other than water between glucose load
ingestion and the end of the test

<140 mg/dl Normal glucose tolerance

140 – 200 mg/dl Impaired Fasting Glucose
>200 mg/dl Dx of Diabetes

ii. Tests of Thyroid Function

1. TSH Assay - measurement of the basal serum TSH concentration is useful in differentiating
primary and secondary hypothyroidism
Primary hypothyroidism– increase
Secondary hyperthyroidism - increase
2. Serum Thyroxine levels
 T4 is transported in blood largely bound to thyroxine binding globulin and is an
effective indicator of thyroid fxn
 Increase – hyperthyroidism, viral hepa, pregnancy, oral contraceptives
 Decrease – hypothyroidism, strenous exercise, heparin and lithium
3. Serum Triiodothyronine levels (same as above)
 BMR – calculated by measuring the amount of O2 that the body consumes when in a
state of complete mental and physical relaxation
4. Radioiodine Uptake
• Determines metabolic activity of the thyroid gland through measurement of iodine
• Client is NPO 6 – 8 hrs prior to the test
• Assess: Have you taken any iodine containing meds? Are you taking estrogens? Eaten
• PO or IV radioactive iodine is administered (123I, 125I, 131I)
• 24 hr urine collection is begun after tracer dose is given.
• Scanning of thyroid q 2 – 4 hrs and 24 – hour intervals.

5. Adrenal Tendon Reflexes - Achilles Tendon Reflex test measures the amplitude and duration
of the ankle jerk and special instrument, which is used to tap the strong tendon at the back
of the heel. Hyperactive in hyperthyroidism.

iii. Liver Enzyme Test

1. Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST) – 35 units/l
• Blood in drawn without special preparation, venous blood is taken daily for 3 days.
• Increased in liver disease, hepatitis, hepatic cirrhosis, hepatic surgery, acute
• Decreased in acute renal disease

2. Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT) – 4 – 36 units/ L

• No fasting required, collect 7-10 ml of blood
• Marked increase in hepatitis, hepatic necrosis, ischemia, obstructive jaundice

3. Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH)

• LDH 5- marked increase in hepatic disorders, venous blood collected 7-10 ml, no
fasting required.

4. Serum Bilirubin - tests liver function and evaluate hemolytic anemia.

• Direct (Conjugated) 0.1-0.3 mg/dl – increased in galistones, extrahepatic duct

obstruction, liver metasis
• Indirect (inconjugated) – 0.2-0.8 mg/dl – increased in hepatitis, anemia, BT reaction,
• Total Bilirubin- 0.3-1 mg/dl measures direct and indirect together; used to evaluate
liver function; Client on NPO after midnight, 5-7 ml of blood is collected
5. Urine Bilirubin – 0- 0.2 MG/ DL
• 0-Suggests decrease affecting bilirubin metabolism after conjugation or defects in
• Increased in liver metastasis and extrahepatic duct obstruction

Test for Metabolic Organ Functions

A. PERITONEOSCOPY- insertion of a peritoneoscope through an abdominal stab wound permits direct

visualization of the liver and peritoneum, The examiner may take a photograph and perform biopsy.
Relatively safe and simple; obesity and ascites can interfere w/ results

1. Obtain a written signed consent
2. Check Lab records to see if the client has a normal or adequate clotting factors
3. Prepare skin and administer preprocedural meds
4. Instruct client to be on NPO status and to empty bladder and bowel before the procedure
5. Instruct client to expect difficult breathing when air is placed in the abdominal activity,
Instruct client to hold on breath to protect major organs during needle insertion

1. Bed rest for 24 hours if ever the biopsy is done, If not, client can resume normal activity after recovery
from effects of the medication
COMMON COMPLICATIONS: Pneumothorax, subcutaneous emphysema, air embolism, bile
peritonitis, shoulder or abdominal pain
a. Diagnose portal hypertension
b. Indicate severity of portal hypertension
c. Guide decisions about appropriate intervention


1. WEDGED HEPATIC VENOUS PRESSURE- pressure is obtained indirectly by percutaneous
hepatic vein catheterization. The examiner uses either an arm or vein or a famoral vein.
2. UMBILICAL VEIN CATHERIZATION- allows direct measurement of portal pressure
3. SPLENIC PULP MANOMETRY- involves the insertion of a needle between 2 of the lower ribs
and inserts a manometer into the spleen. Client instructed to hold her breath during
needle insertion

A. URINE UROBILINOGEN (0.3 – 3.5 mg/dl in random test; 0.05 – 2.5 in 24 hour test); test done after 2
hours or 24 hour afternoon collection placed in brown refrigerated bottle w/ NaHCO3 preservative
o Bilirubin is transformed in to urobilinogen by the action of bacteria in the bowel
o Increased in erythrocyte hemolysis and certain drug liver and toxic hepatitis
o Decreased billary obstruction or liver damage
B. FECAL UROBILINOGEN- -75- 275 EU/100 g,
o Results from the breakdown of direct bilirubin to fecal urobilinogen by the action of
bacteria in the bowel.
o Increased in erythrocyte hemolysis
o Decreased in billary obstruction

C. ALPHA PHETO PROTEIN- < 40 mg/ml or < 40 mg/dl, Used as tumor marker to identify cancers such
as hepatomas. No fasting required ; 7-10 ml of blood is sent to the lab

D. IMMUNOGLOBULIN (electrophoresis)
o Used to assist in diagnosis and monitoring of therapeutic response in many disease status
such as liver disorders.
o 1 gG- 565- 1765 mg/dl- increased in chronic liver disease
o 1 gA- 85-385 mg/dl- increased in chronic liver disease
o 1 gM-55-375 mg/dl- increased in chronic liver dysfunction, hepatitis, billary cirrhosis
o No fasting is required, venous blood is taken 7-10 ml is sent to the lab
o Note drugs that can increase Ig (INH, Phenytoin, Contraceptives, steroids, tetanus toxoid,

Imaging Studies

1. ABDOMINAL ULTRASOUND- visualizes abdominal organs. A transducer is passed over the organ

1. Client may or may not fast
2. Assure that procedures is relatively painless and safe, and may take 20 minutes only

2. RADIOGRAPHY- shows diaphragm elevation caused by nepatic enlargement or calcification in the

abdominal organs

3. COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY- identifies and evaluates liver, billary tract, gallbladder and pancreatic
disorders. Useful in distinguishing cysts or tumors and differentiating obstructive from non-obstructive
a. NPO 4 hours before tests; except water
b. Contrast dye is used. Note for allergy to iodine

4. ANGIOGRAPHY- Allows visualization of the hepatic, billary, and pancreatic arterial vessels after
administration of contrast medium. Injection of contrast medium through femoral artery than a
catheter is placed in the cliac/mesenteric artery afterwards series of x-ray will be done

5. BIOPSY – single-most valuable diagnostic study

OPEN- needs general anesthetic and a major abdominal incision
CLOSED- aspirate a core of tissue via needle for histologic study; blind procedure under local
C/I: Severe thrombocytopenia, local infection, prolonged PT, peritonitis, massive ascites,
uncooperative client
1. 2 weeks before the test, no aspirin, NSAIDs, and anticoagulants should be taken.
2. Blood clotting test shoul be normal
3. NPO for 6 hours

4. Client needs sedation or anesthesia with midazolam or diazepam to help allay client’s fears
and make him comfortable during the procedure.
5. Place in a supine or left latest position with the right arm elevated
6. Instruct client to exhale during the insertion of the needle and to hold his breath on
expiration for 5-10 seconds to avoid puncture of the diaphragm

1. Monitor V/S q 15 minutes for 2 hours, every 30 minutes q 2 hours q 1 hour for 4 hours
2. Assess Tachycardia, Hypotension
3. Check puncture sites and observe crepitus, hematoma formation
4. Observe pain in the RUQ of abdomen caused by subcapsular accumulation of bid or bile or
at the rt. Shoulder as a result of bid on the undersurface of the diaphragm.
5. Beginning after 2 hours posttest, elevate head at 30 degrees. After 2 hours, 45 degrees
6. Maintain bed rest for 24 hours
7. Lying on the rt side for the 1st 1-2 hours decreases the risj of hemorrhage and bile leakage
8. Vit. K if prescribed
9. Observe for dyspnea

COMPLICATION – Hemorrhage within 24 hours is the most serious complication

6. CT PICTOGRAM- provide accurate picture of the liver when a small tumors are suspected. Helpful to
surgeon contemplating live resection, NPO for 2-4 hours before the test. Contrast dye is injected through a
catheter positioned I the splenic artery using CT Scan.

7. GALLIUM SCAN- low level of gallium uptake esp. in the liver and spleen. Used when WBC tend to
aggregate; gallium has high affinity to infectious cells, inflammation and tumor cells

8. MRI- evaluate liver structure

9. PARACENTESIS- peritoneal tap

E. extracts fluid accumulation in the peritoneum
F. relieve intraabdominal tension which can impair respiratory function
G. obtain fluid for culture
 Instruct client to void
 Client sits upright w/ feet resting on a stool and
back well supported
 Watch out for hypovolemia
 Monitor VS
 Check for bleeding and infection

Hepatic System
IV. Risk Factors in the development of metabolic d/o
• Diet/ hygiene (poor)
• Hepatitis
Hep A – infected H2O, milk, raw food, shellfish from contaminated H2O
- crowding/ poor sanitation
Hep B – health workers in contact with blood or carriers multiple blood transfusion/ analysis
- homosexual (men), morticians
- Tatorin; IV drug user, saliva and serum of carriers
Hep C – parenterally by blood
Hep D- blood contact (blood products)
- IV drug user/ people with hemophilia
Hep E- travel to counters with incidence of Hep E consuming food and H 2O contaminated with
Cirrhosis- alcohol ingestion especially in the absence of proper nutrition use

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